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隸書七言詩尚方作鏡真大好上有僊人不知老渴飲玉泉餓食棗壽如金石佳且好款識 : 法於陰陽和于術數飲食起居有節不妄作勞故能形與神俱而盡終其天年則玉泉仙棗於我何有哉丙申焯槐印章 : 卓槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸 38 x 137 釐米 Poem in Clerical Script It is superb to become an official medicine practitioner. Living as an immortal genie, scarcely I would be aware of my elderly age. Feeling thirsty and hungry, I take a mouthful of mountain spring water and some dates. I am at ease as good health leads me to longevity for a blessed life, brilliant as gold and diamond. Signature : The secret of longevity is cultivated by maintaining a balance between the two opposite genders, sustaining harmony and a peaceful mind. Self-control for a regular way of living, not to labour myself lavishly. In so doing, I ll live with body and soul to the very end of life. Till then, should I not loathe even without mountain springs and dates. Zhuo Huai in the year of Bing Shen (2016) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 38 x 137 cm 141

楷書文章學書須胸中有道義充以聖哲之學乃為可貴若其靈府無程致使筆墨不減元常逸少亦只是俗人耳書以質厚為本古人論書以沈著痛快為善姿媚是其小疵輕佻乃其大病至用筆衰綴便不成書款識 : 山谷道人語也丙申中秋焯槐試書一遍尚不大惡印章 : 卓槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 墨紙本立軸 33 x 180 釐米 Essay in Regular Script In mastering Chinese calligraphy, one needs to fill his mind with the sense of right and reason, better still to be supplemented by the philosophy of the masters. However, if lacking the refined virtue of appreciation of the art of calligraphy, it only results in the lavishing of ink and paper. The requisite elements are on work quality, balanced by natural but flourish, calm and elegant strokes, eliminating faults of flattery and unstableness; noting well that such faults would lead to nowhere. Signature : Words of Shan Gu, a Taoist priest. Zhuo Huai makes an attempt to practise writing it once at Mid-Autumn Festival in the year of Bing Shen (2016) and is delighted to find that the script is muddled through without faults. Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 33 x 180 cm 142

行草詞 似花還似非花 也無人惜從教墜 拋家傍路 思量卻是無情有 思 縈損柔腸 困酣嬌眼 欲開還閉 夢隨風萬里尋郎去處 又 還被鶯呼起 不恨此花飛盡 恨西園落紅難綴 曉來雨過 遺蹤 何在 一池萍碎 春色三分 二分塵土 一分流水 細看來不是 楊花 點點是離人淚 ( 註 : 作品第五行 看 字下脫一 來 字 ) 款識 丙申秋焯槐錄東坡先生次韻章質夫楊花詞 釋文曰 似花還 似非花 也無人惜從教墜 拋家傍路 思量卻是無情有思 縈 ( 損 ) 柔腸 困酣嬌眼 欲開還閉 夢隨風萬里尋郎去處 又還被鶯呼 起 不恨此花飛盡 恨西園落紅難綴 曉來雨過 遺蹤何在一池 萍碎 春色三分 二分塵土 一分流水 細看來不是楊花點點是 離人淚 焯槐又識 印章 卓槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 詒耕 ( 白文長印 ) 水墨紙本立軸 68 x 136 釐米 Poem in Running Script They look like flowers but also unlike flowers. No one cares about their deserting the trees, falling on the roadside. It makes her feel sad that they appear to be unconcerned but at times they bring out meaningful sentiments. Since his departure, grinding sorrow has hurt her soft heart. Sleepless nights force her to doze off. She wants to open her eyes but drowsiness keeps them closed. In her dream, she has drifted along with the wind thousands of miles away, longing to be with her beloved one. She is startled, however, by the larks. She does not mind that the poplar catkins all leaving the branches. She regrets that the fallen flowers at the west yard could hardly be retrieved. As dawn comes, the overnight rain has already stopped, leaving no traces of the flowers. Like duckweeds, they are scattered in pieces over the pond. The charming scenery of the floating catkins has vanished, as two thirds of them go to the earth and the remaining portion goes with the flowing stream. At a closer look, they are not poplar flowers. And each and every catkins are but lovers tear-drops. (Annotation : The character "lai" has been left out after the character "kar" in the fifth line of the the work.) Signature: Quoted from Ci Yun Zhang Zhi Fu Yang Hua Ci, a poem by Mr. Dong Po. Written by Zhuo Huai in the autumn of the year of Bing Shen (2016) Details of the poem are as above. Recorded by Zhuo Huai. Yi Geng (White lettering in a rectangular seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 68 x 136 cm 143

隸書七言聯文章爾雅從無俗賦詩風流自有神印章 : 焯槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 東官張氏 ( 白文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸各 18 x 100 釐米 Couplet in Clerical Script Essays written are elegant and refined, that never falling to vulgar expressions. Verses composed are of gaiety, that always coming naturally with vivid affection. Dong Guan Zhang Shi (White lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 18 x 100 cm each 144

隸書十九言聯高齋尋瓌寶歷久彌珍厥唯銕面尚書黑松使者字學泝源流自今而古無過殷虛甲骨三代吉金款識 : 兩小山齋羅忼烈院士夫子撰聯乙未冬至受業張焯槐敬書於詒耕堂燈下印章 : 焯槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 東官張氏 ( 白文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸各 14 x 136 釐米 Couplet in Clerical Script In the study, like the antiques, the older the inkstones and inksticks, the more precious they are. To master Chinese calligraphy, there is no better means but to start from understanding oracle-bone script and bronze inscriptions. Signature: Couplet composed by Liang Xiao Shan Zhai Professor Luo Kang Lie. Written with respect by Professor s student Zhang Zhuo Huai at night at the Blessings and Cultivation Hall on the Winter Solstice in the year of Yi Wei (2015) Dong Guan Zhang Shi (White lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 14 x 136 cm each 145

楷書七言詩憶過濾戎摘荔枝青楓隱映石逶迤京華應見無顏色紅顆酸甜只自知款識 : 唐杜工部解悶詩十二首其一丙申暮春焯槐錄印章 : 焯槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 東官張氏 ( 白文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸 37 x 137 釐米 Poem in Regular Script In passing the county of Lu Rong, I miss much the joyful memories of plucking lychees. Through green leaves of the maple trees, I find the winding stone path now and then appearing. Countless bundles of lychees in sealed baskets are speedily transported to the Capital. Who can say the red lychees tasting delicious or sour, except me! Signature: One of the twelve poems to divert oneself from boredom by Du Gong Bu of the Tang Dynasty Recorded by Zhuo Huai in the late spring of the year of Bing Shen (2016) Dong Guan Zhang Shi (White lettering in a square seal) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 37 x 137 cm 146

隸書十二言聯聽靜夜之鐘聲喚醒夢中之夢觀澄潭之月影窺見身外之身款識 : 明陳繼儒小窗幽記句丁酉暮春三月焯槐書于柏苑印章 : 卓槐 ( 朱文方印 ) 水墨紙本立軸各 49 x 179 釐米 Couplet in Clerical Script Listening to the sound of a bell in a silent night to wake up from the dream in a dream. Watching the moon shadow on clear lake water to find me simultaneously discharging duties in a different place. Signature: Extracted from Recollections at My Study Window by Chen Ji Ru of the Ming Dynasty. Written by Zhuo Huai at Park View Court in March, the late spring of the year of Ding You (2017) Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 49 x 179 cm each 147