Religious study tour programme

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1 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Cultural and Religious Studies Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies Term 2 Alternative Saturday, 9:30am-12:30pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm, HYS 501 (27 Jan 2018 to 21 Apr 2018) Course Code BUDS5003 Course Title (both English and Chinese) Tiantai Buddhism 天台宗思想 Course Description (both English and Chinese) 1. The major theme of this course will be focused on the development of the first full-fledged Chinese Mahayana school, i.e., the Tian-Tai School ( 天台宗 ), especially along with its synergism of doctrines and practices, and its system of doctrinal classification ( 判教 ), from both historical and philosophical perspectives. 本課程的主題將聚焦於第一個名副其實的中國大乘佛教宗派 亦即天台宗 的發展, 特別是從歷史和哲理的角度來分析及詮釋它的教義和實踐的融合及其判教體系 2. This course is intended to stimulate students to examine the development of Mahayana Buddhist Schools in China in the light of historical and cultural background. 本課程旨在激發學生從歷史文化背景來審視中國大乘佛教宗派的發展 3. It is also aimed at guiding students to examine and understand more deeply about the Sinification (i.e. assimilation and naturalization) of Indian Buddhism into the Chinese soil. 本課程也旨在引導學生更深入地了解印度佛教的漢化 ( 即吸收與本土化 ) 到中國的土壤中 Course Syllabus 一 佛陀說法之本懷 1. 根本佛教之義理內容 2. 經典結集所引發的問題 3. 部派佛教之分裂與大乘佛教之興起 (a) 部派佛教分裂之歷史背景 (b) 部派佛教之義理開展與分歧 (c) 大乘思想之蘊釀與興起 1

2 二 中國佛教之蘊育 扎根 建立與開展 1. 大法西來 (a) 佛教之東傳 (b) 經典之傳譯 2. 格義佛教 (a) 義理之消解與詮釋 (b) 六家七宗 3. 教相判釋 (a) 判教之起源與歷史背景 (b) 天台智顗之前的諸家判教 : 南三北七三 天台禪法 1. 天台禪法之源流 : 慧文禪師與慧思禪師 2. 天台禪法之集成 : 智顗禪師 3. 天台禪法之教學 : (a) 佛教的修行實踐次第與修證位階體系 (b) 從 禪定 到 止觀 (c) 從 釋禪波羅蜜次第法門 到 摩訶止觀 四 天台宗教團之建立 1. 智顗的宗教修持態度與立場 : 解行並重 2. 天台禪法的發展與演進 : 從 禪定 到 止觀 3. 立制法 : 天台道場之修行清規 4. 法華三大部五 天台智顗之判教思想與系統 1. 五時與五味 2. 化儀四教 : 頓 漸 祕密 不定 3. 化法四教 : 藏 通 別 圓 4. 智顗之判教對後世之影響六 天台宗與他宗之對比 : 中國佛教之義理開展與分合 1. 天台與三論宗之判教 ( 以吉藏四重二諦為代表 ) 2. 天台與唯識宗之判教 ( 以窺基三教八宗為代表 ) 3. 天台與華嚴宗之判教 ( 以法藏五教為代表 ) 七 天台宗之興衰及與他宗之競合 4. 天台思想本身的開展與分合 : 山家與山外之爭 5. 天台宗與華嚴宗之競合 : 妄心觀與真心觀之辯 6. 天台宗與禪宗之競合 : 止觀與禪定之分合八 繼往開來 : 中國佛教之現代化與未來之展望 2

3 Learning Outcomes Knowledge Outcomes: (1) demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the historical development, doctrines and practices of Tian-Tai school of Buddhism in China (2) engage in a critical analysis of Tian-Tai Buddhism by the methods of the humanities and social sciences Skill Outcomes (1) develop their analytical and problem solving ability, critical intelligence and appreciative thinking as well as key research skills and to prepare for advanced studies in religion. (2) develop their social and interpersonal skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team. Attitude Outcomes (1) recognize the contested and provisional nature of knowledge and understanding. (2) develop tolerance of diverse positions and have respect for other s view (3) develop sensitivity to ultimate concern and religious dimension of human life Assessment Scheme (tentative) Research paper 75% Participation 25% Feedback for Evaluation End-of-term university course evaluation will be conducted in class. Students comments and feedback on the course through s or personal meeting with the instructor are always welcomed. Required Readings 1. 隋. 智顗 : 法華文句 2. 隋. 智顗 : 法華玄義 3. 隋. 智顗 : 摩訶止觀 4. 高麗. 沙門諦觀 : 天台四教儀 5. 世友菩薩造 三藏法師玄奘譯 : 異部宗輪論 6. 隋. 智顗 : 釋禪波羅蜜次第法門 7. 隋. 智顗 : 法華文句 8. 隋. 智顗 : 法華玄義 9. 隋. 智顗 : 摩訶止觀 10. 演培法師.. 異部宗輪論語體釋, 台北, 天華 11. Chappel, D. Tendai Shikyogi: An Outline of the T ien-t ai Fourfold Teachings. Tokyo; Daiichi Shobo,

4 12. Chappel, D. Introduction to the T ien-t ai-ssu-chiao-i. The Eastern Buddhist, New Series Vol. IV, No. 1(1976) May. Recommended Readings 1. 梁. 慧皎 : 高僧傳 2. 唐. 道宣 : 續高僧傳 3. 唐. 法藏 : 華嚴五教章 4. 張曼濤編 天台宗之判教與發展, 台北 : 大乘文化出版社,1979 年 5. 傅偉勳 : 批判的繼承與創造的發展, 台北, 東大, 傅偉勳 : 從創造的詮釋學到大乘佛學, 台北, 東大, 吳汝鈞 : 中國佛學的現代詮釋, 文津出版社 8. 安藤俊雄著, 蘇榮焜譯 : 天台學: 根本思想及其開展, 台北 : 慧炬出版社, Swanson, Paul. Foundations of T ien-t ai Philosophy: The Foundation of the Two Truths Theory in Chinese Buddhism. Berkeley; Asian Humanities Press, Chih-I. On the Method of Practicing Concentration and Contemplation (Trans. by) K. Okakura, Cambridge; Harvard Theological Review. Vol XVI(1923.2): Donner N, and DB Stevenson. The Great Calming and Contemplation: A study and annotated Translation of the First Chapter of Chi-i s Mo-ho chih-kuan. A Kuroda Institute Book. Honolulu; University of Hawaii Press, Magnin, P. La vie et l oeuvre de Huisi ( ) (Les Origins de lan secte bouddhique chinoise du Tiantai). Paris; École Francaise d Extrême-Orient. (In French Describes the origins of T ien-t ai Buddhist teachings and practices), Stevenson, Daniel. The Four Kinds of Samadhi in Early T ien-t ai Buddhism (in) Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism, Gregory, Peter (ed). Honolulu; University of Hawaii Press, Welch, H. The Practice of Chinese Buddhism: Cambridge; Harvard University Press, Ziporyn, Brook. Being and Ambiguity: Philosophical Experiments with Tientai Buddhism. Illinois, USA, Open Court, 藍日昌 六朝判教論的發展與演變, 台北 : 文津出版社,2003 年 17. 王仲堯 隋唐佛教判教思想研究, 成都 : 巴蜀書社,2000 年 18. 劉貴傑 天台宗學概論, 台北 : 文津出版社, 新田雅章著, 凃玉盏譯 天台哲學入門, 台北 : 東大圖書股份有限公司, 釋慧岳 : 天台教學史, 台北 : 中華佛教文獻, 曾其海 : 天台佛學, 上海 : 學林, 董平 : 天台宗研究, 上海 : 上海古籍, 朱封鰲 韋彥鐸 : 中華天台宗通史, 北京 : 宗教文化, 林保堯 : 法華思想, 台北 : 佛光文化, 潘桂明 吳忠偉, 中國天台宗通史, 南京 : 江蘇古籍出版社,2001 年 4

5 Contact Details of Teachers Professor/Lecturer/Instructor: Professor Name: Venerable Huei Kai Academic honesty and plagiarism Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures. For group projects, all students of the same group should be asked to sign the declaration. For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon students uploading of the soft copy of the assignment. Assignments without the receipt will not be graded by teachers. Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide. Grade Descriptor A Outstanding performance on all learning outcomes. A- Generally outstanding performance on all (or almost all) learning outcomes. B Substantial performance on all learning outcomes, OR high performance on some learning outcomes which compensates for less satisfactory performance on others, resulting in overall substantial performance. C Satisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes, possibly with a few weaknesses. D Barely satisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes F Unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, OR failure to meet specified assessment requirements. 5


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