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1 The Regulatory Framework of Information Society and E-Government 信息社会和电子政务的法规框架 Conference: ICT for a Better Life: The Role of Local Government Shanghai Oct 19 th, 2006 Dr Thomas Hart, Project Regulatory Expert 法规专家

2 The Regulatory Component within the Project Context 项目包含的管制模块 Project Components 项目组成模块 A: Regulatory Dialogue B: Improved Government Services C: E-Government Training D: Administrative Capacity Building 法律法规对话改善政府服务电子政务培训行政能力建设

3 Overview: ICT and labour productivity growth in EU ( ) 概况 :ICT 和欧盟劳动生产率的增长 ( ) Ireland 爱尔兰 Finland 芬兰 US 美国 Sweden 瑞典 UK 英国 EU 欧盟 Netherlands 荷兰 Germany 德国 France 法国 Italy 意大利 Denmark 丹麦 GDP share of ICT-producing sector ICT 生产行业在 GDP 中所占比重 12.3 % 10.6 % 7.3 % 7.3 % 7.1 % 5.9 % 5.8 % 5.6 % 5.5 % 4.7 % 4.7% Labour productivity growth 劳动生产率的增长 5.3 % 2.5 % 2.5 % 2.1 % 1.8 % 1.4 % 0.9 % 1.3 % 1.2 % 0.8 % 1.9%

4 Media regulation 媒体管制 Electronic Contracts 电子合同 Access to Information 政府信息公开 E-Learning 远程教育 Many Policy and Regulatory Issues become relevant 许多政策和法规问题都有相关性 Quality / Sustainability 质量 / 可持续 E-Commerce 电子商务 Telecommunications Policy 电信政策 Media Literacy 媒体普及 Size / Growth 规模 / 增长 Information Society 信息社会 Benefits / Radius 收益 / 辐射 Antitrust 反垄断 E-Government 电子政务 Digital Signatures 数字签名 Copyright Law 版权法 Encryption 加密 Content development 内容开发 Property Rights 物权

5 Regulation and E-Government: Key Topics 管制和电子政务 Primary topics to be covered (current legislative processes that are part of the project) Access to Gov. Information Personal Data Protection Telecoms Policy Online Copyright Online Arbitration Others Information Security Electronic Signature Electronic Contract Comparative Study on overall regulatory framework & local regulations Secondary regulatory topics to be considered can be integrated where appropriate E-Commerce Competition Policy Antitrust Self-regulation / Codes of Conduct E-Government E-Public Procurement Internet Governance Alternative Dispute Resolution Administrative Licensing E-Finance Security Media / E-Content Standardization Processes

6 Regulation and E-Government: Key Topics 管制和电子政务 首要考虑主题 ( 现行立法程序属于本项目的一部分 ) 政府信息公开 个人信息保护 网上版权 网上仲裁 信息安全 电子签名 法律法规总体框架和地方法律法规的比较研究 电信政策 其他法律法规 电子合同 次要考虑的管制主题 ( 根据需求融入 ) 电子商务 竞争政策 反垄断 自我约束 / 行为规范 电子政务 网上公共采购 因特网管理 其他争议解决方法 行政审批许可 电子金融安全 媒体 / 电子内容 标准化步骤

7 Necessary Legal Foundations for electronic government Signature under electronic documents Reception of electronic documents (= confirmation of incoming mail) Administration of documents (= registry) Processing of documents (= Vorgangsbearbeitung) Sending of documents (= Postversand) Archiving of documents Researching documents Selection of documents Related to an administrative process

8 电子政务的必要法律基础 签名 在电子文档上 接受 电子文档 (= 确认接收到邮件 ) 管理 文档 (= 登记 ) 处理 文档 (= Vorgangsbearbeitung) 发送 文档 (= Postversand ) 存储 文档 研究 文档 挑选 文档 与行政过程有关

9 Where do E-Government and Regulation Touch? 电子政务和法规触及了哪些方面? Information Security 信息安全 Personal Data Protection 个人信息保护 future transferability and sustainability of data 将来的借鉴和数据的可持续 Digital signatures 数字签名 electronic contracts 电子合同 alternative telecommunications networks reaching remote clients 联接边远客户的备份电信网络 Digital Divide / Universal Service 数字鸿沟 / 通用服务 Integrated Data Systems (distributed servers or one server?) 一体化的数据系统 ( 是分布式的服务器还是一个服务器?)

10 For Example: Legal Foundations in Europe Administrative Procedures Law ( Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz ) Digital Signature Law ( Gesetz über die Rahmenbedingungen für elektronische Signaturen (Signaturgesetz) ) and ordinance on electronic signature ( Signaturverordnung ) Encryption Teleservice Law and Media Service State Treaty ( Teledienstegesetz und Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag ) Civil Procedures Act ( Zivilprozessordnung ) Judiciary Communication Law ( Justizkommunikationsgesetz ) Non-Discriminatory Law for Disabled ( Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz ) Data Protection Law ( Datenschutzrecht ) Freedom of Information / Access to Government Records Law

11 举例 : 欧洲的法律基础 行政程序法 ( Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz ) 数字签名法 ( Gesetz über die Rahmenbedingungen für elektronische Signaturen (Signaturgesetz) ) 和电子签名法 ( Signaturverordnung ) 加密 电信服务法和媒体服务国家条约 ( Teledienstegesetz und Mediendienste- Staatsvertrag ) 内政程序法案 ( Zivilprozessordnung ) 司法沟通法 ( Justizkommunikationsgesetz ) 残疾人非歧视法 ( Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz ) 数据保护法 ( Datenschutzrecht ) 政府信息公开法 ( Bundespersonalvertretungsgesetz )

12 An effort for an Information Society Framework 努力创建一个信息社会的框架 Policy 政策 Policy R&D and Innovation 研发与创新 Good Practice And Implementation 良好的实践与实施 Structural Funds

13 The elements of EU Informatisation 欧盟 信息化 的重要元素 Audiovisual policy: TV without frontiers directive 视听原则 : 电视无国界 指令 Communications policy: e-communications regulatory framework 通讯原则 : 电子通讯法规框架 i2010 Strategy I2010 战略

14 1. Modernising the TV without frontiers Directive 推进 电视无国界 指令 Has just been updated 刚刚更新 Rules for audiovisual services to be based on content, rather than mode of delivery 视听服务的规则基于内容, 而非播放模式 Distinguish between linear ( push ) services and non-linear ( pull ) services 区分线性 ( 推 ) 和非线性 ( 拉 ) 服务 Non-linear services to be subject only to a basic set of minimum principles 非线性服务仅遵循一套最基本的原则 e.g. to protect minors and prevent incitement to racial hatred 比如, 保护未成年人以及避免可能会激发种族仇恨的内容 Simplify and liberalise rules on inserting advertising in TV programmes 对于电视节目中插播的广告要简化并放宽限制

15 2. The Communications Regulatory framework 通讯法规框架 Aims to promote competition, internal market, citizens interests 目的是促进竞争 扩大内部市场 保障公民利益 Based on principle of technological neutrality 基于技术中性的原则 Regulation linked to competition: regulation removed when competition becomes effective 与竞争相关的法规 : 当竞争变得更加有效时, 取 消法规限制

16 3. i2010: Three priorities i2010: 三个优先 A Single European Information Space 唯一的欧洲信息空间 Innovation and investment in research 研究方面的创新和投资 Inclusion, better public services and quality of life 囊括更好的公共服务及生活质量

17 I2010 strategy egovernment Action Plan No citizen left behind Objectives E-service more accessible for all citizens Effective and efficient government High-impact key services Higher user satisfaction Reduce administrative burden Gains in efficiency Increase transparency and accountability 100% of procurement electronically available 50% usage Key enablers Secure means of electronic identification recognized across the EU Participation Tools for effective public debate and participation

18 电子政务行动计划 不将任何一个公民落在后面 目标 电子服务更能让所有公众获得 - 有效的 高效的政府 影响大的关键服务 更高的用户满意度 减轻行政负担 提高效率 增加透明度和责任划分 100% 的采购实现电子化 50% 的使用率 关键促成因素 在整个欧盟得到承认的安全的电子识别手段 参与 用于有效公共辩论和参与的工具

19 Indicators egovernment Action Plan No citizen left behind Effective and efficient government High-impact key services Indicators Usage of egov services by socially disadvantaged groups Public websites degree of compliance with international accessibility standards Users satisfaction with egovernment services Amount of information requested from citizens and businesses Number of transactions fully completed online % of public procurement above the EU threshold available electronically % of public procurement above the EU threshold carried out electronically Key enablers Participation Number of transactional public services with legally binding and mutually recognised eid Number of functioning pan-european online services Bench-learning

20 电子政务行动计划 不将任何一个公民拉在后面 目标 社会弱势群体对电子政务服务的使用率 公共网站符合国际可访问性标准的程度 有效的 高效的政府 用户对电子政务服务满意度 公众和企业要求提供的信息量 完全在网上完成的交易的数量 影响大的关键服务 超过欧盟标准的在网上提供的公共采购服务所占百分比 超过欧盟标准的以电子方式完成的公共采购服务所占百分比 关键促成因素 参与 用合法的 相互认可的电子身份证完成的交易型公共服务的数量 可正常使用的整个欧洲范围的网上服务的数量 基准学习

21 Regulation and E-Government: Key Questions of the Project 管制和电子政务 : 关键问题 Does actual legislation / regulation affect e- government projects directly / indirectly? 实际的立法 / 管制是否直接或间接地影响了电子政务项目? Are the plans for future regulation / legislation known to e-government decision-makers and integrated in the project plans / master plans? 电子政务项目决策人是否知道未来的管制 / 立法, 并把它融入到了项目计划或主体计划之中了? Do government officials who are in charge of e- government projects receive regular trainings / updates on regulatory developments? 负责电子政务项目的政府官员是否接受关于管制发展的定期培训或通报?

22 examples Local and Province-level Implementation 例子 : 地方和省级的实施和培训 Regulatory provisions for e-government projects: Overview 电子政务项目的管制条款 : 回顾 What are important regulatory provisions to be considered when setting up an e-government project? 建设电子政务项目时需要考虑的重要法律法规是什么? Critical factors in Information Society 信息社会的重要因素 What are the factors for success and failure when setting up e-government projects? Where are further regulations required? 导致电子政务项目建设成功或失败的因素是什么? 还需要哪些法规? e-signatures: Applications and Implementation 电子签名 : 应用和实施 How to make the most out of electronic signature for e-government services? How to integrate them adequately? 电子政务服务如何最有效地利用电子签名? 如何能充分地集成电子政务服务?

23 examples Local and Province-level Implementation 例子 : 地方和省级的实施和培训 Tackling Digital Divide 解决数字鸿沟 What good examples are there for e-government projects approaching the digital divide issue? 解决数字鸿沟问题的电子政务项目有无好的范例? Electronic Record management (for Access to Inform.) 电子记录管理 ( 获取信息 ) How can electronic systems facilitate ease the Implementation of Access to Government Information Laws? What systems are available? 电子系统如何帮助人们获取政府信息法律? 有哪些系统? Handling Information Security Issues 处理信息安全问题 How can information security issues be adequately approached in the establishment of e-government projects? How can education, technology and regulations come together? 建设电子政务项目时如何有效地解决信息安全问题? 教育 技术和法规如何协同一致?

24 examples Local and Province-level Implementation 例子 : 地方和省级的实施和培训 New Copyright Approaches 新的版权方法 Application of FOI regulations in practice 实践中应用的信息自由法 practical Issues of Telco Regulation 电信法 I 的现实问题 What measures can be taken at local level to educate citizens about online copyright issues? What are the current regulatory provisions? 地方上可以采取哪些方法教育公民网络版权的问题? 现有的法规有哪些? How to handle the new Freedom of Information law in practice? How to train staff in handling the requests? 如何处理实践中的信息自由法? 如何培训处理此类请求的人员? How does the new telecommunications law affect the local and provincial level? 新的电信法对地方和省级有什么影响?

25 examples Local and Province-level Implementation 例子 : 地方和省级的实施和培训 local implementation of online arbitration and e-contract 地方实施网络仲裁和电子合同 How are disputes relating to online transactions being handled. What new regulations are coming Up? What action is required? 现在是如何处理有关网上交易的争议的? 有什么新的法规? 要有什么样的行动? Engaging industry (public-private partnership) 与产业界合作 ( 政府与民间合作 ) How to establish links between private and public sector on e-government projects? Which business models are possible, which Are not? 在电子政务项目上政府和私营部门如何建立起合作? 什么样的业务模式是可行的, 什么样的业务模式是不可行的?

26 For more information, contact: 如需更多信息, 请联系 :

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