Microsoft PowerPoint - GDSN UDI Implementation Session

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1 Implementation session: UDI Data &the Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) GS1 Healthcare Conference Beijing, China 26 October 2016 Peter Alvarez, Senior Director Master Data Management, GS1

2 Panelists Nick Manzo Sr. Director Global Industry Development, 1WorldSync FengmingMao 毛凤明 GDSN, IT Department 信息化部 GS1 China Catherine Koetz Industry Manager, Healthcare GS1 Australia GS1 2016

3 UDI & GDSN Nick Manzo Sr. Director Global Industry Development, 1WorldSync

4 Growth of GDSN GDSN has seen enormous increase in active subscribers over the past 10 years increase of 35,000 GLN s Use of GDSN is not limited to just Business to Business engagement Use of GDSN to support regulatory requirements now becoming more prevalent. UDI has been an large driver of new GDSN suppliers 1W orldsync 2016

5 Healthcare in GDSN as of Oct, 2016 GDSN Healthcare GTIN Counts over 1.7M 1.2m+ Device GTINs 59k+ Pharma GTINs 400k+ Other Healthcare GTINs 3,279 Healthcare source GLN s in GDSN GDSN Healthcare Resources care/share-data 1W orldsync 2016

6 FDA GUDID Stats as of October 1, 2016 Total Number of Unique Primary Devices Listed in GUDID: 769,917 Total Number of Devices by Issuing Agency: GS1: 683,000 est. Other: 123,000 est. Total Number of Primary DI s for Devices by Issuing Agency: GS1: 683,000 est. Other: 87,000 est. 1W orldsync 2016

7 GDSN & UDI The primary UDI driver is the US s FDA regulation. UDI requires data to be submitted over a 4 year period (starting in 2014 and ending in 2018) Use of the GDSN provides suppliers the ability of a one to many solution If data is submitted via GDSN, it can be repurposed for multiple other data efforts. 1W orldsync 2016

8 How to take advantage UDI impacts your business by requiring strict controls on product data and product data processes. A number of Manufacturers who have put in place UDI initiatives are realizing the opportunity to leverage that data for additional initiatives. Providing data to Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs), Hospitals as well as potentially new UDI databases. The GDSN s ability to provide data to the FDA GUDID has driven a substantial increase in available data. 1W orldsync 2016

9 What that data consists of: Sample Touch points Consumer Affairs Master Data E-Comm Supply Chain R&D Packaging Regulatory Sales Marketing 1W orldsync 2016

10 Challenges Waiting till last minute We have seen a number of organizations, attempt to do the work on their own, then wait till last min and have issues in submission Organizing Data If submitting more than 50/100 products, it takes more time in coordinating internal operations to collect, aggregate and validate all necessary attributes for submission Maintenance and Management Organizations forget, that it is their responsibility to maintain and manage the data even after submission. 1W orldsync 2016

11 Seize the Opportunity! Data demand is increasing It used to be your customers asking, now it is governments, tomorrow will be your patients Are you prepared? Treat the care of your product data the same way you treat the care of your actual products View your product data as an asset to be leveraged, not something that is viewed as a burden on your business. Leverage the UDI effort to support GDSN efforts both globally and regionally. 1W orldsync 2016

12 商品标准化推动全球数据共享 GDSN 在中国的情况介绍 /10/26

13 内容大纲 1. 机构以及 GS1 介绍 2. 全球数据同步 (GDSN) 介绍 3. GDSN 中国应用现状

14 关于中国物品编码中心 中国物品编码中心 (GS1 China) 于 1988 年经国务院同意成立, 是统一组 织 协调 管理中国物品编码与自动识别标识工作的专门机构, 隶属于国 家质量监督检验检疫总局 国际物品编码协会 (GS1), 全球统一管理商品条码的非盈利机构 致力于 推广全球通用的 开放的 跨行业的供应链管理标准 GS1 全球统一标识 系统 中国物品编码中心于 1991 年 4 月代表我国加入 GS1

15 关于 GS1 标准 覆盖全供应链的 GS1 编码标识标准 各种形式的载体技术标准 (GS1 条码和 RFID 标准 ) 全流程的 GS1 数据交换标准

16 条码应用的发展 第四阶段 第一阶段 面对产品出口的外商要求 第二阶段 变革了商品流通模式, 提高了超市零售结算信息化 第三阶段 提供了供应链领域和企业资源管理领域的应用技术和标准 服务于网络经济和政府监管, 服务产品诚信体系建设 食品安全追溯和产品质量监管, 满足企业需求, 促进了 水平, 促进了国内商品流 我国外贸出口 通

17 新品果汁饮料料料 500ml 新品果汁饮料料料 500ml 新品果汁饮料料料 500ml 新品果汁饮料料料 500ml 新品果汁饮料料料 500ml GDSN 方案架构图 制造商 新品果汁饮料 500ml 源数据池 ( 本地 ) 源数据池 ( 其他 ) 全球 GDSN 注册中心 接收数据池 ( 本地 ) 接收数据池 ( 其他 ) 零售商 / 电商 其他应用 零售商 / 电商 一站式的产品信息发布渠道一站式的产品数据接收渠道 分销商 其他渠道

18 合作双赢

19 GDSN 应用案例 基于 GDSN 标准化通用应用案例 : 仓储物流大仓门店终端销售 物流单元标识的规范使用 ; 物流单元的属性标准与误差率 ; 订购单元的属性标准与规范应用 ; 中包装的规范定义, 标识 属性等 ; 门店订单 物流的属性规范 ; O2O 的应用要求 ; 政府监管的需求 ; 货架空间管理的需求 ; 描述类信息的规范化 ;

20 GDSN 数据共享方案 -GDSN 标准的产品信息数字化解决方案 不提供信息化平台 输出标准化的产品数据 ; 输出标准化的作业流程 IT 方案 标准化解决方案 标识标准化 属性规范化 产品数子化 流程信息化

21 中国数据池的基本情况 中国数据池建立与 2003 年,2016 年 5 月通过全球最新的 3.1 认证 ; 主要应用政府监管 移动 APP 零食商 电商领域 ;

22 数据池的基本应用 商品数据 GDSN 政府监管 商业应用 条码追溯 信息公示

23 数据应用服务 政府部门 产品质量监管 发挥关键字作用, 精准识别产品, 关联业务信息, 支持产品质量监管工作 质监 支持国家产品质量诚信体系建设 工商 食药 卫生 以产品信息为基础, 关联证照 标准 防伪 监督抽查信息等资源, 建设信用信息平台 地方标准化院开展产品数据标准化研究, 支撑地方 行业应用

24 数据应用服务 政府部门 产品质量监管 发挥关键字作用, 精准识别产品, 关联业务信息, 支持产品质量监管工作 质监工商食药卫生 支持工商信用体系建设 长春市工商局先行先试, 将产品信息作为关键标识, 开展信用体系建设

25 数据应用服务 政府部门 产品质量监管 发挥关键字作用, 精准识别产品, 关联业务信息, 支持产品质量监管工作支持生产 流通环节产品质量监管甘肃云南宁夏厦门 20 + 质监 工商食药 卫生通过商品条码和批次, 整合索证索票信息, 实现生产 流通各个环节的事中 事后信息化监管

26 数据应用服务 政府部门 产品质量监管 发挥关键字作用, 精准识别产品, 关联业务信息, 支持产品质量监管工作 质监工商食药卫生 支持食品安全监测 分析 预警 各地食品安全风险评估中心以商品条码为关键字采集全国各地的食品数据, 上报检测结果, 实现准确的汇总 分析 预警

27 北京市食药监案例 所有进入北京市销售的化妆品企业, 应向中国物品编码中心填报 : 产品名称 规格 许可证号 批准文号

28 北京市食药监案例 北京药监通过 GDSN 获取商品信息, 实现化妆品市场监管

29 GDSN 医院应用 涉及产品 : 医用消耗材料 体外诊断试剂 试验试剂 解放军总医院 北京协和医院 北京大学第三医院 填报内容 : 企业资质 产品数据 分类 产品名称 GTIN 产品资质 武警总医院 304 医院 307 医院 武警北京总队医院 二炮总医院

30 医疗门户网站推广 网页 APP

31 线下零售商应用 全球商品数据同步 上百家企业实施, 涉及产品数万种

32 线上电商应用 电商应用 扫条码 放心购 电商食品追溯专区

33 电商实际应用案例 生产企业 扫条码放心购物 电商平台 消费者

34 产品终端应用 条码微站 基于商品数据 二维码面向企业推出移动解决方案

35 GDSN 线下服务网络

36 ! 毛凤明谢谢 T E Q

37 A GDSN Implementation The Australian story so far Catherine Koetz, GS1 Australia 26 October 2016

38 Australian Story 1. Our Data Synchronisation Journey Introduction & ongoing evolution 2. Healthcare User community Governance, Collaboration & Ongoing review 3. What Data? Understanding the WHY Defining & refining the scope Why add Price Synchronisation 4. Key Challenges Collaboration versus Compliance Data Quality 5. Lessons Learnt GS1 Australia

39 Australian Data Synchronisation Journey Original Data pool EANnet launched 1997 Healthcare National Product Catalogue (NPC) joins GS1net 2006 Australia s Healthcare GTIN exceed 200, Additional attributes included to meet Healthcare community needs Pharmacy Regulation & Procurement 2014 Healthcare Data Quality Project launched March 2016 NPC Exceeded 500 Healthcare Users Sept EANnet v2/gs1net Price Synch Added 2007 GS1net becomes GDSN connected Data validation implemented to meet community demands for data quality 2012 More attributes added to meet Healthcare community needs Clinical & Supply Chain 2015 Platform and name change to National Product Catalogue (all industries) July 2016 MR3 alignment to GDSN Australia s Healthcare GTIN exceed 400,000 November 2016 Data Quality Insight tool piloted Supplier DQ Statuses implemented GS1 Australia

40 Australian Healthcare User community National Healthcare Supply chain initiatives originally coordinated by National ehealth Transition Authority (NEHTA), now overseen by Australian Digital Health Agency National Product Catalogue for Healthcare Acknowledged issues with data across healthcare Need for data standards and identifiers to enable analytics Consistent data to drive efficiency and underpin patient safety improvements Ongoing: Strategic leadership Key stakeholder engagement Coordinated & consistent approach GS1 Australia

41 What Data? Understanding the why Collaborative study into the cost of poor data in Healthcare in 2013/14 identified Australia had potential savings of over $100 million AUD Potential cost of urgent deliveries due to under supply $4.4million Potential cost of manual checking on units of measure $8.8million Potential cost of independently sourcing product weight and dimension $6.9 million Potential cost of manual matching prosthesis reimbursement codes $1.3 million Follow up research by NEHTA in 2015/16 uncovered that the findings of $100 million potential savings were conservative GS1 Australia

42 What Data? Understanding the why Demographics Hospitals (~88,000 Beds) - 80% Acute Care - 90% In House Pharmacy Buying Groups = 70% Hospitals Area Health Services Community Pharmacies Aged care homes 337+ Pharmacy Manufacturer/ Supplier/Distributors Medical Device & Consumables M/S/D 000s more non medical suppliers km 2 Equates to estimated: Item data shared (list) ~ 11 Million Huge cost to maintain manually with questionable timeliness and accuracy GS1 Australia

43 What Data? Defining and refining scope Defining the problem Prioritising where to start across use cases - Identifying data required x product type x criticality Sourcing/ Tenders Core Identification Medical Devices & Consumables Purchasing/ Procurement Reimbursement Pharmaceuticals Logistics/Supply Chain Enabling Analytics Non-Medical Consumables Regulatory Clinical Use/ Safety Services GS1 Australia

44 What Data? Why price synchronisation Demographics Hospitals (~88,000 Beds) - 80% Acute Care - 90% In House Pharmacy Buying Groups = 70% Hospitals Area Health Services Community Pharmacies Aged care homes 337+ Pharmacy Manufacturer/ Supplier/Distributors Medical Device & Consumables M/S/D 000s more non medical suppliers km 2 Equates to estimated: Prices updated ~ 2 Billion x min 2 PA Huge cost to maintain manually PLUS even larger impact to order to cash where prices incorrect in transactions GS1 Australia

45 Key Challenges Maintaining common understanding of industry goals Overcoming resistance Gaining international support Ongoing benefits realisation Data Quality GS1 Australia

46 Data Quality Commitment Accuracy Trust Timeliness Relevance Data Quality Clarity Accessibility Maintenance Completeness Use GS1 Australia

47 Lessons Learnt Clearly define goals Understand the WHY Know what success looks like Collaborative approach benefits on both sides Communicate & Reinforce Review & Refine - Regularly Ensure sustainability Data Quality is paramount GS1 Australia

48 Thanks for listening Catherine Koetz Industry Manager Healthcare GS1 Australia GS1 Australia

49 Contact Information Pete Alvarez GS1 Global Office Senior Director, Master Data Management GS

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