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1 Thematic Report : Persons from the Mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 Years Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


3 主題性報告 : 內地來港定居未足七年人士 Thematic Report : Persons from the Mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 Years 有關本刊物的查詢, 請聯絡 : 政府統計處 2011 年人口普查辦事處地址 : 香港九龍觀塘巧明街 100 號 Landmark East 友邦九龍大樓 8 樓電話 :(852) 圖文傳真 :(852) 電郵 Enquiries may be directed to: 2011 Population Census Office Census and Statistics Department Address: 8/F, AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel : (852) Fax : (852) 政府統計處網站 Website of the Census and Statistics Department 年 12 月出版 Published in December 2012 本刊物只備有下載版 This publication is available in download version only


5 目錄 Contents 統計表一覽 List of Tables v 統計圖一覽 List of Charts ix 1. 緒言 1. Introduction 1 2. 摘要 2. Summary 7 3. 數目及結構 3. Size and Structure 人口特徵 4. Demographic Characteristics 教育 5. Education 勞動人口 6. Labour Force 39 頁數 Page 7. 居住情況及住戶特徵 7. Living Arrangements and Household Characteristics 地區特徵 8. Characteristics of the Districts 59 中文詞彙釋義 Definition of Terms in Chinese 63 英文詞彙釋義 Definition of Terms in English 71 附錄 有關單程通行證持有人的統計表 Appendix Tables containing statistics on one-way permit holders 香港 2011 年人口普查刊物 Publications of the Hong Kong 2011 Population Census 獲取政府統計處刊物及其他統計產品的方法 Means of obtaining publications and other statistical products of the Census and Statistics Department A 年人口普查 iii 2011 Population Census


7 統計表一覽 List of Tables 頁數 Page 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別 及年齡組別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 3.1 PMRs by sex and age group, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別及年齡組別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的人口分布 Table 3.2 Distribution of PMRs by sex and age group, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的年齡中位數 Table 3.3 Median age of PMRs by sex, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按年齡組別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的性別比率 Table 3.4 Sex ratio of PMRs by age group, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別及婚姻狀況劃分的 15 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 4.1 PMRs aged 15 and over by sex and marital status, 2001, 2006 and 表 年按與配偶的年齡差距及年齡組別劃分的與配偶同住的內地來港定居未足 7 年已婚女性數目 Table 4.2 Now married female PMRs living with spouse by age difference with spouse and age group, 表 年按與配偶的年齡差距及年齡組別劃分的與配偶同住的內地來港定居未足 7 年已婚男性數目 Table 4.3 Now married male PMRs living with spouse by age difference with spouse and age group, 表 年按在港居住年期及性別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 4.4 PMRs by duration of residence in Hong Kong and sex, 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年能說選定語言 / 方言的 5 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年人士比例 Table 4.5 Proportion of PMRs aged 5 and over able to speak selected languages/ dialects, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別及教育程度 ( 最高就讀程度 ) 劃分的 15 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年人士比例 Table 5.1 Proportion of PMRs aged 15 and over by sex and educational attainment (highest level attended), 2001, 2006 and 年人口普查 v 2011 Population Census

8 統計表一覽 List of Tables 頁數 Page 表 年按性別 年齡組別及教育程度 ( 最高就讀程度 ) 劃分的 15 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 5.2 PMRs aged 15 and over by sex, age group and educational attainment (highest level attended), 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按年齡組別及性別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士就學比率 Table 5.3 School attendance rates of PMRs by age group and sex, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別劃分的在勞動人口中內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 6.1 PMRs in the labour force by sex, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按年齡組別及性別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的勞動人口參與率 Table 6.2 Labour force participation rates of PMRs by age group and sex, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別及經濟活動身分劃分的在非從事經濟活動人口中的 15 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 6.3 PMRs aged 15 and over in economically inactive population by sex and economic activity status, 2001, 2006 and 表 年按職業劃分的 15 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年工作人士比例 Table 6.4 Proportion of working PMRs aged 15 and over by occupation, 表 年按行業劃分的 15 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年工作人士比例 Table 6.5 Proportion of working PMRs aged 15 and over by industry, 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按每月主要職業收入劃分的 15 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年工作人士比例 Table 6.6 Proportion of working PMRs aged 15 and over by monthly income from main employment, 2001, 2006 and 表 年按每月主要職業收入及在港居住年期劃分的 15 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年工作人士比例 Table 6.7 Proportion of working PMRs aged 15 and over by monthly income from main employment and duration of residence in Hong Kong, 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按住戶人數劃分的有內地來港定居未足 7 年人士居住的家庭住戶數目 Table 7.1 Domestic households with PMRs by household size, 2001, 2006 and 年人口普查 vi 2011 Population Census

9 統計表一覽 List of Tables 頁數 Page 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按住戶結構劃分的有內地來港定居未足 7 年人士居住的家庭住戶比例 Table 7.2 Proportion of domestic households with PMRs by household composition, 2001, 2006 and 表 年按性別 居住情況及年齡組別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士比例 Table 7.3 Proportion of PMRs by sex, living arrangements and age group, 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按房屋類型劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 7.4 PMRs by type of housing, 2001, 2006 and 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按區議會分區劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 8.1 PMRs by District Council district, 2001, 2006 and 表 A 年至 2011 年按性別及年齡組別劃分的單程通行證持有人數目 Table A1 One-way Permit holders by sex and age group, 表 A 年至 2011 年按原籍省劃分的單程通行證持有人數目 Table A2 One-way Permit holders by province of origin, 表 A 年至 2011 年按在港親屬類別劃分的單程通行證持有人數目 Table A3 One-way Permit holders by type of relatives in Hong Kong, 表 A 年至 2011 年按在中國內地親屬類別劃分的單程通行證持有人數目 Table A4 One-way Permit holders by type of relatives in the mainland of China, 年人口普查 vii 2011 Population Census


11 統計圖一覽 List of Charts 頁數 Page 圖 年 2006 年及 2011 年內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的數目及佔全港人口的比例 Chart 3.1 Number of PMRs and proportion to the whole population, 2001, 2006 and 圖 年內地來港定居未足 7 年的夫婦的選定人口特徵 Chart 4.1 Selected demographic characteristics of PMR couples, 圖 年在勞動人口中的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的數目及比例 Chart 6.1 Number and proportion of PMRs in the labour force, 圖 年 2006 年及 2011 年的有內地來港定居未足 7 年人士居住的家庭住戶及全港家庭住戶的家庭住戶每月收入中位數 Chart 7.1 Median monthly domestic household income of domestic households with PMRs and all domestic households, 2001, 2006 and 圖 年有內地來港定居未足 7 年人士居住的家庭住戶特徵 Chart 7.2 Characteristics of domestic households with PMRs, 圖 年按與父或母同住劃分的只與父或母同住的 18 歲以下內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Chart 7.3 PMRs aged under 18 living with one parent only by whether living with father or mother, 圖 年按居所租住權劃分的居於家庭住戶的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士及全港人口的百分比分布 Chart 7.4 Percentage distribution of PMRs and the whole population living in domestic households by tenure of accommodation, 圖 年按區議會分區劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士比例 Chart 8.1 Proportion of PMRs by District Council district, 年人口普查 ix 2011 Population Census


13 1. 緒言 1. Introduction 背景 Background 1.1 根據慣例, 自 1961 年起, 香港每 10 年進行一次人口普查, 並在兩次人口普查中間, 進行一次中期人口統計 香港於 2011 年 6 月至 8 月期間進行了 2011 年人口普查 年人口普查已於 2011 年 6 月 30 日至 8 月 2 日的 34 天期間進行 這次人口普查包括向十分之九住戶搜集基本資料如年齡及性別的簡單點算, 及向其餘十分之一住戶的成員搜集多方面的人口及社會經濟特徵的詳細訪問 1.1 It is an established practice from 1961 for Hong Kong to conduct a population census once every 10 years and a by-census in the middle of the intercensal period. The 2011 Population Census was conducted in June to August The 2011 Population Census was conducted in the 34-day period from 30 June to 2 August It comprised a simple enumeration on nine-tenths of households to provide basic information like age and sex and a detailed enquiry to the remaining one-tenth on a broad range of demographic and socio-economic characteristics of household members. 概念與範圍 年人口普查採用 居住人口 方法, 以涵蓋所有居港人口 政府統計處自 2000 年 8 月開始, 採用了 居住人口 方法, 來編製香港的人口估計 作出這個改動的原因, 是 居住人口 概念在統計理論而言, 較適用於計算一個地方的人口 而這個做法尤為配合現今的香港人口居住和流動模式 年人口普查的普查參考時刻 ( 即 2011 年 6 月 30 日凌晨 3 時 ) 的居港人口包括 常住居民 和 流動居民 常住居民 指以下兩類人士 :( 一 ) 在普查參考時刻前的 6 個月內, 在港逗留最少 3 個月, 又或在普查參考時刻後的 6 個月內, 在港逗留最少 3 個月的香港永久性居民, 不論在普查參考時刻他們是否身在香港 ; 及 ( 二 ) 於普查參考時刻在港的香港非永久性居民 Concept and coverage 1.3 The 2011 Population Census covers the Hong Kong Resident Population under the resident population approach. The resident population approach has been adopted to compile the population estimates of Hong Kong since August Such change is effected in view of the greater relevance of the resident population concept from a statistical theory standpoint in measuring the population size of a place. It is considered particularly appropriate to do so to take account of the current residency and mobility patterns of the Hong Kong population. 1.4 The Hong Kong Resident Population at the census reference moment of the 2011 Population Census (i.e. 3 a.m. on 30 June 2011) covers Usual Residents and Mobile Residents. Usual Residents refer to two categories of people: (1) Hong Kong Permanent Residents who had stayed in Hong Kong for at least 3 months during the 6 months before or for at least 3 months during the 6 months after the census reference moment, regardless of whether they were in Hong Kong or not at the census reference moment; and (2) Hong Kong Non-permanent Residents who were in Hong Kong at the census reference moment 年人口普查 Population Census

14 緒言 Introduction 1.5 至於 流動居民, 則指在普查參考時刻前的 6 個月內, 在港逗留最少 1 個月但少於 3 個月, 或在普查參考時刻後的 6 個月內, 在港逗留最少 1 個月但少於 3 個月的香港永久性居民, 不論在普查參考時刻他們是否身在香港 1.6 本報告利用 2011 年人口普查的統計數據分析內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的特徵, 並與 2001 年人口普查及 2006 年中期人口統計的結果作適當的比較 1.7 本報告列出的 2001 年人口普查 2006 年中期人口統計及 2011 年人口普查的結果, 皆指根據 居住人口 方法點算所得的居港人口 不過, 它們的普查參考時刻卻並不相同 2001 年人口普查 2006 年中期人口統計和 2011 年人口普查的普查參考時刻分別是 3 月中 7 月中和 6 月底 在作出比較時, 需留意統計期不同所帶來的影響, 特別是有關教育特徵和經濟特徵等的數據項目 再者, 將普查參考時刻由 3 月中改至 6 月底對 2011 年人口普查能涵蓋的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目可能有所影響, 因為較多該等人士可能在接近暑假期間暫時離港 ( 例如返回內地 ) 1 基於以上原因, 作出比較時需特別留意 儘管如此,2001 年人口普查 2006 年中期人口統計及 2011 年人口普查的結果仍可作概括性比較 1.5 As for Mobile Residents, they are Hong Kong Permanent Residents who had stayed in Hong Kong for at least 1 month but less than 3 months during the 6 months before or for at least 1 month but less than 3 months during the 6 months after the census reference moment, regardless of whether they were in Hong Kong or not at the census reference moment. 1.6 This report analyses the characteristics of persons from the mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 years (PMRs) by making use of statistical data compiled from the 2011 Population Census. Comparisons are made with results from the 2001 Population Census and the 2006 Population By-census when appropriate. 1.7 The results of the 2001 Population Census, the 2006 Population By-census and the 2011 Population Census presented in this report all refer to the Hong Kong Resident Population enumerated under the resident population approach. However, their census reference moments are different, with the 2001 Population Census in mid-march, the 2006 Population By-census in mid-july and the 2011 Population Census in end-june respectively. Caution has to be taken in making comparison in view of the effect due to different reference periods particularly for such data topics as educational characteristics and economic characteristics. In addition, the change in the census reference moment from mid-march to end of June may also have implication on the magnitude of PMRs captured in the 2011 Population Census as more PMRs might be temporarily away from Hong Kong (e.g. returned to the Mainland) near the summer vacation 1. In view of these, caution has to be taken in making comparison. Nonetheless, results of the 2001 Population Census, the 2006 Population By-census and the 2011 Population Census are broadly comparable. 1 根據人口普查 / 中期人口統計所採用的 居住人口 方法, 只有於點算時刻在港的香港非永久性居民才會包括在人口普查 / 中期人口統計內 因此, 部分未成為香港永久性居民的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士如於點算時刻不在港 ( 例如暫時離港 ), 並不包括在內, 縱然他 / 她們可能已於香港長期居住 1 According to the resident population approach adopted in the population census/by-census, Hong Kong Non-permanent Residents are covered in the census/by-census only if they are present in Hong Kong at the reference moment. Hence, PMRs, who are not yet Hong Kong Permanent Residents, are not covered if they are not in Hong Kong (e.g. temporarily away from Hong Kong) at the reference moment, despite that some of them may have been residing in Hong Kong on a long term basis 年人口普查 Population Census

15 緒言 Introduction 1.8 人口普查 / 中期人口統計問及 出生地點 國籍 及 在港居住年期 根據這些資料, 可估計內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的數目 在本報告, 被界定為 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士, 是於人口普查 / 中期人口統計時, 報稱 : 1.8 The Population Census/By-census included questions on Place of birth, Nationality and Duration of residence in Hong Kong. Based on information thus obtained, the number of PMRs can be derived. In this report, PMRs refer to persons who reported in the Population Census/By-census that they: ( 一 ) 其出生地點為中國內地 ; (i) were born in the mainland of China; ( 二 ) 國籍是 中國 ( 永久居留地是香港 ) ; 並 (ii) were of Chinese nationality with place of domicile in Hong Kong; and ( 三 ) 居港少於 7 年的人士 (iii) had stayed in Hong Kong for less than 7 years. 1.9 值得注意的是, 除了居留權證明 書持有人 2 外, 大部分 內地來港定居未 足 7 年人士 均為香港非永久性居民 另一方面, 以簽證來港工作或讀書, 並在中國內地出生及國籍是 中國 ( 永久居留地不是香港 ) 的人士, 並不界定為內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 根據 2011 年人口普查的結果, 約有 名上述的人士包括在居港人口的範圍之內 1.10 除人口普查 / 中期人口統計外, 內地新來港人士的統計數字亦可由其他來源取得 這包括 (i) 所有持單程通行證經羅湖邊境出入境管制站首次抵港的人士向入境事務處提供的資料 ;(ii) 由民政事務總署持續進行的內地新來港人士統計調查, 這項調查是在人事登記處 九龍分處向來港未足 1 年的新來港人士申領香港身份證時進行的 ; 及 (iii) 在 2005 年進行的有關 內地來港定居 7 年以下人士的需要 的主題性住戶統計調查 附錄內的統計表載錄 2001 年至 2011 年經來源 (i) 搜集所得的主要統計數字 而其餘兩個統計調查的結果可 1.9 It should be noted that except for the holders of Certificate of Entitlement 2, most PMRs were Hong Kong Non-permanent Residents. On the other hand, persons who were born in the mainland of China and were of Chinese nationality with place of domicile not in Hong Kong (those coming to Hong Kong for employment or study with a valid Visa/permit) were not classified as PMRs. According to the results of the 2011 Population Census, there were a total of about such persons who were also under the coverage of Hong Kong Resident Population Apart from the Population Census/By-census, statistics on new arrivals from the Mainland are available from other sources. These include (i) information provided by all One-way Permit Holders to the Immigration Department when they first entered Hong Kong via the Lo Wu control point; (ii) the continuous Survey on New Arrivals from the Mainland conducted by Home Affairs Department to new arrivals who have arrived in Hong Kong for less than 1 year when they apply for the Hong Kong Identity Card at the Registration of Persons - Kowloon Office; and (iii) the Thematic Household Survey on Needs of persons from the Mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 2 內地出生兒童如在出生時其父或母已屬於香港永久性居民, 將合資格申請居留權證明書 當這些兒童透過單程通行證計劃抵港時, 會即時成為香港永久性居民 2 Children born in the Mainland are eligible for a Certificate of Entitlement for the right of abode in Hong Kong if one or both of their parents were Hong Kong Permanent Residents at the time of their birth. These children would immediately become Hong Kong Permanent Residents on arriving at Hong Kong via the oneway permit scheme 年人口普查 Population Census

16 緒言 Introduction 分別於民政事務總署的網頁 ( 及政府統計處 ( 出版的 主題性住戶統計調查第 28 號報告書 內找到 7 years conducted in Key statistics from source (i) covering the period 2001 to 2011 are presented in the tables in the Appendix. For the results of the latter two surveys, they can be found in the website of the Home Affairs Department ( and the report Thematic Household Survey Report No. 28 published by the Census and Statistics Department ( respectively. 報告結構 Report structure 1.11 本報告共分 8 章 第 2 章簡介內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的特徵 第 3 章首先追溯 2001 年至 2011 年內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目的轉變, 並會觀察內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的年齡性別狀況 1.12 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的人口特徵在第 4 章有詳細研究, 並載列他 / 她們的婚姻狀況 在港居住年期及慣用語言的統計數字及其詮釋 1.13 第 5 章載列內地來港定居未足 7 年人士教育程度的詳細統計數字及附以分析 並研究年輕的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的就學情況 1.14 第 6 章展示內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的就業情況, 特別參考男性與女性內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的差異 此外, 亦會與整體工作人口作出比較 1.15 由於大部分內地來港定居未足 7 年人士是來港作家庭團聚的兒童及香港男士的妻子, 他 / 她們的居住情況有特別特徵 第 7 章研究內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的居住情況及家庭住戶的特徵 1.16 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的地區特徵載於第 8 章 1.11 This report consists of 8 chapters. A highlight of the characteristics of PMRs is provided in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 begins by tracing the changes in the number of PMRs from 2001 to 2011, and also looks at the age-sex profile of PMRs The demographic characteristics of PMRs are examined in detail in Chapter 4. Statistics on the marital situation, duration of residence in Hong Kong and usual language spoken by PMRs are presented with interpretations Detailed statistics, accompanied with analysis, on the educational attainment of PMRs are contained in Chapter 5. The school attendance pattern of young PMRs is also examined Patterns of employment among PMRs are explored in Chapter 6, with particular reference to differences between male PMRs and female PMRs. Comparisons are also made with the working population as a whole As most of the PMRs, who were children and wives to Hong Kong men, came to Hong Kong for family reunion, their living arrangements bear distinct features. In Chapter 7, characteristics of living arrangements and domestic households of PMRs are examined The geographical characteristics of PMRs in Hong Kong are contained in Chapter 年人口普查 Population Census

17 緒言 Introduction 1.17 本報告所有統計表所列有關內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的數字, 均是經由人口普查 / 中期人口統計的抽樣統計調查估算所得 1.17 The data relating to PMRs contained in all the tables in this report are estimates derived from the sample enquiry of the population census/by-census 雖然外籍家庭傭工是居港人口的一部分, 但為了方便比較內地來港定居未足 7 年人士與本地人口的特徵, 本報告內有關統計表的全港數字是指扣除外籍家庭傭工後編製的數字 1.18 Although foreign domestic helpers are generally part of the Hong Kong Resident Population, they are excluded from the compilation of the figures for the whole territory in the relevant tables in this report so as to facilitate a more meaningful comparison of the characteristics between PMRs and the local population. 詮釋數字時務必注意事項 Important note in interpreting figures 1.19 於詮釋本報告內的數字時務必注意, 根據 居港人口 的定義, 在人口普查 / 中期人口統計的點算時刻不在港而身份仍非香港永久性居民的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 ; 和在普查點算時刻前的 6 個月內在港逗留少於 1 個月, 及在點算時刻後的 6 個月內在港逗留少於 1 個月, 而身份為香港永久性居民的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士, 均不包括在居港人口內 1.19 In interpreting the figures in this report, it should be noted that under the definition of Hong Kong Resident Population, PMRs who were not yet Hong Kong Permanent Residents and were not in Hong Kong at the census reference moment of Population Census/By-census; and those who were Hong Kong Permanent Residents but had stayed in Hong Kong for less than 1 month during the 6 months before and also for less than 1 month during the 6 months after the census reference moment were not included in the Hong Kong Resident Population. 代號 Symbols 1.20 本刊物內各代號的含意如下 : 1.20 The following symbols are used throughout the publication: 零不適用少於 0.05% Nil Not applicable Less than 0.05% 零的數字 Nil figures 1.21 本報告內以 - 代表零的數字或數值小而近乎零的數字 1.21 Nil figures or figures very close to zero are indicated by - in this report 年人口普查 Population Census

18 緒言 Introduction 數字的捨入 Rounding of figures 1.22 由於進位原因, 統計表內個別項目的數字總和可能與總數略有出入 與金額相關的統計數字以最近的十位港元顯示 1.22 Owing to rounding, there may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total as shown in the tables. All dollar values presented in this report are rounded to the nearest ten of Hong Kong dollar 年人口普查 Population Census

19 2. 摘要 2. Summary 2.1 本報告的第 3 至第 8 章就內地來港定居未足 7 年人士作出詳細的分析, 而本章則概述重要結果 為方便參考, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的主要統計數字載列於第 13 至 16 頁 2.1 While chapters 3-8 of this report provide a detailed analysis on persons from the mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 years (PMRs), salient findings are highlighted in this chapter. For ease of reference, key statistics of PMRs are listed on pages 13 to 16. 數目及結構 2.2 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的數 目, 由 2001 年的 人, 減至 2006 年的 人及 2011 年的 人 內地來港 定居未足 7 年人士佔全港人口的比例亦由 2001 年的 4.1% 下降至 2006 年的 3.3% 及 2011 年的 2.5% 2011 年數字的回落可能是由數 個原因導致 首先, 在 2011 年人口普查參 考時刻前 7 年內抵港的單程通行證持有人 數目, 較 2006 年中期人口統計點算時刻前 的相應數目略少 其次, 更多單程通行證 持有人可能在透過單程通行證計劃抵港後 選擇不經常留港居住, 這些單程通行證持 有人可能多數時間留在內地, 或移民往其 他國家 此外, 由於暫未成為香港永久性 居民的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士如於普 查點算時刻不在港 ( 例如暫時離港 ) 將不 包括在居港人口之內 ( 縱然他 / 她們部分 可能於香港長期居住 ), 將普查參考時刻由 2001 年人口普查的 3 月中改至 2006 年中期 人口統計的 7 月中及 2011 年人口普查的 6 月底 ( 即接近學校暑假期間 ), 可能令較多 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士因在該段期間 暫時返回內地而未能包括在居港人口之 內 Size and structure 2.2 The number of PMRs decreased from in 2001 to in 2006 and in 2011, whilst their proportion in the whole population decreased from 4.1% in 2001 to 3.3% in 2006 and 2.5% in The drop in 2011 may be attributable to a number of reasons. Firstly, the number of One-way Permit holders (OWPHs) entering Hong Kong during the 7 years before the census reference moment of the 2011 Population Census was somewhat smaller than the corresponding number before the census reference moment of the 2006 Population By-census. Secondly, more of the OWPHs could have chosen not to usually reside in Hong Kong after they had been admitted to Hong Kong via the One-way Permit Scheme. These OWPHs might have returned to stay in the mainland most of the time or migrated to other countries. Furthermore, since PMRs who were not yet Hong Kong Permanent Residents were not covered in the Hong Kong Resident Population if they were not in Hong Kong (e.g. temporarily away from Hong Kong) at the census reference moment (despite that some of them were residing in Hong Kong on a long term basis), the change in census reference moment from mid-march in 2001 Population Census to mid-july in the 2006 Population By-census and end-june in the 2011 Population Census (i.e. near the summer vacation for schools) could have made more PMRs fall outside the coverage of Hong Kong Resident Population as they might have temporarily returned to the mainland during that period of the year 年人口普查 Population Census

20 摘要 Summary 2.3 在 2011 年,25 至 34 歲和 35 至 44 歲的婦女佔內地來港定居未足 7 年人士中較高的比例, 兩者分別佔 19.2% 及 21.5% 其中大部分是來港與丈夫團聚的單程通行證持有人 全港人口的對應比例分別是 7.3% 及 8.5% 在 2011 年, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的年齡中位數是 31.5 歲, 較全港人口的 42.4 歲為低 2.4 由於大量女性來港與丈夫團聚, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的性別比率 ( 即每千名女性相對的男性數目 ) 在 2011 年較全港人口為低 (460 相對 939) 進一步按年齡組別分析, 可注意到內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的性別比率除了 15 歲及以下的年齡組別外, 其他的年齡組別均遠低於 In 2011, a high proportion of the PMRs were women in the age group of and 35-44, constituting 19.2% and 21.5% of PMRs respectively in Majority of them were One-way Permit Holders who came to Hong Kong to join their husbands. The corresponding proportions for the whole population were 7.3% and 8.5% respectively. In 2011, the median age of PMRs at 31.5 was much lower than that of 42.4 for the whole population. 2.4 Owing to the large number of women coming to Hong Kong to join their husbands, the sex ratio (i.e. the number of males per females) of PMRs in 2011 was much lower than that for the whole population (460 versus 939). Further analysed by age group, it is noted that except for the age group 15 and below, the sex ratios of PMRs for the others were all far below parity. 人口特徵 2.5 在 2011 年的 名 15 歲及以 上的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士中, 已婚 人士佔 68.0%, 比例與 2001 年及 2006 年相 似 這數字比全港人口的爲高 (2011 年時 爲 58.0%) 2.6 內地來港定居未足 7 年女性傾向 嫁與較其年長的丈夫 在 2011 年的 名與配偶同住的內地來港定居未足 7 年已婚女性中, 名 ( 或 86.7%) 較其 丈夫年輕 而已婚內地來港定居未足 7 年 女性與其丈夫的年齡差距中位數為 8.0 歲 ( 即妻子較丈夫年輕 8.0 歲 ), 遠高於所有 與配偶同住的已婚女性的 3.6 歲 歲及以上的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士在家的慣用語言分布與整體人口中 相同年齡組別有些微差異 在 2011 年, 在 家中以廣州話為慣用語言的內地來港定居 未足 7 年人士的比例是 75.8%, 較全港人口 的 91.5% 為低, 而以普通話及其他中國方言 如客家話 四邑話及潮州話等為慣用語言 的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士比例則較全 港人口的為高 Demographic characteristics 2.5 Of the PMRs aged 15 and over in 2011, 68.0% were now married. The percentages in 2001 and 2006 were similar. This figure was comparatively higher than that for the whole population (58.0% in 2011). 2.6 Female PMRs were more likely to marry to husbands older than themselves. Among the now married female PMRs living with spouse in 2011, (86.7%) of them were younger than their husbands. The median age difference between now married female PMRs with their husbands was 8.0 years (i.e. wives younger than husbands by 8.0 years), much higher than the 3.6 years for all now married females living with spouse. 2.7 The distribution of usual language spoken at home of PMRs aged 5 and over was slightly different from that of the same age group in the whole population in While the proportion of PMRs speaking Cantonese as usual language was 75.8% in 2011, lower than the 91.5% for the whole population, there were a higher proportion of PMRs speaking Putonghua and other Chinese dialects like Hakka, Sze Yap and Chiu Chau at home 年人口普查 Population Census

21 摘要 Summary 教育 2.8 越來越多 15 歲及以上的內地來港 定居未足 7 年人士曾接受專上教育, 所佔 比例由 2001 年的 5.7% 上升至 2011 年的 16.0% 相反地, 具小學或以下教育程度的 比例, 在同期間由 32.0% 下降至 15.0% 歲及以上的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的教育程度較全港人口中相同年 齡組別的為低 一方面, 在 2011 年只曾受 初中或以下教育的內地來港定居未足 7 年 人士的比例較全港人口的比例為高 ( 56.0% 相對 40.9%) 另一方面, 曾受高中 教育及專上教育的內地來港定居未足 7 年 人士比例分別是 28.0% 及 16.0%, 這兩個比例 均遠低於全港人口的相應數字, 分別是 31.4% 及 27.7% Education 2.8 The proportion of PMRs aged 15 and over who had attended post-secondary education kept on increasing. The figure increased from 5.7% in 2001 to 16.0% in On the contrary, the proportion of those with primary or below education decreased from 32.0% to 15.0% over the same period. 2.9 The educational attainment of PMRs aged 15 and over was lower than that of the same age group in the whole population. On one hand, there was a higher proportion of PMRs having attended only lower secondary education or below in 2011 than the whole population (56.0% versus 40.9%). On the other hand, the proportion of PMRs having attended upper secondary education and post-secondary education was 28.0% and 16.0% respectively, which were much lower than the corresponding figures of 31.4% and 27.7% for the whole population. 勞動人口 2.10 過去 10 年, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的勞動人口參與率 ( 即從事經濟活動的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士佔所有 15 歲及以上的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士百分比 ) 有所上升, 由 2001 年的 44.2% 上升至 2011 年的 47.8% 主要原因是非從事經濟活動人口中的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 ( 特別是料理家務者和學生 ) 的增長速度較在勞動人口中的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士為慢 Labour force 2.10 There was an increase in the labour force participation rate for PMRs, i.e. the proportion of economically active PMRs to the total number of PMRs aged 15 and over, from 44.2% in 2001 to 47.8% in It was mainly because the number of economically inactive PMRs, especially home-makers and students, decreased at a much faster pace than the number of PMRs who were in the labour force 內地來港定居未足 7 年的工作人士傾向在港擔任較低技術的工作 在 2011 年, 內地來港定居未足 7 年的工作人士中, 38.1% 為 服務工作及銷售人員, 另有 27.3% 為 非技術工人 全港工作人口的相應數字分別為 17.5% 及 13.3% 2.12 在 2011 年, 大多數內地來港定居未足 7 年人士都在 進出口 批發及零售業 ( 24.9% ) 和 住宿及膳食服務業 ( 24.3%) 這兩個行業工作, 後者的比例明 2.11 Working PMRs tended to take up less skillful jobs in Hong Kong. In 2011, 38.1% of the working PMRs were Service and sales workers and another 27.3% were in Elementary occupations. The corresponding figures for the whole working population were 17.5% and 13.3% respectively The majority of the PMRs were working in the Import/export, wholesale and retail trades (24.9%) and Accommodation and food services (24.3%) in This proportion for the latter was significantly 2011 年人口普查 Population Census

22 摘要 Summary 顯較全港工作人口中的對應比例 (8.5%) 為高 higher than that of the whole working population (8.5%) 隨着本地經濟的轉變, 內地來港 定居未足 7 年工作人士的每月主要職業收 入中位數向上調整, 由 2001 年的 6,000 元升 至 2011 年的 7,500 元 這 10 年間的名義升 幅為 25%, 較全港人口的 20% 為高 一般 而言, 內地來港定居未足 7 年工作人士的 每月主要職業收入低於全港工作人口 這 可能是由於較高比例的內地來港定居未足 7 年工作人士從事技能需求較少的工作, 及他 / 她們缺少本地工作經驗所致 在 2011 年, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的每 月收入中位數約只為全港工作人口的六 成 2.13 Along with the change in the local economy, the median monthly income from main employment of the working PMRs increased from $6,000 in 2001 to $7,500 in This aggregated an increase of 25% in nominal term over the ten-year period, slightly higher than that of 20% for the whole population. Generally speaking, the monthly income from main employment of the working PMRs was lower than that of the whole population. This probably because a larger proportion of PMRs took up less skillful jobs and many of them were lack of local working experience. In 2011, the median monthly income of PMRs was only about 60% of that for the whole working population. 居住情況及住戶特徵 2.14 在 2011 年有成員為內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的住戶中, 絕大部分 ( 或 90.5%) 是內地來港定居未足 7 年人士與非內地來港定居未足 7 年人士同住的 其餘 9.5% 的住戶為全部成員皆為內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 Living arrangements and household characteristics 2.14 Among the domestic households with PMRs in 2011, a vast majority (90.5%) of them had PMRs living together with non-pmrs. For the remaining 9.5% of households, all members were PMRs 有內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的家庭住戶一般人數較多 由於很多內地來港定居未足 7 年人士是來港與近親團聚, 他 / 她們大多數與家庭成員同住, 因此這類家庭住戶的平均人數在 2011 年高達 3.5 人, 較全港家庭住戶的平均人數 2.9 人為高 2.15 Domestic households with PMRs tended to be larger in size. As many PMRs came to Hong Kong to join their next of kin, they were more likely to live with their family members. The average size of these households was 3.5 in 2011, higher than that of 2.9 for all domestic households 大部分年齡在 18 歲以下, 從內地來港定居未足 7 年的兒童是與父母同住的 ( 2011 年的比例是 73.5%), 但亦有不少 ( 22.7%) 只與父或母同住, 這比例在過去 10 年更有上升趨勢 至於 18 歲及以上人士中, 男性與女性的居住情況極不相同 約 33% 的 18 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年男性只與父母同住, 而女性的相應比例只有 9.5% 另一方面,82.1% 的 18 歲及以上內地來港定居未足 7 年女性與配偶及 / 或 2.16 For PMRs aged under 18, the great majority of them (73.5% in 2011) were living with both parents. However, there was still a substantial proportion (22.7%) of these children living with either their father or mother only and this proportion was on a rising trend over the past 10 years. For PMRs aged 18 and over, the distributions of living arrangements for males and females were rather different. About 33% of the male PMRs aged 18 and over were living with their parent(s) only, while the proportion for their female counterparts 2011 年人口普查 Population Census

23 摘要 Summary 子女同住, 而男性的相應比例則是 50.3% was much lower at 9.5%. On the other hand, 82.1% of female PMRs aged 18 and over were living with their spouses and/or children as compared to the 50.3% for the male PMRs 在過去 10 年, 有內地來港定居未足 7 年人士為成員的家庭住戶的每月收入有所上升 家庭住戶每月收入中位數由 2001 年的 12,050 元增至 2011 年的 14,070 元, 增幅達 16.8% 然而, 有內地來港定居未足 7 年人士為成員的家庭住戶的每月收入中位數, 是全港家庭住戶每月收入中位數 20,500 元的 68.6% 有內地來港定居未足 7 年人士為成員的住戶的每月收入中位數較低, 可能是與內地來港定居未足 7 年工作人士的每月主要職業收入較低, 以及住戶內工作成員較少有關 2.17 Increases were observed in the monthly domestic household income of households with PMRs in the past 10 years. The median monthly domestic household income increased by 16.8% from $12,050 in 2001 to $14,070 in Nevertheless, the median monthly household income of domestic households with PMRs in 2011 ($14,070) was only 68.6% of that for all households ($20,500). This may be related to the lower monthly income from main employment of the working PMRs and the fewer working members in households with PMRs 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士居住的房屋類型在過去 10 年沒有顯著變動 在 2001 年,45.3% 的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士居於公營租住房屋, 接着是 43.7% 住在私人永久性房屋 這情況與 2011 年相似, 在 2011 年,45.1% 的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士居於公營租住房屋, 而 43.9% 居於私人永久性房屋 2.18 There was no significant change in the type of housing for PMRs in the past 10 years. In 2001, 45.3% of the PMRs were living in public rental housing, followed by 43.7% in private permanent housing. The pattern was similar in The proportion of PMRs in public rental housing was 45.1% in 2011, whilst the proportion in private permanent housing was 43.9%. 地區特徵 2.19 在過去 10 年, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的居住地區分布沒有很大改變 居住在香港島的比例由 2001 年的 13.8% 下 降至 2011 年的 11.5%, 居住在九龍的由 2001 年的 41.9% 輕微上升至 2011 年的 42.0%, 而 居住在新界的則由 2001 年的 44.2% 上升至 2011 年的 46.5% 2.20 按 2011 年每一居住地區內的內地 來港定居未足 7 年人士佔該地區人口的百 分比來分析, 可發現九龍的內地來港定居 未足 7 年人士佔九龍區人口的 3.5%, 較香 港島的 1.7% 及新界的 2.2% 為高 由於九龍 的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的比例較 高, 九龍的 5 個區議會分區 ( 即油尖旺 Characteristics of the districts 2.19 There was no significant change in the district of residence of the PMRs during the last 10 years. The proportion of PMRs living on Hong Kong Island declined from 13.8% in 2001 to 11.5% in 2011 and those living in Kowloon increased slightly from 41.9% in 2001 to 42.0% in 2011, whereas those living in the New Territories increased from 44.2% in 2001 to 46.5% in When analysed by the percentage share of PMRs to the population in each district of residence in 2011, PMRs constituted 3.5% of the population in Kowloon. This proportion was higher than that on Hong Kong Island (1.7%) and that in the New Territories (2.2%). Noting that a higher proportion of PMRs resided in Kowloon, it is not surprising to see that the 年人口普查 Population Census

24 摘要 Summary 區 深水埗區 九龍城區 黃大仙區及觀 塘區 ) 在區內錄得較高的內地來港定居未 足 7 年人士比例實不足為奇 District Council districts (viz. Yau Tsim Mong, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon City, Wong Tai Sin and Kwun Tong) all recorded a higher proportion of PMRs therein 年人口普查 Population Census

25 摘要 Summary 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的主要統計數字 Key statistics of persons from the mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 years (PMRs) 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 PMRs 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 Whole PMRs Whole PMRs Whole population (1) population (1) population (1) 人口特徵 Demographic characteristics 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士佔全港人口比例 Proportion of PMRs to the whole population (%) 按年齡組別劃分的人口比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion of population by age group (%) 人口 Population < 性別比率 ( 每千名女性相對的男性人數 ) Sex ratio (the number of males per females) 年齡中位數 Median age 15 歲及以上人口比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion of population aged 15 and over (%) 從未結婚 Never married 已婚 Now married 離婚 / 分居 / 喪偶 Divorced/Separated/Widowed 教育 Education 按教育程度 ( 最高就讀程度 ) 劃分的 15 歲及以上 人口比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion of population aged 15 and over by educational attainment (highest level attended) (%) 男性 Male 未受教育 / 學前教育 No schooling/pre-primary 小學 Primary 初中 Lower Secondary (2) 高中 / 預科 Upper secondary/sixth Form (2) (3) 專上教育 Post-secondary (3) 女性 Female 未受教育 / 學前教育 No schooling/pre-primary 小學 Primary 初中 Lower Secondary (2) 高中 / 預科 Upper secondary/sixth Form (2) (3) 專上教育 Post-secondary (3) 合計 Both sexes 未受教育 / 學前教育 No schooling/pre-primary 小學 Primary 初中 Lower Secondary (2) 高中 / 預科 Upper secondary/sixth Form (2) (3) 專上教育 Post-secondary (3) 年人口普查 Population Census

26 摘要 Summary 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的主要統計數字 ( 續 ) Key statistics of persons from the mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 years (PMRs) (Cont'd.) 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 PMRs 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 Whole PMRs Whole PMRs Whole population (1) population (1) population (1) 勞動人口 Labour force 勞動人口參與率 ( 百分比 ) Labour force participation rate (%) 男性 Male 女性 Female 合計 Both sexes 每月主要職業收入中位數 ( 港元 ) 6,000 11,000 6,000 10,000 7,500 12,000 Median monthly income from main employment (HK$) (4 ) 按職業劃分的工作人口比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion of working population by occupation (4) (%) 經理及行政級人員 Managers and administrators 專業人員 Professionals 輔助專業人員 Associate professionals 文書支援人員 Clerical support workers 服務工作及銷售人員 Service and sales workers 工藝及有關人員 Craft and related workers 機台及機器操作員及裝配員 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 非技術工人 Elementary occupations 漁農業熟練工人及不能分類的職業 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers; and occupations not classifiable (5) 按行業劃分的工作人口比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion of working population by industry (5) (%) 製造業 Manufacturing 建造業 Construction 進出口 批發及零售業 Import/export, wholesale and retail trades 運輸 倉庫 郵政及速遞服務業 Transportation, storage, postal and courier services 住宿及膳食服務業 Accommodation and food services 資訊及通訊業 Information and communications 金融及保險業 Financing and insurance 地產 專業及商用服務業 Real estate, professional and business services 公共行政 教育 人類醫療保健及社工活動 Public administration, education, human health and social work activities 雜項社會及個人服務 Miscellaneous social and personal services (6) 其他 Others (6) 年人口普查 Population Census

27 摘要 Summary 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的主要統計數字 ( 續 ) Key statistics of persons from the mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 years (PMRs) (Cont'd.) 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 PMRs 內地來港定居未足 (1) 7 年人士全港人口 Whole PMRs Whole PMRs Whole population (1) population (1) population (1) 勞動人口 ( 續 )Labour force (Cont d) 按經濟活動身分劃分的 15 歲及以上非從事經濟活動人口比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion of economically inactive population aged 15 and over by economic activity status (%) 料理家務者 Home-makers 學生 Students 退休人士 Retired persons 其他 Others 住戶特徵 Household characteristics 家庭住戶數目 Number of domestic households 家庭住戶平均人數 Average domestic household size 家庭住戶每月收入中位數 Median monthly domestic household income (HK$) ,050 18,710 12,000 17,250 14,070 20,500 房屋特徵 Housing characteristics 按房屋類型劃分的人口比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion of population by type of housing (%) 公營租住房屋 Public rental housing 資助自置居所房屋 Subsidized home ownership housing 私人永久性房屋 Private permanent housing 非住宅用房屋 Non-domestic housing (7) 臨時房屋 Temporary housing (7) 地區特徵 Characteristics of the districts 按地區劃分的人口比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion of population by area (%) 香港島 Hong Kong Island 九龍 Kowloon 新界及水上 New Territories and Marine 年人口普查 Population Census

28 摘要 Summary 註釋 : (1) 有關人口數字不包括外籍家庭傭工 Notes : (1) Figures relating to population exclude foreign domestic helpers. (2) 這些數字包括於 2001 年人口普查的 專業教育學院 / 前理工學院 / 商科學校 / 職業訓練局的證書 / 文憑課程 (3) 在 2001 年人口普查時, 這些數字包括所有最高就讀教育程度為各頪證書 / 文憑 / 副學士 / 院士銜或同等課程 ( 註釋 2 所列明的課程除外 ) 的人士 (4) 2011 年的統計數字是根據新職業分類編製 2011 年人口普查所採用的新職業分類是以 國際標準職業分類 2008 年版 為藍本而編定 (5) 2011 年的統計數字是根據新行業分類編製 2011 年人口普查所採用的新行業分類系統基本上是以 香港標準行業分類 2.0 版 ( 等同於聯合國的 所有經濟活動的國際標準行業分類修訂本第 4 版 ) 為藍本而編定 (6) 其他 包括 農業及漁業 採礦及採石業 電力和燃氣供應及廢棄物管理 等行業, 及報稱的行業不能分類或描述不足 (2) The figures include Diploma / Certificate courses in Institute of Vocational Education / former Polytechnics / commercial schools / industrial training centres of Vocational Training Council in the 2001 Population Census. (3) The figures include all persons with the educational attainment (highest level attended) at different types of diploma / certificate courses, associateship courses or equivalent courses (except those courses specified in Note 2) in the 2001 Population Census. (4) Figures for 2011 are compiled based on the new occupation classification adopted in the 2011 Population Census which is modeled on the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08). (5) Figures for 2011 are compiled based on the new industry classification adopted in the 2011 Population Census which is basically modeled on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0 (equivalent to the United Nations International Standard Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev. 4). (6) Others include Agriculture and fishing ; Mining and quarrying ; Electricity and gas supply ; Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities and industrial activities inadequately described or unclassifiable. (7) 這些數字包括現居於船艇上的人士 (7) The figures include persons currently living on board vessels 年人口普查 Population Census

29 3. 數目及結構 3. Size and Structure 數目及增長 3.1 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目, 由 2001 年的 人, 減至 2006 年的 人及 2011 年的 人 在過去 10 年, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士出現負增 長, 錄得平均每年 -4.2% 的負增長率, 而同 期間整體人口的相應數字則為 0.4% ( 圖 3.1) 3.2 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士相對全港人口的比例由 2001 年的 4.1% 下降至 2006 年的 3.3% 及 2011 年的 2.5% ( 圖 3.1) 年數字的回落可能是由數個原因導致 首先, 在 2011 年人口普查參考 時刻前目, 較 7 年內抵港的單程通行證持有人數 2006 年中期人口統計普查參考時刻 前的相應數目為少 其次, 更多單程通行 證持有人可能在透過單程通行證計劃抵港 後選擇不經常留港居住, 這些單程通行證 持有人可能多數時間留在內地, 或移民往 其他國家 此外, 由於暫未成為香港永久性居民的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士如於 普查參考時刻不在港 ( 例如暫時離港 ) 將 不包括在居港人口之內 ( 縱然他 / 她們部 分可能於香港長期居住 ), 將點算時刻由 2001 年人口普查的 3 月中改至 2006 年中期 人口統計的 7 月中及 2011 年人口普查的 6 月底 ( 即接近學校暑假期間 ), 可能令較多 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士因在該段期間 暫時返回內地而未能包括在居港人口之 內 然而, 從 2001 年人口普查 2006 年中 期人口統計及 2011 年人口普查的結果所得 有關內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的特徵仍可作概括性比較 ( 圖 3.1) Size and growth 3.1 The number of persons from the mainland having resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 years (PMRs) decreased from in 2001 to in 2006 and in Negative average annual growth rate of -4.2% was recorded for the PMRs over the past 10 years, while the corresponding figure for the whole population was 0.4% during the same period. (Chart 3.1) 3.2 The proportion of PMRs in the whole population decreased from 4.1% in 2001 to 3.3% in 2006 and 2.5% in (Chart 3.1) 3.3 The drop in 2011 may be attributable to a number of reasons. Firstly, the number of One-way Permit Holders (OWPHs) entering Hong Kong during the 7 years before the census reference moment of the 2011 Population Census was somewhat smaller than the corresponding number before the census reference moment of the 2006 Population By-census. Secondly, more of the OWPHs could have chosen not to usually reside in Hong Kong after they had been admitted to Hong Kong via the One-way Permit Scheme. These OWPHs might have returned to stay in the mainland most of the time or migrated to other countries. Furthermore, since PMRs who were not yet Hong Kong Permanent Residents were not covered in the Hong Kong Resident Population if they were not in Hong Kong (e.g. temporarily away from Hong Kong) at the census reference moment (despite that some of them were residing in Hong Kong on a long term basis), the change in reference moment from mid-march in 2001 Population Census to mid-july in the 2006 Population By-census and 2011 Population Census (i.e. near the summer vacation for schools) could have made more PMRs fall outside the coverage of Hong Kong Resident Population as they might have temporarily returned to the mainland during that period of the year. Nevertheless, the profile of PMRs derived from results of the 2001 Population Census, 2006 Population Bycensus and 2011 Population Census should be broadly comparable. (Chart 3.1) 2011 年人口普查 Population Census

30 數目及結構 Size and Structure (1) 圖 年 2006 年及 2011 年內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的數目及佔全港人口的比例 Chart 3.1 Number of PMRs and proportion to the whole population (1), 2001, 2006 and 數目 Number 比例 ( 百分比 ) Proportion (%) 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Number of PMRs 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士佔全港人口 (1) 的比例 Proportion of PMRs to the whole population (1) 平均每年增長率 ( 百分率 ) Average annual growth rate (%) 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (1) 全港人口 Whole population (1) 註釋 : (1) 數字不包括外籍家庭傭工 Note : (1) Figures exclude foreign domestic helpers 年人口普查 Population Census

31 數目及結構 Size and Structure 年齡及性別結構 3.4 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的年齡性別狀況在過去 10 年有顯著改變 15 歲以下的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的比例, 從 2001 年的 35.0% 下跌至 2006 年的 29.2% 及 2011 年的 20.0% 而 15 至 24 歲, 25 至 34 歲及 35 至 44 歲的比例, 則分別自 2001 年的 14.7%,17.4%,17.7% 上升至 2011 年的 18.3%,22.1%,26.2% 同時, 55 歲及以上年齡組別的比例, 從 2001 年的 6.0% 輕微下降至 2011 年的 4.2% ( 表 3.1 及表 3.2) 3.5 在 2011 年, 25 至 34 歲和 35 至 44 歲的婦女佔內地來港定居未足 7 年人士中較高的比例, 兩者分別佔 19.2% 及 21.5% 其中大部分是來港與丈夫團聚的單程通行證持有人 全港人口的對應比例分別是 7.3% 及 8.5% ( 表 3.1 及表 3.2) 3.6 在 2011 年, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的年齡中位數是 31.5 歲, 較全港人口的 42.4 歲為低 ( 表 3.3) Age and sex structure 3.4 Significant changes were observed in the age-sex profile of PMRs during the past 10 years. While the proportion of PMRs aged under 15 decreased from 35.0% in 2001 to 29.2% in 2006 and then further decreased to 20.0% in 2011, there was an increase in the proportion of PMRs aged 15-24, and from 14.7%, 17.4% and 17.7% respectively in 2001 to 18.3%, 22.1% and 26.2% in At the same time, the proportion of PMRs in the age group 55 and over decreased slightly from 6.0% in 2001 to 4.2% in (Table 3.1 and Table 3.2) 3.5 In 2011, a high proportion of the PMRs were women in the age group of and 35-44, constituting 19.2% and 21.5% of the PMRs respectively. Majority of them were One-way Permit Holders who came to Hong Kong to join their husbands. The corresponding proportions for the whole population were 7.3% and 8.5% respectively. (Table 3.1 and 3.2) 3.6 In 2011, the median age of PMRs at 31.5 was much lower than that of 42.4 for the whole population. (Table 3.3) 2011 年人口普查 Population Census

32 數目及結構 Size and Structure 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別及年齡組別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士數目 Table 3.1 PMRs by sex and age group, 2001, 2006 and 2011 性別 Sex 年齡組別 Age group 數目 Number 佔全港 (1) 人口比例 Proportion to the whole population (1) 數目 Number 佔全港 (1) 人口比例 Proportion to the whole population (1) 數目 Number 佔全港 (1) 人口比例 Proportion to the whole population (1) 男性 < Male 小計 Sub-total 女性 < Female 小計 Sub-total 合計 < Both sexes 總計 Total 註釋 : (1) 在各年齡性別組別, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士佔全港人口的比例 ( 不包括外籍家庭傭工 ) Note : (1) Refer to the proportion of PMRs in the respective age-sex group of the population (exclude foreign domestic helpers) 年人口普查 Population Census

33 數目及結構 Size and Structure 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別及年齡組別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的人口 (1) 分布 Table 3.2 Distribution (1) of PMRs by sex and age group, 2001, 2006 and 2011 性別 Sex 年齡組別 Age group 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (2) 全港人口 Whole population (2) 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (2) 全港人口 Whole population (2) 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (2) 全港人口 Whole population (2) 男性 < Male 合計 Overall 女性 < Female 合計 Overall 合計 < Both sexes 合計 Overall 註釋 : (1) 數字顯示在總人數中所佔的百分比 Notes : (1) Figures represent the percentages in respect of the total. (2) 數字不包括外籍家庭傭工 (2) Figures exclude foreign domestic helpers 年人口普查 Population Census

34 數目及結構 Size and Structure 表 年 2006 年及 2011 年按性別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的年齡中位數 Table 3.3 Median age of PMRs by sex, 2001, 2006 and 2011 性別 Sex 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (1) 全港人口 Whole population (1) 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (1) 全港人口 Whole population (1) 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (1) 全港人口 Whole population (1) 男性 Male 女性 Female 合計 Both sexes 註釋 : (1) 數字不包括外籍家庭傭工 Note : (1) Figures exclude foreign domestic helpers. 3.7 由於大量女性來港與丈夫團聚, 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的性別比率 ( 即每千名女性相對的男性數目 ) 在 2011 年較全港人口為低 (460 相對 939) 進一步按年齡組別分析, 可注意到內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的性別比率除了 15 歲及以下的年齡組別外, 其他的年齡組別均遠低於 ( 表 3.4) 3.7 Owing to the large number of women coming to Hong Kong to join their husbands, the sex ratio (i.e. the number of males per females) of PMRs in 2011 was much lower than that for the whole population (460 versus 939). Further analysed by age group, it is noted that except for the age group 15 and below, the sex ratios of PMRs for the others were all far below parity. (Table 3.4) 表 3.4 (1) 2001 年 2006 年及 2011 年按年齡組別劃分的內地來港定居未足 7 年人士的性別比率 Table 3.4 Sex ratio (1) of PMRs by age group, 2001, 2006 and 2011 年齡組別 Age group 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (2) 全港人口 Whole population (2) 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (2) 全港人口 Whole population (2) 內地來港定居未足 7 年人士 PMRs (2) 全港人口 Whole population (2) < 合計 Overall 註釋 : (1) 在各年齡組別, 男性數目與每千名女性相對的比 Notes : (1) The number of males per females in the respective age group. 率 (2) 數字不包括外籍家庭傭工 (2) Figures exclude foreign domestic helpers 年人口普查 Population Census

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