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3 編採部 Editorial Page 8 發展項目總裁 Special Projects President: Gordon Pun - gpun@freshmedia.com.hk 發展經理 Development Manager: Jason Chow - kchow@freshmedia.com.hk 統籌 Coordinator: Dennis Ho - dho@freshmedia.com.hk 總編輯 Chief Editor: Jonathan Chang - editor@freshmedia.com.hk 中國人食燕窩可追溯至唐朝 據悉唐代女皇帝武則天經常食用燕窩養顏 繼後歷宗宋元迄明 Carmel Yip (Wine & Hotel) - cyip@freshmedia.com.hk Erica Lo (Catering & Grocery) - elo@freshmedia.com.hk 記者 Reporter: Natalie Leung - editor@freshmedia.com.hk Man Lo - editor@freshmedia.com.hk Jessi Siu - editor@freshmedia.com.hk Lok Law - editor@freshmedia.com.hk Yvonne Choy - editor@freshmedia.com.hk Jac Kwok - editor@freshmedia.com.hk 資料搜集 Researcher: Stephen, Eric, Wah, Yue 清 燕窩入饌之風在上流社會間始終不絕 而正列宮延御膳則由明代開始 當時東南亞附近之 美術部 Art 編輯 Editor: 白手興家創業路 以 比好 更好 開創普及養生新一頁 官燕棧國際有限公司董事總經理朱志明先生 A "Better than Just Good" Venture Disseminates Health and Sustainability Mr. Samson Chu, Managing Director, Imperial Bird s Nest International Co. Ltd. Dennis Ho (Wine & Hotel) - dho@freshmedia.com.hk Bear Chow (Catering & Grocery) - bchow@freshmedia.com.hk 廣告熱線 Advertising Hotline: (852) 承印 Printer KINWAY PRODUCTION CO. 出版 Publisher 設計 Design: Mell Wong - mwong@freshmedia.com.hk GROCER & CATERER is published by Fresh Media Concepts Ltd. Tel: (852) Fax: (852) info@freshmedia.com.hk Chinese's diet habit of bird's nest traces back to Tong Dynasty when Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese 攝影 Photographer: Shan, Yee, Jason Lai, K Lam, Several Chan history, consumed bird's nest for skincare purpose. Since then to Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty, bird's nest 特約攝影伙伴 Appointed Photographic Partner became a trendy delicacy in the noble class. It had become a royal nutriment since Ming Dynasty, when smaller HeeKa Image Studio Rm 310, South China Cold Storage Building, Wah Sing Street, Kwai Chung, N.T. Tel: (852) countries in the Southeast Asian region gave precious bird's nest to Chinese emperor as tribute Hit The Headlines 市場焦點 Women's Insight 賢談智慧 Nielsen Report 市場調查 Industry Elites 業界精英 Elite Style 精英品味 Guardian Angel-Amoy 淘大天使 Know It Knew It 似曾相識 22 The Grocery Affair 百貨薈萃 Grocers Flashlight 百貨消息 Brand Story 品牌故事 Inspired Sourcing 採購手札 Environmental Compliance Promotion Programme Thematic Workshop for Business The Chef in Business: Chee Gor 清熱酷爸爸 兩棲類總司令 幟哥 Light Up your Dish with Healthy Ibérico Ham Awarded Jamón de España Freshly Brought by the Spanish Pantry 為菜餚添上西班牙健康香濃色彩 Ask the Chef 大廚秘笈 New Theory of Shallow Frying 油泡新說 版權所有 不得翻印 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is strictly prohibited. The Grape Vine 酒之達人 Walk Through the Vines 酒訪見聞 Expo Exploration 博覽情報 Explore the World of Wine At Vinexpo Asia-Pacific 共同探索熱誠的葡萄酒世界 Viva il Vino Italiano 提升企業優勢 拓展綠色商機 工商業環保營商工作坊 "Building a brand is no different from raising a child" 培養品牌如帶小孩一樣 50 Enhance enterprises advantage and explore green business opportunities Dining Idea 美食膳意 Printed in Hong Kong 66 Catering the Caterer 食府精髓 "Father" of Sensa Cools: The Spanish Pantry 帶來獲獎西班牙黑毛豬火腿 Column 專欄 34 News À La Carte 餐飲快遞 33 市場及推廣部 Sales & Marketing 美術總監 Art Director: Jason Chow - kchow@freshmedia.com.hk 小國進貢天朝皇帝珍品 其中不乏極品頂級燕窩 順理成章被譽為 貢燕 或 官燕... Exhibition Calendar 展會資訊 Issue Cover Story 人物故事 榮譽顧問 Honorary Consultant: Terence Lo - tlo@freshmedia.com.hk 56 為意大利酒歡呼 Hail for the Italian Wine Toast to Wine 達人酒記 Telmo Rodríguez Wine of the Origin 74 Telmo Rodríguez 釀出最自然的葡萄酒 60 Interview with the Brains of Telford Wine & Spirit Division 專訪匯泉餐酒及洋酒部主持人 Hong Kong Wine Centre Partnering Logistics with Tax-free Advantage 香港世界葡萄酒中心以物流配合免酒稅之優勢 Dynasty Château Brews Chinese Wine Culture The making of a piece of thinner-than-hair noodle 切出比髮絲還幼的麵線 王朝酒堡 建中國葡萄酒文化 Wine Index 醇酒指數 92

4 Editorial 歲月神偷 為政府及八十後上了寶貴的一課, 電影充分展現出媒體在思想上的強大感染力, 有效地影響了政策, 成功救回永利街 背後的意義比起贏了獎項來得更重大, 更能讓該電影留芳百世 要改變政權政策, 利用武力 吵鬧 絕食等 在一般人眼中可能是最直接而簡單的方法, 但硬碰硬得來的結果必然是兩敗俱傷 八十後衝擊立法會的行動, 引來社會上不少的評論聲音, 有批評的, 也有讚賞的, 正所謂 妹仔大過主人婆, 市民的視線完全由 反高鐵 轉移至 八十後衝擊立法會的行動, 此舉多少顯示出市民對事件的關注取向 前陣子筆者跟一位從事心理學的老前輩食飯時, 他為此衝擊立法會事件說了一句話 : 那些八十後的年青人以為吵吵鬧鬧 絕食 大力關房門就能在父母身上得到一切的那一套用了在社會上! 他們那些充滿創意的頭腦去了那裡? 我小時候見識過什麼叫武力 什麼叫亂, 雖然這班年青人的行為未算得上是武力, 但我不希望見到年青一代只會集中用一種方法去解決問題 我欣賞他們的出發點, 但作為一個老人家, 實在難以認同他們的行為 對於老一輩的人來說, 他們經歷過打仗 逃難 窮到無飯開等的時期, 對 強權 的接受程度必定大於 武力 而 歲月神偷 就正正教導了新一代年青人, 要好好裝備自己, 然後多用不同類型的正能量手法去感動社會, 從而作出更美好的改變! 最後不得不提狄娜姐姐留給我們香港傳媒的遺言 : 各位傳媒朋友, 請繼續你們有建設性的工作, 只要你秉承良知, 人類的社會就會因傳媒而進步 傳媒的一支筆, 可以幫人, 亦可以摧毁人, 要如何客觀地運用, 就是傳媒一生也上不完的課! 狄娜姐姐一路走好, 小弟會繼續秉承良知努力上這一生也上不完的課 Echoes of the Rainbow (Shui Yuet Sun Tau), the recent recipient of the Crystal Bear award at the 60th Berlin Film Festival has recently demonstrated the substantial effects of the media over people s minds and thoughts, by effectively and successfully influencing the Hong Kong Government s policy on preserving the almost-demolished Wing Lee Street in Sheung Wan. Such is the impact of the film over Hong Kong s urban development that it would only be fair to say that the stature of the film has risen beyond a film award recipient. In the political arena, violence and hunger strikes might appear to be the most simple and direct means to seek political changes but the end result of such confrontation would only result in a lose-lose situation for all concerned. Though such confrontational activities, as highlighted by the public s reactions to the approving of the Express Rail Link Project to the storming of the legco building by some of the younger generation of our society, the so-called post 80s generation may reflect certain sectors of the public s concern in relation to what is happening in society, but, at the same time, it has also resulted in numerous dissection of the benefits of such activities. At a recent gathering, a veteran psychologist expressed his concerns over the outrage of the post 80s generation. He likened their protest actions with the slamming of doors at home, which at most would only work with parents, but not the community as a whole, resulting in questions of creativity and problem solving abilities. He remarked, I have experienced real riots and chaos, and what the youths are doing now cannot be considered as violence, but I still believe there are other means to resolve issues instead of resorting to such confrontation. I appreciate their good intentions, but not their course of actions. Indeed to many seniors who have experienced war, bloodshed, extreme poverty and have escaped from hostility, tyranny might seem less unwelcome than violence. Echoes of the Rainbow has to some extent reinforced this belief and hopefully provided a lesson to the new generation that they should be well equipped to take up challenges, so as to make constructive changes and improvements to society through diverse and positive approaches. To conclude, may we take the opportunity to share Ms. Tina Leung s (Ti Na) last words to the media. Dear friends of the media, please continue with your social duty and with a clear conscience, for the betterment of human society lies in the hands of your consciousness. As a well-known and debatable proverb says, the pen is mightier than the sword, the potency of the pens we media hold can be both constructive and detrimental, how to objectively utilise our tool is thus a lifelong lesson for all of us. May Ms. Tina Leung rest in peace, for we will forever strive to maintain a clear conscience in the light of our duties as part of the media.

5 Exhibition Calendar 展會資訊 SIAL Canada 2010 FHA 2010 World Expo Shanghai 2010 ThaiFex 2010 Date(s): 21 Apr 23 Apr 2010 Date(s): 20 Apr 23 Apr 2010 Date(s): 1 May 31 Oct 2010 Date(s): 12 May 16 May 2010 Venue: Palais Des Congrès De Montréal Hours: Apr: 10.00am 6.00pm Website: Hours: May: 10.00am 6.00pm Website: SIAL Canada is North America's premier agri-food event. It is also a oneof-a-kind opportunity to set yourself apart from the competition as you learn about innovative ideas and breaking trends in the agri-food industry. Make contact with nearly 530 businesses from around the world and develop new business relationships; learn about local, regional and national products from a variety of countries, all under one roof, and keep up with the latest industry developments by visiting the Trends & Innovations area where you'll find tomorrow's hottest products. 23 Apr: 10.00am 4.00pm Venue: Singapore Expo, Halls 2-9 Website: Featuring a smorgasbord of products and supplies from the food and drinks sector, FoodAsia2010 is a dedicated platform catering to the sourcing needs of Asian buyers. International manufacturers and suppliers get to meet thousands of highly relevant buyers from Asia s food and hospitality industry. From raw ingredients to ready-to-eat products, FoodAsia2010 is a must-attend trade event for the food & hospitality industry. Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme "Better City, Better Life." For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilisation to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century May: 10.00am 8.00pm Venue: Challenger Hall, Impact Exhibition Centre, Bangkok, Thailand Website: Thaifex is the leading international trade fair covering food & beverage, food catering, food technology, hospitality service and retail & franchise industry in South East Asia. Based on the world s largest food and beverage trade fair ANUGA in Cologne, Germany, Thaifex World of Food Asia is a one-stop shop for all in the industry. From processing technology and ingredients to the end products, the trade fair covers all areas of production, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. SIAL China 2010 Date(s): 19 May 21 May 2010 Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre European Seafood Exposition 2010 Date(s): 27 Apr 29 Apr 2010 Hours: Apr: 10.00am 6.00pm 29 Apr: 10.00am 4.00pm Venue: Brussels Exhibition Centre, Belgium Website: The European Seafood Exposition is the world's largest seafood fair. Attracting buyers and sellers from over 140 countries around the world and featuring the stands of over 1600 exhibitors, representing all categories of seafood products: fresh, canned, frozen, and value-added seafood; storage, processing, and handling equipment; a host of seafood-related services including freight-handling, insurance, and information technology. Food TAIPEI 2010 Date(s): 23 Jun 26 Jun 2010 Venue: Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall Website: FOOD TAIPEI is the only show in the East that joins every facet of food in a single bite. Celebrated its 19th birthday in 2009, the show itself has been the most popular platform for industry players to launch their products into the hottest Taiwan and overseas markets. At Food Taipei 2010, you will get a chance to interface every business in the food industry throughout Asia. Website: SIAL China is the most important trade fair for Food, Beverage & Hospitality in Mainland China. Producers and traders from all over the world meet up here with all the key players of Food & Beverage. Within this sector, SIAL China is recognized as the number one platform for launching new products on the Chinese market. Interwine China 2010 Date(s): 30 May 01 Jun 2010 Hours: 09.00am 05.00pm Venue: Guangzhou Poly Exhibition Center Vinexpo Asia-Pacific 2010 Date(s): 25 May 27 May 2010 Hours: 09.30am 06.30pm Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Website: A f t e r i t s r e s o u n d i n g s u c c e s s i n , Vi n e x p o A s i a - P a c i f i c, t h e International Wine and Spirits Exhibition for Asia-Pacific will be held in Hong Kong again from 25th to 27th May The exhibition answers trade professionals expectations for these markets and reflects the importance of the industry s growth opportunities in this region. Website: Inaugurated in 2005, Interwine China is a prestigious showcase for wine and spirit production, trade, relative products and services from abroad that responds to the need of professionals in the field for a trade-fair with strong international appeal and a strict business-to-business formula. In the past 4 years, Interwine China burgeoned together with China's boosting economy and now it is the most promising professional alcoholic drinks trade show.

6 Cover Story 人物故事 官燕棧國際有限公司董事總經理朱志明先生 Mr. Samson Chu, Managing Director, Imperial Bird s Nest International Co. Ltd. 中國人食燕窩可追溯至唐朝, 據悉唐代女皇帝武則天經常食用燕窩養顏, 繼後歷宋元迄明清, 燕窩入饌之風在上流社會間始終不絕, 而正列宮延御膳則由明代開始, 當時東南亞附近之小國進貢天朝皇帝珍品, 其中不乏極品頂級燕窩, 順理成章被譽為 貢燕 或 官燕 而這種一直被認定為矜貴無比的珍品, 經官燕棧董事總經理朱志明先生 (Samson) 的不斷努力下, 今天已逐漸蛻變成一種普及化的養生食品 單看官燕棧門店的時尚裝潢和嶄新的廣告概念, 很難想像到這個品牌是已有 46 年歷史, 印尼母公司於 1964 年成立, 專營燕窩轉口貿易及批發, 自 1998 年由 Samson 引入香港並開始在香港有第一間零售專門店, 發展至現時打著 比好, 更好 旗號, 推廣優質 多元化中式養生保健產品, 深受消費者愛戴 ; 而外表高大俊朗 年僅 36 歲的 Samson, 總帶有一點點書生氣息, 本以為他是企業第二代接班人, 但他在傾談中解開眾人心裡的謎團 : 我並不是大富之家出身, 爸爸是新界人, 家庭都靠務農來支撐 Samson 童年時便知道要努力讀書, 長大後亦不負眾望考入科技大學工程系成為天子門生, 他讀書時已滿腦大計, 覺得 工字不出頭, 那時創業夢想開始萌芽 Samson 於 1996 年大學畢業後首嚐創業滋味, 當時和朋友合資經營補習社, 雖然有挫折, 但卻學到不少, 自此決心再搞生意 其後, 一次偶然的機會和家人到上環海味店購買藥材, 便牽上他與 燕窩 之間的不解緣 Chinese's diet habit of bird's nest traces back to Tong Dynasty when Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history, consumed bird's nest for skincare purpose. Since then to Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty, bird's nest became a trendy delicacy in the noble class. It had become a royal nutriment since Ming Dynasty, when smaller countries in the Southeast Asian region gave precious bird's nest to Chinese emperor as tribute. Nowadays, this valuable treasure has evolved to be a common health food after efforts of Mr. Samson Chu, Managing Director, Imperial Bird s Nest International Co. Ltd. It is hard to imagine Imperial Bird's Nest is a 46-year-old brand regarding the stylish interior design of its outlets and the innovative promotion concept. The parent company in Indonesia was founded in 1964 specialising in bird's nest reexport trading and wholesales. This popular brand started with its first retail store in Hong Kong opened in 1998 and has been developing under the slogan "better than just good", to promote quality and diversified Chinese healthcare products. Some may see Samson, a charming businessman aged 36, is the second-generation of the company s owner. However, he unveiled the mystery: "I was not born in a wealthy family. My father comes from the New Territories and our family was supported by farming." Samson knew the importance to study hard since his childhood and he was admitted to the School of Engineering in the University of Science and Technology. The idea of starting his own business grew in Samson's university years, when he got many grand plans in his mind as he believed one cannot be outstanding to be an employee. In 1996, Samson started his first business after graduated. "I ran a tutorial school with my friend at that time. Although there were hard times, I learnt a lot and I determined to run my own business again." After that, Samson began his relationship with bird's nest with a shopping experience in a dried seafood and tonic food store in Sheung Wan.

7 Cover Story 人 物 故 事 Samson外型高佻 筆者隨意問吃燕窩是否可以增高 他則笑說是燕窩的功 勞 因有促進細胞再生 增強身體免疫的能力 Can bird's nest help children to grow as tall as you, Samson? Yes, because bird's nest can facilitate cell repair and strengthen immune system. 2. 為 將 燕 窩 普 及 化 官 燕 棧 經 詳 細 分 析 後 訂 出 揀 燕 窩 十 式 供 顧 客 知 多 點 學多點 請參考本期第103頁 Imperial Bird's Nest provides customers with "Ten tip of choosing bird's nest" to make the delicacy a more common food. Turn to p.103 for more tips and hints in choosing quality bird's nest. 從購物平常事悟出商機 A shopping experience inspired a business opportunity 首創樓上舖專門店潮流 一椿見怪不怪的 講價 事件 卻讓 Samson 深刻記於腦中 我看 Everything started with a normal bargaining scenario. "I saw customers in the store 雖然公司命名為 官燕棧 意喻 尊貴燕窩的倉庫 但不代表公 到店內的顧客和售貨員討價還價買燕窩 最後竟爭取到以 6 折價錢出 售 更讓我發現 燕窩價格與品質原來可以這樣參差 我認定這是 bargaining with the seller on the price of bird's nest, which the customer eventually got a 40% discount. I found that price and quality of bird's nest were so varied. I knew I have a good chance to explore business opportunities from this discrepancy." 眾對此遙不可及 相反 經過 Samson 把優質燕窩普及化之後 這矜 貴的食物倒變得平易近人 由於在印尼自設大型燕屋及工場 由收 集 加工到售賣 一條龍 形式運作 確保質素及來源之餘 又可省 發掘商機的好機會 可惜當時的市場資訊未如今天般發達 為了解 However, market information was not as robust as we have now; Samson had to 市場情況 Samson 不時到上環海味街扮成買家 格價 收集情報 compare prices shop by shop on the Wing Lok Street, which is a famous marketplace 卻中介人的費用 故官燕棧能以較優惠的價格出售燕窩 不幸地 公 for dried seafood. "Most dried seafood stores sold 'wet bird's nest' which comprises of 司當時受 97 金融風暴影響 不少批發客如中式酒樓等相繼結業 收 different types of bird's nests that the quality was so varied. Customers were charged 入少了一大半 但有危即有機 當時市面的店舖租金急跌 Samson unreasonably as the more humid the bird's nest contained the more expensive was its 想到進軍樓上舖以實踐零售 專門店 概念 官燕棧遂開了第一間 理 且店員的推銷手法亦對顧客產生壓迫感 有些老闆甚至連自己所 price. Also, sellers tried hard to push the customers to buy, while some shop owners 店 他解釋 香港租金昂貴 往往成為零售市場的成敗關鍵 故在 賣燕窩的出處也不知道 經過多番折騰 Samson 用了約一年時間 even didn't know the origin of their bird's nest." Samson spent a year's time to acquire precious information about bird's nest and fortunately by that time, he was introduced 成立之初以樓上舖形式經營 大大節省了昂貴租金 客人以 6 成市價 才漸漸掌握到有關燕窩的珍貴資料 幸運地 此時經商業夥伴介紹下 當時大部分海味店售賣 濕燕 為主 把不同種類的燕窩混在一 起 質素十分參差 由於水份愈多 價格愈貴 顧客變相買得不合 認識了一名林姓印尼華僑 to an Indonesian-Chinese surnamed Lam by his business partner. 便買到優質燕窩 加強了官燕棧的競爭力 我們又為客人提供更大 更舒適的購物空間以選擇心水貨品 官燕棧脫離了當時的燕窩 "Mr Lam's family ran the bird's nest business for two generations. They have their 參茸海味的集散地 上環 轉攻旺角一幢商業大廈作為新據點 swallow houses and processing factories. Mr. Lam supplies the products to me 並不斷用傳單及賣廣告去吸引客人 希望藉這高人流地區來突圍 他供應原材料 而我則負責開拓香港市場 Samson 道出公司的起 and I am responsible for developing the Hong Kong market." Samson revealed how Imperial Bird's Nest was founded. As a 25-year-old inexperienced person, Samson 又反傳統將 濕燕 已浸發的燕窩 吹乾及抽濕變成 乾 源 當年只有 歲的黃毛小子 起初也有被人家質疑能力的經 林氏做了兩代燕窩生意 在印尼有自己的燕屋及加工場 於是由 驗 情況可能跟今天部分香港人對 80 後年青人的感覺一樣 Samson 自此學會更加虛心 要守誠信才可獲得別人信任 他利用向家人籌集 Samson had been questioned for his capability to run a business just like post 80s youngsters nowadays. Because of the criticism, Samson learnt to be more humble 燕 客人見識到官燕棧的燕窩重量合理且價格相宜 公司的口碑漸 漸建立起來 and to keep his word to win others' trust. He started the business with the fund 樓上舖專門店頓時為官燕棧殺出新血路 直至現在 公司在香港有 得來的資金 每次逐少數斤 數斤的買回來香港 以 行街 的形式 raised from his family to buy small amount of bird's nest from Mr. Lam and sold in the wholesale market from time to time. 20 家分店 四分一是樓上店 其餘則以商場 地舖為主 租金雖有 推銷 遂叩響了批發市場的大門 10 很大差異 但 Samson 堅決劃一全港所有分店的產品價格 明碼實 Initiation of Upstairs Stores Though the company was named Imperial Bird s Nest which means a store of royal bird s nest, the mass market is not excluded. This precious food became more affordable to the public after Samson s efforts. The one-stop wholesale business model, from collection, processing to sales, not only ensured the product quality and material source, but also saved agency cost that would be involved. Therefore, Imperial Bird s Nest can sell bird s nest for a cheaper price. Unfortunately, the company was hit by the financial crisis in 1997 as many customers like Chinese restaurants shut down. However, in view of the slumped rental rates, Samson took the chance to tap the retail market by renting stores in upper floors of building, dubbed upstairs store. The expensive rental expense in Hong Kong is the key determination of success in the retail market. To start the retail business in 'upstairs stores' helped us save a great deal of rental cost. Our competitiveness is enhanced as customers can purchase quality bird s nest at 60 percent of the market price. We also provide shoppers with a larger and cosier shopping area. Outside Sheung Wan the traditional marketplace of dried seafood and tonic food like bird s nest, Imperial Bird s Nest was established in a commercial high-rise in Mong Kok. They caught people s eyes through flyers and advertisements, hoping to capture the market in this overcrowded district. Samson also defies the tradition of selling wet bird s nest, instead, he dehydrated the bird s nest and sell the dried products. The company s reputation was built as customers realize its bird s nest is reasonably weighed and priced. Thanks to the innovative operation model of setting up upstairs stores, the company has 20 outlets in Hong Kong now, one-fourth of which are upstairs stores while the others are in shopping malls or on the streets. Despite the variation of rental rates, all products are priced the same in every store. This is different from the traditional dried 11

8 Cover Story 人 物 故 事 seafood store s floating pricing strategy. To further strengthen the company s edge, Samson launched a number of sales services, for instance, a membership system with shopping habit analysis to provide tailor-made discount to each customers. Also, the firm s 15-day product satisfaction guarantee was immediately followed by competitors once it was launched. Bird s nest becomes even more affordable goods with its interest-free installment service. Generalization of quality health food 官燕棧於 2005 年推出全新品牌 養生薈 主打中檔產品路線 且 a Superbrand. Furthermore, in 2006, its production and R&D centre in Hong Kong 在多個個人護理商店銷售點出售 品牌又與中醫藥學者李南先生及 became Asia s first instant bird s nest manufacturer to be awarded ISO22000 Food 大學科研機構合作 研發多元化的適時養生食療 為一眾注重養生 保健的人士 推出不同種類時令養生產品 如即飲燉湯 簡易湯料 about bird s nest. Today s Imperial Bird s Nest has become a leading Chinese health Staff can also advise the cooking method to customers, in addition to the knowledge of products' features and service requirements and The company runs over 30 retail outlets in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China. It also has a distribution network of over 1,000 pharmacy chains, 年青一代 從而推動中式養生保健大眾化 與顧客一同 分享 養 supermarkets, Chinese medicine stores, convenient stores and healthcare centres, 生 喜悅 covering the Greater China, Japan and the North America. In 2010, the company will 比好 更好 獲獎無數 open 5 to 6 new stores in Hong Kong, seeking to lure tourists and new customers through branches in shopping malls. food retail brand. It redefines the operation model of local dried seafood stores, 與 Samson 相處過的人都知道 他待人有禮誠懇 原來在培訓員工時 New Self Built through Adversity standardizes product s quality and introduces innovative and all-rounded customer 也非常著重此點 無論在入職或推出新產品時 我們都會讓員工詳 services. Besides bird s nest, its range of products also includes Cordyceps, dried Running a business isn't as smooth as it seems. Sharing the experience of starting 細了解每款產品的特點及服務要求 懷著 比好 更好 的心思 才 his own business from scratch in more than a decade ago, Samson said there were 可以運用良好服務態度及專業知識來解決顧客需要 經過多年的努 many ups and downs. When his business just kicked off operation for a month, stocks seafood and medicated food. 所有員工均對旗下產品的特點及服務要求瞭如指掌 甚至會建議烹調方法 讓客人買 得更安心 Leader by the Hong Kong Retail Management Association for two years in a row in 包 養生薈靈芝精華等 滿足繁忙的香港人 尤其照顧甚少入廚的 As a young enterprise which has only established for some ten years, Imperial Bird s Nest evolved to be a professional healthcare expert from a freshman who knew nothing Safety Certificate. On the service side, the company was awarded Service Category Under Samson s leadership, Imperial Bird s Nest has been exploring diversified 力 官燕棧亦獲得各界的認同 屢獲殊榮 於 2002 至 2004 年間分別 quality products and services with the motto Better than just good. It launched the 成為行內首間獲選為 超級品牌 及 香港 Q 嘜優質標誌 的燕窩專 product series of instant bird s nest in 2003, with the Once-A-Day being the most and money was robbed. Fortunately, Samson was able to weather the critical period with his family's support by that time. Nonetheless, he had another misfortune to be robbed again after one year despite the installation of a new security system. I 門店 亦是行內被選為 香港名牌 的最年輕品牌 而位於香港的生 had never thought of being robbed again. The thief pointed a 10-inch chef's knife intake of bird s nest concentrate to the customers. A standard amount of 20 grams 產及研發中心於 2006 年 更成為全亞洲首間獲得 ISO 食品安全 at me urging me to surrender all the assets, Samson recalled how frightened and is equivalent to six bottles of traditional instant bird s nest. Threads of the first class 認證的即食燕窩生產商 於服務方面 官燕棧亦連續 2 年獲得 2008 及 helpless he was. Then, within a few minutes, I throw out stacks of banknotes and the 價格的不良手法 為增加競爭力 Samson 更推出多項貼心服務 例 bird s nest packed in the bottle can be seen under the light. This refined product was 2009 年度由香港零售管理協會頒發的 專門店組別服務領袖 官 如首創燕窩專門店的會員制度 以先進電腦分析顧客購物習慣 主動 developed after countless trial in a year s time. Samson was thoughtful to spot the 提供合適優惠 貼身跟進顧客需要 而 15 天產品信心保證 更旋 change of time Large size bottled bird s nest was not convenient to cater for working 燕棧現時在香港 澳門和中國大陸擁有逾 30 間零售專門店 亦有分銷 價 顛覆了以往傳統參茸海味店所售產品隨不同顧客購買而開出浮動 即引起同業追隨 其後首創 燕窩免息分期服務 令大部分人也可 買得起燕窩 representative and successful example which introduced a new concept of daily 燕窩零知識的 外行人 漸漸進化成專業的 養生專家 今天的 官燕棧革新本地舊式參茸補品零售業的經營模式 為產品質量制定優 良標準及為行業注入嶄新全面的客戶服務 迅速成為中式保健零售市 Kong to observe the situation. Thanks to Samson's established trustworthy image, to be carried around so that they can enjoy the delicacy everywhere. Instant bird s nest the partner unconditionally gave him a hand to support Imperial Bird's Nest to start captured 30% of the whole market from the original 10% after the launching of Once- 分店 希望其中商場分店能吸引遊客及新客認識官燕棧 again. The company encountered another challenge when it expanded to 10 stores in Bird s Nest. In 2005, Imperial Bird s Nest launched a new series of products - IBN Life Concept targeting middle-class market and distributing it in varied personal care chain stores. The company partnered with Chinese medicine expert Mr. Li Nan and scientific 打擊不斷 成就不一樣的自己 humble in my religion. He actively participates in public services afterwards, including 盜匪光顧 貨物及金錢遭受損失 幸好有親友支持才可渡過難關 雖 recipes, taking care of people who are concerned about their well-being. The products 當時又怕又無奈 想也沒想到會再被打劫 賊人還要用 10 多吋的 也囊括在內 include instant soup, all-in-one soup ingredient pack and Cordyceps essence, to 牛肉刀迫令我把所有財產交出 於是我在短短幾分鐘內把一疊疊的現 satisfy the need of busy people especially the younger generation who seldom cook. 金 燕窩存貨拋出 我從來未試過這樣豪氣 剛起步的事業又再面 and made Chinese healthcare dietary a popular trend. 列 為顧客提供最多款式的即食燕窩產品 其中 一口棧 絕對是官 Samson is well-known for his politeness and sincerity, which he aims to train his 到 10 家分店左右 但好景不常 遇上令港人留下難以磨滅傷痕的 沙 原條 頭期官燕 載滿小瓶 這精緻小巧的出品 是官燕棧上下經歷 staff to be the same. When we hire any new staff or launch any new products, we 士 試過有一天 各店營業額總數加起來不足 10 張單 一家店 make sure all workers thoroughly understand each product s characteristics and 也開不到一張單 的確教作為老闆的異常煩惱 當然 他咬緊牙關 our service requirement. Based on the motto Better than just good, our staff can 最後捱得過去才有今天的官燕棧 但這次事件卻讓 Samson 體會到不 contribute myself and my company to improve the business environment. 一樣的自己 身為基督徒的太太給我無限支持及鼓勵 自己也成為 時間比留在家裡還多 小樽真空包裝方便攜帶 就能讓她們隨時隨地 Following years of effort, Imperial Bird s Nest is widely recognized by the market and 滋養身心 產品推出後 帶領即食燕窩在市場份額由佔一成急升至 won a numbers of awards. Between 2002 and 2004, the company became the first 了基督徒 我在信仰中學會了交托 謙卑 此後更積極參加公職 三成 且至今仍未有其他對手能突破此製作技術 亦同時令人提起 bird s nest specialty store that was designated to be Hong Kong Superbrands and 如香港零售管理協會 職業訓練局零售業訓練委員會及廣州外商投資 obtained Hong Kong Q-mark Certifications. It was also the youngest company to be 企業商會等 他表示 同行間的惡性競爭對經營百害而無一利 我希 一口棧 便聯想到官燕棧 Vicious competition among counterparts would only harm the operation. I wish to 話不說便提供支援 助官燕棧再站起來 到了 2003 年 公司已發展 標準食用份量已等如 6 瓶傳統即食燕窩 放在燈光下看 一縷縷頂級 answer customers enquiries with their excellent service and professional knowledge. of Vocational Training Council and Foreign Investment Enterprises Communication. 伙伴來港看看情況 幸虧 Samson 早已建立令人信任的形象 對方二 Better than just good Frequent award winner 時代的轉變 大樽裝的燕窩始終未夠方便 而且職業女性在外面的 The Hong Kong Retail Management Association (HKRMA), Retail Trade Training Board 臨困境 他苦笑 這次損失比上一次更慘 沒辦法下唯有請印尼的 燕棧的皇牌代表作 這款全球首創每日一瓶概念的濃縮燕窩 20 克 了無數次嘗試 約一年時間才研發出來 心思慎密的 Samson 留意到 to survive. These lessons made a new Samson. My Christian wife gave me unlimited support and encouragement. I also became a Christian. I learnt to commit and to be 場領導品牌 除了售賣燕窩之外 參茸藥材 海味 冬蟲夏草等乾貨 不斷開發多元化的優質產品及服務 至 2003 年推出簡易即食燕窩系 received less than 10 orders a day. But Samson's persistence sustained the company 來白手興家的辛酸史 Samson 經歷過幾次起跌 創業第一個月已遇 然換上保安系統 但事隔一年 在辦公室遇上更驚險的事 他回憶起 The company eagerly promotes the concept of sharing, well-being, and happiness Revenue plunged when the SARS casted a gloom over the city. All our stores 這些看起來風雨無阻的發展 其實一切得來不易 回想起這 10 多年 research organization in universities, to research and develop a variety of health 官燕棧由 Samson 帶領下 多年來本著 比好 更好 的發展理念 Without another way out, Samson asked his Indonesian partner to come to Hong 店 便利商店及保健中心 公司目標在 2010 年在香港再增設 5 至 6 間 ladies need as they spend most of their time outside home. A smaller bottle is easier concentrate. No wonder people think about Once-A-Day when they mention Imperial 官燕棧在香港成立至今雖只有 10 餘年 卻與 Samson 一樣 由本來對 career, Samson showed a wry smile: We posted a more miserable loss this time. 產品到大中華 日本及北美地區近千家連鎖式藥房 超級市場 中藥 A-Day. No competitors can surpass Imperial Bird s Nest s technique of making bird s nest 優質養生產品普及化 inventory of bird's nest. I had never been so generous! Amid the second crisis in his 望貢獻自己及公司 出一分力搞好整個營商環境 12 13

9 Cover Story 人物故事 1. 除傳統乾貨如燕窩 參茸海味等, 官燕棧更致力推廣優質 多元化中式養生保健產品 Beside dried seafood and bird's nest, Imperial Bird's Nest aims to promote a variety of quality Chinese health food. 1. 採集燕窩 Harvest bird s nest 篩選燕窩 Select bird s nest 2. Samson 在訪問中多次提及家人及信仰的支持, 他的太太現時也有幫忙打理業務, 一同出入公開場合, 兩夫婦即使多忙也抽時間陪伴小朋友, 享受天倫之樂, 溫馨得羨煞旁人 一個人的意志力有限, 因此聖經說.. 三股合成的繩子不容易折斷 ( 傳道書四 :12) 從 Samson 的經歷, 完全反映到身邊人互相扶持的重要性, 這與他個人良好的修養及性格不無關係 將燕窩分為不同類別和等級 Put the bird s nest into different categories and classes During the interview, Samson repeatedly mentioned the support from his family and religion. His wife assists him in operating the company s business and often shows up in public occasions with Samson. No matter how busy they are, the couple would spare some time for their children for an enviable family gathering. A man's willpower is finite, so the bible says: A threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) Samson's experience showed the importance of mutual support between intimates, while his success should also be attributable to his unique accomplishment and character. 分類風乾儲存 Store by categories after dehydration 空運至香港官燕棧 Freight to Imperial Bird s Nest in Hong Kong 挑毛 去除雜質及整理 Remove feather and dirt 最後筆者謹送上一段 那落在好土裏的, 就是人聽了 道, 持守在誠實善良的心裏, 並且忍耐著結實 ( 路加福 音八 :15) 予各位互勉之 At last but not least, we are delighted to share with you: But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance. (Luke 8:15) 檢定燕窩級別及發頭幅度 Testing and certifying bird s nest and check the potential degree of expansion when soaked with water 工場最後檢定 Final inspection in factory 第二次篩選和分類 Second selection and categorization 2. 官燕棧著重保育, 強調採燕窩是不用殺生, 公司近年更延長採窩期, 以及有鳥蛋的窩絕不採集 Imperial Bird's Nest aims to protect animals' lives that it does not kill birds when picking the nest. The company even extends the time in between nest picking period and bans picking nest with bird eggs

10 Hit The Headlines 市場焦點 最低工資 是天使? 還是魔鬼? Minimum Wage: Angel? Devil? 最低工資 的問題對於香港無數上班族來說, 可說是最關心的 事件 但由於香港經濟近年來因環球不景氣而放緩, 企業經營困 難, 對於設立最低工資的阻力又加了一重, 如何可以協調勞資雙 方的利益成為了最需要關注的問題, 為此 G&C 雜誌亦訪問了不同 界別, 收集各方聲音後探討箇中利弊 For the working population in Hong Kong, minimum wage has always been a concern. However, due to the prevailing economic recession in recent years, business operation is difficult and the implementation of minimum wage is further suspended. The unresolved yet vital question lies on how to balance the interests of employers and employees. Having interviewed representatives from various sectors from society, G&C Magazine has collected voices and views to facilitate the discussion. 最低工資 這一課題在社會上議論之聲不下 10 多年, 金融海嘯前香港經濟強勁復甦, 但貧富懸殊轉趨明顯, 社會上不斷出現保障草根階層的聲音, 設立最低工資的運動開始出現 運動初期, 香港政府本希望以自願性的工資保障運動, 取代硬性立法, 可惜勞方以成效不彰為由不斷炮轟, 所以最低工資立法的聲音漸見壯大 有大型連鎖快餐店員工表示 : 現時我的時薪只有 17 元, 連吃個飯盒也不行, 如何可以養家? 食店清潔員袁小姐表示: 許多人說最低工資會令很多人失業, 但我有職業又如何? 若時薪只有 22 元又可以做甚麼? 希望政府可以立法保障我們基層家庭, 讓我們有基本的生活保障 勞方 資方 政府在 拔河 遊戲中不斷角力 立法便可皆大歡喜? 最低工資的終極目的是為皆大歡喜, 人人受惠 普遍勞工界認為, 當社會的失業率高企時, 他們在僱主的裁員關刀下, 沒有協商的餘地, 僱主便可以趁機將工人的工資壓低 如果有了最低工資, 低收入人士便能取得他們應有的工資, 能夠滿足基本生活需求 當他們收入增加, 社會的消費亦可望隨之提高, 有利於各行各業的發展 在香港, 立法似乎已成大勢, 但定在哪個水平便要小心翼翼 職工盟於今年 1 至 2 月期間, 訪問了 302 名市民, 了解他們對最低工資水平的意見和考慮因素 結果發現, 不同教育程度和收入的受訪者, 均有最多人同意最低工資應訂在 30 至 33 元, 並認為最低工資的考慮因素, 應涉及家庭基本生活開支 他們並擔心若最低工資水平訂得太低, 將未能改善工人生活, 故建議最低工資水平不應低於 33 元, 並應高於綜援水平 勞方對最低工資的立法有多方面的意見, 香港職工會聯盟支持立法實施最低工資, 以確保勞動有價, 讓工人可透過工作改善生活和脫貧 職工盟李卓人先生認為, 臨時最低工資委員會釐定最低工資時, 必須顧及員工養家能力 根據統計處最新出爐的報告, 全港時薪中位數為 58.5 元, 參考英國最低工資做法, 其按工資中位數五成七來定, 正好是 33.3 元, 工會一定會力爭此水平 官方臨時最低工資委員會去年年尾曾到英國及法國考察, 則傾向將水平訂於時薪 24 元 據了解, 政府方面認為英國的經驗較可取, 希望一開始推行最低工資時, 絕大部分打工仔不受影響 在商界倡議最低工資水平訂為時薪 24 元 ( 月薪約 5,000 元 ), 及工會爭取時薪 33 元 ( 月薪約 7,000 元 ) 之間, 政府傾向最低工資水平貼近前者, 但具體水平參考統計處剛於 3 月份公布的數據後 ( 見表一至四 ), 再交由臨時最低工資委員會釐定, 並在本年 7 月份向立法會提交 以自由黨早前提出最低工資時薪 24 元為例, 在這水平以下有 8% 打工仔受影響, 跟不逾一成打工仔受影響的目標貼近, 故工會提出的 33 元, 便明顯算是偏高水平 學者 : 立法容易惹起外勞競爭在宏觀經濟學的角度, 最低工資對弱勢人士的就業有一定的影響, 香港科技大學商學院經濟系教授及經濟發展研究中心主任雷鼎鳴教授曾於信報撰文指出, 假設最低工資全港性推行, 僱主橫豎要付出較高 "Minimum wage" is one of the controversial topics discussed in society for more than a decade in Hong Kong. Despite the rapid recovery of Hong Kong s economy before the economic tsunami, the problem of income disparity has been ever growing. Different voices of urging the protection of grass-root interests were heard, and the implementation of minimum wage was put forward. At first, the government preferred voluntary wage protection instead of mandatory legislation of minimum wages. However, workers strongly opposed the idea as it lacked effectiveness, and the voices supporting minimum wage grew even stronger. A large chained fast-food restaurant worker said, "my hourly wage is only $17, which can't even pay for a lunchbox. How on earth am I going to support my entire family?". Another restaurant worker Miss Yuen also expressed her concern, "Many people said minimum wage would lead to increase in unemployment, but even I have the job, so what? What can you do with that $22 an hour? I really hope the government would help us (grass-root families) to secure our basic living standard." The employers, the employees and the government can hardly settle with agreements. Legislation makes everyone happy? The ultimate goal of setting up minimum wage is to balance everyone's interest and benefit all. Most in the labour sector agreed that employees are usually in a passive position in the employment relationship, particularly in times of high unemployment rate, the room for negotiation is small, employees are more likely to be exposed to forced reduction of wages. They also believe that if minimum wage is set up, the lowincome group will be able to secure reasonable wage level for sustaining basic living standard. When their income increases, the consumption will also grow and benefit the development of different sectors. So when minimum wage legislation is deemed to proceed in Hong Kong, the problem thus lies on the wage level at which careful consideration needs to be taken. In January and February this year, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) interviewed 302 residents on their views on minimum wage level. Results indicated that most people, regardless of their education and income level, agreed that minimum wage should be set between $30 and $33. They also held the view that family expenses should be included as a consideration for determining the minimum wage level. They were also concerned that if the wage level were set too low, it would not be able to improve the employees living, therefore suggesting that minimum wage level should not be lower than $33 and higher than the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) level. The labour sector has always been actively involved in the discussion of minimum wage. The HKCTU, representing the labour sector, supports minimum wage legislation to secure labour value and relief people from poverty through a decently paid job. Mr. Lee Cheuk Yan from HKCTU suggested that the Provisional Minimum Wage Commission (PMWC) should consider the ability of employees to support their families when drafting the minimum wage level. With reference to the minimum wage calculation method in Britain, the minimum wage level is set as 57% of the median hourly wage. According to the newly released data from the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), the median hourly wage in Hong Kong is $58.5. Thus, the minimum wage level should then be $33.3. This will also be the level that HKCTU bargains. After visiting Britain and France late last year observing their implementation of minimum wage, the PMWC leaned towards setting the level at $24 per hour. As observed, officials tended to rely on Britain's experience more, and hoped to minimize the effect of minimum wage on all employees at the beginning stages of implementation. While the commercial sector preferred $24 per hour as the 16 17

11 Hit The Headlines 市場焦點 工資, 為什麼不集中僱用工資本來較高而工作能力強的人 生產力低 minimum wage level (equivalent to $5,000 per month), the trade union favoured $33 per hour (equivalent to $7,000 per month). Despite the government s tendency towards supporting the former proposal, the actual level of the minimum wages will be determined taking into account the data from C&SD released in March (see Table1-4). The proposed level will then be assessed by the PMWC and eventually be handed in to the Legislative Council in July. Taking the proposed $24 per hour as suggested by the Liberal Party as example, there would only be 8% of the total employees be affected, which is close to the Government s aim of affecting less than 10% of the total working population. The hourly wage of $33 proposed by HKCTU, is therefore obviously higher. 立法會 ( 飲食界功能組別 ) 張宇人議員立場明確地表示反對最低工 face growing employment competition. The possibility of substitution by imported labour and machinery is very high, so is the unemployment rate. When the minimum wage level is pushed higher, the affected population will increase and unemployment rate can hardly go down." Lui said. To sum up, although minimum wage will not cause any direct fatal effect on the GDP, it is likely to induce massive unemployment among low-income group. Therefore, it is not a remedy to ease income disparity. Lui also quoted the research results from minimum wage research academic authorities, David Neumark 1 的員工會首先被開刀而成為受害人, 但較高技術的卻是得益者 而 G&C 雜誌亦做了一深入調查, 訪問對象以飲食界為主, 覆蓋近 9 成香港品牌, 其中一個得來的結果顯示, 超過 60% 的受訪者認為 最低工資難以解決香港深層次的貧窮問題 資, 認為立法訂定最低工資, 只會令低學歷 低技術 高年齡的勞工失去工作, 增加失業率 世界各地正互相比較競爭力, 而最低工資根本限制了投資者經營 我參考世界各地的數據後, 更認為薪金應由市場自由訂立, 否則影響的不只香港幾個行業, 而是整個社會 他又批評勞方叫價愈叫愈高, 他們怕蝕底, 便不斷開天殺價, 有否想過企業如何營運? 日後何以有地方為勞方提供工作? 他續說, 在飲食業, 人工開支素來佔很大的比重, 一般是營業額的 2 至 5 成 ; 而租金約佔營業額 1 至 1 成半, 快餐店 茶餐廳等多開在地鋪, 鋪租更佔營業額的 2 成 如果強行立法, 工人薪金愈調愈高, 將有更多人會失業, 屆時他們寧願申請綜援, 那失業率肯定長期高企 4%, 對香港經濟會造成很大傷害 至於被問到最低工資應訂立在哪一水平, 張宇人議員曾經在一公開場合表示 : 20 元對社會的殺傷力 and William Wascher 2, "minimum wage will reallocate wealth from the poor to the poor, instead of from the rich to the poor." A game not worth the candle: increase in unemployment rate To lower the production cost, many small and medium sized enterprises, as well as the service industries are likely to dismiss employees because of the minimum wage implementation. Unemployment rate will soar and may even lead to the problem of illegal workers. Moreover, Hong Kong adopts the economic strategy of "small government, big market" in order to attract foreign investment, that wages are believed to be determined through market mechanism. Isn t it the mandatory minimum wage a contradiction to such idea? 最低, 我甚至不排除會提出訂於少過 20 元 此言論擊起千重浪, 自由黨 各公司機構均站出來表示張議員不代表他們的立場 職工 盟李卓人批評商界將工資壓得愈低愈好, 不應該再試探社會的 LEGCO member Tommy Cheung (catering functional constituency), declared his opposition to minimum wages as he believed that the legislation of minimum wage would only lead to unemployment of the low-skilled, low-educated and aged labour. "Competition is intense around the world; minimum wage limits investors' operation. I have considered data from different countries, and it is clear that wage level should be regulated by the market. Otherwise, the effects will not be confined to just a few sectors in Hong Kong, but extending to the whole society." Cheung said. 可接受水平, 請用數字來說服我, 給回一個應有的生活予我們的工 人 而職工盟副主席張麗霞更狠批, 商界向一班無力還擊的窮人 開刀, 只鼓勵基層去領綜援 總商會理事田北俊指,33 元同 20 元兩個水平, 都是荒謬的, 理事會 的共識是向政府建議, 最低工資定在時薪 25 元 工會則反對 25 元的 方案, 工聯會黃國健指, 25 元計起上來, 一個月做足 26 日, 都是 5,200 元左右, 這個數要很節儉去用, 莫論要負擔家人 He also criticized the growing demands from the labour: "they can only think of their own interests, how about the operation of the enterprises? Who will provide them with jobs in the future?" Cheung went on explaining the shortcoming of minimum wage, "in catering business, it is a well-known fact that wages take up a large share of the business revenue, which varies from 20% to 50%. Meanwhile, rent is about 10% to 15% of the revenue. For fast-food restaurants and local tea bistros, the rent can be as high as 20%, as most of them are street stores. If minimum wages are made mandatory, the wage level will increase and lead to increase in unemployment. As a result, more people will apply for CSSA and the unemployment rate will stand still at 4%, which in the end, detrimental to Hong Kong's economy." When talking about which wage level is suitable, Cheung openly expressed his view, "I think $20 will do the least harm to society. I will not rule out the possibility of wage level below $20." Such discourse sparked off intense discussions in public, while Liberal Party and many enterprises immediately declared that Cheung's opinion did not represent their views. Lee Cheuk Yan from HKCTU further criticized businesses for constantly lowering the wages, "the commercial sector always wants to push down the wage level. They should no longer merely test the acceptable level of society; rather, they should give clear data to support their stand. Our labour deserve better living standard." Cheung Lai Ha, vice-chairlady of HKCTU, went further, "the commercial sector is slaying the armless poor. What they do is only telling the poor to apply for the CSSA." 此外, 對於最低工資對香港整體經濟發展的影響, 雷教授預期衝擊的大小和嚴重性很視乎訂定工資的水平 假如最低工資設定為 6,000 元 ( 約時薪 28 元 ), 扣除原來工資已在 6,000 元以下的外籍傭工和非全職僱員, 這些較低技術的人士面對特大的就業競爭, 被外地勞工或機 註 : 上述數據為去年第二季數據 資料來源 : 政府統計處 Note: Data above obtained from Q2, 2009 Source: Census and Statistics Department 而香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系講座教授周永新則從社會公義為出發點, 他認為 立法制定最低工資, 從社會公義角度出發, 要求的是薪酬就算有差別, 也不應使低薪工人連餬口的條件也沒有 即是說, 在經濟急速發展之際, 社會上仍有為數不少的人士 器替代的可能性很高, 失業的機會也相繼提高 當最低工資進一步推高, 受影響的人數增加, 失業人數亦會向上 總括而言, 雖然最低工資對整體國民生產總值 (GDP) 不會有致命影響, 但足以引致弱勢社群大量失業, 因此 不是紓緩貧富差距的有效工具 他亦引述最低工資研究的權威紐麥克 (David Neumark) 1 與華沙爾 (William Wascher) 2 的研究結論, 指出 最低工資使到財富從窮人流到其他窮人, 而不是從有錢人流向窮人 得不償失反令失業人口增加有陽自有陰, 最低工資的設立, 令一些中小企業或服務性行業有可能為降低成本, 以裁員節省開支, 失業人口勢必提高, 更可能引申到黑 Scholars: Legislation provoke competition with imported labour From the view of macroeconomics, minimum wage is likely to affect the employment opportunity of the unprivileged workers to a certain extent. Francis Lui, professor of HKUST's business school and the Director of Center for Economic Development, pointed out the downside of minimum wage. "From the employer's point of view, if minimum wage is made mandatory, increase in labour wage expenses will be unavoidable; so why not picking labour with higher working ability? Labour with lower ability will be laid off while the skilled labour will benefit," Professor Lui explained. G&C Magazine also conducted an in-depth research and interviewed representatives from the catering sector covering over 90% of local brands. One of the results indicated that over 60% of the interviewees reckoned that minimum wage could hardly be the solution to the structural poverty in Hong Kong. 未能分享經濟發展的成果而長期為基本生活條件而煩惱, 政府應該貼近社會的轉變及大眾的期望, 訂立保障這類人士的基本生活, 從而實踐社會公義 更進一步解釋最低工資對社會發展的重要, 周教授認為, 訂立最低工資最重要能令低收入人士有動力工作, 令人覺得這是值得去做的工作, 工資也不至於少得寧願辭工申請綜援 縱使最低工資可推動低收入人士努力工作, 但他也坦言 最低工資不會縮窄貧富懸殊, 因為低收入者只能多一千幾百元, 他們在社會上相對仍是低薪者 有規模的飲食機構接受訪問時, 都表示時薪 20 元, 不可能請到人, 現在酒樓洗碗 雜工等 下四門 工種, 月薪也有大約 6,000 元, 平均算來, 時薪超過 20 元, 而香港餐飲聯業協會會長黃家和先生亦表示, 20 元最低工資水平, 並非飲食業界共識 現在不少 蚊型 食店仍在吊鹽水, 如定於超出 30 元, 恐現食肆結業裁員潮, 亦有部分賺錢的大型食肆表示,24 元至 26 元時薪尚可接受 市勞工的問題 另外, 香港一向以 小政府, 大市場 吸引外資進港, 按照此方向, 工資的高低是應由市場主導, 如果政府硬性設立最低工資不就是與此大道理背道而馳嗎? Regarding the effect of minimum wage on economic development as a whole, Professor Lui predicted that the degree of impact lies on the wage level. "If the minimum wage level is set at $6,000 per month (about $28 per hour), excluding the imported labour and part-time employees with wage level under $6,000, the low-skilled workers are likely to James Tian, Director of Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that both wage levels of $33 and $20 were ridiculous. The consensus of the Chamber of Commerce was to propose wage level of $25 to the government. Wong Kwok Kin from The Hong Kong Federation 1 美國加州大學爾灣分校經濟學教授 2 美國聯儲局中央管理委員會經濟研究部高級助理總裁 1 Professor of Economics, University of California-Irvine 2 Senior Associate Director in Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

12 Hit The Headlines 市場焦點 近年所見, 飲食業界普遍已付出時薪超過 20 元, 這固然有實際需要, 但不能一概而論, 相信有很多老闆想當 良心僱主, 並且願意與員工分享生意成果 其實走在街上不難發現小型食肆門外都掛著招聘廣告, 洗碗清潔工時薪達 30 元, 侍應也有每小時 33 元, 那究竟反映坊間一直面對怎樣的情況? 有工無人做, 在香港並非罕見之事, 飲食業愈來愈難招聘是一個不爭的事實, 尤其難以吸納新一代年輕人入行, 有業界更擔心 三三四 新學制普及之後, 恐怕市場的勞動人口相對更少, 加上租金 物價上漲等問題, 可謂四面楚歌 以現時走向, 最低工資立法已是事在必行, 目前已涉及細節內容的討論 其中一重點是立法只針對某一行業 抑或是跨行業, 如果是所有行業的話, 又是否各定水平呢? 而最低工資日後是以每個工作時數計算薪金, 計算方法看似簡單, 但卻容易令人混淆, 在 工作時數 該如何釐定方面更加是各家各說, 如員工出差所耗的交通時間 食肆落場時間又應如何處理? 圖降門檻減低阻力目前社會普遍接受劃一最低工資的方案, 這樣最低工資的水平不可能訂得太高, 對各行各業的影響最少 如果希望爭取盡早立法, 這個低門檻的方案, 成功機會應該較高, 可是受保障的人數不會太多, 勞方初期不會輕言接受 對於資方方面, 就以餐飲業及清潔行業為例, 低技術水平的員工佔行業人數的大多數, 如果工資水平過高, 勢必令已困難重重的經商環境再雪上加霜, 所以工資的水平必須經深思熟慮 在 G&C 雜誌調查中, 有近 8 成是僱員, 而且有超過 67% 的人認為推出最低工資後會出現就業問題 相比起其他行業, 人工成本佔總開支達 20% 的餐飲業, 似乎是其中一個重災區行業 黃家和先生早前就表示, 本港食物材料成本持續上升, 加上每年有三個月是餐飲業淡季, 預計將有 200 至 300 家中小規模的食肆結業 他指出, 餐飲業 08 年首季經營總成本已上升一成, 而中小規模食肆相對大型食肆在採購方面議價能力較低, 食肆又同時面對租金及人工的加幅, 他預計租金加幅超過五成, 令業界經營困難 黃家和先生說 : 中小規模的食肆面對現時的困境只能減省其他開支, 如減少燈油火蠟或人手等 他表示, 預計餐飲業整體經營成本未來只會不斷上升 就這而言, 訂立最低工資在較高水平, 對餐飲機構可謂重重一擊, 繼續生存就必要想盡辦法, 提供食物份量迫不得已縮小, 又或將成本轉嫁消費者 ; 到頭來即使有幸保住工作的勞工階層, 也要把辛苦賺到的薪金花在因 最低工資 而上升的物價上 而公司機構也可能因進退兩難的情況下, 被迫走入困境而倒閉, 只會造成一個不利香港發展的惡性循環 針沒有兩頭利, 如何可以協調勞資雙方的利益, 要平衡各方需要, 就要考驗高官們的智慧, 政府應清楚說明每一方案的利弊, 依據各數據及情況看來, 相信勞工界倡議 33 元與張宇人 20 元論是一個談判策略, 日後最低工資在中間落墨機會較大 當最低工資的銀碼爭辯得如火如荼之際, 條例執行上仍存在不少 問號, 例如 工 of Trade Unions (HKFTU) disagreed with Tian, "If a worker works 26 days a month for hourly wage of $25, he can only get $5,200, which is still inadequate to support a family." Professor Nelson Chow Wing Sun, Chair Professor of Department of Social Work and Social Administration of The University of Hong Kong looked at the issue from the social justice perspective. "The rationale of minimum wage regulation is to secure the right of the low-wage labour to earn a living, even there are wage differences." In other words, while the economy is soaring, there is still a considerable number of people who cannot share the benefits of economic development and have to struggle with sustaining basic living. The government should respond to the changes in society and expectation from public by protecting such group of people, in order to put social justice into practice. Minimum wage is important to social development, as Prof. Chow further explained, "the most important thing about minimum wage is to motivate low-income labour to work hard, making the job worthwhile, instead of just asking the government for money." However, Prof. Chow admitted that even minimum wage provided motivation, it could hardly alleviate the problem of income disparity. The lowincome labour can at most earn just around hundreds to a thousand more per month, and they remain the low-income group in society. Some large scale catering enterprises admitted during interviews that it was difficult to hire labour at an hourly wage of $20. Average salary of low-wage jobs such as cleaners at Chinese restaurants and handyman is around $6,000, which is obviously higher than $20 per hour. Mr. Simon Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants and Related Trades (HKFORT), also stated that $20 was not the consensus of the catering sector. However, many small restaurants are already having a hard time sustaining businesses; if minimum wage is set above $30, there might be a tide of restaurants closedown and layoffs. There are also some profit making large catering businesses suggested that $24 to $26 was acceptable. In fact, many catering business owners are willing to pay an hourly wage of more than $20, which is not only a practical need, but also an expression of owners' concern for their employees, and are willing to share the fruits with them. Walking on a street, one will notice that many small restaurants have recruitment advertisements stuck on walls and doors. The hourly wages for cleaners can go up to $30, and even $33 for waiters. What are the implications of such figures? There are jobs but nobody wants: a phenomenon not rare in Hong Kong indeed. This is especially true for the catering sector, as the employers find it hard to attract young people to serve in the business. Moreover, some employers also worried that the labour force would be further reduced due to the education reform. Together with inflation and increase in rent, the future of catering business in Hong Kong is full of challenges. Nevertheless, minimum wage legislation is inevitable. Discussions concerning the details of implementation are already in progress, one of those is about to what extent should minimum wage be implemented. Will it be applied to just particular industries, or extended to all industries? How to establish standards for the different industries? The calculation of minimum wage is tricky as well. Although it seems simple to calculate the working hours, sometimes it is difficult to determine the working hours according to different job natures. For example, should the transportation time of working outside the restaurants be counted? How about the closing hours between lunch and dinner? 時 的計算方式 寬限期的長短 有關最低工資的普及教育 外勞輸入 等配套限制, 甚至多久才進行調整? 應讓公眾有足夠時間和自由討論, 才能做到政通人和 ; 否則只會好心做壞事, 對勞工權益和營商環境帶來 雙重負面影響, 推高失業率, 為改善飯碗而打碎了飯碗 草草立法而將 問題留於日後見步行步, 絕非對公眾 香港有利的做法 譽源雜誌調查報告 G&C Magazine survey result 調查數據結果及整體詳情, 可瀏覽 To view complete research result, please visit Lowering the threshold to ease the tension At the moment, society tends to accept a standardized minimum wage scheme, which means the wage level cannot be set too high, in order to minimize the effect to all walks of life. If the legislation is needed to be done as soon so possible, the low threshold scheme is the best option also. However, the actual number of protected workers will be small, and the labour sector will not compromise easily. For the employers, taking catering and cleaning sectors as example, in which low-skilled labour dominates, a higher-than-expected wage level will further added on to the burden of maintaining business revenue. Therefore, the wage level should be determined with great care and concern. According to G&C Magazine's research, over 80% of the interviewees were employees and over 67% of them agreed that minimum wage would actually lead to employment problems. When compared to other businesses, the catering sector will be one of the heavily affected industries, as 20% of the revenue contributed to wages. Mr. Simon Wong explained that the food cost of local restaurants has been increasing constantly, together with the 3-month off-season for catering business per year, there might be closedown of 200 to 300 small to medium sized restaurants in the coming future. He pointed out that in the first quarter of 2008, the operation cost has already rose by 10%; and as the bargaining power of small and medium sized restaurants were relatively weaker than large chains, the operation would be very difficult to maintain with the constant leveling of rent and wages. Regarding rental expenses, he also predicted that the increase in rent would be over 50%, making the situation worse. "When facing the challenges ahead, the small and medium sized restaurants can only reduce other costs such as labour and fuels." Wong said. He concluded that the operation cost of catering sector would never go down in the future. Thus, if minimum wage were set at a higher level, it would be a fatal blow to the catering business. In order to survive, the owners would have to shift the cost to consumers, such as reducing the portion of food and increasing the price. Eventually, even though the low-income workers managed to save their jobs, they had no choice but to spend their money with the soaring inflation. For the enterprises, many might have no choice but to close down their businesses, which becomes a vicious cycle in the long run. There is no perfect way out for everything. How to balance different interests and make compromises will be a test to the officials. The government has to explain clearly the strengths and weaknesses of every proposal to the public. With reference to the collected data and figures, the labour s proposal of $33 and Tommy Cheung's proposal of $20 would only be a strategic bargaining. The minimum wage level is likely to be set in between the two poles. While the debates is heated, there are still many unresolved problems concerning the legislation execution, such as the calculation method of working hours, the duration for buffering period, civil education of minimum wage-related issues and the limitation on the import of labour, or even the frequency of reviewing the policy. Sufficient time and space should therefore be given for public discussion. Otherwise, the legislation would not help anything but putting both the employers and employees in difficult situations, pushing up the unemployment and leading to closedown of businesses. Rash legislation will only delay problems instead of solving them, which does nothing good to Hong Kong as a whole

前 言 一 場 交 換 學 生 的 夢, 夢 想 不 只 是 敢 夢, 而 是 也 要 敢 去 實 踐 為 期 一 年 的 交 換 學 生 生 涯, 說 長 不 長, 說 短 不 短 再 長 的 路, 一 步 步 也 能 走 完 ; 再 短 的 路, 不 踏 出 起 步 就 無 法 到 達 這 次

前 言 一 場 交 換 學 生 的 夢, 夢 想 不 只 是 敢 夢, 而 是 也 要 敢 去 實 踐 為 期 一 年 的 交 換 學 生 生 涯, 說 長 不 長, 說 短 不 短 再 長 的 路, 一 步 步 也 能 走 完 ; 再 短 的 路, 不 踏 出 起 步 就 無 法 到 達 這 次 壹 教 育 部 獎 助 國 內 大 學 校 院 選 送 優 秀 學 生 出 國 研 修 之 留 學 生 成 果 報 告 書 奧 地 利 約 翰 克 卜 勒 大 學 (JKU) 留 學 心 得 原 就 讀 學 校 / 科 系 / 年 級 : 長 榮 大 學 / 財 務 金 融 學 系 / 四 年 級 獲 獎 生 姓 名 : 賴 欣 怡 研 修 國 家 : 奧 地 利 研 修 學 校 : 約 翰 克 普

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