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1 187 (2015.3): * I II David Faure The Conversion of Chieftain-territorial Gods, Chieftain Lineages and the Retention of Indigenous Identity in Border Areas 2008 Paul R. Katz

2 106



5 109 spirits Naga acerya

6 110 Buddhist indigenous spirits Dragon Kings Indige nous Buddhist guardian deity territory

7 111 nagas serpent deity 5 Naga 6 5. Tai Culture Wolfram Eberhard, The Local Cultures of South and East China, pp David Holm David Holm, Recalling Lost Souls: The Baeu Rodo Scriptures Tai Cosmogonic Texts from Guangxi in Southern China, pp Lowell W. Bloss, The Buddha and the Naga: A Study in Buddhist Folk Religiosity, History of Religions 13(1):

8 Valerie Hansen S. J. Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer, chapter 6, 7, pp ; Lorraine Gesick, Introduction, in Centers, Symbols, and Hierarchies: Essays on the Classical States of Southeast Asia, pp. 1 8; Nicola Tannenbaum and Cornelia Ann Kammerer, Introduction, in Founders Cults in Southeast Asia: Ancestors, Polity, and Identity, pp. 1 14; Richard A. O Connor, Cultural Notes on Trade and The Tai, in Susan D. Russell, ed., Ritual, Power, and Economy: Upland- Lowland Contrasts in Mainland Southeast Asia, pp ; Paul Wheatley, Nagara and Commandery: Origins of the Southeast Asian Urban Traditions Valerie Hansen, Changing Gods in Medieval China, Glen Dudbridge, Religious Experience and Lay Society in T ang China, chapter 7 Edward Schafer, The Divine Woman: Dragon Laadies and Rain Maidens in T ang Literature. Marianne Bujard

9 grassroots Joseph F. Rock Naga Bon Bonpo Paul R. Katz, Demon Hordes and Burning Boats: The Cult of Marshal Wen in Late Imperial Chekiang; (Andreas Berndt), The Cult of the Longwang: Their Origin, Spread, and Regional Significance, Philip Clart Jeffrey Snyder-Reinke, Dry Spells: State Rainmaking and Local Governance in Late Imperial China. 13. C. F. Mckhan Mckhan Joseph Rock C.

10 114 territory canonization F. Mckhann (2): (2):

11 James Watson, Standardizing the Gods: The Promotion of Ti en Hou ( Empress of Heaven ) Along the South China Coast, , in David Johnson, Andrew J. Nathan, Evelyn S. Rawski, eds., Popular Culture in Late Imperial China, pp (2): 1 20 Michael Szonyi, The Illusion of Standardizing the Gods, the Cult of the Five Emperors in Late Imperial China, Journal of Asian Studies 56(1): Making Claims about Standardization and Orthopraxy in Late Imperial China: Rituals and Cults in the Fuzhou Region in Light of Watson s Theories, Modern China 33(1): (1 2

12 ritual orthodoxy 17.



15 Lian Ruizhi, Surviving Conquest in Dali: Chief, Deities and Ancestors, in David Faure and Ho Ts ui-p ing, eds., Chieftains into Ancestors: Imperial Expansion and Indigenous Society in Southwest China, pp









24 128 Upananda

25 129








33 :

34 :



37 141

38 142

39 143



42 146

43 147 1

44 148 連瑞枝 圖 2 紀念段赤城之蛇骨塔 位於龍尾關荷花村 羊皮村 建於南詔時期 連瑞枝攝 圖 3 供奉李宓及其將士的唐李公祠 又稱為將軍廟 位於龍尾關斜陽 峰麓 連瑞枝攝

45 149 [1420] [1563] [1694] [1549] [1577] [1060] [1625] [1810] [1846] [1587]

46 150 [945] C. F. Mckhann [1992] Joseph Rock [1951] David Faure David Faure (2): Marianne Bujard 2002

47 (2): (2): : Andreas Berndt 2012 The Cult of the Longwang: Their Origin, Spread and Regional Significance Philip Clart Bloss, Lowell W The Buddha and the Naga: A Study in Buddhist Folk Religiosity. History of Religions 13(1): Dudbridge, Glen Religious Experience and Lay Society in T ang China: A Reading of Tai Fu s Kuang-i chi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Eberhard, Wolfram The Local Cultures of South and East China. Leiden: Brill. Gesick, Lorraine Introduction. In Centers, Symbols, and Hierarchies: Essays on the Classical States of Southeast Asia. Edited

48 152 by Lorraine Gesick. Monograph Series No. 26. New Haven, CT: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, Hansen, Valerie Changing Gods in Medieval China, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Holm, David Recalling Lost Souls: The Baeu Rodo Scriptures Tai Cosmogonic Texts from Guangxi in Southern China. Bangkok: White Lotus Co. Ltd. Katz, Paul R Demon Hordes and Burning Boats: The Cult of Marshal Wen in Late Imperial Chekiang. Albany: State University of New York Press. Lian Ruizhi Surviving Conquest in Dali: Chiefs, Deities and Ancestors. In Chieftains into Ancestors: Imperial Expansion and Indigenous Society in Southwest China. Edited by David Faure and Ho Ts ui-p ing. Vancouver: UBC Press, O Connor, Richard Cultural Notes on Trade and The Tai. In Ritual, Power, and Economy: Upland-Lowland Contrasts in Mainland Southeast Asia. Monograph Series Occasional Paper No. 14. Edited by Susan D. Russell. DeKalb, IL: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University, Schafer, Edward The Divine Woman: Dragon Ladies and Rain Maidens in T ang Literature. Berkeley: University of California Press. Snyder-Reinke, Jeffrey Dry Spells: State Rainmaking and Local Governance in Late Imperial China. Cambridge: Har vard University Press. Szonyi, Michael The Illusion of Standardizing the Gods, the Cult of the Five Emperors in Late Imperial China. Journal of Asian Studies 56(1): Making Claims about Standardization and Orthopraxy in Late Imperial China: Rituals and Cults in the Fuzhou Region in Light of Watson s Theories. Modern China

49 153 33(1): Tambiah, S. J World Conqueror and World Renouncer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tannenbaum, Nicola, and Cornelia A nn Kammerer Introduction. In Founders Cults in Southeast Asia: Ancestors, Polity, and Identity. Edited by Nicola Tannenbaum and Cornelia Ann Kammerer. Monograph Series No. 52. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, Watson, James Standardizing the Gods: The Promotion of Ti en Hou ( Empress of Heaven ) Along the South China Coast, In Popular Culture in Late Imperial China. Edited by David Johnson, Andrew J. Nathan, and Evelyn S. Rawski. Berkeley: University of California Press, Wheatley, Paul Nagara and Commandery: Origins of Southeast Asian Unban Traditions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

50 154 Spirits, Dragon Kings and State Cult: An Examination of Religion and Local Society in Dali, Yunnan Abstract: This paper, by analyzing the processes by which indigenous spirits were transformed into ritually orthodox guardians, examines on how religious life in late imperial Dali (Yunnan) ended up being reconstructed due to the impact of ethnic politics. During the Ming dynasty, local spirits of various origins became worshipped as guardian deities of the Buddhist religion and subsequently incorporated into the state cult. By analyzing four such cults located in the southern area of the Dali plain (a water spirit, the Blue Dragon Goddess, the ancient hero Duan Chicheng, and the Tang general Lee Mi ), this paper considers the historical processes by which they were converted into Dragon Kings ( nagas ) by Buddhist monks as well as state cult deities. At the same time, however, this paper also examines how different groups of Dali people (including indigenous ritual clans, native soldiers, Han military forces, and local officials) competed to have their spirits recognized as a means of legitimizing their status and influence in local society. By highlighting the processes of agency through which ritual orthodoxy could be defined, this paper demonstrates that the historical development of these four cults can help shed new light on local strategies of negotiation and social mobility, all of which contributed to the development of Dali s vibrant religious life. Key words: spirits, Dragon Kings, state cult, Dali, local society.

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