华 东 师 范 大 学 学 报 ( 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 ) 2015 年 第 4 期 E. Rawski J. W. Cohen M. Elliot standardization orthopraxy cultural unificati

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1 JO UR N ALO FEAST CHIN AN O R M ALUN IVER SITY Humanities and Social Sciences No * ( 北 京 大 学 历 史 系, 北 京,100084) DOI /j. cnki James Watson Modern China * AoE

2 华 东 师 范 大 学 学 报 ( 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 ) 2015 年 第 4 期 E. Rawski J. W. Cohen M. Elliot standardization orthopraxy cultural unification D. Sutton K. Pomeranz M. Szonyi P. Katz M. Brown heteropraxy pseudo-orthopraxy James Watson Standardizing the Gods The Promotion of T'ien Hou Empress of Heaven Along the South China Coast in David Johnson Andrew Nathan and Evelyn Rawski ed. Popular Culture in Late Imperial China pp University of California Press 1985.

3 赵 世 瑜 : 从 移 民 传 说 到 地 域 认 同 : 明 清 国 家 的 形 成 unity China Proper 4 ethnicity P. Cohen Modern China pp Empire at the Margins Culture Ethnicity and Frontier in Early Modern China P. Crossley H. Siu and D. Sutton ed. University of California Press ethnicity race 6 P. K. Crossley Making Mongols in Empire at the Margins Culture Ethnicity and Frontier in Early Modern China P. Crossley H. Siu and D. Sutton ed. pp University of California Press

4 华 东 师 范 大 学 学 报 ( 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 ) 2015 年 第 4 期 nation state 1 D. Faure The Yao Wars in the Mid-Ming and Their Impact on Yao Ethnicity in Empire at the Margins Culture Ethnicity and Frontier in Early Modern China P. Crossley H. Siu and D. Sutton ed. pp University of California Press H. Siu and Liu Zhiwei Lineage Market Pirate and Dan Ethnicity in the Pearl River Delta of South China in Empire at the Margins Culture Ethnicity and Frontier in Early Modern China P. Crossley H. Siu and D. Sutton ed. pp University of California Press D. Sutton Ethnicity and the Miao Frontier in the Eighteenth Century in Empire at the Margins Culture Ethnicity and Frontier in Early Modern China P. Crossley H. Siu and D. Sutton ed. pp University of California Press

5 赵 世 瑜 : 从 移 民 传 说 到 地 域 认 同 : 明 清 国 家 的 形 成

6 华 东 师 范 大 学 学 报 ( 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 ) 2015 年 第 4 期

7 赵 世 瑜 : 从 移 民 传 说 到 地 域 认 同 : 明 清 国 家 的 形 成

8 华 东 师 范 大 学 学 报 ( 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 ) 2015 年 第 4 期

9 赵 世 瑜 : 从 移 民 传 说 到 地 域 认 同 : 明 清 国 家 的 形 成 1 90% regime

10 华 东 师 范 大 学 学 报 ( 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 ) 2015 年 第 4 期

11 Abstracts and Keywords of Major Articles From the Immigrant Stories to Regional Identity The Formation of the Ming-Qing States by ZHAO Shi-yu Abstract There have been heated discussions around the topic of identity in different disciplines in recent years Concerning the study of history particular attention has been paid to the discussion on new History of the Qing Dynasty as well as the dispute on the special issue of James Watson in the America-based Modern China which are directly related to the stress on the diversification and the inquiries into the mechanism of unification in the China studies at home and aboard The immigrant stories could be a break through point for the discussion on the regional identity They were important representation of the development of regional identity namely the formation of Ming-Qing states from the 16 th to 18 th centuries However both the discussion on identity and the analysis of the formation of Ming-Qing states should be put in a concrete historical context and a spatio-temporal process Keywords immigrant stories regional identity formation of Ming-Qing States new History of the Qing Dynasty special issue of James Watson OKAKURA Tenshin's Theory of the Differences and Similarities between Northern and Southern China by MURATA Yujiro Abstract As a thinker and a founder of the history of art in modern Japan OKAKURA Tenshin traveled to China four times in his life and wrote a lot about China In his unique and pioneering theory of the differences and similarities between northern and southern China he compared China with Europe and considered that China is the integration of diverse political groups Even today his particular analyses of the diversity of China's geography and space will provide many important clues for us to rethink the historical and culture momentum that has molded China Keywords OKAKURA Tenshin NAITO Konan the differences and similarities between northern and southern China the view of China in modern Japan travel notes about China Chinese art The Awakening of the Oriental The Tea Book historical study in Japan The Transformation of the Concept of the Northwest since the Ming and Qing Dynasties by YOSHIZAWA Seiichiro Abstract The word northwest in the discussions on the water conservancy in the Ming and Qing Dynasties referred to the northern section of the Grand Canal including Beijing sometimes In the second half of the 19 th century the bureaucrats in the Qing Dynasty called the regions of Shangxi Gansu and Xinjiang northwest in coping with the rebellions of Muslims and the issue of Yili The word northwest hadn't become a name of an internal region in China until the early 20 th century The expression of our northwest in the articles in the journal of The Voice of the Xia Xia Sheng tells us that it was based on the formation of China's consciousness of national territory and maturity of regional identity in each province that the new meaning as a region in addition to its original meaning as a direction appeared After the revocation of the large northwest administrative region in 1954 the word northwest remains to refer to a geographical region Keywords northwest water conservancy in northwest The Voice of the Xia the idea of developing the northwest Local Gentry and Roaming Scholars Scholar-bureaucrat Elites between the Local and the State from Late Qing Dynasty to Early Republic of China by XU Ji-lin Abstract From the West Zhou Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty China had experienced three different polit167

David Faure

David Faure 300350 2009 2014 K24 K25 A 1005-605X 2016 01-0150- 19 A Summary Study on the Clan of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Recent Years CHANG Jian - hua Center for Chinese Social History Studies Nankai University

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