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1 補助學術研究群暨經典研讀班結案報告 ( 十九世紀英國文學文化研究 ) 計畫編號 :MOST H MY3 執行期間 : 2015 年 7 月 1 日至 2017 年 6 月 30 日 執行機構及系所 : 國立中山大學外國語文學系 計畫召集人 : 賴淑芳教授計畫成員 : 陳音頤 賴慈芸 賴淑芳 吳雅鳳 楊雅惠 呂佩穎 顏淑娟 陳昭芳 李佳容 吳易道 李為堯 Sharin Schroeder 許立欣 李立柏 宋美瑩兼任助理 :2015/ /10 洪孟華 2016/ /06 郭婉柔 2

2 目錄 壹 經典研讀班成果自評表 5 貳 經典研讀班成果彙整表 6 參 經典研讀班各場次時間及研讀主題表 8 肆 各場次大綱彙整及海報 13 伍 參與讀書會之心得收穫 35 陸 活動照片 39 3

3 研讀書籍 : 漢語聖詩 養心神詩 Andersen s The Dying Child (1825); The Story of a Mother (1847); Andrew Lang, At the Sign of the Ship Bram Stoker s Dracula (1897) Charlotte Brontë s Jane Eyre(1847) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria. George Watson ed. London: Dent, Critique of Judgment. Werner S. Pluhar trans. Cambridge: Hackett publishing company, David Copperfield Dickens s "A Child's Dream of a Star" (1850) Emblems of mortality (1789, 1801) George Eliot, Felix Holt, the Radical (1866) and Silas Marner (1861) H. G. Wells s The Wheels of Chance (1896) Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (1814) Jane Austen s Persuasion Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. J. M. D. Meiklejohn trans. New York: Prometheus Books, Mill on the Floss Mrs. Gaskell, Mary Barton (1848) and Ruth(1853) Patrick Manson A Gossip about Formosa (1875) The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights The Autobiography and Letters of Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant (1899) The Confessions of an English Opium Eater (1821) Thomas De Quincey s Recollections of the Lake Poets Thomas Hood, "The Song of the Shirt" (1843) Vanity Fair William Wordsworth's Thanksgiving Ode (1816) William Wordsworth s The Prelude William Wordsworth s Tintern Abbey and Tennyson's In Memoriam William Wordsworth s Vernal Ode Wuthering Heights 中華民國 106 年 6 月 4

4 壹 補助學術研究群暨經典研讀班成果自評表 請就研究內容與原計畫相符程度 達成預期目標情況 研究成果之學術或應用價值 ( 簡要敘述成果所代表之意義 價值 影響或進一步發展之可能性 ) 是否適合在學術期刊發表或申請專利 主要發現 ( 簡要敘述成果是否具有政策應用參考價值及具影響公共利益之重大發現 ) 或其他有關價值等, 作一綜合評估 1. 請就研究內容與原計畫相符程度 達成預期目標情況作一綜合評估 達成目標 未達成目標 ( 請說明 ) 說明 : 2. 研究成果在學術期刊發表或申請專利等情形 ( 請於其他欄註明專利及技轉之證號 合約 申請及洽談等詳細資訊 ) 論文 : 已發表 未發表之文稿 撰寫中 無專書 : 已出版 尚未出版 撰寫中 無其他 : 研讀會成員分別出版為專書章節 國內外學術期刊 ( 含已出版 審查中 撰稿投稿中 ) 等 3. 請依學術成就 技術創新 社會影響等方面, 評估研究成果之學術或應用價值 ( 敘述成果所代表之意義 價值 影響或進一步發展之可能性 ) 本研讀會成員們在兩年期間將各自從事的研究心得提出討論, 做許多腦力激盪及交流, 讓孤獨的與靜態的文學典籍研究工作, 透過這種交流接觸, 開拓新視野啟發靈感, 並已經幫助成員朝向更多面向跨領域研究 研讀會成員大多來自幾所大專院校, 我們進行跨校交流與資源共享 透過純學術的引領, 已經產生密切互動機會, 未來籌畫有機會再次彼此協助碩博評量考試 共題研究計畫與學術出版 同時, 參與的大學部 碩博士生在過程中聆聽演講 發問 收集資料 學習分析批評, 已經得到豐富的經驗分享與傳承, 將有深遠的影響 同時本學術領域透過定期活動之宣傳廣告, 有十足能見度且已經開拓國內在這方面領域蓬勃發展 未來可奠基於這個團體, 與國際相關學術團體交流及商議合作研究的機會 5

5 計畫主持人 : 賴淑芳 貳 補助學術研究群暨經典研讀班成果彙整表 計畫編號 :MOST H MY3 計畫名稱 : 十九世紀英國文學文化研究 成果項目 量化 質化 ( 說明 : 各成果項目請附佐單位證資料或細項說明, 如期刊名稱 年份 卷期 起訖頁數 證號... 等 ) 期刊論文 10 請見下頁 篇研討會論文 2 請見下頁 國學術性論文專書本內專書論文 1 章請見下頁 其他 篇 期刊論文篇研討會論文 2 請見下頁 國學術性論文專書本外專書論文章 其他 篇 教授 7 副教授 3 參 本國籍 助理教授 4 與 博士後研究員 0 計專任助理 2 畫教授 人次 人力 非本國籍 副教授助理教授 1 博士後研究員 專任助理 本研讀會號召台灣在地南北大專院校長期耕耘十九世紀相關議題之各校教師共聚一堂, 分享從各個其他成果學門切入研究之寶貴心得, 期間老師們紛紛以發表 ( 無法以量化表達之成果如辦理學術活動 獲得獎項 的演說撰寫成稿, 陸續完成專書章節 期刊論文 重要國際合作 研究成果國際影響力及其他協助產業新研究計畫的發想, 已有豐碩的成果 同時也在國技術發展之具體效益事項等, 請以文字敘述填列 ) 內外研討會上發表, 讓台灣在本領域的研究成果可以具有國際影響力, 創造未來更深入 重要的國際研究合作空間 6

6 一 專書論文 Wu, Ya-Feng. Keats Gone Wilde: Wilde s Romantic Self-Fashioning at Fin de Siècle (accepted) 二 期刊論文 ( 以下僅列舉幾篇, 成員另有文章發表中 ) Chen, Eva. Dobbin s Corduroys: Clothes and Modes of Masculinities in Thackeray s Vanity Fair. The Victorians: A Journal of Literature and Culture (AHCI) 124 (Fall 2013): Chen, Eva. Freedom or Constraint: The Speeding Bicycle and the Industrial Subject in H. G. Wells s The Wheels of Chance. Victorian Literature and Culture (Cambridge University Press, AHCI) 45.2 (2017) Forthcoming. Lee, Chia-Jung. (2017, Jun). Locating the Self in Temporality: the Wordsworthian Self and The Prelude. The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture, Vol. 10, No. 2. (Accepted). (THCI Core). MOST H 本人為第一作者 通訊作者. Lee, Chia-Jung. (2014, Jun). Between Speech and Silence in Wordsworth s Prelude: Transformation of Self in Text. EurAmerica, 44(2), (THCI Core). MOST H 本人為第一作者 通訊 Lee, Wei-yao. Healing the Nation with Nature: William Wordsworth s Vernal Ode. Journal of Humanities College of Liberal Arts National Chung Hsing University 57, Lee, Wei-yao. The Victory Ode and National Narrative: William Wordsworth s Thanksgiving Ode. Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies (42.2), Schroeder, Sharin. Lasting Ephemera: Margaret Oliphant and Andrew Lang on Lives and Letters. Victorian Periodicals Review 50.2 ([Forthcoming] Summer 2017): Wu, Wi-Dao. Forgiveness in Jane Eyre. Tamkang Review 47.1 (December 2016): Wu, Wi-Dao. Women and Memory in Anne Brontë s Agnes Grey. Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities 42 (January 2017): Yan, Shu-chuan. Material Fashion and Needlewomen in the Victorian Periodical, 1840s-1850s. NTU Studies in Language and Literature 36 (2016): 三 國外學術研討會 Lai, Shu-Fang. Chinese Translation of Dickens s David Copperfield. Dickens Society 21st Annual Symposium: Adapting Dickens. National Museum of Iceland, Reykjavík, 12-15, July Dickinson College),31 May-2 June Wu, Ya-Feng. Keats s Ovidian Vision: Metamorphosis, Mythography and Science. Shanghai ( 上海師範大學與美國 四 國內學術研討會 Lai, Shu-Fang. The Forgotten Writings of Hans Christian Andresen. Forgotten Books & Cultural Memory Conference. Taipei Tech University, May, Wu, Ya-Feng. [M]ake it flourish like a Basil Tree : John Keats s Grecian Legacy to Oscar Wilde. Conference on Romantic Legacies. National Cheng-chi University ( 國立治政大學 ),18-19 Nov

7 參 十九世紀英國文學文化研究 經典研讀班各場次時間及研讀主題表 編號日期起迄時間研讀書籍及主題講員 / 主持人 1 104/9/4 14:00-15:30 書名 : William Thackeray, Vanity Fair ( ) 研讀主題 : 十九世紀新女性與城市文學 Modern Novels/ Women and Urban Literature 講員陳音頤主持人賴慈芸 開會地點 政大 書名 : Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights 2 104/10/2 14:00-15:30 (1847) 研讀主題 : 十九世紀小說中譯之研究 講員賴慈芸主持人陳音頤 師大 Translation of 19 th Century Fiction 書名 : Charles Dickens, David 3 104/11/13 14:00-15:10 Copperfield (1849) 研讀主題 : 維多利亞價值與新時代 講員賴淑芳主持人楊雅惠 中山 Victorian Value and the New Age 研讀主題 : 天國與異邦 : 近代蘇格蘭 4 104/11/13 15:20-16:30 傳教士在福爾摩沙的時空視域 Heaven and Heathen:The Spatiotemporal Horizon of Scottish 講員楊雅惠主持人呂佩穎 中山 Missionaries in Modern Formosa 書名 : Wordsworth s Tintern Abbey (1798) 與 Tennyson's In Memoriam 5 104/12/18 14:00-15:10 (1850) 研讀主題 : 十九世紀對自然之革命性 講員李佳容主持人顏淑娟 中山 思潮 The Revolutionary View of Nature in Wordsworth and Tennyson 6 104/12/18 15:20-16:30 書名 :Jane Austen, Persuasion (1818) 研讀主題 : 遺忘的藝術 The Art of Forgetting 講員吳易道主持人吳雅鳳 中山 書名 : The Confessions of an English 台大 7 105/1/8 14:00-15:30 Opium Eater (1821) 研讀主題 : 十九世紀東方與西方 : 德昆西的巴洛克式消費 Thomas De Quincey s Baroque 講員吳雅鳳主持人賴淑芳 Consumption of the Orient 8 14:00-15:10 書名 : Patrick Manson, A Gossip about 講員呂佩穎 8

8 105/3/11 Formosa (1875) 研讀主題 : 十九世紀蘇格蘭醫者打狗行跡 : 醫學與想像 19th-Century 主持人楊雅惠 高醫 Scottish Medics in Takao: Medicine and Imagination 9 105/3/11 15:20-16:30 書名 : 漢語聖詩 養心神詩 研讀主題 / 範圍 : 十九世紀聖經中譯之研究 19 th- Century Chinese Translation 講員楊雅惠主持人賴慈芸 高醫 of the Bible /4/8 14:00-15:10 書名 : Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (1814) 研讀主題 : 速度的道德意涵 The Morality of Speed 講員吳易道主持人林明澤 / 陳昭芳 成大 書名 : George Eliot, Felix Holt, the /4/8 15:20-16:30 Radical (1866) 與 Silas Marner (1861) 研讀主題 / 範圍 : 維多利亞文學父職研究 Fatherhood in Victorian Literature 參考書 : Natalie McKnight, Fathers in 講員陳昭芳主持人顏淑娟 成大 Victorian Fiction 書名 : Mrs. Gaskell, Mary Barton /5/6 14:00-15:10 (1848) and Ruth (1853) 研讀主題 : 英國維多利亞文學的女性勞工 The Women Workers in Victorian 講員顏淑娟主持人李佳容 高雄大學 Literature 書名 : William Wordsworth, Book V of The Prelude (1805 and 1850 versions) 研讀主題 : 言語與靜默之間 : 文本裡 高雄 /5/6 15:20-16:30 所窺見的華茲沃斯自我 Between Speech and Silence: 講員李佳容主持人吳易道 大學 Wordsworth s Self Glimpsed in the Text 書名 : H. G. Wells The Wheels of Chance (1896) 政大 /6/3 14:00-15:10 研讀主題 : 速度, 科技, 及近代的主體 : 講員陳音頤主持人賴慈芸 Speed, Technology and the Modern Body: Bicycling in H. G. Wells 9

9 書名 : Andersen s The Dying Child /6/3 15:20-16:30 and The Story of a Mother and Dickens s A Child s Dream of a Star 研讀主題 : 安徒生與狄更斯的共鳴 講員賴淑芳主持人賴慈芸 政大 Andersen and Dickens in Resonance 書名 : Bram Stoker s Dracula (1897) 成大 研讀主題 : From Vampire to Archive: /9/23 14:00-15:10 Excessive Recording, Obsessive Archiving, and Modernity in Bram Stoker s Dracula 講員林明澤主持人吳雅鳳 從 吸血鬼 到 析寫軌 : 德古拉 中的記錄過剩 存檔偏執與現代性 書名 : William Wordsworth's 成大 /9/23 15:20-16:30 Thanksgiving Ode (1816) 研讀主題 : The Victory Ode and National Narrative: William Wordsworth's Thanksgiving Ode 勝利頌與國家論述 : 渥茲渥斯的感恩 講員李為堯主持人顏淑娟 頌 書名 : The Arabian Nights: Tales from a 台大 Thousand and One Nights /10/21 14:00-15:10 研讀主題 : The Arabian Nights: the Primal Frame Story of the English 講員吳雅鳳主持人楊雅惠 Novel 一千零一夜 : 英文小說的原初 框架 書名 : The Autobiography and Letters 台大 of Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant (1899), Andrew Lang, At the Sign of the 講員 Sharin /10/21 15:20-16:30 Ship Schroeder 研讀主題 : Lives and Letters: The 主持人陳音頤 Life-Writing Rivalries of Margaret Oliphant and Andrew Lang /11/25 14:00-15:10 書名 : Thomas De Quincey s Recollections of the Lake Poets 研讀主題 : Thomas De Quincey s Discipleship and Wordsworth in 講員許立欣主持人吳雅鳳 政大 America /11/25 15:20-16:30 書名 : The Prelude 講員李立柏政大 10

10 研讀主題 : City Lights: Cities in Wordsworth's The Prelude 城市之光 : 華茲華斯序曲中的城市 主持人賴慈芸 書名 : Jane Eyre (1847) 研讀主題 : Translations of Brontë 講員賴慈芸 /12/30 14:00-14:45 sisters 布朗特姐妹的中譯 主持人袁鶴翔 台師大 研讀主題 : Cultural Nuances in 台師 105/12/30 14:50-15:35 Translation, An Armature's Chat with 講員袁鶴祥 大 Mr. Stephen Soong /12/30 15:45-16:30 書名 : Jane Eyre (1847) 研讀主題 : The Language of Forgiveness 原諒的語言 講員吳易道主持人李立柏 台師大 /1/13 14:00-15:10 研讀主題 : Victorian Encounters in Southern Formosa, 講員 Dr.John Shufelt 高醫 主持人呂佩穎 /1/13 15:20-16:30 書名 : 春之頌 研讀主題 : 以自然治癒國家 : 威廉 渥茲渥斯的 春之頌 講員李為堯主持人陳昭芳 高醫 /3/17 14:00-15:10 研讀主題 : Literary Plagiarism in the 1880s: Case Studies of Andrew Lang, Rider Haggard, and Lewis Carroll. 講員 Sharin Schroeder 主持人許立欣 北科大 書名 : Thomas Hood, "The Song of the 北科 /3/17 15:20-16:30 Shirt" (1843) 研讀主題 : The Woman Worker in 講員顏淑娟主持人吳雅鳳 大 Victorian Literature /4/21 14:00-14:50 15:00-15:50 研讀主題 : "Victorian Medievalism Awaken"( 維多利亞時代中古思維的覺醒 ) 研讀主題 : I noticed that Robert Browning had made another poem : Dickinson and the Poetics of British Celebrity 講員蘇其康主持人賴淑芳講員 Páraic Finnerty 主持人許立欣 中山 11

11 29 106/4/21 16:00-16:50 書名 : Mill on the Floss 研讀主題 : "Educating Our Fathers" 講員陳昭芳主持人顏淑娟 中山 書名 : Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria. George Watson 台大 ed. London: Dent, Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. J. M. D. Meiklejohn trans. New York: Prometheus Books, Critique of Judgment. Werner S. Pluhar trans. Cambridge: Hackett publishing /5/19 14:00-15:10 company, Wordsworth, William. The Thirteen-Book Prelude. Mark L. Reed 講員李佳容主持人吳易道 ed. Vol. II. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991 研讀主題 : "Between Reality and Representation: A Reading of Wordsworth s Language in the context of Kant s Idealism and Coleridge s Organicism" /5/19 15:20-16:30 書名 :Emblems of Mortality 研讀主題 : Bewick s Dance of Death in question 講員宋美瑩主持人吳雅鳳 台大 12

12 肆 各場次主題與大綱彙整及海報 ( 因牽涉發表中的學術論文, 故精簡摘要 ) 第 1 場 104/9/4 研讀主題 : 十九世紀新女性與城市文學 Modern Novels/ Women and Urban Literature 主講 : 陳音頤老師大綱 Early Victorian debate on the gentleman/dandy divide, in which William Thackeray vigorously participates, constructs ideal Victorian masculinity as represented by the bourgeois values of productive work, inner moral truth and undemonstrative self-discipline. Crucially in this debate, clothes play a key role, as this manly ideal is particularly linked with an avoidance of surface display and a proclaimed indifference to or even rejection of fashion and clothes, in stark opposition to the clothes-obsessed, decadent and superficial aristocratic dandy. Clothes and surface display are thus set up as the polar opposite to inner moral virtue, mirroring the fundamental class differences between the two male types. This paper argues that in Vanity Fair s portrayal of the morally virtuous but distinctly unfashionable Major Dobbin, as well as the dandiacal Jos Sedley, Thackeray actually reveals ambivalences and contradictions that problematize his own journalistic message. Dress and clothes not just make the dandy, but also crucially articulate what constitutes normative bourgeois manhood as a key technology of self-fashioning. Keywords: Vanity Fair male fashion Victorian masculinity 第 2 場 104/10/2 研讀主題 : 十九世紀小說中譯之研究 Translation of 19 th Century Fiction 主講人 : 賴慈芸老師大綱 雙重敘事結構 不為人知的首譯本 (1930) 大家都以為是第一個譯本 : 梁實秋譯本 (1942) 最悲情的盜版源頭 : 魂歸離恨天 (1945) Lockwood: 口是心非的第一敘事者 第二敘事者 ( 管家 ) 13

13 第 3 場 104/11/13 研讀主題 : 維多利亞價值與新時代 Victorian Value and the New Age 主講人 : 賴淑芳老師大綱 David Copperfield ( ) Best Reading for All Time Preface to the 1869 Edition Full Title A Book of Life or Buildungsroman The Problems with the Minds: Bully Undisciplined Heart Character Building: Resolution 第 4 場 104/11/13 研讀主題 : 天國與異邦 : 近代蘇格蘭傳教士在福爾摩沙的時空視域 Heaven and Heathen:The Spatiotemporal Horizon of Scottish Missionaries in Modern Formosa 主講人 : 楊雅惠老師大綱 鄉 / 故鄉 : 東 / 西方海島的地理疊映 野蠻 / 文明 : 身體觀的衝突與轉化 他者/ 自我 多元渾融的空間觀 外部 / 內部 : 還境雜音與靈魂聲音 在地/ 屬天 的雙軸時間觀 希望的地誌 14

14 大綱 第 5 場 104/12/18 研讀主題 : 十九世紀對自然之革命性思潮 The Revolutionary View of Nature in Wordsworth and Tennyson 主講人 : 李佳容老師 My study will examine the association between the literary periods of Romanticism and Victorianism, which witnessed a significant transition in society, politics, and industry. This trans-historical shift indicates a need to understand various perceptions of nature, society, and human nature as we move from the reading of early nineteenth century to later nineteenth century. The purpose of this study is to explore the revolutionary view of nature in the poetic works of William Wordsworth and Alfred Lord Tennyson, both Poets Laureate of Great Britain. The main issue is to investigate how landscape, literary representation of landscape, and the process of representing landscape in Tintern Abbey and In Memoriam help to shape the poets identity. In turn, it is also concerned with how a sense of identity informs textual representation of landscape. In my paper, I argue that the key factor shaping the poets sense of identity is the contradictory force between oppressive society and the visionary communion with nature. For example, Wordsworth s return to nature, his birth place, is full of ambivalence his attachment to nature as a whole biocommunity and temporary isolation as an individual in society. My main points are concerned with how this positional reciprocity - the creative tension enables the poets to relocate their place in the world in order to keep a sustainable relationship with both society and nature, to reconceptualize the world they beholds, and ultimately to recognize one s own identity, which is acting and reacting with city life and natural landscape, presenting and presented by the world. 大綱 緣起 Nature v.s. forgetting 遺忘的重要性 (1) 遺忘的重要性 (2) 結論 (Anne Bronte) 第 6 場 104/12/18 研讀主題 : 遺忘的藝術 The Art of Forgetting 主講人 : 吳易道老師 15

15 第 7 場 10/1/8 研讀主題 : 十九世紀東方與西方 : 德昆西的巴洛克式消費 Thomas De Quincey s Baroque Consumption of 大綱 Thomas De Quincey Baroque, consumption, the orient Confessions History of Opium Addiction The Baroque prose The Involute Consumption (OED) Dreams: architecture, bodies of water, the east the Orient 主講人 : 吳雅鳳老師 第 8 場 105/3/11 研讀主題 : 十九世紀蘇格蘭醫者打狗行跡 : 醫學與想像 19th-Century Scottish Medics in Takao: 大綱 Medicine and Imagination 主講人 : 呂佩穎老師 A Gossip for Formosa 一位 19 世紀醫者對打狗的紀錄 熱帶醫學之父萬巴德在 1866 年來到打狗, 為海關醫官, 旅居 5 年, 此文以一個旅遊者的眼光, 在與被旅遊的地方與人民中重新建構歐洲殖民主義的想像, 打狗港給萬巴德一個空間使他可 以對東方, 福爾摩沙及其居民形成意見 不同於大部份的殖民主義, 萬巴德的殖民心態其實是 多面, 複雜的 他一方面如同英格蘭人之於蘇格蘭人把台灣看為 他者, 一方面以受到壓迫的 蘇格蘭高地人般的認同台灣, 或者更明顯的是和台灣的平埔族站在一起變為 他者 萬巴德雖 沒有以所謂的西方殖民式的控制來建構他人生中第一個接觸的東方, 但他無論至那個角度都沒 有給予太多的空間來讓 他者 成為 他者 其探討面向如下 : 1. 人煙稀少的曠野 - 蘇格蘭故鄉圖像 2. 已開發及未開發世界 3. 多面像的東方主義 4. 醫學與蘇格蘭想像的延續 16

16 第 9 場 105/3/11 研讀主題 : 十九世紀聖經中譯之研究 19 th- Century Chinese Translation of the Bible 主講人 : 楊雅惠老師大綱 心靈叩關 : 養心神詩 的成書背景 跨國想像的隱藏讀者 : 養心神詩 的接受視域 從古國倫理到神國福音 : 養心神詩 的主題內容 中西差異與神人融合 : 養心神詩 的真理言說 結語 : 文化之遷移, 信仰的旅行 大綱 Defining the morality of speed 龜兔賽跑 Wordsworth, Burke and the morality of speed Austen, speed and revolution 結論 (Charles Darwin) 第 10 場 105/4/8 研讀主題 : 速度的道德意涵 The Morality of Speed 主講人 : 吳易道老師 第 11 場 105/4/8 研讀主題 : 維多利亞文學父職研究 Fatherhood in Victorian Literature 主講人 : 陳昭芳老師大綱 Fathers in Victorian Fiction A Man s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England A Man s Place Fatherhood in Victorian England Fathers & Institution Leaders Silas Marner (1861) Silas Marner: Male Mothering Godfrey Cass Squire Cass Felix Holt, The Radical (1866) Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt (1868) 17

17 第 12 場 105/5/6 研讀主題 : 英國維多利亞文學的女性勞工 The Women Workers in Victorian Literature 主講人 : 顏淑娟老師大綱 Mary Barton: A Tale of Manchester Life (1848) Punch (1850) Victorian Seamstresses Seamstresses in Mary Barton Margaret Jennings George W. M. Reynolds, The Seamstress; or, the White Slave of England (1853) Ruth (1853) Prostitution among needlewomen 大綱 第 13 場 105/5/6 研讀主題 : 言語與靜默之間 : 文本裡所窺見的華茲沃斯自我 Between Speech and Silence: Wordsworth s Self Glimpsed in the Text 主講人 : 李佳容老師 The study focuses on William Wordsworth s self representation in Book V of The Prelude. I consider Wordsworth s textual self in the draft materials and revisions of this Book in order to explore the vital relationship between Wordsworth and his text, and to observe how he writes his complicated emotions into the process of composition. Wordsworth s represented self vanishes into language in his act of writing. Wordsworth, engaging with the counter-spirit of language, represents a self overwhelmed by the loud blast from writing itself and defaced by its substitutive figurations. However, I argue that, in response to the failure of self-representation, Wordsworth transforms his vision of the weak[ness] of words into an opportunity for the working of language itself. For Wordsworth, the visionary power in the mystery of words is capable of visioning at least the presence of the represented self. I show, in particular, how Wordsworth communicates a sense of self in language precisely by signaling its absence from that language. He does this by situating his self-representation midway between speech and silence, acknowledging but resisting the working of darkness and shadowy things in the mystery of words. Through his precisely inconsistent and opaque use of language, Wordsworth s writing avoids the total defacement of the unrepresentable self in words. 18

18 大綱 第 14 場 105/6/3 研讀主題 : 速度, 科技, 及近代的主體 : Speed, Technology and the Modern Body: Bicycling in H. G. Wells 主講人 : 陳音頤老師 In the last decade of the nineteenth century, the bicycle was often linked with the pastoral values of the outdoors, fresh air, and freedom, values perceived as conflicting with mechanized urban modernity. Yet these organic values sit side by side with the bicycle s fundamental nature as a machine of speed. The mechanistically enmeshed nature of the bicycling experience mirrors the quintessential modern experience of ceaseless change, nervous stimulation, and temporal and spatial compression. As such, the bicycle offers both a release from and also a potential source of anxiety and tension for the human subject, both a means of escape from industrial modernity and also a sublime expression of its very essence. Taking a cue from Nicholas Daly s work on the sensation novel, I argue that this duality in the bicycle s symbolism functions to retrain and retool the human subject to better adjust to the shocks of industrial modernity, and to reinterpret the human-machine encounter as pleasure (Daly 42). To forward this argument, this paper discusses H. G. Wells s 1896 novel The Wheels of Chance: A Bicycling Idyll, one of the few fin-de-sie`cle novels that uses the bicycle as a key thematic device and captures the manifold meanings of the bicycling experience.2 This novel is generally regarded as a social romance and its bicycle theme is often linked to the New Woman and socio-political iconoclasm. This paper, however, finds particular interest in the novel s depiction of the bicycle as both a symbol of the pastoral and a machine of speed. Situating the bicycle in late Victorian discourses on mobility, recreation, and machine-aided travel, I argue that Wells s novel presents the bicycle s interaction with and impact on the human subject in a way that does not emphasize stark polarization, but allows room for mutual adjustment, enabling pleasure and eventually the construction of a new emboldened, retooled modern subjectivity. 大綱 第 15 場 105/6/3 研讀主題 : 安徒生與狄更斯的共鳴 Andersen and Dickens in Resonance 主講人 : 賴淑芳老師 The Dying Child: Recurrive Theme: Dickens, A Child s Dream of a Star ; Hendersens s Early Poems The Story of a Mother A Christmas Greeting to my English Friends, December 1847 Dedication(Bently, 1847) Dickens to H.C. Handersen, late Jan

19 第 16 場 105/9/23 研讀主題 : From Vampire to Archive: Excessive Recording, Obsessive Archiving, and Modernity in Bram 大綱 Stoker s Dracula 從 吸血鬼 到 析寫軌 : 德古拉 中的記錄過剩 存檔偏執與現代性 Bram Stoker s Clerical Background 主講人 : 林明澤老師 The Underlying Principles of the Perfect Clerical Practice Excessive Recording Obsessional Filing Use of Filed Data Two Types of vampirism Vampirization As Desiccation Conclusion: Hail to modernity 第 17 場 105/9/23 研讀主題 : The Victory Ode and National Narrative: William Wordsworth's Thanksgiving Ode 勝利頌與國家論述 : 渥茲渥斯的感恩頌主講人 : 李為堯老師大綱 the victory ode constitutes one type of national narrative It celebrates the military victories of the nation and promotes national consciousness the poet employs the generic and cultural codes Examples from Congreve, Prior, Cobbold, Wordsworth 第 18 場 105/10/21 研讀主題 : The Arabian Nights: the Primal Frame Story of the English Novel 一千零一夜 : 英文小說的原初框架主講人 : 吳雅鳳老師大綱 Compilation and translation The Frame story: female narrative and adventure narrative Burton s translation Reception in the 18th & 19th C Realism and / vs. Magic Influence 20

20 第 19 場 105/10/21 研讀主題 : Lives and Letters: The Life-Writing Rivalries of Margaret Oliphant and Andrew Lang 主講人 : Sharin Schroeder 老師大綱 Let us fellow-labourers make biographies of ourselves taboo: if we have nothing else to leave, we can leave our malison on those who publish our Lives and Letters. Think what letters are; hasty, indiscreet, inaccurate. October 1899 At the Sign of the Ship p See also Green, Andrew Lang, p. ix. 第 20 場 105/11/25 研讀主題 : Thomas De Quincey s Discipleship and Wordsworth in America 主講人 : 許立欣老師大綱 The talk explores the mid-nineteenth-century transatlantic reception of Thomas De Quincey s discipleship of William Wordsworth to see how responses towards their literary tension were polarized and localized across the Atlantic Ocean. De Quincey s series of recollections of the Lake Poets, detailed accounts of the Wordsworth circle, were initially published in the U.K. between 1834 and 1840 in Tait s Edinburgh Magazine, and later collected in the U.S. in 1853 by Ticknor and Fields as Literary Reminiscences. The transatlantic transmission and diverging receptions of De Quincey s literary gossips had a subtle impact on the transmutation of the iconic statuses of these two iconic English writers in the U.S. By providing a preliminary examination of De Quincey s autobiographical account of Wordsworth and its mixed recpetions, the paper seeks to explore how the transatlantic crossing of their fraught relationship plays an intriguing role in shaping their literary reputations for their American reviewers. Scholars such as John E. Jordan, Grevel Lindop, Annette Wheeler Cafarelli, David Higgins, Julian North, Lucy Newlyn, Robert Morrison, Frances Wilson, among many others, have investigated the close-knit literary and personal connection between Wordsworth and De Quincey. North, in particular, notes that De Quincey would court Wordsworth s readers on his behalf. The paper continues the critical discussion by showing that De Quincey s Wordsworthian discipleship, favorably received by American reviewers at a time when American writers were also asserting their own cultural confidence, reveals a more complex picture of De Quincey s discipleship at work. De Quincey s accounts of Wordsworth not only transgress the generic and cultural division between the public and the private, the biographical and the autobiographical, but they also showcase De Quincey s multiple boundary-crossing with his shape-shifting acts in-between Wordsworth s reader, disciple, biographer, and critic. While critics like Karen Karbiener contributes De Quincey s American popularity in the 1850 to the curiosity and superiority of his American readers over this particularly needy though nevertheless representative Englishman (3), the talk supplements the reading by suggesting that De Quincey s sketches demonstrate some qualities of Americanness that caters to his North American audiences. While De Quincey exercises his readerly courtship on Wordsworth s behalf, his discipleship also appeals to American critics for his emotional struggle against Wordsworth, and his supposedly more egalitarian attitude towards his readers. Furthermore, De Quincey s confessional mode and wandering narrative were associated with the Wordsowrthian poetics by these American reviewers, which helped form a transatlantic readerly community through their shared critique of the perceived austerity of Wordsworth. Keywords: Thomas De Quincey, William Wordsworth, Discipleship, Transatlantic Receptions, Periodicals 21

21 第 21 場 105/11/25 研讀主題 : City Lights: Cities in Wordsworth's The Prelude 城市之光 : 華茲華斯序曲中的城市主講人 : 李立柏老師大綱 Wordsworth - A Chosen Son of Nature Wordsworth Losing His Confidence The Eddy s Force The Study of Past Masters Wordsworth s Guided Tour of London Harvey Peter Sucksmitth on London The Beauty of London Love of Country Life Country Life in the Lake District The Sense of Coherence and Unity that Coleridge Lacked Wordsworth s Habits of Association Chris Jones on Wordsworth s London Humanity in the City The Strength and Glory of Our Youth 第 22 場 105/12/30 研讀主題 : Translations of Brontë sisters 布朗特姐妹的中譯主講人 : 賴慈芸老師大綱英國十九世紀作家艾蜜莉 布朗忒 (Emily Jane Brontë, ) 唯一一部小說 Wuthering Heights (1847), 台灣讀者一般以 咆哮山莊 稱之, 中國讀者一般以 呼嘯山莊 稱之, 本譯注計畫則改以 嘯風山莊 為書名, 理由詳見文末的 關於此譯注本的幾點說明 一節 這部小說多次改編成電影, 又有各種改寫本, 聽過的人應該比看過小說的多 這固然是一般被稱為 文學經典作品 的常態, 但 嘯風山莊 因為更常被當作浪漫愛情小說, 而讓人忽略了其在結構上和敘事上的驚人成就 作者艾蜜莉 布朗忒的姊姊夏綠蒂 (Charlotte Brontë, ) 是 簡 愛 (Jane Eyre) 一書的作者, 由於 簡 愛 可說是後來西方羅曼史文類的始祖, 也影響到許多讀者對 嘯風山莊 的期待, 以為是另一本羅曼史姊妹作 但 嘯風山莊 結構遠比 簡 愛 複雜, 對愛情的描寫也與一般的羅曼史文類相去甚遠, 以浪漫愛情故事來看待, 可以說是普遍的誤讀, 讓許多讀者錯愕難懂, 也因此從出版以來, 一直都不如 簡 愛 暢銷 但隨著文學研究的進展, 嘯風山莊 的成就越來越為人所知, 學術研究 詮釋 衍生作品不絕, 已被公認是十九世紀的經典之一, 甚至有超越 簡 愛 之勢 本篇緒論, 分為 作者生平述要 作品的出版與接受 戲劇性的結構 不可靠的敘事者 改編與衍生作品 中譯本評述 關於此譯注本的幾點說明 等八節, 並附有 艾蜜莉 布朗忒年表 和 1850 年編者序 22

22 第 23 場 105/12/30 研讀主題 : The Language of Forgiveness 原諒的語言主講人 : 吳易道老師大綱 Dickens s Dombey and Son ( ) Forgiveness in mid-19th century England The Language of Forgiveness in Jane Eyre (1847) Conclusion: Dickens s Great Expectations (1861) 第 24 場 106/1/13 研讀主題 : Victorian Encounters in Southern Formosa, 主講人 : Dr.John Shufelt 大綱 This principal aim of this talk is introduce several representative Victorian visitors to treaty-port Formosa, , through a brief examination of their work and representative publications. Included will be Robert Swinhoe, the first British Consular official based on the island; photographer and travel writer John Thomson; Chinese Maritime Customs officer, Thomas Francis Hughes; and three early Presbyterian missionaries: Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell, Hugh Ritchie, and William Campbell. Finally, I will also briefly analyze accounts by two British travelers: Elizabeth Ritchie and Julia (Grimani) Hughes. Although both women shared their spouses values and worldview, their gender gave them access to people and experiences unavailable to Euro-American men. Each of these men and women was born in the British Isles, and together they comprise the first generation of secular and missionary visitors to Taiwan following the Treaty of Tientsin. Since this talk is designed be a general introduction, ample time will be saved for questions related to issues of interest to the audience. 第 25 場 106/1/13 研讀主題 : 以自然治癒國家 : 威廉 渥茲渥斯的 春之頌 主講人 : 李為堯老師大綱 the victory ode constitutes one type of national narrative It celebrates the military victories of the nation and promotes national consciousness the poet employs the generic and cultural codes Examples from Congreve, Prior, Cobbold, Wordsworth 23

23 第 26 場 106/3/17 研讀主題 : Literary Plagiarism in the 1880s: Case Studies of Andrew Lang, Rider Haggard, and Lewis Carroll. 主講人 : Sharin Schroeder 老師大綱 Both the word and concept of plagiarism a literary thief came to prominence at the advent of mass print culture, and interestingly, plagiarism stands symbolically at the head of the English literary canon. Nick Groom, Unoriginal Genius, p. 277 Known connections between Lang and Carroll are indirect 第 27 場 106/3/17 研讀主題 : 研讀主題 : The Woman Worker in Victorian Literature 主講人 : 顏淑娟老師大綱 Appeared anonymously in the 1843 Christmas edition of the comic weekly, Punch (16 December 1843) Hood s apology to the editor Mark Lemon: Will it be grave for Punch? If not, there may be some more of it. Based on a real incident, the case of Biddell, a widow and a seamstress The publication of Hood s poem tripled Punch s circulation and gave the seamstress international fame. The work was widely re-printed (e.g., The Times); it appeared on handkerchiefs, was set to music and even dramatized. One of the best known verses in the English language; translated into German, Italian, French and Russian for newspaper publication Highly praised by professional authors such as Charles Dickens. 24

24 大綱 第 28 場 106/4/21 研讀主題 : "Victorian Medievalism Awaken"( 維多利亞時代中古思維的覺醒 ) 主講人 : 蘇其康老師 The Victorian Era Succeeding the Romantic The ideal (man/ gentleman) Code conduct for females; gender awareness Exploration/expansion of the world Where to start and what to look at The intellectual circle writes back 看看別人, 想想自己 Sir William Jones ( ) The Indo-European language tree Alfred Lord Tennyson ( ) Idylls of the King ( ) Frederick James Furnivall ( ) James Murray ( ) Walter William Skeat ( ) FBA Bernhard Egidius Konrad ten Brink ( ) 大綱 第 29 場 106/4/21 研讀主題 : "Educating Our Fathers" 主講人 : 陳昭芳老師 Switching Positions Text, Context, Author Condition of Education Fathers & Fatherhood Mr. Tulliver as Father Ineffectual Father(-figures) Fatherhood, Law & Authority 25

25 第 30 場 106/5/19 研讀主題 : Between Reality and Representation: A Reading of Wordsworth s Language in the context of Kant s Idealism and Coleridge s Organicism 主講人 : 李佳容老師大綱 This study observes the impact of Immanuel Kant and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, two influential figures in Western philosophy, on Wordsworth s writing in order to form a complete understanding of the poet s use of language that manifests an aspect of its intellectual and artistic landscape significance in the aesthetics of the eighteenth century. Language is conventionally viewed as a formative force in the construction of thought and expression of feeling. A train of thought from German Idealism to British Organicism is mainly concerned about the aesthetic presentation of ideas. The function of aesthetic production, for idealists, is to create and form a world in which the absolute can be directly accessed. The core concept of Kant s epistemology of the world is that the rational order of the world is the product of the rule-based activity of synthesis. While Kant believes that the world is comprehensible because of our inner synthetic faculties, Coleridge supposes there are empirical laws in nature. The question is how we can determine the determinable empirical laws (my italics) that are dependent on the content of the given appearances rather than on our cognitive faculties. This is also the question existing in Kant s epistemology of the world, in which the outer appearances are claimed to be shaped by the mental intuitions. These empirical laws of things-in-themselves are still beyond the control of our comprehension and thus challenge the mind s desire to encompass it in our cognitive system. My reading also traces the way Wordsworth presents his vision of the sublime under the influence of Kant and explore the intricate link that has been weaved between the mind and the landscape in the poet s writing. In Coleridge s organic whole, there is a dynamic play of fragmentary forces. It is this very ironical pattern of fragment and whole that constitutes Coleridge s exemplary creative philosophy and causes much influence on Wordsworth s writing. My study will attempt to unpack the more perplexing problem existing in Wordsworth s interaction with nature. The fragment replicates the whole on the basis of its fragmentary totality. At the end, in poetic writing, the whole is forever in the position of presence, whose presence is replaced by the presence of the fragment. This problematic reflexive mode of the literary absolute, interestingly, is most worth in-depth exploration in Wordsworth s remarkable craft. 第 31 場 106/5/19 研讀主題 : Bewick s Dance of Death in question 主講人 : 宋美瑩老師大綱 Bewick s Dance of Death in question 畢維克 死亡之舞 的疑問本研究是就 John Bewick 在 1789 年所作版畫 死亡之舞, 追溯其十六世紀的源起 (Hans Holbein 版本 ) 和後來的模仿版本, 透過版本比較的方式, 分析各版的創新之處, 並為一部 1825 年假稱是 Mr. Bewick 的版本辯護 鑑於現今存放在 Newcastle City Library 的木雕版並非 John Bewick 的原版, 而是這套 1825 版本, 可見雖然這套版畫堪稱 偽作, 卻有相當的藝術價值 本研究認為 1825 年版是歷代版本中最具創意的一版, 其作者的爭議, 如今雖尚無定論, 盜用木雕大師畢維克名字以利市場販賣的 罪證 也確鑿, 但它在圖像構圖的重新創作上, 以及由十六世紀宗教的教誨意涵轉型到十九世紀現代社會層面的反映與諷刺, 卻是此版最大的貢獻 在歷代 死亡之舞 的版本中,1825 年 畢維克偽作 版堪稱現代版的佳作 26

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34 伍 參與讀書會之心得收穫 吳雅鳳老師兩年的經典讀書會, 共舉辦了 28 次的經典研讀, 各分別在臺北 台南及高雄成員所在的學校舉行, 包括臺大 政大 台師大 台科大 成功 中山 高雄大學 高雄醫學大學等八所大學 研讀的經典與主題包括十八 十九世紀歐美文學 哲學 文化 藝術, 其中也包括經典文學與聖經的中文翻譯, 西方傳教士對台灣的影響等 也特別邀請了東吳大學英文系講座教授袁鶴翔 東海大學外文系的 Dr. John Shufelt 英國 UK of Portsmouth 的 Dr. Páraic Finnertyel 高雄醫學大學語言與文化中心的蘇其康, 分別從西洋文學引進近代中國的緣起 英國傳教士對台灣的印象 十九世紀英國與美國詩人名人的文化現象 維多利亞時期的中古思維等面向, 對主要在英國文學藝術鑽研的我來說, 最為耳目一新 本讀書會最重要的精神就是為台灣十九世紀的專家學者提供一個經常性的見面機會, 切磋琢磨, 也與國際的學者接軌 讀書會的成員來自台灣各大學從事十八十九世紀相關的研究, 有資深的特聘教授, 也有剛由國外回來的年輕學者, 大多獲得英國或美國的博士學位, 在英國文學文化領域各有深耕與成就 兩年來彼此交換最新的研究與教學的心得, 形成一個極為難得的學術網絡, 其效應有三 : 擴大我個人關懷的角度與關注的視野, 激發新的研究策略, 以及建立日後學術合作的社群 吳易道老師我很榮幸能參加 十九世紀英國文學與文化 經典研讀班 從參加開始, 每個月最令我引頸企盼的事情之一, 就是前往不同的地點, 聆聽不同的學者分享他 / 她們研究的創見 這些演講包羅萬象, 所討論到的主題 文本 作者 歷史 理論 文化與研究方法幾乎涵蓋了所有十九世紀文學與文化研究的範疇 每一場演講的講者都願意傾囊相授, 將其所學以及所研究的成果分享給聽眾們 參加這些演講大大地拓展了我的學術視野, 讓我對十九世紀英國文學與文化的許多層面都有更深一層的認識與了解 此外, 這些精采的演講也對筆者自身的研究有實質的幫助 它們所提供的豐富知識不僅帶給我許多靈感, 也讓我在研究時能觸類旁通, 能更精確細緻地處理研究上所遇到的問題 而透過這些演講, 我也向很多學者們學習到了嚴謹的治學態度與方法 我非常珍惜, 也非常感謝能有這個機會成為此經典研讀班的一員 宋美瑩老師末期才加入這個研讀班, 大半的精彩報告都錯過了, 殊為可惜 僅有機會聽到的研究分享都屬於文學的專業領域, 與個人的範圍有不小差距, 但對於十九世紀英國的文化大範疇研究的認識, 仍有相當助益 印象最深刻的是師大翻譯所賴慈芸教授分享的 布朗特姊妹的中譯, 結合了台英兩地的文化脈絡, 討論各翻譯版本與新譯本的可能, 格外引人共鳴 感觸是自己的研究領域 ( 藝術圖像 印刷書籍史 ) 和方法 ( 實物研究 ) 在台灣確屬小眾, 能找到有興趣的聽眾亦屬難得, 但藉由這個團體, 找到少數知音, 也是一種收穫 李立柏老師參與經典研讀的學者, 用心治學, 把自己近期努力研究的成果與所有參與者分享, 內容傳統創新兼具, 從傳統到創新, 從十九是到二十一世紀, 跨越經典作品, 詩學, 語言, 理論, 文化, 翻譯, 想像力, 還有台灣早期的文化歷史等, 讓所有參與者可以學到不同層面的新知以及經典作品豐富恆久的內涵 於 105 年 12 月 30 日講座當天, 袁鶴翔教授從文學, 文化, 理論, 到宋淇, 張愛玲的軼事, 還有 二十世紀文學理論 的翻譯, 並提及維多利時期文學其實和二十一世紀有很多相同的地方, 維多利時期和二十一世紀一樣都必須面對社會與人類生活多方面的劇烈變化, 維多利時期文學和當代文學的研究同樣重要 十九世紀經典研讀承接了傳統和創新, 也建立研究當代文學的基礎 35

35 李佳容老師這次參與十九世紀英國文學經典研讀班, 收穫良多 很榮幸有這機會與來自不同學校的教授們一同閱讀 討論 涉略多種經典文本, 以不同且多元化的角度來理解並重新思考自己之前對相同文本的定義與探索 ; 這樣相互的創意激盪, 對我現在及未來的研究方向幫助頗大 除此, 讀書會的成員們相處融洽, 自研讀時刻的相互討論, 至會後的茶敘, 皆給我蠻溫馨的感覺, 到整個讀書會要結束了, 有蠻不捨的感覺, 希望在不久的將來能將此精神與經典文本的研讀繼續延伸 李為堯老師因為身兼行政職務, 已經許久忘了讀書做學問這件事, 也忘了曾經對自己的期許, 每天為著眼下的工作煩憂 因緣際會加入了這個讀書會, 不僅見到了學生時代的老師, 也認識了許多學術界的前輩和同輩, 往事歷歷在目, 不勝唏噓, 但在心中也燃起一絲年少野火 在讀書會的討論中, 大家彼此誠心交換意見, 對 世紀英國某位作家 某篇作品的解讀和詮釋, 討論某個議題延伸的可能性 其中, 沒有任何的文人相輕, 每每在歡笑聲中開始, 歡笑聲中結束 在前輩的鼓勵下, 硬是拿著不成熟的作品上台報告, 前輩和同輩都給了相當寶貴的回饋, 也讓我深刻體認自己的不足, 還要繼續努力充實 感謝中山大學賴叔芳教授成立了這個很 Dickensian 的讀書會, 讓我能夠再次體驗讀書的樂趣 做學問的樂趣 與人學術對話的樂趣 呂佩穎老師很感謝這兩年科技部補助這個讀書會, 我雖礙於工作, 無法常常禮拜五參與, 但是在參與的幾場中, 受益良深, 感受國內學者在維多利亞時期文學的耕耘與成就, 藉由這些機會, 能 networking 及相互學習, 激盪與開發新議題 希望這個 network 亦能在未來持續 許立欣老師 I really enjoy the opportunity to participate in this nineteenth-century reading group. The reading seminars sponsored by the MOST grant allow me great chances to meet and interact with scholars of similar fields and students from universities all over Taiwan. Although the seminar topics were not always relevant to my current research, I have benefitted so much from the fascinating themes and stimulating discussions afterwards. Furthermore, the reading group offered us a comfortable atmosphere to share our research findings and interests with our team members and researchers from other institutions. The positive feedback I received after my talk last November proves to be extremely helpful. I am currently revising the draft of the talk into a journal article, and hopefully it will be published by the end of the year. I have also learned so much from hosting some of the reading seminars this year. Prof Paraic Finnerty from the UK kindly accepted my invitation to give a public lecture on Dickinson and the Brownings in our reading group this April, an event extremely well-received by scholars and students in Taiwan. These experiences provided great chances for me to meet up with a number of specialists in the fields of the Dickinson studies, Romanticism and Nineteenth-century Studies, helping the germination of potential collaborations in the future, an opportunity I have found profoundly rewarding. Several attendants of the reading group also participated in the events and international conference hosted by EARN, a research group organized by a number of my colleagues and I in NCCU. These intellectual activities and interchanges are really a valuable asset to the development of the literary communities in Taiwan. 36

36 陳昭芳老師在 19 世紀英國文學文化研究 研讀班成立之前, 我的印象是, 與現代文學或歐陸理論相比,19 世紀的英國文學在台灣似乎不被重視 在成功大學於 2006 主辦的台灣英美文學學會年度研討會 再探 19 世紀 之後, 我們這些研究 19 世紀領域的學者們似乎又再度閉關到個人的研究室, 繼續孤軍奮鬥, 這是一種既寂寞又無奈的感覺 幸好因為參與這個研讀班, 我清楚了解有關 19 世紀的研究被忽視的印象只是一個錯覺 因為這個讀書會, 自己對該時期文學 文化熱情得以在研究 教學 服務之餘延續 更可貴的是, 有幸認識許多研究興趣與專長接近或相輔相成的學者, 也因此有機會接觸到自己原先較少涉獵的文本或議題, 透過讀書會成員之精闢導讀 分析及討論, 大大開拓了個人在既有領域的視野, 知識增長, 獲益良多, 也再次深刻體會到文學與整個時代 甚至不同文化 ( 台灣 英國 ) 間之密切關係 我非常感謝這個讀書小組帶給我的啟發, 也衷心希望這種合作共享 專業成長的機會能夠延續, 甚至成為一個常規的活動 而就個人學術研究而言, 因為兩次分享所需, 得以就維多利亞文學暨該時期父職相關議題深入鑽研, 將原本籠統的概念具體化, 並以文本 歷史 社會背景佐證, 無論對日後教學 ( 尤其是研究所部分 ) 論文撰寫及發表, 都有極大的助益 目前在整理 George Eliot 小說中父職研究, 期待能盡速完成並發表 陳音頤老師非常感謝中山大學的賴淑芳老師, 主辦這次讀書會, 也讓我有此機會更加瞭解台灣各大學研究十九世紀文學和文化的優秀學者 這個領域在英美是很大的學群, 在台灣這兩年也有越來越多學者相繼投入研究, 本讀書會的成立適時讓大家集思廣益, 互相學習, 瞭解到在各自的研究專題之外, 還有很多相關但又新鮮的題材, 這是我覺得最有收穫的地方 主辦者花了不少心思, 每次都既有深度內涵又不失趣味 楊雅惠老師承蒙本校外文系賴淑芳老師之邀, 參加了 十九世紀英國文學文化研究 經典研讀班, 觀摩了許多外文系老師相關領域的研究成果, 收獲良多 尤其外文領域的新穎研究視角, 是我們中文學門所可借鑑參考的 雖然時或教研兩忙碌, 未能每次出席, 然而若能出席的場次, 總覺十分珍惜 賴淑芳老師本讀書會為期兩年, 期間老師們在學習中定期一個月相聚並研讀經典, 尤其各場分別至成員們任教的國內大學, 中山 台大 政大 師大 成大 高雄醫學大學等校, 藉此讓各校師生皆有參與的機會, 同時每次活動廣告透過中山外文系網頁 英美文學學會及比較文學學會之電腦郵件信箱宣傳, 相信對本地英美文學研究必然有一定的影響力 同時, 成員們平日教研忙碌, 亦有從事行政工作, 忙碌之餘能夠專心研討經典, 保持學術能量並接觸最近學界發展訊息, 都認為是非常難得的機會, 也願意克服交通問題, 共聚一堂在學術思想的交流互動上已有深刻的啟發與引導未來的展望 賴慈芸老師我個人受的訓練是翻譯專業, 以往較少接觸文學專業的研究 因為翻譯經典譯注計畫的關係, 而參加了這個讀書會 其他同儕的研究, 讓我對十九世紀英國社會文化有更深入的了解 ; 而我在分析 嘯風山莊 的敘事技巧和人物心理時, 同儕的回饋也讓我受益良多, 尤其是開啟我對 女僕敘事 傳統的興趣 未來可能繼續研究和翻譯與女僕敘事相關的文學作品 顏淑娟老師感謝賴淑芳教授在百忙之中, 召集台灣本地對於十九世紀文學與文化有研讀熱忱的學者參加經典研讀的活動, 不管是已具權威性的特聘教授, 或者是新進的年輕學者, 大家都能齊聚一堂, 共襄盛舉 這次為期兩年的經典研讀活動, 最大的收穫在於讓南北兩地的學者釋放研究能量, 以較為輕鬆自在的方式一起發揮想像, 相互討論, 無形之中建構出跨校 跨界的合作模式, 也能讓具有經驗的前輩 37

37 提攜剛進入學術殿堂的後輩, 進而提升學術研究的多樣性 Sharin Schroeder 老師 I was very grateful for the opportunity to meet other nineteenth-century scholars and learn from their work. Other than the conferences held at my university (Taipei Tech), which are always attended by a few nineteenth-century scholars, this was my first opportunity to meet other Taiwanese scholars in my field. I had been wishing for a group like this ever since I moved to Taiwan in 2011, but, at the time, when I had written s to the one or two other Victorianists whom I knew, I was told that there was no real group for nineteenth-century scholars. Not only did I learn about primary and secondary sources at each meeting that will help me in my own research and teaching, these networks will also help me to be a better advisor to my MA students. I will also be better able to recommend appropriate expert outside readers to my MA students. I appreciated the feedback on my own work, and my October presentation to the group was a good motivator to finish an article for Victorian Periodicals Review, which is set to be published in VPR's summer issue. 38

38 陸 活動照片 39

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