BOOK LAUNCH CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 87 Question for B2B Companies: To Brand or Not to Brand? By Audrey Wu Compared with the splashy and costly advertisements

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1 管理前沿 新书出版 86 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 b2b 公司品牌管理 : 要还是不要? 文 / 吴冯淑 B2C 行业打起广告战和营销战来, 声势浩大 一掷千金, 然而相比之下,B2B 的品牌战就要寒酸许多 B2B 公司一般仅将销售收入的 1% 用于市场营销 为什么 B2B 公司在市场营销上如此低调呢? 原因在于该行业特殊的营销模式 :B2B 公司主要依靠销售人员一对一的销售方式 ; 客户对象不是广大的普通消费者, 而是为数不多的专业公司 这些公司客户通常被认为是行家里手, 因此对相应的技术和行情非常了解 所以 B2B 公司没有必要另外花钱来打造品牌 不过, 如今的 B2B 公司可能需要改变这种传统路线了 在中欧国际工商学院市场营销学教授弗沃德 (Waldemar A. Pfoertsch) 最近合著出版的 B2B 品牌管理 一书中, 这位来自德国的市场学专 家表示, 上述情况已经改变, 越来越多的 B2B 公司正努力突破传统经营模式 在全球化的市场中, 公司可以借助因特网进入世界各地的市场 对于那些想把业务扩展到全球并胜过一般企业的公司来说, 必须进行品牌管理 弗沃德教授说 1995 年, 第一部有关 B2B 品牌管理的专著问世 11 年后, 弗沃德教授与市场营销大师菲利普 科特勒 (Philip Kolter) 合著了 B2B 品牌管理 (B2B Brand Management) 英文版 时隔两年, 该书简体中文版面世 2008 年 3 月 19 日, 弗沃德教授在中欧陆家嘴国际金融研究院举行新闻发布会, 正式宣布 B2B 品牌管理 简体中文版的出版 B2B 品牌管理 是第一本系统分析并阐释 B2B 行业品牌战略的著作 该书 仔细研究了 50 多家成功的跨国 B2B 公司, 并深入剖析了通用电气 三星 西门子等 8 家公司的案例 书中介绍了 B2B 品牌管理的完整流程, 从决策 规划 品牌建设到品牌检验, 以及企业需要警惕的品牌陷阱等问题 该书不但具有理论价值, 而且通过对成功进行 B2B 品牌建设的公司所做的案例分析, 提供了 B2B 品牌管理的实用指南 弗沃德教授是国际商务方面的专家, 在他 30 年的职业生涯中, 弗沃德曾投身于三个不同的领域, 这让他获得了丰富的经验 在最初 10 年中, 他在企业从事市场营销工作 ; 第二个 10 年他从事咨询工作 ; 最后, 弗沃德进入学术界, 至今已有 10 个年头 多彩的职场经历将他从家乡德国带到了北美 非洲和亚洲 弗沃德教授

2 BOOK LAUNCH CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 87 Question for B2B Companies: To Brand or Not to Brand? By Audrey Wu Compared with the splashy and costly advertisements and promotional campaigns necessary in the B2C industry, B2B branding is a humble undertaking. An average B2B company spends about 1 percent of sales for their total marketing communications. The reasons for the relative silence among B2B companies lie in the industry s traditional business structure: for years B2B companies have mainly depended on personal contacts; and they typically sold to a handful of regionally based customers who were already experts in the field. Given these perimeters, there was little need to spend extra money on branding. Not so today. The above scenario is no longer always true, according to Waldemar Pfoertsch, CEIBS marketing professor and co-author of B2B Brand Management, because a growing percentage of business-to-business companies are seeking to expand beyond the traditional business model. In a globalized world, companies can access developing markets worldwide via the internet. For B2B companies that want to expand internationally and achieve above-average success, brand management is a must, says Pfoertsch. Eleven years after the appearance of the first book on B2B brand management in 1995, Pfoertsch and marketing guru Philip Kolter produced B2B Brand Management in 2006, based on careful study of more than 50 successful international B2B companies and eight case studies including GE, Samsung, and Siemens. On March 19, the duo officially launched the Chinese language edition, with a press conference at the CEIBS- Lujiazui International Financial Research Centre. When it debuted, B2B Brand Management was the first book to systematically analyze and interpret branding in the business-to-business context, Pfoertsch says. In it, the authors explain the entire process of B2B brand management from decision-making, strategy planning, and brand building to branding

3 管理前沿 新书出版 88 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 将其丰富的经验和第一手的观点融入自己的课程中, 因此他的课程非常具有实用性, 这点在 B2B 品牌管理课题上尤为突出 弗沃德和科特勒的友谊开始于 1990 年 当时, 他在芝加哥做咨询顾问, 同时受邀担任美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院的访问教授 正是在这个时候他结识了担任凯洛格管理学院市场营销学教授的科特勒 2006 年, 弗沃德出版了 Die Marke in der Mark (The Brand In the Brand, 品牌中的品牌 ) 一书, 其观点引起了科特勒的共鸣, 两人随后便合作著述, 当年即完成了 B2B 品牌管理 英文版 B2B 品牌管理 中文版的出版引起了 The Link 杂志的兴趣 在新书发布会之前, The Link 编辑专访了弗沃德教授 在接下来的访谈中, 弗沃德教授将与我们讨论 B2B 品牌管理的重要性, 以及给企业带来的种种益处 TheLINK: 为什么品牌经营对 B2B 行业也很重要? 弗沃德 :B2B 行业一直依赖一对一的销售关系, 以此与客户建立相互信任 但企业如果要走向世界, 就难以靠这种方式建立信任关系, 因为世界各地的语言 文化 生活方式都各不相同 因此,B2B 公司要进军全球市场, 品牌就变得至关重要 品牌如同车辆, 帮助你将企业的形象 情感和信任运载到各地 你人还没到, 品牌已先行一步, 为你开启大门 ; 你还没有开口, 消费者就知道你了 ; 你还没有把产品卖给顾客, 他们的头脑里就已经有你的形象了 B2B 公司的产品销售是理性的, 但也是很感性的 如果你建立了正确的品牌, 就会有回头客, 有品牌溢价和更高的销售额 一个重要的理念是 : 企业内部也必须进行品牌建设 让你的员工了解自己企业的产品和价值 因为你的员工是与客户直 中欧市场营销学教授弗沃德手持于今年 3 月 19 日出版的 B2B 品牌管理 一书的简体中文版, 旁边摆放的是先前出版的其他翻 译版 1995 年, 弗沃德教授与市场营销大师菲利普 科特勒合著了 B2B 品牌管理 一书, 目前该书已经被翻成近 20 种文字 PROUD PAPA CEIBS Marketing Professor Waldemar Pfoertsch poses with the new Chinese version of B2B Brand Management, released on March 19, alongside earlier, other-language renditions. Since Prof. Pfoertsch authored the English-language version with Kellogg School of Business Marketing guru Philip Kotler in 1995, nearly 20 editions have been published in other languages.

4 BOOK LAUNCH CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 89 audit and branding pitfalls. Besides its theoretical value, the book also offers practical instructions supplied through its analysis of the cases of the most successful B2B branding companies. A veteran in the global business world, Pfoertsch has spent 10 years in industrial marketing, 10 years in consulting, and another 10 years in academia. His diverse career has taken him from his native Germany to North America, Africa and Asia. He brings his wealth of experience and first-hand insights to his courses, especially in the topic of B2B brand management. Pfoertsch s friendship with Kellogg Business School Marketing Professor Philip Kotler began in 1990 when Pfoertsch became a visiting professor at the school while working in Chicago as a consultant. In 2006, Pfoertsch published Die Marke in der Mark (The Brand In the Brand), which resonated with Kotler and lead to the joint authorship of B2B Brand Management later that year. In the following interview with The LINK, Professor Pfoertsch discusses the benefits of managing a B2B brand, especially in China. TheLINK: Why is branding important in business-to-business? Prof. Pfoertsch: In B2B, you always have personal contact so you can build trust with customers. But when you go international, it is very hard to establish trust because of the different languages, cultures, and lifestyles. So in businessto-business, particularly international business, branding is very important. The brand is the vehicle that helps you transfer the company s image, emotions and trust. The brand opens doors before you are there. Customers know about you before you tell them, have an image of you before you give them the products. B2B is very rational, but nevertheless, very emotional. If you build the right brand, you can have repeat business, higher pricing, and sell more. One important concept is that you also need to do branding inside your company. Let your employees understand the products and the value of the company. Your employees are the ones facing the customers. In B2B branding, there is a triangle: external communication between company and customers, internal communication between company and collaborators (employees) and intra communication between employees and customers. You must work in all directions to create solid brand management. TheLINK: What are the differences and similarities between B2B brand management and B2C brand management? Pfoertsch: There are strong similarities between B2B and B2C branding but of course, the B2B market and B2C market are very different. In B2C, you have a mass market. In B2B, you have very dedicated markets. In B2B, you don t need big advertising campaigns, but specific communication. In B2C, you think short term a year is a long time for consumer products. In B2B business, you live long term one year is short; three years is not long. That means you need more stability than for B2C. In B2C, you have a large budget. Normally, in consumer markets, 10 percent of total sales are used in marketing communications, including branding. In B2B, we use only 1 or 2 percent of sales on marketing 5 percent is high, and very unusual. You cannot afford the [advertising spend] you have in B2C business. That s a huge difference. Still, in terms of the underlying principles, B2B and B2C are the same: both depend upon emotions, relationships, image, and trust. And the management time, and effort, that you must spend are almost the same. TheLINK: Does every B2B company need brand management? Pfoertsch: When you are a small company, you don t need so much. If you only have two customers, you don t need to tell the rest of the world. But as you grow bigger and go outside your existing network, you need brand management. How can your customers find you without the right brand? Companies that need brand management can use a smaller communications budget but if you don t do it at all, you are in trouble. Another important reason for branding: if you intend to sell your company or form a joint venture, the brand value adds to the company s value. TheLINK: What are the key steps to building a B2B brand? Pfoertsch: We have built this book on a set of guiding principles which are the key steps of building a B2B brand. It all starts with the decision to brand or not to brand. This is a very crucial decision. The next step is using branding dimensions: the right name, right logo, right tagline, and the brand story. These are the brand elements that together form the visual identity of a brand. Most B2B companies have a modest growth-rate throughout their lifetime. But if they take the right brand approach, they can accelerate their success. That is our theory. TheLINK: What are the key elements leading to a successful B2B brand? Pfoertsch: I recommend thorough planning, because if you don t control the way you build your brand, you will have problems. Before planning, you have to do the analysis, find out what are the different

5 管理前沿 新书出版 90 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 接打交道的 在 B2B 品牌管理上, 有一个三角关系 : 企业和消费者之间是外部营销, 企业与合作者 ( 即员工 ) 之间是内部营销, 而员工与客户之间则是互动营销 你必须从这三方面着手, 建立坚实有力的品牌管理 TheLINK: B2B 与 B2C 品牌管理有何相似和差异? 弗沃德 : 在品牌管理上,B2B 与 B2C 有很多相似之处, 但两者的市场却有很大差别 : 后者市场庞大, 而前者市场则很专一 因而 B2B 公司不需要大打广告吸引顾客, 而是通过特别的沟通方式, 建立客户关系 B2C 产品的生命周期很短 对于消费品来说, 一年已经很长了 而在 B2B 行业, 产品生命周期很长 一年太短, 三年也不算长 也就是说, 相对于 B2C 企业, B2B 企业必须更持久稳定 B2C 企业的广告预算比较大, 企业通常用销售额的 10% 来做市场营销, 其中的一块就用于品牌管理 而 B2B 企业一般仅用销售额的 1%- 2% 做市场营销, 如果占到 5% 就相当高了 像 B2C 行业的那种广告支出,B2B 企业是负担不起的 这是 B2B 与 B2C 的巨大差异 但是, 两种行业的经营原则是相同的 : 他们都要依靠情感传递 客户关系打造 形象, 以及与客户之间的信任 而且在管理运作上所花费的时间和精力是一样的 TheLINK: 每个 B2B 公司都必须进行品牌管理吗? 弗沃德 : 如果你是小公司就不怎么需要 假如你只有两名顾客, 你当然用不着做太多的宣传 但是当公司慢慢扩大并突破了原有的客户网络时, 你就需要品牌管理了 如果没有一个恰当的品牌, 如何能够脱颖而出, 让顾客找到你? 很多 B2B 公司的品牌预算非常少, 因为他们认为自己不需要品牌管理 如果你需要品牌管理, 请务必记住, 一个良好的 B2B 品牌管理是将品牌预算的三分之一用于外部营销, 三分之一用于内部营销, 另外三分之一用于互动营销 ( 即员工和顾客之间的沟通 ) 这就意味着, B2B 品牌管理的绝大部分费用不是向外支付, 而是在公司内部使用 需要品牌管理的 B2B 公司用于宣传的花费其实是很少的, 但如果你不着手进行品牌建设, 那就会出问题 品牌建设的另一个重要原因是 : 假如你打算出售你的公司或者与别人合资, 那么品牌就能使公司增值 TheLINK: 建立 B2B 品牌的关键步骤什么? 弗沃德 : 这本书是建立在一套指导原则上的, 而这些原则就是 B2B 品牌建立的关键步骤 第一步就是决定要不要建设品牌 这个决定至关重要 仅仅在信头上印上公司大名是远远不够的 品牌名称应该要传达一个信息, 传递出一个清晰的信号及理念 接下来, 就要从品牌的各个维度进行分析和制定相关策略, 包括 : 好的品牌名称 合适的品牌标识 品牌口号和品牌故事 这些因素综合起来就组成了一个品牌的视觉识别标志 (VI) 我们就这个问题在书里用了 8 个案例, 并具体列出了每个步骤 大多数 B2B 公司的增长轨迹都比较平稳, 如果他们采取恰当的品牌管理, 就会加速成功 这就是我们的理论 TheLINK: 一个成功的 B2B 品牌包括哪些关键因素? 弗沃德 : 我建议 (B2B 公司 ) 要做全面规划, 因为假如你无法掌控品牌建设的全过程, 就会有麻烦 首先必须详细分析, 了解客户有哪些不同的需求, 满足这些需求有哪些困难, 又有哪些可能的解决办法 然后, 在这些分析的基础上制定策略 可以制定专注型的策略, 像通用电气 一个公司, 就一个品牌 但如果你有明确的价值主张和迥异的产品, 也可以同时建立几个品牌 我们在书里以戴姆勒公司的拖拉机为例 他们在德国卖 Mercedes-Benz 品牌拖拉机, 在美国卖 Freightliner 品牌, 在巴西两种都卖, 而在日本只卖 Fuso 品牌 我们把这叫做 品牌组合 你必须决定用哪种方法 接下来就是如何执行品牌管理 : 在哪里推广你的品牌? 要参加多少展示会? 要 做多少广告? 特别重要的一点 : 怎样培训你的员工? 品牌管理与人们对这个理念的把握息息相关, 一位 CEO 必须知道这一点 所以, 品牌管理一定要从上至下地进行 最后是品牌审查 你必须掌控品牌, 监测结果 比如, 你的品牌标志是否被人们记住了? 你的员工是否理解了品牌的价值? TheLINK: 您用了一整章来阐述品牌陷阱的问题 企业需要避开的陷阱主要有哪些? 弗沃德 : 陷阱很多 第一大陷阱就是误以为 品牌是企业自身拥有的 其实, 品牌只存在于消费者的头脑里 你所拥有的只是将信息传递到消费者的手段而已 有些公司把这项任务交给咨询师 在消费品行业, 这很平常 但对 B2B 企业而言, 这不仅不管用 反而是致命的 第二大陷阱 : 品牌会管好它自己 不对 品牌需要经常照料 你每天都需要调整和改善它 请你一如既往地照看好你的品牌吧 第三大陷阱 : 品牌认知度, 还是品牌关联度? 品牌认知度, 就是让很多人认识你的品牌 但更重要的是让品牌与他们切身相关 比如, 我买了罗技的鼠标, 因为它的质量比其它同类产品要好, 所以, 你必须设法进入人们的选择环节, 别蒙上眼睛 我们经常看到, 有的公司稍获成功就以为自己会一直成功下去, 他们看不到真实的状况 你看到自己的品牌满天飞, 可能就会被它蒙蔽, 这不是好事 有时, 恰恰是小而快的公司改变了世界 TheLINK: B2B 品牌管理 的中文版在内容上有调整吗? 弗沃德 : 我们对数据进行了更新, 并加入了新的前言和结语 这本书对中国的企业应该很有帮助, 特别是对那些试图进入海外市场的公司 我之所以有这样的想法, 是因为我来到中国后, 看到许多中国的 B2B 公司远远落后于欧洲同行 这本书给他们提供了必需的基本知识, 这将对他们很有帮助 明年, 我们会再出一本书, 是专门为中国 B2B 公司所写的

6 BOOK LAUNCH CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 91 needs and requirements of your customers, the obstacles and the potential. Based on this analysis, you build your strategy. The strategy could be very focused, like General Electric one company, one brand. But you also can work with more brands, if you have a clear value proposition and very distinct offering. The example we show is the trucks from Daimler AG. In Germany, they offer Mercedes-Benz trucks, in the U.S. they have Freightliner, in Brazil they have both, and in Japan, they sell Fuso trucks. We call that a house of brands. You need to decide which method to use. Then there is execution of the brand management: Where do you promote your brand, how many fairs do you attend, how many advertisements do you create? And very importantly: how do you train your people? Branding is very much related to the personal understanding of the concept, and the CEO has to understand that. So you should do branding from top to bottom. Then there is brand audit. You have to control the brand, monitor the outcome. Does your logo stick in the minds of people? Do your employees understand your values? TheLINK: In your book, you dedicate a whole chapter to explaining branding pitfalls. What are the major pitfalls companies need to avoid? Pfoertsch: There are many pitfalls. The first pitfall is believing that brand is something you own. Actually, a brand only exists in the mind of the customers. What you own is only the ways in which the message reaches the mind of the customers. Some companies let consultants do the job. In the consumer industry, you see this very often. But for B2B it doesn t work it s deadly. Pitfall Number 2: Brands take care of themselves. Not true. Brands need constant attention. Every day, you have to adjust, adapt, improve, continuously care about your brand. Pitfall Number 3: Brand awareness and brand relevance. Brand awareness means many people know your brand. But more important is making the brand relevant to them. Relevance means, for example, I buy the Logitech mouse, because it s better than the other ones. You have to get into the decision steps of people. Don t wear blinders. It very often happens that, when a company is successful, they assume they will continue being successful. They don t see exactly what s happening. You can be blinded by your own brand, because you see it everywhere. That s not a good A brand only exists in the mind of the customers. What you own is only the ways in which the message reaches the mind of the customers. thing. Sometimes, small and fast growing companies do change the world. TheLINK: For the Chinese version of B2B Brand Management, were there any changes to the content? Pfoer tsch: We updated the data, added a new introduction and a new conclusion. The book will be ver y useful to Chinese companies, especially those seeking to enter overseas markets. I believe this because, when I came here, I found that many B2B companies in China are far behind their counterparts in Europe. This book provides the basic knowledge they need, and we believe this will be very helpful to Chinese companies. There will be another book specif ically dedicated to Chinese business-to-business companies next year.

7 92 管理前沿 教授研究 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 企业社会责任 CSr 芮博澜 孔夫子与企业社会责任 孔夫子 生于公元前 551 年的大学问家 企业社会责任 流行于 21 世纪 的专业术语 这两者有何相干 其实大有关系 最近的一篇学术专论如是 说 该论文的合著者之一就是中欧经济学教授芮博澜 Bala Ramasamy 论文题为 中国消费者对企业社会责任之价值观 态度及行为 论文的 另两位作者分别是香港公开大学商学院的杨志熙以及西安外国语大学商学院 的袁艺舟 芮教授与合作者从上海和香港这两个繁华的大都市收集资料 加 以研究 发现凡是比较认同儒家价值观的人都赞同企业社会责任 人们通常以为 在发展中国家 经济发展得到重视 企业社会责任被忽 视 不道德的商业行为通常被接纳 但这篇论文则驳斥了这一说法 事实上 中国大陆的消费者对于是否具有企业社会责任意识的自我评估分数为 5.57 总 分为 7 香港消费者该项分数则为 5.17 远远超过法国消费者 4.95 和美 国消费者 4.40 而与德国消费者相似 (5.19) 但是 中国消费者对企业社会责任的支持是有条件的 该项研究提醒道 文章说 如果中国消费者的儒家价值观中掺入了其他价值观 那么他们如何 看待企业社会责任就难说了 而且 即便是那些坚信儒家传统的消费者 身处不同的华人社会 在企业社会责任的支持和对待不同类型的企业社会责 任问题上 也会有不同的表现 所以 不能用一种战略对待所有类型的中国 消费者 对于那些希望了解消费者行为背后的动机 及其对于企业盈利的意义的 人来说 这篇论文都是不可多得的读物 对那些在中国和亚洲华人圈内从事 客户关系管理和企业社会责任的人来说 我们的研究既提供了机遇 也提出 了挑战 芮教授及其合著者表示 Prof. Bala Ramasamy on Confucius and CSR What does Confucius, a Chinese scholar born in 551 B.C. have to do with the 21st century concept of Corporate Social Responsibility? A lot, according to a recent paper co-written by CEIBS Professor of Economics Bala Ramasamy. The paper, entitled Values, Attitudes and Behaviour of Chinese Consumers towards Corporate Social Responsibility, was excepted in the March 31 edition of the EIU publication Business China and is under consideration now at a leading

8 Faculty Research CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 93 international journal. In writing the paper, Prof. Ramasamy and co-authors Matthew Yeung, lecturer at the Open University of Hong Kong s School of Business, and Yizhou Yuan, lecturer at Xian International Studies University s Business School, studied data collected in the teeming metropolises of Shanghai and Hong Kong. The central finding from Prof. Bala and his colleagues, after surveying 258 employees from the financial industry, is this: people who have an inclination towards Confucian values will likely be supportive of CSR. The paper refutes the widely held perception that, in developing countries, CSR usually takes a back seat to economic pursuits meaning that unethical behaviour is generally accepted. In fact, consumers in mainland China gave themselves a 5.57 rating on a scale 7 in which the top score denoted high support for CSR. Meanwhile survey-takers in Hong Kong gave themselves an average score of 5.17, beating out France (4.95) and the U.S. (4.4) and comparable with Germany (5.19). The study warns that this support for CSR is conditional, however. When the Confucian values are mixed with other value systems, a Chinese consumer becomes quite unpredictable, the article states. Furthermore, we find that consumers with strong Confucian values behave differently, both in terms of CSR support as well as types of CSR, in different Chinese societies. Thus, one strategy may not fit all types of Chinese consumers within the chopstick economies. The paper is a must-read for anyone interested in gaining insight into the behaviour of Chinese consumers and the implications of CSR on corporations bottom line. As the authors write: This finding is an opportunity and a challenge for CRM (customer relationship management) and CSR in the Chinese economies of Asia. 方睿哲 : 从渺小到辉煌 来自一个印度小镇的 400 户贫困的制鞋家庭是如何转变为如今与国际竞争对手并驾齐驱的创业者的呢? 班加罗尔的一个非政府组织在这一转变中发挥了什么样的作用呢? 中欧国际工商学院创业学副教授方睿哲 (S. Ramakrishna Velamuri) 最近撰写完成的案例研究 小鞋匠合作社 : 发展创业能力, 对抗贫困 为您提供了答案 这篇研究论文 ( 与 NIIT 公司的辛徒尚穆加姆 Sindhu Shanmugam 合作撰写) 刊登在即将出版的 亚洲案例研究期刊 (Asian Case Research Journal) 上 该文记述了小鞋匠合作社 (Toehold Artisans Collaborative, 简称 TAC) 如何于 1998 年成立, 并在其后 8 年中不断发展, 曾经面临和继续要面临的挑战, 以及对印度南部城市 Arthani 的鞋匠社区所产生的影响 培养创业能力对缓解贫困有何作用? 对于任何一个对此问题感兴趣的人而言, 方睿哲教授的这篇论文实乃必读之作 文章为我们了解 TAC 提供了有益见解 TAC 是班加罗尔的非政府组织亚洲创业中心计划 (Asian Centre for Entrepreneurship Initiatives, 简称 ASCENT) 发起的一个项目 教授在其研究中指出, 尽管 TAC 只是一个由 14 个妇女自助群体组成的企业集团, 但其影响却遍及整个社区, 因为该企业通过各种努力将男性也收为己用 例如, 男性可以有不同形式参与, 作为合伙人他们有机会参与国际性交易会, 学习生产技能 这项社区性计划产生了极具影响的成果 在 ASCENT 于 1998 年到 Athani 开展这项

9 94 管理前沿 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 计划之前 这个小镇的鞋匠们过着穷困潦倒的生活 他们每天吃不上两餐饱饭 无力送子女上学 他们的低收入导致该地区经济和社会发展停滞 相应导致整个 社区缺乏自尊心 该地区的男性酗酒肇事率很高 是 TAC 彻底扭转了他们的经济 和社会生活 让他们实现了家庭收入翻番 从 2000 年的平均 卢比增长到 2006 年的平均 卢比 大部分额外收入都用来改善营养 医疗和儿童教育 因此这项计划对该地区的家庭以及整个社区产生了极大的影响 尽管这项计划已经取得了如此瞩目的进步 但依然还存在两大挑战 第一项 挑战是要确保这种商业模式的持续可行性 第二项挑战是模式的规模化 因为有 更多依靠最低生活收入为生的制鞋家庭有意加入小鞋匠合作社 Prof. Ramakrishna Velamuri on Poverty Through Entrepreneurship How were 400 impoverished shoemaking families from a village in southern India transformed into entrepreneurs whose products go toe-to-toe with international competitors? The story is told in the latest case study by CEIBS Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship Ramakrishna Velamuri, entitled Toehold Artisans Collaborative: Building Entrepreneurial Capabilities to Tackle Poverty. Slated for inclusion in the Asian Case Research Journal, the paper (coauthored with NIIT Professor Sindhu Shanmugam) documents the development of Toehold Artisans Collaborative (TAC) since its establishment in In particular, the paper outlines the challenges TAC has faced and the impact it has had on the artisan community in the southern Indian city of Athani. Prof. Velamuri s work emphasizes the role entrepreneurial capacitybuilding can play in poverty alleviation. It offers valuable insight into TAC, a project launched by the Bangalore-based non-governmental organisation Asian Centre for Entrepreneurship Initiatives (ASCENT). In his study, Prof. Velamuri points out that although TAC is made up of 14 self-help groups for women, its impact pervades the entire community because efforts are made to include and involve local men. For example, males are treated as co-preneurs for all inputs, and receive exposure at international fairs. The results of the community-based initiative are impressive. Before ASCENT established in Athani in 1998, the town s artisans were in dire straits: most could not afford two square meals a day and could not send their children to school. Their low income had led to economic and social stagnation and, in turn, triggered low self-esteem as a community. The incidence of alcoholism among the males was high. TAC turned their lives around both economically and socially by more than doubling their household incomes from an average of 18,000 Indian rupees (US$450) in the year 2000 to 42,000 rupees (US$1050) in Most of this additional income supports better nutrition, better healthcare and children s education, creating a dramatic impact on individual families and on the community at large.

10 CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 95 In spite of this impressive progress, two major challenges remain, according to Prof. Velamuri and his co-authors. The first difficulty lies ensuring the sustained viability of the business model. The second concerns the scalability of the model; today, many more shoemaking families living on subsistence incomes seek to join Toehold. 方睿哲 : 向非政府组织学习 在利润驱动的商业界, 非政府组织是否发挥了作用? 对于曾经质疑过这一点的人而言, 最近由中欧国际工商学院创业学副教授方睿哲 (S. Ramakrishna Velamuri) 与 IESE 商学院教授安贾内 博万卡 (Anjaney Borwankar) 合作撰写的一篇研究论文值得一读 该文题为 非政府组织与私有企业合伙关系中管理人员发展的潜力, 将刊登在即将出版的新一期 管理学发展期刊 (Journal of Management Development) 上 该论文说明了私有企业实际上能从非政府组织获得诸多借鉴 论文称 : 我们的研究已经证明, 非政府组织与私有企业合伙关系中管理人员发展的潜力 正因如此, 私有企业又多了一条与发展中国家非政府组织携手合作的理由, 而后者则凭借所能提供的实质性商业利益而被视为平等的合作伙伴 本篇论文的两位作者对一项长达十年的公司计划进行了深入的案例研究并发表了研究结果 该项计划由欧洲一家大型金融服务公司的英国分公司着手开展 年间, 该公司向作为合作伙伴的印度南部地区 9 个非政府组织派遣了 60 位中高级经理人以及两位外部顾问, 负责能力建设工作 每次任务通常持续 4 周, 内容是协助作为合作伙伴的非政府组织获取某一职能领域的专业技能, 如预算 信息技术系统 人力资源系统等等 公司方面投以一定的关注, 以确保非政府组织合作伙伴的需求与欧洲经理人的专业知识密切契合 在执行既定任务期间, 欧洲经理人是该非政府组织内唯一一位外国人士 这些工作任务的主要目标就是确立企业社会责任 全部任务都得以圆满完成 然而, 方睿哲和博万卡两位教授对该项计划的两个结果感到十分意外 一个结果是, 欧洲经理人报告称, 在印度非政府组织的工作经历令其发生了深刻的个人转变 他们的报告声称, 自己变得更为沉着冷静, 对自我的了解更为透彻, 能够更好地处理复杂的工作任务 而另一个结果是, 在本论文作者开始此项研究之时, 在过去十年里参加过此项能力建设任务的经理人当中有半数以上已不再为这家金融服务公司效力 论文作者将研究进一步深入到个人发展的程度及驱动因素, 深入到导致计划参加者发生高流失率的原因 论文作者称 : 我们有证据证明, 针对发展中国家非政府组织的这些精心设计的能力建设任务能够显著提高经理人的自我意识, 这相应地有助于提高其组织效率 该论文还为私有组织及其经理人提供了一份清晰的路径图, 显示在与非政府组织互动的过程中如何推动管理人员的发展, 确保组织得以让员工从中充分吸取经验教训 方睿哲和博万卡教授也提出警告称, 这种非政府组织与私营企业合作的形式也可能存在缺点 ( 如私营企业内部的工作岗位流失 ), 并指出仅从一项案例研究中就概括得出结论具有一定的局限性 尽管如此, 他们依然强调此项研究极具价值 他们表示 : 据我们所知, 学术界尚未对非政府组织与私营企业合伙关系中管理人员发展的潜力进行充分研究 我们相信, 我们的这项研究提供了有益见解, 并为进一步的探索指明了方向 And the Value of NGO-Private Sector Partnerships Anyone who has ever questioned the role of non-governmental organiza-

11 96 管理前沿 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 tions (NGOs) in the profit-driven world of business, will find an enlightening read in the recent research paper co-authored by CEIBS Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship Ramakrishna Velamuri. The Potential for Management Development in NGO-Private Sector Partnerships, to be published in the Journal of Management Development, shows that private companies can learn quite a lot from NGOs. Our study has demonstrated the management development potential in NGO-private sector partnerships. This benefit for private firms provides one more reason for them to engage with NGOs in developing country contexts, and for the latter to be treated as equal partners based on the tangible business benefits that they can contribute, states the paper, which was co-written with IESE Business School Professor Anjaney Borwankar. The authors have drafted an in-depth case study based on a decade-long programme run by the British subsidiary of a large European financial services company. From 1994 to 2004, the firm had sent 60 middle and senior managers and two external consultants on capacity-building assignments to nine NGO partners in southern India. Each assignment typically lasted four weeks and involved helping the staff of the NGO partners acquire expertise in one functional area such as budgeting, IT systems, or HR systems. Care was taken to ensure a tight fit between the needs of the NGO partner and the expertise of the European manager. During each assignment, the European manager was the only foreigner on the premises of the NGO. The primary goal of these assignments was corporate social responsibility. Although all assignments were completed satisfactorily, Velamuri and Borwankar were surprised by two outcomes of the programme. First, the European managers reported having undergone a profound personal transformation as a result of having worked with the NGOs in India. They reported that they were calmer, understood themselves better, and were better able to handle complex assignments. Second, at the time the authors began their study, more than half of the managers who had participated in the assignments had left the financial services company. The research delves into the drivers of the personal development and into the reasons for the high attrition rate among programme participants. We provide evidence that well-structured capacity building assignments with NGOs in developing countries can significantly enhance the self-awareness of managers, which in turn can contribute to an improvement in their organizational effectiveness, they said. The paper also offers private sector managers with a clear roadmap for boosting management development during interactions with NGOs, and for ensuring that organizations make the most of the lessons learned by individual employees. While cautioning that there may be disadvantages to such NGO-private sector collaborations (e.g. job losses within the private firm), and pointing out the limitations associated with generalizing from one single case study, Velamuri and Borwankar stress the value of their research: To our knowledge, the potential for management development in NGO-private sector partnerships has been understudied in the academic literature. We believe that our study offers interesting insights and offers further avenues for exploration.

12 CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 97 经济学 ECONOmICS 许斌 : 出口促进生产率 中欧经济学与金融学教授许斌有关中国民营企业生产率与出口的研究发现 : 出口提高了企业的生产率, 而不是那些有较高生产率的企业自我选择为出口企业 这一研究结果对于中国这样一个出口型国家具有相当大的意义 来自中国海关总署的统计数据显示, 2008 年 1 月份, 中国外贸出口达到 亿美元, 比去年同期增长 26.7% 在其题为 外贸 外资和中国民营企业的生产率 的论文中, 许教授表示 : 由于中国民营企业在继续壮大, 并且更多地参与到国际贸易中, 它们生产率的增长将会成为中国经济增长的一个重要发动机 该论文发表于 民营经济与中国发展 ( 北京大学出版社, 2006 年 ) 一书中, 其英文版于最近发表于 Private Enterprises and China's Economic Development (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2007) 一书中 在此研究中, 许教授对比了 1998 年至 2000 年间的 450 家民营 488 家外资和 562 家公有企业 ( 政府所有和集体所有 ) 1998 年前, 中国的民营企业不允许直接出口 论文的一个发现是 : 民营企业的研发比率较低, 但是它们从研发中获得的收益非常高, 而公有企业的研发比率虽高, 其生产率却没有得到相应比率的增长 其原因可能是由于民营企业更有效地吸收了外资企业研发的溢出效益 ; 在研究的公司样本中, 外资企业的研发比率是民营企业的三倍 这反映了国有企业的低效, 许教授表示 该论文的主要发现是 : 对于中国民营企业和公有企业, 出口都是生产率增长的一个重要推动因素 出口使民营企业的生产率在 1998 年到 2000 年的样本期间提高了 个百分点, 使公有企业的生产率提高了 个百分点 我们的研究结果表明中国未来的经济发展是乐观的, 许教授表示 Prof. Bin Xu Promotes the Value of Exportation What makes CEIBS Professor of Economics and Finance Bin Xu bullish on the Chinese economy? His latest research shows that exportation drives productivity, and not vice versa a startling finding in a country that racked up US$ billion in exports during January 2008 alone a near 27% increase year on year. As China s private sector continues to expand and become more involved in international trade, its productivity growth will become an important engine for the growth of the Chinese economy, says Prof. Xu in his latest paper entitled Trade, foreign direct investment, and productivity of China s private enterprises. The article was published in the book, Private Enterprises and China s Economic Development (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007). The Chinese version of the article was previously published in the Chinese-language book of the same title (Peking University Press, 2006). The article outlines Prof. Xu s research on the productivity growth of private firms in China, which was based on a comparison of 450 private, 488 foreign and 562 public firms from 1998 to He found that R&D has a positive effect on technology absorption in private and foreign firms. However in public firms, higher R&D intensity is associated with lower productivity growth. We interpret this as reflecting the inefficiency of state-owned firms, which implies higher R&D

13 98 管理前沿 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 spending coexisting with lower productivity growth, Prof. Xu says in his conclusion, where he also outlined his main findings about exports driving productivity. His findings indicate that exporting would increase a private firm s productivity growth rate by more than 18 percent over the sample period of For the same period, a public firm would see an increase of almost 19.5 percent. Our results show optimism about China s economic growth in the coming years, Prof Xu says. 商业战略 business STraTEgy [ 商业战略 BUSINESS STRATEGY] amy Shuen web2.0 的威力 在其最新出版的 Web2.0 战略指导 Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide 一书中 硅谷商 业模式权威 中欧创业学访问教授 Amy Shuen 对于任何充分利用因特网的经济效应给出 了富有价值的建议 Sheun 教授的书对于任何一个梦想创造下一个谷歌的人都是一个很有价值的工具 在书中 Sheun 教授为分析和看重 Web2.0 环境下投资的分析师和投资者提供了极有帮助 的深刻见解 这本精炼的指导书阐述了 Web2.0 技术对于全球商业市场和个体公司的巨大影响 该 书分析了利用万维网成为家喻户晓的品牌的公司案例 比如 以 Flicker 公司为例 这是 一家分享照片的网站 公司将本是顾客驱动的业务变成了帮助用户自己创造价值的业务 从而创造了公司价值 该书还分析了谷歌如何利用基于免费搜索功能的业务模式赢利 此 外 书中向读者揭示了 Facebook 由哈佛学生发起的一个社会网络平台 和亚马逊网站 成功背后的故事 目前 Sheun 教授正在准备该书的中文版 其中将特别包括一章有关 Web2.0 在中国的内容 Prof. Amy Shuen on the Power of Web 2.0 In her latest book, Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide, CEIBS Professor of Management Practice and renowned authority on Silicon Valley business models Amy Sheun provides solid advice on how companies can take full economic advantage of the internet. A valuable tool for anyone dreaming of creating the next Google, Prof. Sheun s book also provides helpful insight for analysts and investors who analyze and value investments within the Web 2.0 paradigm. This concise guidebook explains the impact of Web 2.0 technology on the global business arena and on individual companies. Web 2.0 draws on the examples of firms that have leveraged the World Wide Web to become household names. For example, Prof. Sheun explores how Flickr, a classic user-driven business, creates value by helping its users to create their own value. The book also covers how Google made money with a model based on free search, then changed the rules for doing business on the Web. In addition, Web 2.0 takes its readers behind the successes of Facebook (a social network that supports business) and Amazon. Prof. Shuen is also working on both a Chinese edition of the book, which will include a special chapter on Web 2.0 in China, and a full Chinese-language edition.

14 CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 99 绩效 performance 私有制 : 中国发展的主要推动力? 当今, 探讨中国企业私有制的研究论文十分有限 中欧国际工商学院会计学教授丁远 金融学讲师张华和香港大学副教授张钧锡联合撰写了一篇论文, 试图确定所有制结构是否会对企业绩效产生任何影响 他们的研究结果就是 : 是的, 有影响 该篇论文的作者表示 : 我们发现, 家庭所有制企业在经营效率和盈利能力两方面表现优越 ; 而且, 相较于国有制企业, 家庭所有制企业的股票更受投资者的青睐 该项研究成果发表在 2008 年第三期 国际管理评论 (Management International Review), 论文强调指出在较早实现自由化且进入壁垒较低的行业中, 家庭所有制企业的绩效远远优于国有制企业 该项研究成果也支持这样一个普遍共识, 即中国正日趋依赖私有企业来充当经济增长的主要推动力和就业机会的集中点, 对中国经济发展具有重大意义 论文作者称 : 这具有重要的实践意义, 会影响到中国未来经济政策发展的方向 为了发展中国经济, 提高效率, 政府应该提供更有利的制度环境, 降低技术 金融和政策性的进入壁垒, 从而让私有企业发挥更为积极的作用 该项研究的重大意义还表现在, 它提供了一些企业层面的具体证据来解释和支持早期一些宏观层面的研究著作, 这些研究著作表明, 私有企业已经迅速崛起, 是中国经济取得瞩目增长的主要推动力 Prof. Yuan Ding and Lecturer Hua Zhang Ask Is Private Ownership the Engine for China s Growth? In one of the few published studies exploring private ownership of Chinese firms, CEIBS Professor of Accounting Yuan Ding, CEIBS Lecturer of Finance Hua Zhang, and Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong Junxi Zhang investigate whether a company s ownership structure impacts performance. Their finding: yes, it does. We find that family-owned firms perform better in terms of operating efficiency and profitability; moreover, their stocks are preferred by investors over those of (state-owned enterprises) SOEs, the authors say. Published in Management International Review, the study emphasizes that family-owned firms tend to outperform SOEs in sectors that were liberalized earlier and have lower entry barriers. The findings, which support the general consensus that China is increasingly reliant on private companies as an engine for economic growth and employment, have major implications for the nation s continued economic development. This has some important practical implications that should influence the direction of further economic policy developments in China, say the authors. In order to develop the Chinese economy and improve its efficiency, the government should allow the private sector to play a more active role, by providing a better regulatory environment and lowering the entry barriers related to technical, financial and political issues. The study also provides concrete evidence supporting earlier research which shows that the private sector has been rising rapidly and is now the primary force driving China s impressive economic growth.

15 100 管理前沿 金融家沙龙 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 许小年教授 流动性过剩与资产价格泡沫 央行原副行长吴晓灵解读 2008 年中国货币政策 Prof Xu Xianian Tackles Global Liquidity; Former People s Bank of China Deputy Governor Wu Xiaoling Outlines China s Monetary Policy for 年 12 月 13 日 中 欧 陆家 嘴 许小年教 授表示 中国的流动性过 国际金融研究院第四期金融家沙 剩原因和美国完全不一样 是一种结构性 龙成功举行 本次沙龙邀请到了 的扭曲 从根本上消除过剩的流动性要靠 中欧国际工商学院副院长兼中方教务 中欧国际工商学院经济学与金融学教授许 改革 而不是靠货币政策 货币政策仅仅 长张维炯教授在这期沙龙上首先致辞 他 小年博士担任主讲嘉宾 本期沙龙主题为 是把流动性从金融市场上 从实体经济中 表示, 中欧国际工商学院像许小年教授 流动性过剩与资产价格泡沫 许小年 搬回到银行体系 并不能消除过剩的流动 这样既有实践操作经验又有深厚理论功底 教授以中美两国为例来阐述全球流动性过 性 日本经济中过剩的流动性是靠银行倒 的高水平学者 会在系列的沙龙中给大家 剩产生的原因 后果以及可能的对策 并 闭和核销坏帐来消除的 这叫被动的消除 带来新思路 新方法 新观点 与在座 50 余位金融界精英和校友进行了 流动性 在既有的他国教训之下 中国应 最后 中欧国际工商学院院长朱晓明 深入探讨和热烈交流 第一名 许博士本人也被评为最佳经济分 析师 该主动地消除流动性 把银行体系中积存 博士表示 中欧将长期举办陆家嘴金融家 在演讲中 许小年教授指出 全球流 的过多资金尽快转移到实体经济中 其实 沙龙讲座活动 今后将会邀请更多的专家 动性过剩主要原因是在于美联储长期采 现途径是直接融资 其中 实现政府职能 学者 行业精英来为听众做精彩的报告和 用低利率的货币政策 由于货币供应的充 的转变是解决问题的关键 交流 分 传统的资产收益太低 于是另类投资 许教授的评论基于其多年的理论及实 被开发出来 比如次级房贷 最后投资者 践经验 许小年教授曾任高盛高华证券副 已经失去了为风险准确定价的能力 私人 董事长 中国国际金融有限公司董事总经 股本基金和对冲基金又放大了流动性 过 理兼研究部主管 美林证券亚太区高级经 剩的流动性在美国金融体系当中表现为资 济学家 世界银行咨询师等职务 1996 年 产价格的上升和泡沫化 表现为整个系统 他荣获中国经济学界最高奖 孙冶方经济 1 月 16 日下午 50 余位政府官员 学 风险的上升 资产泡沫在美国主要表现在 科学奖 2002 年许博士领导的研究小组 者和金融机构负责人齐聚中欧陆家嘴国际 房地产 被中国机构投资者评为中国本土经纪公司 金融研究院金融家沙龙 聆听中国人民银 经济失衡背景下的中国货币 政策

16 Finance Salon CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 101 在第四期金融家沙龙上, 中欧经济学与金融学教授许小年指出, 中国要从根本上消除过 剩的流动性得靠改革, 而不是货币政策 FIRMING LIQUIDITY At the fourth Finance Salon, CEIBS Finance Professor Xu Xiaonian explained that in China, the key to curbing excess liquidity is economic reform. CEIBS Economics a n d F i n a n c e P r o f e s s o r X u Xiaonian tackled the timely issue of global liquidity in the fourth Finance Salon held at the CEIBS-Liujiazui Inter national Financial Research Centre (CLFC). In his speech entitled Excess liquidity and asset price bubble, Prof. Xu examined the causes, effects, and possible solutions of global excess liquidity within the context of the U.S. and China economies. He identified the source of the problem as the U.S. Federal Reserve s long-term low-interest-rate monetary policy. With US currency in such large supply, Prof. Xu explained, traditional ROA (return on assets) had decreased and this, in turn, had spurred alternative investment options such as sub-prime mortgages. The end result was investors inability to accurately price risks, with private funds and mutual funds further driving the liquidity, he said. Prof. Xu pointed to the rising price of US assets and the resulting bubble effect on those assets particularly evident in the real estate market as evidence of excess liquidity in American financial institutions. This is an indication that the systematic risk is getting worse, Prof Xu said. Turning to China the professor explained that, unlike the US, the cause of China s excess liquidity is structural. Prof. Xu told his audience that reform, as opposed to monetary policy, is the key to getting rid of excess liquidity. He explained that monetary policy merely transfers liquidity from both the financial market and tangible assets into the banking system. Stressing the need for China to aggressively combat excess liquidity, he cited Japan s unsuccessful efforts in the 1990s to use passive elimination to curb its highly liquid economy. This measure, he pointed out, led to the collapse of Japan s banks and the wide-scale writing off of bad debts. Prof. Xu urged China to use direct financing to transfer excess funds out of its banks and into the Chinese economy s tangible assets. He made it clear that a crucial part of the solution would involve a transformation of government s role and responsibilities. Dr. Xu s comments were based on many years of experience in his field. In 1996, he received the Sun Yefang Economics Prize, the highest Chinese award in the field, for his research on

17 102 管理前沿 金融家沙龙 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 中国人民银行原副行长吴晓灵提出了一系列货币政策改革以应对国内外经济失衡的大背景 其中包括增加 居民消费能力以及减少地方政府的投资冲动 RESTORING BALANCE Banking expert and former People s Bank of China Deputy Governor Wu Xiaoling recommends a wide range of monetary policy reforms to correct economic imbalances. Among the suggestions: encourage consumers to spend and decrease investing at the local government level. 行原副行长吴晓灵对 2008 年中国货币政 导市场利率水平是货币政策工具选择的重 作有 银行信用管理与货币供应 银行 策的精彩解读 要考量 与企业债务重组问题研究 等 研究院特邀上海浦东发展银行董事长 在经济政策方面 吴晓灵建议 政府 最后 吉晓辉董事长表示 以中欧陆 吉晓辉主持本期沙龙活动 围绕 国内外经 可以通过调整财税政策来降低投资冲动 家嘴国际金融研究院为平台 今后会有更 济失衡背景下的中国货币政策 这一主题 加大国有企业分红 增加社会保障投入 多的专家学者 行业精英来为听众做精彩 吴晓灵行长指出 在次贷危机和美元走弱 健全社会保障 减少企业储蓄 增强居民 的报告和交流 的国际金融大环境下 2008 年中国面临从 消费能力 调整中央和地方事权 财权划 中欧陆家嘴国际金融研究院是在上海 紧的货币政策选择 从紧的货币政策其内 分 减少地方政府的投资冲动 用经济杠 市人民政府和浦东新区政府关心下 由中 涵是控制货币供应量的增长 是防止经济 杆落实国家产业政策 转变经济增长方 欧国际工商学院与上海陆家嘴集团有限公 由偏快转为过热 防止物价由结构性上涨 式 用税收政策鼓励高新技术产业 用信 司共同发起 由市金融办 本市各金融监 演变为通货膨胀的需要 从紧的货币政策 贷和融资禁入淘汰落后产业 管部门以及上海银行 汇丰银行 深圳迈 实施需要综合运用多种货币政策工具来实 吴晓灵女士原任中国人民银行副行 瑞 纽约证券交易所上市公司 等中外金 长 现任中国金融学会常务副会长 中国 融机构共同参与下创办 为上海国际金融 在货币政策工具选择方面 吴晓灵行 金融会计学会会长 她也是中国人民银行 中心建设服务的一家智库型机构 研究院 长认为 公开市场业务仍然是对冲银行流 研究员 中国人民银行研究生部教授 博 选址地处小陆家嘴心脏地带的一幢尊贵建 动性主要工具 中央银行可以用存款准备 导 中央财经大学 中国人民大学 中欧 筑作为活动空间 这栋小楼面朝黄浦江 金率来吸收商业银行多余的头寸 控制经 国际工商学院等七所高校的兼职教授 博 背靠东方明珠 身处陆家嘴金融城中心地 济发展所需要的信贷量 市场预期和从体 导 中国体制改革研究会 特约研究员 带 四周绿树成荫 环境幽雅 是金融家 制上减少投资冲动比利率的作用更大 引 1994 年获 孙冶方经济科学奖 主要著 培训和交流的理想场所 现调控目标以及多项经济政策的配合

18 Finance Salon CEIbS KNOwLEdgE 103 China s capital market. Since 1999, he has served as managing director and head of research of China International Capital Corp. (CICC). Other previous titles include: research fellow for the Development Research Center of China s State Council; vice chairman of Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities Co.; senior economist with Merrill Lynch Asia Pacific; and consultant to the World Bank in Washington DC. In delivering the opening address at the Finance Salon, which took place on December 13, CEIBS Vice President and Co-Dean Zhang Weijiong said, Scholars such as Prof. Xu Xiaonian at CEIBS, who have extensive real-life experience as well as rich theoretical background, will bring to the Finance Salon series new ways of thinking, new methodologies and perspectives. D u r i n g t h e e v e n t, C E I B S President Zhu Xiaoming reaffirmed CEIBS long-term commitment to hosting similar salons which will provide a platform for more experts, scholars, and industry leaders to engage their audiences in stimulating discussions. China s monetary policy vs economic imbalance On CEIBS fifth Finance Salon, held January 16, more than 50 Chinese government officials, scholars and financial experts gathered at the CLFC to hear senior banking expert Wu Xiaoling explain key aspects of China s monetary policy in I n h e r s p e e c h e n t i t l e d China s Monetary Policy vs. Economic Imbalance, Ms. Wu, who is former deputy governor of the People s Bank of China, pointed out that, as the U.S. dollar depreciates and the sub-prime crisis worsens, China must tighten its monetary policy. This move will restrict domestic money supply, she said, preventing inflation and an overheated economy. Ms. Wu stressed that a tight monetary policy requires integrating multiple monetary tools and must be coordinated with other economic policies. Turning her discussion toward the choice of monetary tools, Ms. Wu pointed out that open market operations are still the main tool used to balance the liquidity of banks. She also stressed that the Central Bank may absorb surplus liquidity from commercial banks and control credit volumes with adjustments to the reserve requirement ratio. With regard to economic policies, Ms. Wu suggested that the government take the following measures: adjust fiscal policies to cool the overheated investment climate; increase corporate dividends from state-owned companies, expand investment in social security, complete social security reform, lower company savings, and make it easier and more attractive for consumers to spend; adjust the segmentation of administrative rights and financial power between central and local government, and decrease the momentum of investment at the local government level; realize established industrial policies and use economic levers to navigate economic development, and encourage new technology industry with tax policies. In her speech, Ms. Wu drew upon her rich experience as an industry leader in China s banking sector. In addition to currently serving as executive vice president of the China Society for Finance and Banking, president of the Banking Accounting Society of China, professor and supervisor of PhD students at the People s Bank of China Graduate School, she is also adjunct professor of seven higher educational institutions including CEIBS, and is a research fellow at the People s Bank of China and China Society of Economic Reform. Ms. Wu received the Sun Yefang Economics Prize in The January 16 Finance Salon, the fifth in a series hosted regularly by CEIBS at the CLFC, was hosted by Shanghai Pudong Development Bank President Ji Xiaohui. At the event s conclusion, Mr. Ji reaffirmed that the CEIBS Lujiazui International Financial Research Centre will continue to provide a platform for finance experts, scholars, and industry leaders to share knowledge and expertise. With the support of the Shanghai Municipal People s Government and the Pudong New Area People s Government, the CLFC was co-founded by CEIBS and Shanghai Lujiazui (Group) Co. to serve as an authoritative and influential think tank for the development of Shanghai as an international financial center. Institutional members of the Board include: Shanghai Municipal Financial Service Office, Shanghai financial regulators, Bank of Shanghai, HSBC and Mindray.

19 104 职业发展 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 文 /Charmaine N. Clarke 在 摩天大楼顶层办公 黑莓手机排满会议日程 的职业方向 而那些的确适合做咨询的同学则志向更坚定 忙着与世界顶尖公司的老总商议大事 乘坐 尽管咨询师的生活有严苛的一面 但传闻中的很多益处也是 的都是公务舱 下榻的皆是五星级酒店 事实 对此嘉宾们也给予了肯定 瞧 这就是一位成功的管理咨询师的生活 这是一 益处之一 这是事业提升的捷径 众所周知 如果你决 份让人梦寐以求的工作 它让你与国际商业大佬们比肩 定离开咨询业 加入某私营公司 凭借你在咨询业的坚实背 共事 借助它 你能够影响商业世界 景就可以轻而易举地谋到一份高管职位 如果你留在咨询行 许多 MBA 学生就是带着这样的印象向往着毕业后 业 那么在十年以内也可以进入管理高层 进入咨询行业 然而 业内人士告诉我们 身在其中可 高薪显然也是咨询业的优势之一 据业内人士的说法 能是另一番滋味 本期 THE LINK 走访了几位在高 中国 MBA 毕业生进入咨询行业的平均起薪大约是每月人民 压力的咨询行业中工作的中欧校友 以下就是他们的真 币 元 而且随着职位升高会迅速增加 不过 他们也 实故事 注意到 这份薪水在中国虽然可观 但来自 VAULT Online Career Library 的数据表明 美国管理咨询师的起薪却是他 美丽世界 们的 16 倍 每月高达 美元 一个好消息是 中国的 工资正在增长 国内外的工资差距也正在缩小 业内人士认为 尽管按照中国标准 这份薪水非常诱人 一开始 同学们都以为咨询工作薪水高 可以在 但咨询师要为此付出大量的时间 周末和通宵加班是家常 世界各地飞来飞去 和高管们商谈要事 做咨询可 便饭 他们通常得要飞速浏览堆积如山的资料 从中发现问 以改变世界 中欧管理咨询俱乐部主席滕明俊 中欧 题并提出解决方案 苛刻的客户会要求咨询师立即提供方案 MBA2007 说 但是俱乐部举办的几次有咨询界人士参 这使得咨询师承受极大的压力 与的讲座却让同学们回到了现实 这些来自著名咨询公 在上海工作的高会荫 ( 中欧 MBA 2002) 为我们描述了咨 司的高管们 一般都是中欧校友 在讲座中直言不讳 询业的利弊 他在艾意凯咨询公司工作了四年 已升至经理 向大家展示了真实的咨询师生活 其影响十分戏剧性 级 他告诉本刊记者 自己对工作仍然充满热情 他认为 不少听众被吓跑了 长远来说 从事咨询业是职业发展的捷径 如果自己最终转 比如 俱乐部成立四年来 会员人数至 2007 年 10 而进入快速消费品或零售行业 也能够获得高管的职位 但 月已经达到 93 人 但自从去年 11 月和今年 1 月份的两次 咨询工作的缺点在于节奏太快 长时间的操劳已使得 34 岁的 讲座之后 会员人数在今年 1 月份跌至 36 人 嘉宾们很 他大伤元气 他说这工作 极为耗费体力 2004 年 1 月 坦白地为中欧的同学们分析了该行业的状况 经过这几 他刚刚进入艾意凯时 每周工作 65 到 70 个小时 这在业内 次活动 那些不适合咨询行业的同学得以重新规划未来 是极为普通的 而过去两年里 他每周工作 68 到 75 个小时 我 咨询生涯揭密 The Consulting Life, Revealed

20 CarEEr 105 By Charmaine N. Clarke A class and living in five star hotels. corner office on the top floor of an upscale high-rise, a blackberry full of meetings to discuss Big Ideas with Fortune 500 CEOs, off-hours spent flying business Ah, the life of a successful management consultant a dream job that brings you shoulder-toshoulder with the world s most influential movers and shakers, a position from which you can help shape the business world. Such is the impression of many MBA students eyeing the consulting field as their first-choice career path after graduation. But life as a consultant can look different from the inside, say working consultants. This month, The LINK tracks down a group of CEIBS alumni working in the high-pressure consulting field to get the real story. Rosy image Students originally think that consulting is a very high-income job and that consultants f ly everywhere in the world, talking to top-level executives and that they can change the world, says Jeffrey Teng (CEIBS MBA 2007), president of the CEIBS Management Consulting Club (CMCC). Teng finds that a few CMCC-hosted discussions with industry players is usually enough to bring them crashing back to reality. There is very little sugar coating during these talks by executives (often CEIBS graduates) working in big name consulting firms. The impact of the club s events is dramatic: a number of audience members are scared off by what they hear. For example, after recent club-sponsored talks by representatives from major consulting firms, the four-year-old CMCC s membership base fell from 93 in October 2007 to 36 in January The speakers one in November 2007 and two in January 2008 did nothing wrong; in fact they did everything right. By providing a frank assessment of the industry, they helped provide direction for CEIBS students who may be better suited for other jobs and strengthened the resolve of those who know that being a consultant is their perfect fit. They also confirmed

21 106 职业发展 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 觉得有点累 但这份工作仍然很有意思 因为它很有挑战性 个过程紧张而艰苦 麦肯锡公司的咨询顾问吴震皓 中欧 使我很有成就感 MBA2005 说 要从这一轮轮筛选中胜出 必须证明自己拥 咨询工作最为人津津乐道的就在于此 它能刺激你的 有敏捷而缜密的思维 在 1 月 10 日中欧管理俱乐部举办的讲 心智 而职位的升迁会使你有机会积累更多经验 处理更 座上 吴震皓告诉同学们 回答当然要切中要点 但重要的 多问题 有几位受访者甚至形容咨询工作是 MBA 课程的延 不是答案正确 而是展现你合理解决问题的能力 伸 无怪乎咨询业成为中欧学生的首选职业 吴震皓的讲座上 听众济济一堂 这也表现了咨询行业 2005 连续三年以来 在受访的 MBA 校友中 咨询业一直名 的受欢迎程度 许多前来参加讲座的同学并非俱乐部会员 列首选职业的前四名 MBA2003 班有 10% 进入咨询公司 但对咨询行业也充满了好奇 不过 许多人听到从业者的现 MBA2004 校友中有近 18% 选择了该行业 这使它成为仅次 身说法后往往会生怯而归 俱乐部主席滕明俊解释说 去年 于实业 25% 的最受欢迎行业 而去年的 MBA2005 班学生 11 月俱乐部举办了第一次活动之后 有些会员意识到自己不 中 有 16% 毕业于 2007 年 毕业生选择了咨询业 见文后 适合这种工作 比方说 他们需要更多时间和家人在一起 图表 职业路径 我估计吴震皓的讲座会让更多会员望而却步 而留下来的会 是真正热爱这一行的人 如滕明俊所料 这次讲座之后 俱 赢得一席之地 乐部的会员数果然下降了 不过 2 月份又有新成员加入 俱 乐部人数又攀升至 42 人 至于那些不怕压力大或节奏快的人 他们怎样才能在咨 自 2003 年至 2005 年 前来中欧招聘的大牌咨询公司 询行业获得一份工作呢 中欧职业发展中心顾问李宜儒强 有麦肯锡 (McKinsey&Co.) 摩立特 (Monitor) 波士顿咨询 调 出类拔萃者才能胜出 咨询行业竞争相当激烈 几乎人 公司 (BCG) 科尔尼 (A.T. Kearney) 美世 (Mercer) 艾意 人都聪颖敏捷 善于沟通 也都拥有顶尖商学院的 MBA 学 凯 (L.E.K.) 以及罗兰贝格 (Roland Berger) 这些公司的招 位 关键是 一心想要进入该行业的人是否能够尽早发现自 聘程序通常包括好几轮面试 外加三十分钟的案例分析 整 己的特长 个人优势包括 领导力技能 自信 语言技能 行 咨询师 你梦寐以求的职业? 优点 高收入 可以迅速学到新行业知识及管理技巧 职业发展迅速 人际网络广阔 高管的思维模式 环游世界的乐趣 缺点 大多数时间都极度忙碌 日常工作压力巨大 没有专长 太 学究 环游世界的疲惫 LEK 咨询师高会荫 (MBA 2002) LEK Consultant Wakeman Gao (MBA 2002) 感谢 MBA05 毕业生吴震皓和 Aaron Gong 对本图表的贡献

22 CarEEr 107 that some of the stories about the benefits of life as a consultant are actually true. The positives include the strong possibility of fast-tracking your career. For example, a solid consulting background is an acknowledged way of landing a cushy top management spot once you opt to leave the industry and join an individual firm. And those who do stick with consulting can make it to senior management level in less than a decade. Salary is clearly another benefit to a career in consulting. Industry insiders say China s fresh MBA grads average about 25,000 per month, adding that this salary increases quickly as one moves up the corporate ladder. China-based consultants also note that while such a salary is competitive for China, entry-level consultants in the U.S. earn 16 times that amount, or US$58,000 a month on average, according to Vault Online Career Library. The good news, in China, is that local salaries are rising and the gap between local and international rates is narrowing. Not surprisingly, insiders said that while the salary may be attractive by China standards, the trade-off is the amount of hours consultants put in regularly working on weekends and sometimes even through the night. It is often the consultant s job to quickly sift through mounds of data, spot the problem and find a way to fix it, putting tremendous pressure on consultants to deliver immediate results to a highly demanding client. Shanghai-based consultant Wakeman Gao (CEIBS MBA 2002) paints a clear picture of the ups and downs of the field. After joining L.E.K. Consulting in China in 2004, he had worked his way up to Manager by early When Gao recently met with The LINK, he explained that he is still passionate about his job. Looking ahead, he views consulting as a fast-track career path offering the long-term option of seeking a senior management spot in the retail or FMCG industries if he decides to leave the field eventually. The downside of this job, however, is the pace; the long hours on the job have taken a toll on the 34-year-old. It s exhausting, Gao says. When he just joined L.E.K., he worked the industry s typical 65 to 70-hour workweek. For the last two years, he has worked 68 to 75 hours a week. I feel a bit tired. But it s still attractive in that it s mentally challenging. I feel a lot of personal achievement. Mental stimulation and the opportunity to expand and apply that knowledge as you move up the corporate ladder are two of the most frequently mentioned advantages of a consultant s job. Some interviewees even described consulting as an extension of an MBA programme. Little wonder, then, that consulting is among the top choice career paths for CEIBS graduates. In 2003, 2004 and 2005, consulting consistently ranked among the top four career choices for MBA alumni surveyed. Ten percent of the MBA 2003 class went to consulting firms; nearly 18 percent of MBA 2004 alumni chose the field, making it the second-most-popular field after Industrial (25%). Last year, 16% of MBA 2005 students (who graduated in 2007) chose the field (see graph, CAREER PATHS). Landing a spot Big name firms that recruited from CEIBS from 2003 to 2005 include McKinsey & Co., Monitor, BCG, A.T. Kearney, Mercer, L.E.K and Roland Berger. Each of these firms uses grueling recruitment processes that often include several rounds of interviews plus a 30-minute case study. Succeeding in this process, says McKinsey & Co. Junior Associate August Wu (MBA 2005), requires proving that you can think quickly and logically on your feet. It s not about the right answer, though the answer should be relevant. What s more important is to show logical problem-solving skills, Wu told CEIBS students during a January 10 CMCC-hosted forum. The packed room of listeners to Wu s talk was another indication of the popularity of the consulting field. Many of those who attended were not CMCC members but had showed up out of a genuine need to get answers about the consulting field. But oftentimes, those hearing a first-hand account of the consulting career end up disillusioned. CMCC President Jeffrey Teng explains: After the club s first event (last November) some club members realized they weren t compatible with the job for example, they

23 108 职业发展 IS CONSULTING YOUR DREAM JOB? TheLINK 2008 春季刊 业背景 这一项可能不是特别重要 但是一个附加值 以及中国 市场的专业知识与国际经历的结合 Pros Above-average income Above-average income Learn new industries, new management practices quickly Fast progress in career path Broad personal network Top management mindset Excitement of world wide travel 李宜儒还说 向往从事咨询业的学生应当首先确定自己是否真 的适合咨询师的生活方式 MBA 学生往往首先选择金融和咨询 这两种行业 我觉得 他们常会忽略了自身的特点 中欧校友经纬 ( 中欧 MBA2005) 似乎天生就是做咨询师的 尽管她在罗兰贝格才一年 但她认为这份工作仿佛是为她度身定 做的 她形容自己是个凡事采取主动 压力愈大愈精神抖擞的人 所以她总是自定时间表 以便提前完成任务 26 岁的经纬现住在 上海 她的工作和生活至今为止还一直保持着很好的平衡 经纬认为 这份工作基本上还是符合她的期望 不过 这可 Cons Extremely busy most of the time High pressure in daily work No specialization Too academic Exhaustion of worldwide travel 能是因为她在入行前作了一番调查 她通过自己的人脉网找到几位 从前曾做过咨询或目前正从事咨询的人 向他们打听咨询工作的 真实情况 因此对于该行业的利弊 她有很充分的心理准备 对许多咨询师而言最为艰巨的挑战是谋求工作与生活的平衡 许多人抱怨说他们没有足够的时间来与家人朋友相处 然而 至少 有一位就职于大型咨询公司的中欧毕业生发现 对她而言过长的 工作时间是一种奖励 经纬的男友暂时住在另一个城市 所以长 时间的工作对她也有好处 这能将孤独感拒之门外 问起经纬 对将来的打算 她相信自己还是能够保持婚姻生活和工作之间的 平衡 即便如此 经纬也预见到将来可能会有的问题 我觉得结 婚后继续做咨询没什么问题 只要没有孩子就还能对付 我打 算三十岁才生孩子 所以目前还没问题 可是 许多咨询业从业人员发现 工作现实通常有别于他们 的预期 吴震皓于 2007 年 3 月刚来到麦肯锡上海分公司时的确吓 了一跳 第一个意外就是工作本身 需要处理大量的琐碎数据 这着实让吴震皓 吃惊 吴震皓解释说 我没想到真的要面对 种种细节 要一板一眼地对付数字 我原以为 这份工作 都是讨 论一些大事 当然 我们的确也讨论大事 但必须对自己的观点 提供非常精细的证明 但另一方面 这份工作确实 有 挑战性 激动人心 是学习新东西的好机会 可以涉及 各个行业 处理各种问题 和高管们打交道 身边都 是聪明人 这些都是吴震皓所期待的 时刻角逐 业内人士说 咨询工作的困难之处还在于 你必须不断地竞争 以证明自己对公司的价值 咨询行业里满是聪明人 许多咨询公司内部充满 中欧管理咨询俱乐部主席腾明 俊 MBA 2007 CEIBS Management Consulting Club President Jeffrey Teng MBA 2007 GRAPH SOURCE: MBA05 grads August Wu, Aaron Gong 了竞争 这也是想入行的人必须面对的挑战 楼 晓寒 中欧 MBA2004 成为 IBM 上海 的一名 咨询师不久就学到了这一点 你有热情有想法 可 是别人也一样 你一定得尽快在某一业务领域建立口 碑 这样一来 你就能得到公司高层的注意和栽培 一些大牌公司的企业文化是 不前进就出局 因此每个人都

24 CarEEr 109 need more time with their family. I expect more to quit after August Wu s talk. Those who remain will really be interested in the field. The club s numbers did dip after Wu s talk, but climbed back up to 42 by this February as fresh faces filled the spots left by those who had likely decided consulting was not for them. For those who remain undaunted by the pressure and pace, what does it take to land a job in the consulting field? CEIBS Career Development Center Consultant Tracy Lee stresses that those who make it must bring something exceptional to the table. In this highly competitive industry, she says, almost everyone fills the basic requirements of being smart, having good communication skills and an MBA degree from a top school. It is vital, she says, for those eyeing the field to figure out early on what special skills they offer. Strengths that would come in handy include: leadership skills, a healthy dose of confidence, language skills, industry background (as a bonus), and a combination of expertise in the China market and international experience. Lee says that students vying for a consulting job should first determine whether they are truly cut out for life as a consultant. For MBA students, the typical choices are finance and consulting. I think they always forget about whether they fit as individuals, she says. If the answer is yes, then proving your mettle is another critical strategy during the recruitment process. CEIBS alumnus Jenny Jing (MBA 2005) is one of those who seems made for the industry. Though she has only been a consultant at Roland Berger for just one year, Jing says the job fits her personality. Describing herself as action oriented and thriving under pressure, Jing usually schedules her time so that she finishes projects ahead of deadlines. The 26-year-old, who lives in Shanghai, has so far been able to maintain a desirable work-life balance. Jing says the job has, for the most part, met her expectations but that may be because she did her research before she signed on. She used networking to ask current and former consultants what the job was really like, so she was prepared for both the pros and cons of the industry. One of the biggest challenges for many consultants is finding the right work-life balance; many complain about not having enough time to spend with family and friends. However for at least one CEIBS grad who works for a major consulting firm in one of China s large cities, her long hours at work are actually a bonus. With her boyfriend living in another city, working late helps her keep loneliness at bay. She believes she could eventually balance marriage and wok, but concedes that it may be difficult. I think getting married and consulting is okay as long as you don t have kids, you can manage it. I don t think I ll have kids before I m 30 so I don t see a problem here, she says. However as many in the field have found out, the reality of the job is often different from their expectations. For example, at McKinsey & Co, August Wu was in for a few surprises when he began as a Junior Associate in their Shanghai offices in March One of the first surprises was the work itself. Wu was shocked at how much number crunching is involved. I didn t expect to deal with the details so seriously, the rigidity of working with numbers. I thought there was more talking about big ideas. We do, but we have to prove those ideas in a very detailed way, he explains to The LINK. On the other hand, the job has met his expectations in terms of being challenging and exciting, an opportunity to learn new things, work in different industries, on different types of problems, provide exposure to senior management, and work with smart people around me. Culture of competition One of the most difficult aspects of consulting work, insiders said, is the constant need to compete to prove your value with the firm. In an industry full of smart people, the highly competitive atmosphere at many consulting firms is one of the challenges that must be faced head on. That s one of the lessons Hans Lou (CEIBS MBA 2004) learned fairly quickly after starting as a consultant with IBM in Shanghai. Lou offered the following advice for students entering the field: You have passion and ideas, but so does everyone else. You need to build up your reputation as soon as possible in a specific area of focus. Then you can get someone at a high level within the firm to mentor you. At some of the big name firms that have an up or out culture, everyone knows that non-performers simply do not survive. Employees either move a notch

25 110 职业发展 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 Career Paths Of CEIBS 2005 MBA Class 很清楚 没有业绩就别想生存 职员们不是得到提拔就 是扫地出门 吴震皓认为这种持续不断的筛选是在麦肯 锡工作的另一大挑战 他说 对有些人来说 这好像有 点残酷 但其实还是公平的 这样可以腾出空间容纳新 人 这也意味着职员们必须每年都有业绩 但是 这样的快节奏也使许多人难以坚持 一位中 24% 欧毕业生在某著名咨询公司工作不到五年后筋疲力尽 不得不要求休假两个月 同班同学记得他从前是个干劲 十足 努力进取 表现出众的人 当他们听说这份工作使 21% 他如此受创 都表示很惊讶 而这位中欧毕业生一方面 强调自己需要短休并非仅仅迫于职业压力 而是希望趁 16% 此间歇重新审视自己的生活 但他另一方面也承认这份 工作已经伤害到自己的身体健康 所幸的是 他所在的 公司为了尽量留住人才 同意让他暂时休假以便充电 但 7% 不是所有的公司都愿意这样做 有些公司会同意减少工 16% 作量并相应地降低薪水 而这往往缺乏吸引力 最后 8% 员工可能就选择辞职 8% 也有些人缩小业务范围 成为某一专业公司的内部 顾问 楼晓寒从 IBM 转入康宁 (Corning) 就是选择了 这样一条道路 楼晓寒自从 2005 离开中欧以后 面面俱 到的广泛咨询业就在他眼中渐渐失去了光彩 拥有 MBA 学位并怀有满腔热情的他在那年 12 月加入了 IBM 做咨 询师 踌躇满志地想要改变世界 但业内习以为常的紧 张节奏和超时工作慢慢令他厌倦 同时他也仍旧在寻找 施展抱负的途径 于是在 2007 年 7 月 他转而进入康宁 成为战略业务发展部经理 Financial Industrial Consulting Healthcare Retail/Trading IT/Telecom IT/ Other / 作为公司内部顾问 楼晓寒仍然忙于研究制定业务 战略 但比从前更有意思的是 他如今可以参与项目实 出差旅行 最终变得毫无吸引力 而工作本身一开始都非常 施的整个过程 从而将自己的想法付诸实现 说到自己 琐碎 单调而辛苦 结果 你并不能改变世界 至少不是每 转入康宁的变化 他说 如果想要出成果 你就必须不 个项目都能如此 仅有战略思想 还得实施这一战略 不然 就都是纸上 还有令人担忧的 是一些人说到的咨询业的 脏活 谈兵 现在的这份新工作使他可以留在自己热爱的行业 一位受访者解释说 虽然名义上说是咨询战略 但实际上 里 而且这种热情因为想法的实现而与日俱增 同时自 更像是商业间谍 越来越多的客户想得到竞争者的信息 让 己的工作和生活也更加平衡 在 IBM 做咨询师时 他有 咨询公司做更多的 尽职调查 ' 别的国家的咨询业可能不太 百分之八十的时间不在家 周末至少有一天得工作 这样 发生这种情况 不过在中国 客户们喜欢刺探竞争对手的数 才能跟得上行业的快节奏 而现在 我并未离开本行 据 但是 另一位受访者却不同意 间谍 这一说法 指出 工作节奏依然很快 但在这个稍小一些的环境里 我至 做竞争者调查有很多种符合伦理的方法 咨询公司不需要满 少可以控制自己的步伐 足客户所有的需求 他们可以对违反商业伦理的要求说不 如果你认为咨询工作利多于弊 并希望在该行业持续工 鲜为人知的 缺憾 作至少三至五年 那么就必须制定一个计划 避免让自己过 早耗尽体力 业界的中欧校友提供了以下这些建议 热爱工 作 争取家庭对自己的理解和支持 不必强求完美 找一位 除了让人疲惫不堪的紧张节奏以外 咨询工作还有 导师 定期休假 经常锻炼身体 这些建议看似平淡无奇 其他 缺憾 根据此次受访的中欧毕业生的叙述 总 但都是 经过实践检验的真理 你若是一位年轻的咨询师 体来说 咨询工作并非总是如此光鲜 通常压力极大 想在高档办公室赢得一席之地 实现改变世界的远大理想 甚至可能会严重影响到个人生活 受访者都说 频繁的 那么遵循这些最基本的建议就是至关重要的了

26 CarEEr 111 up the corporate ladder or out the door. Wu views this constant culling as just another challenge to meet while working at McKinsey. It may seem kind of cruel to some people, but it s a fair system. It makes space for new blood. It means employees have to perform every year, he says. For others, the pace is simply unsustainable. One CEIBS grad who has spent less than five years as a consultant at a big-name firm has become so burnt out that he had to ask for a two-month sabbatical. The toll that the job has taken on him has come as a surprise to some of his former classmates who remember him as an energetic go-getter who was always a high-performer. While stressing that his need for a short break from work is not solely career-based and the intermission will be a chance to evaluate his life as a whole, the CEIBS grad did acknowledge that the job has negatively impacted his physical health. The upside is that his company, eager to increase its retention rate, offers that option of a short break to recharge. Not all do, and the less attractive options include a reduced workload accompanied by a salary cut. In extreme cases, the employee may quit. Others may narrow their focus by becoming internal consultants for individual firms. This is the path that took Hans Lou from IBM to Corning. For Lou, the wider consulting industry lost some of its luster since he left CEIBS in With an MBA under his belt and a passion to make a difference, he was ready to change the world when he joined IBM as a consultant in December of that year. In July 2007, still searching for a way to make an impact and tired of the breakneck pace and long hours that are the industry norm, he joined Corning as Strategy & Business Development Manager. As an internal consultant, Lou still experiences the buzz of formulating strategy but with the added attraction of now being able to follow through with projects and implement his ideas. To really get results, you have to not only have strategic thinking, but to also execute the strategy, Lou says of his move to Corning. Otherwise it s just words on paper. His new role has given him a chance to remain in a field he is passionate about, and fuel that passion by implementing his ideas while at the same time improving his work-life balance. As a consultant for IBM, he spent about 80 percent of his time away from home and worked at least one day out of the weekend just to keep up the frantic industry pace. Now, I m still on a track and its still going very fast but I can control my own pace within this smaller environment, he said. Hidden down-sides In addition to exhaustion from the breakneck pace, other down-sides to consulting also exist. The overall picture that emerged from the CEIBS graduates interviewed for this story is that consulting is an often lessthan-glamorous and highly demanding career choice that can wreak havoc on your personal life. Frequent travel quickly loses its glamour, interviewees say. And even the work itself can involve detailed and boring drudge work at the early period. Thus, you do not get to change the world, at least not with every project. Even more concerning, some alumni in the field were also concerned about what they called the dirty work of the industry. It s still called consulting strategy but it s more like spying, explained one interviewee. We get more and more clients who want information on competitors, and we get more due diligence projects. Maybe in other countries it s not like this, but in China they like to get the numbers of their competitors. However, another interviewee strongly disagreed with the use of the word spying, pointing out that there are many ethical ways to do competitor research. Consulting firms do not have to do all clients want. They can say no to unethical requests, the interviewee said. For anyone who thinks the benefits outweigh the less savoury aspects of the job and wants to remain in the wider consulting field for at least another three to five years, it is essential to have a plan to keep exhaustion at bay. Suggestions from CEIBS alumni in the field included: love the job; ensure that you have your family s support and understanding; accept that you don t have to be perfect; find a mentor; take regular vacations and get lots of physical exercise. Although not glamorous, it seems that following such basic but tried and true advice can be critical as a young consultant strives to win a seat in that high profile corner office, discussing ideas that will change the world.

27 112 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 职业发展 公司聚焦 办公室绿化 The Greening of Your Office 在你的办公室和经营场所改善环保能够极大地削弱成本, 改善公共形象, 并同中国政府减少能够消耗 降低污染的目标相契合 贝尔卡特亚洲区总裁兼集团副总裁范达乐先生向我们解释了其中究竟 Enhancing the environmental protection efforts of your office and operations can significantly cut costs, improve your public image, and synchronize your operations with goals of the Chinese government to reduce energy usage and pollution. Bekaert Asia President and Group Vice President Herman Vandaele explains how. 文 / Charmaine N. Clarke 0.05 毫米会产生怎样的差异? 这就是由贝卡尔特公司提供的舒热佳节能窗膜的厚度, 由于他们的慷慨捐赠, 现在中欧国际工商学院上海校园的玻璃门窗外层都贴上了这样的镀膜 贝尔卡特公司的代表预计, 这种窗膜能够将用于加热和制冷的能源消耗降低 10%, 每年可以为学院节省 40 万元 去年 12 月, 中欧上海校区配备了超过 3 千平方米的镀膜 这是学院 绿色校园行动计划 的一部分, 该行动计划由 2007 级 MBA 学生发起, 现在由 2008 级继续推进, 致力于将环保实践带入中欧的校园生活 这一节能窗膜项目, 由贝卡尔特公司提供了价值 60 万元的镀膜和人力, 并被纳入了该公司比利时总部 企业社会责任 行动的一部分 贝卡尔特亚洲区总裁兼集团副总裁赫曼 范达乐 (Herman Vandaele) 先生称, 该行动恰好与中国政府预计在 2010 年之前将单位 GDP 的能源消耗减少 20% 的目标相吻合 贝卡尔特在欧洲已有 128 年的历史, 但在 16 年 前才进入中国市场, 目前正在亚洲巩固它在全球其他地区所建立的良好声誉 例如, 中欧所使用的舒热佳窗膜, 其效用在全球均已得到认可 公司代表高兴地指出, 克林顿气候行动计划 将该产品称为 节约能源的关键支持, 并与贝卡尔特公司合作, 在美国的公共及商用建筑中使用镀膜以降低能源消耗 史丹纳航运公司也选择了贝卡尔特的窗膜产品 为了帮助其他企业通过创新产品和行动来提高能源使用效率, 贝卡尔特公司还致力于在全球的 96 家工厂中减少生产过程中的能源消耗 最近, 贝卡尔特与比利时弗兰门斯地区政府签署了一份基准合同, 该政府同意由贝卡尔特公司负责对该地区的工厂进行降低能耗投资 如果可行, 该协议中的条款还将推广至包括中国在内的世界其他地区的工厂 作为一家以 B2B (Business to Business) 商业模式为主的企业, 贝卡尔特对很多中国消费者来说并不是一个家用品牌 但是随着公司打出节约能源的概念推销其产品优势, 这种情况可能会发生改变 如果更多的公司开始致力于节约能源, 那么节省下来的能源将被传递给最终使用者 由于能源

28 CORPORATE SPOTLIGHT CarEEr 113 By Charmaine N. Clarke 赫曼 范达乐 Herman Vandaele 贝尔卡特集团简介工作 / 产业 : 贝卡尔特是一家技术导向型企业, 基于先进金属变形技术和 先进材料工艺及镀膜技术, 生产和销售一系列产品 主要业务 : 先进钢丝制品 先进材料 先进镀膜技术 全球业绩 :2007 年, 贝卡尔特在 120 个国家取得了 34 亿欧元的销售业 绩, 员工总数超过 名 公司在全球拥有 96 家分厂 中国业务 : 贝卡尔特超过 15% 的全球投资用于亚洲 在中国, 贝卡尔特现 已拥有 14 家合资或独资公司, 其中包括研发中心 贸易公司以及亚洲区总 部 目前, 贝卡尔特中国区员工总数已逾 6,000 人 Company Profile Activity/Industry: Bekaert is a technology-driven business which produces and markets a wide range of products based on advanced metal transformation and advanced materials and coatings. Main Business Units: Advanced wire products, advanced materials, advanced coatings. Global Performance: In 2007, Bekaert reached a combined sales level of 3.4 billion in 120 countries and employed more than 20,400 people. The company operates 96 plants across the globe. China Operations: More than 15 percent of Bekaert s worldwide sales revenue are now realised in Asia. The company has 14 joint ventures or wholly owned companies in China, including an R&D centre, a trading company, and the regional HQ for Asia. The company has roughly 6,000 employees in China. What a difference 0.05 mm makes. That s how thick the film is which now covers all outward-facing windows and doors on the CEIBS Shanghai campus thanks to a donation of Solar Gard materials supplied by Bekaert. Representatives of the company expect the window filming to cut energy used for heating and cooling the school by 10 percent annually a savings of up to 400,000 per year. More than 3,000 square meters of filming were installed throughout the CEIBS main campus last December. The project was part of the school s Green Campus Initiative launched by MBA students in 2007 and now being continued by the 2008 class. The initiative seeks to incorporate environmentally friendly practices into campus life at CEIBS. The window filming project, in which Bekaert donated 600,000-worth of film, plus labour, was part of the Belgium-based company s CSR efforts. As Bekaert Asia President and Group Vice President Herman Vandaele explains, the move dovetails well with the goals of the Chinese government to reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20 percent before With its 128-year history in Europe but just 16 years in China, Bekaert is now solidifying in Asia the excellent reputation it has built up in other parts of the globe. For example, the Solar Gard window film used at CEIBS has been globally recognized for its effectiveness. Company representatives are happy to point out that the Clinton Climate Initiative named the product as a key energy-saving resource and teamed up with Bekaert to use the film to reduce energy consumption in public and commercial buildings in the United States. Bekaert s window film is also the product of choice for the Stena Line ferry company. In addition to helping other organizations become more energy efficient through the use of its breakthrough products and initiatives, Bekaert has also focused on reducing energy consumption dur-

29 114 职业发展 公司聚焦 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 舒热佳节能窗膜 用途 住宅 商用楼宇 汽车及轮船等玻璃门窗 舒热佳的使用时间 超过 25 年 请密切关注即将发行的 TheLINK 期刊以及学院 网站 今年夏季 我们将追踪报道中欧国际工商学 院的能源公告 并报道其改进效果 节约和环境保护获得了越来越多的认可 中国市场的 可节约高达 39% 这些特殊的窗膜还具有安全性能 重要性在近年来也日益突显 目前 中国新兴的国 一旦玻璃破碎 窗膜可以防止玻璃碎片四处飞溅 内市场为贝卡尔特提供了一个诱人的机会 帮助中国 政府达成其环保目标的同时也能实现其自身的利润 在这一期 The LINK 中 范达乐将告诉我们 TheLINK 您能否举几个详细的例子 来说明该 产品在上海如何被有效地利用 的记者, 他的公司如何帮助中国在目前乃至将来提高 范达乐 我们为上海市市政大厦安装了窗膜后 设 能源使用效率 对于那些希望在运作中通过改进能 备管理人员测定了节能效果 结果是 安装了舒热 源效率以降低成本并提高公众知名度的中国经理人 佳窗膜的房间温度 要比没有安装的房间低 2.63 摄 来说 范达乐的采访也将提供许多具有实际意义的 氏度 能耗节约达到 40% 指导 另一个例子就是上海市建筑建材业行政受理服 务中心 该建筑的所有玻璃幕墙都安装了贝卡尔特 TheLINK 您能否解释一下 贝卡尔特公司如何 的建筑膜 结果表明 该建筑的空调设备减少了4~5 帮助客户提高能源利用率并降低开支 在中国 台 但却能达到同样的制冷效果 另外 室内温度 这 些 方法可 能 会 被 其他 有 能 源 意识的 公司所 采 也降低了 2~3 摄氏度 从而减少了投资和循环消耗 用 他们尝试在不牺牲利润的情况下减少含碳化 合物的排放量 TheLINK 除了窗膜之外 还有哪些其他产品或 范达乐 在中国 贝卡尔特公司投资对环境产生积极 服务能够有效地减少公司的能源使用 影响的产品与新技术 例如 贝卡尔特的窗膜 由 范达乐 一个例子就是贝卡尔特的重要产品 钢 一层看上去透明但却能反射红外线的薄膜与另一层 帘线 用于卡车和轿车的轮胎机械加固 轮胎加 聚酯镀膜复合而成 中欧安装的就是这一种 固所必需的钢帘线的重量减少 可以降低燃料消耗 通过降低热量载入来实现楼宇和汽车的光控功能 也因此减少了对环境的负面影响 在同等条件下 与 从而节约用于制冷的能源 没有钢帘线加固的轮胎相比 有钢帘线的轮胎能够 在建筑物的窗户上贴上光控窗膜后 由于它能 节约 7%~10% 的燃料 阻挡大量的太阳光热量 因此将显著地提高热舒适 另一个例子是 在中国的北方和中部地区 无 度 窗膜还能阻挡紫外线 因此可以防止建材 论是民用还是商用 越来越需要通过燃气锅炉来加 例如家具表面的褪色 安装光控窗膜能够极大地降 热水和空间 贝卡尔特燃烧技术能够提高各种燃气 低空调系统的能耗 模拟实验和公司外部机构的科 的有效燃烧率 在冷凝式锅炉中的使用很有吸引力 学验证都表明 一间典型的上海办公室 在玻璃窗 与普通锅炉相比 冷凝式锅炉可以将有效燃烧率提 上安装最新生产的窗膜后 平均每年在空调开支上 高 20% 并使二氧化碳的排放量减少 20%

30 CORPORATE SPOTLIGHT CarEEr 115 Solar Gard Fact File Main Uses: Glass windows and doors in residential and commercial buildings, automobiles, boats. Product Lifetime: More than 25 years Note: Keep an eye on upcoming issues of The LINK and the school website as CEIBS tracks our energy usage this summer and records the improvement. ing production at its 96 plants around the globe. The company recently signed a benchmarking covenant with the Flemish government which commits Bekaert to a series of energy reducing investments in its plants. The terms of the agreement will also be used, where applicable, in other plants worldwide, including here in China. Mainly operating as a B2B firm, Bekaert is not yet a household name for many consumers in China but this may change as the company aggressively promotes the benefits of its products in terms of conserving energy. As more companies reduce and conserve energy, the savings can be passed on to endusers. The China market, in which energy conservation and environmental protection are rapidly gaining recognition, has become increasingly important in recent years. Today, China s emerging domestic market offers Bekaert an enticing opportunity to assist the country in meeting its environmental protection goals while also boosting its own profit margin. In this issue, Bekaert Asia President and Group Vice President Herman Vandaele tells The LINK about the role his organization is playing in China s current and future efforts to become more energy efficient. His interview also offers many practical guidelines for managers in China who are seeking to cut costs and boost public awareness through improving energy efficiency in their operations. TheLINK: Can you explain some of the ways in which Bekaert has helped its clients improve energy efficiency and cut costs, methods that may be used by other energy-conscious companies in China that are trying to reduce their carbon footprint without sacrificing profits? HV: Here in China, Bekaert invests in products and new technology with a very positive impact on the environment. For example, Bekaert s window film, consisting of a thin, infrared-reflecting but opticallytransparent coating on a polyester film the one that was installed at CEIBS is used for solar control of buildings and cars by reducing the heat load and thereby reducing the energy needed for cooling. Attaching solar control window film to an architectural window significantly increases the thermal comfort, resulting from the blocking of a large amount of solar heat. Window film also blocks UV light, preventing fabrics for example furniture coverings from fading. The installation of solar control window film has a large effect on the energy consumption of air conditioning systems. Simulations have shown, and this is scientifically proven by external parties, that the installation of our most recent type of window film on the windows of a typical Shanghai office would result in yearly average saving in air conditioning costs of up to 39 percent. Those particular window films also have a safety component. If the glass breaks, the window film prevents it from scattering. TheLINK: Can you give some specific examples of the effective use of the product here in Shanghai? HV: After we installed window film for the Shanghai Municipal Mansion, facility administration tested the energy-saving effect. The result was that the temperature of the room installed with Solar Gard window film is 2.63 degrees lower than that of the room without film. There was also a 40 percent savings in energy consumption. Another example is the Shanghai Construction Industry Management Office Building. The whole curtain wall of this building was equipped with Bekaert architectural film. As a result, the building cut the number of air conditioner sets from four to five, for the same cooling effect. In addition, indoor

31 116 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 职业发展 公司聚焦 In the last few years, we ve seen a tremendous change in the environmental protection attitudes, objectives and targets of the Chinese government. Environmental care especially energy saving is becoming very, very important. TheLINK: 贝卡尔特公司自身如何实践能源效率? 范达乐 : 贝卡尔特公司的重要生产流程是将普通钢丝 可以在钢铁市场购买到的 转变为高强度镀膜细钢丝 转换过程中所需的能源消耗是转化成本的主要部分, 在新兴国家, 大约占到了转化成本的 30% 以上 因此, 生产过程所需能源的减少, 不仅可以提高我们公司在环境可持续发展方面的绩效, 而且这也是保持收益率所必需的, 尤其是像中国这样的国家 贝卡尔特意识到, 西方国家主要通过减少劳动力成本, 从而改进生产过程以寻求发展, 而在新兴国家, 应该更多地关注减少能耗 贝卡尔特将所有股东的利益视为其核心业务的基本部分, 重视其经营对消费者 投资者 员工 学校 大学 商业伙伴 当地社区 政府与非政府组织的影响 这就是为什么贝卡尔特将环境 健康 安全的政策纳入可持续利润增长战略的原因 贝卡尔特的环境政策主要由以下关键部分组成 : 以积极主动的方式完全遵守法律法规, 对环境的负面影响最小化, 合理使用资源与能源, 对股东坚守承诺, 为减少对环境的负面影响而不断开发新技术与新产品 TheLINK: 您发现最近几年中国市场在能源效率方面发生了哪些变化? 贝卡尔特对这些变化有何反应? 范达乐 : 我们看到, 在过去几年中, 中国政府的环保态度与目标都发生了极大的变化 对环境的关注 特别是节能方面 正在变得日益重要 不仅中央政府如此, 地方政府也同样如此 我们知道, 对环境的关注 包括安全问题以及降低对原材料和能源的使用 是中国政府目前面临的最为严峻的挑战之一 问题在于, 对于环境关注的改变以及能源消耗与污染的减少, 并不是一朝一夕就能完成的, 需要付出时间和努力 但是, 我们还是看到了行动的意愿 为了实现目标, 中国政府提供了很多支持和财政帮助 贝卡尔特在中国也为此做出了贡献 我们可以提供与政府目标相匹配的产品, 在中国我们有 11 家工厂, 它们都按照国际标准进行生产的 除此之外, 我们还直接提供产品来满足政府的环保需求 参与中国这一转变过程, 确实为贝卡尔特带来了利润增长, 但同时贝卡尔特也帮助了中国, 使之成为一个更适宜居住的地方

32 CORPORATE SPOTLIGHT CarEEr 117 temperature has been lowered by 2 to 3 degrees Celsius. So, there was lower investment and also lower recurring costs. TheLINK: What other products or services, apart from window filming, can significantly cut a company s energy use? HV: One example is Bekaert s highest volume product steel cord which is used for the mechanical reinforcement of radial tires for trucks and passenger cars. Any reduction in the weight of steel that is needed for tire reinforcement will reduce fuel consumption, which in turn reduces the environmental impact. Under the same conditions, a radial tire can save 7 to 10 percent more fuel than a tire without steel reinforcement. Another example: In northern and central China, there is an increasing [residential and commercial] demand for space and water heating via gas boilers. The capability to burn different gasses efficiently makes Bekaert s burners very attractive for use in condensing boilers. In comparison with a conventional boiler, a condensing boiler is up to 20 percent more efficient and the carbon dioxide generation is up to 20 percent lower. TheLINK: How does Bekaert itself practice energy efficiency? HV: The basic production process at Bekaert is the transformation of steel wire rod which is purchased on the steel market into thin, high-strength and coated steel wires. The cost of the energy needed in this transformation process is a significant part of the total conversion cash cost, amounting to more than 30 percent of the conversion cash cost in emerging countries. Therefore, any reduction in the amount of energy needed in our production process not only adds to the company s performance in terms of environmental sustainability, but is also needed for sustained profitability, especially in countries like China. Bekaert recognizes that, while development efforts in Western countries focus primarily on improving production processes through cutting labor costs, in emerging countries, more attention must be paid to the development efforts related to energy reduction. Bekaert pursues total stakeholder value as an essential part of its core business, taking into account the impact of its operations on customers, investors, employees, schools and universities, business partners, local communities, governments and nongovernmental organizations. That s why Bekaert integrates an Environment, Health and Safety policy into its strategy of sustainable profitable growth. Bekaert s environmental policy is made up of the following key building blocks: full legal compliance with a proactive approach, minimal impact on the environment, rational use of resources and energy, firm commitment towards stakeholders, and development of new technology and products for reduced environmental impact. TheLINK: What changes have you seen recently in the China market, in terms of energy efficiency? How is Bekaert responding to these changes? HV: In the last few years, we ve seen a tremendous change in the environmental protection attitudes, objectives and targets of the Chinese government. Environmental care especially energy saving is becoming very, very important. This is true not only for the national government but also for local governments. We know that environmental care including safety and the reduction of raw materials and energy use is one of the biggest challenges now faced by the Chinese government. The problem is that a change in environmental care, and a reduction in energy consumption or in pollution, is not achieved overnight. It takes time and effort. Still, we see the will to do this. The Chinese government is providing a lot of support and financial help in order to get there. That s where Bekaert is also contributing, through its presence in China. We can offer a number of products that match precisely with the government s objectives. We have 11 [manufacturing] sites [in China] that are operating at international standards. Besides that, we supply products that contribute directly to the environmental protection needs of the government. It is indeed profitable growth for Bekaert, being able to take part in that evolution of the needs in China, and at the same time it helps make China a better place in which to live.

33 118 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 在中欧 院长致辞 朱晓明院长致全体中欧校友的一封信 Greetings From CEIBS President Zhu Xiaoming 亲爱的中欧校友们 : 时光荏苒, 岁月如梭 在这草长莺飞 春暖花开的季节, 我谨代表中欧全院师生员工向您及您的家人致以深切的问候和诚挚的祝福 衷心祝愿大家在新的一年里工作顺利, 生活愉快! 2007 年是我院发展史上具有里程碑意义的一年 中欧全体师生员工抓住 改革和发展 这一要务, 以建设国际一流水准的商学院为目标, 在学科建设 学术研究 品牌建设和国内 国际交往等各方面, 都取得了显著成绩 这些成绩的取得, 是全校院生员工携手奋进 共同努力的结果, 也是广大海内外校友鼎力襄助的结果 回顾 2007 年, 我们心潮澎湃 首先, 学院 MBA EMBA 和 EDP 课程都取得了令人满意的进步,MBA 课程在最新的 金融时报 排名中继续保持全球第 11 位 其次, 校园设施的扩大和改善也在积极推行, 北京校园建设已于 2007 年 10 月正式启动, 预计 2009 年初竣工 ; 深圳代表处教学点将扩至 1500 平方米, 并将长期租用 同时, 学院日益重视旨在为企业界提供新思想的管理研究, 新建了五个研究机构 : 中欧陆家嘴国际金融研究院 中国服务外包研究中心 中欧 - 浙大国际企业家中心 市场营销与创新管理中心和全球运营管理与价值链整合中心 另外, 通过知识传播和媒体宣传成功地推进了学院的品牌建设, 举办了首届银行家高峰论坛 首期中欧陆家嘴金融家沙龙 首届中国传媒产业高峰论坛 第三届中国健康产业高峰论坛 第五届中国汽车产业高峰论坛等高层次的活动, 在 CNN CNBC 中央电视台 第一财经以及国内外其他频道的曝光度也有较大的提高 去年年底, 中标欧盟出资的中欧商务管理培训项目, 并由此确认了市府承诺的等额配套资金, 从而为学院开展更多办学活动和启动上海校园扩建项目获得了资金保证 在赢得这一项目后, 温家宝总理指出 : 中欧国际工商学院已成为众多优秀管理人士的摇篮 这是我国领导人对我院成功办学的充分肯定 政府关系和国际合作方面的工作也取得了可喜成绩, 学院接待了多位中欧双方政要, 包括来自欧方的西班牙国王卡洛斯一世与索菲娅王后 法国前总统德斯坦 德国前总统施罗德 法国前总理拉法兰等, 和来自中方的上海市市长韩正 上海市人大常委会主任龚学平 上海市委副书记殷一璀 上海市常务副市长冯国勤 教育部副部长吴启迪 商务部副部长马秀红和高虎城等领导 在取得成绩的同时, 我们也正面临着国内外一流商学院和顶尖大学的激烈竞争 2008 年, 中欧将在全院师生员工的努力和全体校友的支持下, 不断适应环境变化, 恪守 认真 创新 追求卓越 的校训, 争取获得更大的进步 中欧虽不是百年老校, 但因为有六千名杰出的校友而根深叶茂 ; 中欧虽然没有硕大的校园, 但因为有六千名杰出的校友而十分富足 每一位校友都是中欧大家庭里重要的一分子 校友的事, 就是中欧的事 ; 校友取得的每一份成绩都是中欧的骄傲 在新的一年里, 中欧将尽一切努力帮助我们的校友和校友企业获得更大的成功 最后, 再次恭祝各位校友身体健康, 万事如意, 并欢迎大家常回学院走走与看看!

34 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT INSIdE CEIbS 119 Dear CEIBS Alumni: Now that we have closed the first quarter of 2008 and have entered Spring, I would like to pause for a moment to reflect on our recent accomplishments and to look ahead to the rest of In several respects, 2007 was a milestone year in the history of the development of CEIBS. Our professors, staff members and students kept reform and development in mind as they strove to advance CEIBS as one of the world s top-tier business schools. With the concerted effort of our professors, staff members, students and alumni, our school has made remarkable progress in the programs, academic research, branding, domestic and international exchanges. In retrospect, we had a lot of good news in 2007 to share with you. Firstly, our MBA, EMBA and EDP programs have made great progress. Our MBA program, in particular, continues to be ranked No. 11 by the latest Financial Times rankings. Secondly, the expansion and upgrading of our campus facilities have been carried forward smoothly. The construction of Beijing campus was started at October 2007 and it is expected to be completed by 2009; Shenzhen operation will be expanded to 1,500 square meters, and a long-term lease will be finalized. Thirdly, CEIBS has attached more importance to management research, providing a valued source of new ideas for the business community. Our school has established five research institutions: CEIBS-Lujiazui International Financial Research Center, China Outsourcing Institute, CEIBS- Zhejiang University Center for International Entrepreneurship, Center for Marketing and Innovation Management, and Center for Global Operations Management and Value Chain Integration. Fourthly, through knowledge dissemination and media campaigns, CEIBS has successfully promoted its brand Image. Last year, our school organized its first China Bankers Forum, first CEIBS-Lujiazui Finance Salon series, first Chinese Media Industry Forum, as well as hosting the third annual China Healthcare Management Forum and fifth annual Auto Industry Forum in CEIBS has secured dramatic increase of media coverage in both local and foreign media, including feature programmes broadcast on CNN International, CCTV and CBN. Fifthly, CEIBS won the tendering of the Europe-China Business Management Training Programme financed by the EU at the end of last year, in addition to receiving matching funds committed by the Shanghai Municipality. This funding provides the financial support for the school to initiate more academic activities and to start the project of the Shanghai campus expansion. Upon winning the tender, Premier Wen Jiabao spoke highly of CEIBS as An incubator for many excellent business leaders, thus bringing high-profile recognition to CEIBS from a Chinese state leader. Last but not least, CEIBS has recently made significant achievements in government relations and international cooperation. Our school has received many important guests from China and Europe, including King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sophia of Spain, former French President Valery Giscard D Estaing, German Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, former French Premier Jean Pierre Raffarin, Mayor of Shanghai Han Zheng, Chairman of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People s Congress Gong Xueping, Deputy Party Secretary of Shanghai Yin Yicui, Executive Vice-Mayor of Shanghai Feng Guoqin, Vice Minister of Education Wu Qidi, Vice Minister of Commerce Ma Xiuhong, and Vice Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng. Although we made great progress in 2007, CEIBS still faces fierce competition from leading domestic and international B-schools. In 2008, with consistent efforts of our professors, staff members, students and alumni, CEIBS will steadily adapt and improve while abiding by our motto of conscientiousness, innovation, and excellence. Together, I am confident that this year will bring CEIBS even greater success. CEIBS does not have a long history, but we are proud of our 6,000 outstanding alumni. CEIBS does not have a large campus, but we have 6,000 outstanding alumni as our valuable assets. Each and every one of you is an important part of the CEIBS family. We care deeply about your achievements and your career advancement. During 2008 and beyond, CEIBS will do everything possible to help you to become even more successful. Finally, I would like to wish all alumni a happy Spring season and to remind you that you are always welcome to come back and see us! 朱晓明教授 中欧国际工商学院院长 Zhu Xiaoming CEIBS President

35 120 在中欧 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 2008 年中欧新年音乐会 CEIBS Hosts New Year Concert 2008 Wison Night at Shanghai Grand Theatre

36 INSIdE CEIbS 年 1 月 21 日, 200 年中欧新年音乐会 在上海大剧院隆重举行, 以答谢广大校友和曾经给予中欧支持与帮助的社会各界朋友 中欧的师生员工及各行各业的精英人士约一千六百余人济济一堂, 共同欣赏了著名指挥家陈燮阳先生携上海交响乐团呈献的华彩乐章 音乐会在 回顾 200 的短片中拉开了序幕 中欧国际工商学院院长朱晓明教授首先致辞 朱院长向校友 师生员工和嘉宾表达了新年的祝贺 他说, 中欧虽然不是百年老校, 但因为有五千名杰出的校友而根深叶茂 ; 中欧虽然没有硕大的校园, 但因为有几十名优秀的教授而十分富有 中国有句成语叫 秀色可餐, 今夜却是 美声可餐 妙乐可餐! 这是中欧国际工商学院首次在上海大剧院举办的高规格音乐会, 也是规模最大 层次最高的一次活动 上海惠生化工工程有限公司 万秀国际贸易有限公司 上海美年健康产业有限公司对此次音乐会提供了大力支持 上海东方卫视著名主持人袁鸣主持了此台盛大晚会 More than 1,600 VIP guests, corporate partners, government officials, and CEIBS alumni, students and employees attended CEIBS spectacular New Year Concert 2008 on the evening of January 21, entitled Wison Night at the Shanghai Grand Theatre. The event thanked CEIBS supporters and stakeholders for their contribution during The concert was performed by the renowned Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, the oldest in Asia. Hosted by Dragon TV personality Yuan Ming, the evening began with the short video Reviewing 2007 a celebration of CEIBS major achievements over the past year. The images included a clip of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao praising CEIBS during his November 28, 2007 speech at the fourth EU-China Summit. In recognizing the school s contribution to China s economic and educational growth, Premier Wen called CEIBS an incubator for excellent business leaders. The Januar y 21 New Year Concert followed CEIBS New Year celebrations in Beijing and Shenzhen. A New Year Concert was held in Beijing on December 15, 2007 while the Shenzhen offices organized an event on January 20, 2008.

37 122 在中欧 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 合肥一派新春喜庆景象 宋吉河摄 哈尔滨雾松 赫重运摄 顶级管理教育现身中国内地 CEIBS Goes on the Road 文 /Charmaine N. Clarke 2008 年 1 月 15 日, 中欧国际工商学院在上海校园启动了 中国 - 欧盟商务管理培训项目 (BMT) 作为该项目的一项重要组成部分, 中欧将担负起为中国欠发达地区提供管理教育的任务 如今学院正在紧锣密鼓地筹备将于明年初在合肥 昆明和哈尔滨开设的 中欧商务教育文凭课程 (BDCP), 利用中欧的师资和教学经验, 将世界级的管理培训输送到中国内地, 带动当地管理水平的提高 这个课程的目标是到 2012 年为这三个城市培养 360 名管理人才和创业人才 课程首先将在合肥推出, 接下来是哈尔滨和昆明 该课程为期 6 个月, 分 9 个模块, 每个模块包括 6 个为期 4 天的课程, 由中欧国际工商学院和法兰克福金融管理学院的老师共同执教 我们想把中欧送到他们的家门口, 这样, 将有更多人受益于我们提供的世界级工商管理教育 中国 - 欧盟商务管理培训项目 负责人 中欧经济学教授芮博澜 (Bala Ramasamy) 说 中欧商务教育文凭课程 将为企业家 中层管理人员以及中小企业管理者提供实际而有效的培训 学费仅需 500 欧元, 不设奖学金, 以确保学员 真正投入到学习中, 学有所成, 芮教授说

38 INSIdE CEIbS 123 春意盎然的昆明翠湖郁金香 纳家骅摄 By Charmaine N. Clarke Grandmothers with bound feet posing for photos at the tourist sites, transportation by donkey-driven cart, and children dressed in the traditional costumes of the local ethnic minority groups. Such are the images that strike visitors from China s urban areas when they journey to the Yunnan Province city of Kunming or other cities in the nation s remote Western or Central provinces. For anyone visiting from Shanghai or Beijing, the contrast is evident the moment you leave the airport and drive through town. With this disparity in mind, CEIBS is now embarking on a programme that will bring worldclass business management training directly to China s disadvantaged regions. The school is now preparing to launch a management training programme in Kunming as well as Hefei, Anhui Province and Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. The goal of the EU-China Business Development 在大城市之外 今年中 欧教授将会在合肥 昆 明 哈尔滨开设课程 BEYOND THE BIG CITY CEIBS professors will bring management education to Hefei, Harbin and Kunming this year via the BMT Project.

39 124 在中欧 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 同样, 该课程也为在中西部发展的中欧校友提供了一个良机, 他们可以将员工送来参加培训 芮教授说 : 如果中欧校友的企业在内地有分部, 可以利用这个机会, 让内地的年轻人得到他们当年在中欧校园所获得的高质量培训 新设 mba 奖学金 中国 - 欧盟商务管理培训项目与你有关! 今年,BMT 将启动各种项目, 中欧校友和学员们, 请准备好从中受益吧! 若要查询奖学金 实习机会 培训课程 欧盟 - 中国系列讲座 以及即将在中欧上海校园举行的 欧盟日 会议, 请登录 BMT 网站 : WHAT S IN THE EUrope-CHINA BUSINEsS MANAGEMENT PROJECT FOR YOU? FIND OUT ONLINE CEIBS alumni and students stand to benefit from many of the programmes launched this year as part of the BMT Project. To keep track of all scholarships, internships, and training programmes as well as events such as the EU-China Lecture Series and the upcoming EU Day Conference to be held on the Shanghai campus this September, please visit the new EU-China BMT Website at 中国政府正在努力缩小不同地区之间的经济和社会差异, 中欧也将为此目标做出多方面的努力, 中欧商务教育文凭课程只是其中的一项 学院将在未来五年内推出约十个课程, 把最优秀的工商管理教育输送到那些缺乏相关教育资源的地区 此外, 在未来五年中, 学院还将新设 60 个全额和半额奖学金 ( 每年 12 个 ), 资助有经济困难的学生就读中欧 MBA 课程 芮教授说 : 设立这些奖学金的目的是要让贫困地区的人们有机会获得最好的工商管理教育 他解释说, 有些来自欠发达地区的学生因经济上有困难, 而无法获得好的专业培训, 这 60 个奖学金名额将为他们提供和其他学生同等的就读机会 今年中欧奖学金的标准将被放宽 : 无论是来自国内偏远地区, 还是目前正在这些地方工作的人, 都可以申请 但是随着未来申请者人数的增加, 标准可能会变得越来越严格 更多的交流项目和欧洲实习机会 另外, 中国 - 欧盟商务管理培训项目 还设立了 100 个交流奖学金, 加强中国的商学院学生和欧盟 27 个国家的商学院学生之间的交流 第一批获选的中欧 MBA 学生将在今年 9 月获得该奖学金 有意申请的中欧 MBA 学员, 首先必须报名参加交流学习, 在得到欧方商学院的接受后, 才能申请 BMT 交流奖学金 芮教授说 : 我们希望把奖学金提供给那些有资格参加交流学习 拥有领导能力 而仅仅因为经济困难而无法参加交流的学生 中欧在承担起 BMT 项目的同时, 还获得了欧盟 760 万欧元的相关资助 同时, 中欧及其办学方 EFMD 法兰克福金融管理学院 IESE 商学院共同出资 1010 万欧元 去年 11 月, 上海市政府也拨款给该项目与欧盟等额的资金, 使得这一项目的资金资助累计达到 1825 万欧元

40 INSIdE CEIbS 125 Certificate Programme (BDCP) is to train 360 executives and entrepreneurs in these three remote cities by The programme will begin in Hefei in early 2009, then expand to Harbin and Kunming. The 6-month-long programmes, taught by professors from CEIBS and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, will consist of nine programmes of six four-day modules. We want to take CEIBS to them, which means the number of people who will benefit from this world-class quality, business and management education is going to be much wider, says CEIBS Professor of Economics Bala Ramasamy. Prof. Ramasamy is project manager for the entire BMT grant project. The BDCP will provide hands-on, practical training for entrepreneurs, mid-level managers, and SME executives. Participants will pay a minimal fee of 500, as opposed to a full scholarship a move designed to ensure that participants are dedicated to the outcomes of the programme, says Prof. Ramasamy. In promoting the programme, CEIBS hopes in particular to attract alumni based in Western and Central China to enrol their staff members in the courses. Says Prof. Ramasamy: This programme is an opportunity for CEIBS alumni with subsidiaries and branches in the inland provinces, to provide their young talent with the same quality of training that they received at our Shanghai, Beijing or Shenzhen campuses. New MBA Scholarships The BDCP is one of several methods CEIBS will use to support China s national goal of reducing the economic and social disparities between the country s regions and provinces. During the next five years, the school will launch more than a dozen programmes focused on the goal of delivering top quality business education to under-served regions or demographic groups within China. Other components include offering 60 fulland partial-tuition scholarships 12 per year allowing students lacking financial means to attend the CEIBS MBA Programme. The objective of the scholarships is to allow people from the disadvantaged provinces, as defined by GDP per capita, to have access to world-class business education, says Prof. Ramasamy. He explains that the 60 scholarships are aimed at leveling the playing field for students who lack access to academic training because of their geographical location and financial situation. During the current year, the criterion for scholarship recipients will be loosened to accept not only permanent residents of remote regions but also potential students who were born elsewhere but are now working in the inner regions of China. The criteria may be tightened in the future as the number of applicants increases. Expanded Exchange Programmes, Internships to Europe Other initiatives funded by the BMT Project include 100 exchange scholarships between Chinese students and their peers from b-schools in the EU s 27 member countries. The first batch of CEIBS recipients will take up their scholarships this September. CEIBS students who wish to apply must first meet the general criteria to join in the exchange programme, then seek acceptance at one of the participating business schools in Europe, then apply for the BMT scholarship. Ideally we want to give the scholarships to those students who qualify for the exchange, who have leadership skills but who would not be able to participate because of financial difficulties, says Prof. Ramasamy. In awarding the BMT Project to CEIBS, the European Union provided 7.6 million in funding, while contributions from CEIBS and its academic partners European Foundation for Management Development ( EFMD), the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, and IESE School of Business pushed the figure to 10.1 million. In November, funding from the Shanghai municipal government took the total to million.

41 128 在中欧 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 以利润抗贫困 Fighting Poverty With Profits 中欧 mba200 级学员与哈佛大学 麻省理工学院和印度管理学院等院校学生共同参与 企业扶贫 (ESp) CEIBS MBA 2007 students join peers from Harvard, MIT, IIMA and more to participate in Enterprise Solutions to Poverty. 文 / Charmaine N. Clarke 几年前, 在包括中欧在内的许多顶尖商学院里, 所谓参与 社会责任 一语, 就是指选修一两门诸如 商业道德 或 企业社会责任 之类的课程 至于真正参加社会福利活动, 那是毕业后的事 但如今完全不同了 过去三年以来, 中欧学员越来越关注社会福利活动, 而且积极参与其中 例如, 由中欧学生发起的 企业社会责任全球论坛 如今已进入第三个年头, 而同学们在 2007 年又发起了号召节约能源的 绿色校园行动 最近一次活动始于 2008 年 1 月初 : 全球近十所顶尖院校的学生, 其中包括 16 位中欧 MBA 学员, 与来自中国 印度 哥伦比亚以及墨西哥等发展中国家的企业共同努力, 为企业寻求营利与扶贫齐头并进的发展道路 企业扶贫 (ESP) 项目此次共邀请到 140 名学生, 他们分别来自中欧国际工商学院 哈佛商学院 哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院 麻省理工斯隆管理学院 印度管理学院 中欧 企业扶贫 小组成员 1. 产品和服务小组 :Andres Martin Buldu 丁毅 魏华 李兆翔 ; 指导老师 : 中欧 经济学教授芮博澜 2. 涉农企业小组 :Antoni Casas Rachel Jiang 屠佳运 周杨 ; 指导老师 : 中欧经济学教授芮博澜. 企业互联小组 :Jorge Amirola Sanz 邓波 巩昕 Gauray Mishra; 指导老师 : 中欧创业学副教授方睿哲. 销售行业小组 : 张文慧 胡滋安 林道辉 Rohan Menon; 指导老师 : 中欧管理学教授言培文 CEIBS ESP Teams Products and Services Team: Andres Martin Buldu, Joseph Ding, Kim Wei and Jason Li. Faculty Advisor: Prof. Bala Ramasamy. Agribusiness Team: Antoni Casas, Rachel Jiang, Walker Tu, Teresa Zhou. Faculty Advisor: Prof Bala Ramasamy. Enterprise Team: Jorge Amirola Sanz, Darren Deng, Xin Gong, Gauray Mishra. Faculty Advisor: Prof. Velamuri Ramakrishna. Distribution Team: Amy Cheung, Leo Hu, Victor Lim, Rohan Menon. Faculty Advisor: Prof. Per Jenster. 墨西哥蒙特雷商学研究生院 哥伦比亚洛斯安第斯大学和哥伦比亚管理金融技术高等学院 企业扶贫 (ESP) 项目于 2006 年 9 月启动, 其发起人是世界妇女借贷银行的前任总裁兼首席执行官 Nancy Barry 该活动使 MBA 学生有机会立即行动起来, 承担社会责任, 而不只是坐在课堂里听讲 有些企业相信, 穷人并非企业的负担, 相反, 企业可以通过许多颇有创意的方式来帮助穷人, 比如让他们参与到企业的生产和营销之中 ESP 就是想让大家认识这样的公司 中欧经济学教授芮博澜 (Bala Ramasamy) 解释说 芮博澜教授是中欧的 ESP 项目负责人 参与 ESP 的中欧学员在摩根大通银行的资助下, 将走访北京郊区的多个村庄和陕西省的一些城镇 他们会在那儿与参加 ESP 的 15 家企业代表会面,

42 INSIdE CEIbS 129 By Charmaine N. Clarke Just a few years back, the unspoken-but-clear thinking at many top business schools including CEIBS was that participation in social responsibility was limited to class work for one or two required courses on business ethics or CSR. Actual involvement in programmes addressing social welfare could wait until after graduation. Not now. During the past three years, CEIBS students have proven increasingly interested and active in social welfare initiatives. The CEIBSinitiated Being Globally Responsible Conference, now in its third year, and the Green Campus movement launched in 2007, are cases in point. In the latest of such moves, in early January 2008, 16 MBA students joined their peers from more than a half-dozen top international schools to work with companies from China, India, Columbia and Mexico to find ways to turn a profit in these developing countries while helping the poor. The Enterprise Solutions to Poverty (ESP) brings together 140 students from CEIBS, Harvard Business School, Harvard KSG, MIT Sloan, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, EGADE (Mexico), plus University de los Andes and EAFIT (both of Columbia). Launched in September 2006 by former President and CEO of the U.S.-based Women s World Banking Nancy Barry, ESP offers MBA students a way to act socially responsible right now, rather than merely listening to classroom lectures on the topic. The idea of ESP is to showcase companies that believe the poor are not a burden to be borne but rather that the poor can be assisted through creatively involving them in, for example, increasing production or improving your marketing, explains CEIBS Professor of Economics Bala Ramasamy, who is the school s ESP faculty coordinator. Thanks to funding from JP Morgan China, CEIBS students involved in the project will travel to such remote places as the villages surrounding Beijing and the townships of Shaanxi Province. There, they will meet with representatives from 15 companies participating in ESP for a first-hand look at ESP in action, and a chance to use their b-school skills to improve the project. Alibaba, Amway, GE Healthcare, Fosun, HSBC, Hengxing, Shaanxi Bee, Mengniu Dairy, New Hope, New Oriental, China Mobile, Suntech, Rural Credit and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation are among the companies with which CEIBS students will collaborate. Step in the right direction Inner Mongolian dairy products giant Mengniu is often cited as an example of ESP at its best. The company provides dairy farmers in Western China with opportunities to reap financial benefits, and therefore raise their standard of living, by transforming them from simple cattle farmers to entrepreneurs. Meanwhile in India, mobile phone service provider Reliance attacks poverty through ESP by identifying poverty stricken villages, then nominating one person per village as the company s sales agent for phone cards. You are not eradicating poverty of the entire village, but certainly you have brought one family out of poverty. And if you have 500,000 villages in India, 500,000 families are being brought out of poverty, says Prof. Ramasamy. We re not talking about eradicating the poverty of a country in one go, but as long as you bring one family after another out of poverty, that is a step in the right direction. The programme will send CEIBS students, in teams of four, to work with high-level company executives and key government entities across China. Companies fall into four broad ESP categories: agribusiness, distribution systems, products that build income and assets, and enterprise networks. The CEIBS teams will work alongside their peers from Boston to research and write live case studies on China-based companies that either are using or are potential candidates for using ESP. The aim is for companies who

43 130 在中欧 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 亲眼目睹 ESP 如何付之行动, 并运用所学的管理技能改善这一项目 与中欧学员一起合作的公司包括阿里巴巴 安利 通用电器中国医疗集团 复星 汇丰 恒星 陕西蜂业 蒙牛 新希望 新东方 中国移动 Sun 科技 农村信用合作社以及中国扶贫基金会 迈向成功 内蒙古乳品龙头企业蒙牛集团常被称为 企业扶贫 的典范 公司帮助西部的牧民获得了极大的经济收益, 牧民生活水平大幅提高, 如今他们已从牧民变成了创业者 与此同时, 印度的移动电话运营商 Reliance 也正以其独特方式积极扶贫, 他们从一些贫困村庄中选定一人作为公司的电话卡营销代表 这样做并不能使整个村庄彻底脱贫, 但肯定能使一个家庭首先摆脱贫困 假如印度有 50 万个村庄, 那么你就能帮助 50 万个家庭脱离贫困 芮博澜教授说 使一个国家摆脱贫困不是一朝一夕的事, 但只要能帮助各个家庭先后脱贫, 那就是迈向成功的重要一步 本次活动会将中欧学员分为 4 人一组, 派往全国各地的企业和政府重要机构, 与那里的高管合作 根据 ESP 理念, 公司可分为以下四大类 : 涉农企业 销售行业 增加收入和资产的产品行业 以及企业互联组织 在中国, 有些企业正在进行 企业扶贫, 有些即将参与其中, 而中欧学员与来自波士顿的学生正是要对这样的企业作一番研究并为其撰写现场案例分析, 以鼓励更多的企业投入这一项目 3 月底, 参与该活动的 4 组中欧同学将在北京向 ESP 的 创新小组 汇报他们的调查结果 包括中国在内的每个参与国都要成立 4 个创新小组, 小组成员都是业界领袖, 他们将与 MBA 学生小组紧密合作 除了现场案例分析, 中欧 MBA 小组的学员还需收集自己关注地区内各行业的资料, 详细分析该地区的主要问题和潜在机遇, 然后在这一重要基础之上提出自己的建议 中欧的 ESP 项目总协调人 Aleksandra Krainski 形容 ESP 项目是 改变百万贫困者生活 的一个途径 她还说, 该活动使贫困者和志愿者都能受益 但最重要的是,ESP 让我们懂得, 扶贫不仅是一个慈善事业 大企业能够让低收入者成为供货者 销售者, 而不仅仅是产品的消费者, 在企业赚取利润的同时, 也使这些人的收入和资产都得到增长 这一观念会深入人心, 参与这项活动的学生们会一直带着这个观念, 成长为今后的商界领袖 今年春天, 中欧小组的学员们会和 Krainski 一起, 在芮博澜 方睿哲 (Velamuri Ramakrishna) 言培文 (Per Jenster) 三位教授的指导下完成任务, 并得到一个学分 最后,140 位学生的 PPT 报告和所有的小组总结报告将在 5 月 31 日以 CD 形式汇编成集 参加 ESP 企业扶贫项目, 学生可以真正参与和投入, 亲眼见到成效, 切实增进了解 中欧 MBA 课程主任白诗莉 (Lydia Price) 教授说 本刊夏季版将对这项活动作全面报到 以上提到的各项活动 企业社会论坛 ESP 绿色校园, 都是独立的活动, 但它们近年来已经在中欧制造了一个引人关注的新潮流 一个全新的模式正逐渐发展成形, 责任领导力 可持续性发展等观念已开始渗透到我们的课程里 芮博澜教授说 我不是在课堂上空谈 责任 ', 而是让他们有机会在学院的各种活动中体会到责任领导力的必不可少 所以, 我们不说教, 而是为学生创造参与的机会, 让他们在 18 个月的 MBA 学习中亲身体验 白诗莉教授也认为, 中欧的学生和老师都越来越关注和投入企业社会责任 (CSR) 中欧目前正在对 MBA 课程进行检视, 察看可持续性发展 责任领导力和软性管理技能等课题在整个课程中的实施情况 ESP 企业扶贫项目为此提供了绝佳机会 最后, 白诗莉教授语气热忱地一再强调, 大家应当立即加入 ESP 活动 : 这是我们的起点 我们会越做越好 中欧 企业社会责任 里程碑 200 年 : 中欧成立 社会事业俱乐部, 旨在通过举办捐款等慈善活动 提供社区服务以及创办社会事业等方式帮助学生更加关注社会 中欧的在校学员和校友都可参加 200 到 200 年 : 两年期间, 傅礼斯 (Gerald Fryxell) 教授与芮博澜教授先后主持了 亚欧社会创业能力 项目, 旨在帮助商学院研究生院的师生以及对此感兴趣的社区成员增强企业社会责任观念和可持续性发展技能 200 年 月 : 中欧 MBA2005 级学生举办了 企业社会责任全球论坛 (BGRC), 这是亚洲首个由商学院学生自行组织和参与的企业社会责任会议 会议为期三天,12 位国际顶级的演讲嘉宾与来自世界各国的 25 个商学院的 150 位学生分享了他们对企业社会责任的洞见 200 年春天 : 中欧 MBA 学生发起了 绿色校园行动, 提倡在中欧校园内节约能源 回收废物和减少浪费 200 年 月 : 这次 企业社会责任全球论坛 (BGRC) 吸引了更多人 16 位重量级讲员,120 名商学院学生, 媒体也对此进行了广泛报导 而学生们此次需要自己解决经费问题 200 年 12 月 : 中欧的企业赞助商贝卡尔特公司 (Bekaert) 免费为中欧校园的所有窗户贴膜, 以提高能效, 这一项目所涉及的材料和劳动力等各项支出相当于 60 万人民币 ( 该项目的具体报道见本刊 112 页 办公室绿化 一文) 200 年 : 下届 企业社会责任全球论坛 (BGRC) 将更加精彩 200 到 2012 年 : 资助金额达到 1825 万欧元的 中国 - 欧盟商务管理培训项目 中的一项是在中欧设立一个新教席 该教席由中欧全球责任领导力特聘教授翟博思 (Henri-Claude de Bettignies) 担任, 其职责之一是负责开发一门旨在塑造具有社会责任感的亚洲领导者的新课程

44 INSIdE CEIbS 131 Landmarks for CSR at CEIBS 2004: Launch of the CEIBS Social Venture Club, which seeks to enhance social awareness through a combination of donations in cash and kind, community service and social entrepreneurship. Open to CEIBS students and alumni to 2007: CEIBS professors Gerald Fryxell (in 2005) and Bala Ramasamy (from 2006 to 2007) manage the Social Entrepreneurship in Asia and Europe project aimed at increasing corporate social responsibility and sustainable development skill set of graduate b-school students, faculty and researchers, and interested local community members. June 2006: CEIBS MBA 2005 class launches Asia s first CSR conference to be organized by and for b-school students: the Being Globally Responsible Conference (BGRC). Over three days, 12 top international speakers share their insight with 150 students from 25 b-schools across the world. Spring 2007: CEIBS MBA students launch the Green Campus Initiative, promoting energy saving, recycling and reduction of waste throughout the campus. May 2007: BGRC attracts an even larger crowd 16 highpowered speakers, 120 b-school students and extensive media coverage despite the fact that students had the new challenge of sourcing their own funding. December 2007: Corporate Sponsor Bekaert donates 600,000 in window filming, plus labor, to improve energy efficiency throughout CEIBS campus (see The Greening of Your Office, page 112). JUNE 2008: This year s BGRC is expected to be the best yet to 2012: The million EU-China Business Management Project will include a newlycreated chair, headed by Professor Henri- Claude de Bettignies, whose responsibilities will include developing a curriculum to mold socially responsible Asian leaders. have used ESP to inspire others to get involved. At the end of March, the four CEIBS teams will report their findings to ESP s innovation groups in Beijing. Each participating country in the programme including China will form four innovation groups made up of industry leaders who will work closely with the local MBA team. In addition to the live case studies, the CEIBS MBA teams must also source industry data needed to carry out detailed analysis of the major issues and opportunities within their areas of focus, a vital component on which they will base their recommendations. CEIBS Overall ESP Coordinator Aleksandra Krainski describes ESP as a way to make a difference in the lives of millions of poor people. She adds that the programme benefits both those in poverty and those volunteering to assist them. But on top of that, [ESP] made us realize that helping the poor is not merely an act of charity. Large enterprises have the capacity to connect with low income people as suppliers, distributors in addition to consumers of products and so help them build income and assets on a for-profit basis. This way of thinking will certainly stay with the project members as they become business leaders in the future. This spring, the CEIBS team members will work with Krainski and faculty advisors professors Ramasamy, Velamuri Ramakrishna and Per Jenster to complete their assignments (and earn a single credit). The final task will be a May 31 compilation of all 140 students PowerPoint presentations and teams final reports (in CD format). With ESP, the students are actually working on these projects; they re actually participating in projects and seeing the effects. So it really raises their understanding, explains Academic Director of CEIBS MBA Programme Professor Lydia Price. Look to the summer 2008 edition of The LINK for full coverage of the programme. Many of these initiatives were launched independently of each other but have, over the last few years, created a now noticeable trend at CEIBS. Prof. Ramasamy explains this shift as a movement toward, not emphasizing social responsibility on its own, per se, but incorporating the concept into other study topics. What we are developing is a new type of a model where responsible leadership, sustainable development and so on, are happening throughout the curriculum, he says. I m not teaching you that you should be responsible. Instead, you have a lot of opportunity during the activities of the school which help you realize that responsible leadership is necessary. So rather than teaching people, we create opportunities for the students to participate as they go through this 18-month programme. Prof. Price agrees that CEIBS students and faculty alike are becoming increasingly aware of, and active in, CSR. The ESP project has presented a golden opportunity, as it coincides with an ongoing curriculum review aimed at examining issues of sustainability, responsible leadership and soft management skills. Best of all, she stresses with tangible enthusiasm, the project provides an opportunity to get involved, now: This is something we can go ahead and get started with. We can move forward on this.

45 132 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 在中欧 重要任命 张春教授新任中欧副教务长 ( 研究 ) 中欧国际工商学院教务长兼副院长郭理默教授代表管理委员会宣布, 自 2008 年 1 月 1 日起, 张春教授被任命为中欧副教务长 ( 研究 ) 张春教授从 2002 年开始在中欧授课,2004 年成为中欧金融学全职教授 加入中欧之前, 张春教授曾在美国明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院执教 17 年 张教授现任著名的中国经济问题学术研究期刊 中国经济评论 执行主编 他是世界银行咨询顾问, 为美国西北航空公司 美国贝氏堡公司 大都会公司等众多企业提供咨询 作为主管研究的副教务长, 张教授的职责包括将中欧的研究活动与学院的使命密切结合 ; 带领学院研究工作的进一步开展 ; 负责相关奖金的设立, 确保中欧的国际化水准和对中国商业实践的关注 ; 担任研究委员会主席等 Prof. Chun Chang appointed as Associate Dean Professor Chun Chang has been appointed Associate Dean (Research) of CEIBS, effective January 1, In this new capacity, Prof. Chang will align the research activities of CEIBS in keeping with the school s research mission: to provide strategic leadership for the development of the school s research and scholarship in relation to internationally recognized standards of excellence (and relevance to China s unique situation). Prof. Chang began teaching at CEIBS in 2002, and became full-time faculty in finance two years later. Prior to joining CEIBS, he taught at Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota for 17 years. He also served as a consultant for the World Bank, Northwest Airlines, Pillsbury Co., and Grand Metropolitan, among others. Prof. Chang is the Executive Editor of China Economic Review, the leading English-language academic journal on the Chinese economy. 翟博思教授新任全球管理及中欧商务联系教席教授 中欧国际工商学院教务长兼副院长郭理默教授代表管理委员会宣布, 自 2008 年 1 月 1 日起, 翟博思教授被任命为全球管理及中欧商务联系教席教授 该教席由 中国 - 欧盟商务管理培训项目 (BMT) 提供资金 作为该教席教授, 翟博思教授将主要致力于发展全球治理方面的欧盟和中国相关知识, 以及中 - 欧商务关系 该教席将联络起中国和世界范围内 ( 特别是欧盟国家 ) 的高等教研机构, 在学术界取得声誉 该教席还将与企业密切合作, 发现其知识上的短缺, 确保研究具有实践性, 帮助吸引公司资助 翟博思教授 2006 年加入中欧, 任全球责任领导力特聘教授及欧 - 中责任领导力中心主任 他同时还是 INSEAD 商学院英杰华 (AVIVA) 领导力和企业社会责任教席教授 翟博思教授的足迹遍及亚洲和欧洲, 开设并指导了一系列的高层培训课程, 其中包括在欧盟地区 美国和亚洲三地授课, 专为董事会主席和首席执行官开设的 AVIRA 课程 目前, 翟博思正致力于发展全球责任领导力, 通过创造知识 发展中 - 欧关系 建设中 - 欧人际网络等方式来加强中 - 欧之间的相互关系, 增进相互理解

46 NEW APPOINTMENTS INSIdE CEIbS 133 Prof. Henri-Claude de Bettignies named European Chair for Global Governance and Sino- European Business Relations Effective January 1, 2008, Professor Henri-Claude de Bettignies has accepted the position of European Chair for Global Governance and Sino-European Business Relations. In this capacity, Prof. de Bettignies will mainly focus on developing EU-China knowledge on global governance and Sino-European business relations. The Chair, funded under the Europe-China BMT Project, will closely liaise with high-profile research and education organizations and networks in China and worldwide particularly in the EU to achieve a high reputation within the academic community. The Chair will also collaborate closely with corporations to identify their knowledge gaps, guarantee a high degree of practical orientation, and facilitate corporate funding. Prof. de Bettignies joined CEIBS in 2006 as Distinguished Professor of Global Responsible Leadership and Chair of the Euro-China Centre for Leadership and Responsibility. He also holds AVIVA Chair Professor of Leadership and Responsibility at INSEAD. Prof. de Bettignies has been giving lectures throughout Asia (where he has spent one-third of his time for the last 30 years), and across Europe, while creating and directing a number of executive programmes. These include a programme for chairmen and CEOs (AVIRA) which is offered in the EU, the US and Asia. He is currently engaged in the development of globally responsible leadership and in the strengthening of China-Europe interdependence through the production of knowledge, the development of relationships and the building of networks to enhance mutual understanding. 杨国安教授新任中欧副教务长 ( 高层经理培训 ) 中欧国际工商学院教务长兼副院长郭理默教授代表管理委员会宣布, 自 2008 年 1 月 1 日起, 杨国安教授被任命为中欧副教务长 ( 高层经理培训 ) 作为副教务长 ( 高层经理培训 ), 杨国安教授将在系统 管理 战略定 位方面为学院的高层经理培训课程提供指导 杨国安教授 1996 年开始在中欧授课 2004 年 9 月成为中欧管理学全 职教授及高层经理培训课程学术顾问 他还是飞利浦人力资源管理教席教 授, 以及人力资源与组织管理研究中心主任 杨国安教授在企业界享有很 高的知名度, 也是最受学生欢迎的教授之一 Prof. Arthur Yeung appointed Associate Dean (Executive Education) Professor Arthur Yeung has been appointed as Associate Dean (Executive Education) of CEIBS effective January 1, Since the appointment took effect, it has been Prof. Yeung s responsibility to provide leadership for the school s Executive Education programmes in terms of systems, management, and strategic positioning. Dr. Yeung began teaching at CEIBS as a Visiting Professor in He joined the faculty full-time as Professor of Management and Academic Advisor for EDP in September He is also the holder of the Philips Chair for Human Resources Management, and the Director of the Centre for Organization and People Excellence (COPE). Among CEIBS corporate partners, Prof. Yeung is one of the best known professors and a hugely sought-after teacher and speaker.

47 144 校友之声 TheLINK 2008 春季刊

48 alumni voice 145 在山水间做企业 The Dealmaker of Binhu 得天独厚的自然环境和政府的大力推进, 正让环抱太湖的无锡滨湖区成为高新企业青睐的宝地 Thinking of investing in the attractive Binhu District in Wuxi? In addition to its proximity to scenic Lake Taihu, plus its promising new industrial parks, the investment zone also features another attraction: CEIBS Alumnus Zhu Weiping (EMBA 2007), Binhu District's Secretary of Commission the region's pre-eminent dealmaker. 滨湖区地近上海, 拥有环湖 88 公里的风景湖岸线和 8.6 平方公里的内湖, 近年来已经吸引了 500 多家企业入驻 工业设计园区 在无锡的校友将会得到无锡校友分会的 积极支持 PICTURE PERFECT Binhu District s three new industrial parks, scenic surroundings, and proximity to Shanghai have attracted 500 companies to the region in recent years. Incoming or visiting CEIBS alumni will find an active and supportive Wuxi Alumni Chapter at work there.

49 146 校友之声 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 文 / 吴冯淑 尽管我们国家和地区发展很快, 但是和国外相比 还是有相当差距 作为一方人民与企业的父母官, 中国需要进一步提高并增强创新能力 朱谓平 (EMBA 2007), 无锡滨湖区区委书记 Our country is developing by leaps and bounds; yet we still lag behind the world, comparatively speaking. As leaders in charge of people and enterprises, China must learn to better foster creativity. - Zhu Weiping(EMBA 2007), Secretary of Commission, Binhu District 驱车行在沿蠡湖的大道上, 宽阔的路面和绿化带, 以及蠡湖的湖光山色, 让人感到心旷神怡 不远处有很多建筑, 玻璃与砖墙的和谐布局, 极 具现代气息和设计感, 而且几乎每一栋建筑都独具特色 它们依傍在蠡湖和环太湖的青山边, 让人很有停留的欲望 第一眼见到无锡滨湖区区委书记 中欧 EMBA2007 级学员朱渭平时, 便感受到了他身上那股企业家般的热情 和实干 这不足为奇,1961 年出生的朱渭平是吉林工业大 学管理工程系技术经济学硕士, 在 80 年代这就相当于现 在的 MBA 毕业后, 朱渭平在无锡市石油化工局计划科 做了 6 年的职员, 当时无锡化工研究院的工作差强人意, 于是组织上成立了一个工作组 不久, 作为工作组普通一 员的朱渭平就向领导提交了一份改进建议, 引起了领导的 重视 既有思想, 又有学历, 年纪又轻, 朱渭平成了副院 长的绝佳人选 研究院除了研究工作之外, 也进行生产, 这让朱渭平积累了做企业的经验 1997 年, 经过 2 年在 研究院的出色工作, 朱渭平破格升任化工局局长助理, 该 年年底即作为后备干部派任地方工作, 他先任宜兴市副市 长, 主管城建 商贸 金融等领域 2001 年朱渭平到新 成立的无锡市滨湖区做常务副区长,1 年以后升任区长, 2006 年 1 月升任区委书记 在此期间, 滨湖区展开了大 规模的新城建设和产业调整 朱渭平管辖的滨湖区位于无锡市西南, 整个区呈 U 字 型将太湖怀抱, 拥有环湖 88 公里的风景湖岸线和 8.6 平 方公里的内湖 蠡湖 无锡市 80% 的旅游资源皆集中 于此, 说滨湖区是无锡乃至太湖沿岸最美的地区不为过 该区成立于 2001 年, 是无锡市城市建设的重点, 其发展 目标是转变经济增长模式, 调整传统的产业结构, 成为无 锡市未来的行政中心 商业中心 科教中心 生态人居中 心和旅游中心 这一目标并非口号 目前, 环太湖 36 公里的环境已经 全部建好, 政府为此已经投入 30 亿元建设道路 绿化和 基础建设 而几个产业发展的重点园区也已颇具规模, 包 括无锡太湖新城科教产业园 无锡 ( 国家 ) 工业设计园和 生物医药外包服务园等 科教产业园内集中了一批高科技 企业, 依托园区内的北大微软学院 江南大学 江南计算 机研究所等高等教育和研究机构, 发展包括科技研发 软 件 动漫等在内的高新技术产业 而工业设计园内已有 500 多家企业入驻, 生物医药园则有包括健特生物 辉瑞 药明康德在内的知名企业 滨湖区政府提出的 530 计划 (5 年内引进 30 名领军型海外留学归国创业人才 ) 指标仅 用两年就已超额完成

50 alumni voice 147 By Audrey Wu Back in 2002, Zhu Weiping (CEIBS EMBA 2007) faced an extremely tough challenge. At the time, he had recently been appointed as Chief of the new Binhu District investment zone, a burgeoning development area in Wuxi (located two hours drive from Shanghai) that had been home to farms and traditional factories just a few years earlier. As part of new position, Zhu oversaw the development of the city s three recently launched industrial parks. The land for one of these, the Science & Education Park, was currently partly occupied by a traditional heavy-industry manufacturer. That manufacturer insisted upon remaining in the sleek, modern, high tech park a serious mismatch. But Zhu decisively ordered that the traditional factory be torn down. Afterwards, when Zhu explained to the disgruntled manufacturer the importance of the industrial park in the region s overall economic development strategy, he eventually relocated the factory. The story of this bold and dramatic move offers a clear indication of the challenges involved in launching and developing high tech industrial parks, and of the vision and determination of Zhu Weiping. Clearly, the Binhu District owes some of its impressive success to the determination and passion of this man. For those unfamiliar with the investment zone, Binhu District is a U-shaped area encircling both Taihu Lake (along 88 miles of lakeshore) as well as the smaller Lake Li. Binhu District holds 80 percent of Wuxi s tourist attractions, making the area the most beautiful part of the Taihu Lake region which is one of China s most famous tourist destinations. Founded in 2001,Binhu District was designed to serve as the centre of Wuxi s administration, commerce, science, education, ecological living and tourism industries. During The LINK s visit to Binhu, we found that these goals are not empty slogans. The development of the area is clearly evident along the 36-mile shoreline of Lake Taihu. The Chinese government has invested 3 billion into the region s road construction, landscaping and infrastructure development. Several key industrial development parks have been established including Wuxi Taihu New Town Science & Education Industrial Park, Wuxi Bio-technology and Pharmaceutical R&D Outsourcing Zone, and the Wuxi

51 148 校友之声 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 而就在五六年前, 这些园区所在的地方还是农村和传统企业的工厂 政府的执行力度和大力扶持是滨湖园区快速发展的原因 朱渭平说 : 当时在科教园区内建造江南大学的时候, 江南大学所在地块的拆迁企业想要安置到科教产业园内, 结果被朱渭平拆掉了 朱渭平做通了那家企业领导的思想工作, 并在区内统一了思想 为了顺利进行产业调整, 滨湖区采取了三种方式, 一是一般传统企业的拆迁, 尽管这意味着数亿元税收的损失, 不过这一时之痛换来的是长远的发展 ; 二是将企业的制造搬迁外包, 而仅留下销售 研发等核心业务 ; 三是转型发展, 比如一家名为二泉钢管的企业, 就转行搞太阳能制造 滨湖区人民政府常务副区长 中欧 EMBA2007 级学员陈锡明介绍道 良好的企业环境 基础设施和创业氛围正令滨湖循着 优二进三 ( 优化第二产业, 推动第三产业 ) 的政策快进, 吸引着企业家和创业者们在此跃跃欲试 威泰迅电力科技有限公司董事长赵正红 ( 中欧 EMBA2001 校友, 无锡校友分会秘书长 ) 就是其中一位 赵正红是第一位进驻太湖新城科教产业园的企业家, 公司主营电力及自动化业务,2007 年年收入 2.5 亿元 赵正红参与投资的恒华科技园, 所有的建筑经由中国美院精心设计, 以现代风格体现高科技, 又以艺术气息融入山水间, 我们先前所见的建筑有一部分便出自恒华的手笔 如此的工作环境 如此的办公氛围, 这样的园区确如朱渭平所说的 非常少见 恒华亦成为科教园区企业布局和发展的示范, 让人直观地了解高科技产业发展的能量 作为一名具有企业背景 受过工程和工商教育的政府干部, 朱渭平对于产业结构调整和企业发展有着深刻的了解 尽管受到过工商教育, 朱渭平还是很早就动过来中欧学习的念头, 尽管我们国家和地方发展很快, 但是和国外相比还有相当的差距, 作为一方人民与企业的父母官, 现有的管理 经济的内容有点不太适应, 知识不完整, 所以需要进一步提高并增强创新能力 朱渭平的中欧学习能够成行是颇具戏剧性的 早在 1998 年, 他就为自己的部下写了申请中欧的推荐信, 当时身为副职, 加上公务繁忙, 自己支配的时间不多, 始终没能成行 2006 年, 同样具有企业背景的陈锡明想要到中欧读书, 向朱渭平申请, 朱说 : 那我们两个一起去读中欧吧 于是两人同时入读中欧 EMBA2007 级 入学中欧后的发现同样具有戏剧性, 朱渭平发现很多中欧校友投资在滨湖区, 比如华润 新鸿基, 健特生物, 一句话, 都是中欧的, 就拉近了关系 采访后的第二天, 朱渭平就要去见一位在滨湖有投资的校友, 一方面是政府与企业的关系, 另一方面是校友的关系 朱渭平还是中欧最早的校友分会无锡分会的副会长, 据说每次分会常务会议, 他必参加, 无论多忙

52 alumni voice 149 (National) Industrial Design Park which has attracted more than 500 enterprises including Pfizer China and Wuxi Pharma Tech. Welcome to Binhu Visitors to Binhu cannot help but feel refreshed when driving along the wide, flower-lined the boulevard flanking Lake Li in Wuxi. The beauty of the area, which has become one of East China s most attractive investment destinations, is that despite developing rapidly in recent years, it has retained its natural charm while developing economically. Many potential investors into this the region soon realize that one of the drivers behind the balanced but impressive growth of the area is the Binhu District s Zhu Weiping. An early entrant in business education, Zhu graduated from Jilin University with a master s degree in technological economics in the 1980s the precursor to today s MBA. Six years after graduation, while serving as a staffer in the Wuxi Petroleum and Chemical Bureau s Planning Section, he joined a team tasked with improving productivity at the underperforming Wuxi Chemical Industry Research Institute. It was his work on this team that provided him with a chance to influence the development of the region. Shortly after joining the team, Zhu submitted a performance-enhancement proposal which so impressed the leadership that he was promoted from a mere project team member to vice-president of the research institute. The institute handled not only scientific research but also production, which helped Zhu gain experience in enterprise management. The position also proved to be a springboard into local political positions; Zhu became Vice Mayor of Wuxi s Yixing County, then Deputy District Chief and District Chief of the newly built Wuxi Binhu District investment zone. In 2006, as the investment zone began carrying out large-scale construction projects, Wu was promoted to Binhu District Secretary of Commission. In order to carry out industrial restructuring smoothly, Binhu District adopted three challenging measures, as explained to The LINK by Binhai District Deputy District Chief Chen Ximing (CEIBS EMBA 2007): first, relocating traditional enterprises to other places, which meant hundreds of millions of direct losses in taxation to the district government, with the promise of long-term returns. Second, outsourcing manufacturing but retaining core businesses

53 alumni voice 151 such as sales and R&D. Third, modernising individual firms (such as changing from manufacture of steel tubes to solar energy production). Today, Zhu says that firmly following these tough-but-necessary directives to promote high tech investment have paid off well for Binhu District, attracting both established businesses and entrepreneurs to the region. One example is Ms. Zhao Zhenghong, president of Wontex-power Corp. (CEIBS EMBA 2001). The first entrepreneur to settle in Taihu New Town Science & Education Industrial Park, Zhao has found success by specializing in electrical power and automation. Her company pulled in 250 million in revenue in Zhao, who is also Secretary General of Wuxi Alumni Regional Chapter, also invested in the beautifully designed Henghua Science & Technology Zone. As Zhu Weiping commented, Binhu s industrial parks now provide a working environment rarely found elsewhere worldwide. Still, a talk with Zhu shows that he remains driven to expanding and improve Binhu. Our country is developing by leaps and bounds; yet we still lag behind the world, comparatively speaking, he said. As leaders in charge of people and enterprises, China must learn to better foster creativity. During the challenging years that Zhu has lead the development of Binhu District, his journey to the EMBA programme at CEIBS was an unusual but welcomed side trip which lead to both personal and professional development. In 2006, Zhu s deputy, Chen Ximing who had a similar business background decided to study at CEIBS. When he asked Zhu Weiping for a recommendation letter, Zhu s response was unexpected. Let s study together, Zhu had suggested. So both entered the 2007 CEIBS EMBA class. At CEIBS, Zhu discovered that many CEIBS alumni had invested in Binhu District, including the top executives at Resources Sun Hung Kai Properties and Jiante Biological Investment. Thus his EMBA degree quickly provided a valuable network for him at work. Now that he has graduated, Zhu continues to use the CEIBS connection in his position. As a case in point, on the day of his interview with The LINK, Zhu was preparing to visit a CEIBS alumnus interested in investing in Binhu. Such instances are not unusual for Zhu, who also serves as Chairman of the Wuxi Alumni Chapter (see box). Zhu says this about his connection to alumni, especially those who invest in Binhu: In one word, it is CEIBS that draws us close.

54 152 校友之声 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 欢迎来无锡 : 中欧首家校友分会 Welcome In Wuxi: CEIBS First Alumni Chapter 文 / 吴冯淑 成立于 2003 年 11 月的无锡分会是中欧校友会成立的第一个分会 说起无锡分会成立的原因, 分会会长张健 ( 无锡市电子仪表工业公司董事长 中欧 EMBA99 级 ) 这样说道 : 当时成立分会时的想法很简单, 因为在中欧的时光对每一个人来说都是难忘的, 在中欧不仅集中学习到了许多系统的理论知识, 同时中欧的氛围也让大家认识了来自各行各业的有着不同经历的同学 成立校友会的目的是搭建一个互相学习 联系友谊 资源共享的平台, 大家互相支持 共同提高 由于中欧在无锡的会员挺多的, 就有了一个在无锡成立分会的构想 就是这么一个简单的共同想法, 在 2003 年 11 月将 25 名中欧校友聚集到了一起, 并在 5 年后的今天发展到 45 名会员 无锡分会的会员主要来自于企业及政府行政部门, 行业分布比较均衡, 会员大都是老总以上的高级管理人才 从成立之初开始, 分会就致力于实现自己的使命, 为会员搭建交流平台, 提供交流机会 尽管分会的理事们都是各自企业的高层管理者, 日常事务繁忙, 但是每年他们都会想尽办法组织活动, 基本保证每个季度都有一次活动, 加强分会成员的联系 活动形式主要以交流 参观学习为主, 另外还会配合学院举办一些大型论坛等 2007 年 9 月, 无锡分会配合无锡滨湖区政府组织了 相聚太湖 共谋发展 大型论坛, 邀请了学院领导 吴敬琏教授, 以及校友们一起围绕滨湖区经济的发展, 畅所欲言, 献计献策 当日到会人数达到近 150 人, 会后大家都表示意犹未尽 此次会议也是迄今为止分会组织的最重要最具影响力的活动 07 年 12 月底, 分会同以往一样组织了年会 在会上, 讨论了 08 年的发展计划, 会员们对于校友们如何围绕校友会尽一份力? 该做些什么事情? 从宏观和具体的角度提出了很多宝贵的经验, 秘书长赵正红将校友们的发言记录下来, 进行必要的筛选后, 组成了 08 年的一个活动计划, 并将通过一些具体的项目来落实 对此, 张健会长很有信心, 他把 08 年的活动总结成两个方面 : 一是把中欧的品牌做好做精, 二是分会与总会实行互动 他表示 : 无锡分会是一个开放的大家庭, 只要是中欧的校友, 无锡分会都欢迎 分会除了组织丰富多彩的文娱活动, 让大家叙叙旧外, 校友会的活动也与时俱进, 搭建平台 集聚校友的智慧, 希望在事业上对校友们有一些帮助 分会的一个新想法是, 让拥有资本和资源的校友在合法的情况下充分合作, 健康发展, 这也是 08 年无锡分会计划要具体做的一件事情

55 ALUMNI VOICE 153 张健 Zhang Jian 赵正红 Zhao Zhenghong 韩晓枫 Han Xiaofeng By Audrey Wu We had a very simple idea in mind when we established this alumni chapter, says Zhang Jian (EMBA 1999) Chairman of the Wuxi Alumni Chapter for CEIBS. Studying at CEIBS is a memorable time for every participant CEIBS is the place where we learned management knowledge systematically and improved our business skills in HR, strategy, finance. What s more, our time at CEIBS lead us to expand our friendships and build a network with classmates and alumni from all different backgrounds. A group of us alumni wanted to providing a networking platform for CEIBS students after graduation. There are many CEIBS alumni in Wuxi. That became the basis for establishing an alumni chapter. That simple idea lead to the establishment of CEIBS first Alumni Chapter, in Wuxi, in November Initially, the chapter consisted of 25 CEIBS alumni, including Zhang, who is president of Wuxi Industrial Electronic Instrument Corp. Five years later, the chapter has expanded to 45 members, mostly top executives in companies and government officials. From the launching date, the chapter succeeded in its mission of fostering networking between alumni through organizing regular activities and by supporting CEIBS forums held in the Wuxi area. One of the most important activities hosted by the chapter is the Taiku Lake Gathering, a full-day forum co-hosted with Wuxi s Binhu District in September At the event, CEIBS senior Economics Professor Wu Jinglian discussed the economic development of Binhu District and alumni were encouraged to share their business experience and management solutions. About 150 alumni attended the forum, including attendees who flew in from other Chinese provinces. What is in the works for the Wuxi Alumni Chapter in 2008? Chapter Committee Secretary Zhao Zhenghong, says this year s working plan, set through a detailed planning process, focuses on two goals: to further build CEIBS brand, and to increase alumni outreach and expand interaction between alumni chapters. The Wuxi Alumni Chapter is a big, open family. Any CEIBS alumni can join in, Zhao stresses. She sums up the central mission of the CEIBS Wuxi Alumni Chapter in this way: In addition to organizing activities designed to enrich the lives of alumni life and build their social and professional networks, we would more like to help them achieve higher success in their careers. One final initiative for this year, she says, will be to link entrepreneurial alumni with potential venture capital. What we will do in 2008 is to create more cooperative opportunities between alumni with capital and those with resources, helping them grow together.

56 alumni voice 155 中欧在欧洲新设国际联络办公室 CEIBS Opens International Relations Office in Barcelona, Spain 2 月 25 日, 中欧国际工商学院在西班牙巴塞罗那正式成立新的国际联络办公室和欧洲校友分会, 同时, 由中欧与 IESE 商学院合作举办的 中国商界女性领导力 论坛作为校友分会的重要活动呈现给所有参与者 中欧执行院长佩德罗 雷诺 (Pedro Nueno) 教授担任论坛主持, 中欧校友 嘉宾及欧洲的一些媒体参加了此次论坛 国际联络办公室由康晓莉 (Seanie Comerford) 女士担任负责人, 致力于为中欧校友以及学院日益频繁的海外活动提供支持 新的国际联络办公室将注重扩展中欧的国际性商务 学术活动 校友网络及其活动, 同时加强学院与国际媒体的关系 国际联络办公室的总体目标是提升中欧做为世界领先商学院的全球声誉以及品牌知名度 设立在西班牙巴塞罗那的中欧国际联络办公室将成为中欧海外发展和校友活动的重要基地 办公室同时将协助成立中欧欧洲校友分会并且组织和协调分会在欧洲的活动 中欧国际联络办公室的地址位于中欧的合作学校 IESE 商学院的校园中 新办公室启用的另一个原因是为了方便目前人数剧增的海外申请者 C E I B S of f i c i a l l y o p e n e d i t s n e w International Relations Office in Barcelona, Spain, on February 25. The new office has been established to support CEIBS growing alumni network, increasing interest from European applicants, and expanding number of activities held outside of China. At t h e o p e n i ng c e r e mony, h eld i n Barcelona, CEIBS Executive President Pedro Nueno commented that the new office is a fitting addition, given the school s rising profile in the international business education arena. CEIBS is growing fast and the school now has global impact, he said. Another reason for the new office opening is to accommodate a dramatic increase in the number of applicants from outside China. Thirty percent of the current MBA class consists of foreign students. The new office will focus on expanding CEIBS international corporate, academic and alumni networks and activities, as well as strengthening the school s international media relations. The overall goal of the International Relations Office will be to enhance the global reputation and brand visibility of CEIBS as one of the world s leading business schools. The office will be managed by International Relations Office Director Seanie Comerford.

57 156 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 校友之声 校友新闻 重要事件 ALUMNI EVENTS 联络世界各地的中欧校友!! Calling CEIBS Alumni From Around the World!! 目前, 中欧国际工商学院高达 6000 人的 MBA EMBA 校友群, 正在向全球迅速扩张 新近成立的中欧国际联络办公室 (IRO) 正雄心勃勃, 计划通过校友大使在亚欧 13 个国家开展的各项活动, 以此将中欧校友们凝聚在一起 中欧校友大使已经在十三个国家行动起来了, 分别是比利时 丹麦 法国 德国 希腊 意大利 爱尔兰 荷兰 瑞士 西班牙 英国 菲律宾和韩国 设立校友大使的目的其实是要凝聚世界各地的校友, 加强学校的国际联系, 支持我们的海外校友, 并最终建立中欧的国际品牌 中欧国际联络办公室主任康晓莉 (Seanie Comerford) 女士说 中欧的校友大使要做些什么呢? 这一国际校友网络的主要目的是为中欧的校友提供一个平台 : 为居住和生活在国外的 MBA EMBA 及交换生创建一个准确的校友信息库并提供维护 ; 组织大小活动 ; 帮助海外校友更方便地共享中欧的资源 另外, 他们通过与企业赞助商 合作商学院 当地媒体和一般商业团体的合作, 积极地为中欧做推广 中欧校友会英国分会就是一个实践校友会精神的好榜样 3 月 1 日, 在全球 MBA 巡回展中, 五名身在英国的中欧校友协助中欧的工作人员吸引许多海外学生对中欧的兴趣 我们很高兴参与帮助母校的活动, 同时也非常高兴看到中欧在海外的魅力 现任英国富通银行 (Fortis Bank) 业务发展部主任的英国校友大使 Madhav Timalsina(MBA2002 交换生 ) 表示, 提升中欧在伦敦这样的国际大都市的形象可以惠及世界各地的校友 另外, 这也是我们重新联络老朋友并拓展新关系的绝好机会 自 3 月 1 日以来, 英国分会在今年春季就组织了三次非正式校友联谊会, 吸引了十多位校友参加 以后, 英国分会将会 组织更多的正式会议, 例如 6 月份中欧教 授访问伦敦之时组织的活动, 以及参与今 年 9 月份巡游至伦敦的 中欧高层经理校 友之旅 活动 同时,4 月 21 日到 5 月 17 日, 中欧 校友会意大利分会将会在米兰同中意基金 会合作举办一个论坛 这次论坛将由中欧 的范悦安 (Juan Antonio Ferndandez) 教 授和任杰明 (Jaume Ribera) 教授主讲 近 年来中欧都在飞速发展, 以至忽略了推动 全球校友会的进展, 但是那已经是过去式 了 中欧校友会意大利分会的成立, 是中 欧推进校友会工作的一个里程碑 意大 利校友大使 Pier Girauldi (MBA 2005) 说 他力劝在意大利的校友尽量抽时间来参加 这个论坛 齐聚一个屋檐下, 意大利的大 公司实际上对中国很感兴趣, 它的商业协 会也很关心中国与欧盟的关系, 排名亚洲 第一的商学院的校友给与会者创造了一个 难以置信的机会 Pier Girauldi 表示 今年 9 月, 在爱尔兰的中欧校友也有 机会协办母校的中欧高层经理校友之旅, 这是一个很好的扩大校友网络的机会 爱 尔兰校友大使迈克尔 麦坎农 (Michael McCannon)(MBA 2006) 这样描述去年的 工作 : 有幸能和中国的高层经理人和中欧 校友一道游历爱尔兰, 这是迄今为止我的 中欧职业生涯的亮点之一 这是一次受益 匪浅的爱尔兰之行, 展示并突出爱尔兰本 土企业和跨国公司中的领头企业 在爱尔 兰的商业协会中, 中欧显得尤为突出, 这 所国际化的学校, 拥有来自爱尔兰以及世 界各地的校友 截至发稿时, 法兰克福也传来了好消 息, 德国校友大使 Joe Trummer 计划在 4 月 16 日为身在德国的中欧校友举办一场非 正式晚宴, 西班牙的校友会则计划在今年 秋天开展活动 CEIBS Alumni Ambassadors around the Globe: Belgium: Madhav Timalsina (MBA Exchange 2002) Denmark: Brian Kane (MBA Exchange 2002) France: Fabien Lacroix (MBA Exchange) Germany: Joe Trommer (MBA 2005) Greece: Stavros Exindaris (MBA Exchange) Holland: Arjan Petten (MBA 2006) Italy: Pier Giraudi (MBA 2005) Ireland: Michael McCannon (MBA 2006) Philippines: Karl Leung (MBA 2006) Spain: Alvaro Burgos Priets (MBA 2006) Switzerland: Till Schweizer (MBA Exchange) South Korea: Sam Lee (MBA 2005) UK: Madhav Timalsina (Exchange 2002) The CEIBS network of 6000 MBA and EMBA alumni is rapidly expanding around the world. An ambitious initiative from the newly opened CEIBS International Relations Office (IRO), now links graduates together via a network of Alumni Ambassadors who are organizing events and activities across 13 nations in Europe and Asia (see box below). The idea behind this initiative is to energise CEIBS Alumni throughout the world, to strengthen the school s international network, support our alumni abroad and ultimately to build the CEIBS brand internationally, says IRO Director Seanie Comerford. So what do Alumni Ambassadors do? The main goal of the network is to provide fellow CEIBS alumni with networking opportunities by: creating and maintaining an accurate database of graduates from the MBA, EMBA and exchange programmes living or working outside China, arranging activities and events, and helping alumni to access CEIBS resources from abroad. Note: To reach an Alumni Ambassador, become an Alumni Ambassador, or for info on upcoming international events, contact CEIBS Director of International Relations Office, Seanie Comerford at; Tel:

58 ALUMNI EVENTS alumni voice 157 In addition, they help the school to work with corporate sponsors, partner business schools, local media, and the general business community, in order to help promote CEIBS. CEIBS UK Alumni Chapter is a good example of this initiative in action. On March 1, five UKbased CEIBS alumni assisted CEIBS personnel in promoting the school to potential students at a Global MBA Tour event in London. We were pleased to come out and help our alma mater, and we were pleased to see that interest in CEIBS was high at the event, says UK Alumni Ambassador Madhav Timalsina (MBA Exchange 2002), Head of Business Development for Fortis Bank, UK. Raising the profile of CEIBS in an important city such as London helps alumni everywhere. Plus it is a great chance for us to reconnect with old friends and make new contacts. Since the March 1 event, the UK Chapter has met three times this spring for informal networking events, attracting a dozen alumni in total. Looking ahead, the chapter will arrange a more formal event in June when several CEIBS faculty visit London. The UK Chapter will also participate in the CEIBS Senior Executives Alumni Study Tour to London in September. Meanwhile, CEIBS Italy Alumni Chapter is co-hosting a forum in Milan, Italy with the Fondazione Italia-Cina on April 21 and May 17. The events will feature CEIBS professors Juan Antonio Ferndandez and Jaume Ribera. The incredible progress of CEIBS in recent years has left little time for the school to push the alumni network forward around the world, but that time is over. The alumni events being organized in Italy [this spring] are milestones along this path towards change, says Italy Alumni Ambassador Pier Girauldi (MBA 2005). He urges any alumni in Italy during those dates to join the events. Gathering together in one room influential Italian companies that are actively interested in China, trade associations focused on the China- Europe relationship, and alumni from the number one b-school in Asia, creates an incredible opportunity for all the parties involved, says Girauldi. This September, alumni in Ireland also have the opportunity to assist with CEIBS Senior Executives Alumni Tour an excellent networking opportunity. Irish Alumni Ambasssador Michael McCannon (MBA 2006) describes assisting on the programme last year in this way: The chance to travel to Ireland with a group of high-level Chinese executives and CEIBS alumni was one of the highlights of my CEIBS career to date. It was a hugely beneficial experience to showcase Ireland s flagship indigenous and multinational companies and also to highlight, amongst the Irish business community, that CEIBS is very much an international school with alumni from Ireland and across the globe. Stay tuned for reports from Frankfurt, where German Alumni Ambassador Joe Trummer arranged an informal dinner on April 16, and from Spain, where events are planned for this fall. Get Involved! The CEIBS International Relations Offices is now seeking Alumni Ambassadors for USA East Coast and USA West Coast. To apply, contact IRO Director Seanie Comerford: 中欧校友金志国 陈志列当选 2007CCTv 中国经济年度人物 CEIBS Alumni Jin Zhiguo & Chen Zhilie Win CCTV Awards for Top Economic Personalities of 2007 根据百人评委团的投票结果, 以 2007, 谁是中国制造的脊梁 为主题的 2007CCTV 中国经济年度人物评选活动 1 月 30 日晚在北京揭晓 中欧国际工商学院两位 EMBA 校友 2002 级 EMBA 校友 青岛啤酒股份有限公司总裁金志国和 2004 级 EMBA 校友 深圳研祥智能科技股份有限公司董事局主席陈志列喜获 2007CCTV 中国经济年度人物, 成为 2007 年中国经济领域最具代表性的 10 位领袖级人物之一 同时, 陈志列还摘走了评委会特设的 年度创新人物 大奖, 成为 经济年度人物 评选活动开设 8 年以来, 独揽两项桂冠的第一人 大会颁奖词如此评价金志国校友 : 在他的领导下, 青岛啤酒实现了由做大做强到做强做大的重要战略转变 青岛啤酒品牌价值 市场占有率等指标均居行业之首 2007 年青岛啤酒产销量已进入世界啤酒行业前十名 而陈志列则 把行业标准贴上了中国制造的标签 陈志列带领他的团队在 14 年的时间里, 创造了中国最大的工业计算机企业, 成为中国第一, 世界第五 On January 30, 2008, CEIBS figured prominently when CCTV China announced the results of its annual Top 10 Economic Personalities of Two of the 10 winners named were CEIBS EMBA alumni: Tsingtao Brewery Co. President Jin Zhiguo (EMBA 2004), and EVOC Intelligent Technology Co. Chairman Chen Zhilie (EMBA 2002). Mr. Chen also won the award for

59 158 TheLINK 2008 春季刊 校友之声 校友新闻 Innovation Personality of the Year. Results of the annual poll, named Who Are The Backbones of Chinese Manufacturing? were announced in Beijing. For Jin Zhiguo, the award came based on his ability to catapult Tsingtao Beer into position as holding the #1 market-share within the domestic beer industry and also achieving the top spot for brand value among Chinese brands. Under the leadership of Mr. Jin, Tsingtao now ranks among the world s 10 largest beer companies in term of sales volume. Meanwhile, Mr. Chen s well deserved recognition was based on his successes in leading his team to create the biggest manufacturing company for industrial PCs in China within just 14 years. 校友俱乐部活动 Alumni Clubs Activities 中欧校友当代艺术俱乐部新春首次活动报告 香港苏富比 08 年春拍上海预展 Sotheby s Displays at CEIBS Contemporary Art Club s First Event 2008 年 3 月 9 日, 中欧国际工商学院校友当代艺术俱乐部组织了 08 年的首次活动, 大约 15 名会员 学生和校友参加了香港苏富比 2008 年春拍上海预展 现场专家详细介绍了今年春拍的几幅主要画作的背景, 大家受益匪浅 现场除了绘画, 还有金饰珠宝 瓷器等名贵珍藏 浙江卫视 藏家 栏目记者及 中欧商业评论 的编辑对参展单位进行了现场采访 本着为校友和在校学生提供高雅艺术知识和艺术品投资理念的宗旨, 中欧校友当代艺术俱乐部于去年 9 月 14 日在中欧上海校园成立 作为中欧最新的校友俱乐部之一, 俱乐部全体理事和会员热烈欢迎对于艺术知识和艺术投资有着浓厚兴趣的校友及学生加入 关于俱乐部历史活动记录和加入方法, 请点击 alumni_c/activities/clubs/22137.shtml The CEIBS Contemporary Art Club is off to an impressive start: The debut event offered a sneak peek at Sotheby s 2008 Hong Kong spring auction. Held at the Four Seasons Hotel, Shanghai, on March 9, some 15 club members, students and alumni were given a professional tour of the pieces. The items, which were later auctioned in Hong Kong on April 9, included paintings, jewelry and china. Reporters from CEIBS Online and ZJSTV (Zhejiang Satellite TV) covered the event 年中欧新春网球公开赛 30 Compete in CEIBS-KBC Goldstate 2008 Tennis Title 本年度校友网球俱乐部的首次大型活 动 中欧 - 金元比联 2008 新春网球 公开赛于 2 月 24 日周日下午在浦东源深 体育场拉开了序幕 大约 30 名校友及在校网球好手参加 了这次聚会, 角逐包括初级组单打 高级 组单打和双打三个项目在内的比赛 最终, 陈凯 / 李勇, 方光 / 杨光泽, 江浩 / 刘建 分别获得了双打比赛的冠军 亚军和季军, SAMUEL 和周勤夺得初级组单打冠军, 陈 凯 李勇 江浩荣登高级组三甲 CEIBS-KBC Goldstate 2008 Tennis Open Tournament 中欧新春网球公开赛将作为网球俱乐 部的传统赛事每年继续下去, 特别鸣谢陈 凯校友和其所在的金元比联基金公司对于 本次活动的全程赞助, 也感谢吴大卫校友 安排东郊宾馆的 VIP 场地作为决赛地点 校友网球俱乐部今年将举办大量的初级训 练营和高水准的对决比赛, 我们也期待所 有中欧网球爱好者一如既往的支持 更多本次活动的照片, 请大家直接登录校友社 区并进入网球俱乐部板块, 或直接点击以下 链 接 : asp?boardid=11&id=604&page=1 Thirty tennis enthusiasts competed in the CEIBS-KBC Goldstate 2008 Tennis Open Tournament organized by the CEIBS Alumni Tennis Club between February 24 and March 2. Club members and tennis players from the current student body took part in this year s staging of this popular annual event. In the male doubles competition, Chen Kai and Li Yong were champions, Fang Guang and Yang Guangze were runners up, and Jiang Hao and Liu Jian took third place. Among the junior male singles: Samuel finished first, Zhou Qin was second. In the senior male singles, Chen Kai was first, Li Yong second, and Jiang Hao, third.

60 ALUMNI EVENTS alumni voice 159 The success of this event would not have been possible without the generosity of sponsor KBC Goldstate Fund Management Co, and well as the hard work of senior club member Chen Kai and incoming member Wu Dawei (who assisted with the booking of the VIP match court), and all tournament participants. 中欧校友汽车产业俱乐部 2007 年探究民族汽车产业发展之路 Alumni Auto Club Revs Up for 年度中欧校友汽车产业俱乐部年终会议于今年 1 月在秘书长楼周仁的欢迎辞中进入了议题 中欧副教务长周东生教授参加了会议并在发言中表示了学校对校友会工作的重视和关心, 同时也希望汽车产业俱乐部能在校友的参与和支持下发挥更大影响 俱乐部的两名校友代表胡文艳 马爽分别上台和大家分享了他们参加俱乐部活动的心得和体会 俱乐部副秘书长徐锦泉对 2007 年的俱乐部工作进行了回顾 在过去一年里, 俱乐部本着 探究中国民族汽车产业发展之路 的宗旨, 相继成功开展了系列考察行活动 穗柳行 和 日本行 汽车俱乐部秘书处成员秦国利表示, 2008 年在考察活动安排上, 俱乐部将继续挖掘校友资源, 将海外行和国内考察相结合, 开展 湖北行 和 美国行 两次大型的探究民族汽车之行活动 同时, 还将策划一场探究民族汽车产业之行的研讨会, 总结 4 年来汽车俱乐部在考察国内外各汽车企业之后的所感所想 除此之外, 俱乐部也希望将这些感想文字配以鲜活的图片, 出版一本属于自己的 探究民族汽车产业之旅 Chinese Domestic Auto Industry; and will host a seminar commemorating the club s four-year history. Last year s top activities included industry visits to Guangxi Province and Japan. During these trips, club members made stops at big-name firms >> 减少胆固醇 中欧校友健康俱乐部在 1 月 29 日下午举办了一场有关 血浆胆固醇水平控制和心血管系统保健 的讲座 20 多位校友和同学出席了由仁济医院的方教授和瑞金医院吕教授主讲的精彩讲座 此次活动得到了上海先灵葆雅副总经理梅丽君校友 (EMBA96 级 ) 的大力支持, 在此特别致谢! >> CUTTING CHOLESTEROL Getting 2008 off to a healthy start, the CEIBS Alumni Health Club held a lecture on Cardiovascular Health & Controlling Choles terol Levels on January 29. More than 20 alumni attended the expert lecture by Dr. Fang and Dr. Lu of Renji Hospital. including Toyota, Honda, Dongfeng Liuzhou and Liu Gong. These ambitious activities follow the Auto Club s central mission of: Exploring the developing path of the Chinese domestic auto industry. 大计划 : 中欧校友汽车产业俱乐部计划在 2008 年赴湖北及美国考察 BIG PLANS The CEIBS Alumni Auto Club is planning trips to Hubei Province and the US in 2008 As its four-year anniversary approaches, the CEIBS Alumni Auto Club has an ambitious list of projects to complete in The goals for the year and accomplishments of 2007 were outlined at the club s annual party at the end of January. The club will make two industry visits this year, to Hubei Province and to North America; will publish a manual entitled, The Way to Improve the << 春节印象之旅 作为校友摄影爱好者 俱乐部 摄影季的收尾活动之一, 3 月 9 日周日下午的春节评片会吸引了数 10 名会员参加, 大家纷纷拿出自己在春 节期间采风的得意作品互相点评和学习 << IMAGES OF SPRING On March 9, members of the CEIBS Alumni Photography Club shared samples of their top pick photos taken during Spring Festival of 2008.

61 CEIBS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Professor Pedro Nueno, Executive President Professor Zhu Xiaoming, President Professor Rolf D. Cremer, Dean and Vice President Professor Zhang Weijiong, Vice President and Co-Dean CEIBS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Xie Shengwu Chairman of the Board Former President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Gerard Van Schaik Vice Chairman of the Board President, EFMD Jan Borgonjon President, InterChina Consulting Eric Cornuel Director-General and CEO, EFMD Jing Shuping Former Chairman, China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd. Thomas Sattelberger Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Telekom AG David Saunders Dean, Queen s School of Business Wang Qi Deputy Director, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Yang Dinghua Vice Mayor, Shanghai Municipal Government Zhu Xiaoming Vice Chairman, Standing Committee, Shanghai Municipal People s Congress CEIBS ACADEMIC COUNCIL Professor Alfredo Pastor Chairman, IESE, Spain Professor Chang Chun CEIBS, PRC Professor Rolf D. Cremer CEIBS, PRC Professor Arnoud De Meyer Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK Professor Warren MCFARLAN HBS, USA Professor Krishna PALEPU HBS, USA Professor Seung Ho Sam PARK CEIBS, PRC Professor David C. Schmittlein Wharton School, USA Professor Luigi Vittorio Tava SDA Bocconi, Italy Professor Dominique Turpin IMD, Switzerland Professor Juergen Weigand WHU, Germany Professor Zhang Weijiong CEIBS, PRC CEIBS FACULTY MEMBERS Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, Ph. D. Marketing and Innovation Management Willem P. Burgers, Ph. D. Marketing and Strategy Bayer HealthCare Chair in Strategy and Marketing Thomas E. Callarman, Ph. D. Operations Management Chang Chun, Ph. D. Finance ABN AMRO Chair Professor of Risk Management Professor of Finance, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota Rolf D. Cremer, Ph. D. Economics Henri-Claude De Bettignies Global Responsible Leadership AVIVA Chair Professor of Leadership and Responsibility, INSEAD Ding Yuan, Ph. D. Accounting Juan A. Fernandez, Ph. D. Management Gerald E. Fryxell, Ph. D. Management Gao Yan, Ph. D. Finance GE Dingkun, Ph. D. Strategy and Entrepreneurship Norma J. Harrison, Ph. D. Operations Management Per V. Jenster, Ph. D. Management Jean S K LEE, Ph. D. Management Liang Neng, Ph. D. Management William H. Mobley, Ph. D. Management Pedro Nueno, Ph. D. Entrepreneurship Seung Ho Sam Park, Ph. D. Strategy British American Tobacco Chair Professor of Marketing William C. PARR, Ph. D. Decision Sciences Alfredo Pastor, Ph. D. Economics Spanish Chair Professor of Economics Professor of Economics, IESE Waldemar A. Pfoertsch, Ph. D. Marketing Lydia J. Price, Ph. D. Marketing Bala Ramasamy, Ph. D. Economics Jaume Ribera, Ph. D. Production and Operations Management Port of Barcelona Chair in Logistics Professor of Production and Operations Management, IESE Terence Tsai, Ph. D. Management S. Ramakrishna Velamuri, Ph. D. Entrepreneurship Wang Jianmao, Ph. D. Economics Steven White, Ph. D. Management Wu Jinglian Economics Baosteel Chair Professor of Economics RESEARCH Centers: CEIBS Lujiazui International Finance Research Center Director: Professor Zhu Xiaoming Center of Chinese Private Enterprises Director: Professor ZHANG Weijiong Center for International Entrepreneurship Directors: Professor Wang Zhongming, Professor Rolf D. Cremer Center of Organisational and People Excellence Director: Professor Arthur Yeung Co-Director: Professor Katherine Xin Center for Emerging Market Strategy Director: Professor Seung Ho Sam Park China Center for Financial Research Director: Professor Chang Chun Center for Marketing and Innovation Director: Professor Kwaku Atuahene-Gima Leadership Behavioral Laboratory Director: Professor Jean Lee CEIBS Center for Global Operations Management and Value Chain Integration Director: Professor Thomas E. Callarman Case Development Center Director: Professor WANG Jianmao Xiao Zhixing, Ph. D. Management Xu Bin, Ph. D. Economics and Finance Xu Dingbo, Ph. D. Accounting Xu Xiaonian, Ph. D. Economics and Finance Arthur Yeung, Ph. D. Management Philips Chair Professor of Human Resource Management Professor of Business Administration, University of Michigan Business School Zhang Weijiong, Ph. D. Strategy Zhang Yimin, Ph. D. Finance Zhao Xinge, Ph. D. Finance Zhou Dongsheng, Ph. D. Marketing Zhu Tian, Ph. D. Economics Zhu Xiaoming, Ph. D. Management Zhu Yu, Ph. D. Finance

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