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1 侃哥 SAT 官方指南语法小伴侣 新版 OG 版本 1

2 目 录 写在前面 :...2 OG 必会题...4 SAT OG 之 ISE 题目分类...5 SAT 官方指南语法部分中文解释 1.2 版...7 OG-ISE- 无选项版...39 附录 :SAT 语法部分简介与备考建议

3 写在前面 : 此 侃哥 SAT 官方指南语法小伴侣 汇集了本人长期从事 SAT 语法教学与研究之成果, 旨在为广大考生的 SAT 语法部分复习指明方向, 使考生的复习做到主次分明 重点突出 本文档包括哪些主要内容? 如何使用这些宝贵的资料呢? 一 如果你是一个刚刚接触 SAT 的同学, 或者对如何复习语法部分没有任何概念, 请你先阅读附录 1 中的 SAT 语法部分备考建议 当然, 如果你已经有了 SAT 语法部分的复习计划, 也可以参照该文章对计划进行必要的修正 二 在初次使用 SAT 官方指南进行练习时, 请按照 SAT OG 之 ISE 题目分类 先进行 ISE 题目分类练习, 同时查阅相关语法书弥补知识体系的漏洞 做题时, 同学不仅需要选出正确答案, 还应该改正句中的语法错误, 这样才算是做到了 知其然, 而知其所以然 如果不知道某道题目的错误如何改正, 可以参阅 SAT 官方指南语法部分中文解释 1.2 版, 其中包括所有 ISE 题目的考点 答案 改正方法 三 在第二遍甚至第三遍做 OG 语法题的时候, 应该对其中的重点题目进行重点把握 此时, 可以参考 OG 必会题, 该部分包括了官方指南中 IS ISE 题目中的重点题目 且这些题目的答案及解析都已经包含在 OG 难题中文解答 -1.2 Edition 了 四 本文档还收录了 OG-ISE- 无选项版, 具体使用方法见该部分说明 五 为了方便广大考生使用本文档, 在 SAT 官方指南语法部分中文解释 1.2 版 部分, 每道题目的题号后面都附上了该题目在 OG 中的页码, 使得同学可以轻松 快速地查到某道题目 如, 同学在做题过程中不懂 OG614 页第 2 题, 则可以使用 word 中的搜索功能查找 即可在本文档中找到该题目的解析 接下来, 马上开始你的 SAT 语法冲刺之旅吧!!! 衷心地祝愿各位通过不懈的努力, 取得理想的分数, 进入梦寐以求的高等学府 :) 欢迎大家将本文档转载 推荐给其他备战 SAT 的同学 李侃

4 OG 必会题 ISE 166(5) 167(6)(7) 192(12)(14) 193(17) Model Test 1 409(14) 410(23)(29) Model Test 2 471(16) 472(28) Model Test 3 533(12)(13)(16) 535(29) Model Test4 601(19) 602(24)(26)(27)(29) Model Test5 659(18)(21) 660(26)(27) Model Test 6 720(14)(15)(16)(19) 721(24)(27)(29) Model Test 7 776(13)(14)(19) 777(26)(28)(29) Model Test 8 838(12)(13) 839(22)(26) Model Test 9 894(12) 895(22)(25)(26)(28)(29) Model Test (12)(14) 957(19)(21)(26) IS 145(1)(3) 149(3)(4) 150(5) Model Test 1 407(5) 408(6)(7)(9)(11) 430(5) Model Test 2 492(6)(12) Model Test 3 555(12) Model Test 4 614(2) 616(10)(13) Model Test 5 656(1) 657(5)(6) 676(4) 677(11) Model Test 6 738(6) Model Test 7 774(3) 775(10)(11) 803(12)(13) Model Test 8 863(10)(12) Model Test 9 893(7)(8) Model Test (7) 4

5 SAT OG 之 ISE 题目分类 说明 : 本文乃作者长期从事 SAT 语法教学并对 SAT 语法考题深入研究之后献给广大考生的一份礼物, 建议考生初次做 OG 题目及考前进行专题复习时使用 考生可以根据自己时间安排, 按照考点将同类题目熟练掌握, 以熟悉该考点出题思路 另外, 考生从本文也能看出各考点所占大致比例, 以指导自己更有针对性地复习 ( 由于 IS 题目多为综合题, 很少考察单一语法点, 故仅列出 ISE 题目分类 某些题目的分类, 仁者见仁, 智者见智, 若你有不同意见, 可电邮作者进行交流 ) ISE: 1. 主谓问题 :145(1) 150(1)(3) 167(6) 193(18) 658(12)(15) 659(19) 660(26) 720(16) 721(24)(26)(29) 776(19) 777(27) 839(20)(27) 894(14) 895(18)(21)(23) 956(12)(14)(16) 2. 代词 :153 例题 161(2) 166(4) 167(8) 193(15)(16) 601(15) 602(21)(26)(28) 659(20) 660(28) 720(15)(16) 721(20)(27) 776(14) 777(23)(25) 838(19) 839(24) 895(19) 896(28) 957(22)(26) 3. 平行结构 :166(2) 602(20) 658(13) 659(25) 720(18) 776(15) 895(22) 4. 比较结构 :166(5) 192(11) 602(22) 659(18)(24) 660(27)(29) 720(12)(14) 777(28) 894(13) 896(27) 5. 时态 ( 虚拟语气归于此考点 ):154 例题 193(17) 601(12)(18) 720(19) 776(16) 777(21) 838(13)(16) 839(21)(22) 894(12) 895(20)(25) 896(29) 956(17) 957(20)(24) 5

6 6. 非谓语动词 :192(12) 720(18) 7. adj 与 adv 混用 :167(7) 192(14) 602(29) 721(22) 776(13) 838(12)(15) 956(15) 8. 从句 :192(13) 601(19) 658(14) 838(17) 894(15) 957(21) 9. 固定搭配 :161(4) 192(10) 601(14) 602(25) 658(16) 659(21) 720(17) 721(21)(28) 777(26) 838(18) 839(23)(29) 895(24) 896(26) 956(13)(18) 957(25) 10. 名词单复数 : 776(12) 839(25) 957(19)(28) 11. 其他 : 即此外的所有 ISE 题目 ( 主要是那些选择 E 选项的题目 ) 6

7 SAT 官方指南语法部分中文解释 1.2 版 致同学 : 经过了一段时间的辛勤劳动, 这份 SAT 官方指南 1 语法中文解析已经包括了所有挑错 题和部分最典型的句子改进题的答案及解释 今后, 我仍然会继续增加其他题目的解释, 直 到把所有语法题目包括在内 为什么我要做这份工作? 其一,OG 和真题毫无疑问是考生准备 SAT 考试最好的备考资料 许多同学一再询问 我,SAT 语法部分哪套模拟题比较好, 我总会不厌其烦地帮他们比较各种模拟试题的优劣, 最后无不得出同一个结论 : 再好的模拟题终究还是模拟题, 它们都无法避免地与 ETS 的命 题思路或多或少地产生偏差 所以, 我提醒大家一句话 : 你们费尽千辛万苦准备的是 SAT 考试, 而非 SAT 模拟考试 ( 模拟题做得好不见得真题就能做得好 ) 其二, 许多同学按照我推荐的复习计划做 OG 和真题, 但仅限于做完题对对答案, 过 后并没有进行系统的总结, 于是没有达到预期的复习效果 许多同学虽然做对了题目, 但各 个选项的错误原因 ISE 的错误如何改正等仍不清楚 于是, 我决定编写本 OG 语法中文解 析 希望各位能理解我的良苦用心 印度有句谚语说 : 要警惕那些只读一本书的家伙 当前 SAT 复习资料已浩如烟海, 但如果大家真的把官方指南这 一本书 吃透, 一定能成为令人敬畏的那个 家伙 由于时间仓促加之本人水平有限, 编辑排版中的纰漏在所难免, 望各位指正 ( 注 : 本 文档制作纯属个人行为, 不代表任何机构 ) 1:Official Guide for SAT 为 Collegeboard 出版的 SAT 官方指南, 版权归 Collegeboard 所有 7

8 P161 Sample Questions 1. (P161-1) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 B 应改为 :have received 2. (P161-2) 本题考点 : 代词 C 应改为 :you expect 3. (P161-3) 本题 no error 4. (P161-4) 本题考点 :B 应改为 :agreed to P166 Practice Questions 1.(P166-1) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 A 应改为 :there are 2.(P166-2) 见 P (P166-3) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 C 应改为 :attest to, 因为主句主语为 flints 4.(P166-4) 本题考点 : 代词 A 应改为 :their, 指代主句主语 telescopes 5. (P166-5) 本题考点 : 比较结构 A 应改为 :like that of many other 因为原句比较的是 Delgado 的 dilemma 与其他青年作家, 应该比较 Delgado 的 dilemma 与其他青年作家的 dilemma 6.(P167-6) 见 P (P167-7) 本题考点 : 形容词与副词的混用 B 应改为 :cautiously 8.(P167-8) 本题考点 : 代词 D 应改为 :of its( 指代前面的 a pest) 这道题属于典型的 看到代词找指代, 全句中的复数名词 areas ways 显然无法与 of population 搭配, 故 their 用法一定是错的 P145 Sample Questions 1.(P145-1) 答案 :B 解析 : 其余选项错误在于 : A: 代词 she 是多余的 因为两个逗号之间是插入成分 (one of America s best-known writers), 这样, 两个逗号之后应该出现句子的动词部分, 不能再重复出现主语代词 she 故排除 C D E: 句子没有动词部分, 则结构不完整 ( 注 : 但凡完整的句子都要含有动词部分 ) 故排除 8

9 3.(P145-3) 答案 :A 解析 : 本题需要考生注意原句复数形式的主语 其余选项错误在于 : B: 动词 account 虽然能与复数形式的主语 convenience and availability 配合, 但是, 复数代词 their 是错误的, 因为流行的是 watercolor paint 而不是 convenience and availability, 所以代词应该使用单数形式 ( its ) 故排除 C D: 动词错误地使用了单数形式 故排除 E: 单数名词 reason 不能与复数形式的主语 convenience and availability 配合 故排除 P149 Practice Questions 3.(P149-3) 答案 :D 解析 : 原句句首的分词短语 ( brought to ) 属于分词做状语, 它修饰的只能是主句主语, 结合语意, 该主语应该是某个人 A B C 选项主语分别为 book childhood subject, 都是错误的 E 选项主语虽然是人, 但其中代词 this 单独作为宾语, 故错误 4.(P149-4) 答案 :C 解析 : 首先, 注意到原句句首是 only 引导的时间状语, 故应该采用倒装的句式 其次, 句子的时间状语是 since, 故应采用完成时态 所以, 答案选择 C 选项 其余选项要么没有采用倒装的句式, 要么没有使用完成时态, 故均错误 5.(P150-5) 答案 :B 解析 : 注意到原句中含有 not so much 结构, 所以, 划线部分应填入的结构应该含有 as, 以构成 not so much A as B( 翻译成汉语, 应理解为 不是 A, 而是 B, 或者 与其说是 A, 不如说是 B ) 而且, 既然 A 部分出现的是动词原形 replace, 所以,B 部分也应该出现动词原形 故答案选择 B 选项 9

10 Test 1 Test1 Section4 (2006 年 10 月 ) 5. (P407-5) 答案 :E 解析 : A: 本选项没有语法错误, 但 and 前后句之间存在转折的逻辑关系, 故最好用转折连词连接 又因为 E 选项没有语法错误, 且使用了表示转折的副词 however, 故排除 A 选项 B: 表达不够简洁 it is the case that 是多余的, 故排除 C:but 是连词, 应该连接完整的句子, 但是 but 之后的部分没有动词, 不是完整的句子, 故排除 D:whereas 之后的句子时态错误 地理景观属于客观现实, 故应该使用一般现在时描述, 而不是现在进行时 (are extending ), 故排除 6. (P408-6) 答案 :A 解析 : 本题考察了平行结构的相关知识点 : 结合句意, WS 的回忆录以 开始, 以 结束, 这是典型的平行结构,and 前后的动词形式应该保持一致, 以确保平行结构正确 据此, 排除 C E 选项 B:that 引导定语从句, 造成主句没有动词, 故排除 D:beginning culminating 均为现在分词, 属于非谓语, 造成主句没有动词, 故排除 7. (P408-7) 答案 :D 解析 : A: 句首的分词短语 Dressed in a uniform. 属于分词作状语, 该词组应该修饰句子的主语, 根据该词组含义, 推断出句子的主语一定是某个人 所以本选项中,it 作主语是错误的 故排除 B:manner 作主语是错误的, 具体原因同 A, 故排除 C:that 之后是修饰 uniform 的从句, 主句没有主语 谓语, 故排除 E: 主句没有谓语, 故排除 10

11 9. (P408-9) 答案 :E 解析 : 本题考察了平行结构的相关知识点 : 结合句意, 划线部分描述了 the composer s new symphony 的另一个特点, 这一特点应该与划线之前的 confusing because of + 名词 部分构成平行结构, 所以, 划线部分一定要出现 形容词 + because of + 名词 的结构, 以确保平行结构正确 据此, 排除 A B C D 选项, 直接得出正确答案 E 选项 11. (P408-11) 答案 :E 解析 : 本题十分隐蔽地考察了平行结构的相关知识点 : depicted in the film Braveheart 修饰就近名词 battle, 可以先略去不看 于是, 主句的主干便是 battle took place in ( 战役发生在英格兰北部 ), 那么, 接下来便是 而许多人认为 ( 该战役 ) 发生在苏格兰高地, 所以, 划线部分应该出现表示地点状语的介词 in, 这样, 才能确保前后结构平行 据此, 排除 A B C D 选项, 直接得出正确答案 E 选项 12. (P409-12) 本题考点 : 名词单复数配合 B 应改为 :entomologists Larissa 和 Tariq 是两个人, 他们不能成为 一位昆虫学家 13. (P409-13) 本题 no error 14. (P409-14) 本题考点 : 形容词与副词的混用 A 应改为 :surprisingly bad 15. (P409-15) 本题考点 : 时态配合错误在 C 选项 改为 :sought out 句中有多个过去时态的动词 ( referred to, was sculpting, learned ), 结合句意,C 选项也应该 使用过去的某种时态 11

12 16. (P409-16) 本题考点 : 非谓语动词 D 应改为 :to suppress 17. (P409-17) 本题考点 : 形容词与副词的混用 C 应改为 :quite noticeably 根据句意, 修饰动词 has risen 应该使用副词, 而不是形容词 18. (P409-18) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 错误在 C 选项 改为 :nor 19. (P409-19) 本题考点 : 代词 错误在 C 选项 改为 :their 指代复数名词 passengers, 应该使用复数代词 20. (P410-20) 本题 no error 21. (P410-21) 本题考点 : 比较结构 B 应改为 :to Robert Rauschenberg s Compare A to B 是典型的比较结构, 其中 A B 的性质应该等同, 以确保两者具有可比性 本题 A 部分是某人的作品 (Norman Rockwell s paintings), 所以,B 部分理应出现 某人的作品, 而不是 某个人 22. (P410-22) 本题 no error 23. (P410-23) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 C 应改为 :are released 句子的主语中心词是复数名词 spears, 故谓语应该相应地使用复数形式 are 12

13 24. (P410-24) 本题 no error 25. (P410-25) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 C 应改为 :of distinguishing 26. (P410-26) 本题考点 : 代词 D 应改为 :its 结合句意,its 应该指代前文的地名 Hershey 27. (P410-27) 本题 no error 28. (P410-28) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 D 应改为 :require But 之后分句的主语是复数名词 grades, 故谓语应该相应地使用复数形式 require 29. (P410-29) 本题考点 : 比较结构 D 应改为 :than that of baseball s A more dramatic than B 是典型的比较结构, 其中 A B 的性质应该等同, 以确保两者具有可比性 A 部分是 story, 而 B 部分也应该是 story, 不能是人称 Hank Arson Section10 5. (P430-5) 答案 :C 解析 : 原句句首的分词短语 ( carried by strong, dry winds ) 属于分词做状语, 它修饰的只能是主句主语 显然, 结合五个选项, 该主语应该 dust( 火山喷发产生的尘埃 ), 而不应该是 eruption( 火山喷发 ) 据此轻松排除 A B 选项 13

14 D:that 之后是定语从句, 造成主句没有谓语, 故排除 E: 代词 it 指代不明 ( 句中的 dust eruption 均为单数名词 ), 且 there be 句型属于 awkward expression, 故排除 Test2 Section6 (2007 年 1 月 ) 12. (P471-12) 本题考点 : 代词 B 应改为 :I 代词作为句子主语时应该相应地使用其主格形式 13. (P471-13) 本题考点 : 时态配合 D 应改为 :she wrote 与该动词搭配的时间状语是 early in her career ( 在她职业生涯早期 ), 这明显是过去的时间, 故应使用一般过去时 14. (P471-14) 本题考点 : 平行结构 C 应改为 :believed C 选项之前的 and 是平行结构的标志词 C 选项为现在分词 believing, 但是,and 之前却没有另外一个现在分词与 believing 构成平行结构, 故错误 结合句子结构,C 选项应该与 saw 并列, 故改为一般过去时即可 15. (P471-15) 本题考点 : 平行结构 D 选项 改为 :nor 16. (P471-16) 本题考点 : 时态配合 C 应改为 :had been After 表示此后的动作发生在 published 之前, 所以应该使用过去完成时 (had been) 14

15 17. (P471-17) 本题考点 : 名词单复数配合 D 应改为 :slave laborers 复数名词 workers 不能与单数名词 a slave laborer 搭配 18. (P471-18) 本题考点 : 代词 C 应改为 :it, 以指代句中出现的单数名词 the proposed tax 19. (P471-19) 本题 no error 本题个别考生误选了 B 选项, 他们认为应该把 a means 改为 a mean, 这是不对的 因为 means 一词本身是单数形式, 表示 方式 方法 20. (P472-20) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 C 应改为 :always hold us 21. (P472-21) 本题考点 : 平行结构 C 应改为 :agility C 选项之前的 and 是平行结构的典型标志词,and 之前出现了名词 strength, 故 and 之后也应该出现某个名词以确保平行结构的正确 22. (P472-22) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 C 应改为 :is Whose 后面的从句主语中心语为单数名词 obsession, 后面的介词短语 with saving time and money 是对其的修饰 故动词应该相应地使用单数形式 is, 而非复数形式 are 15

16 23. (P472-23) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 A 应改为 :arrived in 本题的干扰选项是 C 许多考生错误地认为 C 应改为 watched, 以与 arrived 搭配, 这是不对的 首先, at the conclusion of the novel 表示 在小说的结尾, 这属于客观真理性的内容, 永远使用一般现在时 其次,arrived 是过去分词, 在句子中充当状语, 根本就不是一般过去时 故 C 选项没有任何错误 24. (P472-24) 本题 no error 25. (P472-25) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 C 应改为 :continue 句子的主语中心词是复数名词 flights, 中间的 achieved equipment 是插入语, 充当修饰成分, 故谓语应该相应地使用复数形式 continue, 而不是单数形式 continues 26. (P472-26) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 D 应改为 :of 27. (P472-27) 本题 no error 28. (P472-28) 本题考点 : 代词 C 应改为 :Perez s 或者 Tanaka s Perez 与 Tanaka 均为女性, 所以代词 her 指代不清, 故应该使用名词 29. (P472-29) 本题 no error 16

17 Section10 6. (P492-6) 答案 :E 解析 : 其余选项错误在于 : A: 主语 (artist) 与同位语 (the art of ) 不一致, 故排除 B: 句首的不定式短语 to explore 修饰句子的主语, 根据句意, 主语应该是某个人, 而不能是 the work of 故排除 C: 从句错误 Which 从句只能修饰就近名词 themes, 但这显然讲不通, 故排除 D: 从句错误 Whose 从句的动词是 explores, 其主语应该是该艺术家, 而不能是 art 故排除 12. (P492-12) 答案 :E 解析 : A:being 属于 awkward expression 故排除 B: 平行结构错误 both A and B 结构中,A B 性质 形式应该保持一致 但是, 本句中,both 之后是过去分词短语 (inaugurated ), 而 and 之后是名词短语 (the Beat movement), 两者显然无法平行, 故排除 C: 两个完整的句子之间不能既没有连词, 也没有分号 故排除 D: 且不论句意对错与否,whose 引导的从句中没有谓语, 故排除 Test3 Section4 (2007 年 5 月 ) 12. (P533-12) 本题考点 : 平行结构 D 应改为 :hardness D 选项之前的 and 是平行结构的典型标志词,and 之前出现了名词 luster 和 beauty, 故 and 之后也应该出现某个名词以确保平行结构的正确 17

18 13. (P533-13) 本题考点 : 比较结构 D 应改为 :did Jim s 比较级 more judges votes 左边出现的是名词 Mary s science project, 所以, 为了使得被比较的两者具有可比性,than 之后也应该出现 某人的 science project 14. (P533-14) 本题考点 : 主谓问题 A 应改为 :was unfounded 主句的主语是 assumption, 后面的 that 从句是对 assumption 的修饰 所以, 整个主句没有谓语 应该把 A 出的非谓语 (being ) 改为谓语形式 15. (P533-15) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 A 应改为 :pose 句子的主语是复数名词 waterways, 后面的形容词短语 close to land 是对其的修饰, 故句子的谓语部分应该相应地使用复数形式, 而不是单数形式 poses 16. (P533-16) 本题考点 : 非谓语动词 D 应改为 :when I was wandering 或 while I was wandering 分词结构 ( 如本句中的 wandering ) 放在句中, 如果没有逗号将其与主句分隔开, 则该分词作为定语修饰就近的名词 所以, 原句 D 出的 wandering ( 在城市古老的街区漫步 ) 只能修饰其前面的名词 antique store ( 古董店 ), 这显然是讲不通的 于是, 应该把 wandering 扩展为完整的时间状语从句, 以使 wandering 有一个正确的修饰对象 17. (P533-17) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 C 应改为 :or 18

19 18. (P534-18) 本题 no error B 选项为本题干扰项 许多考生认为 independence ( 独立性 ) 为抽象名词, 是不可数的, 因此他们认为 B 应改为 independence 但是, 抽象名词在表示特指含义时 ( 如本题中,independence 之后有一个 that 引导的定语从句进行修饰, 那么, 这种 独立性 不是一般的 泛指的 独立性, 而是一种特定的 独立性 ) 是可数名词 故 B 没错 19. (P534-19) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 B 选项应改为 :helps 句子的主语是单数名词 psychology, 故谓语应该相应地使用单数形式 20. (P534-20) 本题考点 : 代词 C 应改为 :and watered 结合句意,C 部分 watered 应该与前文 sown 并列, 共同修饰 other types of deserts, 故使用单数代词 it 是错误的 根据平行结构,C 选项处只保留 and watered 足以, they can be 可以省略 21. (P534-21) 本题考点 : 非谓语动词 C 应改为 :the user presses a button 或 people press a button 或 a button is pressed 分词短语 pressing 修饰就近的名词 its own dust bag 显然讲不通, 故造成分词短语 pressing 没有明确的修饰对象 所以, 应该把 when 之后的部分补充为完整的从句 22. (P534-22) 本题考点 : 代词 A 应改为 :its 指代句子主语单数名词 gecko, 不能使用复数代词 their 19

20 23. (P534-23) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 B 应改为 :have gained 句子的主语是短语 Both A and B, 属于复数概念, 则句子的谓语应该相应地使用复数形式 24. (P534-24) 本题考点 : 时态配合 A 应改为 :led 纵观全句, 时间背景是过去 (October 10, 1911), 所以不能使用现在完成时 (has led), 应该使用某种过去时态 25. (P534-25) 本题考点 : 比较结构 D 应改为 :than the other artists 比较级的双方应该是性质相同的概念, 这样比较才具有可比性 本句比较结构的一端是 paintings, 所以另一端也应该是某人的 paintings, 而不是 artists( 艺术家 ) 26. (P535-26) 本题考点 : 时态配合 B 应改为 :had waited 与 B 选项动词搭配的时间状语是 by the time Brianne finally arrived ( 直到 Brianne 最后到达的时候 ), 也就是 Brianne 最后到达之前, 所以应该使用过去完成时 27. (P535-27) 本题考点 : 代词 C 应改为 :its 指代单数名词 university, 不能使用复数代词 20

21 28. (P535-28) 本题 no error 29. (P535-29) 本题考点 : 表达的简洁性 D 选项单词 each year 应该删去, 因为前文的 annually 已经表达了相同的含义 Section (P555-12) 答案 :E 解析 : A B: 因为划线之后出现了动词 (was created ), 所以划线部分不能再含有动词, 否则会造成 两个完整的句子之间既没有连词, 也没有分号 的错误, 故排除 C: 非谓语动词错误 establish 与其修饰的词 Coalition 之间是被动的逻辑关系, 所以, establish 应该使用过去分词形式, 而非现在分词 establishing, 故排除 D:being 属于 awkward expression 故排除 Test 4 Section6 12.(P720-12) 本题考点 : 比较结构 D 应改为 :as, 以构成 as as 同级比较结构 13.(P720-13) 本题 no error 14.(P720-14) 本题考点 : 比较结构 D 应改为 :from those of earlier times 因为比较的一端是 American artists, 故另一端也应为 artists, 而 不是 earlier times 15.(P720-15) 本题考点 : 代词 C 应改为 :those, 相当于是 those issues 的省略形式 That 只能指代单数名词, 无法与 issues 搭配 21

22 16.(P720-16) 本题考点 : 代词 / 主谓一致正确选项为 E 同学们的错误无非集中在 A( 觉得因该改成 was) 或者 C( 觉得因该改成 their) 但是, 首先原句主语 the young fish 应该是指 那些小鱼, 否则后面 each of them 中 them 就没有指代对象了 所以, 这里 A 动词用复数是正确的 ( 大家要注意 fish 单复数同形 ) 其次,yet 后面的分句主语中心语是 each( 相当于 each young fish), 后面的 of them 是修饰成分, 所以, 一条小鱼吃掉相当于它自己体重若干倍的食物, 句意讲得通, 且语法也是正确的 如果改成 their, 就变成 一条小鱼吃掉相当于所有小鱼体重若干倍的食物, 同学, 你不觉得这有点太恐怖了吗? 17.(P720-17) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 C 应改为 :for 18.(P720-18) 本题考点 : 平行结构 B 应改为 :turning off, 以与第一个分句的主语 driving 平行 19.(P720-19) 本题考点 : 动词的形式 错误在 A 选项 改为 :swum 用在完成时中的动词形式应该是其过去分词, 而不是过去式 同 P416 (20) 20.(P721-20) 本题考点 : 代词 B 应改为 :it, 指代单数名词 the use of sth( 也有一种看法认为 it 指代 office paper, 句意也能讲通, 但无 论如何都应使用单数代词 ) 21.(P721-21) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 C 应改为 :to travelers 22.(P721-22) 本题考点 : 形容词与副词的混用 B 应改为 :correctly, 以修饰动词 reading 23.(P721-23) 本题 no error 24.(P721-24) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 A 应改为 :provides, 以与单数主语 record 搭配 25.(P721-25) 本题为综合题 C 应改为 :from the fact that 22

23 26.(P721-26) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 C 应改为 :who expects, 以与现行词单数名词 tourist 搭配 27.(P721-27) 本题考点 : 代词 A 应改为 :us 28.(P721-28) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 D 应改为 :nor 29.(P721-29) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 / 倒装结构错误在 A 选项 改为 :are 原句的形容词结构置于句首, 引起倒装 正常语序应为 :a job directory and a list of job referral centers are available through the school s guidance office, 由于主语部分是 and 连接的并列结构, 故主句动词使用复数 are Section10 6.(P738-6) 答案 :A 解析 : 其余选项错误在于 : B: 代词 it 指代 culture 讲不通 且 having being 属于 awkward expression 故排除 C D: 代词 there 应该指代前文出现的地点 ( 如 Mexico), 但是, 前文只有形容词 Mexican 故排除 E: 代词 it there 使用错误, 原因同前 且 having 属于 awkward expression 故排除 Test 5 Section4 2.(P774-2) 本题为综合题答案 :E 解析 :A: 代词 them 没有指代对象, 因为原句中未出现复数名词 B: the strongest 与 more peaceful 无法平行 C: at the same time as 不够简洁 D: 代词 them 没有指代对象 23

24 3.(P774-3) 答案 :C 解析 : 句首的词组 Like most new residents ( 像大多数新居民一样 ), 修饰句子的主语, 所以, 主语应该是某个人 据此, 排除 A B E 选项 D 选项句子没有动词, 故排除 所以, 本题答案是 C 选项 7.(P775-7) 本题为综合题答案 :C 解析 :A: being 属于 awkward expression B: being 属于 awkward expression D: 主语之后出现 whose 引导的从句, 造成主句没有谓语 E: having 属于 awkward expression 10.(P775-10) 答案 :A 解析 : 本题考察了一个固定搭配 :Just as so, 答案是 A 选项 这一搭配在 Online Course 的题目中也出现过, 同学们应该予以重视 其他几个选项还有不同程度的语法错误和表达缺陷 : B: 平行结构错误 and 之前是完整的句子 (Finland provides famous architects); 而 and 之后只有介词短语 (by large numbers), 前后无法平行, 故排除 C: 逻辑错误 Just as 所在分句说的是国家 (Ireland,Netherlands), 国家应该与 芬兰 这一国家进行比较, 而不能与 芬兰的贡献 ( Finland's contribution) 进行比较 故排除 D: 不够简洁 and so then, for Finland 完全可以简化为 so Finland 且被动语态( is provided) 表达效果不如主动语态 故排除 E: 代词 them 指代不清, 因为句中出现了多个复数名词 ( Ireland... and the Netherlands, many writers, 和 painters ) 故排除 24

25 11.(P775-11) 答案 :E 解析 : 本题考察了平行结构的相关知识点 划线之前出现了 frustrating because of + 名词 的结构, 因为分词 frustrating 在本句中的性质相当于形容词, 故为了与之平行, 划线部分应该出现 分词或形容词 + because of + 名词 的结构 据此, 可直接选出本题答案 E 选项 其余选项错误在于平行结构错误, 故排除 12.(P776-12) 本题考点 : 名词单复数配合 B 应改为 :as directors 13.(P776-13) 本题考点 : 形容词与副词的混用 D 应改为 :calmly 14.(P776-14) 本题考点 : 代词 A 应改为 :I 因为反身代词 (myself, yourself, itself 等 ) 不能单独作为主语 15.(P776-15) 本题考点 : 平行结构 错误在 D 选项 改为 :or to move 本题关键在于 D 选项中的 or, 这是平行结构的标志词之一, 所以 D 的动作必定要与其前面的某一结构平行 结合句意, 应该与 to remain at home 平行 16.(P776-16) 本题 no error 17.(P776-17) 本题 no error 18.(P776-18) 本题考点 : 连词 / 上下句逻辑关系错误在 C 选项 改为 :so( 或者其他表示 因此, 所以 的连词 ) 仔细阅读本句, 发现句首是 though 引导的形容词词组 ( 修饰成分 ), 而第二个逗号隔开的其实是两个完整的句子, 所以中间需要合适的连词连接 Whereby 在 SAT 中出现, 一定是做为副词, 副词是不能连接完整的句子的 19.(P776-19) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 / 倒装结构 错误在 A 选项 改为 :are In the foothills of 是介词词组, 表示地点 地点状语置于句首, 句子应使 25

26 用倒装结构 所以, 原句的实际主语应该是 the sources of a river (N1 of N2 结构作为句子主语, 其中心 语应该是 N1 部分 其中 N1,N2 为两个不同的名词 ), 所以其中心语是 sources, 动词当然应该使用复数 20.(P777-20) 本题考点 : 非谓语动词 C 应改为 :that/which would soon become 或者 that/which soon became 因为原句中的 becoming 为现在分词, 只能表示该动作伴随主句动作 (discovered) 或与主句动作同时发生, 无法表示出 soon( 不久之后才 ) 的含义, 所以只能使用定语从句, 以明确表示出 become 与主句动词 discovered 之间的先后关系 21.(P777-21) 本题考点 : 时态配合 C 应改为 :rented 因为动作 rent 不可能发生在 has made 之前, 故不满足使用过去完成时态的条件 改 为一般过去时即可 22.(P777-22) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 C 应改为 :in addition to being Plus being 属于 awkward expression, 不是标准书面英语 (standard written English) 的用法 23.(P777-23) 本题考点 : 代词 C 应改为 :one s own 24.(P777-24) 本题 no error 25.(P777-25) 本题考点 : 代词 B 应改为 :he or she, 与前文 a student 对应 26.(P777-26) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 A 应改为 :as 27.(P777-27) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 B 应改为 :is, 以与主句主语单数名词 mastery 对应 28.(P777-28) 本题考点 : 比较结构 D 应改为 :than that of steel, 比较结构的一端是 the use of plastics, 所以另一端也应该是 the use of sth, 而不是 steel 26

27 29.(P777-29) 本题 no error 本题的强干扰项是 D,gone 是过去分词, 在形式上属于形容词 而 long since 是副词词组, 修饰 gone 完 全正确 Section10 5.(P802-5) 本题为综合题答案 :B 解析 :A: 代词 they 没有指代对象, 因为 they 之前未出现复数名词 C: 代词 them 没有指代对象, 因为 them 之前未出现复数名词 D: 代词 their 没有指代对象, 因为 their 之前未出现复数名词 E: 主句主谓不一致, 主语中心语是 one result, 而动词是 are 9.(P802-9) 本题为综合题答案 :B 解析 : 原句中出现了两种人 the Navajo and the Apache, 都是复数概念 所以,A,C 中的代词 they 指代模糊, 故排除 D: this 不能单独充当主语 (this is why 是错误的 ) E: 主语是 the Navajo, 而位于句首的同位语是 a migration, 两者不是同一个概念 12.(P803-12) 答案 :A 解析 :B: 代词错误 单数代词 its 不能用来指代复数名词 giraffes 故排除 C: 代词错误 Them 只能指代前面出现的唯一的复数名词 giraffes, 但是根据句意, 长颈鹿把这一特质遗传给了它们的后代 (their offspring), their offspring 应该用单数代词来指代 故排除 D: 使用了被动语态 (this desirable trait would be inherited by their offspring), 表达效果不如主动语态好, 故排除 E: 时态错误 划线之前使用了过去时, 但是,E 选相关却使用了一般现在时 (have) 故排除 27

28 13.(P803-13) 答案 :E 解析 : A B C: 逻辑错误 the number of alligators 不能与 the Gila monster(s) 进行比较 故排除 D: 错误地将 alligator 和 Gila monsters 进行比较, 改变了原句想要表达的意思 且两个名词一个单数 (alligator) 一个复数(Gila monsters), 不满足平行关系 故排除 Test 6 Section4 8.(P837-8) 本题为综合题答案 :B 解析 : 原句主语是 difficulties, 所以主句谓语应使用复数动词 threaten, 据此, 可排除 A,D,E C: 使用 acuter, 改变了原句句意 ( 原句是 acute) 11.(P837-11) 本题为综合题答案 :E 解析 :A: 罗马帝国 (the roman empire) 是单数概念, 代词 their 没有指代对象 B: the roman empire was often questionable 错误, 原句是说罗马帝国使用的手段 questionable, 这里偷换了概念 C: 主句没有谓语 D: 使用了被动语态, 不如 E 12.(P838-12) 本题考点 : 形容词与副词的混用 C 应改为 :serenely, 以修饰动词 float 28

29 13.(P838-13) 本题考点 : 虚拟语气错误在 A 选项 改为 :would have voted 该句是虚拟条件句, 其中 if 之前的是主句, 之后的是从句 此时, 由于 if 之后是 had done 的结构, 所以从句是对过去情况进行虚拟 那么主句也应该是对过去情况进行虚拟, 应该使用 would ( 或者 should / could / might 等 )+ have + done 的形式 请大家注意, 虚拟条件句是 SAT 语法部分的一个难点, 其主 从句形式是人为规定的, 只能硬性记忆 另见 P193(8) 14.(P838-14) 本题 no error 15.(P838-15) 本题考点 : 形容词与副词的混用 D 应改为 :calmly, 以修饰动词 examine 16.(P838-16) 本题考点 : 时态配合 C 应改为 :throw 因为 would have done 结构一般用于虚拟条件句 ( 参见 P838(13)), 此处只是表示过去 的习惯动作, 故 would+ 动词原形 即可 17.(P838-17) 本题考点 : 定语从句 A 应改为 :who 18.(P838-18) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 B 应改为 :to Prefer A to B 为固定搭配, 意为 喜欢 A 胜过喜 欢 B 19.(P838-19) 本题考点 : 代词 D 应改为 :to improve their, 以指代 people 20.(P839-20) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 C 应改为 :has increased, 以与主语 use 搭配 21.(P839-21) 本题考点 : 时态配合 C 应改为 :will be, 参见 P138 例题 22.(P839-22) 本题考点 : 虚拟语气 正确答案 E 该句是虚拟条件句, 其中 if 之前的是主句, 之后的是从句 主干是 :Some of the workers would probably feel uncomfortable if they were to acquire the independence. 由主 从句结构知, 这是对于将来 29

30 情况的虚拟 而 some of the workers,the independence 之后分别有一个从句, 由于 some of the workers 后面的从句使用了一般现在时, 所以, 从时态配合的角度考虑,the independence 后面的从句也应该使用一般现在时 同学们的错误集中在 D, 觉得应该改成 they demanded, 这是错误的 因为原句自始至终没有提到过去的概念 23.(P839-23) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 C 应改为 :protested 24.(P839-24) 本题考点 : 代词 A 应改为 :me 25.(P839-25) 本题考点 : 名词单复数配合 A 应改为 :models 26.(P839-26) 本题考点 : 代词 错误在 D 选项 改为 :do so 在 SAT 语法部分, 代词 it 是不能指代一个动作的, 所以, 出现 do it 一定 是错误的 ( 这与口语中不同, 请大家注意 ) 27.(P839-27) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 A 应改为 :is, 以与主语中心语 insistence 搭配 28.(P839-28) 本题 no error 29.(P839-29) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 D 应改为 :and Section10 9.(P863-9) 本题为综合题答案 :B 解析 : A: while 在 SAT 语法部分出现, 主要两种用法 :(1) 转折连词, 意为 而 (2) 引导时间状语, 意 为 当 时 与 同时 两种含义在此均讲不通 30

31 C: 动词优于相应名词 所以,expansion 不如 B 项中 expand D: 两个独立句子没有分号或者连词 E: continuing doing 作为状语, 与主句动词 widened 有了主次之分 而结合句意, 两动作之间应该是有先后的并列关系 10.(P863-10) 答案 :D 解析 : A: 句子没有动词, 故排除 B: 主语是 origins, 但同位语是 The Basque language, 两者描述内容不一致, 故排除 C: 句首的词组 Possibly one of Europe s oldest languages 修饰句子主语, 根据其含义, 主语应该是某种语言, 而不应该是 the origins of Basque 故排除 E: 原句的意思是 origins 被人们激烈地讨论, 而不是 Basque E 选项改变了原句句意 故排除 12.(P863-12) 答案 :E 解析 : A: 表达不够简洁 as well as 完全可以简化成 and 故排除 B: 两个完整的句子之间不能既没有连词, 也没有分号 故排除 C: 从句位置错误 Which 从句只能修饰就近名词 college, 但是, 根据句意, 从句应该修饰 changes 故排除 D: 平行结构错误 quality 之前有修饰词 its educational, 为了保持平行结构正确, and effectiveness 应该改成 and its educational effectiveness 故排除 14.(P864-14) 本题为综合题答案 :C 解析 : A: being 属于 awkward expression 31

32 B: this 不能单独充当主语 D: 分号后面的分句没有谓语 E: explaining 置于句尾也属于分词做状语, 其逻辑主语只能是主句主语 graduates, 在这里显然讲不通 (explain 的主语应该是主句所阐述的事实 ) Test 7 Section3 7.(P893-7) 答案 :A 解析 : B: inspiration 不能跟 Frank Lloyd Wright 这个人进行比较 故排除 C: Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture ( 建筑作品 ) 是事物, 不能跟 American architects ( 建筑师 ) 进行比较 故排除 D: architects 是人, 不能跟 designs ( 设计作品 ) 进行比较 故排除 E: Frank Lloyd Wright's inspirations 是事物, 不能跟 American architects 进行比较 故排除 8. (P893-8) 答案 :D 解析 : 本题考察了平行结构 比较级的相关知识点 注意到划线部分之前出现了 in poetry than, 所以, 划线部分一定要出现介词 in 据此, 可排除 A 选项 另外, 划线部分出现了 either A or B 结构, 其中 A B 部分需要平行, 据此, 可排除 B C E 选项 故本题答案是 D 选项 32

33 11.(P893-11) 本题为综合题答案 :E 解析 :A: since such is the case 属于冗余的表达 B: 结合句意,that 只能指代前面的句子说明的情况 而 SAT 语法部分, 任何代词都不能指代整个句子 C: 两个独立的句子中间既没有分号, 也没有连词 D: 两个独立的句子中间既没有分号, 也没有连词 12.(P894-12) 本题考点 : 时态配合 / 词形 C 应改为 :wrote 13.(P894-13) 本题考点 : 比较结构 C 应改为 :busier 或 much busier 14.(P894-14) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 B 应改为 :there are 15.(P894-15) 本题考点 : 定语从句 B 应改为 :who 16.(P894-16) 本题 no error 17.(P894-17) 本题 no error 18.(P895-18) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 B 应改为 :are 19.(P895-19) 本题考点 : 代词 B 应改为 :them, 指代 signs 20.(P895-20) 本题考点 : 平行结构 / 动词时态错误在 D 选项 改为 :imitates 或者 has to imitate 请大家注意 B 选项,whereas 在 SAT 中出现, 一定是表示两种情况的对立 ( 其用法类似于连词 while), 也就是说前后分句应该构成平行结构 由于 whereas 之后的动词是一般现在时 attempts, 所以 A 处也应该使用一般现在时 33

34 21.(P895-21) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 B 应改为 :have essued 句子的主语是复数名词 many nations, 故动词应该相应地使用复数形式 22.(P895-22) 本题考点 : 平行结构错误在 D 选项 改为 :gave them C 选项之前的 and 是平行结构标志词之一, 其前面是两个动词并列 familiarized, taught, 且主语都是 the tribal council s program, 宾语都是 young people( 即 them ) 所以, C 处出于结构严整的考虑, 也该把动词作调整, 使其主语是 the tribal council s program, 宾语是 them 23.(P895-23) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 A 应改为 :shows that, 以与主语中心语 observation 配合 24.(P895-24) 本题考点 : 固定搭配错误在 A 选项 应该把 away 去掉 Be far away from 表示具体的距离的 远离 而 Be far from 表示抽象的概念的 远离 结合句意, 原句要表示 胡弗是他所在时代进步力量, 而远非保守的顽固分子, 这显然是一种抽象概念 ( 保守的顽固分子 ) 的 远离 本题考查十分细致, 同学很容易误选 E 25.(P895-25) 本题考点 : 时态配合 B 应改为 :has been, 以与时间状语 for the past hundred years or more 搭配 26.(P896-26) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 C 应改为 :inconsistent with 27.(P896-27) 本题考点 : 比较结构 D 应改为 :more spirit 28.(P896-28) 本题考点 : 代词 A 应改为 :and me 29.(P896-29) 本题 no error 34

35 Section10 8.(P925-8) 本题为综合题答案 :C 解析 : A: as 在 SAT 语法部分出现, 作为连词主要两种用法 :(1) 表示因果关系, 意为 因为 (2) 引导时间状语, 意为 与 同时 两种含义在此均讲不通 B: 改变了句子的重心, 造成句子头太重 D: being 属于 awkward expression E: being 属于 awkward expression 12.(P925-12) 本题为综合题答案 :A 解析 : B: as superintendent 作为插入成分, 与主句主语 the maintenance staff 不是同一个概念 C: 主语是 superintendent, 中间加入插入成分, 则后面应该直接出现句子谓语部分, 不必再重复主语代词 she D: 原句前后句含有让步关系, 连词 and 无法表示这种关系 E: 主语是 superintendent, 中间加入插入成分, 则后面应该直接出现句子谓语部分, 不必再重复主语代词 she Test 8 Section3 7.(P955-7) 答案 :B 解析 :A C E: 句子没有动词, 故排除 D: 句子表面上使用了倒装结构, 但还原成陈述句变成了 Dr. Henderson and Dr. Ball are widely known having the numerous authored,known 之后缺少介词连接 故排除 35

36 8.(P955-8) 本题为综合题答案 :C 解析 : A: 没有语法错误, 但是 and 连接的两个独立句子不如一个句子 ( 即使含有从句 ) 更好 B: 主语是 scientists, 紧跟从句, 则后面应该直接出现句子谓语部分, 不必再重复主语代词 they D: 改变了句子的重心, 造成句子头太重 E: 改变了句子的重心, 原句是 scientists 做主语 12.(P956-12) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 B 应改为 :are, 以与主语 plans 搭配, 本句为倒装句 正常语序为 the plans for are at the heart of the program 13.(P956-13) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 B 应改为 :to keep 14.(P956-14) 本题 no error 本题考点 : 主谓一致 C 为强干扰项 许多同学觉得 C 应该改为 are, 但 是,introducing new ideas and replacing old ones 是一个统一的整体概念, 这由原句中 a highly controversial matter 可得知, 故动词使用单数形式是正确的 15.(P956-15) 本题考点 : 形容词与副词的混用 D 应改为 :calmly 16.(P956-16) 本题考点 : 主谓一致 A 应改为 :have, 以与主语 details 搭配 17.(P956-17) 本题考点 : 动词时态 错误在 D 选项 改为 :were 对于动词时态问题, 其考查核心始终是 时态的配合, 由于原句 just when those who were 使用了一般过去时, 所以主句应该使用一般过去时与之配合 18.(P956-18) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 D 应改为 :nor 19.(P957-19) 本题考点 : 名词单复数配合 36

37 错误在 C 选项 改为 :their lives Life 虽然是抽象名词, 但是, 许多人无法共享一次生命, 所以, 应该 把 life 改称复数形式 可见, 名词单复数的配合也是不能一概而论的, 并非所有抽象名词都不用配合, 应该具体问题具体分析 另参见 P415(13) 20.(P957-20) 本题考点 : 时态配合 A 应改为 :had spent, 以与时间状语 before he sprained 搭配 21.(P957-21) 本题考点 : 定语从句引导词错误在 A 选项 改为 :in which( 我认为也可以改为 where ) 在 SAT 写作中,ETS 希望培养考生形成良好地写作习惯, 即 Try to cultivate the student s ability to write correctly, accurately and clearly Accurately( 精确 ) 如何体现? 定语从句的引导词问题是一个很好的说明 我们平时的语法体系认为, that 是万能引导词, 它可以引导几乎所有定语从句, 先行词是表示时间 地点的词语也不例外 但是, 在 SAT 语法部分, 如果先行词是表示地点的词语 ( 如本句中的 world), 我们用 that 引导从句, 就会产生 表达不准确 的错误 因为,that 本身并不能准确地表示出先行词在从句中的充当的成分及与从句的逻辑关系 所以, 改为 in which, 逻辑关系便表示地准确无误了 所以, 在 SAT 语法部分, 出于表达 精确 的考虑, 当先行词是表示时间 地点等的词语时不能使用万能引导词 that, 而应该使用关系副词 when, where, 或者 介词 +which 22.(P957-22) 本题考点 : 代词 A 应改为 :Juan and me 23.(P957-22) 本题 no error 24.(P957-24) 本题考点 : 时态配合 / 主谓一致 D 应改为 :owned 25.(P957-25) 本题考点 : 固定搭配 A 应改为 :to 26.(P957-26) 本题考点 : 代词 C 应改为 :the office manager, 因为根据原句,the office manager 和 Ms. Andrews 均为女性, 所以 she 指代不明 27.(P957-27) 本题 no error 37

38 28.(P957-28) 本题考点 : 名词单复数配合 A 应改为 :as candidates 29.(P957-29) 本题 no error Section10 9.(P987-9) 本题为综合题答案 :C 解析 : A,B: 均使用了被动的表达 caused by, 不如 C 的主动表达 D,E: 表达让步关系,despite the fact of 和 in spite of 均不如 though 13.(P988-13) 本题考点 : 平行结构答案 :E 解析 : 结合句意,or( 或者 nor) 之后的动作因该与前面的 to accept 并列, 表示 他拒绝 且拒绝, 所以直接得出 E 选项 38

39 OG-ISE- 无选项版 写在前面 : 官方指南是 SAT 考试最好的备考资料之一, 也是 CollegeBoard 官方出版的为数不多的模拟练习之一 ( 其它的还有 CollegeBoard 网站的少数样题 每日一题及 OC) 官方指南中的语法题目除极个别题目考点较偏之外, 其余均较好的吻合了 SAT 真题语法部分的出题思路, 考生一定要对这些题目深入研究 许多考生反映,OG 中的 ISE 题目做了 2-3 遍之后便失去了再做的意义, 其实不然 这些题目做多少遍都不为过, 关键看用怎样的形式做 且每做一遍的目的不同, 达到的效果也不同 鉴于此, 我制作了无选项版 OG 挑错题, 供各位喜欢挑战自我极限的考生练习使用 本文档只收录了新版 OG 中第 4-10 套题目中的 ISE 题目 没有选项的挑错做起来更加刺激! 39

40 P161 1 The bright fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received critical acclaim not only in his home state, New Mexico, but also in New York. 2 Even with a calculator, you must have a basic understanding of mathematics if one expects to solve complex problems correctly. 3 People who dislike cats sometimes criticize them for being aloof and independent; people who are fond of cats often admire them for the same qualities. 4 The decision that has just been agreed with by the committee members should serve as a basis for their work in the years to come. P166 1 Since there is two pencils, a pad of paper, and a ruler on each desk, students do not have to bring their own supplies. 2 Each time Caroline turns on her computer, she has to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password before she can begin working. 3 Flints found in the region extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to the presence of people there as long ago as one hundred thousand years. 4 By virtue of its size and supersensitive electronics, modern radio telescopes are able to gather more waves and discriminate among them with greater precision than earlier versions could. 5 Delgado s dilemma was like many other young writers: he had to choose between assured publication in a student magazine and probable rejection by a popular magazine. 40

41 6 Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied for years, but only recently has the harmful effects of noise pollution become known. 7 No matter how cautious snowmobiles are driven, they are capable of damaging the land over which they travel. 8 The starling is such a pest in rural areas that it has become necessary to find ways of controlling the growth of their population. P One challenge that writer Eleanor Wong Telemaque faced was how preserving her ethnic identity while becoming more accessible to readers who are accustomed to writers from other cultural backgrounds. 11 Lions and tigers may be identical in size, but the tiger is the fiercer animal and the lion the strongest. 12 Ms. Jordan proudly demonstrated her company s most popular product, a watch that flashes the time in lighted numerals when pressing a button. 13 In the 1920s, much critical approval was given to a group of English writers known as the Bloomsbury group, the most famous of whom was Virginia Woolf. 14 Maude Adams, after her spectacular triumph as the original Peter Pan, went about heavy veiled and was accessible to only a handful of intimate friends. 15 All states impose severe penalties on drivers who do not stop when he or she is involved in accidents. 16 If one is interested in learning even more about Zora Neale Hurston, you should read Robert Hemenway s biography. 41

42 17 If he had begun earlier, he might have succeeded in finishing the extremely complex project before the deadline. 18 In the early twentieth century, new thinking about symbolism and the unconscious were greatly inspired by the writings of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Model Test 4 (P601) 12 Fourteen years after the Galileo space probe was launched from the space shuttle Atlantis, the mission was purposely ended when the Galileo disintegrates in the dense atmosphere of the planet Jupiter. 13 The labor union is negotiating a contract with the hospital that will satisfy the demands of the workers and be acceptable to all levels of management. 14 Many professional athletes are motivated by either personal pride and love of their sport, but some seem interested only in money. 15 Even though only parts of clay vessels may be recovered, these pottery shards are invaluable to the archaeologist because it is virtually indestructible. 16 Along the curve of islands known as the Florida Keys lies a reef of living coral, the only one of a kind in the continental United States. 17 Paule Marshall, whose Barbadian background has influenced her writing, describes many details of life in the Caribbean Islands vividly in her novels and short stories. 18 Because he is absent when his rivals voted against his proposal, Selby is worried about missing future meetings of the board of directors. 42

43 19 In those cities in which public transportation is adequate, fewer traffic problems occur and pedestrians are rarely involved in accidents. 20 Social scientists agree that a system for exchanging goods and services is not only present but also of necessity in all societies. 21 The report Alexander is discussing, a report prepared jointly by he and the committee, does not take into account the socioeconomic status of those interviewed. 22 It is far easier to ride a bicycle than explaining in words exactly how a bicycle is ridden. 23 Jorge wanted, for the most part, to travel around the world after graduation, but sometimes he thought about taking a job at his mother s company instead. 24 Since some people are convinced that dowsing, a method of finding underground water with a X-shaped stick, is effective, but others condemn the procedure as mere superstition. 25 Intense preoccupation on technique appears to be the one trait that great pianists have in common. 26 Apparently impressed with our plans, the foundation awarded Carlos and I a grant to establish a network of community centers throughout the city. 27 Also supported by the commission was the proposed health clinics and the proposed center to distribute information on job-training opportunities. 28 The quality of multivitamin tablets is determined by how long its potency can be protected by the manufacturer s coating material. 43

44 29 The research study reveals startling proof of a constant changing seafloor that comprises the major part of the underwater landscape. Model Test 5 (P658) 12 Directed by George Wolfe, the Broadway musical Bring in Da Noise, Bring in Da Funk telling how tap dancing evolved from the African American experience in the decades following the Civil War. 13 The question of whether certain chemical fertilizers are curse or are they a blessing is still being debated. 14 People which need immediate reeducation for employment are impatient with the prolonged debate over funding for the new national program. 15 The thoughtful student wonders what Patrick Henry meant when he talked about liberty because most of the members of the House of Burgesses then having been slaveholders. 16 One challenge that writer Eleanor Wong Telemaque faced was how preserving her ethnic identity while becoming more accessible to readers who are accustomed to writers from other cultural backgrounds. 17 No one objects to his company, even though he has made insulting remarks about almost every member of the group, when he is a remarkably witty man. 18 Just how critical an improved balance of trade is to a healthy economy has never been more clearer than it is now. 19 Critics contend that reforms in welfare has not managed to bring the high percentage of our nation s children living in poverty the economic security that they need to thrive. 20 Crabs living in polluted waters will come in contact with large numbers of disease-causing microorganisms because it feeds by filtering nutrients from water. 44

45 21 The new system, which uses remote cameras in the catching of speeding motorists, may undermine the police department s authority. 22 Although the politician was initially very sensitive to be criticized by the press, he quickly became more confident about responding to reporters sometimes pointed questions. 23 Although Pre-Raphaelite artists advocated the close study of nature, their paintings sometimes seem elaborately artificial to modern viewers. 24 Lions and tigers may be identical in size, but the tiger is the fiercer animal and the lion the strongest. 25 The decline in science education during the period had two causes: less funding for scientific research with a decrease in jobs related to space and defense. 26 The number of awards given this year to biochemists accentuate the significant gains being made in the study of the chemistry of living organisms. 27 The novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen was once more widely read and was more popular in high schools in the United States than Charlotte Bronte. 28 Until it can be replaced by a faster, more efficient, and more economical means of transportation, trucks will carry most of the freight within and through metropolitan areas. 29 Nearly all of the editors of the magazine agree that of the two articles to be published, Fujimura s is the more exciting. Model Test 6 (P720) 12 Brand-name prescription drugs are often more familiar to consumers than generic drugs, but the latter are not nearly as expensive than brand-name drugs. 45

46 13 In 1508, the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon--- the same Ponce de Leon who later would seek the fountain of youth--- landed on Puerto Rico accompanied by a small force. 14 Because they painted scenes of life as ordinary people lived it, rather than scenes from myths, many nineteenth-century American artists differed from earlier times. 15 Few issues of public policy are as likely to provoke widespread interest as that involving possible danger to the health or safety of children. 16 The young fish were very tiny, yet each of them ate many times its own weight in solid food every day. 17 In the opinion of the lecturer, a background in the history of the Middle Ages is not a condition necessary in the enjoyment of medieval literature. 18 Driving less frequently is one way to save energy; to turn off all appliances when they are not being used is another. 19 After Geruude Ederle had swam the English Channel, she was celebrated as the first woman ever to accomplish the feat. 20 When a government agency encouraged the use of high-grade recycled office paper, they helped increase the availability of writing paper and envelopes made from recycled paper. 21 Malaria, a disease which has been almost completely eradicated in the United States, is still a threat of travelers in some foreign countries. 22 When a government agency encouraged the use of high-grade recycled office paper, they helped increase the availability of writing paper and envelopes made from recycled paper. 46

47 23 The Papago Indians of southern Arizona take justifiable pride in their traditional craft of basket-weaving, an art that has brought them fame throughout the Southwest. 24 The record left by fossils, the ancient remains of plants and animals, provide scientists with their primary source of information about prehistoric life. 25 The exchange between the teacher and the student promotes learning far different from that which results as the student listens but does not participate. 26 Studying the language and culture of a foreign country is highly recommended to the tourist who expect to learn from his or her vacation abroad. 27 For we students, concern about impending tuition hikes was even more acute than apprehension about final exams. 28 The jury took offense at the prosecutor s mocking tone but could deny neither the accuracy of the charges or the seriousness of the crime. 29 Available through the school s guidance office is a job directory and a list of job referral centers that provide information for students in need of employment. Model Test 7 (P776) 12 Much of the success of Frank Capra and George Stevens as a director of motion pictures can be attributed to the technical work of talented film editors. 13 It was fortunate that Ms. Seward attended the committee meeting, for only she was able to examine the problem calm and thoughtfully. 47

48 14 My colleague and myself received an award for our paper on the accuracy with which a polygraph measures physiological processes. 15 A lack of job opportunities for recent graduates restricts their independence, often forcing them to remain at home or else they move back home. 16 Marathon racing, a challenging test of endurance, has become increasingly popular among amateur athletes in the last few years. 17 Crossing and recrossing the stream, stepping on or over slippery rocks, and following a trail that grew steeper and steeper, the hikers soon realized how challenging their day would be. 18 Though best known as a jazz vocalist, he also enjoyed gospel music, whereby he told his manager that he wanted to make a recording of his favorite gospel songs. 19 In the foothills of that large mountain range is the sources of a river whose course was not fully mapped until this century. 20 In 1850 Jim Beckwourm, a Black American explorer, discovered in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada a pass soon becoming an important gateway to California gold-rush country. 21 Because the flood has made the bridge inaccessible to automobiles and pedestrians alike, we had rented a small boat to reach the island. 22 The Mount Isa mine complex is one of the most highly mechanized in the world, plus being the largest single industrial enterprise in Queensland. 23 Although one likes to believe that your own children are beautiful, intelligent, and well behaved, what one believes is not always the case. 48

49 24 The warning in the plays is clear: unless we restore the integrity of the family, all traditional values will disappear. 25 As a student becomes familiar with both early and contemporary Native American literature, one may notice that traditional stories have influenced recent ones. 26 John Edgar Wideman is regarded to be one of the most talented writers of the late twentieth century and is often compared to such literary giants as Ralph Ellison and Richard Wright. 27 Mastery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques are mandatory for firefighters and police officers as well as rescue squad volunteers. 28 In the United States, the industrial use of plastics is greater than steel, aluminum, and copper combined. 29 The dolls in the collection, all more than two hundred years old, had been carefully carved for children long since gone. Model Test 8 (P838) 12 Although canoeing through the rapids was exciting, it was also exhausting, and we were happy for a time to have the canoe float serene down a smooth stretch of the river. 13 Undoubtedly, more voters in the urban areas will have voted for Julia Morton if she had taken a less conservative stand on zoning codes than she did. 14 Writing about people whose circumstances were deplorable, Dickens used the novel to protest social condition in Victorian England. 15 It was fortunate that the doctor, in spite of adverse medical condition, was able to examine the patient calm and competently. 49

50 16 In the early days of the steam locomotive, compassionate engineers would sometimes have thrown coal overboard in poor neighborhoods. 17 According to the store manager, the most important workers were those which had contributed to the reputation of the store rather than those with the most impressive sales figures. 18 The survey showed that most shoppers who drive prefer the mall more than downtown stores simply because finding parking is less difficult at the mall. 19 For people in many ancient societies, work was only a means of survival rather than a way to improve your standard of living. 20 The use of irrigation in the once-arid region have increased the production of alfalfa and of many other crops as well. 21 Unfortunately, the opening of the new library complex, previously scheduled for next September, would be delayed for several months because of construction difficulties. 22 Some of the workers who resent the supervisor s authority would probably feel uncomfortable if they were to acquire the independence that they demand. 23 Given her strong sense of social justice, Burns vehemently protested over her party s failure to support a tax decrease for senior citizens. 24 The friendly competition between my older sister and I began as soon as we learned that our aunt had joked that she might write a will leaving her house to me alone. 25 People who wish to be a model should remember that not all modeling is glamorous and that a great deal of it is simply tiring. 50

51 26 Professor Chen repeated her point that the hero, if given the chance to relieve the moment, would choose to do it. 27 The professor s insistence on high standards and rigorous examinations are not, despite what students think, part of a plan to withhold high grades from them. 28 Watkins believes that the decline of the essay in the United States today is largely due to decreasing number of inquiring readers. 29 Today a medical doctor must often make a choice between engaging in private practice or engaging in research. Model Test 9 (P894) 12 Although born in the Midwest, Langston Hughes lived most of his adult life in Harlem, in New York City, where, like other writers in the 1930 s, he had wrote some of his finest works. 13 In constant demand as a speaker, Ms. Chernock has never been more busier than she is now. 14 During the night, there is usually two German shepherds at the warehouse to guard against robbery attempts. 15 Candy manufacturers applauded the discovery by researchers that students which smell chocolate while study and again while taking a test are able to recall more material than students not exposed to the odor of chocolate. 16 One can hardly determine which contributes more to the success of a violinist---innate skill or regular practice. 17 The Red Cross workers had not expected the refugees from the flooded plain to be as desperate and as undernourished as those whom they had seen earlier in the week. 51

52 18 Although naturalists have identified six hundred different forms of the corion snail, there is actually no more than two true species within this genus. 19 The department of transportation has introduced pictorial traffic signs because drivers can react to this more quickly than to verbal ones. 20 She claimed that the representational actor is having to imitate a character s behavior, whereas the presentational actor attempts to reveal human behavior through self-understanding. 21 Many nations, and the United Nations itself, has issued stamps that commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the UN charter. 22 The tribal council s program familiarized young people with Cherokee history, taught them tribal traditions, and they had the opportunity to learn skills used by ancient artists. 23 Observation of diverse animal species show that the most successful in the struggle for survival are those which are most adaptable to changes in their world. 24 Far away from having been a diehard conservative, Hoover was, some scholars now contend, the leading progressive of his day. 25 For the past hundred years or more, Yellowstone National Park was a kind of sociological laboratory in which North Americans have been exploring the meaning of the national-park concept. 26 Alerted by the nervousness and evasiveness of the witness, the jurors were quick to perceive that his statements were inconsistent to those he had made earlier. 27 In many respects Anna Karenina and Emma Bovary are very similar characters, but Bovary has the most spirit and determination. 52

53 28 Between the sales manager and I existed an easy, cooperative working relationship; neither of us hesitated to discuss problems. 29 As the archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas a Becket assumed an independence that was intolerable to the king, who had long been his friend. Model Test 10 (P956) 12 At the heart of the program, enthusiastically endorsed by the city s business association, is plans for refurbishing neighborhoods and for making low-interest mortgages available to young families. 13 The illustrated books by Dr. Seuss have managed keeping youngsters and adults alike entertained for several decades. 14 Introducing new ideas and replacing old ones is always a highly controversial matter, especially when there is already tension between an older and a younger generation. 15 It was unfortunate that the inexperienced veterinarian was able to examine the injured horse calm and with confidence. 16 Although the details of the contract has not yet been announced, it is likely that union negotiators accepted the proposed training program for newly hired workers. 17 Just when those who were watching from the sidelines feared the worst (B), the athletes themselves are the most confident. 18 Though the statistics on their experiment were neither precise or significant, the biochemists still published them. 53

54 19 George Thornton Emmons was one of a handful of ethnographers who committed their life to studying the Tlight culture of the Northwest Coast. 20 Before he sprained his back, Morgan spends much of his leisure time engaged in outdoor sports, particularly hiking and canoeing. 21 In a world that the rate of technological and social change accelerates frighteningly, change itself often seems to be the only constant. 22 Ms. Tanaka asked Juan and I whether we would consider joining our school s quiz bowl team. 23 Something of a phenomenon in the entertainment world, political satirists are admired by conservatives and radicals alike. 24 In the past, the small nation had been committed to self-managed socialism, a system under which the workers, rather than the state, owns most enterprises. 25 Listening at the first song its lead singer ever wrote, the band members did not foresee that this young man would be responsible for bringing them to the attention of the world. 26 The office manager and her coworker, Ms. Andrews, received equal pay from the company until she got a raise for helping to increase productivity. 27 Attaining speeds of up to 60 miles per hour, cheetahs are perhaps the fastest of land animals. 28 Whether or not they were successful as a candidate, women such as Geraldine Ferraro and Pat Schroeder have opened the door to the election of a woman as President. 29 The often conflicting reports of different polling organizations make it difficult to predict which of the two candidates is more likely to win the election next year. 54

55 附录 :SAT 语法部分简介与备考建议 SAT 语法部分简介 语法部分属于 SAT reasoning test 中的写作 (writing) 板块, 与 essay writing 分值一起组成写作板块的总 分 整个语法部分包括三种题型 :ISE(Identifying sentence errors, 即挑错题 )18 小题 IS(Improving sentences, 即句子改进题 )25 小题 IP(Improving paragraphs, 即段落改进题 )6 小题, 所有题目均为五选一 对于广大中国考生来说,SAT 语法部分的难度主要在于 : 一 题型新颖 以上三种题型除了 IS 题目与 GMAT 考试中的句子改进题相似之外, 其他题型很难在 国内外其他考试中找到对应 而参加 SAT 考试的绝大部分大陆考生都是高中学生, 平时根本没有接触过 类似题型 另外, 中国学生易受固定思维影响, 比如在做挑错题时, 许多人把题干读了一遍又一遍, 硬 要在本来没有错误的句子中挑出错误, 殊不知在真题中 E 选项 ( 即 No Error 选项 ) 的比例占到了大约 17% ( 约等于六分之一 ) 二 时间紧迫 以上三种题型共 49 道小题, 在真题中占到两个 Section( 不包括加试 Section), 其中 一个 Section25 分钟 35 题, 另一个 Section10 分钟 14 题 对于绝大多数中国学生来说, 语法部分的时间 是非常紧迫的, 尤其是 25 分钟的 Section, 很多人做不完题目 如果连题目都做不完, 那么语法部分要答 对 44 题以上 写作部分总分突破 700 分基本无望 但是, 诸位考生也不要因此而灰心丧气 首先,SAT 语法部分的难度较之阅读部分还是小了许多 其次, 通过对真题的深入研究, 我们不难发现, 语法部分考题的规律性极强 核心考点重复率高 正确 率受到考生词汇量影响不大, 而且涉及的语法知识比中国高考所涉及的语法知识浅显 因此, 如果经过 系统 合理的复习, 语法部分完全有可能成为所有中国考生提升空间最大 除数学部分外得分最容易的 题型 考生一旦突破了语法题的瓶颈, 那么 SAT1 总分突破 2000 分甚至 2100 分就大有希望了, 而 2000 分对于申请美国高校的中国高中生来说是很有竞争力的分数 55

56 下面笔者就 SAT 语法部分的备考提出几点建议 : 一 预备阶段 : 夯实语法基础 笔者认为, 在整个 SAT 备考过程中, 背单词作为各单项的必要准备应该是最早开始同时也是考生 应该投入最多时间的环节 而语法板块的复习可以大约在参加考试前九个月至一年时启动 ( 这个时间是 对于白天上学 晚上回家还要做作业的普通高中生来说的 如果是在家 全职 备考的学生, 语法复习 时间还可以进一步缩短为 6 个月左右 ) 本阶段, 考生的主要任务就是夯实语法基础, 确保自己的语法体 系没有大的漏洞, 对各种主要语言现象都能大概了解 首先, 可以结合高中英语课本或适合高中生的语法书把英语语法体系中的要点过一遍 比如, 名词 代词 形容词与副词 动词时态 非谓语动词 情态动词 被动语态 从句 虚拟语气 倒装句 强调 句 主谓一致 虚拟语气等 由于 SAT 语法部分的考核重点有其特殊性 与高考语法涵盖面存在一定差 异, 所以, 如果考生有时间能够参加一个 SAT 基础班会更好 在基础班上, 语法老师会按照 SAT 考试的 特点, 带领同学复习 SAT 语法部分出现的语法知识, 有的放矢的讲解会使复习重点更加突出 这样, 考 生就不必再占用自己的课外时间学习语法了, 复习会更有针对性, 且效率更高, 同时避免在若干高中语 法的重点而 SAT 涉及不多的语法点上浪费过多时间 其次, 在上基础班 ( 或者自己复习语法点 ) 的同时或基础班结束后, 可以买一本 SAT 模拟题, 只做 里面的 ISE( 挑错题 ) 目前市面上有许多 SAT 辅导资料, 笔者认为, 就语法部分来说, 形形色色的模拟 题优点在于, 语法部分的挑错题一般都给出了解释和改正方法, 但缺点也相当明显 模拟题虽然在一 定程度上试图模仿真题, 但它们都不可避免地与真题的出题思路出现或多或少的偏差 甚至出现一些偏 题和怪题, 这会极大地打击考生的自信心, 同时不利于考生熟悉真题的出题套路 故, 笔者向那些 不 搞题海战术心里不踏实 的考生提出建议, 模拟题最多买一本, 而且只做其中的挑错题即可, 时间比较 紧张的考生, 模拟题不做也罢, 影响不大 56

前 言 一 場 交 換 學 生 的 夢, 夢 想 不 只 是 敢 夢, 而 是 也 要 敢 去 實 踐 為 期 一 年 的 交 換 學 生 生 涯, 說 長 不 長, 說 短 不 短 再 長 的 路, 一 步 步 也 能 走 完 ; 再 短 的 路, 不 踏 出 起 步 就 無 法 到 達 這 次

前 言 一 場 交 換 學 生 的 夢, 夢 想 不 只 是 敢 夢, 而 是 也 要 敢 去 實 踐 為 期 一 年 的 交 換 學 生 生 涯, 說 長 不 長, 說 短 不 短 再 長 的 路, 一 步 步 也 能 走 完 ; 再 短 的 路, 不 踏 出 起 步 就 無 法 到 達 這 次 壹 教 育 部 獎 助 國 內 大 學 校 院 選 送 優 秀 學 生 出 國 研 修 之 留 學 生 成 果 報 告 書 奧 地 利 約 翰 克 卜 勒 大 學 (JKU) 留 學 心 得 原 就 讀 學 校 / 科 系 / 年 級 : 長 榮 大 學 / 財 務 金 融 學 系 / 四 年 級 獲 獎 生 姓 名 : 賴 欣 怡 研 修 國 家 : 奧 地 利 研 修 學 校 : 約 翰 克 普

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