中等职业学校通用教材 英语 ( 第二册 ) English Book 2 徐久芳主编 陈秀美林薇主编 陈美珍主审 北京

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1 社 心 版 中 出 版 学 n 出 c 科 术 k. o 技 o b 教 a. 职 ww w

2 中等职业学校通用教材 英语 ( 第二册 ) English Book 2 徐久芳主编 陈秀美林薇主编 陈美珍主审 北京

3 内容简介 中等职业学校通用教材 英语 共两册, 分两个学期使用, 每周安排 4 学 时 也可以根椐各校的具体教学情况及学生的专业特点自行安排教学进度 本书是该套书的第二册 本书共有 10 个单元, 内容结合学生的学习生活和今后的工作环境设计 每个单元围绕一个话题, 设计灵活多样的任务展开听 说 读 写技能训练 每单元由六个模块组成 : 准备 听说 读写 语法 兴趣英语和文化交流 本书配有电子教案, 为授课提供课堂教学的基本框架, 明确单元教学目标, 教学重点和语言训练的方法 途径和手段 同时, 提供配套练习册和听力部分录音光盘等教学资料, 以满足教师课堂教学和学生课后自主学习的需要 本书适合作为中等职业学校的教材 图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据 英语. 第 2 册 / 徐久芳主编. 北京 : 科学出版社,2009 ( 中等职业学校通用教材 ) ISBN Ⅰ. 英 Ⅱ. 徐 Ⅲ. 英语课 - 专业学校 - 教材 Ⅳ. G 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2009) 第 号 责作编辑 : 王淑兰孙杰 / 责任校对 : 耿耘责任印制 : 吕春民 / 封面设计 : 多边数字媒体 科学出版社发行各地新华书店经销 * 2009 年 2 月第一版开本 : / 年 2 月第一次印刷印张 :8 3/4 印数 : 字数 : 定价 :18.00 元 ( 如有印装质量问题, 我社负责调换 科印 ) 销售部电话 编辑部电话 版权所有, 侵权必究举报电话 : ; ; 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

4 本书编委会 主编徐久芳副主编陈秀美林薇主审陈美珍编委 ( 按姓氏笔画顺序 ) 邓佳丁李育红邹丽华吴玲芳郑云郑美霞郑静郭宏黄文玺黄真

5 前言 PREFACE 近年来, 随着中等职业教育的大发展, 各类中职校招生规模的不断扩大, 大部 分学生入学时英语基础比较薄弱, 而英语又是中职学校一门必修的文化基础课程 为了适应这一新的需求, 科学出版社组织一批具有丰富教学经验的中等职业学校一线优秀教师, 在广泛听取了来自各方面的意见的基础上, 编写了一套中等职业学校通用的英语教材, 以适应新形势对中职英语教学改革的紧迫需要 本套教材依据中等职业教育 以就业为导向, 以服务为宗旨, 以能力为本位, 以岗位为目标 的办学新理念和 中等职业学校英语教学新大纲 的基本要求, 把握 以实际应用为目的, 简单够用为尺度 的基本原则, 全面更新教学观念, 体系和内容 教材把培养学生实际使用英语处理工作和生活中的涉外交际活动的能力作为最终目标, 改变英语教学中学用结合不密切的低效率局面, 突出英语教学为改革开放服务的实用方向 编者力求为改进中职英语教学现状, 提高教学质量尽最大的努力 本套教材具有如下几个方面的特色 : 1. 适用范围广 本套教材在内容上考虑与普通初中英语教学衔接的同时, 更突出降低起点和要求, 以符合当前绝大多数中职校学生的实际英语水平, 适用于各类中等职业学校 2. 话题贴近生活, 训练方式灵活多样 选题内容主要是围绕日常生活中最经常涉及的有关学习 工作 衣食住行等话题 每个单元围绕一个话题设计各种灵活多样的听说读写任务展开教学, 分热身 听说 读写 语法应用 趣味英语和文化点滴等环节 3. 选材内容充分体现了实用性 时代感 知识性和趣味性, 兼顾语言的规范性 听说部分所选用的语言材料和情景, 力求符合实际交际的需要 把语言基本技能训练与实际涉外活动结合起来, 培养学生实际交际能力 阅读题材和文化点滴的知识性使学生开拓眼界, 了解文化差异, 增强世界意识, 进一步提高语感和交际能力, 为学生自主学习创造充分的条件 书面表达只涉及一些简单 容易操作的训练任务, 重点突出实际应用 4. 认真贯彻 学一点, 用一点, 边学边用, 学以致用 的原则 根据学生的实际情况和接受能力安排教学内容, 不追求全面系统的语言知识教学 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 i

6 5. 单元模块布局合理, 便于实际教学 1 Warming Up 通过图片展示和问题讨论的方式呈现本单元的重要词汇或短语表达 2 Listening & Speaking 通过听一些简单句子和一个对话, 呈现本单元的重要的口语表达句型, 在此基础之上, 进行灵活多样的口语表达操练 3 Reading & Writing 通过形式多样的阅读材料, 如广告 信件 常识介绍 事件叙述等, 提高学生的阅读能力, 并在此基础上完成一项简单容易的实际应用书面表达 4 Grammar 部分淡化语法理论的教学, 主要通过练习来提高学生英语语言规范性 5 Interesting English 也是本教材的一大特色, 通过幽默 笑话 绕口令 谜语 脑筋急转弯 英语俗语等多种趣味活动, 让学生体验轻松快乐的学习 6 Cultural Notes 提供与单元主题有关的阅读材料, 让学生了解中外文化知识, 加强跨文化交际意识和自主学习能力 本套教材在编写过程中得到参编者所在学校领导和英语教研室同仁的大力支持与帮助, 在此深表谢意 本书是 英语 ( 第二册 ) 题材广泛, 内容新颖, 图文并茂, 语言鲜活地道 但由于编写时间紧迫, 书中难免会存在一些不妥和疏漏之处, 欢迎广大使用者批评指正, 以期本教材能为中职英语教学做出应有的贡献 编者 ii

7 目录 CONTENTS Structure of the Book vi Unit 1 Travel by Air 1 Warming Up 1 Listening & Speaking 2 Reading & Writing 5 Grammar 7 Interesting English 10 Cultural Notes 10 Unit 2 I Want to Book a Room for Tonight 12 Warming Up 12 Listening & Speaking 13 Reading & Writing 16 Grammar 19 Interesting English 21 Cultural Notes 21 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Unit 3 Commodity Fair 23 Warming Up 23 Listening & Speaking 24 Reading & Writing 27 Grammar 30 Interesting English 32 Cultural Notes 32 iii

8 Unit 4 Go Sightseeing 34 Warming Up 34 Listening & Speaking 35 Reading & Writing 39 Grammar 41 Interesting English 44 Cultural Notes 44 Unit 5 Do You Have a Bank Account? 46 Warming Up 46 Listening & Speaking 47 Reading & Writing 50 Grammar 51 Interesting English 54 Cultural Notes 55 Unit 6 At a Factory 56 Warming Up 56 Listening & Speaking 57 Reading & Writing 60 Grammar 62 Interesting English 65 Cultural Notes 65 Unit 7 Would You Like to Have Your Own Car? 67 Warming Up 67 Listening & Speaking 68 Reading & Writing 71 Grammar 73 Interesting English 75 Cultural Notes 76 iv

9 Unit 8 Are You Often Online? 78 Warming Up 78 Listening & Speaking 79 Reading & Writing 81 Grammar 83 Interesting English 85 Cultural Notes 86 Unit 9 How Do People Contact Each Other? 87 Warming Up 87 Listening & Speaking 88 Reading & Writing 91 Grammar 92 Interesting English 94 Cultural Notes 95 Unit 10 Let s Protect Our Planet 96 Warming Up 96 Listening & Speaking 97 Reading & Writing 99 Grammar 101 Interesting English 104 Cultural Notes 105 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Appendix 106 International Phonetic Symbols 106 Irregular Verbs 108 Common English Names 112 Words and Expressions in Each Unit 114 Vocabulary 121 v

10 The Structure of Book 2 Unit Topic Communicative skills 1 Travel by Air Talk about the procedures of traveling by air, P 1 services of airlines, information about flights, etc. 2 I Want to Book a Room for P 12 Tonight Talk about staying in a hotel and hotel services 3 Commodity Fair Talk about commodities fair and products P 23 information 4 Go Sightseeing Talk about travel plan and tourist P 34 attractions 5 Do You Have a Bank P 46 Account? Talk about what we often do in a bank 6 At a Factory Talk about factories and safety rules in the P 56 factory 7 Would You Like to Have Your P 67 Own Car? Talk about buying cars and application of cars 8 Are You Often Online? Talk about the use of computer and P 78 internet in our daily life 9 How Do People Contact Each P 87 Other? Talk about different kinds of communications 10 Let s Protect Our Planet Talk about pollutions, disasters and P 96 environmental protection vi

11 Reading and writing skills Vocabulary Grammar Read some airport announcements; Fill in a form about flights information. Read an introduction to a hotel; List different kinds of services in a hotel. Read an introduction to a commoditity fair; Fill in an order form with the information in a catalogue Read an article about Wuyi Mountains; Describe a tourist attraction Read an article about how to put money in the bank; Describe how to withdraw money by ATM Words about airport equipments and airline services Words about hotel services and procedures of check-in and check-out Words about commodities fair and trade Words about travel and tourist attractions Words about different services offered by banks The simple future tense Past continuous tense Past future tense Past perfect tense Infinitive Read a brief introduction to a factory; Write some safety rules in a factory Read some information about buying a car; Design an advertisement for a car Read something about learning online; List what we can do with a computer Read and write about different means of communications Words about production and safety in the factory Words about main parts and features of a car Words about different parts of a computer and use of internet Words about post service and telecommunication Present participle Adverbial clauses of time The Attributive 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Clause The attributive clause Read and write some knowledge of self protection in an earthquake; Words about pollution, disasters and environmental protection Subjunctive mood vii

12 3. What shall we do if we travel by plane? Travel by Air Unit 1 Warming Up I. Answer the following questions. 1. Have you ever traveled by air? 2. Can you list some advantages and disadvantages of traveling by air? II. Useful information for the questions. 1. Yes, I have. / No, but I hope I have a chance to travel by plane. 2. fast; convenient; save time; comfortable; expensive; delayed by the weather 3. book an air ticket in an airline; go to the airport; check in at the airport: get 1

13 the boarding pass for the flight; check the luggage; board the plane at the right boarding gate. Words and Expressions delay /di5lei/ v. 耽搁, 延迟 book / buk/ v. 预定 airline /5ZElain/ n. 航空公司 check /tfek/ v. 检查, 核对, 寄存, 托运 check in ( 在旅馆, 饭店, 机场等 ) 登记 luggage /5lQ^idV/ n. 行李 board /bc:d/ v. 登上 ( 飞机 轮船 ) flight /flait/ n. 航班 boarding pass 登机卡, 登机牌 boarding gate 登机口 Listening & Speaking I. Listen to the following short conversations and fill in the blanks with proper words in the box. 1. Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen: We will take off immediately. Please be seated, fasten your. 2. Mobile phones, toys and other electronic devices( 设备 ) throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and. 3. The passengers please go to the connection flight counter in the waiting hall to complete the procedures( 手续 ). 4. Welcome aboard China Airlines, comments( 意见 ) from you will be highly valued in order to improve our, thanks for your concern and support. 5. Thank you for selecting China Airline for your travel today and we look 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 2

14 forward to you again. Thank you! landing service seat belt serving transit II. Listen to the dialogue and complete it with the sentences given below. Mr. Green: Excuse me, this is my first time to take a plane. (1) Airline clerk: May I have a look at your Mr. Green: Here you are. counter. How many pieces of luggage do you have? Mr. Green: Only one. Airline Clerk: (2) Ah, thirty-eight kilos. Mr. Green: Is the luggage within the limit? Airline Clerk: (3) Mr. Green: That s lucky! What s next? Airline Clerk: (4) Mr. Green: All right. Airline clerk: Open your luggage, please All right. Thank you. (5) Mr. Green: Aisle seat, please. Airline clerk: Ok. (6) You will have a security check before boarding the plane. Mr. Green: Thank you for your help. Airline clerk: You are welcome. Have a nice trip. passport and ticket? Airline clerk: Yes, here is your check-in 3

15 A. Would you put it on the scale, please? B. We ll have to check your luggage. C. Is this the right counter to check in for my flight? D. Here are your passport, ticket and boarding pass. E. Yes, we allow forty kilos each. F. Would you like a window or an aisle seat? III. Listen to the dialogue again and choose the right answer How many pieces of luggage does Mr. Green have? A. Only one with twenty kilos. B. Only one with thirty-eight kilos. C. Only one with less than thirty-eight kilos. 2. Which kind of seat does Mr. Green choose? A. aisle seat B. window seat C. seat in the middle 3. What does the airline clerk give Mr. Green before boarding the plane? A. passport and ticket B. ticket and boarding card C. passport, ticket and boarding pass 4. What s the limit weight of luggage for each passenger? A. twenty kilos B. thirty-eight kilos C. forty kilos IV. Make a dialogue according to the following situation. Suppose you are flying to Beijing on business. Now you are checking in at the airport. Please make a dialogue between you and the airline clerk. You can use the following sentences and expressions. Passenger Airline clerk Is this the right counter to check in for my flight? Sightseeing (Business). Here is my passport. / Here it is. Is the luggage within the limit? (Is that inside the free allowance? 免费额 ( 重量 价费等 )) Which way to the gate No. 6? 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 May I see your passport? What s the purpose of your visit? How many pieces of luggage do you have? Would you put your luggage on the scale, please? Where would you like to sit? By the window, by aisle or in the middle? Here are your ticket, passport and boarding pass. Have a good trip / day / journey!

16 Words and Expressions take off 起飞 fasten /5fB:sn/ v. 系, 使固定, 扣住 seat belt 安全带 landing /5lAndiN/ n. 登陆 着陆 降落 transit /5trAnsit/ n. 经过, 通行, 转变 passenger /5pAsindVE/ n. 乘客 serve /se:v/ v. 服务 service /5sE:vis/ n. 服务 passport /5pB:spC:t/ n. 护照 check-in counter 登机柜台 scale /skeil/ n. 天平, 度, 刻度 ( 尺, 盘, 表 ); limit /5limit/ n. 限制 aisle /ail/ n. 过道, 走廊 security /si5kjueriti/ n. 安全, 安全性, 可靠性 security check 安检 Reading & Writing 5

17 Airport Announcements Announcement 1: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Flight MU7766 from Shanghai to Sanya is now boarding. It will start at 17:10, thirty minutes before departure. Would you please have your belongings and boarding pass ready and board the aircraft No.17 through gate No.4. We wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you. Announcement 2: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Flight MU7766 to Sanya will take off soon. Please be quick to board through gate No. 4. This is the final call for boarding Flight MU7766. Thank you. Announcement 3: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that Flight MU7766 from Shanghai can not arrive on schedule due to the weather. This flight will be delayed to 20:15. Thank you. I. Read the airport announcements and decide T (true) or F (false) for the following statements. 1. Flight MU7766 will depart at 17:10. ( ) 2. Passengers can board the plane at either Gate No. 17 or No. 4. ( ) 3. Announcement 2 is the final call for boarding Flight MU7766. ( ) 4. Flight MU7766 can t arrive at the airport due to the weather. ( ) 5. Schedule Time of Arrival is earlier than 20:15. ( ) II. Complete the table with the announcements information. Flight No. From To Boarding Gate Departure time Arrival time 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 6

18 III. Describe the procedure of traveling by air. Words and Expressions announcement /E5naunsmEnt/ n. 公告, 发表, 通知 announce /E5nauns/ v. 通知 schedule /5Fedju:l; 5skedVjul/ n. 时间表, 计划表 on schedule 按时 due to 由于 Grammar 一般将来时 (Simple Future Tense) 1. 一般将来时的含义 表示将来的状态和发生于将来的动作 常与 tomorrow, next, in(the) future, soon, in five days, in two weeks 等表示将来的时间状语连用 如 : I shall not come if it rains tomorrow. My father will leave for China next week. 2. 一般将来时基本形式 will/shall + 动词原形 will 用于各种人称,shall 一般只用于第一人称 7

19 I will, you will, he will, she will, we will, they will I ll, you ll, he ll, she ll, it ll, we ll, they ll 是简缩形式 3. 一般将来时的句型 1) 肯定句 : 主语 +shall /will+ 动词 + 其他成份 They will go shopping this afternoon. We shall be there before dark. 2) 否定句 : 主语 +shall /will+not+ 动词 + 其他成份 She won t come back this week. I will not go shopping one hour later. 3) 一般疑问句 :shall /will+ 主语 + 动词 + 其他成份 Will you be back in ten minutes? Shall we get something hot to drink? 4) 特殊疑问句 : 特殊疑问词 +shall /will+ 主语 + 动词 + 其他成份 Where will you go next week? What shall I do? How many books will they get? 4. 一般将来时的其他用法 1) will,shall 除可表示单纯的将来时以外, 还可以带有意愿的色彩, 仍指的是将来 I ll buy you a bicycle for your birthday.( 表示允诺 ) Will you open the door for me please?( 表示请求 ) Shall I get your coat for you?( 表示提议 ) 2) 问句是 Shall? 答句就用 shall ; 问句用 Will? 答句就用 will 要前后保持一致 Shall you go to school next week? Yes, I shall. Will you have an exam tomorrow? Yes, I will. / No, I won t. Exercises 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 1. Choose the best answer. 1) My mother me a nice present on my next birthday. ( ) 8

20 A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give 2) --Shall I buy a cup of tea for you? ( ) ( 不, 不要 ) A. No, you won t. B. No, you aren t. C. No, please don t. D. No, please. 3) --If they come, we a meeting. ( ) A. have B. will have C. had D. would have 4) --Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? ( ) --No, ( 他们不去 ) ( ) A. they willn t. B. they won t. C. they aren t. D. they don t 5) you free next Sunday? ( ) A. Will; are B. Will; be C. Do; be D. Are; be 2. Rewrite the following sentences. 如 :People will go skating next week. 否定句 :People will not go skating next week. 疑问句 :Will people go skating next week? 1) There will be two cinemas in that town next year. 否定句 : 疑问句 : 2) The plane will arrive late. 否定句 : 疑问句 : 3) Li Ming will be ten years old next week. 否定句 : 疑问句 : 4) He will go there by plane some day next year. 否定句 : 疑问句 : 5) China will be a modern and strong country in the future. 否定句 : 疑问句 : 9

21 Interesting English I. Humor First Flight Mr. Johnson had never been up in a plane before. One day Mr. Johnson boarded on the plane with his friend. Mr. Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of a flight was the takeoff and the landing, so he was extremely( 特别地 ) frightened and closed his eyes. After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend, Look at those people down there. They look as small as ants( 蚂蚁 ), don t they? Those are ants, answered his friend. We re still on the ground. II. Quick Wit 1. Why is the letter E so important? 2. A police officer has a brother,but the brother does not have a brother. How could that be? 3. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4? Cultural Notes The Busiest Airports 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Two of the busiest airports in the world are in the United States. LAX is located in Los Angeles, California. Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport (ATL) is in Atlanta, Georgia. 10

22 Los Angeles Airport, or LAX, was established in In 2001, more than 66 million passengers flew into or out of LAX. About 59,000 employees work at the airport. The employees work at a number of places throughout the airport, including airline counters, coffee shops, bakeries, and stores. Established in 1925, Hartsfield has become the busiest airport in the world. More than 80 million passengers passed through Atlanta in Forty-four thousand employees work for the airlines, the 75 restaurants, and 82 shops. In fact, the airport is the largest employer in Georgia. To help people move from terminal to terminal,the airport has an underground people-mover, which connects all of the airport terminals. 最繁忙的机场 世界上两大最繁忙的机场位于美国 一个是加利福利亚的洛杉矶国际机场 (LAX), 另一个是乔治亚州亚特兰大哈兹菲尔德国际机场 (ATL) 洛杉矶国际机场 (LAX), 建立于 1928 年 2001 年, 机场客流量超过 6600 万人次 机场雇员约有 5.9 万人 他们在机场内的许多地方工作, 诸如航空公司柜台 咖啡屋 面包屋以及商店等 亚特兰大哈兹菲尔德国际机场 (ATL), 建立于 1925 年 它已经成为世界上最繁忙的机场 2001 年, 机场客流量超过 8000 万人次 4.4 万人在那里的各航空公司,75 家餐馆和 82 家商店工作 事实上, 在乔治亚州, 该机场是最大的雇主 为了方便乘客候机, 机场配备了地下通道, 通往各个候机楼 11

23 5. What should we do when we check out of a hotel? Unit 2 I Want to Book a Room for Tonight Warming Up I. Answer the following questions. 1. Do you know any famous hotels? 2. What shall we usually do if we want to stay in a hotel? 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 3. What should we do when we check in at a hotel? 4. What instructions should we follow when we stay in a hotel? 12

24 II. Useful information for the questions. 1. Diaoyutai State Guesthouse( 钓鱼台国宾馆 ); Hilton Hotel( 希尔顿酒店 ) Shangri-la Hotel( 香格里拉酒店 ) 2. make reservation; book a room 3. show our ID card or passport ; fill in a form 4. protect equipments in the room; keep an eye on our belongings; keep quiet after 10:30 P. m. 5. pack up our belongings; pay the bill Words and Expressions check out 结账离开 reservation /7rezE5veiFEn/ n. 预约 ID card 身份证 instruction /in5strqkfen/ n. 指示, 使用说明 ( 书 ) equipment /i5kwipment/ n. 设施 keep an eye on 照看, 留意 belongings /bi5lrninz/ n. 自己的物品 pack up 收拾行李 bill /bil/ n. 账单 Listening & Speaking I. Listen to the following Short convers ations and fill in the blanks with proper words in the box. 1. A: West Lake Hotel. What can I do for you? B: I d like to book a room with a bath. 2. A: Is there any room available for tonight? B: Sorry, all rooms are fully. 3. A: How long do you plan to here? B: We plan to stay here for three days. 13

25 4. A: Could you fill in this, please? B: Of course. It s done. 5. A: Can I get online in the room? B: Yes, we have access in all rooms. 6. A: Room service. Can I help you? B: Yes, I m calling from room When can I get my? 7. A: Good afternoon, lady. What can I do for you? B: I want to out. 8. A: Do you pay in cash? B: No, I ll pay by card. credit occupied stay check form laundry Internet single II. Listen to the dialogue and complete it with the sentences given below. Clerk: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you? Guest: (1) Clerk: Do you need a single room or a double room? Guest: (2) Clerk: (3) Guest: I ll stay here for two days. Clerk: All right. Please show me your ID card. Guest: OK, here you are. Clerk: I can offer you a double room on the second floor. (4) Guest: Yes, it s done. Here you are. Clerk: (5) 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 14

26 The waitress will take you to your room. Guest: Shall I take the luggage by myself? Clerk: Of course not, I ll get the porter to take it up to your room. Guest: Thanks a lot. A. Could you fill in this form, please? B. I d like a double room on the sea side. C. Here is your key card. D. And how long will you stay here? E. I want to book a room for tonight. III. Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions. 1. What kind of room did the guest want? 2. How long did the guest want to stay there? 3. What formality( 手续 )did the guest do when he checked in? 4. What did the clerk give to the guest after he checked in? 5. Who would help the guest take the luggage? IV. Oral Practice. Make a dialogue about booking a room in a hotel. The following guide will help you. Student A: clerk 1. Greeting. 2. Ask what kind of room the guest needs. 3. Ask how long the guest will stay. 4. Ask how the guest will pay. 5. Tell the guest the check-out time is at noon. 6. Tell the guest to enjoy their stay. Student B: guest 1. Say you want to book a room for tonight. 2. Say you need a double room on the sunny side. 3. Say you will stay for two nights. 4. Say you will pay by credit card. 5. Ask what the check-out time is. 6. Say thanks. 15

27 Words and Expressions single /5siN^l/ adj. 单人的 double /5dQbl/ adj. 双人的 available /E5veilEbl/ adj. 可利用的 occupy /5Ckjupai/ v. 占据 access /5Akses/ n. 接近, 进入, 入口 v. 进入, 使用 laundry /5lC:ndri/ n. 付洗的衣物 ; 洗衣房 offer /5CfE/ v. 提供 porter /5pC:tE/ n. 行李搬运工 Reading & Writing I work in Fuzhou Shangri-la Hotel Hello! I m Lily. I graduated from a vocational school last year. Now I work in Fuzhou Shangri-la Hotel. I m a waitress. I d like to introduce you to our hotel. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Fuzhou Shangri-la Hotel is a five-star hotel, which is located in the center of Fuzhou city. It is near the main shopping center. Fuzhou Shangri-la Hotel has 250 single rooms and 164 double rooms in different styles with hot showers. A single room is 920 yuan and a double room is 978 yuan for one night. You had better book in advance if you want to stay in our hotel. The hotel serves three meals a day and there are five restaurants with both eastern food and western food for you to choose from. You can also enjoy yourself at the café drinking tea or coffee. 16

28 The hotel s entertainment center and health club offer the best service. There is a swimming pool, a bowling center( 保龄球中心 ), sauna center( 桑拿中心 ), the beauty salon( 美容厅 ), a tennis court( 网球场 ), table tennis rooms, the mahjong and chess rooms( 棋牌室 ), a disco( 舞厅 ) and KTVs in the hotel. Shangri-la will make you comfortable and relaxed for sure. I. Read the text and choose the correct answer. 1. Shangri-la Hotel is in the eastern part of Fuzhou city. ( ) A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say 2. All the rooms have hot showers. ( ) A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say 3. The price for a single room is more expensive than a double room for one night? ( ) A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say 4. The hotel doesn t offer breakfast. ( ) A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say 5. There is a parking lot( 停车场 ). ( ) A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say II. Read the text again and complete the following conversation. Boss: Lucy, I want to book a room next Sunday. Do you know anything about Shangri-la hotel? Secretary: Yes, I. Boss: That s wonderful. I know it s a five-star, but where is it? Secretary: It is located in, and it is n e a r. Boss: Do all the rooms have a bathroom? Secretary: Sure. You can also take showers. Boss: How many are there? Secretary: There are restaurants with both food and food for you to choose from. Boss: Great! Are there any entertainment centers and clubs? Secretary: Yes,. There is an center and a 17

29 club. There is a pool, a bowling center, sauna center, the beauty, a tennis court, table tennis, the mahjong and chess rooms, a disco and. Boss: I like this hotel. By the way, what s the price for a single room one night? And a double room? Secretary: A single room is yuan and a room is 978 yuan for one night. You had better book. Boss: Thank you very much. Secretary: You are. III. Writing Practice. List all the services in Fuzhou Shangri-la Hotel. Words and Expressions locate /leu5keit/ v. 位于, 坐落在 shower /5FauE/ n. 淋浴 in advance 事先 eastern /5i:stEn/ adj. 东方的 western /5westEn/ adj. 西方的 cafe /5kAfei; (US) ka5fei/ n. 咖啡馆 entertainment /ente5teinment/ n. 娱乐 for sure 一定 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 18

30 Grammar 过去进行时 (Past Continuous Tense) 过去进行时构成方式 : was/were + V-ing( 动词现在分词 ) 过去进行时主要用法 : 1. 表示在过去某一时刻或某一阶段正在发生的动作 如 : What was she doing at nine o clock yesterday? 昨天晚上九点她在做什么? We were watching TV from seven to nine last night. 昨天晚上七点到九点的时候我们在看电视 2. 表示在过去的某一个时刻, 一个长动作发生的时候, 另一个短动作同时发生 长动作用过去进行时 常用的时间状语 :when, while, as I was reading the newspaper when the doorbell rang. 我正在看报, 突然门铃响了 I met Diana while I was shopping this morning. 我今早买东西时碰到了戴安娜 3. 表示在过去的某一个时刻, 两个动作都是延续性的 或 两个延续性的长动作同时进行 两个动作都可用过去进行时 常用的时间状语 :when, while, as. While he was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper. 他边等车边看报 ( 两个动作都是延续性的 ) He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 他擦车时我在做饭 ( 两个动作同时进行 ) 19

31 Exercises 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given verbs. 1) While we (wait) for the bus, a girl (run) up to us. 2) I (telephone) a friend when Bob (come) in. 3) Jim (jump) on the bus as it (move) away. 4) We (test) the new machine when the electricity (go) off. 5) She (not want) to stay in bed while the others (work) in the fields. 6) While mother (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell (ring). 7) As I (walk) in the park, it (begin) to rain. 8) Cindy (fly) a kite this time yesterday. 9) It was quite late at night. George (read) and Amy (draw) when they (hear) a knock at the door. 10) When the policeman (come) to the house, two small children (lie) on the ground. 2. Complete the following sentences according to the requests. 1) We were having a PE class at four yesterday afternoon. ( 改为否定句 ) 2) Kate was reviewing her lessons at eight last night. ( 改为一般疑问句, 并做肯定和否定的回答 ) 3) He ran in the park. ( 用 this time yesterday 改写 ) 4) They were playing computer games at nine last night. ( 对划线部分提问 ) 5) I was reading a novel at three yesterday afternoon. ( 对划线部分提问 ) 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 20

32 Interesting English I. Read and find out. Room 4 Room 6 Room 8 Room 10 Room 12 Room 14 Room 16 Room 18 Jim booked a room in a hotel. The receptionist asked him to look for his room number according to the following math problem. Can you help him? Jim s room number is no fewer than six. It is a two-digit number. It is more than ten. The number is in the two, four, and eight times table. Which is Jim s room number? It is. II. Nursery rhyme. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 小小星星亮晶晶, How I wonder what you are. 我多想知道你是谁啊 Up above the world so high, 高高得挂在天空上, Like the diamond in the sky. 好像钻石在天上 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 小小星星亮晶晶, How I wonder what you are. 我多想知道你是谁啊 Cultural Notes Different Kinds of Hotels Hotels are very important in our life today. There are some kinds of hotels with special functions in the world. One kind of hotel is called motel, which is a 21

33 roadside hotel usually for the motorists. Motel is very convenient and inexpensive and has a large parking lot for motorists to park their cars and stay there for one night. Another kind of hotel is called holiday hotel, which is usually located in a beautiful traveling area near the sea, beside the lake or around the mountain. When people go traveling, holiday hotel is the good place for them to stay. 类型各异的酒店 There is a special kind of classical hotel, which has a long history. The style of hotel is quite old, Such as the key is large heavy and made of bronze. The furniture is from mid-19 th century style. Staying in this kind of hotel will remind people of the culture and history in the past. 今天酒店在我们的生活中非常重要 在世界上一些酒店有着特殊的功能 有一类酒店叫做汽车旅店, 它是为机动车主提供的路边旅店 汽车旅店既方便又便宜, 并且有很大的停车场供车主停车在那里住一个晚上 另一类酒店叫假日酒店, 它通常坐落在海边 湖边或山上风景优美的旅游景区 当人们旅行时, 假日酒店是他们下榻的好去处 还有一种很特别的有着悠久历史的古典酒店 它的造型相当古老, 比如钥匙很大 很重, 由铜制成的 家具来自 19 世纪中叶的款式 住在这样的酒店里将会让人想起过去的文化历史 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 22

34 Unit 3 Commodity Fair Warming Up I. Answer the following questions. 1. What is a Commodity fair? Can you say something about it? 2. Do you know any famous fairs? Such as Canton Fair. 3. Have you ever attended any commodity fairs? 4. Which trade fair would have products in the following pictures? 23

35 Cycle Show Stationery Show Sports Goods Show Furniture Show Textile Show Toy Show II. Useful information for the questions. 1. Commodity fair: a regular occasion when companies show their products 2. China Import and Export Fair; East China Import and Export Commodities Fair; Yiwu Fair; 5.18 Commodities Fair Fujian China, etc. Words and Expressions commodity / ke5mcditi/ n. 商品 ( 尤指日用品 ) fair /fze/ n. ( 商品及工业产品的 ) 大型展览会 ; 博览会 trade /treid/ n. 交易, 贸易, 商业, 买卖 cycle /5saikl/ n. 自行车, 摩托车等 furniture /5fE:nitFE/ n. 家具 textile /5tekstail/ n. 纺织品 import /5impC:t/ n.& v. 进口 export /5ekspC:t/ n.& v. 出口 Listening & Speaking 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 I. Listen to the following short conversations and fill in the blanks with proper words in the box A: Oh, what s the difference between the two bikes? B: This one is our standard model, and the other one is our model.

36 2. A: What about the color and size? B: It s available in red and in large, and small. 3. A: How much does it cost? B: The price is $ A: What about the delivery time? B: We can delivery from. 5. A: Can you give me a good on a large order? B: It depends on the size of the order. retail medium discount deluxe stock II. Listen to the dialogue and complete it with the sentences given below. At China Import and Export fair, Henry Lee, a businessman from Singapore wants to order some children s bicycles. Yang Tao, a salesman in East China Bicycle Company, is introducing their products to Mr. Lee. Yang: Good morning. Can I help you? Henry: Yes, (1) Yang: Well, we ve got a new model here. This way please. How about this one? Henry: Could you tell me something about it? Yang: It s suitable for children from the age of nine upwards. (2) It s only been on the market for a few months, but it s very popular. Henry: What s the price? Yang: $158. Henry: Is there a girl s model as well? Yang: No. well, this one is blue with green, but it also comes in red with yellow and pink with white. Henry: Sounds nice. And how about the delivery time? Yang: (3) Henry: I see. Now, what about the discount? Yang: It depends on the size of your order. I ll have to check that. (4) 25

37 Henry: Yes, I m Henry Lee from Singapore. Here s my card. Yang: Thank you. My name s Yang Tao. (5) Please call me if you want to know any further information. Henry: Fine. Thank you very much for your help. Yang: Not at all. I look forward to hearing from you. A. There are three colors for you to choose. B. Could you give me your name and address? C. I m interested in your range of mountain bikes for children. D. We should be able to send all the goods out without delay. E. Here s my card and a copy of our latest catalogue. III. Listen to the dialogue again and decide T (true) or F (false) for the following statements. 1. Mr. Lee is interested in the bicycles for adults. ( ) 2. The bicycle is only available in blue with green. ( ) 3. There isn t a girl s model. ( ) 4. The goods could be sent to the buyer as soon as possible. ( ) 5. Yang Tao can give a good discount to Henry. ( ) IV. Make a dialogue at a fair. Play the role of a salesman and a customer at a fair. The following useful sentence structures will help you. Salesman Can I help you? / What can I do for you? Here s our new model I ll show you some samples. It costs /The retail price is We can deliver from stockas soon as possible/within 3 days It depends /I have to check 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Customer I m interested in /I m looking for Can you tell me something about it? / I d like to know How much does it cost? / What s the price? What about the delivery time? What about the discount? / Can you give me a good discount? 26

38 Words and expressions standard /5stAndEd/ adj. 标准的 deluxe /di5lqks, di5luks/ adj. 高质量的, 豪华的 retail /5ri:teil/ n. 零售 delivery /di5liveri/ n. 交货, 发货 stock /stck/ n. 库存物, 存货 order /5C:dE/ n. 订单 v. 订购 catalogue / 5kAtElC^/ n. ( 产品 ) 目录 sample /5sAmpl/ n. 样品 on the market 上市 Reading & Writing China Yiwu International Commodities Fair China Yiwu International Commodities Fair (Yiwu Fair) has been held every year since Yiwu Fair has made itself a well-known brand in trade fairs. It has become one of the largest, most productive commodity fairs in China. It ranks the third among the major exhibitions, only next to China Import and Export Fair and East China Import and Export Commodities Fair. News coverage about Yiwu Fair was on the 2002 Top Ten Exhibition News, and the Fair was named one of the 2003 Top Ten Star Exhibitions and one of the 2004 Best Exhibitions in China. The detailed information of 2006 Yiwu Fair: Product Sort: fashion jewellery, gifts, daily-use, stationery, sports-toys, hardware, leather products and so on. 27

39 Exhibition Area: 90,000 square meters Number of Enterprises: More than 2,000 Overseas Traders: 15,000 More than 80 Overseas Trade Groups More than 20 Multinational Retailing Groups You can contact with 58,000 Chinese suppliers at the fair face-to-face. I. Read the text and decide T (true) or F (false) for the following statements. 1. China Yiwu Fair has been held for more than 10 years. ( ) 2. Yiwu Fair has made itself an ordinary brand. ( ) 3. East China Import and Export Commodities Fair fair ranks the first among the major Exhibitions. ( ) 4. Yiwu fair has become a productive fair. ( ) 5. Plastic products were shown in 2006 Yiwu Fair. ( ) II. Read the text again and choose the best answer. 1. When was Yiwu Fair first held? A B C D Which commodity fair ranks the first in China? A. China Import and Export Fair B. Yiwu Fair C. the East China Import and Export Commodity Fair D. Chaozhou Fair 3. How many companies attended the Yiwu Fair in 2006? A B. about 1500 C. over 2000 D Which one is not the product sort in Yiwu Fair 2006? A. Toys B. Sporting goods C. Books D. Gifts 5. How many Overseas Traders were there in Yiwu Fair 2006? A B C D 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 28

40 III. Use the information of the catalogue to complete an order form. PRODUCT CATALOGUE Item No. Product Name Colour Unit Price(USD) Remarks TB001 Small Teddy Bear white 3.50 TB002 Medium Teddy Bear golden 4.50 TB003 Large Teddy Bear brown % discount for orders more than USD1,000 Order Form Order No. ABE1208 Item No. Quantity Description of Goods Unit Price Amount 100 Small Teddy Bear Total Amount Discount Words and Expressions brand /brand/ n 商标, 品牌 productive /pre5dqktiv/ adj. 富有成效的, 有益的 rank /rank/ v. 属某等级, 居某地位 major /5meidVE/ adj. 主要的 coverage /5kQvEridV/ n. 新闻报导 jewellery /5dVU:Elri/ n. 珠宝, 首饰 hardware /5hB:dwZE/ n. 五金制品, 重型机器 leather /5leTE/ n. 皮革 multinational /mqlti5nafen(e)l/ adj. 多国的 overseas /5EuvE5si:z/ adj. 海外的, 国外的 retailing /5ri:teiliN/ n. 零售业 supplier /se5plaie/ n. 供应商 29

41 Grammar 过去将来时 ( Past future tense) 1. 过去将来时的含义 过去将来时表示在过去某个时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态 过 去将来时常用于宾语从句和间接引语中 例如 : I didn t know if he would come. 我不知道他是否会来 She didn t tell me where she would go. 她没有告诉我她要去哪儿 Betty said she would visit the Great Wall next Saturday. 贝蒂说下周六她要去参观长城 2. 过去将来时的表达法 1) would+ 动词原形 常表示按计划或安排即将发生的事 例如: He said he would come to see me. 他说他要来看我 He told me he would go to Beijing. 他告诉我他将去北京 2) was/ were + going to+ 动词原形 常可用来表示按计划或安排即将发生的事 例如 : She said she was going to start off at once. 她说她将立即出发 I was told that he was going to return home. 有人告诉我他准备回家 此结构还可表示根据当时情况判断有可能但不一定会发生某事 例如 : It seemed as if it was going to rain. 看来好像要下雨 3) come, go, leave, arrive, start 等动词可用过去进行时代替过去将来时 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 30

42 例如 : He said the train was leaving at six the next morning. 他说火车将于第二天早晨六点离开 She told me she was coming to see me. 她告诉我她要来看我 4) 条件状语从句和时间状语从句中须用一般过去时代替过去将来时 例如 : I didn t know when she would come, but when she came I would let you know. 我不知道她什么时候来, 但她来了我会告诉你 The teacher said that it would be very difficult to make progress if I didn t work hard. 老师说, 如果我不努力学习的话, 就很难取得进步 Exercises 1. Choose the best answer. 1) Jenny said that she for Shanghai soon. A.leaves B.would leave C.left D.had left 2) --Alice,why didn t you come yesterday? -- I,but I had an unexpected visitor. A.had B.would C.was going to D.did 3) --The plane is leaving right now, but Jim hasn t arrived yet. --Well, he said he here on time. A. came B. would come C. can be D. will be 4) Li Ming said he happy if Brian to China next month. A. as; come B. was; would come C. would be; came D. will be; come 5) Jenny said she her holiday in China. A. spent B. would spent C. was going to spent D. would spend 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs. 1) She said the bus (leave) at five the next morning. 2) I wasn t sure whether he (lend) me his book. 3) At his birthday p arty, the old man said he (be) 80 in two years. 4) Whenever she has time, she (help) them in their work. 31

43 5. I warned you not to eat too much for lunch if you (swim) yesterday afternoon. Interesting English I. English proverbs A good beginning makes a good ending. Actions speak louder than words. A miss is as good as a mile. We can cross that bridge when we get to it. 善始者善终 事实胜于雄辩 失之毫厘, 差之千里 车到山前必有路 II. A Poem on Life Life can be good, Life can be bad. Life is most cheerful, But sometimes sad. Cultural Notes Life can be dirty, Life can even be painful. But life is what you make it, So try to make it beautiful. Brief Profiles of Canton Fair 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 China Import and Export Fair, also called Canton Fair, is held twice a year in Spring and Autumn since the Spring of It is China s largest trade fair of the highest level. Besides traditional way of negotiating against samples, the Fair holds Canton Fair online. The Fair leans to export trade, various 32

44 types of business activities such as economic and technical cooperation and exchanges, commodity inspection, insurance, advertising, etc. are also carried out in flexible ways. Business people from all over the world are gathering in Guangzhou, exchanging business information and developing friendship. 广交会简介 中国进出口商品交易会, 又称广交会, 创办于 1957 年春季, 每年春秋两季举办, 是中国目前规模最大 层次最高的贸易盛会 广交会贸易方式灵活多样, 除传统的看样成交外, 还举办网上交易会 广交会以出口贸易为主, 开展多种形式的经济技术合作与交流, 以及商检 保险 广告业务活动 来自世界各地的客商云集广州, 互通商情, 增进友谊 33

45 Unit 4 Go Sightseeing Warming Up I. Answer the following questions. 1. How much do you know about the great 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 cities in the pictures? 2. Which city do you like best? 3. Can you list any other great cities? 34

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