2 A. Participants must be between 18 and 36 years of age at the time of submission to qualify (Date of Birth between 01/01/1982 and 12/31/2000). There

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1 4th World Sinophone Drama Competition for Young Playwrights Official Terms and Conditions I. About the Competition The World Sinophone Drama Competition for Young Playwrights (hereafter referred to as the Competition ) is open to young writers (ages 18 to 36) worldwide. It accepts scripts written in either Chinese or English, and seeks to encourage production of new dramatic works that reflect upon global Chinese culture from a variety of perspectives and enrich our understanding of Sinophone cultures, circulations, histories, and communities. For Chinese-language submissions, there are no specific requirements for content; for English-language submissions, we welcome new works of self-reflection from members of Sinophone communities, as well as those that explore encounters among the Sinophone and other cultural contexts. In today s world of highly globalized culture and art, we call upon the young playwrights of the world to turn their gaze towards and expand their understanding of global Sinophone cultures. We take the inherently hybrid and diverse locale of Taiwan as our main stage for engaging artists and audiences both in and beyond the Sinophone. We especially seek new works of hybridized cultural and dramatic aesthetics that will add new voices to Sinophone theatre and further invigorate the already diverse field of global Sinophone cultures. II. Awards Summary Winners of the competition will receive a monetary prize, a translation of their winning work (either from English to Chinese, or vice versa), and a bi-lingual e-publication of the winning work. The award ceremony and the Arts Festival of Script-readings of winning works will be held during July to September in 2019. In addition, a series of readings held by our partners around the world in the following three (3) years will offer winning playwrights an unprecedented opportunity for international circulation of their work. The collaborating organizers of this competition are from Taiwan, United States, Canada, United Kingdom,Singapore, mainland China, Macao, etc.) Please see the information below for further details about other prizes of the awards. III. Participant Qualifications

2 A. Participants must be between 18 and 36 years of age at the time of submission to qualify (Date of Birth between 01/01/1982 and 12/31/2000). There are no limitations on the citizenship or educational level of participants. B. Competition entry is limited to single authors; works written collectively will not be accepted. If it is determined that a submission is not the original work of a single author, the submission and its author will be disqualified. C. Submissions cannot have been previously produced, published or made available online in any public forum. Submissions that have had nonprofit work-in-progress presentations or workshops for educational or development purposes are permitted, as long as the work in question does not undergo any further public presentations before the results of this competition are announced. D. If the submission has entered multiple contests simultaneously, the participant must provide a list of the other contests in the application form. If the submission in question receives awards from other contests before the results of this competition are announced, the act will be seen as a form of public presentation, and the submission will be disqualified from this competition. IV. Submission Categories A. The Competition will accept scripts in two groups: dramatic texts written in Chinese and dramatic texts written in English. Three winners will be selected from a combined pool of the two groups. B. Chinese-language submissions: the competition welcomes dramatic texts of all forms and genres (such as play, traditional opera, musical, etc.) with a minimum performance time of 60 minutes. There are no specific requirements for content. C. English-language submissions: the competition welcomes dramatic texts of all forms and genres (such as play, traditional opera, musical, etc.) with a minimum performance time of 60 minutes. The content of the text must be a new creation of self-reflection from members of Sinophone communities, and/or those that explore encounters among the Sinophone and other cultural contexts. V. Submission Method and Deadline The website of this contest will be officially opened on August 1st, 2018. Participants may register and submit manuscripts online at wsdc.ncu.edu.tw. Submissions will be accepted until October 31st, 2018 at 24:00 (GMT+8). No submissions will be accepted after the deadline. Please review the submission guidelines before the deadline (see Article IX below) and submit both Microsoft Word and PDF copies. VI. Award Details and Award Recipient Rights/Obligations A. Submissions will be evaluated within their respective language groups during the

3 preliminary review and the first round of competition. The certain number of works in each language group will enter the final round based on the total number of submissions in each language group. The finalist works will then be assessed regardless of language. Three (3) winners will be selected, and at most two (2) Honorable Mention winners can be selected in the final round. B. The Research Center will assign mentors to the three (3) winners. The winners will have three months to revise their work before publication. C. Awards: First Prize: 100,000 NTD (approximately $3,300 USD) and a prize cup Second Prize: 50,000 NTD (approximately $1,650 USD) and a prize cup Third Prize: 30,000 NTD (approximately $1,000 USD) and a prize cup Honorable Mention: a certificate of commendation D. The three (3) winning plays will be translated into either Chinese or English, depending on the original language. The translator will be selected by the organizers. E. By entering the competition, the three (3) winners agree to authorize (without additional compensation) the Research Center for Theater and Performance Studies at National Central University (hereafter referred to as the Research Center ) to publish and sell the three winning plays online, along with their translations, for five (5) years following the competition. After five (5) years, all rights revert to the playwrights and any related ongoing royalty payments will be further determined. F. The three (3) winners will be invited to the staged readings of the three winning plays and then the award ceremony hosted by the organizer in Taiwan during July to September in 2019. G. The three (3) winners should agree to grant (without additional compensation) all collaborating organizations, co-producers and partners the right to produce the staged readings of their winning plays. (All forms of staged readings are allowed, but the content of the scripts may not be altered and readings must be nonprofit. For each script, the total number of readings will not exceed five (5).) H. The three (3) winners should agree to grant (without additional compensation) the Research Center non-exclusive, unlimited, and worldwide performance rights to their winning works, including the translated versions, and authorize the Research Center to coordinate the production, funding, and performances with collaborating organizations. I. In addition to the range regulated by F. and G., if the winners gain the royalty income because the host organizer successfully matches their winning works with the opportunities of production, the host organizer is entitled to 30 percent of the income, and this income will be designated to fund the related activities of the World Sinophone Drama Competition. J. The period of the authorization mentioned in F., G., and H. will last for three (3)

4 years following the date of the award ceremony. K. Honorable Mention: In order to help more excellent young playwrights to get their works to the phase of production, the Competition has set up a new award designed to match finalists with potential producers. Up to two (2) Honorable Mention winners will be selected from the final round of the evaluation process (excluding the top three award winners) and no further rank order will be given to the two winners. Winners of this award will receive a certificate of commendation and the possibility of having a staged reading of their winning play produced by the Research Center within three (3) years following the award ceremony. The winners should agree to grant (without additional compensation) the Research Center the right to produce any form of staged reading of their winning plays during this period, provided that the content of the script is not altered. The Research Center will invite administrative officials, producers, agents, directors, and public audiences to these events. If the Research Center successfully matches any Honorable Mention winners with an opportunity for production, the playwrights retain all rights in relation to the production and the related issues on any royalty payments will be coped with in an agreement signed by all parties involved. VII. Evaluation A. Evaluation process: the evaluation contains three levels: the preliminary review, first round, and final round. In the preliminary review, the organizing staff will review submissions to ensure they meet all requirements and qualifications. In both the first round and final round, a committee of established playwrights and scholars will be invited to evaluate submissions. B. If the number or quality of submissions received is insufficient, the judging committee reserves the right to adjust the number of winners and/or withhold the awards. VIII. Submission Guidelines A. Submission format: A4 paper, margins set to Microsoft Word normal, single-spaced, 12pt font, black (automatic) font color B. The first page of the submission should only contain title of the play and the synopsis. C. The text of the play should start at the second page of the submission. D. All pages should be numbered at the bottom right corner. E. Manuscripts must not include any identifying information (such as personal names, affiliations, pseudonyms, etc.) F. Submission files should be entitled: Author Name_Title of the Play G. The Research Center reserves the right to refuse entry to any submissions that do

5 not meet the requirements instructed in the guidelines above. IX. Please Note: A. Competition winners reserve copyright and intellectual property rights to their works, but also grant (without additional compensation) the Research Center and its collaborating institutions unlimited use and the reprinting of any parts of the works for publicity, as well as for non-profit research, exhibitions, educational purposes, and general promotion of playwriting competitions. B. All submissions must be the original work of the entrant, and cannot have been previously produced, published, presented online in any public forum (including organization or personal websites, newspapers, magazines, etc.), or won previous competitions. Manuscripts that have been circulated privately or evaluated by educational instructors for the purposes of receiving comments and corrections are allowed. Any related doubts about the format of a given submission will be settled by the judging committee. C. Participants may submit manuscripts to both the Chinese and English group, but may only submit one manuscript in each language. In addition, participants must register separately for each submission (with a unique email address as user name). D. Participants should submit personal information and manuscript information in the online submission form. Please do not include author names or identifying information on the script/work itself. Submissions that do not adhere to this guideline will be disqualified. E. Plagiarism and the submission of a work not written by the participant of the Competition are prohibited. If a submission is found to be a plagiarism or to violate copyright, the submission will be disqualified, the participant at fault will be required to return any and all royalty payments and awards, and the case will be publically reported. In addition, the party at fault will bear all legal responsibility and repercussions. X. Announcement of Winners and Award Ceremony Winners will be announced on the competition website before July 2019 (winners will receive award letters and electronic notifications informing them of their award, but other participants will receive no further notifications from the competition). The award ceremony and staged readings of winning works will take place during the period from July to September in 2019. Further details about the venue and the date of the award ceremony will be provided to winners at proper time. XI. Amendments to the Competition The Research Center reserves the right to review and revise the rules and regulations of the overall project as necessary.

6 XII. Organizing Institutes The Competition is organized by the Research Center for Theatre and Performance Studies at National Central University, Taiwan. The Research Center for Theatre and Performance Studies at National Central University is devoted to the preservation and digitization of performing arts recordings. In 2003, it established the Electronic Theater Intermix (eti-tw.com) digital archive of modern Taiwanese theater and has been managing the archive for 15 years. The collection now contains over 600 works. ETI also edits and sponsors the Performing Taiwan e-book publication series and has since then published over 21 volumes of e-books.

贊助 / 文化部 世安文教基金會主辦 / 國立中央大學策劃執行 / 國立中央大學戲劇暨表演研究室共同主辦 / 南京大學文學院協助執行 / 南京大學藝術碩士劇團合辦 / 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學戲劇暨電影學系 國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學系 美國聖路易華盛頓大學東亞研究學系 英國里茲大學 stage@leeds 表演藝術中心 國立中山大學劇場藝術學系 樹德科技大學表演藝術系 澳門卓劇場 新加坡實踐劇場 不可無料劇場協辦 / 國立臺灣大學戲劇學系製作夥伴 / 南京大學藝術碩士劇團 創作社劇團 易卜生國際 台南人劇團 無獨有偶工作室劇團 全球泛華青年劇本創作競賽第四屆徵件辦法 一 競賽主旨 全球泛華青年劇本創作競賽計畫 以世界各地新生代 ( 十八歲至三十六歲 ) 青年劇作家爲對象, 同時徵求中文 英文舞台劇劇本, 目的在於廣納各種觀點 視角以及不同的創作思維, 豐富以華人文化 移民 歷史及社區等泛華相關主題的舞台劇本創作 中文劇本不限定寫作主題 ; 以英文書寫的劇本, 則需為展露泛華社群自身關照的新作, 或側錄反映不同泛華社群彼此之間的對話, 或與其他文化 社會撞擊的劇本創作 在文化與藝術早已高度全球化的此刻, 本競賽意圖召喚全球對泛華文化圈的注視與拓展泛華青年的視野 從多元紛陳的臺灣出發, 將劇本創作視為泛華文化圈彼此之間, 或與其他文化對話的舞臺, 召喚更多不同混血文化的劇本美學, 讓新時代的泛華戲劇界發出更多聲響, 展現更多樣的身段與風姿 二 競賽摘要 本競賽設置獎金, 獲獎作品將由主辦單位進行翻譯 ( 原作為中文劇本則翻譯為英文, 若為英文劇本則翻譯為中文 ) 出版發行劇本電子書, 並於 2019 年 7 月至 9 月間, 於台北辦理頒獎典禮以及得獎作品讀劇藝術節, 同時將於三年內由全球各地合作單位陸續辦理讀劇發表或演出製作, 以增加劇本交流的廣度與深度 ( 本競賽合作單位遍及台灣 美國 加拿大 英國 新加坡 中國大陸 澳門等地 ) 其他獲獎獎勵詳如下述 三 參賽資格 1. 18-36 歲的青年創作者 ( 出生年月日限介於 1982 年 1 月 1 日至 2000 年 12 月 31 日之間 ) 不限國籍 學經歷 2. 本競賽限以個人身分參加, 不接受團隊創作作品, 若得獎作品經查非為個人創作作品, 將取消獲獎資格 3. 所有投件均需未曾公開發表 ( 包括演出 出版或網路發表 ), 若於劇本寫作過程中, 為了作品而曾於校園內或其它場所進行非售票試演之作品, 仍可投件 但自投件日起至競賽結果公告之前, 不得再有任何公開演出 4. 同稿另投其他競賽者, 需於報名表上載明已經參加之戲劇競賽獎項名稱 若該作品於本競賽結果公告之前, 已知獲得其他競賽獎項, 即視同公開發表, 自動放棄本競賽之參賽資格 四 徵選類別 1. 本次競賽採中 英文二組分開收件, 最終將合併審查選出前三名 1

贊助 / 文化部 世安文教基金會主辦 / 國立中央大學策劃執行 / 國立中央大學戲劇暨表演研究室共同主辦 / 南京大學文學院協助執行 / 南京大學藝術碩士劇團合辦 / 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學戲劇暨電影學系 國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學系 美國聖路易華盛頓大學東亞研究學系 英國里茲大學 stage@leeds 表演藝術中心 國立中山大學劇場藝術學系 樹德科技大學表演藝術系 澳門卓劇場 新加坡實踐劇場 不可無料劇場協辦 / 國立臺灣大學戲劇學系製作夥伴 / 南京大學藝術碩士劇團 創作社劇團 易卜生國際 台南人劇團 無獨有偶工作室劇團 2. 中文劇本組 : 以中文寫作的戲劇作品, 型式不拘 ( 例如戲劇 戲曲 音樂劇 ), 不限定寫作主題 劇本演出長度需超過 60 分鐘 3. 英文劇本組 : 以英文寫作的戲劇作品, 型式不拘 ( 例如戲劇 戲曲 音樂劇 ) 但主題需為展露泛華社群自身關照的新作, 或側錄反映不同泛華社群彼此之間的對話, 或與其他文化 社會撞擊的劇本創作 劇本演出長度需超過 60 分鐘 五 收件方式及截稿日期 自 2018 年 8 月 1 日起開放線上收件, 投件人須於本活動官網 (wsdc.ncu.edu.tw) 完成線上註冊後, 方可投件 ( 本活動一律採線上註冊及投件 ), 截稿日為 2018 年 10 月 31 日 ( 臺灣時間午夜 12 點截止線上收件 ), 逾時恕不受理 請於截稿日之前依來稿須知 ( 詳如辦法第九條 ) 提交 word 檔及 pdf 檔 六 競賽獎勵與獲獎人權利義務 1. 中 英文寫作作品, 在初 複審階段皆為分開審查, 並依各組投件數量評估進入決審之名額 ; 決審則不分寫作語言, 綜合評審選出前三名, 決審另可選出入圍媒合獎至多二名 2. 主辦單位將於前三名選出後, 替得獎作品安排知名業界人士作為創作導師, 並提供三個月的修改期 3. 前三名將獲頒 : 第一名獎金新台幣十萬元, 獎盃一座 ; 第二名獎金新台幣五萬元, 獎盃一座 ; 第三名獎金新台幣三萬元, 獎盃一座 ; 入圍媒合獎, 獎狀一紙 4. 前三名作品均將由主辦單位指定的翻譯人選將之翻譯成中文或英文 ( 得獎作品若為中文, 則翻譯成英文 ; 若英文作品得獎則翻譯成中文 ) 5. 前三名作品獲獎人同意獲獎作品於得獎後五年內無償授權予主辦單位收錄, 並製作成電子書出版 ( 含翻譯 ) 及銷售 ; 五年後另議出版版稅 6. 前三名得獎者均可獲邀於 2019 年 7-9 月間至台灣參加競賽主辦單位所辦理的讀劇發表會及頒獎典禮 7. 前三名作品獲獎人同意無償授權所有合作單位及製作夥伴辦理作品的讀劇發表 ( 型式不拘, 但不得改編, 且應為非售票性質, 僅限發表五場 ) 8. 前三名獲獎人同意無償授予主辦單位原作及其譯作作品於全球地區不限場次的非專屬演出授權, 由主辦單位媒合合作單位以及製作夥伴製作 出資並演出 9. 除上述第 6 點 第 7 點規定範圍以外, 若因主辦單位媒合得獎劇本的製作演出而致獲獎人有權利金收入者, 主辦單位可分得該收入之百分之三十 (30%), 此收入將指定作為泛華劇本競賽相關活動之經費 10. 上述第 6~8 點, 授權期間均為頒獎日起計三年 11. 入圍媒合獎 : 為使更多優秀劇本有機會進到展演製作階段, 本競賽特別增列 2

贊助 / 文化部 世安文教基金會主辦 / 國立中央大學策劃執行 / 國立中央大學戲劇暨表演研究室共同主辦 / 南京大學文學院協助執行 / 南京大學藝術碩士劇團合辦 / 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學戲劇暨電影學系 國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學系 美國聖路易華盛頓大學東亞研究學系 英國里茲大學 stage@leeds 表演藝術中心 國立中山大學劇場藝術學系 樹德科技大學表演藝術系 澳門卓劇場 新加坡實踐劇場 不可無料劇場協辦 / 國立臺灣大學戲劇學系製作夥伴 / 南京大學藝術碩士劇團 創作社劇團 易卜生國際 台南人劇團 無獨有偶工作室劇團 入圍媒合獎, 作品選自決審名單 ( 前三名除外 ), 至多二名, 但不給予排序 本獎項頒發獎狀一紙, 入圍者同意無償授權主辦單位在頒獎日後三年內辦理作品的讀劇發表 ( 型式不拘, 但不得改編 ), 得邀請公部門 劇場製作人 經紀人 / 公司 導演及一般觀眾參與 若主辦單位於授權期間內成功媒合後續演出製作機會, 相關著作權益將另行簽署合作協議書 七 評審方式 1. 評審作業 : 採初審 複審及決審三階段進行 ; 初審由主辦單位就格式 資格作初步審查 複審及決審均聘請知名劇作家及學者組成評審委員會評審之 2. 作品如均未達水準, 得由決選評審委員決定從缺, 或不足額入選 八 來稿須知 1. 來稿格式 紙張大小為 A4, 邊界採用 Microsoft Word 預設格式, 行距為 單行間距, 本文字體大小為 12 號的黑色文字 2. 稿件第一面請標明劇名 劇本大綱 3. 第二面開始劇本正文 4. 稿件請一律於右下方標示頁碼 5. 所有稿件一律不得有任何身份標記 ( 如個人姓名 院校標記 筆名等 ) 6. 所有來稿檔名請以 作者名 _ 劇作全名 命名 7. 如來稿違反上述指引, 主辦單位有權拒絕接受投件 九 注意事項 1. 得獎作品之作者享有著作人格權及著作財產權, 並無償授權主辦單位 ( 代表相關合作單位 ) 於該著作之著作權存續期間, 在任何地方 任何時間以任何方式宣傳及轉載部分作品, 或用於各項非營利之研究 展示及推廣教育, 以持續推廣劇本創作競賽之辦理 2. 所有參賽作品必須為個人原創, 且未經任何形式之公開發表 ( 包括任何公眾 / 私人網站 報章雜誌等刊物 ) 演出或獲獎 所有未曾公開, 僅用於私人傳閱, 或被院校教師審閱 批改的作品則不在此限 參選者所送作品格式有疑義時, 由評審委員會合議認定之 3. 參賽者可同時參加二個組別, 每組限投一件, 惟每一份稿件皆須個別申請線上註冊資料後提交 ( 以 Email 為註冊帳號 ) 4. 參選者請於報名表上詳載個人資料及作品相關說明, 作品稿件上請勿書寫或印有作者姓名及任何記號, 若違反此規定, 將以違反規定不列入評選 5. 參選作品禁止抄襲或冒名頂替, 凡有抄襲或侵害他人著作權之作品, 除取消得獎資格 追回稿酬及獎座 公布違規情形事實外, 一切法律責任由參加者自行負責 十 得獎名單揭曉及頒獎日期 3

贊助 / 文化部 世安文教基金會主辦 / 國立中央大學策劃執行 / 國立中央大學戲劇暨表演研究室共同主辦 / 南京大學文學院協助執行 / 南京大學藝術碩士劇團合辦 / 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學戲劇暨電影學系 國立臺北藝術大學戲劇學系 美國聖路易華盛頓大學東亞研究學系 英國里茲大學 stage@leeds 表演藝術中心 國立中山大學劇場藝術學系 樹德科技大學表演藝術系 澳門卓劇場 新加坡實踐劇場 不可無料劇場協辦 / 國立臺灣大學戲劇學系製作夥伴 / 南京大學藝術碩士劇團 創作社劇團 易卜生國際 台南人劇團 無獨有偶工作室劇團 本競賽活動預定於 2019 年 7 月前在本活動官方網站上公佈得獎名單 ( 除得獎者以專函 專電通知外, 餘不另行個別通知 ), 並於 2019 年 7-9 月間舉辦頒獎典禮及讀劇發表會, 頒獎典禮地點和頒獎時間將另行通知 十一 本辦法如有未盡事宜, 得隨時修訂補充 十二 主辦單位暨策劃執行 本計劃由國立中央大學 戲劇曁表演研究室 策劃執行 國立中央大學 戲劇曁表演研究室 致力於臺灣表演藝術的影音典藏與數位內容開發, 自 2003 年起建置經營臺灣現代戲劇曁影音資料庫 (eti-tw.com), 營運迄今十五年, 數位化並典藏資料逾 600 筆, 並與黑盒子表演藝術中心合作發行 表演臺灣彙編 : 劇本, 設計, 技術,1943~ 數位出版品迄今 21 冊 鑑於優秀的劇本為表演藝術發展產業化 專業化的核心, 因此本計劃主持人提出一個以臺灣爲中心, 與世界各大學 表演藝術團體共同合作的劇本創作競賽, 以為表演藝術產業提昇創意與動能的基礎紮根 4