5. 根据以下的选项, 在三藩市市立大学学习的经历对提高您的知识 技能和个人发展的帮助程度 : 帮助很大帮助较大有帮助帮助很少 辨别对个人发展有帮助的资源和机会辨别对职业生涯发展有帮助的资源和机会维持和改善健康状态利用科技寻求才智的提升 6. 因为使用了以下的服务和资源, 我能够 :( 可选择所有适

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个人和职业发展 学生经历 请完成关于在三藩市市立大学个人和职业发展的调查问卷 这份问卷大约需要花 10-15 分钟来完成 我们需要利用问卷的结果来了解本大学需要改善之处 这是一份匿名问卷, 请考虑后如实回答 非常感谢 1. 请选择您的就读状况 学分 非学分 学分与非学分 2. 您所修读的主要科系部门或课程是什么? 3. 您在三藩市市立大学修读了多少学期的课程? 这是我的第一个学期 2-3 学期 4-5 学期 6 个或多于 6 个学期 4. 这学期有多少课程提高和帮助了您在以下方面的能力 : 全部大部分一些没有 自我反映和建立信心 珍惜终生学习的机会 1

5. 根据以下的选项, 在三藩市市立大学学习的经历对提高您的知识 技能和个人发展的帮助程度 : 帮助很大帮助较大有帮助帮助很少 辨别对个人发展有帮助的资源和机会辨别对职业生涯发展有帮助的资源和机会维持和改善健康状态利用科技寻求才智的提升 6. 因为使用了以下的服务和资源, 我能够 :( 可选择所有适当的选项 ) 注册部咨询顾问助学金补习图书馆 学生领袖才能训练和课外活动 学生健保服务 展现自我反映和信心 珍惜终生学习的机会 其他 ( 请详细描述 ) 7. " 珍惜终生学习的机会 " 是三藩市市立大学制定的学习目标之一, 终生学习对您意味着什么? 2

请从下列选出您的民族 / 种族, 性别和年龄 : 8. 民族 / 种族 可选择所有适合的选项 美洲印第安人 / 阿拉斯加原亚裔黑人或美籍非洲裔 大平洋群岛居民两个或以上的种族白人 菲律宾人拉丁美裔 不愿回答 9. 性别 女性 男性 不愿回答 自我识别选项 ( 请详细描述 ) 10. 年龄 19 岁或以下 20 24 岁 25 29 岁 30 34 岁 35 39 岁 40 49 岁 50 59 岁 60 69 岁 70 岁或以上 不愿回答 谢谢您的帮助让我们更好地了解三藩市市立大学学生的经历 3

Desarrollo personal y profesional experiencias de los estudiantes Encuesta o Survey Instrucciones: Por favor, complete esta encuesta sobre sus experiencias en City College de San Francisco (CCSF) relacionadas con el desarrollo personal y profesional. Esta encuesta tarda unos 10-15 minutos en completarse. Utilizaremos los resultados de esta encuesta para identificar áreas para que el Colegio mejore. Esta es una encuesta anónima. Por favor, responda honestamente y cuidadosamente. Muchas gracias. 1. Por favor, indique su estado como estudiante. crédito no crédito ambos crédito y no crédito 2. Cuál es su departamento / programa principal? 3. Cuantos semestres ha asistido al CCSF? Este es mi primer semestre 2-3 semesters 4-5 semesters 6 o más semestres 4. Cuantos de sus cursos de este semestre refuerzan su capacidad para: Todos Casi todos Algunos Ninguno Auto reflexionar y construir confianza Valorar el aprendizaje continuo 1

5. Cuánto ha contribuido su experiencia en el CCSF a sus conocimientos, habilidades y desarrollo personal en las siguientes áreas? Mucho Bastante Algunos Muy poco Identificar los recursos útiles y las oportunidades para el desarrollo profesional. Mantener o mejorar la salud Utilizar la tecnología en la búsqueda del crecimiento intelectual Utilizar la tecnología en la búsqueda de desarrollo profesional 6. Porqué he utilizado los siguientes servicios y recursos: (marque todas las que apliquen vea al final de la siguiente página los departamentos correspondientes) Admissions And Records (A&R/A&E) Academic Counseling (new, continuing, DSPS, EPS, International) Financial Aid Learning Assistance Tutoring (LAC) Library Student Government /Activities & Events Student Health Services Demostrar auto-reflexión y confianza Valorar el aprendizaje continuo ther (please specify) 7. El CCSF tiene un resultado de aprendizaje institucional, "valorar el aprendizaje continuo" Qué significa para usted el aprendizaje continuo? 2

Por favor indique su origen étnico / raza, género y edad. 8. Etnicidad / Raza - marque todas las respuesta que correspondan Asiático Blanco Dos o más Razas Filipino Indio Americano/Nativo de Alaska Isleño Pacifico Latino Negro o Africano Americano Prefiero no responder 9. Género Femenino Masculino Prefiero no responder pción de auto-identidad (especificar) 10. Edad 19 años o menos 20 24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Departamentos (referencia en la pregunta #6) 70+ Prefiero no contestar Admissions and Records Registro y Archivos Academic Counseling (new, continuing, DSPS, EPS, International) Consejería Académica (nueva, continua, DSPS, EPS, Internacional) Financial Aid Ayuda financiera Learning Assistance/Tutoring Asistencia de Aprendizaje / Tutoría Library Biblioteca Student Government/ Activities & Events Gobierno estudiantil / Actividades y eventos Student Health Services Servicios de salud al estudiante Gracias por ayudarnos a entender mejor las experiencias de los estudiantes de City College de San Francisco! 3

IL4: Personal and Career Development - Student Experiences Directions: Please complete this survey about your experiences at City College of San Francisco relating to personal and career development. This survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. We will use the results of this survey to help identify areas for the College to improve. This is an anonymous survey. Please respond honestly and thoughtfully. Thank you very much. 1. Please select your student status. credit noncredit both credit and noncredit 2. What is your primary department/program? 3. How many semesters have you attended CCSF? This is my first semester 2-3 semesters 4-5 semesters 6 or more semesters 4. How many of your courses this semester reinforce your ability to: All Most Some None Self-reflect and build confidence Value lifelong learning 1

5. How much has your experience at CCSF contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in the following areas? Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Identifying helpful resources and opportunities for career development Maintaining or improving health Using technology in pursuit of intellectual growth 6. Because I have used the following services and resources, I am more able to: (check all that apply) Admissions and Records (A&R/ A&E) Academic Counseling (new, continuing, DSPS, EPS, International) Financial Aid Learning Assistance Tutoring (LAC) Library Student Government / Activities & Events Student Health Services Demonstrate self-reflection and confidence Value lifelong learning ther (please specify) 7. CCSF has an institutional learning outcome, "value lifelong learning." What does lifelong learning mean to you? 2

Please indicate your ethnicity/race, gender and age below. 8. Ethnicity/race (Please select all that apply) American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Filipino Pacific Islander Two or more Races White Prefer not to answer Latino 9. Gender Female Male Prefer not to answer Self-identity option (please specify) 10. Age 19 years old or less 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Prefer not to answer 3

YUR PININ CUNTS! How does your experience at CCSF impact your PERSNAL & CAREER DEVELPMENT? Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. Return paper surveys to Library Staff. r take it online @ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ccsf-2016

IL 4: Career and Personal Development Survey @ CCSF Thank you so much for playing a role in promoting this survey. The College is gathering data on how students perceive their experiences at CCSF contributing to their personal and career development. The more surveys we collect the better! There is even a question that ties the library to the IL; the analysis of this question will provide evidence regarding the library s critical role in promoting student success! verall Distribution: The IL 4 (Personal & Career Development) survey is being emailed to all students during the week of December 5-10 and we hope to receive the bulk of responses through the online version of the survey. However, online surveys always provides a disproportionate number of responses from credit students and a lack of responses from non credit and non-native English speakers. The paper copies you have received will serve to gather data from these student populations and increased participation from centers. Please ask students to either fill out the print version of the survey and return to you or show them the URL on the flyer so they can access and complete online. Paper copies: Each center library will receive a number of Chinese, Spanish and English surveys. If the numbers run low, please photo copy more! Ask students to return the completed surveys to you and collect them in a large campus mail envelope. Distribution Points for Paper Copies: All library circulation and reference desks; all center counseling and surrounding areas Survey Timeframe : Monday December 5 through Saturday December 10 Return Surveys via Campus Mail to: Miguel Magos R407