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目 感恩与代祷 录 编 者 1 牧者心声 勒住你的舌头 龚明鹏 3 见证与分享 我的见证 吴权伟 8 相信就能够看见 卓艳梅 12 再述主恩 爱的雕凿 张英治 19 万怡杉 28 母亲节征文 记念母亲节 凌励立 43 父母的爱和神的爱 曹 红 47 Love Lisa Wang 50


不 不 禮 行 說 力 不 不 不 更 來 理 不 不 理 累 力 不 理 不 利 什 良 流 不 不 旅 量 不 不 旅 更 立 兩 連 福 聯 不 念 數 說

( 表 1) 學 校 基 本 資 料 學 校 類 型 新 竹 市 東 區 新 竹 國 小 班 級 數 55 校 址 新 竹 市 興 學 街 106 號 電 話 傳 真 網 址



Unit 3 My Favourite Movie Goals talk about films/movies encourage others to speak in a conversation listen for the sequence of events and for the speaker s attitude summarize the main idea of a paragraph analyse the author s attitude after reading review the object clause review how to read sentences: sentence stress, rhythm, sense group, pause, intonation write a film/movie review Listening and Speaking I PRE-LISTENING Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions: Do you like films/movies? Why? What kind of films/movies do you like best? Have you seen a film recently? What is it about? How do you like it? Why? II LISTENING 1 Listen to the conversation for the first time and write down its main idea. Two students (Diana and Wang Li) are talking about. 2 Listen to the conversation again and number the following statements. ( ) The animals are in danger. ( ) They have to travel to a boat at the other end of the valley. ( ) The ice is melting. ( ) The squirrel is trying to get the only nut left in the world. ( ) The squirrel fights fish and birds and ice and more. 1

3 Listen for the third time and take notes. Then answer the questions. 1 What does Diana think of the new movie? She thinks. 2 How many of the movie s characters are mentioned in the conversation? There are. 3 Which is Diana s favourite animal? ( ) Manny ( ) Sid ( ) Squirrel 4 When is Wang Li going to see the movie? 4 Read the listening script below and find the expressions that Wang Li uses to encourage Diana to speak. function expressions Really? Was it? Encourage others to speak III SPEAKING 1 Talk with your classmates about your favorite movie! First, write answers to the following questions. 1 What is your favorite movie? 2 Who are the main characters? 3 What are the main details of the story? 4 Why do you like it? 2 Now talk to two or three of your classmates. Ask them the above questions, and give your answers to their questions. Try to use expressions to encourage your partner to speak. A: Hi, What s your favourite movie? B: My favourite movie is A: What is the story about? B: It s about A: What happened to? B: In this movie, A: That sounds But why do you like it so much? B: Well, it is because What about you? What s your favourite movie? A:. 2

Listening Script Wang Li: Hi, Diana! How are you? Diana: Hi, Wang Li. I m great! I just saw a movie at the theater Ice Age 2. It s so exciting! Wang Li: Really? My brother and I are going to see it tomorrow. Is it as good as the first movie, Ice Age? Diana: Yeah, I think Ice Age 2 is really pretty good. It s really funny! Wang Li: What s the story about? Diana: Well, it still has the three characters from the first movie Manny, Sid and Diego the tiger. In this movie, they are in danger from all the melting ice. Wang Li: So what s happened to the animals? Diana: Well, because the ice is melting, the animals are in danger. They have to travel to a boat at the other end of the valley. Wang Li: Oh, wow. That sounds dangerous and exciting. Diana: It really is! My favorite animal is the squirrel he is always doing something funny. He is always trying and failing to get that one nut. It is probably the only nut left in the world! He fights fish and birds and ice and more all to get his nut. Wang Li: Now I m really interested to see it. I think I ll go and see it this evening! I ll ask my brother if he can go today. Diana: Let me know! Maybe I ll go with you and see it again! 3

Reading and Writing I PRE-READING People write reviews of movies, books, TV plays and so on. Have you ever tried to write one before? What do you think a simple movie review should include? II READING FOR INFORMATION The Ultimate Gift: A Movie Review Recently I watched a very interesting movie, called The Ultimate Gift. The story was about a rich grandfather, Red Stevens, and his spoiled grandson, Jason. After Red died, his children all fought to control his money, but none of them received what they wanted. Jason was very surprised at what he was offered: a video of his grandfather. In the video, Red told Jason that he would receive a series of gifts. Those gifts would lead to the greatest gift of all, but only if he did what Red suggested. Jason decided there was no risk in trying the strange experiment. He accepted the challenge, although he remained in doubt. As he continued, however, Red s advice began to have a greater and greater influence on him. He ended up traveling to other states and even another country to follow the instructions. Jason finally realized that his grandfather s gifts were not money, but in fact valuable lessons about life. One of his first lessons was learning to honor hard work: a good day of hard work is its own reward. He also realized that it is better to be lonely than to have false friends, and that true friends, not money, make a man truly rich. In another, he learned to pity people and treat them with kindness. He found that he gained the most when he dared to give himself in service to others. In the end, nothing could prevent him from doing whatever his grandfather said. He understood that following his grandfather s wisdom was worth it. By the final gift, he found that he had created a new life for himself, a truly satisfying life. In my opinion, this movie was wonderful. It was quite different from the usual exciting movies that are full of action or empty love. The writers developed the story in a very unusual way to express their message. I think that the true message of the movie is that with honest efforts we can change ourselves and the world. We must believe in good and do good to change the world. 4

1 Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the statements which are false. 1 ( ) The grandfather was so poor that he didn t leave his grandson any money. 2 ( ) Jason received several gifts together with the video. 3 ( ) Jason was sure that there was no risk in accepting the challenge of trying the strange experiment. 4 ( ) Following his grandfather s instructions, Jason learned more than he had expected. 5 ( ) His grandfather s wisdom brought Jason a satisfying life. 6 ( ) The writer of the review sang high praise for the movie because it expressed the message in a common way. 2 Read the passage again carefully and summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 3 Complete the passage by filling in the blanks with missing words. Jason was a video when his grandfather died. In the video, Jason was told that he would receive a of gifts, which would lead to the greatest gift of all, but only if he did as Red. Jason decided there was no in trying the strange experiment, he remained in. Over time, his grandfather s advice began to have a greater on him. He travelled around to the instructions, and realized that the gifts were not money, but lessons about life. Jason learned to hard work. He also realized that true friends make a man truly rich. He learned the importance of others with kindness. He found that he gained the most when he gave himself in to others. In the end, he understood that following his grandfather s was worth it. By the final gift, he found that he had for himself a truly life. 4 Discuss the following questions in groups and present your ideas to the whole class. 1 What lesson did you learn from the movie review? 2 Do you agree with the writer s opinion about the movie? 5

III READING FOR WRITING 1 Let s look at how the movie review was developed! Write the following phrases next to the correct paragraphs above. Main points of the story Writer s own opinion Conclusion of the story Short introduction 2 Now get ready to write your own movie review! First fill in the blanks below to complete the outline. Then answer the questions with a few phrases or sentences to help you brainstorm about what to write. 1.. When did you see the movie? What kind of movie is it? What is the main idea? 2. of the story. What are the basic details of the story? What is most important to know, in order to understand the story? 3. of the story. How does the story end? Is it sad, happy, thoughtful, etc.? 4.. What do you think of the movie? Would you recommend it to others? 3 Now use the form of the above movie review and your answers to the questions to write your own movie review. 4 Now check your writing carefully! Tick each item on the following list after you ve checked your movie review for that problem. Subjects and verbs: agreement and correct tense Spelling Each sentence: beginning capital and end punctuation Prepositions and conjunctions Object clauses 6

Pronunciation I 句子重音 SENTENCE STRESS 在英语句子中, 有的词重读, 有的词不重读 一般来说, 在句子中需重读的词都是实词, 如名词 动词 形容词 副词 数词 指示代词 感叹词等 不重读的多为虚词, 如冠词 连词 介词 人称代词等 有少数动词和许多代词也不重读 A:!How was your!weekend? B: It was!great! I!went to a!wildlife!park. A:!Oh,!really?!Where s the!park? B: It s near the!great!wall. A:!What did you!see there? II 节奏 Rhythm 在句子中的每一个重读音节之间相隔的时间大致是相等的 在重读音节之间的弱读音节一定要读得快一些, 这好像是音乐中的打拍子一样 在读英语的句子时, 特别要体会一轻一重或一重一轻的节奏感 例如 : The Swing Robert Louis Stevenson!How do you!like to!go up in a!swing,!up in the!air so!blue?!oh, I!do think it the!pleasantest!thing!ever a!child can!do!!up in the!air and!over the!wall, Till I can!see so!wide,!river and!trees and!cattle and!all!over the!countryside Till I!look down on the!garden!green,!down on the!roof so!brown!up in the!air I!go!flying a!gain,!up in the!air and!down! III 意群 SENSE GROUP 一个句子可根据意思和语法结构分成若干小段, 每一小段称之为一个意群 意群可以是一个词, 一个词组或短语, 也可以是并列句的一个分句或复合句的一个主句 从句等等, 我们可用 / 来划分句子的意群 例如 After school, / my classmates and I / are going to play basketball. 7

在朗读长句子时, 必须注意意群, 否则不仅朗读困难, 还会引起误解 例如 My uncle led us to a small path / beyond the main trails / to increase our chances of seeing wildlife. IV 停顿 PAUSE 人们在说话 朗读, 特别是演讲时, 为了将意思表达得更清楚, 可以在意群之间作一定的停顿 语速较慢, 则停顿较多, 语速较快, 则停顿较少 但在同一个意群内不可停顿, 而要一口气说完, 以便整个意群的意思不至中断 如 :Mr Green / is one / of the best teachers / in our school. 这里第 2 次和第 3 次停顿在语速较快时都可以免去 总之, 意群 是一个稍长的句子分成的具有一定意义的若干个短语 ; 停顿 是在意群之间进行的 如 He found / that he gained the most / when he dared to give himself / in service to others. Practice 1 Read the following sentences with rhythm, paying attention to sentence stress, sense groups and pauses. 1!Jason de!cided / there was!no!risk / in!trying the!strange ex!periment. 2 He!ended up!traveling to!other!states / and!even a!nother!country / to!follow the ins!tructions. 3 He!also!realized / that it is!better to be!lonely / than to have!false!friends. 4 It was!quite!different / from the!usual ex!citing!movies / that are!full of!action or!empty!love. 5 I!think / that the!true!message of the!movie is / that with!honest!efforts / we can!change!ourselves and the!world. V 语调 Intonation 英语最基本的语调有升调 ( ) 和降调 ( ) 一句话除了词汇意义还有语 调意义 所谓词汇意义就是话中所用词的意义, 而语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气 一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义才算是完全的意义 同样的句子, 语调不同, 意思就会不同 请看下例 : A: Jean,can you bring me the newspaper? B: Sorry? Jean 用升调说 Sorry, 其意思是 I didn t hear you.could you say that again, please? 如果 Jean 用降调说 Sorry, 显然其意思是拒绝帮助或无能为力 1. 一般说来, 降调 ( ) 常用于以下几类句子 : 1) 简短而完整的陈述句 It s not far. 8

2) 以疑问词开头的特殊疑问句 How much is this tie? 3) 说话者期望对方同意的反意疑问句 It s a nice day, isn t it? 4) 命令句和感叹句 Don t for get! What a clever girl! 2. 一般说来, 升调 ( ) 用于以下几类句子 : 1) 旨在鼓励别人的陈述句 That s a good i dea. 2) 回答 是 或 不是 的一般疑问句 Do you want to go? 3) 以疑问词开头, 而说话者想显示特别兴趣的特殊疑问句 Where do you live? 4) 说话者不确信对方态度时的附加疑问句 You know about that, don t you? 5) 以 please 结尾的疑问句, 表示客气 Can you help me, please? 6) 逐项列举事物时 I have got some books, a notebook, a pencil case, and a bottle of water in my school bag. Practice 2 Read the following sentences, paying attention to the use of intonation. 1 Let me have a look at it. 2 Is there a post office near here? 3 We should take care of the old. 4 How funny it is! 5 Dick gave his sister a pink dress, a white hat and a pair of sunglasses. 6 You agree with me, don t you? 7 He put it down and then picked it up. 8 How did you like the movie last night? 9 What time does he get up every morning? 10 The teacher told me to stay behind after school. 11 He said that he was going to write a movie re view. 9

12 Would you like a cup of tea or a glass of ice water? 13 Would you please come to our party to morrow? 14 I bought a cheap book, but it s a good one. Vocabulary 1 Match the words with the definitions given. 1 control A to give something for free 2 challenge B have power over somebody or something 3 risk C stop somebody doing something or stop something from happening 4 offer D ability to make people believe or follow you 5 doubt E physical or mental energy that you need to do something 6 influence F a new or difficult task that tests somebody s ability and skill 7 honor G possibility of danger happening at some future time 8 prevent H make something new; invent 9 create I not feel certain about something 10 effort J show great respect for someone 2 Choose suitable words from the box to complete the sentences, changing the forms if necessary. worth spoil lonely experiment challenge risk remain whatever create pity series 1 Being new in a foreign country, my uncle often feels. 2 The scientist spends most of his time in the lab doing. 3 Think again. Don t losing the chance. 4 The cause of the big fire still unknown. 5 It s human nature to take on the weak. 6 The movie is well seeing again. 7 Our trip to Hainan was by flight delay, bad weather and poor hotel service. 8 Life is a of natural and spontaneous changes. Don t try to stop them from happening that only sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in way they like. Lao Zi 9 Learn from your failures and go on to the next. It s OK to fail. If you are not failing, you are not growing. Unknown 10

3 Translate the following sentences using the words or phrases given in brackets. 1 吸烟会增加患心脏病的危险性 (increase the risk of) 2 你去购物吧, 我会呆在家里 (remain) 3 很多小孩都怕黑, 不敢自己一个人睡觉 (dare; on one s own) 4 无论他让你做什么, 都请按时完成 (whatever) 5 医生和护士们用尽了所有的办法拯救这个病人, 但是都失败了 (effort) 6 我相信人们总有一天会认识到他在科学领域的影响 (influence) 7 我感到很荣幸能被选为会议的主席 (feel honoured) 8 所有人都很同情她, 但是没有人给予她任何帮助 (pity; none; offer) Grammar 宾语从句 THE OBJECT CLAUSE 英语的句子分为简单句 并列句和复合句三种 复合句指由主句和其他从句组成的句子 如 : She doesn t know if her mother will be back today. ( 宾语从句 ) I was walking along the street when the accident happened. ( 状语从句 ) 这两个句子都是复合句, 其中划线部分为从句, 非划线部分为主句 在复合句中, 由一个句子充当宾语, 这个句子叫做宾语从句 宾语从句由 关联词 + 主语 + 谓语 构成 具体分三种情况 : 从句原形 关联词 例句 陈述句 that( 口语或非正式文体中常省略 ) Red told Jason that he would receive a series of gifts. Jason decided (that) there was no risk in trying the strange experiment. 一般疑问句 whether/if ( 口语常用 if) 特殊疑问句 who, what, which, when, where, how I d like to know if/whether she has received my email. I m not sure if/whether he ll come to the airport to meet us. None of them received what they wanted. Practice Change the sentences using the object clauses given, as seen in the examples below. Example: He doesn t like going to parties. (I didn t know ) I didn t know (that) he doesn t like going to parties. 11

Did he survive in the accident? (I wonder ) I wonder whether he survived in the accident. What can I do? (Could you tell me?) Could you tell me what I can do? 1 Our class team won the football match. (The monitor told us ) 2 Did they get enough food and clothing? (We wonder ) 3 Will it rain tomorrow or not? (We are not sure ) 4 What is going to be done next? (We have no idea ) 5 How soon will he be back? (No one really cares ) 6 What makes a good learner? (We will discuss ) 7 How many people were absent? (We need to find out ) 8 Why was he looking sad? (Nobody explained to me ) Self-check 1 Read the following rhyme. Pay attention to sentence stress and rhythm. The Wind Christina Rossetti!Who has!seen the wind?!neither!i nor you, But!when the!leaves hang trembling, The!wind is!passing through.!who has!seen the wind?!neither you nor!i, But!when the!trees bow!down their heads, The!wind is!passing by. 2 Change the questions into object clauses. 1 What kind of films do you like best? Could you tell me? 2 Will Ice Age III come out next year? Do you know? 3 The movie was great and worth seeing. Sally told me. 4 Where shall we go for the summer holiday? I haven t decided yet. 5 Did you lock the door when you left the office? Do you remember? 12

3 Read the following passage carefully and complete the exercises. I love funny, exciting, even frightening movies, so I was surprised that I loved the movie Warm Spring ( 暖春 ). It tells the story of Xiao Hua, a little girl in the countryside. Both her mother and father are dead, and the people in her village are not kind to her, so she runs away in the middle of the night. She finally has no more strength and falls down near another village. The people of that village gather together to decide what to do. No one really wants another mouth to feed, and one by one each of them walks away. Finally, an old man, Grandpa, steps forward. He is very poor, but he has pity on the little girl. As he thinks, she is alive, she needs help and he has something to share, so why shouldn t he take her home? But the old man s son and the son s wife do not want this little stranger in their home. The wife is very unkind to Xiao Hua; she even tries to take her to another village and leave her there. But Xiao Hua continues to love the old man and his family. She even brings the wife gifts and tries to help her. The whole village comes to love and admire Xiao Hua, and, in the end, the son and his wife come to love her too and then the head of the village tells them a big secret. I loved this movie because of its message: love overcomes hate, and pity and love for others is always right, even if others disagree. It also made me wonder why we humans hold so tightly to what we have? Other people in the village have more than the old man, but they hold on to it too tightly. He is the poorest in the village, but he gladly shares what he has. He realizes that people, not things, are most important in life. 1) Choose the best answers. (1) How many villages are mentioned in the passage? A One B Two C Three (2) What does overcome mean? A 包容 B 战胜 C 影响 (3) What does the underlined part mean? What adjectives can you use to replace it? A are selfish B are kind C are cruel 2) What do you think about the characters in the movie? Use your own words to describe them. Characters Your description Xiao Hua People in the two villages Grandpa 3) According to the movie review, what do you think the title Warm Spring means? I think Warm Spring means 13

Words and Expressions in Unit 3 注 : 带 符号的词汇不要求掌握 valley /!vzkh/ n. 山谷 ; 流域 melt /melt/ vi. & vt.( 使某物 ) 融化 ; 溶解 squirrel /!skwhr?k/ n. 松鼠 character /!kzq?js?/ n.( 小说 戏剧中的 ) 人物 ; 品质 ; 特性 ultimate /!UksHl?s/ adj. 最后的 ; 终极的 ; 根本的 spoil /spphk/ vt. & vi. 娇惯 ; 溺爱 ; 破坏 ; 糟蹋 control /k?n!tr?tl/ vt. 控制 ; 管理 ; 管制 none /nun / pron. 一个也没有 ; 毫无 offer /!Pe?/ vt. 提供 ; 提出 ; 表示愿意 ( 做某事 ) series /!sh?qi:z/ n. (pl 复数不变 ) 一系列的事物 a series of 一个接一个的 ; 一连串的 risk /rhsk/ n. 危险 ; 风险 vt. 冒 ( 面临 ) 危险 experiment /Hj!rodqHl?ms/ n. 实验 ; 试验 vi. 进行实验 ; 进行试验 challenge /!srzkhmcy/ n. 邀请比赛 ; 挑战 ; 质问 ; 怀疑 vt. 向 挑战 ; 要求 ; 对 表示异议 remain /qh!ldhm/ vi. 逗留 ; 留下 ; 剩余 ; 保持不变 doubt /c`ts/ n. 怀疑 ; 不确定 ; 不信任 vt. ( 对某事物 ) 无把握, 有怀疑 influence /!HmekT?mr/ n. 影响 ( 力 ); 支配 ( 力 ) v. 影响 ( 某人或某事物 ); 支配 ( 某人 ) 做某事 honor /!Pm?/ (< 美 > = < 英 > honour) vt. 向 ( 某人或某事物 ) 致敬 ; 给某人以荣誉 14

n. 光荣 ; 荣幸 ; 荣誉 ; 崇敬 reward /qh!vn9c/ n. 报答 ; 报偿 ; 报酬 ; 赏金 vt. 给 以报酬 ; 奖赏 lonely /!k?tmkh / adj. 孤寂的 ; 寂寞的 ; 偏僻的 ; 孤单的 pity /!ohsh/ vt. 可怜 ; 觉得 可怜又可鄙 n. 怜悯 ; 同情 ; 遗憾的事 gain /fdhm/ vt. 获得 ; 赢得 dare /cd?/ vt. 敢于 ; 竟敢 ; 胆敢 prevent /oqh!udms/ vt. 防止 ; 阻止 whatever /hvps!du?/ pron. 任何 ( 事物 ); 无论什么 wisdom /!vhyc?l/ n. 智慧 ; 常识 ; 正确的判断 ; worth /v29s/ adj. 值得 的 ; 相当于 的价值 n. 值一定金额的量 ; 价值 ; 用处 create /kri!dhs/ v. 创造 ; 创作 ; 引起 ; 产生 satisfying /!rzshre`hhm/ adj. 令人满意的 opinion /?!ohmi?m/ n. 意见 ; 看法 ; 主张 ; 舆论 effort /!de?s/ n. ( 做事需费的 ) 力量和精力 ; 努力 ; 奋斗 15