The KNAG Collection

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THE KNAG COLLECTION Introduction and catalogues Koos Kuiper East Asian Library Leiden University Library Leiden 2010 1

Contents Introduction 3 I. 252 Chinese books in the Van Gulik Kamer 5 II. Sixteen Japanese books in the Japanological Library 14 III. Nine Malay books in the KITLV Library 16 2

Introduction The KNAG Collection originally belonged to the Royal Dutch Geographic Society (Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap). This society was established by P.J. Veth and others in 1873 and became a royal society in 1888. During the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century, this was an active scientific society which stimulated and organized geographic research on the Dutch Colonies; nowadays it is an association of geographers and geography teachers. This society still has a very large collection of books and maps which are in part kept in the Amsterdam University Library. Around 2000, the Chinese books in this library (including some Japanese and Malay books) were transferred to the Sinological Institute in Leiden, and on 8 October 2004 they were officially donated to the Sinological Institute. The collection contains 252 items in total of which 248 are printed Chinese books (about 1150 vols.) and 4 Chinese manuscripts (7 vols.). Parts of the KNAG Collection were donated to other libraries. Originally there were also 18 Japanese and 9 Malay printed books, which were transferred and donated to the Japanological library and the library of the KITLV in 2003. Some manuscripts by C.F.M. de Grijs were added to his other manuscripts, which are kept in the Central Library of Leiden University (BPL 1780: 1 F, 9B, BPL 1782: 13 D). The books are dated 1812-1918, and most of them were probably given to the KNAG at the beginning of the 20 th century. They are from two sources: Dutch sinologists and missionaries. The origin of many books is known because Western or Chinese names or seals of sinologists are written on the covers or inside, or because their handwriting can be recognized. Moreover, some books that originally belonged to De Grijs can be identified with the help of a list of 22 numbered titles which is kept in the Central Library (BPL 1780:12); some of these numbers correspond to the numbers written on books or on their original wrappings (e.g. KNAG 139, 252). These sinologists are: Name Chinese names Years of In Amoy Number of titles life (or China) C.F.M. de Grijs 凱士 1832-1902 1856-1864 38 titles G. Schlegel 施理, 施利加 1840-1903 1858-1862 8 titles J. van der Spek 薛伯, 邦傑 1857-1902 1879-1880 19 titles B.A.J. van Wettum 墨湛, 翰香 1870-1914 1892-1894 52 Chinese, 2 Jap. titles At least seven of the Christian books once belonged to H.C. Millies (1810-1869). Six are mentioned on Hoffmann s printed list of Gützlaff s books in the Netherlands printed as an appendix to H. Millies s Necrology of Gützlaff (1852). 1 These are KNAG 84a/b, 86a/b, 87b, 88b, 89, 90a/b. KNAG 106 and perhaps Christian works by other authors also belonged to Millies; his collection of printed books was auctioned in the 1870s. This collection reflects the interests of nineteenth century Dutch sinologists who acted as Chinese interpreters (mainly of Minnanhua) in the Netherlands Indies from 1862 to 1896, and afterwards as officials for Chinese affairs. Most books were acquired during their studies in Amoy (Xiamen). Some books contain notes reflecting the personal life, studies or scholarly work of the sinologists. For instance KNAG 164 解元三字經 會元千字文 狀元幼學詩 was presented to De Grijs by Hoffmann before he left the Netherlands for the Indies on 1 June 1855, KNAG 17a 四書正文 ( 下孟 )was presented to Schlegel by Hoffmann on his 1 H.C.Millies, Levensberigt van Dr. Karl Friendrich August Gützlaff, in Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche letterkunde, 1851 ( It is not always clear which of the two copies belonged to Millies. 3

sixteenth birthday on 30 September 1856, KNAG 160 彙集雅俗通十五音 was used by Schlegel when he compiled his Dutch-Chinese dictionary, KNAG 191 平山冷燕 was presented to Van der Spek by his Chinese teacher in Amoy on 5 March 1879, KNAG 142 洗冤錄集證彙纂 was used by De Grijs for his translation Geregtelijke Geneeskunde, and KNAG 151 中華民國暫行民律草案 was in part translated by Van Wettum. The main categories, followed by the number of books are: Classics and philosophers (25), history (5), geography (4), Imperial edict (6), Buddhism and Taoism (13), Christianity (54), law (15), language and writing (9), schoolbooks (16), novels (33), medicine (9), encyclopedias (9), journals (6). The number of novels is rather large (33), but there is only one book of Chinese poetry. There were already copies of some of these books in the library of the Sinological Institute, which were donated by other sinologists, e.g. books from A.A. de Jongh (1856-1941), a classmate of J. van der Spek. But most books were not yet in the library, and some previously missing volumes of multi-volume works turned up (e.g. KNAG 18, 135, 137). The books are arranged here according to the Harvard-Yenching system. Headings are added for quick reference. More data on each book can be found in the on-line catalogue of Leiden University Library (search by call number: SINOL. KNAG*). The Christian works are arranged here according to the order of authors in Alexander Wylie: Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese, Shanghai, 1867. Place names, years and numbers between brackets directly following the Chinese title refer to Wylie s lists. Reference is also made to Hubert W. Spillett, A Catalogue of Scriptures in the Languages of China and the Republic of China, London 1975, and to the numbers in G. Schlegel, Catalogue des livres chinois qu se trouvent dans la bibliothèque de l université de Leide, Leiden 1883. Below are three lists of the Chinese, Japanese and Malay books. Leiden, June 2010 Koos Kuiper (With corrections up to 7 January 2014) 4

I. 252 Chinese books which are now kept in the Van Gulik Kamer, Sinological Institute, Leiden University. Classics 1. 五經旁訓 (6 冊 : 易書詩禮春秋 ) 吳郡張氏重校, 廈門文德堂藏板 (De Grijs, no. 22) 2. [ 五經旁訓 ](4 冊 : 易書詩 ) 多文齋 芸成堂 芸成齋藏板 (Van Wettum) 3. 詩經精華 (10 卷 ; 一函四冊 ) 光緒戊子仲冬新鎸 [1888], 大文堂藏板 (Van Wettum) 4. 禮記精華 ( 一函三冊 ) 道光己亥仲春 [1839], 廈門文德堂發兌, 光韙堂藏板 (Van Wettum) 5. 左繡 ; 春秋經傳集解 [30 卷 ](6 冊 ), 聚德堂 ; 華川書屋 (Van Wettum) 6. 禮記集說 (6 冊,30 卷 ) 7-9, 13. 欽定四經 : 7. 欽定周易折中 (16 冊,22 卷 )(De Grijs no. 10) 8. 欽定書經傳説彙纂 (16 冊,21 卷 )(De Grijs no. 9) 9. 欽定詩經傳説彙纂 (24 之 23 冊,21 卷 )( 第 13 冊, 卷九缺 )(De Grijs no. 9) 10-12. 欽定三禮義疏 : 10. 欽定禮記義疏 (48 冊,82 卷 )(De Grijs no. 7, 8) 11. 欽定儀禮義疏 (40 冊,48 卷 )(De Grijs no. 11) 12. 欽定周官義疏 (32 冊,48 卷 )(De Grijs no. 12) 13. 欽定春秋傳説彙纂 (24 冊,38 卷 )(De Grijs no. 10) The Four Books (Sishu) 14. 朱子大全 (19 冊 )(De Grijs no. 6) 15. 囗囗堂遵依國子監銅板原本四書正文 ( 下論 ) 16. 梅峰書院校正監字四書真本, 文瑞堂, 文林堂 ( 下孟缺 ) 17a,b 較正監韻分章分節四書正文 ( 下孟 )(Schlegel) 18. 高松園參訂鄧退蓭先生家藏遵註四書備旨善本 ( 第二冊下論卷之三至四 ; 第一, 三, 四冊為 VGK 855.6), 大文堂,1875 (Van der Spek) 19. 新訂四書補註備旨, 福文堂,1856 (Schlegel) 20. 梅峰書院校正監字四書真本 ( 四書讀本, 四書白文正體 ), 廈門多文齋,1857 (Schlegel) 21. 監本三提四書全註 ( 四書正體 ), 廈門多文齋 (Schlegel) Confucianism 22. 御纂性理精義 (6 冊 ),1852 (De Grijs no. 21) 23. 孔子家語 ( 一冊,4 卷 ), 崇經堂,1874 (Van Wettum) 24. 小學集注 ( 卷 1-2) Taoism 25. 太上黃庭經註 ( 外景玉經 )(3 卷 ); 陰符經 (1 卷 ), 清虛菴, 白雲山房 (De Grijs?) 26. 太上混元道德真經 (47-124 頁 ), 1863 年後 Ethics 27. 朱柏廬居家格言集說 28. 重刊二十四孝,1874 年敍 5

Sacred Edict 29. 聖諭廣訓, 石印 30. 聖諭廣訓, 上海書局石印,1899 31. 欽定聖諭廣訓,2 冊,[ 官話版 ] 32. 聖諭廣訓, 泉州府同安縣知縣唐孝本刊 (De Grijs?) 33. 聖諭廣訓,1 函 2 冊, 京都老榮錄堂 (Van Wettum) 34. 聖諭像解,10 冊, 廣州味經堂 (De Grijs) Popular religion and beliefs 35. 捌門斗戰 (4 頁 ); [ 命書 ](31 頁 ), 抄本,1895 36a,b. 王靈官秘傳功名財子壽極驗良方, 廈門有文齋,1880 37. 雪心賦辨訛正解, 地理第一書, 辯論三十篇, 福州崇文堂,1886 (Van Wettum) 38. 關聖帝君明聖經, 鷺江 ( 廈門 ) 多文齋,1887 39. [ 佛經 ], 廈門寳華齋 (Van Wettum) 40. 觀音濟度本願真經, 廈門寳華齋,1864 41. 新刻六直注舜儀評訂神仙鑑二集 ( 卷之九, 十五 ),( 佛祖傳燈 ) (De Grijs) 42. 新刻陳宏謀批評記史通鑑 ( 神仙通鑑 )(39 卷 ),13 冊 43. 囗囗堂新鎸繡像列仙傳, 在玆堂,1846 44. 太上感應篇直講, 廈門多文齋,1894 45. 太上感應篇直解 (De Grijs?) 46. 玉歷鈔傳警世, 因果實錄, 敍福建南邑 1841 (De Grijs no. 22) Christian religion (Bible translations) Old Testament 47. 舊遺詔聖書 (no place, no date; no. 58; Spillett 1838) copy of lesser quality and smaller paper, with autograph, 4 v., other copies in Gutz 73 I, II, III, IV and VGK Schlegel 147 (now VGK 1977.1.1) 48a,b. 舊約全書, 香港英華書院 (Genesis to Lot) 1855 49. 舊約全書 (Shanghai, 1855; no. 42) 卷三 only (Proverbs to Malachi), also complete versions in Schlegel 145 (VGK 1977.1.2) and Schlegel 143 (VGK 1977.13, bound together with the 1854 edition of the N.T.) 50. 舊約全書, 3 冊, 1859, 上海墨海書館 (also in VGK 1877.1.3) Old en New Testament translated by Josiah Goddard 高德 (1813-1854) (p. 114-115) 51a,b. 聖經舊遺詔創世傳 (Ningpo, 1850; Wylie no. 2) English title: Genesis 52a,b. 聖經舊遺詔出麥西傳 (not in Wylie) English title: Exodus; Ningpo, 1851 53a,b. 聖經新遺詔全書 (Ningpo, 1853; Wylie no. 4) English title: The New Testament in Chinese, For the Am. & For. Bible society, by J. Goddard 寧波真神堂敬送 New Testament 54. [ 聖經 ] (Wylie p. 2. no 1) (1822 edition of New Testament; also partly in Schlegel 154 I (Romans to Revelation), II (James to Revelation) (Schlegel 154 I, II, now VGK 1977.5.24, 25) transl. by Joshua Marshman (1768-1837) (Wylie pp. 1-2) 55. 救世者耶穌新遺詔書 (Math. to Acts) Written on cover: The Gospel & the Acts translated or revised by Medhurst, Bridgman & others in 1835-6 (John Johnson s hand) 6

56Aa, Ab, Ba, Bb, Ca, Cb 救世主耶穌新遺詔書 (ca. 1851; also VGK 1977.5.29; 2 copies (A), and 2 copies each of later reprints from worn blocks (B), and from repaired blocks (C)) Early Delegates version 57a,b. 路加傳福音書, 上海墨海書館,1850 58. 新約全書, 上海墨海書館,Gospels (1850) and Acts (1851) 59a,b. 新約全書, 香港英華書院,1852, another copy in VGK 1977.5.31 Delegates version 60. 新約全書, 香港英華書院,1854 61a,b. 新約全書, 香港英華書院,1855 62. 新約全書, 上海墨海書館,1855 Songti title (same title page as VGK 1977.13; cf. VGK 1977.5.32 lishu title) (Spillett. p. 16 no. 78) 63. 新約全書, 上海墨海書館,1856 (reprint with minor corrections of no. 62) 64. 新約全書, 香港英華書院活板,1869 (not in Spillett) 65. 新約全書, 上海美華書館,1877 (cf. Spillett p. 30 no. 147 (1874 ed.)) 66. 新約全書, 大英聖書會託印, 上海美華書館,1892 (Spillett p. 36 no. 184) New Testament (Pocket size) 67. 馬太傳福音書 ; 馬可傳福音書 ; 路加傳福音書 ; 約翰傳福音書 ; 依本文譯述, 新嘉坡堅夏書院藏版 (not in Wylie) 1839 (bound in one volume, small size) (not in Spillett) 68a,b. 新約全書, 江蘇上海新譯, 香港英華書院活板,1851 (Gospels only) (not in Spillett) 69. 新約全書 (12 卷 ),[ 江蘇松江上海墨海書館,1852 ], leather bound (Spillett p. 13 no. 60) 70. 新約全書, 江蘇松江上海墨海書館,1852 ( 卷 1-5)bound in blue cotton (De Grijs) (Spillett p. 13 no. 60) 71. 新約全書,( 卷 1-5)[Shanghai 1853] (Spillett p. 13 no. 6) 72. 使徒行傳, 文理, 大英聖書公會, 上海美華書館鉛板,Singapore 1885 (Spillett p. 34 no. 170) Bible 73. 舊約全書 (3 卷 ), 大英聖書會托印, 上海美華書館活板,1891 (Spillett p. 36 no. 181) 74. 新約全書, 大英聖書會托印, 上海美華書館活板,1891 (Spillett p. 36 no. 181) Dialect Bibles (New Testament) 75. 新約聖書, 客話,2 冊,1883 76. 新約土話, 羊城土話,2 冊,1889 Translations and works by various authors Ferdinand Genähr 葉納清 1823-1864 (Wylie p. 161-163) 77a,b,c. 金屋型儀 (Hongkong, 1852; Wylie no. 3) 78a,b. 聖經史記撮要 title in banxin: 聖經之史 (Hongkong 1850; reprint 1861; revision of Gützlaff no. 60 [KNAG 89]; Wylie no. 1) 79a,b. 聖會大學 (Hongkong, 1851; Wylie no. 2) 咸豐元年香港英華書院印刷 7

Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff 愛漢者 from 1837 善德 ( 者 ); 郭實獵 (1803-1851) (Wylie pp. 54-66) 80. 贖罪之道傳 (1836; Wylie no. 3) the condensed edition in 1 v. (also Gutz 37) 81a,b. 救世主 [ 耶穌 ] 言行全傳 (no date; Wylie no. 6); 1837 edition by 新嘉坡堅夏書院藏板, 善德纂 (Gutz 40) 82. 萬國地理全集 (no place, no date, Wylie no. 35) (also 2 copies bound together in VGK 2370.12a,b, in which pp. 53-60, 67, 74 are printed from new blocks) 83. 救世耶穌受死全傳 (1843; Wylie no. 45) 賜福堂藏版 (also Gutz 84) 84a,b. 聖書勸言 (no date; Wylie no. 47) 85 I. 皇城信式 (no date; Wylie no. 48; bound together with the following item) (also Gutz 86a-e) 85 II. 天教各條問答解名 (no date; Wylie no. 49; bound together with the preceding) (also Gutz 86a-e) 86a,b. 聖會禱詞 (no date; Wylie no. 51) (note: Wylie had not seen the book, his title is taken from a list published in Holland in Italic character ) 87a,b. 聖會之史 (no date; Wylie no. 52) 88a,b. 萬國史傳 (no date; Wylie no. 53) 89. 聖經之史 (no date; Wylie no. 60) 90a,b. 教條 (no date; Wylie no. 61) 91. 耶穌復生傳 (not in Wylie) 1843 福德堂藏板 6 p. (another edition in Gutz 91) (by Gützlaff?) William Milne 博愛者 (1785-1822) (Wylie pp. 14-21) 92. 張遠兩友相論 (orig. Malacca 1819; cf. Wylie no. 11) Hong Kong, 1844 香港英華書院 93. 長遠兩友相論 (orig. Malacca 1819; cf. Wylie no. 11) modified version, vol. 1 only (20 p.), Shanghai/Guangzhou 1852 上海重校 ; 省城西金利埠惠愛醫舘送 (Wylie p. 92, by Jehu Lewis Shuck?) Walter Henry Medhurst 尚德者 (1796-1857) (Wylie pp. 25-40 ) 94. 三字經註釋 (probably reprint of Ningpo 1847 edition; cf. Wylie no. 2) (1850, 20 p.) 95. 聖差言行傳 ; 依本文譯述, 新嘉坡堅夏書院藏版 (not in Wylie) 1836 96. 救世主言行撮略 (6 卷 ) 爲仁公會纂著暹羅國理夏書院藏板 (not in Wylie; different from Gützlaff no. 6) Written on cover: Milne. Caroline Phebe Tenney, Mrs. Keith (1821-1862) (p. 211-213) 97. 蒙童訓 (Shanghai 1857; Wylie no. 3) Translation of Line upon Line into Shanghai dialect William A.P. Martin 丁韙良 (1827-1916) (p. 204-206) 98. 天道溯源 (Ningpo, 1854; Wylie no. 4) Divie Bethune McCartee (1820-1900) (p. 135-139) 99. 新增聖書節解 (Ningpo, 1848; Wylie no. 4) (revision of Milne no. 19) Title in banxin: 新遺詔書註解 8

Mrs Dean 爲仁者之女 (Theodosia Ann Barker, 1819-1843) (Wylie p. 88) 100a,b. 以來者言行紀略 (first ed. Singapore, 1841; Wylie p. 88) History of Elijah, [by] Theodosia; revised edition of 1849 in 20 p. [Hong Kong] William Dean 憐, 爲仁者 (1807-1895) pp. 85-88 101a,b. 奉勸真假人物論 (Ningpo, reprints 1845, 1847 etc.; Wylie no. 2) 1849 reprint from Hong Kong, 12 p., (different front covers: one with written and one with printed English title and author s name Truth and Error ; brownish and white paper) 102a,b. 使徒言行傳 (Hongkong, 1849; Wylie no. 4) 103a,b. 真道入門 (1849; Wylie no. 5) 104. 創世傳註釋 (Hongkong, 1851; Wylie no. 6) 咸豐元年鎸卷一 Genesis with explanatory notes by W. Dean, Hongkong, 1851, on minor quality paper (also Gutz 76) 105. 出麥西傳註釋 (Hongkong, 1851; Wylie no. 7) 咸豐元年卷二 Exodus with notes (also Gutz 77) 106. 聖書新遺詔 (not in Wylie, nor in Spillett) Hongkong, 1853; Matthew to Corinthians 2; 為仁者參訂 ; written on cover: Herrn Professor Millies Amsterdam Roman-Catholic books 107. 真道要理國語, Gia Dinh [Saigon] 1868 (Vietnamese) 108. 聖教國語, Gia Dinh [Saigon] 1866 (Vietnamese) 109. 古史參箴, 卷一, Shanghai 1885 Numismatics 110. 欽定錢錄 (2 冊 ) (also Sinol. VGK 2107.22a,b,c and 23) (De Grijs, no. 22) Ancient history 111. 歷代名臣言行錄,12 冊,1891, 上海廣百宋齋校印 (Van Wettum?) 112. 尺木堂綱鑑易知錄,10 冊,1887, 上海點石齋石印 (Van Wettum) Modern History (Revolution of 1911) 113. 袁大總統新政令, 大漢書室 (Van Wettum?) 114. 時事小説革命血 (Van Wettum?) Geography (see also no. 82) 115. 山海經, 輔仁堂刊 116. 地輿圖攷, 亞洲圖攷, 龔柴撰,[1883] 117. 廈門志十六卷, 金門志嗣刻, 1839 (12 冊 ) (also Sinol. VGK 3224.95a,b) (Van Wettum) 118. 續修臺灣府志 (20 冊 )(also Sinol. VGK 3470.198) (De Grijs, no. [3]) History of the Netherlands 119a,b. 威廉振興荷蘭紀略 ( 上下卷 )(4 卷 ), 上海廣學會, 上海美華書館 Varia 120. 中國電報新編 121. 欽點殿試朱卷 : 光緒甲午恩科 ( 房殿魁 ),1894 (Van Wettum?) 122. 實至名歸 ( 坤甸古雲漢甲必丹夫人宋氏悼念集 ), 1895 (Van Wettum?) 9

Regulations of Chinese organisations and companies in the Netherlands Indies (similar Malay texts that were originally in KNAG are now in KITLV, see below) 123. 巴達維亞中華商務總會稟定試辦章程, [1907] (Batavia) 124. 巨港中華商務總會試辦章程, [1908-1911] (Palembang) 125. 中國輪船會社兼辦儲蓄銀行集股章程, [1908] Singapore 126. 光華織染有限公司招股簡章, [190X] Semarang 127. 把東中華會館學堂章程, 1906 (Chinese school in Padang) 128. 中華元年新曆八月十一日在巴城義祠議決章程, 1912 Batavia 129. 巴達斐亞華僑書報社中華民國元年徵信錄, 1913 Batavia Regulations of Chinese organisations in China 130. 憲政編查館會奏各省諮議局章程及案語並議員選舉章程摺單 [1908] 131. 國民黨規約 ( 及國民黨宣言 ), 1912 132. 共和黨規約及支部分部條例 [ 約 1912] 133. 民國新聞社總章及招股簡章 134. 中華民國八釐公債章程, 1912 (Van Wettum) Qing dynasty law and government 135. 吏治懸鏡 ( 絲集第三, 竹集第四 )(De Grijs, no. 20) (6 other vols. in VGK 4673.8) 136. 資治新書 ( 初級, 二集 ) 有缺 (De Grijs, no. 20) 137. 欽定大清會典 (100 卷 ), 9 冊 (7 other vols. orig. in VGK 4687.3A) (Van der Spek) 138. 欽定大清會典 (100 卷 )(De Grijs) 139. 大清律例增修統纂集成 (40 卷 ), 則例 ( 上下卷 ),1839 (De Grijs, no. 1) 140. 大清律例會通新纂, 大清律例邢案新纂集成,(40 卷 )1865 (De Grijs, no. [2]) 141. 新鎸法家透膽寒, (2 冊,4 卷 ) (Van Wettum) 142. 洗冤錄集證彙纂 (5 卷 ), 1830 (De Grijs) Late-Qing law 143. 例學新編 (16 卷 ),( 大清律例新編 ),1906 144. 欽定大清新律,1906 145. 大清法規大全, 法律部, 第六冊, 第十三卷,1901-1909 (complete in Sinol. 4885.18) Laws of the Republic of China 146. 民事訴訟律草案, 2 v., 1912 147. 刑事訴訟律草案, [1912] 148. 中華六法全書三十六種 ( 法院編制法草案, 司法法規, 司法公牘 ) 149. 商律草案, 1912 150. 中華民國暫行新刑律 ( 一函二冊 ), 1912 (notes by Van Wettum) 151. 中華民國暫行民律草案 ( 一函十二冊 ), 1912 (notes by Van Wettum) Character dictionaries 152. 康熙字典 (32 v.) (probably De Grijs) 153. 康熙字典 (31 v.) (probably Van der Spek) 154. 六書通 (10 v.) (Van Wettum) 155. 六書通摭遺 (2 v.) (Van Wettum) 10

Dialect dictionaries (Minnanhua, Mandarin) 156. 增補彙音,[ 增訂十五音, 廈門文德堂,1872] (v. 2-6) 157. 正音揭要 ( 正音撮要 )1852 (Mandarin) (De Grijs) 158. 新鎸彙音妙悟全集 ( 增補彙音妙悟 ), 薰園藏板 1831 159. 彙集雅俗通十五音, 四冊, 文德堂 1877( 增註硃字拾伍音 )(prob. Van der Spek) 160. 彙集雅俗通十五音, 八冊, 文德堂 1861( 增註硃字拾伍音 )(Schlegel) 161. 彙集雅俗通十五音, 四冊, 顏錦華 1869( 增註雅俗通十五音 )(Van der Spek) Schoolbooks (see also 236-240) 162. 新刻便用雜字 ( 煥文閣校正七言雜字 ) 163. 中華民國婦孺三字書五種 ( 上下卷 )( 内容 : 女兒書 愛國書 )( 下卷 prob. Van Wettum) 164. 解元三字經 會元千字文 狀元幼學詩, 光華堂藏板 (De Grijs) 165. [ 福文堂解元三字經 ] 福文堂會元千字文 福文堂幼學詩 (Schlegel) 166. 監本三字經句解詳註, 芸成齋梓行 (Van Wettum) 167. 新刻校正三字經集註 168. 新刻官板正訛千字文註,1838 169. 千字文集註, 芸成齋藏板 1884 (Van Wettum) 170. 千字文, 廈門新瑞記藏板 1886 (Van Wettum) 171. 鋼鑑纂腋三千字文註 (3 卷 ), 崇經堂 (Van Wettum) Anthologies of classical prose literature 172. 連元閣詳訂古文評註全集,10 冊, 1858 (De Grijs) 173. 郁文齋古文析義詳解, 多文齋,4 冊,1867 (Van der Spek) 174. ( 郁郁齋 ) 增訂古文析義合編詳解, 文德堂,8 冊,1887 (Van Wettum) Collected works of Lan Dingyuan 175. 鹿洲全集,21 冊,(De Grijs; before 1865) Literature: Poetry and drama 176. 御選蘇軾詩, 第六冊, 抄本,21 散頁, 費蘭墀書 177. 貫華堂註釋第六才子書 ( 西廂記 ), 泉州聚德堂 1867 (Van der Spek) 178. 貫華堂註釋第六才子書 ( 西廂記 ), 泉州聚德堂 1867 (Van Wettum) 179. 芥子園繪像第七才子書 ( 琵琶記 )( 卷二至六 ) Literature: Novels and short stories 180. 靜淨齋第八才子書花箋記 (Schlegel) 181. 詳註聊齋志異圖詠 (16 卷,8 冊 ) 上海同文書局, 1886 (Van Wettum) 182. 今古奇觀, 卷 2, 6-10, 12 (De Grijs) 183. 今古奇觀, 卷 1, 4-11 184. 今古奇觀, 卷 3-8,11-12 (Van der Spek) 185. 今古奇觀, 卷 1-4, 8-12 (Van Wettum) 186. 今古奇觀續, 卷 1-8 (Van Wettum) 187. 第一才子書 ( 三國志演義 ),12 冊 (Van der Spek; same as De Jongh) 188. 第一才子書 ( 三國志演義 ),12 冊 (Van Wettum) 189. 紅樓夢,20 冊 (prob. van der Spek, A.A. de Jongh had the same edition) 11

190. 第五才子書 ( 水滸傳 ), 6 冊, 1891 (Van Wettum) 191. 天花藏批評平山冷燕, 4 冊,(Van der Spek) 192. 天花藏批評平山冷燕, 2 冊,(Van Wettum) 193. 歡喜 ( 醒世第一書, 貪歡報 ), 3 冊 (Van Wettum) 194. 第九才子書平鬼傳 (Van Wettum) 195. 東周列國全志, 多文 [ 齋 ] 藏板,6 冊 (Van Wettum) 196. 新刊八仙出處東遊記 (Van Wettum) 197. 新鋟異説五虎平西珍珠旗演義狄青前傳,3 冊,1830 (Van Wettum) 198. 新鋟繡像五虎平南狄青後傳,1 冊 (Van Wettum) 199. 鏡花緣,2 冊 (De Grijs) 200. 圖像鏡花緣, 一函六冊,1897 (Van Wettum?) 201. 征西全傳,2 冊, 依姑蘇原板, 道光辛卯 [ 應為光緒 ] [1891] (Van Wettum) 202. 說唐小英雄傳, 說唐前傳, 文德堂 (Van Wettum) 203. 忠孝節義二度梅全傳,3 冊,1838 (Van der Spek) 204. 飛龍傳, 第二十六囘至三十囘,1 冊 (B = van Wettum?) 205. 義俠好逑傳, 第二才子書,2 冊, 文德堂 206. 義俠好逑傳, 第二才子書,1 冊, 第一囘至第五囘, 文德堂 207. 義俠好逑傳, 第二才子書,1 冊,(many notes by Van Wettum) 208. 大明正德遊江南傳,2 冊,1872 (Van der Spek) 209. 女才子传 ( 十才女傳 ),1 冊,1847, 味根齋 (many notes by Van Wettum) 210. 八美圖傳,4 冊,1856, 蘇雲林樓 (Van der Spek) 211. 第八才子書白圭志, 廈門文德堂,1890 (Van Wettum) 212. 新鎸批評繡像玉嬌梨三才子傳,2 冊, 文德堂 (Van Wettum) 213. 新鎸批評繡像玉嬌梨三才子小傳,4 冊, 徐管城藏版 214. 新刊再生緣全傳, 五美傳,3 冊 (Van der Spek) Humour 215. 新刻笑林廣記,2 冊,1881 216. 新刻笑林廣記,1816 (Schlegel) Letter writing 217. ( 增補 ) 尺牘合璧,2 冊,1864 (Van der Spek) 218. 初學指南尺牘全集, 2 冊,1871 (Van Wettum) 219. [ 尺牘 ; 發票 ], 抄本 Varia 220. [ 七巧新譜 ; 七巧圖解 ], 2 冊 221. 欽定增校萬年曆 222. 初等小學習畫帖, 教员用,1 冊 223. 初等小學習畫帖, 学生用,6 冊, 1906 Western science and medicine Benjamin Hobson (1816-1873) 合信 (Wylie, pp. 125-128) 224. 天文略論 (Canton, 1849; Wylie p. 126-127 no. 9) (also in VGK 7108.30) 225. ( 官版 ) 博物新編, 東都 [Tokyo] 老皂舘 reprint 12

226. 全體新論 (Canton, 1851, Wylie p. 126-127 no. 2), on good quality paper 227. 全體新論 (Canton, 1851, Wylie p. 126-127 no. 2), with seal MACAU 228. 全體新論 (Canton, 1851, Wylie p. 126-127 no. 2), green title p.; with Bible quotations Chinese medicine 229. 本草綱目圖 ( 上中下卷 ) 230. 藥簿 ( 抄本 ) 231. 增補藥性雷公炮製 (2 卷 ), 天寶樓,1876 232. 本草求真 [ 卷 1-9], 本草求真主治 [ 卷 10-11], 脈理求真 [ 卷 12, 三卷 ], 存 11 冊, 第二冊缺 233. 醫方集解 [23 卷 ] 本草備要 [8 卷 ] 合刻, 一函 6 冊, 仿聚珍版石印,1891 234. 增訂 [ 圖註 ] 本草備要, 右文堂,5 冊 235. 御纂醫宗金鑑 ([ 内科 ] 卷 30-62, 外科卷 14-16), 存 9 冊, 鉛印本 (prob. van Wettum) Encyclopedias for youngsters (primers) 236. 亦陶書室新增幼學故事群芳 [ 卷首,4 卷 ], 廈門文德堂 (De Grijs) 237. 亦陶書室新增幼學故事群芳 [ 卷首,4 卷 ], 芸成藏板,2 冊 (Van Wettum) 238. 寄傲山房塾課新增幼學故事瓊林 [ 卷首,4 卷 ],4 冊, 翰選樓梓 (De Grijs) 239. 幼學故事尋源 [10 卷 ], 正祖會賢堂梓行,5 冊 240a, b. 較正幼學須知成語考 ( 上下卷 ), 淩雲閣, 佛山翰選樓藏板 (De Grijs) Short Encyclopedias 241. 事類賦,3 冊, 文瑞堂藏板 (Van der Spek) 242. 新鎸註釋故事白眉 [10 卷 ],3 冊, 聚德堂,1869 (Van der Spek?) 243. 增補事類統編 [93 卷 ], 僅存二冊卷 1-17 卷上, 上海積山書局,1888 (Van Wettum) 244. 廣事類賦,5 冊, 文瑞堂 (De Grijs); also in: Sinol VGK 9301.7 (Van der Spek) 245. 五經類編 [ 首卷 ],28 卷 ],14 冊, 雍正二年 [1724] 跋, 穀詒堂藏板 (De Grijs) Journals 246. 華番和合通書 (in 1855: 和合通書 ) (Hongkong, 1843-; Wylie no. 13) (1850, 1851, 1852 (2 ), 1853, 1855 (2 ); Sinol. 1987.1 1855 and 1856; acc. No. 307, with notes by de Visser (vol. of 1854 in Gutz 78) Dyer Ball 波乃耶 (1796-1866) (p. 107-110) 247. 六合叢談 (Shanghai, 1857; Wylie no.3) Vol. 1, 1857 Alexander Wylie (1815-1875) (p. 173-175) 248. 尚賢堂月報 (vols.1-8), 1897 (W.A.P. Martin) (Van Wettum) (also in Sinol. VGK Journals) 249. 醫學報, 第二冊 [Canton, ca. 1898] 250. 嶺南大學農學季報, 第一期, 1918 251. 遐邇貫珍 (Hongkong, 1853-; Wylie no. 10) (1853-1855, contents: 1853 vol. 1-4, vol. 5 (lost); 1853 vol. 1-5 bound together; 1854 12 vols. bound together; 1855 vols. 1-12 (vol. 12 2 ); SINOL. Locked shelf I 10: 1853 vol. 1-5, 1854 1-12 each year bound in one blue hard cover) James Legge 理雅各 (1815-1897) (p. 117-122) Large Encyclopedia 252. 淵鍳類函 [ 原來 450 卷 ] [ 原為 160 冊, 其中缺 12 冊 ] (De Grijs nos. 13-18) 13

II. Sixteen Japanese books that originally belonged to the KNAG Collection and were transferred to the Japanological library around 2003. 2567 B 1 Shinkei keiben TEIKOKU ROPPŌ ZENSHO kan 新形軽便帝国六法全書完 Yoshinaga, Tetsutarō 吉永鉄太郎 Ōsaka: Hōritsu shobō 法律書房, 1907 (4887.3) (Van Wettum) 2567 B 2 TEIKOKU ROPPŌ ZENSHO 帝国六法全書 Yamano, Kinzō 山野金藏 Tōkyō: Yūhikaku 有斐閣書房, 1908 (rev.enl.ed., 15th pr) (4887.3) (Van Wettum) 2567 B 3 KAISEI NICHIYŌ SHIN HŌREI 改正日用新法令 Teikoku hōgakukan 帝国法学館 Tōkyō: Ogawa shōeidō 小川尚栄堂, 1907 (43 rd print) (4887.3) 2567 B 4-5 SHINSEN NIHON JITEN jōkan & gekan 新撰日本字典上巻 下巻 2 vols. Ishikawa, Kōsai 石川鴻齋 Tōkyō: Hakubunkan 博文館, 1892 (5830) 2567 B 6 CONVERSATIONS OF ENGLISH & JAPANESE for those who learn the English language ( 英和通信 )vol. 1 s.l.: Seisan-kaisha 生産会社, 1873 (5858.5) 2567 B 7 ROKUJŪ NICHIKAN SOTSUGYŌ NICHI-KAN KAIWA DOKUSHŪ 六十日間卒業日韓會話獨修 Ryū, Kiei & Takagi Tsunejirō 柳淇英 高木常次郎 Ōsaka: Sekizenkan 積善舘 1907 (5858.5/K 5858.5) 2567 B 8 YŪYŌ MOKUZAI SHŌRAN 有用木材捷覽 aanw.: shohen [deel 1] s.l.: Hakubutsukan 博物館, 1876 (reprint) (8440) 2567 B 9 HOTOTOGISU 不如歸 Tokutomi, Roka 徳富蘆花 Tōkyō: Minyūsha 民友社, 1907 (5934 Tokutomi) 2567 B 10 DAINIHON YOCHI BENRAN kon 大日本輿地便覧坤 Yamazaki, Yoshimoto 山崎義故 Dōshin: Yamazakike 山崎家, 1834 (3407.06) 14

2567 B 11 MEIKUN KAKUN 明君家訓, 上 s.l.: s.n., 1715 (1443.6) 2567 B 12 RULES FOR ADMITTING FOREIGNERS TO KIYOTO 外国人入京規則 Kyōto-fu (ed. & publ.) 京都府 Kyōto, 1872 (3441) 2567 B 13 HOTEL REGULATIONS AND RULES FOR THE DIRECTION OF EX[H]IBITORS 博覽會へ品物差出シ方海外諸客入京投宿手續書 Hakuran kaisha (ed. & publ.) 博覽會會社 Kyōto, 1872 (3441) 2567 B 14 TAIZEN HAYABIKI SETSUYŌSHŪ 大全早引節用集 s.l.: s.n., 1860 (5829.9) 2567 B 15-16 HAKURANKAI SHINAMONO MOKUROKU 博覽會品物目録 (4 vols.) 壱 (1) 弐 (2) Kyōto: Bunmeikaku 文明閣, 1872 (6014.44) 2567 B 17 Kokon YOSHIWARA TAIZEN 古今吉原大全 Suikyō, Tanjin 酔郷散人, 第三巻 s.l.: s.n., 1768 (4173/4233.41) 2567 B 18 DAIGEKISEN GAHŌ: Teikoku daishōri Nisshin kairiku 大激戦画報帝国大勝利日清海陸 Yokoyama, Ryōhachi 横山良八 Tōkyō: Kaneda Toramatsu 金田寅松, 1894 (3384) 15

III. Nine Malay books that originally belonged to the KNAG Collection and were transferred to the KITLV Library in June 2003. Numbers 1-6 are regulations of Chinese associations, and numbers 7-9 are translations of Chinese classics, translated from the Dutch. 1. Huishoudelijk reglement boeat Societeit Tiong Hoa Oen Tong Hwee di Betawi. - Batavia : Hoa Siang In Kiok, 1906. - 13 p. ; 17 cm M 2003 A 1816 2. Huishoudelijk reglement dari "Djawa Hak Boe Tjong Hwe" diadaken dengan menoeroet poetoesannja sidang conferentie dari lid-lid Perseriketan ini, jang dibikin di Semarang, pada tanggal 23 Sha Gwe 2458 (5 Mei 1907). - Batavia : Hoa Siang In Kiok, 1907. - 8 p. ; 16 cm M 2003 A 1819 3. Peratoeran huishoudelijk reglement dari pakoempoelan Tiong Hoa Hak Tong, Pasar Senen, jang teleh ditrima per baik dalam perhimpoenan-besar loewar biasa dari lid-lid Tiong Hoa Hak Tong, jang bersidang pada tanggal 21 Juli 1912. - Weltevreden : Drukk. Favoriet, 1912. - 9 p. ; 17 cm Omslagtitel. M 2003 A 1820 4. Boekoe regelement diatas nama hakimperhimpoenan (rechtspersoon) Eng Djoe Tong, Makassar. - Makassar : [Eng Djoe Tong], [1886]. - 18 p. ; 21 cm M 2003 A 1821 5. Statuten dari pakoempoelan Tiong Hoa Hak Tong di Weltevreden : diakoe sah oleh Sri-Padoeka Toewan-Besar Gouverneur-General dengan Besluit tanggal 29 October 1908, no. 33. - Batavia : Kho Tjeng Bie & Co., 1910. - 12 p. ; 22 cm Omslagtitel. M 2003 A 1822 6. Daftar dari nama-namanja leden biasa dari perkoempoelan "Tiong Hoa Keng Kie Hwee" (Bond van Chineesche Geemploijeerden) di Batavia : teritoeng sampe achirnja boelan Maart 1913. - Batavia : Typ. Kho Tjeng Bie & Co., 1913. - 15 p. ; 20 cm Omslagtitel. M 2003 A 1823 7. Taij hak [ 大學 ] atau Kitab jang pertama dari pada kitab-kitab soetji [ 四書 ], dari orang-orang Tjina, jang di tinggalkan oleh Nabi Kong Hoe Tjoe (Confusius) dan anak-anak moeridnja, ija itoe Soe Sie Pek Boen atau Ampat kitab-kitab dari pada ilmoe hikmad jang sanonoh, dan dari pada kaparentahan negri di benoe Tjina jang mana bergoena sekali pada orang-orang Tjina akan mengatahoei agamanja / tersalin tjara bahasa Melajoe dari pada bahasa Ollanda oleh Njio Tjoen Ean. - [Ambon] : Ambonsche Drukkerij, 1900. - 58 p. ; 18 cm M 2003 A 1824 8. Tiong Iong [ 中庸 ] atau Kitab jang Kadoewah deri pada kitab-kitab soetji, deri orang-orang Tjina jang di tingalkan oleh Nabi kong Hoe Tjoe (Confusius) dan anak-anak moeridnja ija itoe Soe Sie Pek Boen atau Ampat kitab-kitab 16

deri pada ilmoe hikmad jang sanoenoh, dan deri pada kaparentahan negerij di benoea Tjina, jang mana bergoena sekalij pada orang-orang Tjina akan mengatahoeij agamanja / tersaling tjara bahasa Malajoe deri pada bahasa Wolanda oleh Njio Tjoen Ean. - Ambon : tertara di pertjitakan Ambonsche Drukkerij, 1898. - 69 p. ; 17 cm 2003 A 1825 9. Siang Loen [ 上論 ] (hak djie[ 學而 ]), bahagean jang pertama deri Loen Gie [ 論語 ] atau Kitab jang ka tiga deri pada kitab-kitab soetji deri orang-orang Tjina jang di tinggalkan oleh Nabi Kong Hoe Tjoe (Confucius) dan anak-anak moeridnja ija itoe Soe Sie Pek Boen atau Ampat kitab-kitab deri pada ilmoe hikmad jang sanoenoeh, dan deri pada kaparentahan negrij di benoewa Tjina, jang mana bergoena sekalij pada orang-orang Tjina akan mengatahoeij agamanja / tersalin tjara bahasa Malajoe deri pada bahasa Walanda oleh Njio Tjoen Ean. - Ambon : tertara di pertjitakan Ambonsche Drukkerij, 1899. - 91 p. ; 18 cm M 2003 A 1826 17