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Victorian Certificate of Education 2017 SUPERVISOR TO ATTACH PROCESSING LABEL HERE STUDENT NUMBER Letter Chinese Second Language Written examination Wednesday 22 November 2017 Reading time: 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm (15 minutes) Writing time: 3.15 pm to 5.15 pm (2 hours) QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK Section Number of questions Structure of book Number of questions to be answered 2 1 1 1 2 Number of marks 5 5 15 15 15 Suggested times (minutes) 1 Part A 2 Part B 1 15 2 Part A 1 Part B 1 55 Part C 2 3 5 1 20 50 Total 75 120 Students are permitted to bring into the examination room: pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, sharpeners, rulers and any printed monolingual and/or bilingual dictionary in one or two separate volumes. Dictionaries may be consulted during the reading time and also during the examination. Students are NOT permitted to bring into the examination room: blank sheets of paper and/or correction fluid/tape. No calculator is allowed in this examination. Materials supplied Question and answer book of 14 pages, including assessment criteria on page 14 Instructions Write your student number in the space provided above on this page. Write all your answers in the spaces provided in this question and answer book. The spaces provided give you an idea of how much you should write. Students are NOT permitted to bring mobile phones and/or any other unauthorised electronic devices into the examination room. VICTORIAN CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY 2017

2017 CHINese sl EXAM 2 SECTION 1 Listening and responding Instructions for Section 1 Part A Texts 1 and 2, Questions 1 and 2 (5 marks) You will hear two texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of each text. You may make notes at any time. Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in ENGLISH. All answers must be based on the texts. Text 1 Answer the following questions in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. You may make notes in this space. Question 1 a. What happened to the dog? 2 marks b. What did the vet advise? 1 mark Text 2 Answer the following question in ENGLISH. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. Question 2 Give two reasons to justify Make s decision. 2 marks End of Part A SECTION 1 continued

3 2017 CHINese sl EXAM Instructions for Section 1 Part B Text 3, Question 3 (5 marks) You will hear one text. The text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and second playings of the text. You may make notes at any time. Listen carefully to the text and then answer the questions in full sentences in Chinese. All answers must be based on the text. Text 3 Answer the following questions in full sentences in Chinese. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. You may make notes in this space. Question 3 a. Why is Xiaoming s mum worried? 小明的妈妈为什么担心? 小明的妈妈为什麼担心? b. What advice does Xiaoming s mum give him? 小明的妈妈给他什么建议? 小明的妈妈给他什麼建议? 游戏 / 遊戏 yóuxï END OF SECTION 1 TURN OVER

2017 CHINese sl EXAM 4 SECTION 2 Reading, responding and translating Instructions for Section 2 Part A Text 4, Question 4 (15 marks) Read the text and then answer the questions in ENGLISH. All answers must be based on the text. TEXT 4 Answer the following questions in english. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. You may make notes in this space. Simplified form characters 今天我们班去了一个老人院 老人院离学校不远, 走路一会儿就到了 上午我们和老人们说话, 一起画画和做圣诞卡 ; 下午我们和老人们做游戏, 然后给他们唱圣诞歌 老人说他们很想家人, 因为平时他们的子女都很忙, 不常来, 所以他们见到我们很高兴 一个叫玛丽的老奶奶说她以前是音乐老师, 喜欢唱歌和写歌 我告诉她我叫林兰, 也是女高音, 将来我想做一个有名的歌唱家, 能出国唱歌剧 老人们让我们以后常常来这里, 并且和他们一起过春节 Full form characters 今天我们班去了一个老人院 老人院离学校不远, 走路一会儿就到了 上午我们和老人们说话, 一起画画和做圣诞卡 ; 下午我们和老人们做遊戏, 然后给他们唱圣诞歌 老人说他们很想家人, 因为平时他们的子女都很忙, 不常来, 所以他们见到我们很高兴 一个叫玛丽的老奶奶说她以前是音乐老师, 喜欢唱歌和写歌 我告诉她我叫林兰, 也是女高音, 将来我想做一个有名的歌唱家, 能出国唱歌剧 老人们让我们以後常常来这裏, 并且和他们一起过春节 卡 / 卡 kâ SECTION 2 Part A continued

5 2017 CHINese sl EXAM Question 4 a. Where did the class go today? 1 mark You may make notes in this space. b. What did the class do there? 5 marks c. Why were the people there happy to see the students? 2 marks d. What did Mary and Lin Lan talk about? 5 marks e. What was the final request from the people there? 2 marks End of Part A SECTION 2 continued TURN OVER

2017 CHINese sl EXAM 6 Instructions for Section 2 Part B Text 5, Question 5 (15 marks) Read the text and then answer the questions in full sentences in Chinese. All answers must be based on the text. TEXT 5 Answer the following questions in full sentences in Chinese. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. You may make notes in this space. Simplified form characters 游客们好! 我是小芳 今天我要带你们参观北京有名的文化街 这条街有四百年的历史了, 很多名人都在这条街上住过 街两边有很多书店和古玩店 另外, 你也可以看到书法家在写字 大家可以和我一起走, 我可以给你们好好地说一下文化街的历史 ; 但是你们也可以自己参观, 因为你们能在喜欢的店里多看一会儿 请你们中午十二点在麦当劳和我见面 如果你们要我帮忙, 可以给我打电话 Full form characters 遊客们好! 我是小芳 今天我要带你们参观北京有名的文化街 这条街有四百年的历史了, 很多名人都在这条街上住过 街两边有很多书店和古玩店 另外, 你也可以看到书法家在写字 大家可以和我一起走, 我可以给你们好好地说一下文化街的历史 ; 但是你们也可以自己参观, 因为你们能在喜欢的店裏多看一会儿 请你们中午十二点在麦当劳和我见面 如果你们要我帮忙, 可以给我打电话 帮忙 / 帮忙 bàngmáng SECTION 2 Part B continued

7 2017 CHINese sl EXAM Question 5 a. What is Xiaofang s profession and where is she going? 小芳做什么工作, 她要去哪儿? 小芳做什麼工作, 她要去哪儿? You may make notes in this space. b. What is the destination famous for? 这个地方为什么出名? 这个地方为什麼出名? c. What kind of person is Xiaofang? Give evidence from the text to support your answer. 小芳是个什么样的人? 请你举例说明 小芳是个什麼样的人? 请你举例说明 End of Part B SECTION 2 continued TURN OVER

2017 CHINese sl EXAM 8 Instructions for Section 2 Part C Questions 6 and 7 (15 marks) Translate the following Chinese texts into ENGLISH. Question 6 Translate the following passage into English. 邓小平在中国人人都知道 为什么呢? 因为中国三十多年的进步是和邓小平分不开的 中国人在他的领导下过上美好生活, 他们当中不少人也买了房子和汽车 中国也打开了自己的大门, 所以很多国家的人来跟中国人又交朋友又做生意 更多的中国人也出国去旅游 很多人认为他在中国历史上的地位是不可取代的 邓小平在中国人人都知道 为什麼呢? 因为中国三十多年的进步是和邓小平分不开的 中国人在他的领导下过上美好生活, 他们当中不少人也买了房子和汽车 中国也打开了自己的大门, 所以很多国家的人来跟中国人又交朋友又做生意 更多的中国人也出国去旅遊 很多人认为他在中国历史上的地位是不可取代的 领导 / 领导 lîngdâo 取代 / 取代 qùdãi SECTION 2 Part C continued

9 2017 CHINESE SL EXAM Question 7 Translate the following passage into English. 近二十年中国出现了很多有名的网球选手, 很多人都不知道这些选手是怎么成长的 北京体育学校的网球教练王明说这些选手都是训练了十多年, 甚至二十年才出名的 选手们很小就进体校开始训练, 每天除了上午训练, 下午上文化课, 还有体能训练 因此他们的成长是和努力分不开的 近二十年中国出现了很多有名的网球选手, 很多人都不知道这些选手是怎麼成长的 北京体育学校的网球教练王明说这些选手都是训练了十多年, 甚至二十年才出名的 选手们很小就进体校开始训练, 每天除了上午训练, 下午上文化课, 还有体能训练 因此他们的成长是和努力分不开的 体育 / 体育 tîyú 选手 / 选手 xuânshôu 训练 / 训练 xúnliãn END OF SECTION 2 TURN OVER

2017 CHINese sl EXAM 10 SECTION 3 Writing in Chinese Instructions for Section 3 Questions 8 12 (20 marks) Answer one question in 200 250 characters in chinese. Responses in the wrong language will receive no credit. Space is provided on the following page to make notes. Question 8 You are a secondary student and your penpal in China has written you a letter asking about school camps. Write a reply letter telling your penpal about one of your memorable camps. 你是一个中学生, 你的中国笔友写信问你有关学校露营的事情 现在你给你的笔友回信, 说一说你一次难忘的学校露营 你是一个中学生, 你的中国笔友写信问你有关学校露营的事情 现在你给你的笔友回信, 说一说你一次难忘的学校露营 OR Question 9 Melbourne has many famous tourist attractions for both domestic and international tourists, such as the tram restaurant. Write an article for a Chinese newspaper, informing readers about three aspects of the tram restaurant that make it an interesting experience for tourists. 墨尔本有很多吸引国内外游客的地方, 比如 电车餐馆 给一家中文报纸写一篇说明性的文章, 从三个方面来介绍墨尔本电车餐馆带给游人的有趣经历 墨尔本有很多吸引国内外遊客的地方, 比如 电车餐馆 给一家中文报纸写一篇说明性的文章, 从三个方面来介绍墨尔本电车餐馆带给遊人的有趣经历 Question 10 Many young people work from home nowadays. Write a report for a business magazine, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of working from home. OR 现在很多年轻人在家工作 给一个商业杂志写一篇报告, 评估一下在家工作的利与弊 现在很多年轻人在家工作 给一个商业杂志写一篇报告, 评估一下在家工作的利与弊 OR SECTION 3 continued

11 2017 CHINese sl EXAM Question 11 Fundraising events have become very popular around the world. Write the script of the speech that you will give at the next school assembly, persuading students to participate in the local fundraising run. 最近世界上很多国家都兴起了筹款活动 你现在为下一次学校的集会写篇演讲稿, 号召学生都来参加当地的跑步筹款 最近世界上很多国家都兴起了筹款活动 你现在为下一次学校的集会写篇演讲稿, 号召学生都来参加当地的跑步筹款 OR Question 12 Mingming has experienced a day without wi-fi connection. Write a story for your school magazine about his day without wi-fi. 明明经历了没有 Wifi 网络的一天 你为学校杂志写一篇故事, 描述明明没有网络的一天 明明经历了没有 Wifi 网络的一天 你为学校杂誌写一篇故事, 描述明明没有网络的一天 You may make notes in this space. Write your response on the following pages. SECTION 3 continued TURN OVER

2017 CHINese sl EXAM 12 Question no. SECTION 3 continued

13 2017 CHINese sl EXAM An answer book is available from the supervisor if you need extra paper to complete an answer. Please ensure you write your student number in the space provided on the front cover of the answer book. At the end of the examination, place the answer book inside the front cover of this question and answer book. END OF SECTION 3 TURN OVER

2017 CHINese sl EXAM 14 Assessment criteria Section 1 Listening and responding Part A the capacity to understand and convey general and specific aspects of texts Part B the capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts the capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately Section 2 Reading, responding and translating Part A the capacity to understand and convey general and specific aspects of texts Part B the capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts the capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately Part C the capacity to understand and convey the meaning of the passage in English the capacity to interpret and express grammatical aspects of the passage accurately Section 3 Writing in Chinese relevance, breadth and depth of content appropriateness of structure and sequence accuracy, range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar END OF QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK