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The Yamanote Line is Tokyo's most important train line. It is a circular line which connects Tokyo's major city centers. A trip around the whole circle takes approximately one hour. Yamanote Line Uguisubani Nippori Nishi Nippori Tabata Komagome Sugamo Okachimachi Ueno Otsuka Ikebukuro Akihabara Kanda Mejiro Takadanobaba Tokyo Yuraku Shin Okubo Shinbashi Shinjuku Yoyogi Hama matsu Tamachi Harajuku Shinagawa Osaki Gotanda Meguro Ebusu Shibuya

Bus Access to & from Narita Airport Buses and taxis from the airport to various destinations leave from the arrival level on the first floor. Passengers planning to take the bus should obtain their tickets at the ticket counters before proceeding to the bus stops. Destination Company Tokyo City Air Terminal (TCAT) (TCAT/Nihonbashi/Hakozaki) Tokyo Station, Ikebukuro, Shibuya, Mejiro/Kudan/Korakuen, Hibiya, Ginza/Shiodome, Takeshiba/ Rinkai Fukutoshin(Odaiba/Ariake) Shinjuku Akasaka/Roppongi Shiba Kinshicho/Shinkiba/Tokyo Big Sight Ebisu/Shinagawa Terminal Terminal 1 Bus Stop 2 Bus Stop no. no. Airport Limousine Bus 1,10 7,17 Airport Limousine Bus 2,11 6,16 Airport Limousine Bus 4,13 4,14

Shibuya One of the more fashionable and upbeat parts of Tokyo, famous for being the trend-setting center of Japan. Located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Shibuya has the terminal for the JR Yamanote Line, Saikyo Line, Tokyu Toyoko Line and Den'entoshi Line, Keio Inokashira Line, Subways Ginza Line and Hanzomon Line. It is a prominent downtown of Tokyo rivaling with the Ginza, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro and Asakusa. In Shibuya, there are not only the numberless movie theaters with up-todate facilities, but also the facilities to offer high-level culture, such as Shibuya-kokaido Hall frequented by people coming for concerts, Orchard Hall specializing in concerts, operas, and ballet performances, and Bunkamura consists of a theater, an art museum and movie theaters and Denryoku-kan(museum of electricity) where people can learn about electricity with enjoyments. This is one of the features of Shibuya as a lively downtown district with full of amusements and entertainments. Shibuya is unique that every street and area has a different atmosphere. The Center Street is swarmed with youth fashion shops, fast food shops, game centers, etc., and it is famous as the place where a new trend for the youths are born and spread nationwide. It is always crowded with mostly teenagers day and night, and you can directly feel the today's fashion trend of the Japanese. The Koen-dori Street that extends to the Yoyogi Park is a shopping street with a row of department stores and fashionable buildings attracting families in particular. Recently, Shibuya Mark City, the biggest shopping complex in Shibuya that comprises a large-scale hotel, business floors, and fifty-five shops, and other highrise building construction rush have started. It is now known as "Bit Valley" (named after Shibuya which literary means "Bitter valley" and the computer lingo "bit") where venture enterprises that support the IT industry are concentrated. Thus Shibuya is attracting eager eyes from all over the world not only for fashions and shopping but in the sector of the state-of-the-art industry as well. JR 爲 另 撐 IT Bit Valley JR Yamanote line Shibuya station

Ikebukuro A mix of ideas and tastes. As the east side provides literary appeal, the west side draws in the younger, more fashionable crowd. Ikebukuro in Toshima-ku has the terminal for JR Yamanote Line, Saikyo Line and Takasaki Line, subways Marunouchi Line and Yurakucho Line, Seibu Ikebukuro Line and Tobu Tojo Line. It is a prominent downtown rivaling with the Ginza, Shinjuku, Shibuya and Asakusa. As it has often been selected as the scene for TV dramas and novels in recent years, the young people who are keen on the trend cast eager eyes on Ikebukuro. It is divided into the west side and east side areas by JR Ikebukuro Station. In the eastern side, department stores and large size fashion industry buildings stand side by side. There is the Sunshine City around a superhigh-rise building "Sunshine 60" to the east of the shopping street that leads to the station. Also, in the area of the Sunshine City, there are an aquarium, planetarium, hotel, shopping mall and convention center with display facilities. In the west side, there is the Tokyo Art Theater and some universities among department stores and shopping streets. Many university students walk around the town, and it gives off literary flavor that sets up a clear distinction from the hustle and bustle on the eastern side. JR JR 60 JR Yamanote line Ikebukuro station

Imperial Palace Area Part of the Imperial Palace, Walk through a magnificent park set in the center of Tokyo, The Imperial Palace where their Majesties the Emperor and Empress live is situated in the center of Tokyo. The palace is surrounded by a water-filled moat and tree-covered grounds - a precious taste of nature within the city. "Kokyo Gaien (outer gardens of the Imperial Palace)", "Kokyo Higashi Gyoen (Imperial Palace East Garden)" and "Kitanomaru Park" are open to the public free of charge. If you wish to visit the Palace, you need to book in advance. Booking over the Internet is available A popular photo spot is in front of the beautiful Niju Bridge that stretches over the moat in the outer gardens near Tokyo station. In the vast Imperial Palace East Garden, a stone wall remains standing since when the Imperial Palace was Edo Castle where samurai warriors lived from the 17th to 19th century. Seasonal flowers such as azaleas and hydrangeas are a great favorite with tourists. In the "Sannomaru- Shozokan (Museum of the Imperial Collections)" where the emperor's art collection is exhibited, you will see beautiful kimono and Japanese paintings. In "Kitanomaru Park" on the north side, there is the "Nippon Budokan" famous for its concerts by foreign artists, the "Science Museum" and the "National Museum of Modern Art". The moat situated near this park is called "Chidori-ga-fuchi", and it is a classic spot for viewing the glorious cherry blossoms. The number of people who come here at the beginning of April to see cherry blossoms lit up at night is the largest in Tokyo. The "National Theater" for Japanese classic performing arts such as Kabuki, Noh plays and Kyogen (traditional short comedies) is in easy walking distance from Chidori-gafuchi. 130 另 很 internet JR Yamanote line Tokyo station

Akihabara The name Akihabara is now world-famous. More than 250 electrical appliances and electronics shops of all sizes are located in a small area around Chuo-dori Avenue, in the west of Akihabara Station. In recent years, the main trend has shifted from general home electrical appliances toward the new world of the internet. An increasing number of large shops are centered on PCs, where an experienced staff answers all sorts of questions. Many of them speak English, Chinese and Korean. This town began specializing in electrical equipment in the latter half of the 1940s, when people's primary source of information was radio. In the beginning, many shops dealing in radio parts gathered under the elevated railroad of JR. Later, these shops began dealing with home electrical appliances, thus developing into the world's biggest electrical equipment town. With many service centers and the showrooms of major manufacturers, as well as duty-free shops and various events, the town is attractive in the eyes of visitors. Among these events, the Denki-matsuri Festival, held in summer and winter, is the biggest, a great chance for good shopping that you should never miss. Take the time to fully explore the wonderland. 250 AKIHABALA 1940 JR 每 辦 逛逛 JR Yamanote line Akihabara station

Asakusa Located in Taito-ku along the west bank of the Sumida-gawa River, Asakusa once thrived as a temple town for Senso-ji Temple, and now it is a downtown that rivals with the Ginza, Shijuku, Ikebukuro and Shibuya. The history of Senso-ji Temple goes back far into the past. The legend has it that fishermen brothers discovered an image of Kan'non(the goddess of mercy) in the Sumida-gawa River around 1370 years ago and they were inspired to enshrine it. Its symbol is a large red paper lantern that bears the word "Kaminari-mon", or a thunder gate. There is a constant flow of visitors and worshippers throughout the year. Numerous shops along Nakamise-dori Street that runs in the approach way to Senso-ji Temple carry a variety of small articles made of the Japanese paper and other traditional flavored goods such as folding fans. It is a lovely shopping street that attracts many foreign visitors. Asakusa is also known as the site for many traditional events. Sanjamatsuri is a festival of Senso-ji Temple and is famous for the palanquin parade that conveys the "Edokko Katagi", or Edoites' spirit, which represents the traditional temperament of the townsfolk of Tokyo. Other festivals include Hozuki-ichi, or Japanese lantern plant market in summer, Tori-no-ichi, or Cock Fair at Otori-jinja Shrine in early winter and Hagoita-ichi, or ornate Japanese battledore racket market at the end of the year. The most popular event is the firework display on the Sumida-gawa River in summer. Over 1 million people throng to watch it. 歷 1370 徵 每 雞 每 100 JR5 5 Take JR Yamanote line from Tokyo to Ueno station, then change subway Ginza line get off at Asakusa station.

Odaiba new amusement hotspot. A futuristic, unmanned traffic system smartly connects it to the rest of Tokyo. Odaiba was born on the reclaimed land in the Tokyo Bay in the southeast of Tokyo. It is attracting mostly young people as the newest amusement spot in Tokyo. The name Odaiba means a platform site. It derives from the installation of a platform for a marine cannon battery that was constructed in haste to meet the emergent need for defense of Tokyo (called Edo at that time) against the sudden appearance of black steel ships commanded by Commodore Perry from the United States in 1853. The center of Odaiba is "Aquacity Odaiba". There is a shopping mall with a 300-meter long boutique street, a multi-flex cinema that employs the latest acoustic and screen technologies, a gourmet zone that stretches over 15,000 m2 which is obviously the largest in Japan, and Fuji TV studio where visitors can see the settings of popular TV programs. Major attractions of Odaiba are dotted along Yurikamome Line, a new unmanned traffic system that connects Shimbashi Station through the Rainbow Bridge with Odaiba. There is the Odaiba Seaside Park that overlooks the Rainbow Bridge as well as the Venus Fort, a "theme park for ladies" located in the area of the Palette Town, which accommodates over 140 shops with the interior that takes after an European city in the 18th century, and many other new facilities are jostling. 睞 1853 趕 300 另 1 5000 帕 仿 18 140 Take JR Yamanote line to shibashi station, then change Yurikamome line get off at Odaiba station.

Ginza Ginza is the downtown area most people associate with Japan. Nihonbashi streets have been lined with stores for generations. he Ginza is one of the most famous downtowns of Japan located in Chuo-ku. Ginza means a silver mint, and its name derives from establishment of the silver coin mint in the 1600s. On the main street Chuo-dori Avenue that extend southwest from 1-chome(a block) to 8- chome, also known as Ginza-dori Avenue, there are large department stores such as Mitsukoshi, Matsuzakaya and Matsuya and many largesize store buildings dotted around 4-chome in particular, where the street meets the intersection of Harumi-dori Avenue. There is a clock tower cherished by people as the symbol of Ginza placed on the Wako Building built of stone. In the whole area of Ginza, there are more than 400 art galleries, innumberable restaurants and boutiques all competing each other of their styles, and every store boasts the tradition and the its culture unique to Ginza. The Kabuki-za Theater where the Japanese traditional theatrical art kabuki is played is located to the west of the intersection at 4-chome toward Tsukiji. Recently, many of world famous brand boutiques have opened in Ginza which cast the town as an internationally noted area of top-fashion trend. Nihonbashi is a bridge over the Nihonbashi-gawa River at the north of Chuo-ku. This bridge was the origin point of the five major streets built and prospered in the Edo Period in the 17th century. It still bears the bronze signpost that bears the words "Origin of Roads in Japan", and it is the reference point for all roads in Japan. For that reason, Nihonbashi prospered as the town of merchants where kimono cloth mercers purveyer to Edo Castle and many merchant families were gathered. Even today, the Nihonbashi area which is adjacent to Ginza, and it is dotted with major department stores and stores with long standing whose history goes well back into the Edo Period. 17 1 8 歷 4 17 佈 1923 歷 JR JR 步 10 To Ginza take JR Yamanote line to Yoraku-cho station. To Nihonbashi take JR Yamanote line to Tokyo station walk about 10min.

Ueno eno Station in Taito-ku is called a gateway to the north because it is the starting station for the railways bound for the Tohoku region(the northeast region) from Tokyo. The terminal accommodates 6 railways including JR Shinkansen Lines. It is a prominent downtown rivaling with the Ginza, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro and Shibuya. n the Tokyo Ueno-onshi-koen Park, the Tokyo Metropolitan Imperial Gift Park that boasts a vast area in the west of Ueno Station, there is a concentration of cultural institutions such as the first zoo in Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan Imperial Gift Ueno Zoo, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Cultural Hall, National Western Art Museum, National Science Museum and Tokyo National Museum, all offering recreation and relaxation for the citizens. There is Ameya-yokocho Market called Ameyoko for short in the area under the elevated railway from Ueno Station to Okachimachi Station. This area used to be a thriving flea market immediately after the end of the WWII. There are over 500 shops that sell everything from basic foods to high-class imported goods at reasonable prices, and thus it is always crowded with shoppers. The year-end special bargain sales, in particular, have become one of the scenes that add poetic charm to the season that reflect the lives of the common people of Tokyo. JR 6 500 JR

Tsukiji A center of Japanese cuisine. The world's best fish market, and it never sleeps! Tsukiji located along the Sumida River lies next to the famous downtown area of Ginza in Tokyo. For most people, what springs to mind first when they hear the name 'Tsukiji' is the Tsukiji Market, also called 'Uogashi (fish market)'. This market handles the largest volume of fishery products in Japan, and the 450 kinds of products handled aroundthe-clock make this market globally unique. At 5 o'clock in the morning the auctions "Seri" begin. Around 8 o'clock, the market is at its most lively, with fish shop and restaurant people crowding in to buy fresh products from specialist dealers. Tours are available from 10:00 to 13:00, but it is better to get there earlier. In contrast, the general public come to do their shopping in the peripheral shopping area known as 'Jou-gai' or Off-market. The period from 6:00 to 12:00 is the busiest time, and you can buy not only fresh fish, but also meat, rolled omelets and professional cooking utensils, or even grab a bite of breakfast. Among the dishes offered is the popular 'Maguro-don', a big bowl of rice topped with slices of raw tuna. There is also a great array of sushi restaurants to tempt you. After your meal, why not take a walk to a Japanese garden with beautiful ponds and flowers, the neighboring Hamarikyu Park. There are many other attractions in Tsukiji, which became the gateway to western culture in the 19th century when Japan started trading with foreign countries. The Tsukiji Catholic Church and St. Luke's International Hospital were already standing at that time. The Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple designed in the ancient Indian style is also a building not to be missed. The St. Luke's Garden twin towers are a new symbol of the town, and from the observatory on the 47th floor, you can enjoy romantic night views. 纇 每 5 1 11 趕 5 6 步 8 Take subway Hibiya line get off at Tsukiji station & walk about 8 min.

Kanagawa Yokohama Minato Mirai District 21 is a new town that has been created where Yokohama Expo was held in 1989. Minato Mirai District 21 is the town of future that is full of most modern high-rise buildings. The most famous ones of all are Yokohama Landmark Tower and Queen's Square Yokohama. Minato Mirai District 21 is also a mega-shopping town. It is crowded with large shopping malls and amusement spots and it is almost impossible to explore the whole town in one day. The gorgeous night view of Minato Mirai District 21 is a must to see. Yokohama Cosmo World with the mammoth Ferris wheel in the center and the high-rise buildings are illuminated, which gives an effect of the whole area floating in the night sky. Sakuragi-cho is one of Yokohama's oldest towns with a nostalgic atmosphere still in the air. There is a monument that commemorates Sakuragi-cho as the birthplace of the railway system at Sakuragi-cho Station. Many cultural facilities are concentrated around the hill park, Kamon-yama Park and Mt. Ise-yama, where several shrines can be found, is also a Sakuragi-cho's neighboring site. The nostalgic and down-to-earth atmosphere of Sakuragi-cho makes a good contrast with the hyper and high-tech appearance of its next-door, Minato Mirai District 21. There are also many eating and drinking places in Noge, which stretches between Sakuragi-cho Station and Keihin Kyuko Hinode Station. Try one of the Jazz coffee shops where the atmosphere is just right to make you feel that you are in the old port town, Yokohama. 步 逛 晚 另 佈 咖啡 JR 45 pproximately 45 minutes by JR Keihin Tohoku Line from Tokyo Station to Sakuragi-cho Station.

A truly handsome Buddha from the 13th century. Flowers are prolific in the Hase-dera Temple Garden Hase is a temple town in the south of Kamakura City. It has developed around Hase-dera Temple where Jyuichimen kan'non, or the 11-faced Merciful Goddess is enshrined. It is said that a Buddhist monk, Domyo, established a temple in the mountain in the early 8th century and his disciple erected Jyuichimen kan'non and the Hase-dera Temple. People started visiting the temple around the 10th century and the visit has been well established to this day as "Hase-moude". In the precincts of the temple, there is a garden with flowers blooming throughout the year. A neighboring temple of Hase-dera Temple is Kotoku-in Temple with a statue of Buddha that gently sits out-doors in the temple grounds. Its height is 11 meters, 13.35 meters including the plinth, the face alone measures 2.35 meters in height and it weighs as much as 21 tons. The sight of the magnificent Buddha is just overwhelming. The construction of the "handsome" Buddha began in 1238. The wooden carved statue was completed 6 years later, and gold and copper gilding was applied in 1252. Yui-ga-hama Beach is situated on the western side of the mouth of Nameri-gawa River that flows through the middle of Kamakura. The beach also faces Sagami Bay. It is one of the most popular beaches in the Shonan area and is very busy with a number of bathers in summer. There are many historical and literary sites along Yui-ga-hama Odori Street that stretches from Wakamiya-Oji in front of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine to Hase-dera Temple. Yui-ga-hama Odori Street is known for one of the streets of Kamakura that invite you into an intellectual world of art and literature. 13 鐮 8 HASEMOUDE 鐮 11 13.35 2.35 21 淩 1238 6 1252 鐮 另 鐮 鐮 JR 鐮 55 鐮 5 鐮 3 Fifty-five minutes by JR Yokosuka Line from Tokyo Station to Kamakura Station. Five minutes by Enoden Line from Kamakura Station to Hase Station. For Yui-ga-hama Odori Street, 3 minutes by Enoden Line from Kamakura Station to Yui-ga-hama Station.

Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu & Komachi-dori Avenue Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu is the symbolic shrine of the old capital city, Kamakura. A number of people come to visit this historic shrine everyday. The shrine has retained its appearance as it is now since the shrine pavilion was added in 1191 by the Shogun Yoritomo Minamoto who established the Kamakura shogunate to rule Japan. Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu is the central tutelary shrine of the Kanto Region including Tokyo as well as being the tutelary shrine of the nation. Many believers visit Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu day by day and various events are organized at the shrine throughout the year. The approach to the shrine between Nino Torii Gate and San'no Torii Gate is called Dankazura. It is a raised path and looks splendid in spring with cherry blossom trees all the way along the path. Komachi-dori Avenue is one street away to the west from Wakamiya-oji Street that stretches straight from Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine. Komachi-dori Avenue is the shopping street with full of fashionable coffee shops, long-established restaurants and shops where you can buy natto(sticky beans), ham, traditional Kamakura carving and other local products. Don't forget to go around to the back of the avenue - you will be greeted by more shops and places for food and drink. There are more than 200 shops altogether and a merry and lively atmosphere will always welcome you. 鐮 鐮 徵 每 1191 鐮 另 DANKAZURA 夯 鐮 咖啡 200 JR 鐮 55 55 minutes by JR Yokosuka Line from Tokyo Station to Kamakura Station.

Hakone Hakone is the name that refers to the whole area, surrounding Mt. Hakone-yama that is situated in the southwestern part of Kanagawa, and is part of the Fuji Hakone Izu National Park. Hakone is an internationally well-known holiday resort that includes many renowned spas and Lake Ashino-ko, which was created by Mt. Fuji's repetitive volcanic activity. In Hakone, there are said to be "Hakone Thirteen Spas", or some even say "Hakone Seventeen Spas" altogether distinguished from each other by their distinctive ingredients and different healing effects. T he Hakone Barrier was built on the Tokaido Highway(The road from Edo to Kyoto) in 1619 in order to fortify the capital Edo (former name of Tokyo) against various foreign clans from the west and to maintain public peace. The Hakone Barrier used to terrify travelers as they were thoroughly inspected before they were allowed to continue traveling along the Tokaido, the main transport artery of those days. For this reason, Hakone used to be called "the border between the east and the west". The original barrier which has been restored with related information, including armor and weapons, is open to the public nowadays. There are many other interesting sites in the surrounding area of Hakone. Visit Onshi Hakone Park, for instance, to see the up-side-down Mt. Fuji reflected in the surface of Lake Ashino-ko nearby. Hakone Museum proudly presents its collection of approximately 50 pieces of pottery. Enjoy a pleasant walk through Hakone Sengokubara Shissei Kaen where a beautiful garden of hydrophytes welcomes you. The conservation and protection of nature and the historical sites are well maintained in Hakone. The wetland plant colony is listed as a natural monument. Rows of cedar trees stretch for 2 km along the old Tokaido and the group of stone statues of Buddha is enshrined in Hakone. 溫 溫 1619 50 步 另 2 JR 40 15 About 40 minutes by JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line from Tokyo Station to Odawara Station. About 15 minutes by Hakone Tozan Tetsudo Line from Odawara Station to Hakone Yumoto Station.

China Towns In the mid-19th century, the American Commodore Matthew C. Perry and his fleet arrived in Japan in order to establish treaties of friendship between Japan and the Western world. Japan's isolation from the rest of the world, which lasted for more than 200 years, was finally over. Yokohama Port was immediately opened for international trading and soon became crowded with Western traders. Many Chinese were also brought into Yokohama in order to help communication between the Japanese and the Westerners, and that was the beginning of the China Town in Yokohama. There are four gates surrounding the China Town which face north, south, east and west. Once you have gone through the Enpei-mon Gate and have walked past Nishi-mon Gate, the west gate, you will see the symbol of the China Town, the Zenrin-mon Gate from where the high street stretches through to the Choyo-mon Gate. There are more than 300 restaurants, food ingredients shops and general stores in total, thickly spread not only along the high street but also all over the town of approximately 700 meters radius. This is one of the largest China towns in the world. There is of course a wide variety of beautifully presented Chinese cuisine in the China Town, mainly Cantonese but Beijing, Shanghai and Szechwan dishes are also available. Some spectacular festivals are held in the China town every year. Major ones are the New Year Festival, the Kanteitan Festival in summer to celebrate the birthday of Kan'u who is a character from the old Chinese story, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the Kokkeisetsu Festival in autumn to celebrate Chinese National Foundation. 19 200 懂 4 徵 700 300 JR 50 Approximately 50 minutes by JR Keihin Tohoku Line from Tokyo Station to Ishikawa-cho Station.

Motomachi / Yamate Yamate became a popular little hill for foreigners to reside on when Yokohama Port was opened to the world for international trading about 140 years ago. Ever since Motomachi has prospered at the foot of Yamate as a shopping area where they originally used to sell daily goods to the foreign residents of Yamate It probably takes only 15 minutes to walk from one end of this tiny area to the other, Motomachi, and yet you would not believe that more than 250 shops are thronging in the whole area. Shoes, bags, tableware, furniture, etc. etc. - you name it, you will find it. Motomachi is especially known for many renowned long-established shops where they guarantee top quality Motomachi goods. The Charming Sale is held by all the shops in Motomachi at the end of summer and winter every year. The sale is very popular particularly amongst young ladies. Yamate is full of exotic atmosphere with many foreign houses and churches in the area. Minato-no Mieru-oka-Koen is the park where you can enjoy the view of the whole of Yokohama Port and that is what the name of the park literally means. There is a view spot and a rose garden in the park and it is a much-appreciated place for relaxation for local people. There is also a western grave yard in the front of the park, where gravestones with crosses can be seen. 140 步 15 250 玫 另 JR 50 步 3 Approximately 50 minutes by JR Keihin Tohoku Line from Tokyo Station to Ishikawa-cho Station. Three minutes walk from the north exit of Ishikawa-cho Station.

5 Days Tokyo Suggested itinerates Day 1 Ikebukuro Or Shinjuku (Depend on where is your hotel located) Day 2 Imperial Palace Area, Tokyo tower, Tokyo Area. (Yamanote line) Day 3 Asakusa, Akihabara, Ueno. (Yamanote line subway Ginza line) Day 4 Hakone (Join tour) Day 5 Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu & Komachi-dori Avenue (JR Keihin Tohoku Line from Tokyo station) Day 6 Yokohama (JR Keihin Tohoku Line from Tokyo Station) Day 7 Back Home

Kyoto & Osaka

Source : Kyoto Subway

Kyoto The former capital of Japan, famous worldwide for its temples and shrines. Kyoto was the center of politics and culture for 1,200 years. Kyoto stretches from southeast to northwest in the central and northern Kansai Region (Midwest Japan). It has three geographical features, the saw-toothed coast area around the Maizuru Bay in the northwest, the Tamba Mountains around the center and the Kyoto Basin in the southeast. Kyoto became the capital of Japan in the 8th century. It had flourished as the center for Japanese politics, economy and culture for some 1,200 years until the capital functions were transferred to Tokyo in the mid 19th century. There remain many temples and shrines that had been built during this long period. Seventeen historic sites including the Kiyomizudera Temple and the Nijo-jo Castle are designated as World Cultural Heritage sites. You may meet Maiko, young dancing entertainers who walk in long hanging sleeved kimono in the Gion, see the townscape characterized with popular 19th century style latticework, and visit the Nishijin where they weave traditional nishijin-ori textiles with vivid colored threads. The festivals are famous not only in Japan but are known worldwide. The three major festivals of Kyoto are Aoi-Matsuri Festival in early summer, Gion-Matsuri Festival in summer and Jidai-Matsuri Festival in autumn. There is also the Okuribi in five hills of Daimonji, where torches shaping a letter or figure are ignited into flames on the night of August 15, in a Buddhist ritual called O-bon or Urabon-e. 1200 狀 3 8 19 1200 17 歷 另 19 豔 JR 2 15 JR 25 Take JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line for 2 hours and 15 minutes from Tokyo Station or a Rapid Train on JR Tokaido Line from Shin-Osaka Station for 25 minutes to Kyoto Station.

Higashiyama The sightseeing center of Kyoto, preserving a variety of architecture and gardens, as well as many cultural masterpieces. The eastern part of Kyoto is generally called Higashiyama, located at the west end of the Higashiyama Mountain Range. As early as the middle of the 14th century, many shrines, temples and aristocrats' villas were built in this area, where a variety of architecture and gardens, artistic and cultural masterpieces such as paintings, crafts and many artistic activities, such as flower arrangement (ikebana), the tea ceremony (sado) and Noh performances, flourished and developed in this area. There are many masterpieces of historic architecture still existing today, which attract a lot of visitors and tourists every year from every corner of the world. In the southern part of the Higashiyama district, there is a famous temple named Kiyomizu-dera Temple. It is built halfway up a steep cliff and it has a main hall projecting over a precipice. Yasaka-jinja Shrine, which is supposed to have been built around the 10th century, is also well known as the central site of the Gion-matsuri summer festival. The northern part of the city is known for the Heian-jingu Shrine, where the Jidai-matsuri (Festival of the Ages) autumn festival is held. This is a costume parade presenting costumes, manners and customs from ancient days. This red-painted shrine is colored with Hekiruri (an earthen roof material burned with a green-color glaze) making this structure very graceful. Nanzenji Temple, which flourished in the Momoyama Period in the late 16th century, boasted the highest status amongst the temples of that age. The temple appears in the famous Kabuki play "Sanmon gosan no kiri" with the speech "Zekkei kana, zekkei kana" (What a superb view! What a superb view!). The temple owns numerous excellent properties, such as the 22 meter-high Sanmon Gate (main gate), the 124 fusuma (sliding door) paintings by the Kano Family and the Ho-jo (the abbot's living quarters), a national treasure, which was built when Kyoto Gosho (Imperial Palace) was transferred and altered. There is a promenade called Tetsugaku-no-komichi (the Path of Philosophy) extending from Nanzenji Temple to Ginkakuji Temple. In Ginkakuji Temple, there is a Chisen-kaiyu style garden (wet strolling garden), which is structured in a sophisticated style representing the Japanese sense of art, and is designated a World Cultural Heritage site. 14 步 歷 佈 每 10 仿 16 JR25 10 30 25 minutes from Shin-Osaka by JR Tokaido-Line. To Kiyomizudera temple a 15-minute bus ride, getting off at Gojosaka bus stop. To Heianjingu Shrine, half an hour's bus ride from Kyoto Station, getting off at Kyoto Kaikan Museum bus stop.

Around Kyoto Station Kyoto Station is the starting point for sightseeing in Kyoto, a city where old and new exist side by side. The station building, a new landmark of the old city of Kyoto, opened in 1997 and boasts a concourse with an impressive 60-meter atrium, 45-meter raised glass-made passage connecting the eastern and western parts of the station. The station building comprises of a department store, a hotel and cultural facilities such as a theatrical space with a state-of-art audio-visual technology and museums that exhibit tea ceremonies, textiles, ceramics and paintings which all create an intersection for traditional art in the ancient capital and art and culture of today. Department stores, restaurants, shopping arcades, theaters and hotels can be found around the modern station, however old temples such as the Higashi Honganji Temple, Nishi-Honganji Temple and Toji Temple are also dotted around the area, providing an oasis in the city and resting places for the people of Kyoto. Nishi-Honganji Temple, commonly known as "onishi-san", is the head temple of the Jodo-shinshu Honganji sect and includes in its spacious grounds the Goei-do and Hiunkaku buildings, and the Kara-mon Gate. The most popular building however is the Shoin, where dazzling masterpieces of 16th century art can be seen in the wall paintings and decorations inside. The five-storied pagoda in Toji Temple, 56.9 meters high, is the largest of the ancient pagodas still in existence, and a symbol of Kyoto. Twenty-one Buddhist statues in the auditorium are considered the physical expression of esoteric Buddhist teaching. 199760 45171 16 睞 56.9 徵 21 JR29 From Tokyo Station, by the JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line to Kyoto Station. From Osaka Station, 20 minutes by JR Tokaido Honsen Line Rapid Train to Kyoto.

Ohara Ohara located in a small basin at the foot of Mt. Hiei-zan, has many prominent temples and "Oharame Flower Girls." The most famous place in Ohara is Sanzenin Temple, which is famous for beautiful cherry blossoms, coloring leaves and moss. It has two beautiful gardens called Juhekien and Yuseien that are called the best sights in North Kyoto. The main temple Ojo-Gokuraku-in is famous for Funazoko or boat's bottom ceiling that will make you feel like you are in an upside-down boat. The principle images of Buddha are bright gold Amida Nyorai Sanson-Zo, which symbolizes paradise. Another famous temple is the Jakkoin Temple. It is a convent where Kenreimon-in Tokuko, a daughter from a powerful clan and an empress, spent the late years of her life performing memorial rites for her son Emperor Antoku who had been killed at the age of two, after a defeat in the battle over the power during the war, and for her clan that had been overthrown in battles in the 12th century. Ohara is also known for Oharame, women peddlers carrying brushwood, firewood and flowers on their heads in the streets of Kyoto. They wear a towel on their ornately arranged hair, indigo blue kimono, Gosho-zome dyed obi(sash), an apron, white hand covers and gaiters on their legs. This unique costume originates from the costume worn by awanonaishi, a young woman attendant who served at Kenreimon-in, especially for labor in the mountains. The village girls who admired this smart-looking working outfit for townswomen imitated the costume. This rustic and lovely costume is still attracting the people of today., 狀 12 2 另 她 綁 她 40 30 Take a bus for 40 minutes from Kyoto Station to Demachi-Yanagi Station, and another bus for 30 minutes from Demachi-Yanagi-ekimae bus stop to Ohara.

Gosho / Nijo-jo Castle The Kyoto Gosho is the former Imperial Palace located at the center of Kyoto. Kyoto Gyoen Park is a large luxurious garden surrounding the Palace and the Sento Gosho Palace, the residence of the retired emperor, and is a relaxing spot with rich greenery enjoyed by the people of Kyoto. The park measures 700 meters east to west and 1300 meters north to south. Before the Imperial Palace was moved to Tokyo in the latter half of the 19th century, this vast park was the residential quarters for the members of the court. Today, it is a public park with a pebbled promenade and green lawns, with seasonal trees and flowers. To the southwest of the palace stands Nijo-jo Castle, built in the early 17th century. Ninomaru-goten, renovated in 1626, is renowned as a priceless example of the architectural style of that period. The best known section of the splendid interior with its paintings and carvings on the walls is the "Happo-nirami no Shishi-zu", in which the eyes of the painted lion look straight at viewers no matter where they are standing. Some interesting devices used in defense against enemies are also worth a look - e.g. The "Uguisubari-no-roka" corridor, where the planks sound like a nightingale when someone walks along, then, and the "Mushakakukshi" - special doors designed to hide guards. Scenes from the period are reproduced inside the palace using mannequins. 盎 700130019 步 171626 哪 黃 7 9 6 From Kyoto Station to Kyoto Gyoen, take the subway to Imadegawa Station (10 minutes). To Nijo-jo Castle, take a subway to Karasuma-oike Station and change, then travel 6 minutes to Nijo-jo-mae Station.

Kinugasa / Kinkaku-ji World Cultural Heritage Sites are dotted throughout the district. Villas that were home to Heian aristocrats in the 8th century. Northwestern Kyoto, near Mt. Kinugasa and the area between Kinugasa and Omuro, flourished as a home of aristocrats and the imperial family in the Heian Period of the 8th century. Many temples and shrines were built along this road, known as Kinukake-no-michi, including the Kinkaku-ji Temple or Golden Pavilion, a World Cultural Heritage Site. The Nin'na-ji and Ryoan-ji Temples are also well known and the maple trees in the area are beautifully colored in the fall, he Kinkaku-ji Temple is a three-storied structure covered with gold foil. The glittering beauty of the temple was restored after work on the gold foil in 1988. The stone garden at the Ryoan-ji Temple represents Zen philosophy, consisting merely of 15 stones of different sizes placed in white sand representing an image of the expanding sea and islands. The garden is often referred to as "the Crossing of Tiger Cubs" inspired by the formation of rocks consisting of two or three small rocks next to a big rock, which looks as if a mother tiger is holding her cubs and crossing a river with dangerous torrents. The art of rock gardens created by Zen philosophy makes people imagine any landscapes coming to their mind, completely omitting the unessential. Thus the garden achieves a perfection of simple beauty. The graceful Nin'na-ji Temple was erected by Emperor Uda in the 9th century. In the end of spring, Omuro-zakura cherries adorn the temple with cherry blossoms on two-meter trees. Another feature of the district is the Kyoto Prefectural Insho-Domoto Bijutsukan Museum of Fine Arts which exhibits Japanese paintings by Insho Domoto (1891-1975), whose style is famous for its bright colors and modern feel. 8 1988 15 晚 2 25 35 From Kyoto Station to Kinugasa, take a bus to Kinkaku-ji bus stop (25 minutes). To Omuro, take a bus to Omuro-Nin'na-ji bus stop (35 minutes).

Access to & from Kansai international Airport Kansai International Airport is situated 50 km from the center of Osaka city. It is easily accessible by road or railway. Train From Shin-Osaka Station by JR Airport Express Haruka Approx. 50 Mon.V.V. Taxi Approximate times and fares to major destinations. Destination Approx. Time Approx. Fare Itami Airport 70 min 20,000 yen Namba 50 min 16,000 yen Umeda 50 min 17,000 yen Shin-Osaka 60 min 18,000 yen Tennoji 50 min 16,000 yen You can take JR Airport Express Haruka to Shin Osaka station and transfer taxi to you Hotel, If you booked New Hanyu Hotel, the hotel just location opposite Shin Osaka station.

Osaka Loop Line Kyobashi Osakajokoen Sakuranomiya Temma Osaka Fukushima Noda Nishikujo Bentencho Taisho Morinomiya Tamatsukuri Tsuruhashi Momodan Teradacho Tennoji Imamiya Shin-Imamiya Ashiharabashi

Osaka O saka prefecture located in the center of Kinki region in the Midwest Japan covers the smallest prefecture land area in Japan, but boasts of largest population and highest population density second only after the capital, Tokyo. Mountains surround three sides of the prefecture and the west faces the arc-shaped Osaka Bay. Since it is close to former capitals of Japan Kyoto and Nara, it prospered as an important point for land and water transportation as well as a commercial city. I n the Osaka City is the Osaka Castle with a five-layer donjon as its core, on a lawn park that stretches for about 60,000 square meters. During the cherry blossom season in the spring, this park is especially crowded with hanami (cherry blossom viewing) crowd. Osaka's north gate, Umeda, has a gigantic stretch of underground mall that houses many restaurants, fashion and sundry goods stores. In contrast to Kita with Umeda as its core, Minami is an area with core cities Namba, a popular business and shopping district, and Dotonbori with many restaurants on both sides of Dotonbori-gawa River. Minami is known as a town of public entertainment and has many theaters and cinemas. In recent years, the development of Osaka's new showplace, the waterfront, is taking place. Tenpo-zan Harbor Village, which has a 112 meter-high Ferris wheel, shopping mall and Suntory Museum, a complex of cultural facilities, and ATC(Asia Pacific Trade Center), Japan's largest outlet mall, are also popular. 5 6 5 6 112.5 另 ATC JR 2 30 About 2 hours 30 minutes from Tokyo Station to Shin Osaka Station by JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line.

Umeda Umeda at Kita-ku, Osaka is the center of local economy, with a huge railway terminal complex containing JR Osaka Station and other Osaka stations of the Hankyu Line, Hanshin Line and three subways that can be said to be the starting point of Osaka. Around the terminal complex stand big department stores and high-rise buildings born as a result of redevelopment of the textile wholesale district, and now are concentrated offices, banks and hotels. Called "Kita" (north) as opposed to "Minami" (south) with Namba and Shinsaibashi centered in it, Umeda is also a huge shopping zone always crowded with people day and night. The Umeda underground mall, the largest of its kind in Japan, has coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques, variety stores, food stores, etc. standing side by side, and forms a single town in itself with the mosaic tiled, fountain-playing Izumi-no-Hiroba ("Square of Spring") in the center. Umeda's new must-see spot is the Hep Five giant ferris wheel. Standing on the top of a 9-storied building, it is illuminated at night and affords a night view of Osaka. JR 咖啡 HEP FIVE 9 7 About 7 minutes from Shin-Osaka Station to Umeda Station by subway.

Nakanoshima Sandwiched by the Dojima-gawa River and Tosabori-gawa River that run from east to west through the central Osaka, Nakanoshima is the center of the administration, economy and culture of Osaka. There is concentration of the municipal offices, banks, newspaper companies, parks, art museums, science museums, libraries, public halls and all other cultural facilities. The Nakanoshima-koen Park is the first park ever to be built in Osaka. The greenery of the trees in the park forms an oasis in the city of office buildings and is thronged with the citizens enjoying a walk in a breeze from the rivers. There is a rose garden in the park, where you can enjoy roses collected from all over the world. The Osaka Municipal Oriental Porcelain Museum has a proud collection of 2,000 pieces, and exclusively exhibits oriental porcelains from China, Korea and Japan. You can enjoy the planetarium with the world's largest dome screen and the Omni-Max that displays the entire sky in the Osaka Municipal Science Museum. The Osaka Public Nakanoshima Library and Osaka Central Public Hall at the eastern edge of Nakanoshima are the architectures of the western style of 100 years ago. The exterior built with bricks and stones gives off romantic atmosphere and softens the heart of the visitors walking in the area. The illuminated view at night is also tasteful. 步 步 2 另 100 步 晚 10 10 minutes from Shin-Osaka Station to Yodoyabashi Station.

Kyobashi / Sakura-no-miya Osaka Business Park abounds with towering skyscrapers. Sakura-nomiya-koen Park is perfect for viewing cherry blossoms. Located between Miyakojima-ku and Chuo-ku, Kyobashi area is known to be the most entertaining quarter of Osaka. Kyobashi Station is a big junction that connects the JR Line, the Keihan Line and the subway, and the waves of people never seem to cease in this busy station. Across Neya-gawa River on the Chuo-ku side is Osaka Business Park, or OBP. Skyscrapers stand side by side in the triangular OBP site, and major company showrooms and many entertainment facilities such as restaurants and the Digital Art Square are gathered here. Osaka Castle, the symbol of Osaka, is nearby, and in the evening, the beautifully lighted castle may be seen from the view spot on the 38th floor. In the north of Osaka Castle, there is Sakura-no-miya-koen Park at Sakura-no-miya on the east bank of Okawa River. It has had a reputation for beautiful cherry blossoms since ancient times. The narrow park is made along the dike with a promenade on each side of the river, where many people stroll and enjoy the beautiful view. On the west bank of O-kawa River is the Osaka Zohei(Mint) Museum. This western style building is 100 years old and its collection of coins and decorations of Japan and other countries has more than 4,500 items on exhibition. The 450 cherry trees in the area make an arcade of cherry blossoms and attract a great number of people in the springtime. JR3 每 徵 晚 38 步 步 100 4500450 棵 JR 狀 4 Take JR Osaka-kanjo Line from Osaka Station, 4 minutes to Sakura-no-miya Station.

Osaka Castle T he Osaka Castle was built in the end of the 16th century by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a well-known warlord who brought the whole country under his rule in the late 16th century. It has been burned down in a series of battles in the 17th century, and reconstructed later. Once again it was destroyed by fire, its donjon only reduced to ashes this time, and was reconstructed at last early in the 20th century. On display at its 1st to 7th floors are various weapons, armors and folklife items of those days. There is a view spot on the 8th floor. T he premises of the castle contain a lawn-covered park with an area of about 60,000 square meters, which is thronged with cherry blossom viewers in the springtime. In its neighborhood stand the Osaka Municipal Museum that presents culture and history of Osaka, the Toyokuni-jinja Shrine, the Osaka-jo Hall with a seating capacity of about 16,000 and others. With waterways running around the castle, there is a water bus service that takes you out on an 1-hour cruise in the river that flows through the city. In summer, the Okawa River in the northwest of the Osaka Castle becomes the stage for the Osaka Tenjin-matsuri Festival known as one of the three largest in Japan. The sight of a fleet of about 100 ships going down the river is a must-see, so are the gorgeous fireworks going up at the same time. 16 16 17 20 1 7 歷 盔 8 6 歷 16000 另 1 100 JR 13 About 13 minutes from Shin-Osaka Station to Osaka-jo Koen Station via JR Osaka Station.

Shinsaibashi A unique and vibrant shopping experience area. The wide, entertaining main street of Mido-suji in Osaka The Shinsaibashi is the largest shopping area in Osaka where many boutiques and specialty shops are gathered, attracting local people and visitors. The Shisaibashi has developed from the arcaded streets called Shinsaibashi Shopping Street. This district has a row of large size department stores and reasonably priced shops. The Suomachi-suji Street offers an elegant atmosphere with stone paved sidewalks with British style streetlamps and brick buildings. This area is nicknamed as the European Village. The western area of the Shinsaibashi is nicknamed as the American Village, and its symbol is the walls painted with unique illustrations. Casual shops for trend-conscious young people are concentrated in the American Village, giving off a contrasting atmosphere from the European Village's. You can enjoy Osaka by simply walking these unique districts. There are many restaurants in the Shinsaibashi, where you can enjoy the Japanese food as well as a wide variety of tastes from China, Korea, other Asian countries, the US and European countries as well. Mido-suji Street that runs the center of the Shinsaibashi is the main street of Osaka that links the downtown Kita (north) around Umeda and the downtown Minami (south) around the Shisaibashi and Namba districts. At the Mido-suji Parade held in autumn, marching bands from all over the world merrily parade on this street. 晚 徵 趕 每 佈 13 Then take a subway for 13 minutes from Shin-Osaka Station to Shinsaibashi Station.

Dotonbori Dotonbori is a large scale downtown along the south bank of the Dotonbori-gawa Canal. Osaka is known as the gastronomists' town, and thus the entire area of Dotonbori is thronged with an unbelievable number of restaurants and amusement facilities, and is dearly loved by the Osakaites. There are theaters that play traditional puppet shows Bunraku, storytellers' halls and other popular entertainment as well as a number of movie theaters. Dotonbori is often selected as a scene in the Japanese and foreign movies as the symbol of Osaka. They have recently built flowerbeds and fountains on both sides of the Dotonbori-gawa Canal to offer better environment for a downtown, which are always attracting visitors and residents. On both sides of the Dotonbori-gawa Canal are lined with advertisements and neon signs. The entire sides of buildings are decorated with neon lamps. The illuminated signboards and neon lamps reflect on the Dotonbori-gawa Canal at night, making Dotonbori even merrier. There is the Hozen-ji Temple built in the 17th century on the first street to the south of street along the Dotonbori Canal. A paper lantern hangs at the front of the temple, which gives off pale orange light at sunset. The stone paved street in front of the Hozen-ji Temple is called the Hozen-ji Yokocho Lane. Shops with a beautiful latticework stand side by side as a reminiscence of the Edo Period in the 17th century and they give off peaceful atmosphere. 佈 每 晚 17 黃 黃 17 15 ake a subway for 15 minutes from Shin-Osaka Station to Namba Station.

Nipponbashi / Nipponbashi Ten'noji is an area spreading out with Ten'noji Station and Ten'noji Park in the center. It forms a railway terminal complex with the Osaka Loop Line, Hanwa Line, Kansai Honsen Line, Kintetsu Minami-Osaka Line, municipal subways. converging at this area. The Shiten'noji Temple on the north side of Ten'noji Station is one of the typical Buddhist structures built in the late 6th century through the early 7th century, featuring what is known "Shiten'noji type Buddhist temple layout" with a middle gate, a tower, a main hall and a lecture hall standing from south to north in a beeline. Ten'noji Park located to the northwest of Ten'noji Station contains Ten'noji Zoo opened in the eartly 20th century, and the Osaka Municipal Art Museum mainly showing old Japanese and Oriental works of art. Located to the northwest of Ten'noji Park is Nipponbashi, where there is the Kuromon Ichiba (marketplace) known as the kitchen for "Minami" (busy quarters with Namba and Shinsaibashi in the center). If you get off at Nipponbashi Station of Sakai-Suji Subway Line and go south down the Sakai-Suji Avenue, you will find "Den-den Town" (electric town), also called "Akihabara of Osaka," clustered with electric appliances wholesalers' shops standing side by side on Nipponbashi 3- Chome through 6-Chome. Many shops give an in-house advertising broadcast in Korean or Chinese. The advent of an increasing number of computer shops is a recent phenomenon. 67 狀 佈 6 7 20 另 36, 25 About 25 minutes from Shin-Osaka Station to Ten'noji Station or Nipponbashi Station by subway.

Shiten'no-ji The Shiten'no-ji Temple was built late in the 6th century by Shotokutaishi (Prince Shotoku), a son of Emperor Yomei, as a token of his gratitude to the Four Devas (Shi-tenno), the guardians for Buddhism and Buddhists, for responding to his prayer to let him overthrow Mononobeno-Moriya, an anti-buddhist administrator, in the 6th century. With its middle gate, tower, main hall and lecture hall arrangned from south to north in a beeline, which is known as "Shiten'no-ji type temple layout" modeled after the then Chinese style of architecture, the Shiten'no-ji Temple typifies the Buddhist structures built in the Asuka Period from the late 6th century through the early 7th century together with the Horyu-ji Temple, a World Cultural Heritage, in Nara. Soon afer its erection, the temple had a free dispensary (Seyaku-in) and other welfare facilities set up in its precincts to give the poor free medicines and treatment and provide free accommodations for the aged without family and infants, opening the way to public welfare service in Japan. In January, there is "Doya-Doya," a festival in which the young scramble for paper charms. Autumn is the time when "Shiten'no-ji Wasso, " a festival reproducing a bit of the history of cultural interchange between the ancient Korean Peninsula and Japan, takes place. 67 仿 6 6 仿 6 7 1 辦 歷 23 About 23 minutes from Shin-Osaka Station to Shiten'no-ji-mae Yuhi-ga-oka Station by subway.

Banpaku-koen Park The site of Expo Osaka spreads on the Senriyama Hills. Amusement park and cultural facilities in the vast area. The Banpaku-koen Park located on the east side of the Senriyama Hills in the central north part of Osaka is the site where Expo Osaka was held in 1970. Osaka Monorail runs through this 264 hectare wide park from east to west. On the south side of the monorail, there is an amusement park called "Expo Land". It has the world's longest 1,200 m long suspension corkscrew and other rides as well as a 85 m high Ferris wheel and many other attractions for families in particular. On the north side of the monorail, there are Japanese gardens with teahouses such as Senri-an and Banri-an, and a natural cultural garden where you can enjoy seasonal flowers. There are also the National Anthropology Museum that introduces the lives and cultures of different people in the world, the National International Art Museum, Osaka Japanese Art and Craft Hall and other cultural establishments. There are a drive-in theater "Stardust" that can accommodate 390 cars, Senri-noyu, a natural hot spring pumped from 1,000 m deep well and other points of interest dotted throughout the hills., 1970 264 1200 85 另 390 另 佈 溫 溫 1000 溫 13 About 13 minutes from Shin-Osaka Station to Senrichuo Station by subway.

Osaka Bay The Bay Area of Osaka has recently developed into a place of largescale facilities for shopping and dining, and has became popular among young people in particular. on the sidewalk lined with palm trees is ATC( Asia Pacific Trade Center). It has the largest outlet mall in Japan as well as shops, restaurants and amusement facilities, a popular spot in the south harbor. WTC Cosmo Tower, the symbol of the adjacent Osaka Bay Area, boasts a height of 256 meters and the 360 degree glass-windowed view spot commands a stunning view of the city of Osaka. Mt. Tenpo-zan is the spot from where to see the sunset, and it has the world's largest Ferris wheel with a diameter of 100 meters and height of 112 meters. Tenpozan Harbor Village has the world largest aquarium, Kaiyu-kan, that contains 39,000 sea creatures of 580 kinds. The Universal Studio Japan covers a huge area of 54 hectares on the opposite side of the river from Mt. Tenpo-zan. It is now a very popular spot where visitors can enjoy the world of popular Hollywood characters such as E.T. or the Terminator in attractions, as well as various events and shopping. ET 睞 步 ATC WTC 徵 256360 鑲 另 100 11258039000 USJ 54 辦 ET 24 From Shin-Osaka Station, take subway to Cosmo Square Station by changing at Honcho Station, 24 minutes.

6 Days Kyoto & Osaka Suggested itinerates Day 1 Around Kyoto Station Day 2 Higashiyama Day 3 Kinugasa / Kinkaku-ji & Gosho / Nijo-jo Castle Kiyomizu-dera Temple JNTO Day 4 Kyobashi / Sakura-no-miya (Osaka) Dotonbori. Day 5 Osaka Castle, Shinsaibashi Nipponbashi. Day 6 Back Home Osaka Castle JNTO JNTO Kinkakuji Temple