致意/ Greetings 作者:卫丽姿 Elizabeth Witcher

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致意 / Greetings 作者 : 卫丽姿 Elizabeth Witcher 亲爱的学员 : 老师们 同学们, 大家好 这是我们的第一期新闻简报 每两个星期我们 CLS 项目的学生会和一个浙 江工业大学的老师做一篇新的新闻简报 我们想报道这两个星期我们做了什么, 发现了什么, 学到了什么 等等 这是我们第一篇新闻简报, 会给大家介绍我们的项目 生活和课堂 两个星期前我们来到浙江工业大学 那时候我们都很累, 带着两个大大的熊猫眼, 所以很快就去房间 睡觉了 第一个星期我们一边探索, 一边上课 我们很快发现了我们的校园并没有在市中心, 而是在 郊外 我们住的地方叫小和山, 从这到市区要坐一个多小时的公交, 打车也要四十多分钟 一开始我 们都觉得这里特别不好, 因为出去玩儿很不方便, 而且本地人很少, 大多数是学生, 所以我们没有机会跟 本地人交流 可是随着接触的增多, 我们越来越喜欢小和山校区, 这里的人都很热情, 特别是我们的 老师和语伴 我们真的很忙 周一到周五每天有四个小时的课, 然后下午再和语伴一起学习一个小时 因为这是我 们在的头两个星期, 还在适应阶段, 所以我们都觉得有点儿累, 但是每天都能够比昨天进步一点, 有 时候还会在周末一起出去探索市中心和学校附近的地方 最后我想说在我们到的第一天 我们美国同学和中国对外汉语语伴都去了一个开幕式 在那里简 小滨教授提醒我们美国同学, 我们的言行举止都代表美国, 我们可以给中国人很好的印象, 或者不好的印 象, 同样的也提醒了中国学生 大部分美国学生已经和他们的语伴成为了朋友, 我觉得这是一个好现象 所以我也想再提醒我的同学们 : 我们既然来中国学中文, 就要把握机会去更多的认识中国 中国人 中国 文化 两个星期已经过去, 还剩六个星期, 加油! Hello fellow students and teachers. This is our first newsletter. Every two weeks the students of the CLS program, along with a teacher from the Zhejiang University of Technology, will put together a newsletter to report on the things students do, discover and learn while living in Hangzhou. Because this is our first newsletter, other articles will give an introduction on the program, lifestyle, and classes we will experience this summer. Two weeks ago, we arrived at Zhejiang University of Technology. We were all very tired, and probably had bags under our eyes. Due to this, we all quickly went to our rooms and fell asleep. For the rest of that week we explored and took part in our first classes. During this time we quickly discovered that our campus was not only very far from Hangzhou s city center, but instead next to the mountains. In fact, the name of the region we live in is Xiaohe Mountain. To paint a more full picture, taking a bus to the city center takes more than an hour and a half, while taking a cab takes around forty minutes. At first we all thought that this was very bad. We thought that going out to have fun and explore the city would be difficult, and even more so practicing our Chinese with local people would also prove nearly impossible. But as time passed, we all have grown to like the campus. This is largely due to the fact that the people here are all very welcoming, especially our teachers and tutors.

We are all very busy. We have class every Monday to Friday for four hours a day. After class we meet with a personal tutor for at least an hour. Because these were our first and second weeks in Hangzhou, we were all very tired. Each day, however, we grow less tired. In fact, most students travel away from campus on the weekends to explore Hangzhou s city center and other surrounding areas. The last thing I want to say regards the first day we arrived in Hangzhou. All American students and Chinese tutors attended an opening ceremony. At this opening ceremony Professor Jian spoke to remind us that as Americans we represent the United States in everything we do and say. It is up to us to leave a good or bad impression on the Chinese people we encounter. He reminded the Chinese students of a similar thing. I think that this is true. Most of the American students have already made friends with their tutors, as well as other student tutors. I think this is very good. So I would once again like to remind my peers: We first came to China to study Chinese, but we have also been handed a rare opportunity to truly learn about China, Chinese people, and Chinese culture. We have already been in Hangzhou for two weeks, we only have six weeks left. Continue to do good things. Just one of the many lovely views of the Pingfeng campus of Zhejiang University of Technology 宿舍和校内生活 / Dorm & Campus Life 作者 : 王洛 Lor Vang 6 月 14 日我们终于到了浙江工业大学 下了车以后, 几个工大学生帮我们把行李搬到位于三楼和四楼的房间 经过一个晚上的修整, 我们正式开始了丰富多彩的校园生活 我们的课业非常重, 每天都要上四个小时的课, 分为读写课和听说课, 之后还有和语伴的课后讨论 除了学习以外, 我们还去体育馆打球, 运动, 去图书馆看书, 在超市买东西 吃饭的话, 我们可以在食堂吃, 也可以选择去垃圾街, 那里有来自中国各地的特色小吃, 这些小吃很受同学们的欢迎 关于住宿条件, 一些同学对宿舍生活不是很满意 如果 10 分是满分的话, 大多数的同

学给出的分数是 8 分, 他们认为宿舍的服务不是特别好 比如在罗泰看来, 宿舍提供的毛巾和卫生纸更换不及时 另外, 有一些规定有点不合理, 比如门禁时间太早, 限制了我们的自由 我自己觉得可以打 8 分, 因为这个宿舍比我在北京的时候住的好多了 以下是几个学生的点评 : 我爱我们的空调! (8 分 ) 王洛 我房间里的 wifi 信号非常好! (9 分 ) 夏戴宁 除了房间有很多蚊子以外, 寝室很棒! (8 分 ) 周理奇 比较好, 可是五楼的网络有时有问题 (8.5 分 ) 柯路远 宿舍很好, 只希望可以有两张桌子 (9 分 ) 麦珂兰 On Saturday night, June 14th, we reached Zhejiang University of Technology. Many Zhejiang students helped us carry our luggage to our new rooms on the 3rd and 4th floors. Every day we take Chinese courses including reading, composition, spoken application, and spoken development. In addition, students meet with their language partners after class each day. Besides studying, other activities on campus include working out at the gym, reading books in the library, going to the market, trying new food at the street vendors, and eating in the cafeteria. According to the students, from a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst dorm to 10 being the best dorm) most student ranked it at 8. Most students think that the dormitory services were not to their liking because they didn't provide enough toilet paper or frequently change the towels. The dormitory locks its door at 10:30 PM causing inconvenience to the students preventing them to go out at night or come back later in the night. However, I ranked it at 8 because compared to my dorm in Beijing, this dorm was much better. Below are student s comments: I love the air conditioning! (8/10) Sana Vang My room has great wifi. (9/10) Daniel Shats Other than the mosquitoes, the rooms are great. (8/10) Nikita Zolotykh Very good, but the fifth floor's internet is not as great. (8.5/10) Lucas Kanter Dorms are great but I just wish we had two desks. (9/10) Morgan McCollum 学生会制度 / Student Committee System 作者 : 邓博恩 Brian Denny 在 学生会制度 下, 所有学生将加入到各个特定的 学生会 中合作共事, 以此来获得同当地人或单位共事的工作经历, 与此同时积极促进我们语言项目的运行 学生会制度 有助于促进学生共同参与合作, 也有助于增加提高语言沟通能力 值得一提的是, 学生能通过以从 学生会制度 中获取的经验来促进学生自身的全面发展, 而这个优势则是在其他海外留学项目中并不常见的

课程部 - 课程部起到增强师生之间联系的作用 夏戴宁 Daniel Shats 秦佑文 Michael Bouterse 王洛 Lor Vang 郑思纹 Mary Trinh 麦兰 Erica McFarlane 范凯 - Chris Frederick 杜苏心 Tamsin True-Alcala (not pictured) 健康住宿部 - 健康住宿部起到增强学生与住宿管理人员联系的作用, 同时关注学生的健康状况 马蓓蕾 Bailey Mack 柯路远 Lucas Kanter 潘俊龙 Logan Pauley 戴伟 Connor Davis 赵煦 Joshua Rubman 邓博恩 Brian Denny 卓星丽 Cecilia Joy Perez (not pictured) 活动部 - 活动部主要负责策划 组织项目期间的社会活动, 同时查询及安排活动相关的交通工具 马可荣 Connor Mangan 段昆 Cole Delbyck 武梦竹 Ashlyn Weber 麦珂兰 Morgan McCollum 周理奇 Nikita Zolotykh 苏珊娜 Susannah Slimp (not pictured)

新闻简报部 - 新闻简报部负责双周刊的 CLS 新闻简报的编辑与发行工作 艾莉 Ashley Rivenbark 罗泰 Tyler Prochazka 卫丽姿 Elizabeth Witcher 吴冷杰 Benjamin Wollam 何善美 Melissa Hosek 马克杰 Jarred Mihalik (not pictured) In the student committee system, students in small groups serve on various committees in order to gain professional experiences with various local entities, while actively helping shape the program. It fosters greater involvement and cooperation, and also broadens your opportunity for increased communication and language use. Moreover, the system enhances personal growth through experiences that are not typical of other study abroad programs. 1. Curriculum Committee The Curriculum Committee is a liaison between students and teachers. 2. Health and Housing Committee The Health and Housing Committee is a liaison between students and housing administration, and take care of students' health issues. 3. Events Committee The Events committee is mainly responsible for planning and organizing social events during the program, as well as handling transporation for events and activities. 4. Newsletter Committee The Newsletter committee is responsible for writing the bi-weekly CLS newsletter and its distribution.

语伴 / Language Partners 作者 : 杜苏心 Tamsin True-Alcala 我今天要给你们介绍一下我们项目的语伴 这些人是谁? 他们都是浙江工业大学大三的学生, 而且都 是学习国际汉语教育 ( 对外汉语 ) 的, 他们都有教学经验, 并且乐意帮助我们 而且我以前问了我的语伴, 她为什么决定当语伴, 她说了几个原因, 包括获得跟她专业有关的经验 满足浙江工业大学的实习要求 跟外国人交朋友等等 语伴 到底是做什么的呢? 他们主要是帮助我们完成我们的功课 他们每天最少 花一个小时来回答我们美国学生的问题 但是不只是关于作业的问题 ( 虽然那一定是一个很重要的部分 )- - 他们也会帮我们练习中文和回答关于中国文化的问题 我特别喜欢用我们课文中涉及的文章话题来展开讨 论中美文化的差别 我觉得跟一个中国人聊天比只读课文好, 因为跟语伴聊天儿是个很好的方法来更深地 了解中国现代文化 虽然我们现在在只过了两个星期, 但我已经发现如果没有语伴的话, 我们的学习 会比较困难, 而且我们的生活会比较没意思 谢谢语伴们! I d like to briefly introduce you all to our language partners. So, who are these language partners? They are all third year students at Zhejiang uniweisity of Technology, and they are all International Chinese Education majors, so by helping us they also gain valuable experience. Earlier I asked my language partner why she decided to become a language partner, she said that there were many reasons. These reasons included gaining experience relevant to her major, satisfying Zhejiang Institute s internship requirement, and making friends from other countries. So, what exactly do these language partners do? They help us with our homework, spending at least an hour every day answering our questions. These questions are not necessarily just homework-related questions (although that is an important part) they also help us practice our Chinese and answer our questions about Chinese culture. I especially enjoy using our textbook s articles as a jumping-off point to discuss differences between American and Chinese cultures. I think that chatting with our language partners is more valuable than just reading the textbook, because by chatting with our language partners we can gain a deeper understanding of current Chinese culture. Although we ve only been in Hangzhou for two weeks, I have already realized that if we didn t have our language partners, not only would our studies be much more difficult, our lives in China would also be less interesting. Thank you language partners! 学生食堂 / Student Dining 作者 : 段昆 Cole Delbyck 食堂是我们生活中一个很重要的地方 因为所有的学生都喜欢吃中国菜, 所以我们每天都会在食堂吃 饭 浙江工业大学有两个食堂, 对学生来说, 家和食堂是最受欢迎的, 因为它离宿舍最近 家和食堂一共

有三楼, 可是学生通常在三楼吃饭因为三楼的选择比较多 下课以后学同学们会和中国语伴一起去食堂吃 饭, 有的时候老师也会和我们一起 食堂有很多不同的窗口 你可以在食堂里吃川菜, 麻辣烫, 饺子, 咖 喱饭, 等等 食堂是一个很好的练习中文的地方, 因为学生可以跟服务员聊天, 顺便复习当天学的语法和 生词 服务员都很耐心还会帮助学生点菜, 推荐最好吃的东西 另外, 有的学生常常去外面吃饭 大学的旁边有各种各样的小吃, 中国学生常常陪美国学生去小吃街 吃饭 小吃街是中国的特色 虽然食堂比小吃街干净, 但是小吃街的环境和菜更有意思 小吃街有很多好 吃的东西, 比如说炒河粉, 奶茶, 铁板豆腐, 烧烤, 等等 每个星期学生得做一个 耳闻目睹, 小吃街 是一个最方便的地方, 因为你不但能吃到非常好吃的中国菜, 而且还能观察中国人的生活 无论你是在食 堂还是在垃圾街吃饭都非常的有意思 In China, the cafeteria is a very important place because all of the students enjoy Chinese food, so we eat in there every day. Zhejiang University of Technology has two cafeterias. According to the students, jia he cafeteria is the most popular because it is the closest to the dormitories. Jia he cafeteria has three floors, but we most often eat on the third floor because there are more options. After class students and their Chinese language partners eat together in the cafeteria. Sometimes the teachers and the students also eat together. The cafeteria has many different stations. In the cafeteria, you can eat Sichuan cuisine, malatang, dumplings, and curry, and many other things. The cafeteria is a great place to practice Chinese because students can review the day s grammar and new vocabulary. The cafeteria staff is very patient and helps students order food and recommends the best things to eat. In addition, some students go off campus to eat. The university s neighborhood has many different kinds of snacks. Chinese students often accompany American students to Food Stall Street. This street is a Chinese specialty. Although the cafeteria is cleaner, Food Stall Street s environment and food is much more interesting. This area has many delicious things to eat like thick Chinese noodles, milk tea, tofu, barbeque, and many other things. Every week students are required to observe Chinese people s lifestyle. Food Stall Street is the most convenient place to see complete this assignment because students can not only eat very delicious Chinese food, but also watch how Chinese people interact with one another. No matter whether you choose to eat in the cafeteria or on Food Stall Street both are very interesting places. Chatting after a 家常 (family-style) meal 听说课 - 读写课 / Language Classes 作者 : 马克杰 Jarred Mihalik

虽然有各种各样的有意思的活动和好玩的地方, 但是我们不能忘了我们来这里的主要目的 : 学习 中文 课外经历固然能帮助我们更好地学习汉语, 但是课堂的学习也很重要 所以, 我们每天有四个小时 在课堂里学习生词, 背诵, 也讨论西方文化对中国文化的影响 每天早上八点到十点是 读写课, 这门课不仅让我们有机会看中国报纸上的文章, 而且还要求我们 写短文章表明我们看完的感受 然后, 我们上 听说课, 这样我们就可以练习刚刚学习的生词和语法 最后, 我们一起表演对话, 这个练习可以帮助我们在生活中更好地用中文交流 这两门课的融合不仅是让 我们学好这几个星期的课, 更是帮助我们把中文说得更好, 也让我们更有机会在中国发展 Although Hangzhou has many kinds of interesting activities and places to visit, we cannot forget our main goal in coming to Hangzhou: studying Chinese. Extracurricular activities undoubtedly help us in our study, but classroom work is also very important. Thus, every day we spend four hours in class studying new words, memorizing conversations, and discussing the Western influence on Chinese culture. Every morning from 8 to 10 is spent in Reading and Writing Class, which not only gives us the opportunity to read Chinese newspaper articles, but also has us write short essays in response. Afterwards, we attend Listening and Speaking Class, which lets us practice our newly learned words and grammar structures. Finally, we practice short dialogues together, which help us use Chinese in preparation for real life conversations. These classes together not only help us learn this summer s material, but also improve our Chinese and give us a chance at working and developing in China. 瞻望 / Looking Forward 作者 : 吴冷杰 Benjamin Wollam 我们同学们刚刚开始教我们的语伴英文, 互相教育是文化交流很重要的一部分 我们留学生很喜欢每 个星期给中国朋友介绍美国文化 除了教英文以外同学们都很好奇浙江工业大学暑假期间有什么安排 这 周末我们跟语伴们一起去了塘栖古镇和良渚文化博物馆 接下来, 我们还要去宋城看古装大戏 爬黄山 拜访中国家庭, 这可能会很有意思! CLS 分院的学生很快就会有不少来劲的事儿! We students have just begun teaching our language partners English. Returning the favor to them through mutual teaching and learning is one of the most important aspects of cross-cultural exchange and we relish this

opportunity to demonstrate more about American culture to our Chinese friends. In addition to teaching English, we are also very curious to see what summer break at Zhejiang University of Technology has to offer. This weekend our cultural outing consisted of a day trip to Tangqi Ancient Town and Liangzhu Culture Museum. Additionally, we will soon be paying visits to Song City, Mount Huang and nearby Chinese households. We cannot wait to attend these interesting activities! The CLS Hangzhou students certainly have a multitude of exciting opportunities ahead of us! 2014 年 6 月 29 日