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(2008) 主 张 教 师 在 课 文 教 学 中 应 让 学 生 有 意 识 地 注 意 语 块, 并 指 出 语 块 教 学 对 大 学 生 的 英 语 写 作 能 力 有 着 重 要 的 意 义 于 秀 莲 (2008) 以 大 学 生 为 受 试 对 象, 在 对 不 同 学 生 分 别

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目 錄 實 施 計 畫 1 專 題 演 講 因 應 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 學 校 本 位 課 程 的 整 體 布 局 A-1 推 動 十 二 年 國 民 基 本 教 育 課 程 綱 要 相 關 配 套 措 施 A-10 分 組 研 討 法 規 研 修 B-1 課 程 教

1. 請 先 檢 查 包 裝 內 容 物 AC750 多 模 式 無 線 分 享 器 安 裝 指 南 安 裝 指 南 CD 光 碟 BR-6208AC 電 源 供 應 器 網 路 線 2. 將 設 備 接 上 電 源, 即 可 使 用 智 慧 型 無 線 裝 置 進 行 設 定 A. 接 上 電 源

級 任 介 紹 班 主 任 其 他 級 任 2A 羅 彩 岫 主 任 吳 毅 蕙 老 師 2B 徐 玲 老 師 陳 詠 詩 老 師 2C 梁 麗 興 老 師 尹 南 老 師 2D 曾 康 老 師 李 樂 雯 老 師 2E 黃 蕙 明 老 師


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Preface This guide is intended to standardize the use of the WeChat brand and ensure the brand's integrity and consistency. The guide applies to all d




INDEX abbreviation 缩略语... 3 action verb 行为动词... 3 active voice 主动语态... 3 adjective 形容词... 3 adjective, comparative 形容词比较级... 3 adjective, demonstrative 指示形容词... 3 adjective, superlative 形容词最高级... 4 adverb 副词... 4 adverb, comparative 副词比较级... 4 adverb, relative 关系副词... 4 be verb be 动词... 4 capital letter 大写字母... 4 capitalize 大写... 5 clause, dependent 非独立性从句... 5 collective noun 集体名词... 5 comma 逗号... 5 common noun 普通名词... 5 comparative adjective 形容词比较级... 5 comparative adverb 副词比较级... 5 complete predicate 完整谓语... 6 complete sentence 完整句... 6 complete subject 完整主语... 6 complex sentence 复合句... 6 compound predicate 复合谓语... 6 compound sentence 并列句... 6 conjunction, correlative 关联连词... 6 conjunction, subordinating 从属连词... 7 contraction 缩略词... 7 correlative conjunction 关联连词... 7 declarative sentence 陈述句... 7 demonstrative adjective 指示形容词... 8 dependent clause 非独立性从句... 8 direct object 直接宾语... 8 exclamatory sentence 感叹句... 8 future tense verb 将来时动词... 8 helping verb 助动词... 9 imperative sentence 祈使句... 9 indefinite pronoun 不定代词... 9 interrogative sentence 疑问句... 9 irregular verb 不规则动词... 10 letter, capital 大写字母... 10 letter, lowercase 小写字母... 10 letter, uppercase 大写字母... 10 Page 1 linking verb 系动词... 10 lowercase letter 小写字母... 10 main verb 主动词... 10 modal auxiliary 情态动词... 11 negative 否定词... 11 noun 名词... 11 noun, collective 集体名词... 11 noun, common 普通名词... 11 noun, plural 复数名词... 12 noun, possessive 名词所有格... 12 noun, predicate 谓语名词... 12 noun, proper 专有名词... 12 noun, singular 单数名词... 12 object, direct 直接宾语... 12 object pronoun 宾格代词... 13 passage 短文... 13 passive voice 被动语态... 13 past tense verb 过去时动词... 13 period 句号... 13 personal pronoun 人称代词... 13 phrase, prepositional 介词短语... 14 plural noun 复数名词... 14

possessive noun 名词所有格... 14 possessive pronoun 物主代词... 14 predicate, complete 完整谓语... 14 predicate, compound 复合谓语... 15 predicate, simple 简单谓语... 15 predicate noun 谓语名词... 15 preposition 介词... 15 prepositional phrase 介词短语... 15 present perfect tense verb 现在完成时动词... 16 progressive verb 动词的进行式... 16 pronoun 代词... 16 pronoun, indefinite 不定代词... 16 pronoun, object 宾格代词... 17 pronoun, personal 人称代词... 17 pronoun, possessive 物主代词... 17 pronoun, reflexive 反身代词... 17 pronoun, relative 关系代词... 17 pronoun, subject 主格代词... 18 proper noun 专有名词... 18 punctuation 标点符号... 18 question mark 问号... 18 reflexive pronoun 反身代词... 18 relative adverb 关系副词... 18 relative pronoun 关系代词... 19 run-on sentence 流水句... 19 sentence 句子... 19 sentence, complete 完整句... 19 sentence, complex 复合句... 19 sentence, compound 并列句... 19 sentence, declarative 陈述句... 20 sentence, exclamatory 感叹句... 20 sentence, imperative 祈使句... 20 sentence, interrogative 疑问句... 20 sentence, run-on 流水句... 20 sentence, simple 简单句... 20 sentence fragment 句子片段... 21 simple predicate 简单谓语... 21 simple sentence 简单句... 21 simple subject 简单主语... 21 singular noun 单数名词... 21 subject, complete 完整主语... 21 subject, simple 简单主语... 22 subject pronoun 主格代词... 22 subject-verb agreement 主谓一致... 22 subordinating conjunction 从属连词... 22 superlative adjective 形容词最高级... 23 tense 时态... 23 text 文章... 23 uppercase letter 大写字母... 23 verb 动词... 23 verb, action 行为动词... 23 verb, be be 动词... 23 verb, future tense 将来时动词... 24 verb, helping 助动词... 24 verb, irregular 不规则动词... 24 verb, linking 系动词... 24 verb, main 主动词... 24 verb, past tense 过去时动词... 25 verb, present perfect tense 现在完成时动词... 25 verb, progressive 动词的进行式... 25 voice, active 主动语态... 25 voice, passive 被动语态... 25 Page 2

abbreviation 缩略语 action verb 行为动词 active voice 主动语态 adjective 形容词 adjective, comparative 形容词比较级 adjective, demonstrative 指示形容词 Abbreviations are short forms of words. Abbreviations of proper nouns are written with capital, or uppercase, letters. Most of these abbreviations end with periods. A title of respect, such as Doctor, is written as an abbreviation (Dr.) before a person s name. A title of respect begins with an uppercase letter and ends with a period. An action verb tells what the subject of a sentence does. If the subject performs an action, the verb is said to be in active voice. An adjective describes, or tells about, a noun. Some adjectives tell how many. A comparative adjective compares two people, places, or things. To show the comparative form, add -er to a short adjective or place the word more in front of a long adjective. This, that, these, and those can be used as demonstrative adjectives. This and these refer to a thing or things close by. Do not use here after this or these. That and those refer to a thing or things far away. Do not use there after that or those, and avoid using the expression them there. 缩略语是词组的缩写形式 专有名词的缩略语由大写字母组成 大多数缩略语以句号结尾 诸如博士这样的头衔, 写的时候在人名前加缩略语 (Dr.) 头衔以大写字母开头, 以句号结尾 行为动词描述句子中主语的行为 如果主语做了一个动作, 动词就是主动语态 形容词用来描述和修饰名词 一些形容词也表示数量多少 形容词的比较级用来比较两个人 地点或事物 一般在较短的形容词词尾加 -er, 或是在较长的形容词前加 more 来构成比较级 指示形容词包括 this that these 和 those 指向就近的事物用 this 和 these 不要在 this 和 these 后面使用 here 指向较远的事物用 that 和 those 不要在 that 和 those 后面使用 there, 并且避免使用 them there Page 3

adjective, superlative 形容词最高级 adverb 副词 adverb, comparative 副词比较级 adverb, relative 关系副词 be verb be 动词 A superlative adjective compares more than two people, places, or things. To show the superlative form, add -est to a short adjective or place the word most in front of a long adjective. Adverbs usually tell about verbs. They can tell how, when, where, how much, or how often. Many adverbs end in -ly. Some adverbs do not end in -ly. These include fast, now, here, and often. A comparative adverb compares the actions of two persons or things. To show the comparative form, add -er to a short adverb or place the word more in front of a long adverb. When the word when, where, or why begins a dependent clause that tells about a time, a place, or a reason, it can be called a relative adverb. The linking verb be does not show action. It tells what someone or something is or was like. The verb be has different forms when it is used with singular subjects and plural subjects. The subject and its verb must agree. 形容词的最高级用来比较两个以上的人 地点或事物 一般在较短的形容词词尾加 -est, 或是在较长的形容词前加 most 来构成最高级 副词通常用来修饰动词 它们可以表示方式 时间 地点 程度和频度 许多副词以 -ly 结尾 一些副词不以 -ly 结尾, 包括 fast now here 和 often 副词的比较级用来比较两个人或事物的动作 一般在较短的副词词尾加上 -er, 或是在较长的副词前加 more 来构成比较级 当 when where 或 why 作为先行词, 出现在描述时间 地点或理由的从属从句中, 称为关系副词 系动词 be 不表示动作, 而是描述人或事物的状态和性质 单数主语和复数主语使用不同的 be 动词, 其形态必须与主语一致 capital letter 大写字母 A capital letter, or uppercase letter, is a letter that is used to begin sentences and proper nouns. 大写字母 ( 又称 uppercase letter) 用于句子和专有名词的开头 Page 4

capitalize 大写 clause, dependent 非独立性从句 collective noun 集体名词 comma 逗号 common noun 普通名词 comparative adjective 形容词比较级 comparative adverb 副词比较级 To capitalize is to write a word with its first letter as a capital, or uppercase, letter. Some words need to be capitalized, such as the first word of a sentence or proper nouns such as the names of places, people, and things. A dependent clause has a subject and a verb, but it does not make complete sense by itself. Many dependent clauses begin with although, because, if, when, or after. A collective noun names a group of people or things. If it names one group, such as a team, it is singular. If it names more than one group, such as two teams, it is plural. A series is a list of three or more words. Use commas to separate words in a series. A common noun names any person, place, or thing. A comparative adjective compares two people, places, or things. To show the comparative form, add -er to a short adjective or place the word more in front of a long adjective. A comparative adverb compares the actions of two persons or things. To show the comparative form, add -er to a short adverb or place the word more in front of a long adverb. 大写是指将单词首字母大写 一些单词必须大写, 例如一句话中的第一个单词或代表地名 人名和事物的专有名词 非独立性从句包含一个主语和一个动词, 但是不独立成句 许多非独立性从句以 although because if when 或 after 开头 集体名词表示一群人或一些事 当表示一组例如一队人时, 使用单数 当表示超过一组例如两队人时, 使用复数 系列词组指的是三个或三个以上的单词, 中间用逗号隔开 普通名词表示任何人 地点或事物 形容词的比较级用来比较两个人 地点或事物 一般在较短的形容词词尾加 -er, 或是在较长的形容词前加 more 来构成比较级 副词的比较级用来比较两个人或事物的动作 一般在较短的副词词尾加上 -er, 或是在较长的副词前加 more 来构成比较级 Page 5

complete predicate 完整谓语 The complete predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is or does. 完整谓语是表示句子主语是什么或者做什么 的部分 complete sentence 完整句 A complete sentence tells a complete thought. It has both a subject and a predicate. 完整句表达一个完整的想法, 包含一个主语 和一个谓语 complete subject 完整主语 The complete subject is the part of the sentence that tells whom or what the sentence is about. 完整主语是表示句子是关于谁或什么的部 分 complex sentence 复合句 A complex sentence is made of an independent clause and a dependent clause. 复合句由一个独立从句和一个从属从句构 成 compound predicate 复合谓语 A compound predicate is two or more verbs joined by a conjunction. 复合谓语是两个及以上的动词用连词连接 compound sentence 并列句 A compound sentence is made up of two sentences connected by a conjunction such as or, and, or but. A comma is used before the conjunction. 并列句由两个句子组成, 以连词 or and 或 but 连接 连词前使用逗号 conjunction, correlative 关联连词 Correlative conjunctions always appear in pairs. They connect words or groups of words and provide more emphasis than coordinating conjunctions. Some common correlative conjunctions are both... and, either... or, neither... nor, not only... but (also), and whether... or. 关联连词通常成对出现, 用来连接词或短语, 与并列连词相比增强语气 一些常见的关联连词包括 : both... and, either... or, neither... nor, not only... but (also), and whether... or Page 6

conjunction, subordinating 从属连词 Subordinating conjunctions show how one part of a complex sentence is related to another part of the sentence. A clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction is a dependent clause. Although, because, if, and when are examples of subordinating conjunctions. 从属连词在复合句中表示句子之间的关系 以从属连词开头的从句称为非独立性从句 从属连词包括 although because if 和 when contraction 缩略词 A contraction is made of two words put together. An apostrophe takes the place of one or more letters in a contraction. 缩略词指两个单词组合在一起的形式 在缩略词中, 撇号代替了一个或多个字母 correlative conjunction 关联连词 Correlative conjunctions always appear in pairs. They connect words or groups of words and provide more emphasis than coordinating conjunctions. Some common correlative conjunctions are both... and, either... or, neither... nor, not only... but (also), and whether... or. 关联连词通常成对出现, 用来连接词或短语, 与并列连词相比增强语气 一些常见的关联连词包括 :both... and, either... or, neither... nor, not only... but (also), and whether... or declarative sentence 陈述句 A declarative sentence makes a statement. It ends with a period. 陈述句表示陈述说明, 以句号结尾 Page 7

demonstrative adjective 指示形容词 This, that, these, and those can be used as demonstrative adjectives. This and these refer to a thing or things close by. Do not use here after this or these. That and those refer to a thing or things far away. Do not use there after that or those, and avoid using the expression them there. 指示形容词包括 this that these 和 those 指向就近的事物用 this 和 these 不要在 this 和 these 后面使用 here 指向较远的事物用 that 和 those 不要在 that 和 those 后面使用 there, 并且避免使用 them there dependent clause 非独立性从句 A dependent clause has a subject and a verb, but it does not make complete sense by itself. Many dependent clauses begin with although, because, if, when, or after. 非独立性从句包含一个主语和一个动词, 但是不独立成句 许多非独立性从句以 although because if when 或 after 开头 direct object 直接宾语 The direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. Direct objects always follow action verbs, and answers the question What? or Whom? the subject acted upon. 直接宾语是名词或代词, 表示动词的承受者 直接宾语紧接在行为动词之后, 并回答针对主语的做什么或者对谁做的问题 exclamatory sentence 感叹句 future tense verb 将来时动词 An exclamatory sentence shows strong feeling. This kind of sentence ends with an exclamation point. A future tense verb shows that an action will happen in the future. Future tense verbs include the helping verb will. 感叹句表示强烈情感, 以感叹号结尾 将来时动词表示会在将来发生的动作 将来时动词包括助动词 will Page 8

helping verb 助动词 The helping verbs may and might can be used to ask or give permission. The helping verbs can and could can be used to indicate ability. The helping verbs should and must can be used to communicate a duty or an obligation. The helping verbs may, might, could, should, and will can be used to indicate possibility how likely something is to happen. Helping verbs that have these special functions are called modal auxiliaries. 助动词 may 和 might 可以用来表请求或表允许 助动词 can 和 could 可以用来表示能力 助动词 should 和 must 用来传达一项责任或义务 助动词 may might could should 和 will 可以用来表示事情的可能性 有这些特殊功能的助动词称为情态动词 imperative sentence 祈使句 An imperative sentence gives a command. This kind of sentence usually ends with a period. 祈使句表示命令, 通常以句号结尾 indefinite pronoun 不定代词 Indefinite pronouns refer to persons or things that are not identified as individuals. These pronouns include anybody, both, some, anyone, everyone, few, nobody, most, and someone. 不定代词指代非特定的人或事物 不定代词包括 anybody, both, some, anyone, everyone, few, nobody, most, 和 someone interrogative sentence 疑问句 An interrogative sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark. 疑问句用来提出疑问, 以问号结尾 Page 9

irregular verb 不规则动词 Sit and tell are irregular verbs. You do not add -ed to create past forms of these verbs. Other irregular verbs include leave, blow, find, hit, and go. For each irregular verb, you must memorize both the past form and the form to use with the helping verb have. Sit 和 tell 是不规则动词 你不能通过加 -ed 来表示这些动词的过去式 其他不规则动词包括 leave blow find hit 和 go 对于每个不规则动词, 你都需要记住它们的过去式和与助动词 have 一起使用的形式 letter, capital 大写字母 A capital letter, or uppercase letter, is a letter that is used to begin sentences and proper nouns. 大写字母 ( 又称 uppercase letter) 用于句子和专有名词的开头 letter, lowercase 小写字母 A lowercase letter is a small letter. It is the opposite of an uppercase letter. 小写字母是小的字母, 与大写字母相对 letter, uppercase 大写字母 An uppercase letter, or capital letter, is a letter that is used to begin sentences and proper nouns. 大写字母 ( 又称 capital letter) 用于句子和专有名词的开头 linking verb 系动词 A linking verb links the subject with words that tell what the subject is or is like. Linking verbs include am, is, are, was, were, become, and seem. 系动词是用来连接主语和描述主语的状态和性质的单词 系动词包括 am, is, are, was, were, become, 和 seem. lowercase letter 小写字母 A lowercase letter is a small letter. It is the opposite of an uppercase letter. 小写字母是小的字母, 与大写字母相对 main verb 主动词 The main verb is the most important verb in a sentence. 主动词是句子中最重要的动词 Page 10

modal auxiliary 情态动词 The modal auxiliary verbs may and might can be used to ask or give permission. The helping verbs can and could can be used to indicate ability. The helping verbs should and must can be used to communicate a duty or an obligation. The helping verbs may, might, could, should, and will can be used to indicate possibility how likely something is to happen. 情态动词 may 和 might 可以用来请求或允许 助动词 can 和 could 可以用来表示能力 助动词 should 和 must 可以用来传达一项责任或义务 助动词 may, might, could, should, 和 will 可以用来表示事情的可能性 negative 否定词 A negative is a word that means no or not at all. No, not, nothing, none, never, nowhere, and nobody are negatives. Words that have not in them, like can t and don t, are negatives too. Do not use two negatives in the same sentence. 否定词是表示 no 或 not at all 的单词 No not nothing none never nowhere 和 nobody 是否定词 包含 not 的单词, 比如 can t 和 don t, 也是否定词 不要在同一个句子中使用两个否定词 noun 名词 noun, collective 集体名词 A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. A collective noun names a group of people or things. If it names one group, such as a team, it is singular. If it names more than one group, such as two teams, it is plural. 名词是人 地点或事物的名称 集体名词表示一群人或一些事 当表示一组例如一队人时, 使用单数 当表示超过一组例如两队人时, 使用复数 noun, common 普通名词 A common noun names any person, place, or thing. 普通名词表示任何人 地点或事物 Page 11

noun, plural 复数名词 A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing. Many plural nouns are formed by adding an -s to the end of a singular noun. 复数名词表示超过一个人 地点或事物 许 多复数名词由单数名词词尾加 -s 构成 noun, possessive 名词所有格 A possessive noun shows ownership. Add an apostrophe and -s to a singular noun to show ownership (for example, Mrs. Turner s computer). Add an apostrophe after the -s of a plural noun (for example, my parents computer). Add an apostrophe and an -s if the plural noun doesn t end in s (for example, the women s computers). 名词所有格表示所有关系 单数名词后加撇号和 -s( 例如 Mrs. Turner s computer) 表示所有关系 复数名词后加 -s 和撇号 ( 例如 my parents computer) 表示所有关系 如果复数名词不以 s 结尾, 在词尾加撇号和 -s( 例如 the women s computers) noun, predicate 谓语名词 A predicate noun follows a linking verb and renames the subject. 谓语名词是在系动词之后代替主语的名词 noun, proper 专有名词 A proper noun names a certain person, place, or thing. Proper nouns begin with a capital, or uppercase, letter. 专有名词是特定人 地点或事物的名称 专有名 词的第一个字母必须大写 noun, singular 单数名词 object, direct 直接宾语 A singular noun names one person, place, or thing. The direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. Direct objects always follow action verbs, and answers the question What? or Whom? the subject acted upon. 单数名词表示一个人 地点或事物 直接宾语是名词或代词, 表示动词的承受者 直接宾语紧接在行为动词之后, 并回答针对主语的做什么或者对谁做的问题 Page 12

object pronoun 宾格代词 An object pronoun takes the place of one or more nouns. Object pronouns come after action verbs and words such as to, at, for, of, from, on, and with. Singular object pronouns are me, you, him, her, and it. Plural object pronouns are us, you, and them. An object pronoun is a type of personal pronoun. Personal pronouns refer to people or things. 宾格代词代替一个或多个名词 宾格代词出现在行为动词和如 to at for of from on 和 with 这些词之后 单数宾格代词包括 me you him her 和 it 复数宾格代词包括 us you 和 them 宾格代词是人称代词的一种 人称代词指代人或事物 passage 短文 A passage is part of a written text. It may be one or more paragraphs. 短文是文章的一部分, 由一个或多个段落组成 passive voice 被动语态 If the subject is acted upon by something else, the verb is said to be in passive voice. 如果主语承受了来自某一方的动作, 动词就是被动语态 past tense verb 过去时动词 A past tense verb shows that an action happened in the past. Many past tense verbs end in -ed. 过去时动词表示一个动作发生在过去 许多过去时动词以 -ed 结尾 period 句号 Use a period at the end of a declarative sentence (a statement). 在陈述句末尾使用句号 personal pronoun 人称代词 Personal pronouns include the words I, me, you, we, us, he, him, she, her, they, them, and it. These words can be used in place of names of people and things. 人称代词包括 I me you we us he him she her they them 和 it 这些词可以用来代表人和事物的名称 Page 13

phrase, prepositional 介词短语 A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition. In, with, and during are prepositions. Prepositional phrases often tell more about what happened in a sentence. They usually tell how, when, or where. 介词短语是一组以介词开头的词组 in with 和 during 是介词 介词短语通常用来描述句子中发生的事情, 包括方式 时间或地点 plural noun 复数名词 A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing. Many plural nouns are formed by adding an -s to the end of a singular noun. 复数名词表示超过一个人 地点或事物 许多复数名词由单数名词词尾加 -s 构成 possessive noun 名词所有格 A possessive noun shows ownership. Add an apostrophe and -s to a singular noun to show ownership (for example, Mrs. Turner s computer). Add an apostrophe after the -s of a plural noun (for example, my parents computer). Add an apostrophe and an -s if the plural noun doesn t end in s (for example, the women s computers). 名词所有格表示所有关系 单数名词后加撇号和 -s( 例如 Mrs. Turner s computer) 表示所有关系 复数名词后加 -s 和撇号 ( 例如 my parents computer) 表示所有关系 如果复数名词不以 s 结尾, 在词尾加撇号和 -s( 例如 the women s computers) possessive pronoun 物主代词 Possessive pronouns include the words my, your, his, her, its, their, and our. These show ownership (for example, my dog and their phone number). 物主代词包括 my your his her its their 和 our 这些词表示所有关系( 比如 my dog 和 their phone number) predicate, complete 完整谓语 The complete predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is or does. 完整谓语是表示句子主语是什么或者做什么的部分 Page 14

predicate, compound 复合谓语 predicate, simple 简单谓语 A compound predicate is two or more verbs joined by a conjunction. The simple predicate is the verb that goes with the subject. It generally tells what the subject did. For example, led is the simple predicate in the sentence, "Chief Joseph led a band of Nez Perce people." It tells what Chief Joseph did: he led people. 复合谓语是两个及以上的动词用连词连接 简单谓语是主语对应的动词, 通常描述主语的动作 比如在 "Chief Joseph led a band of Nez Perce people." 这句话中,led 是简单谓语, 描述了 Chief Joseph 的动作 predicate noun 谓语名词 A predicate noun follows a linking verb and renames the subject. 谓语名词是在系动词之后代替主语的名词 preposition 介词 A preposition can begin a phrase that tells how, when, where, or how much about a noun or a verb. Prepositions include words such as in, from, of, above, below, to, on, during, beyond, with, and toward. 介词可以位于词组开头来描述一个名词或动词的方式 时间 地点或程度 介词包括 in from of above below to on during beyond with 和 toward prepositional phrase 介词短语 A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition. In, with, and during are prepositions. Prepositional phrases often tell more about what happened in a sentence. They usually tell how, when, or where. 介词短语是一组以介词开头的词组 in with 和 during 是介词 介词短语通常用来描述句子中发生的事情, 包括方式 时间或地点 Page 15

present perfect tense verb 现在完成时动词 The present perfect tense indicates action that started in the past and may still be happening. To form the present perfect tense, add the helping verb has or have to the past participle of a verb. The past participle of regular verbs is formed by adding -ed (work/have worked). Irregular verbs change their spelling when they form past participles (build/have built). 现在完成时表示过去发生但可能还在进行中的动作 组成现在完成时, 在动词的过去分词前加上助动词 has 或 have 规则动词的过去分词直接在动词后加 -ed(work/have worked) 不规则动词的过去分词要改变拼写 (build/have built) progressive verb 动词的进行式 Progressive forms of verbs show continuing action. To form a present progressive verb, add am, is, or are to the present participle of a verb (usually the present form + -ing), for example, "is snoring." To form a past progressive verb, add was or were to the present participle, for example, "was playing." To form a future progressive verb, add will be to the present participle, for example, "will be ringing." 动词的进行式表示持续的动作 要组成动词的现在进行式, 在动词的现在分词 ( 通常是一般现在式加 -ing) 前加 am is 或 are, 比如 is snoring 要组成动词的过去进行式, 在现在分词前加 was 或 were, 比如 was playing 要组成动词的将来进行式, 在现在分词前加 will be, 比如 will be ringing pronoun 代词 pronoun, indefinite 不定代词 A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Indefinite pronouns refer to persons or things that are not identified as individuals. These pronouns include anybody, both, some, anyone, everyone, few, nobody, most, and someone. 代词是用来代替名词的词 不定代词指代非特定的人或事物 不定代词包括 anybody both some anyone everyone few nobody most 和 someone Page 16

pronoun, object 宾格代词 An object pronoun takes the place of one or more nouns. Object pronouns come after action verbs and words such as to, at, for, of, from, on, and with. Singular object pronouns are me, you, him, her, and it. Plural object pronouns are us, you, and them. An object pronoun is a type of personal pronoun. Personal pronouns refer to people or things. 宾格代词代替一个或多个名词 宾格代词出现在行为动词和如 to at for of from on 和 with 这些词之后 单数宾格代词包括 me you him her 和 it 复数宾格代词包括 us you 和 them 宾格代词是人称代词的一种 人称代词指代人或事物 pronoun, personal 人称代词 Personal pronouns include the words I, me, you, we, us, he, him, she, her, they, them, and it. These words can be used in place of names of people and things. 人称代词包括 I me you we us he him she her they them 和 it 这些词可以用来代表人和事物的名称 pronoun, possessive 物主代词 Possessive pronouns include the words my, your, his, her, its, their, and our. These show ownership (for example, my dog and their phone number). 物主代词包括 my your his her its their 和 our 这些词表示所有关系( 比如 my dog 和 their phone number) pronoun, reflexive 反身代词 Myself, yourself, and ourselves are reflexive pronouns. A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of a sentence. Myself yourself 和 ourselves 是反身代词 反身代词指代句子的主语本身 pronoun, relative 关系代词 When the pronoun who, whom, whose, which, or that begins a dependent clause that describes a person, place, or thing, it is called a relative pronoun. 当代词 who whom whose which 或 that 位于从属从句开头来描述一个人 地点或事物, 称之为关系代词 Page 17

pronoun, subject 主格代词 A subject pronoun takes the place of one or more nouns. I, you, he, she, and it are singular subject pronouns. We, you, and they are plural subject pronouns. A subject pronoun is a type of personal pronoun. Personal pronouns refer to people or things. 主格代词替代一个或多个名词 I you he she 和 it 是单数主格代词 we you 和 they 是复数主格代词 主格代词是人称代词的一种 人称代词指代人或事物 proper noun 专有名词 A proper noun names a certain person, place, or thing. Proper nouns begin with a capital, or uppercase, letter. 专有名词是特定人 地点或事物的名称 专有名词的第一个字母必须大写 punctuation 标点符号 Punctuation is the marks we write to show the end of a sentence or to give us other information. Some common punctuation marks are:, comma. period apostrophe? question mark! exclamation point 标点符号是用来表示句子结束的符号, 也可 以提供其他信息 常用标点符号包括 :, 逗号. 句号 撇号? 问号! 感叹号 question mark 问号 Use a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence (a question). 在疑问句末尾使用问号 reflexive pronoun 反身代词 Myself, yourself, and ourselves are reflexive pronouns. A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of a sentence. Myself yourself 和 ourselves 是反身代词 反身代词指代句子的主语本身 relative adverb 关系副词 When the word when, where, or why begins a dependent clause that tells about a time, a place, or a reason, it can be called a relative adverb. 当 when where 或 why 作为先行词, 出现在描述时间 地点或理由的从属从句中, 称为关系副词 Page 18

relative pronoun 关系代词 When the pronoun who, whom, whose, which, or that begins a dependent clause that describes a person, place, or thing, it is called a relative pronoun. 当代词 who whom whose which 或 that 位于从属从句开头来描述一个人 地点或事 物, 称之为关系代词 run-on sentence 流水句 A run-on sentence contains two complete sentences that are not joined by a comma and a conjunction. A run-on sentence can be corrected by adding a comma and a conjunction or by making the run-on into two separate sentences. 流水句指两个完整的句子没有用逗号或是连词连接 要更正流水句, 可以添加逗号和连词, 或是将一个流水句分为两句 sentence 句子 A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete thought. It begins with a capital, or uppercase, letter. It ends with a punctuation mark. 句子由一组单词组成, 表达完整的想法 句子以大写字母开头, 以标点符号结尾 sentence, complete 完整句 A complete sentence tells a complete thought. It has both a subject and a predicate. 完整句表达一个完整的想法, 包含一个主语和一个谓语 sentence, complex 复合句 A complex sentence is made of an independent clause and a dependent clause. 复合句由一个独立从句和一个从属从句构成 sentence, compound 并列句 A compound sentence is made up of two sentences connected by a conjunction such as or, and, or but. A comma is used before the conjunction. 并列句由两个句子组成, 以连词 or and 或 but 连接 连词前使用逗号 Page 19

sentence, declarative 陈述句 sentence, exclamatory 感叹句 sentence, imperative 祈使句 sentence, interrogative 疑问句 sentence, run-on 流水句 A declarative sentence makes a statement. It ends with a period. An exclamatory sentence shows strong feeling. This kind of sentence ends with an exclamation point. An imperative sentence gives a command. This kind of sentence usually ends with a period. An interrogative sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark. A run-on sentence contains two complete sentences that are not joined by a comma and a conjunction. A run-on sentence can be corrected by adding a comma and a conjunction or by making the run-on into two separate sentences. 陈述句表示陈述说明, 以句号结尾 感叹句表示强烈情感, 以感叹号结尾 祈使句表示命令, 通常以句号结尾 疑问句用来提出疑问, 以问号结尾 流水句指两个完整的句子没有用逗号或是连词连接 要更正流水句, 可以添加逗号和连词, 或是将一个流水句分为两句 sentence, simple 简单句 A simple sentence tells one complete thought. 简单句表达一个完整的想法 Page 20

sentence fragment 句子片段 A sentence fragment is a group of words that does not tell a complete thought. It might be missing a subject or a predicate. Do not use a fragment as a sentence. 句子片段由一组没有表达一个完整想法的单词组成, 可能漏了主语或谓语 句子片段不可单独成句 simple predicate 简单谓语 The simple predicate is the verb that goes with the subject. It generally tells what the subject did. For example, led is the simple predicate in the sentence, "Chief Joseph led a band of Nez Perce people." It tells what Chief Joseph did: he led people. 简单谓语是主语对应的动词, 通常描述主语的动作 比如在 "Chief Joseph led a band of Nez Perce people." 这句话中,led 是简单谓语, 描述了 Chief Joseph 的动作 simple sentence 简单句 simple subject 简单主语 A simple sentence tells one complete thought. The simple subject is the most important word or words in the complete subject. It is a noun or pronoun and tells whom or what the sentence is about. 简单句表达一个完整的想法 简单主语是完整主语中最重要的词或词组, 是一个表示句子是关于谁或什么的名词或代词 singular noun 单数名词 subject, complete 完整主语 A singular noun names one person, place, or thing. The complete subject is the part of the sentence that tells whom or what the sentence is about. 单数名词表示一个人 地点或事物 完整主语是表示句子是关于谁或什么的部分 Page 21

subject, simple 简单主语 The simple subject is the most important word or words in the complete subject. It is a noun or pronoun and tells whom or what the sentence is about. 简单主语是完整主语中最重要的词或词组, 是一个表示句子是关于谁或什么的名词或代 词 subject pronoun 主格代词 A subject pronoun takes the place of one or more nouns. I, you, he, she, and it are singular subject pronouns. We, you, and they are plural subject pronouns. A subject pronoun is a type of personal pronoun. Personal pronouns refer to people or things. 主格代词替代一个或多个名词 I you he she 和 it 是单数主格代词 we you 和 they 是复数主格代词 主格代词是人称代词的一种 人称代词指代人或事物 subject-verb agreement 主谓一致 The subject and its verb must agree. This is called subjectverb agreement. Add -s or -es to a regular verb in the present tense when the subject is a singular noun or he, she, or it. Do not add -s or -es to a regular verb in the present tense when the subject is I, you, we, or they. 主语及其动词在语法形式上保持一致, 即主谓一致 主语是名词单数或 he she 和 it 时, 在规则动词现在时后加 -s 或 -es 主语是 I you we 和 they 时, 不要在规则动词现在时后加 -s 或 -es subordinating conjunction 从属连词 Subordinating conjunctions show how one part of a complex sentence is related to another part of the sentence. A clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction is a dependent clause. Although, because, if, and when are examples of subordinating conjunctions. 从属连词在复合句中表示句子之间的关系 以从属连词开头的从句称为非独立性从句 从属连词包括 although because if 和 when Page 22

superlative adjective 形容词最高级 A superlative adjective compares more than two people, places, or things. To show the superlative form, add -est to a short adjective or place the word most in front of a long adjective. 形容词的最高级用来比较两个以上的人 地点或事物 一般在较短的形容词词尾加 -est, 或是在较长的形容词前加 most 来构成最高级 tense 时态 The tense of a verb tells us about when something happened, happens, or will happen. 动词的时态告诉我们一件事是已经发生 正在发生还是将要发生 text 文章 Text is the main body of writing in a book, newspaper, magazine, or other piece of writing. 文章是书 报纸 杂志或其他文字内容的主要部分 uppercase letter 大写字母 An uppercase letter, or capital letter, is a letter that is used to begin sentences and proper nouns. 大写字母 ( 又称 capital letter) 用于句子和专有名词的开头 verb 动词 verb, action 行为动词 verb, be be 动词 Verbs tell what a noun does or did, or tells us how it is. An action verb tells what the subject of a sentence does. The linking verb be does not show action. It tells what someone or something is or was like. The verb be has different forms when it is used with singular subjects and plural subjects. The subject and its verb must agree. 动词表示名词的动作和状态 行为动词描述句子中主语的行为 系动词 be 不表示动作, 而是描述人或事物的状态和性质 单数主语和复数主语使用不同的 be 动词, 其形态必须与主语一致 Page 23

verb, future tense 将来时动词 A future tense verb shows that an action will happen in the future. Future tense verbs include the helping verb will. 将来时动词表示会在将来发生的动作 将来 时动词包括助动词 will verb, helping 助动词 The helping verbs may and might can be used to ask or give permission. The helping verbs can and could can be used to indicate ability. The helping verbs should and must can be used to communicate a duty or an obligation. The helping verbs may, might, could, should, and will can be used to indicate possibility how likely something is to happen. Helping verbs that have these special functions are called modal auxiliaries. 助动词 may 和 might 可以用来请求或表允许 助动词 can 和 could 可以用来表示能力 助动词 should 和 must 可以用来传达一项责任或义务 助动词 may might could should 和 will 可以用来表示事情的可能性 有这些特殊功能的助动词称为情态动词 verb, irregular 不规则动词 Sit and tell are irregular verbs. You do not add -ed to create past forms of these verbs. Other irregular verbs include leave, blow, find, hit, and go. For each irregular verb, you must memorize both the past form and the form to use with the helping verb have. Sit 和 tell 是不规则动词 你不能通过加 -ed 来表示这些动词的过去式 其他不规则动词包括 leave blow find hit 和 go 对于每个不规则动词, 你都需要记住它们的过去式和与助动词 have 一起使用的形式 verb, linking 系动词 A linking verb links the subject with words that tell what the subject is or is like. Linking verbs include am, is, are, was, were, become, and seem. 系动词是用来连接主语和描述主语的状态和性质的单词 系动词包括 am is are was were become 和 seem verb, main 主动词 The main verb is the most important verb in a sentence. 主动词是句子中最重要的动词 Page 24

verb, past tense 过去时动词 verb, present perfect tense 现在完成时动词 verb, progressive 动词的进行式 voice, active 主动语态 voice, passive 被动语态 A past tense verb shows that an action happened in the past. Many past tense verbs end in -ed. The present perfect tense indicates action that started in the past and may still be happening. To form the present perfect tense, add the helping verb has or have to the past participle of a verb. The past participle of regular verbs is formed by adding -ed (work/have worked). Irregular verbs change their spelling when they form past participles (build/have built). Progressive forms of verbs show continuing action. To form a present progressive verb, add am, is, or are to the present participle of a verb (usually the present form + -ing), for example, "is snoring." To form a past progressive verb, add was or were to the present participle, for example, "was playing." To form a future progressive verb, add will be to the present participle, for example, "will be ringing." If the subject performs an action, the verb is said to be in active voice. If the subject is acted upon by something else, the verb is said to be in passive voice. 过去时动词表示一个动作发生在过去 许多过去时动词以 -ed 结尾 现在完成时表示过去发生但可能还在进行中的动作 组成现在完成时, 在动词的过去分词前加上助动词 has 或 have 规则动词的过去分词直接在动词后加 -ed(work/have worked) 不规则动词的过去分词要改变拼写 (build/have built) 动词的进行式表示持续的动作 要组成动词的现在进行式, 在动词的现在分词 ( 通常是一般现在式加 -ing) 前加 am is 或 are, 比如 is snoring 要组成动词的过去进行式, 在现在分词前加 was 或 were, 比如 was playing 要组成动词的将来进行式, 在现在分词前加 will be, 比如 will be ringing 如果主语做了一个动作, 动词就是主动语态 如果主语承受了来自某一方的动作, 动词就是被动语态 Page 25 Content marked Copyright 2016 Zaner-Bloser, Inc.