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2017 is an important year during the 13th Five Year Plan period and also a year for the strengthening of the structural side reform. We should continue to insist on the general principal of stability and progress in the works, firmly establish and implement the new development concepts, focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development to promote the structural reform in the supply side, deepen innovation driving, and accelerate the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure, to realize conversion from old kinetic energy to new kinetic energy. As the important pillar industry of the national economy, it needs the upgrading toward "Innovation, Harmony, Green, Opening, and Sharing. The five new concepts will lead the development of automobile industry and become the new opportunity. 2017 is the crucial year for the implementation of Made in China 2025. Through indepth implementation of the Made in China 2015, accelerating the application of Big data, Cloud computing, Internet of Things, new technology, new industry condition, and new mode, the transformation of traditional industry production, management, and marketing mode will be boosted. The automobile industry, as the typical technology-intensive, knowledge-intensive and capital-intensive industry in the manufacturing industries, has become a leading player in intelligent manufacturing and take a leading position in the upgrading and transition of manufacturing industry. It presents the following new trends: 1.The obvious change of product format. The auto s attribution is changing from transport toll to mobile intelligent terminal. 2. The in-depth change of the automobile production. It has changed to personalized customization from batch production. 3. The emerging demands and business mode innovation. The car-sharing, and tailored service are the main directions. 4. Pace of cross-combination has been accelerated. The auto industry, value chain, supply chain, and innovation chain of auto industry usher the reconstruction and optimization. The rapid development of automobile industry provides a strong impetus for the innovation and improvement of quality and efficiency. The 13th session of International Forum (TEDA) on Chinese Automotive Industry Development, which is jointly organized by China Automotive Technology & Research Center, Society of Automotive Engineers of China, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China Automotive News Agency, and the Administration Commission of TEDA, is scheduled to be held during September 8 to 10, 2017 in Tianjin Binhai New Area. By then, about 1,000 delegates (including officials from government departments, high-level executives from enterprises, and authoritative experts and scholars) will attend the forum and hold discussions on New Concepts and New Business Forms to provide new suggestions for the implementation of new ideas for the development of auto industry and the improvement of innovation level of auto industry. With the aim of promoting the sustainable development of Chinese auto industry, the forum has been held for 12 years. It has become the most influential and largest scale event in Chinese auto industry. It delivers the policy orientation, management idea, forward looking, and practical knowledge to boost the sustainable development of Chinese auto industry. China will be in the important strategic opportunity period in the next 10 year. We expect to work with you to jointly explore the ways for the healthy and sustainable development. On behalf of the organizing committee, we sincerely invite you to attend the 2017 forum. We believe that your attending will bring brilliance. 7

Perpetual Theme Sustainable Development of Chinese Automotive Industry Annual Theme New Concepts and New Business Forms Time September 8 to 10, 2017 Venue Renaissance TEDA Hotel, Tianjin Binhai New Area Forum Website http://forum.autoinfo.org.cn/en Scale More than 60 leaders from auto related government departments More than 50 authoritative experts in the national think tanks both in home and abroad More than 200 high-level executives from auto and parts enterprises both in home and abroad More than 550 elitists in auto and parts sectors both in home and abroad More than 150 journalists from main auto medias both in home and abroad A total of 1000 distinguished guests Contact Address: No. 68, East Xianfeng Road, Dongli District, Tianjin Postal Code: 300300 Contact: Zhang Ning 0086-22-84379370 0086-13803063482 zhangning@catarc.ac.cn Zhang Jun 0086-22-84379372 0086-13502056138 zhangjun@catarc.ac.cn Fax: 0086-22-84379351 9

September 8 Whole Day Registration September 8 Afternoon September 9 Morning September 9 Afternoon September 10 Morning Sino-GermanyIndustry Dialogue Focusing TEDA VIP Conference Opening Conference Summit Discussion Plenary Meeting Plenary Meeting The First Session Exchange of Ideas Brainstorm The Second Session Subject Discussion The Third Session Dialogue Future of ICV Policy of Gradual Reduction of Subsidies to New Energy Vehicles and the Development of Clean Fuel Vehicles Macro Economy and the New Business Forms of Chinese Auto Industry The Policy Orientation will boost the Healthy Development of Auto Industry The Combination and Collaborated Innovation of the Enterprises under the New Business Forms of the Industry Technology Innovation drives the Industry Transformation Reconstruction and Upgrading of Market Form The Perspective and Action of Traditional Enterprise and New Comers The Boom and Regression of SUV Industry Prospect of ICV Industry and Achieving Path Energy Diversification and Strategic Choice of Auto Industry Hotspot Salon The Next Boom - Artificial Intelligence 11

September 8 13:30-15:30 Sino-Germany Industry Dialogue: Future of ICV Background: Made in China 2025 provides top-level design for the development of Chinese ICV industry. It has attracted many automotive companies and technology companies to enter into this sector. After the development in the past two years, the ICV industry has achieved some results. China is a large automobile country, Germany is a powerhouse of automobiles. Through holding the Sino-Germany Industry Dialogue Meeting, we will invite the distinguished guests from the government departments, industry organizations, complete vehicle enterprises, and parts and components enterprises both in China and Germany to attend the meeting and make discussions on the hot topics on the ICV industry, such as the future development, policy management, standard establishment, and strategic layout of the enterprises etc.. It will vigorously boost the healthy and sustainable development of Sino-Germany ICV industry. Discussion Topics: Industry Form and Policy Measures of Chinese ICV Development Strategy and Measures of German ICV Progress of the Establishment of Standard for ICV in China Development Situation and Prospect of German ICV Strategic Program and Layout of ICV Form of Conference: Each distinguished guest will make the speech (15 minutes) in turn. And they will hold the discussions for 30 minutes after speeches. 13

September 8 16:00-18:00 Focusing TEDA: Policy of Gradual Reduction of Subsidies to New Energy Vehicles and the Development of Clean Fuel Vehicles Background: Driving by a series of support policies, the development of Chinese new energy vehicle industry has made remarkable achievements since 2009. The cumulative promotion volume in 2016 had exceeded 1 million units, accounting for more than 50% of the total new energy vehicles in use in the world. In order to achieve the transition from policy driving to market driving in new energy vehicle sector, the annual subsidy reduction during 2017 to 2020 will be 20% based on the level of 2016. By 2020, the national financial subsidy will be canceled completely. By then, the new energy vehicle market will face fierce market competition. The new energy vehicle enterprises should actively adjust the strategies and develop products meeting the market demands. According to the 2017 Report on the Work of the Government, the government encourages the use of clean energy vehicles and clears the path for the rapid development of energy-saving and new energy vehicles. Discussion Topics: Impact of Subsidy Reduction on the Operation of New Energy Vehicle Enterprises Prospect of the Development of New Energy Vehicle Market after 2020 and Countermeasures Development Strategies and Programs of New Energy Vehicle Enterprises during 2020 to 2025 Development Opportunities, Bottlenecks, and Industrialization Prospect of Hybrid Vehicles and Alternative Fuel Vehicles Form of Conference: We will invite high-level executives with the auto enterprises and groups both in home and abroad to make speeches on the hotspots to facilitate the communications among the enterprises. The organizing committee will summarize the views and suggestions of enterprises to form the consensus and announce them at the opening ceremony of the forum to lead the industry development trend and stimulate the wide attention and discussion in the industry. 15

September 8 16:00-18:00 VIP Conference: Macro Economy and the New Business Forms of Chinese Auto Industry Background: The GDP growth target of China in 2017 is around 6.5%. The government will insist on the general work guideline of maintaining stability and continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy, grasp the new normal of leading economic development, focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development, enlarge the expansion of aggregate demand at modest rate, deepen the innovation drive, to ensure economic operation in a reasonable range. At present, China s economy is shifting from high growth rate to mid-high growth rate and changing from unreasonable structure to optimized structure, from factor driving to innovation driving, from the implied risk to facing many challenges. In order to cope with these changes, we need the innovative macroeconomic ideas and methods, give full play to the decisive role of the market, and foster endogenous driving force of economic development. As an important pillar industry of the national economy, auto industry has made an outstanding contribution to the stable operation of the macro economy. The auto industry will also adapt to the new economic situation. The emerging of new technology, new formats, and new pattern have driven the transformation and upgrading of auto industry. How will the macro economy impact the auto industry? What is the prospect of the new business forms of auto industry? All these are the hotspots of auto industry. Discussion Topics: Characteristics and Prospect of the Current Situation of Chinese Macro Economy Ideas on the Control of Marco Economy in Future and Prospect Forecast Trend of the Development of Macro Economy and Analysis on its Impact on Auto Industry The Bud, Development, and Prospect of the New Business Forms of Auto Industry The Cross-Board Combination and Innovation under New Situation of Auto Industry Form of Conference: We will invite home well-known economist to make the main speech (for 60 minutes) to explain the economic development trend and provide ideas and suggestions on the new business forms of auto industry. After the speeches, the host will guide the attendees to conduct free discussions on the topics and the contents of the reports. 17

September 8 08:30-10:00 Opening Conference: The Policy Orientation will boost the Healthy Development of Auto Industry Background: Under the condition of socialist market economy, to strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation and control of the auto industry is a long-term task. Relying on the government's macro-control, the unstable operation of the auto industry and unhealthy factors have been curbed. The weak links can be strengthened and the pace of structural adjustment can be accelerated to realize the auto industry's healthy and sustainable development. Under the new normal of macro economy, China auto industry has maintained a good momentum of development and made brilliant achievements. The state policies and regulations have played indispensable guiding, regulating, and promoting rules to the auto industry. The government department will closely track and analyze the new changes, new situations, and new problems during the operation of auto industry to conduct timely, accurate, and proactive guidance to effectively improve the operation quality of the auto industry through the combination of a series of policies. How do the policies for auto industry adopt to the new development ideas, optimize government management methods and efficiency to boost the healthy and sustainable development of Chinese auto industry? It has become the hotspot and importance issue faced by government department, industry, and enterprises. Discussion Topics: We will invite government officials to make speeches to explain the strategic programs, industry policies, financial policies, technology policies, and standards and regulations etc.. and interpret the orientation of future policies. Form of Conference: Under the guidance of the host, each distinguished guest will make the speech (in turn) at the rostrum for about 15 minutes. 19

September 9 10:15-12:00 Summit Discussion: The Combination and Collaborated Innovation of the Enterprises under the New Business Forms of the Industry Background: China is a large automobile country and the auto production center in the world with the typical characteristic of international competitiveness in home. With the increasing fierce market competition, on one hand, the traditional enterprises should strengthen the combination and collaborated innovation through the complementary advantages of resources to improve the international competiveness; on the other hand, the rapid development of Automobile+ Transport +Internet has provided the unprecedented opportunity for the cross-board combination of auto industry and generate the new business forms and new models, such as sharing, electrification, intelligentization, and interconnecting etc.. Facing the new business forms and new environment of auto industry, the large auto enterprises both in home and abroad should implement new strategy, new program, and jointly describe the new blueprint of the auto industry. Discussion Topics: The Development Characteristic and Prospect of the New Business Forms of Chinese Auto Industry and Countermeasure Suggestions To strengthen the Combination of Resources both in Home and Abroad and improve the Collaborative Innovation Capability to make the Contribution for the Building of a Powerhouse of Automobiles. To accelerate the Building of Ecological Circle for Innovative Business and improve the Cross-board Innovation of Technology Resources and the Global Layout of Business Implementing the Collaborative Strategy of JV and Independent Innovation to build the Global Auto Production System to achieve the Stride-forward Development of Own-brand Products The Strategic Program and Measures of Transnational Auto Groups to the New Situation of Auto Industry Form of Conference: Under the guidance of the host, each distinguished guest will make the speech (in turn) at the rostrum for about 15 minutes. 21

September 9 14:00-15:30 Plenary Meeting: Technology Innovation drives the Industry Transformation Background: With the accelerating of the economic globalization and the rapid development of world innovation of technology, the innovation of auto technologies has also changed greatly. The government s management measures have greatly promoted the development and application of advanced technologies. Technology innovation is not only the optimization and upgrading of the single dimension; it is also the multi-dimension technology integration and innovation under the new round of technology revolution. It will have great impact on the competition layout and industry organization of the auto industry. In recent years, China automobile industry has been in the rapid development stage. But it still faces problems and challenges of weak innovative capability and lack of core technology. How to effectively strengthen the technology innovation capability to boost the transition of Chinese auto industry has important practical significance. Discussion Topics: The Ministry of Environment Protection, Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Transport jointly issued the Management Direction of Automotive Industry The Experts and Scholars with Research Institutes and Universities share the Latest Technology Results and Future Trend The Typical Auto Enterprises exchange the Experiences on R&D of Technologies and the Forecast on Future Technology Development The Typical Parts Enterprises introduce the Proactive and Leading Technologies and provide the Trend of the Application of Future Technologies Form of Conference: Under the guidance of the host, each distinguished guest will make the speech (in turn) at the rostrum for about 15 minutes. 23

September 9 15:45-17:30 Plenary Meeting: Reconstruction and Upgrading of Market Form Background: China s automobile production and sales both exceeded 28 million units in 2016. It is expected to reach 30 million units in 2017. China auto market will experience a series of changes: 1. The implementation of new sales policy is possible to reconstruct the market completion structure. 2. The complete vehicle market will present the characteristics of personalization, regionalization, e-business, and new media etc.. 3. The cancellation of the policy limiting the free regional removing of the second-hand vehicles will definitely impact the new vehicle market. 4. The rapid development of after-market needs the regulations and rules. The chain business will become the mainstream model. 5. To take leading advantage in the consumer-oriented competition by the application of big data and Cloud Computing. Discussion Topics: The Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, and China Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Auto Market Management Orientation The State Research Institute s Suggestions and Countermeasures for the Trend of the Change of Auto Market Situation The Directions of Upgrading of the Industry Structure, Organization Form, Market Structure, and Marketing System of the Typical Complete Vehicle and Parts & Components Enterprises under the New Business Forms Reconstruction and Opportunity of Auto After-Market Application of Big Data by Internet Enterprises and the Insight on Auto Consuming Preference The Differential Competition and Market Chance of Emerging Auto Enterprises Form of Conference: Under the guidance of the host, each distinguished guest will make the speech (in turn) at the rostrum for about 15 minutes. 25

September 10 08:30-10:00 (The First Session) Exchange of Ideas: The Perspective and Action of Traditional Enterprise and New Comers Background: In order to encourage social capitals and the enterprises with technology innovation capability to enter in the pure electric passenger vehicle production sector, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Management Rules for the Newly-built Pure Electric Passenger Vehicles. About 10 enterprises have successively got the qualifications for the production of new energy vehicles. Some of them are the independent incorporated companies established based on the traditional automobile enterprise groups, another part of them are the new comers, including the auto parts enterprises and auto design companies etc.. At the same time, a number of Internet companies are trying to enter into the areas of new energy vehicles. These enterprises have different views and actions in the areas of product, market, brand, and marketing etc.. The attendees will hold discussions on these topics. Discussion Topics: The traditional enterprises and new comers have different views on the future development of auto industry. How will they fact it? The traditional enterprises and new comers have different understandings and cognitions on the future auto products. What are their plans? Analysis on the demands for new brands and their advantages and disadvantages, how will the traditional enterprises and new comers take measures to build new brand images? What kind of the marketing model will facilitate the market promotion? What are the views of the traditional enterprises and new comers for the product marketing and business mode? Whether OEM production will become a way? What are the prospects of the new comers OEM and self production line? Form of Conference: Under the guidance of the host, the distinguished guests of the two parties will express their views and ideas on these topics and provide suggestions on the healthy and sustainable development of new energy vehicle industry. 27

September 10 10:15-12:00 (The First Session) Brainstorm: The Boom and Regression of SUV Industry Background: Chinese SUV market has developed rapidly in recent years. The sales of SUVs in 2016 reached 8.79 million units, up 43.6% year on year. The concentration rate of SUVs to the growth of passenger vehicles reached 80%. The market shares of SUVs can compete with that of cars. Benefiting from the well selling of SUV models, the own-brand auto enterprises have developed rapidly. The JVs are also accelerating the launch of SUV models and developing low-end products. The SUV models have the advantages of long wheel-base, large space, and large displacement, meeting the demands of younger consumers. Furthermore, whether the SUV models meet the personalized new demands of the new generation of consumers? When will the peak size of the market come? How do auto enterprises achieve the optimization and upgrading of products? All these problems have attracted wide attention of the enterprises. Discussion Topics: What is the driving force to the boom of SUV market? What is impact of the boom of SUV market on the own-brand enterprises? How long can the boom of SUV market last? When can the market return to rational development? Will the full competition and in-depth market segmentation become the new features of the future development of the SUV market? How do own-brand products face the gradual regression of the boom of SUV market? After the boom of SUV market, which segment of the market will become the new blue ocean? MPV? Cross vehicle? Form of Conference: Under the guidance of the host, each distinguished guest will express the views on the topics and make the discussion. 29

September 10 08:30-10:00 (The Second Session) Subject Discussion: Prospect of ICV Industry and Achieving Path Background: In recent years, the integration of industrialization and informatization has deepened gradually, becoming the driving force for a new round of transformation of economy and enterprise and the reconstruction of business value. Under this background, the ICV will become the focus of R&D in the world and the emerging power for the growth of auto industry. It has attracted the wide attention of the industry and has broad development space. Many enterprises will treat the ICV as the important development direction and strategic opportunities. They have established development strategies and roadmaps to actively seize the heights of the future development of auto industry and focus on drive assistance system, self driving, and the innovation and application of ICV technology. In future, the policy standard system, the core technology development, consumption environment, collaborative and the innovation mechanism of industry chain, and the transportation infrastructure should be further improved to create a good environment for ICV industry. Discussion Topics: Establishment of the Regulations and Standards for ICV Situation of the ICV Industry and Policy Measures Progress of the Industrialization of LCV and Existing Problems Problems for the Industrialization of ICV, and Sequence, Time Node, and Ways to solve these Problems What Measures should be take actively to boost the Industrialization of ICV? ICV brings New Opportunities and New Modes to Auto Industry Form of Conference: Under the guidance of the host, each distinguished guest will make the speech (in turn) at the rostrum for about 15 minutes. 31

September 10 10:15-12:00 (The Second Session) Dialogue: Energy Diversification and Strategic Choice of Auto Industry Background: In recent years, China's energy supply situation is grim. In 2016, China's dependence on foreign oil had reached 65%. The energy diversification strategy is an important guarantee for national energy security, and it is also an important cornerstone of the development of the automotive industry. Automobile is a large energy consumer. On one hand, the enterprises should strengthen the traditional energy saving technology and the R&D and application of alternative fuel technologies to reduce the fuel consumption level of single vehicle; on the other hand, the development of new energy vehicles has been included in the national strategy. It is also the important breakthrough in the industry to meet requirements of the energy saving, climate change, environmental protection, and structure upgrading etc.. After the rapid development in the past years, the industrialization condition for the new energy vehicles has been improved, providing a good base for the further development of new energy vehicle industry. Discussion Topics: Upgrading of Auto Power System under the Diversified Energy Conditions Development Trend of the New Energy Vehicle Market and Competition Layout R&D of New Energy Vehicle Technology and Innovation of Business Mode Development of the Key Parts & Components Industry (such as Power Battery, Electric Motor, and Electric Control System etc..) Construction of Charging Infrastructure and Operation Development Condition of Hybrid Vehicles and Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Future Potential Form of Conference: Under the guidance of the host, each distinguished guest will make the speech (in turn) at the rostrum for about 10 minutes. The the special guets and speakers will hold the discussions for 30 munites at the rostrum. 33

September 10 08:30-12:00 (The Third Session) Hotspot Salon: The Next Boom - Artificial Intelligence Background: Artificial intelligence is the simulation for human consciousness and the thinking process. Although artificial intelligence is not human intelligence, but it can think like people and may also have better effects than human intelligence. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the vehicle of the future will have the characteristic of Understand People. It can conduct communication and interaction with the passengers through the acousto-optic, voice and touch etc. and transmit the information to the driver. It can also analyze the body feature, expression, and movement of the driver to predict the driver's emotional state, preferences and driving intention. It is developed base on Understand People technology, aiming to meet driver s psychological expectations and provide convenience and fun for the drivers. Therefore, in the next 10 to 20 years, the attribute of automotive products will gradually change from the transport tool to intelligent life tool integrating the functions of travel, communication, and energy storage etc.. Many auto enterprise groups and technology companies have focused on the R&D of artificial intelligence to actively seize the commanding heights of future technology competition. Discussion Topics: Trend of the Development of Artificial Intelligence and Technology Path Potential of the Development of On-board Artificial Intelligence and Application Prospect Development of Artificial Intelligence and Self-driving Vehicle Industry What are the New Business Forms and New Modes of Auto Industry generated by the Artificial Intelligence How will Artificial Intelligence change the Competition Layout of Auto Industry Form of Conference: We will invite well-known and authoritative experts both in home and abroad to make the special speeches. And the distinguished guests and attendees can make discussions on the topics for 30 minutes. 35

十二年来, 历届泰达汽车论坛演讲嘉宾的战略性 前瞻性的精彩论断, 受到了政府 行业 企业等社会各界的广泛关注和高度重视, 引领了汽车行业的健康 可持续发展, 显示了 汽车行业达沃斯 和 汽车产业发展风向标 的独特定位和价值 组委会向所有出席泰达汽车论坛的嘉宾对汽车行业发展的建言献策表示衷心的感谢 以下 泰达风向标 摘选了部分演讲嘉宾的言论, 供行业参考 The strategic and prospective views of the distinguished guests in the past 12 sessions of the forum have attracted wide attention of the government departments, industry institutes, and the enterprise etc.. As the Auto DAVOS and Vane of the Development of Auto Industry, it has guided the healthy and sustainable development of the industry. The organizing committee hereby express our thanks to the distinguished guests attended the forum and their suggestions to the development of auto industry. We have selected some parts of their speeches in the Vane of TEDA sector for your reference. 首先应坚持市场导向, 引导企业自主加大研发投入 ; 其次优化市场环境, 降低新能源汽车的市场准入门槛 ; 再次是搭建公共平台, 加大政府对新能源汽车基础研究和重点共性关键技术的持续投入 ; 最后要加强国际合作 (2014 年 ) 全国政协副主席 科学技术部部长万钢 Market shall be the leading force to guide the enterprises to enhance R&D investment. Market environment shall be optimized to lower the market access threshold to NEV. Public platform shall be built to increase the government s constant input into NEV fundamental research and key and common technology research. We also have to enhance international collaboration. Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology 汽车工业投资的热度仍然不减, 产能过剩的苗头依然存在, 可能中国现在汽车生产整车的能力已经超过 1000 万辆 (2007 年 ) 时任国家发展和改革委员会副主任 国家能源局局长张国宝 The investment to automotive industry will be unabated. The overcapacity signs still exist. The annual production capacity of Chinese auto enterprises has exceeded 10 million units. Zhang Guobao, Served as Vice Chairman of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Chairman of National Energy Administration 如果说合资企业创新不算是自主创新, 等于把汽车制造最强的乘用车 80% 以上力量排除在自主创新之外, 继续高额拿来国外技术和品牌进行生产, 我们自主品牌只能越来越困难 只有形成这样的环境和体制, 我们才有公平对待每一个企业的政策出现 (2012 年 ) 时任工业和信息化部副部长苏波 If the innovation of joint venture enterprises is not regarded as the independent innovation, it means more than 80% of the passenger vehicle enterprises with strong capabilities will not be included in the team for independent innovation. If we continue to introduce foreign technologies and brands for production, the development of own-brand products will be more and more difficult. So the formation of environment and system is important. We can have the fair policy to treat all enterprises. Su Bo, Served as Vice Minister, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 36

加强对新能源汽车的管理, 完善相关评价体系, 是规范和鼓励新能源汽车产业发展的必要条件 在新能源汽车准入管理规则实施的基础上, 要结合我国新能源汽车产业发展特征, 针对出现的新情况新问题, 及时研究配套措施, 进一步完善新能源汽车和生产企业准入管理政策, 促进新能源汽车的发展 (2009 年 ) 时任工业和信息化部产业政策司司长辛国斌 Strengthening the management of new energy vehicles and improving the relevant evaluation system are the necessary conditions to regulate and encourage the development of new energy automotive industry. Based on the implementation of access management rules for new energy vehicles and combining the development characteristics of China s new energy vehicle industry and the new situation and new problems, we should timely research supporting measures to further improve the access management policy to new energy vehicle enterprises and promote the development of new energy vehicles. Xin Guobin, Served as Chief Director of the Industry Policy Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 现在全球各大汽车企业 国际互联网公司都在做智能汽车, 在这样的大背景下, 当市场都充斥着智能产品的时候, 汽车却还是一个不够智能的产品, 导致汽车企业的竞争力跟不上潮流, 紧迫性不言而喻 (2015 年 ) 时任工业和信息化部产业政策司司长冯飞 Many world famous auto enterprise and international Internet companies are developing smart vehicles. Now the market is full of smart products. Under this background, auto enterprises are emergent to accelerate the pace to make their competitiveness keep up with the trend of the society. Feng Fei, Served as the Chief Director of Industry Policy Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 要改变管理模式, 使汽车产业管理能够逐渐走上法制化的轨道, 使法律覆盖汽车产业全生命周期 (2014 年 ) 国家发展和改革委员会产业协调司司长年勇 We should change the management model to boost management on automotive industry to gradually embark on the legal track. The law will cover the entire life cycle of the automotive industry. Nian Yong, Chief Director, Industry Coordination Department, National Development and Reform Commission 制定汽车产业中长期发展战略, 加强顶层设计, 明确战略目标和任务, 通过改革和创新推动汽车产业转型升级 (2015 年 ) 国家发展和改革委员会产业协调司副司长卢卫生 We should establish the medium to longer term development strategy, strengthen the top-level design, clear strategic objectives and tasks, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the automotive industry through reform and innovation. Lu Weisheng, Deputy Chief Director, Industry Coordination Department, National Development and Reform Commission 37

改革管理体制, 强化法制化管理, 研究制订机动车生产管理相关法规, 建立健全有力的赔偿和企业退出机制, 优化公告管理 强化事中事后管理, 加快推进汽车行业体系建设, 落实主体责任和法律责任, 建立多部门跨地区的奖惩机制 (2016 年 ) 工业和信息化部装备工业司副司长瞿国春 We will reform the management system, strengthen the legal management, formulate relevant laws and regulations on motor vehicle production management, establish favorable compensation and enterprise withdrawing mechanism, optimize the management on directory, strengthen the management during the whole process, accelerate the construction of automobile industry system, implement the main responsibility and legal responsibility, and the build the multi-region and cross- sector reward and punishment mechanism. Qu Guochun, Deputy Division Director, Equipment Industry Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 新能源汽车未来的政策扶持方向一是完善补贴政策, 建立遴选机制和淘汰机制 ; 二是落实好补贴政策退坡, 激发市场活力 ; 三是健全监督监管体系, 加强财政资金的管理 (2016 年 ) 财政部经济建设司副司长宋秋玲 The future tendency of NEV policy is, firstly, to improve the subsidy policy and build the selection mechanisms. Secondly, to implement the subsidy reduction policy to force the enterprises to accelerate technological progress to achieve surviving in market. Thirdly, to improve the regulatory system, to further clarify the main responsibility, strengthen the management of financial funds, Song Qiuling, Deputy Division Director, Economic Construction Department, Ministry of Fianance 汽车企业的快速扩张式发展加剧了产能过剩的风险 汽车行业虽然没有作为产能过剩行业提出, 但潜在的苗头还是有的 企业应该对是否发展新能源汽车以及选择什么技术路线做出慎重决策 (2010 年 ) 时任国家发展和改革委员会产业协调司司长陈斌 The rapid expansion of automobile enterprises has increased the risk of overcapacity in the automotive industry. Although the government has not announced the overcapacity in auto industry, it has the potential. The enterprises should consider the necessity of developing new energy vehicles and the choice of technology route. Chen Bin, Served as the Chief Director of Industry Coordination Department, National Development and Reform Commission 国际金融危机的影响仍在持续, 汽车零部件出口大幅下降是内因和外因交互产生的 商务部和有关部委拟出台 关于促进汽车产品出口持续健康发展的意见 (2009 年 ) 时任商务部机电和科技产业司司长张骥 The impact of the international financial crisis is still continuing, the sharp decline in exports of auto parts is generated by internal and external factors. The Ministry of Commerce and other relevant ministries and commissions will introduce the Suggestions on Promoting the Sustainable and Healthy Development of Automobile Exports. Zhang Ji, Served as the Chief Director of the Department of Mechanical, Electrical, and High-TECH Industries, Ministry of Commerce 38

为推动汽车企业实施 走出去 战略, 加快我国汽车产业国际化发展, 首先要进一步规划汽车出口秩序, 提高企业出口资质门槛 ; 第二, 积极应对和化解贸易摩擦, 为汽车出口创造良好环境 ; 第三, 加大财税金融政策支持, 提高企业国际竞争力 ; 第四, 鼓励有比较优势的企业或者企业间联盟对外投资建厂, 做好境外生产战略布局 (2012 年 ) 时任商务部机电和科技产业司副司长支陆逊 In order to promote the automobile enterprises to implement the Exporting strategy, accelerate the development of the internationalization of China s automobile industry, we should firstly further plan the export order of automobiles and improve the export qualification threshold. Secondly, to actively respond to and resolve trade friction to create a good environment for automobile exports. Thirdly, to increase financial policy support and improve the international competitiveness of enterprises. Fourthly, to encourage the enterprises or alliances with the comparative advantages to build overseas plants and complete the strategic layout for overseas production. Zhi Luxun, Served as the Deputy Chief Director of the Department of Mechanical, Electrical, and High-Tech Industries, Ministry of Commerce 目前轻型汽油车已经全面实施国 IV 标准, 情形柴油车因为油品的供应滞后, 从 2013 年 7 月 1 日起全面实施, 目前正在制定轻型车国 V 标准, 预计年内出台, 今早推动重型柴油车实施国 IV 国 V 排放标准 ; 补充低温工况排放标准, 计划年内出台 ;2013 年启动国 VI 标准的前期研究工作 (2012 年 ) 环境保护部科技标准司副司长王开宇 At present, the national stage-iv emission standard for light gasoline fuel vehicles has been implemented on July 1, 2013. The government is establishing the national stage-v standard for light-duty vehicles. It is expected to be issued within 2017. The government will implement the national stage-iv and stage-v emission standards for heavy-duty diesel fuel vehicles and improve the low-temperature emission standard in 2017. The pre-research on the national stage- VI standard had started in 2013. Wang Kaiyu, Deputy Chief Director, Department of Science, Technology, and Standards, Ministry of Environmental Protection 未来, 我国新能源汽车的示范推广需要解决以下三个问题 : 第一, 如何稳定政策预期, 协同综合推进 ; 第二, 如何深化改革, 破除体制机制障碍, 开拓新兴市场 ; 第三, 如何创新支持政策, 加速基础设施建设 (2013 年 ) 时任国家科技部高新技术发展及产业化司副司长陈家昌 In future, the following three problems should to solved for the demonstration and promotion of new energy vehicles: firstly, how to stable the policy to boost the collaboration progress? Secondly, how to deepen the reform to remove the obstacles in mechanism and explore emerging market? Thirdly, how to achieve the innovation to support policy and accelerate the construction of infrastructure? Chen Jiachang, Served as the Deputy Chief Director, Department of High-Tech Development and Industrialization, Ministry of Science and Technology 39

新能源汽车产业发展需要更多有竞争力的企业参与, 我国急需要培养多年的 国家队 和 专业运动员, 让他们发挥专长做出贡献, 同时, 也需要 民间高手 来参与市场, 增添活动 突破领先 协同发展 同时, 很多企业不仅要注重国内的体系培育, 还要积极主动 更早期的参与国际竞争 这样才能拥有全球性的竞争力, 而不是只在国内利用国内的政策政府的保护, 来形成一定的竞争力, 这恰恰是不可持续的 (2015 年 ) 国家发展和改革委员会产业协调司处长吴卫 The development of new energy vehicle industry needs the participation of more competitive enterprises. China needs to cultivate various enterprises according to their advantages. It needs the collaboration development. At the same time, the enterprises should actively cultivate the systems and participate in the international competitiveness. They should own global competitiveness and not only rely on the incentive policy in home. It will not be sustainable. Wu Wei, Division Director, Industry Coordination Department, National Development and Reform Commission 未来 10 年, 中国汽车产业仍将是消费热点和经济增长点 (2013 年 ) 中国国际经济交流中心常务副理事长郑新立 China s auto industry will continue to be a hot spot of consumption and economic growth in the coming 10 years. Zheng Xinli, Executive Vice President, China Center for International Economic Exchanges 汽车产业转型升级从产品来讲有三个突破口, 分别是节能汽车 新能源汽车 网联智能汽车或者智能网联汽车, 三大领域处在三个不同的阶段 节能汽车相对来讲技术比较好, 量大 面广, 但是面临的竞争压力也很大 新能源汽车已经具备一定的规模, 处在爆发式增长的前期 智能汽车, 其真正的内涵应是车与车相联 车与云中心相联, 进而实现交通智能引导和控制 (2015 年 ) 时任中国工程院院士 党组成员 秘书长钟志华 The upgrading of auto products includes three breakthroughs, including energy saving vehicles, new energy vehicles, and ICVs. They are in different development stages. The energy saving vehicles have technology advantages and also face the competitive pressure. The large scale production has started and the sales will boom stage soon. The smart vehicle should achieve the connecting between vehicles and the vehicle and cloud center should be connected to form the intelligent control and guide for transport. Zhong Zhihua, Served as Academician, Member of the Party Committee and, the Secretary- General, Chinese Academy of Engineering 40

加快供给侧结构性改革以保证汽车产业长期向好的基本面不会改变 汽车产业应通过建立产业内部和跨产业战略联盟以及发展平台的方式, 与新一代信息技术 新能源 新材料等相关产业企业共聚一堂, 统一发展共识, 明确合作方向和模式, 加强协同和整合, 共同开展关键领域的共性技术开发和标准体系建设, 大力推动汽车产业转型升级 (2016 年 ) 工业和信息化部原党组成员 总工程师朱宏任 The principle to accelerate the reform on supply side to ensure the long term development of auto industry will not change. The auto industry should build internal and cross-industry strategic alliances and development platforms to achieve the joint development with the enterprises for new generation of information technology, new energy, and new materials. They can unite the development ideas, clear the cooperation direction and mode, strengthen the collaboration and merger, jointly conduct the development of key common technologies and build the standard system, and vigorously boost the transition and upgrading of auto industry. Zhu Hongren, Former Member of the Party Committee and Chief Engineer, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 发展电动汽车已经成为一场争夺产业发展制高点的竞争 汽车电动化是涉及国家能源战略的重大问题, 因此发展电动车应上升到国家战略 在新能源汽车领域, 我国基本跟上了全球的步伐, 是赶超世界先进国家的重要机遇, 同时也是自主品牌汽车的突破口 (2009 年 ) 原全国政协常委 经济委员会副主任陈清泰 The development of electric vehicles has become a competition for the commanding heights of industrial development. The electrification of automobiles is a key problem concerning the state s energy strategy. To develop electric vehicles has become the national strategy. In new energy vehicle area, China can keep pace with the global progress. It is an important opportunity for Chinese enterprises to catch up with the world advanced counties and achieve the breakthrough in the export of own-brand auto products. Chen Qingtai, Former Vice President of Economic Commission, and Member of the Standing Committee of CPPCC 实施品牌战略也是跨行企业社会责任的重要环节之一 经营品牌不仅要从客户的角度着重考虑, 满足客户需求, 为客户提升价值, 最终获得市场的认可, 更要持之以恒, 长期打造是经营品牌的必然过程 (2013 年 ) 时任中国第一汽车集团公司副总经理吴绍明 The implementation of brand strategy is an important part of the social responsibility of crossindustry enterprise. To build brands should not only consider the needs of the customers. It should enhance customer value, and eventually achieve the target of being recognized by the market. The long-term brand management is the inevitable process. Wu Shaoming, Served as the Deputy General Manager, FAW Group Corporation 41

从中国制造到中国创造, 企业需要改革和创新两台 发动机 共同驱动 (2009 年 ) 时任东风汽车公司副总经理李绍烛 From made in China to China creation, the enterprises need the reform and innovation. Li Shaozhu, Served as Deputy General Manager, Dongfeng Motor Corporation 中国品牌需要走协同发展道路, 通过战略协同 技术协同 品牌协同 采购协同 营销协同和海外协同六个协同提升中国品牌国际竞争力 只有通过整合国内外资源, 加强内外部协同, 才能在日益激烈的全球竞争当中占据主导权, 才能不断提升中国品牌的发展质量和效益, 才能在实现汽车强国梦道路上走的更远 更快 更稳健 (2015 年 ) 东风汽车公司党委常委 副总经理刘卫东 China brands need 6 ways of collaborative development, strategic cooperation, technical cooperation, brand collaboration, collaborative procurement, marketing synergy and overseas cooperation to improve the international competitiveness. Only through the integration of domestic and foreign resources, the strengthening of the internal and external coordination to dominate in the increasingly fierce global competition, we can continuously improve the development the quality and efficiency of Chinese brands and achieve the dream of building a powerhouse for automobiles. Liu Weidong, Deputy General Manager, and Member of Party Committee, Dongfeng Motor Corporation 中国汽车行为应主动顺应服务经济与国际汽车产业的发展趋势, 汽车工业的利润正在从制造业向服务业转移 从满足客户需求出发, 进一步转变经济增长方式, 加快业务结构调整, 拓展服务贸易业务, 不断提高行业的综合竞争能力 (2008 年 ) 时任上海汽车工业 ( 集团 ) 总公司董事长胡茂元 Chinese auto behavior should actively comply with the trend of the development of service economy and international automobile industry. The profits of automobile industry are moving from manufacturing industry to service industry. We should start from meeting customer demands to further change the mode of economic growth, accelerate the adjustment of business structure, expand the service trade business, and continuously improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the industry. Hu Maoyuan, Served as the Chairman of the Board, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (Group) 未来中国汽车业为解决能源供给和排放问题, 应采取一种组合方案 传统内燃机的改进 混合动力 小型化等将共同推动油耗和碳排放降低 (2009 年 ) 时任重庆长安汽车股份有限公司董事长徐留平 In order to solve the problems of energy supply and emission, the automobile industry of China should adopt a combination scheme, such as the improvement of traditional internal combustion engine, hybrid power, and miniaturization, etc., to jointly boost fuel consumption reduction and low-carbon emission. Xu Liuping, Served as the Chairman of the Board, Changan Automobile 42

实施品牌提升战略, 汽车企业应该从以下四个方面入手 : 首先要坚定不移地推进自主创新, 大力实施技术提升战略 其次要深化技术研发的层次, 加强未来 3~5 年产品的技术研发 再次要满足平台化 通用化 家族化, 逐步实现企业的技术体系, 降低技术成本 最后要完善管理体系, 大力实施管理战略 (2013 年 ) 时任长安汽车总裁张宝林 For the implementation of brand improving strategy, automobile enterprises should start from the following four aspects: Firstly, they should unswervingly promote independent innovation and vigorously implement the technology promotion strategy. Secondly, they should deepen the technology development level, strengthen product R & D in the coming 3 to 5 years. They should meet the requirements of the platform, universal, family, and gradually realize the technology system of the enterprise to reduce the cost of technology. Finally, they should improve the management system and vigorously implement the strategy of management. Zhang Baolin, Served as the President, Changan Automobile 中国品牌应走协同发展之路, 加强联合 抵御风险 提升效率 降低成本 目前国际上大品牌都在争取强强联合, 在研发 产品等一系列领域不断加强合作 中国品牌也应不断加强诸如中长期先进技术研究 共同开发 平台利用 智能化轻量化定制等方面的合作, 加强标准的制定 采购 海外等一系列的合作 (2015 年 ) 长安汽车总裁朱华荣 Chinese brand development should insist on the principles of collaborative development, strengthening unity, resisting risk, improving efficiency and reducing the cost. At present, the international well-known brands are strengthening the combination and the cooperation in the areas of R&D and products etc.. Chinese brand should continue to strengthen the long-term research of advanced technology, such as the common development, the application of platform, intelligentization, lightweight customization, the establishment of standard, procurement, and overseas development etc.. Zhu Huarong, President, Changan Automobile 传统车企可以从产品端和生态端出发, 实现智能化转型 在产品端, 利用互联网整合的资源优势, 构建开放式创新平台, 加快智能技术改造和应用 在生态端, 运用互联网技术围绕客户需求重构服务模式, 依托大数据建设移动互联平台, 构建一个为客户提供汽车全生命周期服务的生态圈, 并且在智能 节能和环保三个方面, 前瞻性地对技术和服务领域进行研究 (2016 年 ) 北京汽车集团有限公司副总经理蔡速平 The traditional auto enterprises can achieve the intelligentization transition from the product and ecological ends. In the product end, they can make full play of the advantages of the Internet integration to build the opening innovation platform to accelerate the intelligent technology innovation and application. At the ecological end, they can use the Internet technology to rebuild the customer service model and build mobile interconnecting platform based on Big data. They can also start the research on proactive technology and services in the areas of intelligence, energy saving, and environmental protection, and the construction of an ecological circle providing service to consumers. Cai Suping, Deputy General Manager, Beijing Automotive Industry Corp Group 43

今后用户的需求不单只是移动的工具, 还是网络化的工具 办公化的工具 娱乐化的工具, 今后肯定会向这些方面发展 (2015 年 ) 时任广州汽车集团股份有限公司总经理曾庆洪 The consumers will not only need a mobile tool in future. They need the network tool, office tool, and entertainment tool. It is the development direction of auto industry. Zeng Qinghong, Served as President, Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. 采取切实可行的办法, 提倡鼓励节能有奖 耗能不奖 费能重罚, 加快实施燃油税, 让节能环保汽车早日得到使用实惠 (2007 年 ) 浙江吉利控股集团有限公司董事长李书福 Taking practical measures to promote energy conservation and punish the high consumption. To accelerate the implementation of fuel tax to boost the launching of energy saving and environmentally-friendly vehicles. Li Shufu, Chairman of the Board, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd. 汽车服务业提升已经是中国汽车工业, 特别是自主品牌发展的瓶颈 (2009 年 ) 奇瑞汽车股份有限公司董事长尹同跃 Auto service industry has become the bottleneck of China's auto industry, especially the development of independent brands. Yin Tongyue, Chairman of the Board, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. 中国有新能源的总体规划到 2015 年达到 50 万辆, 到 2020 年达到 200 万辆 国家战略一方面是公共领域, 包括大巴 出租车 公务车 ; 另一方面是私家车 我们认为, 私家车新能源化是完成国家战略目标的关键 (2014 年 ) 比亚迪股份有限公司董事长兼总裁王传福 The sales targets of new energy vehicles in China were 500,000 units in 2015 and 2 million units in 2020. The government s strategy is to promote the new energy vehicles in both public and private sectors, including buses, taxis, and vehicles for official use. We also think that the promotion of new energy vehicles for private use is the key way to achieve the government strategic target. Wang Chuanfu, Chairman of the Board and President, BYD Company Limited 44

企业传统的以制造和销售为主的模式, 已经越来越不适应新的经济形势发展要求, 要改传统的制造 销售为主的简单经营模式为服务型制造模式 (2010 年 ) 时任陕西汽车集团有限责任公司董事长方红卫 The traditional enterprises focus on the production and sales. It cannot meet the requirements of the new economic development. The traditional simple business mode should be changed to service-oriented production. Fang Hongwei, Served as Chairman of the Board, Shaanxi Automobile Group Co., Ltd. 培养造车先造人的理念, 努力营造适合各类人才持续成长的企业环境和氛围 (2014 年 ) 时任丰田汽车株式会社专务董事兼丰田汽车研发中心 ( 中国 ) 有限公司总经理奥平总一郎 To put forward the idea of focusing talents and build the environment and circumstance helping the sustainable growth of all kinds of talents. Soichiro Okudaira, Served as Senior Managing Officer, Toyota Motor Corporation & President, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing (China) Co., Ltd. 由于消费者的年轻化和需求多样化, 汽车产品呈现时尚化 系列化发展趋势, 新品投放节奏加快, 导致市场竞争愈发激烈 (2014 年 ) 时任本田技研工业 ( 株 ) 常务执行董事兼本田技研工业 ( 中国 ) 投资有限公司副总经理八郷隆弘 The auto enterprises now focus on the development of fashionable and series products to meet the diversified demands of young consumers. The launch of new products has been accelerated, giving rise to the fierce market competition. Takahiro HACHIGO, Served as Managing Officer, Honda Motor Co., Ltd. & Vice President, Honda Motor (China) Investment Corporation Ltd. 鼓励企业建立联盟, 实现合作研发, 提高研发效率, 降低创新成本和风险 (2014 年 ) 日产汽车公司代表董事 副会长志贺俊之 Encouraging the enterprises to establish alliances to achieve the cooperative research and development, improve R & D efficiency, reduce innovation costs and risks. Toshiyuki Shiga, Representative Director & Vice Chairman, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 45

自 2005 年首次举办以来, 中国汽车产业发展 ( 泰达 ) 国际论坛以推动中国汽车产业可持续发展为己任, 历经十二载积累与沉淀, 已经发展成为我国汽车行业规格最高 规模最大 影响力最广泛的高端品牌盛会, 为政府 行业 企业 研究机构及社会各界搭起了一座解读汽车产业政策 把脉汽车产业未来发展方向 促进交流与合作的高端平台 不忘初心, 砥砺前行 面对汽车产业新业态,2017 年泰达汽车论坛将积聚新能量, 开启新征程, 为中国汽车产业发展谋篇布局! Since the first session held in 2005, the International Forum (TEDA) on Chinese Automotive Industry Development has assumed the responsibility of boosting the sustainable development of Chinese auto industry. Now it has become the most influential and the largest high-end event in Chinese auto industry. It provides a high-end platform for the government departments, industry institutes, enterprises, and research institutes to facilitate them to learn more about the policies and the development trends of the industry and promote their communications and cooperation. Staying true to the mission and forging ahead. Facing the new business forms of auto industry, the 2017 International Forum (TEDA) on Chinese Automotive Industry Development will accumulate new energies and start the new journeys to make programs for the development of Chinese auto industry. 46


十二年来, 中国汽车产业发展 ( 泰达 ) 国际论坛累计演讲嘉宾 558 人次, 与会代表 17000 人次 In the past sessions, a total of 558 distinguished guests made lectures at the forum and about 17,000 delegates attended the conference. 48


2015 年泰达汽车论坛组委会联合国内外具有重要影响力的企业, 正式建立了论坛协作组织 协作组织下设战略协作单位和全面协作单位 目前, 论坛协作组织已经有 20 家整车及零部件企业加入其中 未来, 论坛协作组织的规模将更加壮大, 论坛将与各成员单位坚定不移地为中国汽车产业健康 可持续发展而共同努力 The Organizing Committee of IFCAID and influential enterprises both in home and abroad formally established a forum cooperation organization in 2015. The cooperative organization has the strategic cooperative unit and the comprehensive cooperation unit. At present, there have been 20 collaboration and vehicle parts enterprises in this organization. The future cooperation forum will become stronger, the forum and the members of the unit will firmly promote the health and sustainable development of Chinese automotive industry. 50