新聞稿 Press Release * 兩款系列均提供墨水筆 寶珠筆及原子筆選擇 產品售價 : Premier Monochrome 墨水筆 :$ 4,380 Premier Monochrome 寶珠筆 :$ 3,180 Premier Monochrome 原子筆 :$ 2,680 Sonnet

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新聞稿 Press Release 即時發佈 Parker 傲然呈獻 Premier Monochrome & Sonnet Feminine Collection 散發尊貴氣派時尚品味之選 香港訊 2011 年 11 月 x 日 從小到大, 總期盼大學畢業時, 收到一支 Parker 的鋼筆, 代表著踏入社會的第一步, 亦是成功的第一步 及後到社會歷練, 不時外出見客應酬, 出席商務會議或盛大晚宴時, 沒有享譽盛名的 Parker 筆掛在西裝的胸口袋位置, 感覺好像頓時失去自信 從此,Parker 筆成為不可或缺的隨身品 本年度最新推出 Premier Monochrome 及 Sonnet Feminine Collection 的墨水筆, 擁有攝人的魅力, 面世後受到高度評價, 備受各界推崇 早已擺脫了大學時代青澀的我和你, 都應該擁有一支, 穩健地在成功路上奔馳 經典品牌 Parker 將百年來精湛的技藝帶到 Premier Monochrome 及 Sonnet Feminine Collection 上, 由法國純手工製造,18K 金的筆尖, 揉合 30 多道專業工序, 給予極佳的受力平衡, 使墨水能流暢地從筆尖揮灑而出 筆尖部分更印有 Parker 獨有的 Logo, 突顯其百年輝煌歷史的成就 典雅金屬質感的筆身以陶瓷層覆蓋, 使之耐磨且持久不褪色 ; 富有動感的線條設計, 配合獨特的垂直拉絲 技術, 融入簡約概念, 具備濃厚的法國氣息, 適合追求時尚品味及卓越品質的你 Premier Monochrome Premier Black Edition 酷黑散發出神秘莫測的魔力, 低調中帶有奢華之感, 內斂卻不容別人忽視它的存在 Sonnet Feminine Collection Pearl PGT Collection 優雅脫俗的珍珠白配以閃耀的金色, 襯托出溫文爾雅的個性, 不吃人間煙火, 滲透出淡雅高貴之氣質 Page 1 of 2 PRidea Communications Limited Unit D, 18 th Floor, Wing Cheong Commercial Building, 19-25 Jervois Street, Central. Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 3618 5219 Fax: (852) 3568 0575

新聞稿 Press Release * 兩款系列均提供墨水筆 寶珠筆及原子筆選擇 產品售價 : Premier Monochrome 墨水筆 :$ 4,380 Premier Monochrome 寶珠筆 :$ 3,180 Premier Monochrome 原子筆 :$ 2,680 Sonnet Feminine Collection 墨水筆 :$ 2,180 Sonnet Feminine Collection 寶珠筆 :$ 1,380 Sonnet Feminine Collection 原子筆 :$ 1,108 銷售點 : 銅鑼灣崇光百貨七樓 / 沙田一田百貨新城市廣場三期二樓電話查詢 : 銅鑼灣崇光百貨專櫃 : 852-2833 4538 沙田一田百貨專櫃 : 852-2608 9383 網址查詢 : www.parkerpen.com 有關 Parker Parker 始創人 George S. Parker 於 1888 年創立, 以 拔萃之作, 智者之選 的理念, 致力於製造更好的筆 自創立以來一直備受推崇, 驕傲地成為全球高品質書寫工具的領導者 著名作曲家普西尼 小說家柯南道爾都使用 Parker 筆, 創作出傳世佳作 自 1962 年以來,Parker 一直是英國王室書寫工具及墨水的唯一供應商 Parker 還多次作為重要條約的簽署用筆而見證歷史 百年輝煌歷史, 鑄就 Parker 卓越品質 今日的 Parker 揉合現代科技, 向世人傳達着經典且時尚的品牌特質 他不僅是表達自我 彰顯品味的獨特方式, 亦是人與人之間寄托思念 贈送祝福 傳遞情誼的心靈 現今,Parker 能為你提供多樣化的產品和優質的售後服務, 幫助不同人士以不同方式表達他們的成就 一百多年来,Parker 始終帶領著設計的潮流, 它精湛的工藝, 對細節的用心處理, 使之成為全球高質量書寫工具的領導者 Page 2 of 2 PRidea Communications Limited Unit D, 18 th Floor, Wing Cheong Commercial Building, 19-25 Jervois Street, Central. Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 3618 5219 Fax: (852) 3568 0575

威迪文鋼筆 作為世界著名的鋼筆製造商, 威迪文以其優雅的法國風格與創新設計而聞名遐邇 1883 年, 路 艾臣 威迪 文在紐約市首創公司, 並于當時生產出了世界上第一款可灌裝墨水筆 而今, 威迪文已成為歷久彌新的少數老 牌鋼筆公司之一 1. 威迪文的輝煌歷史 2. 威迪文的璀璨今日 威迪文的輝煌歷史 傳奇人物由於一支鋼筆漏墨而導致一筆重要交易化為烏有,45 歲的保險經紀人路 艾臣 威迪文決心創造一種更值得信賴的鋼筆, 並于 1884 年成功發明了 三裂縫出墨 系統而獲得專利 這一基於毛細管原理的獨創性概念實現了筆尖的持續供墨與穩定墨流, 從此消除了漏墨與需要反復蘸墨的煩擾 經典筆 (Regular) 一炮打響, 而理想鋼筆公司 (The Ideal Pen Company) 4 年後正式更名為 L.E. 威迪文公司 (L.E. Waterman Company) 名下的威迪文經典品牌也從此誕生 威迪文墨水筆之所以最終能成為大眾市場廣受歡迎的消費商品, 是因為威迪文對鋼筆基本設計的不斷改進及其積極進取的市場行銷發揮了功不可沒的作用 鋼筆設計和風格的不斷演變使得威迪文非凡的創造力得到了最完美與極致的展現 從早期的硬膠質鋼筆桿開始, 到出現精雕細刻的貴重金屬切割和飾面, 而此後的麥色 金色和銀色飾面則愈發令人驚歎 1900 年在巴黎舉行的世界博覽會上, 威迪文一舉奪得 卓越金獎 1901 年, 路 艾臣 威迪文不幸逝世, 但威迪文品牌卻繼續憑藉著品質與可靠性兩大關鍵賣點不斷發展與壯大 1904 年, 威迪文推出了 帶夾筆帽 式鋼筆, 這是首支帶鉚固式安全筆夾的可掛在口袋上的鋼筆 1907 年, 伸縮式安全鋼筆的防漏可靠性得到了充分驗證與認可 1913 年, 威迪文獨創的 杆式墨囊 自動充墨系統應 運而生 巨大的成功使威迪文聲名鵲起 一戰結束時, 英國首相勞合 喬治使用卓越非凡的精裝威迪文 Ideal 簽署了 1919 年 凡爾賽條約 ( 事實證明, 首相的威迪文較其 條約 更為可靠 ) 之後于 1927 年, 駕駛 聖路易 斯精神號 的查理斯 林德伯格實現了他跨越大西洋的歷史性飛行, 而在此期間他使用了威迪文鋼筆 1927 年, 法國研究人員 Perraud 先生髮明瞭革新墨水筆未來發展的玻璃墨水筆芯 ( 隨後于 1936 年獲得專利 ) 1929 年, 以一家頂級時裝店的禮服而命名的 貴族 鋼筆憑藉 新藝術運動 的創作靈感使威迪文品牌一舉打入奢侈配飾市場, 而緊接著兩款卓爾不凡的設計同樣大獲全勝 1939 年, 流線型 百年筆 以其獨一無二的百年保修大行其道 ; 50 年代早期未來派 CF 鋼筆, 傳承了著名汽車設計師哈裡 厄爾獨有風格, 首次採用了至今盛行不衰的威迪文筆夾功能

1953 年, 威迪文改進了其玻璃筆芯設計, 並開創了塑膠墨水筆芯的偉大時代, 實現了對墨水筆外觀與實用性的改善 50 年代期間, 為在與其他高檔鋼筆製造商的競爭中脫穎而出, 威迪文品牌開始著手提煉企業形象, 將法國式的優雅與創造力融合于自己獨特而精緻的設計之中 專為高雅貴婦精心設計的鍍金筆嘴鋼筆 Lady Elsa 則是這一融合的完美體現 憑在貴重金屬領域的專業知識 品種繁多的筆嘴設計以及獨創新穎的墨水顏色使威迪文贏得了高度讚譽 與此同時, 公司總部首次建成了具有工業規模的油漆車間, 其精湛而複雜的油漆工藝至今仍令威迪文深以為自豪 威迪文的璀璨今日 繼原子筆成功風靡之後, 威迪文又相繼推出了一系列出色的書寫工具, 秉承一如既往的創新與卓越, 完美詮釋 了創始人在十九世紀後期的願景與遠見 1983 年的百年慶典上, 威迪文品牌的紀念傑作 Man 100 重拳出擊, 大獲成功 甚至連法國總統弗朗索瓦 密特朗也表示 : 無論去哪, 他都會隨身攜帶兩支 Man 100 鋼筆 這一設計所獲得的成就很快為 1992 年採用橢圓形與未來派設計的 «旗下 艾臣 (Edson) 筆» 後來居上, 其獨創新穎的墨流調節功能可有效防止漏墨, 即使是在高海拔地區也不例外 此後所推出的細型雋雅 (Hémisphère) 系列不禁令人耳目一新 1996 年, 一款以男性為主導的配飾型鋼筆權威 (Expert) 以其粗曠的風格再次演繹了威迪文的技術創新與優雅的法式設計 隨後, 威迪文又推出以航海為創作靈感的奢侈系列海韻 (Carène) 緊隨其後的是 1999 年推出的思逸 (Sérénit é), 具有獨創性與元素感的絕技一舉打破了鋼筆設計的極限, 並利用細長的筆桿取得空前成功 新千年見證了女人味十足的奧迪斯 (Audace) 系列的到來, 該系列已成為獨樹一幟個人風格與時髦新趨勢的同義詞 通過與世界時裝盛會合作以及積極贊助極具潛質的設計師, 威迪文品牌一舉踏入光彩奪目的世界時裝界 2004 年, 威迪文繼續高奏凱歌, 其引人注目而別出心裁的四邊形鋼筆智尊 (EXCEPTION) 成為旗艦設計, 展示了其一個多世紀以來的豐富專業知識與超凡想像力 最近, 威迪文品牌在令人驚歎的思逸的基礎上推出了一系列成功的變形鋼筆 : 寶石般璀璨奪目的思逸藍 具有異域風情與自然清新的思逸木 以地球為創作源泉的思逸藝術收藏系列 以及目前以礦石為創作靈感的思逸灰 非同尋常的歷史造就了威迪文品牌對創新 設計與卓越的不懈追求 憑藉無可匹敵的超卓品質與豐富想像力, 優雅 性感且與眾不同的威迪文品牌近 120 年來牢牢佔據著法式優雅與奢侈的寶座 將不同尋常的材料 顏 色與獨特而多變的風格完美結合, 威迪文正繼續致力於創造當今世界上最優雅且最彰顯創造力的書寫工具

WATERMAN BRAND HISTORY In 1883, Lewis Edson Waterman transformed the history of handwriting. Today, WATERMAN remains faithful to its tradition of innovation and continues to transform the history. Those of us who are accustomed to the convenience of the fountain pen find it difficult to think back a century to the days when a fountain pen was a rarity - and a reliable one practically unknown. One hundred years ago, the writing instrument commonly used in the western world consisted of a metal nib - usually made of steel - set in a pen holder. Although attempts had been made to create a fountain pen ever since the steel nib superseded the goose quill in the early 1800's, no satisfactory solution to the problem had been found. And writing meant using an inkwell - and constant dipping... dipping... dipping. It was easy enough to build a pen with a reservoir that would hold an ink supply (in fact, there were various so-called fountain pens offered to the public) and filling a pen was not a problem. However, no pen had been devised that would deliver the ink to the pen point in a continuous flow, starting and stopping as required by the writer. And anything beyond that - such as inkwell-free writing - was no more than a dream. The time had come for Lewis Edson Waterman to construct the first practical fountain pen which was to transform the history of handwriting.

WATERMAN BRAND HISTORY 1883-1903 It all started in New York.... Lewis Edson Waterman, a 45-year-old insurance broker, was getting ready to sign an important contract. His client had arranged him to meet him on a building site which he had to see. Lewis Waterman bought a new fountain pen for the occasion. He had thought it would be more practical and stylish than the dip pen and pocket inkwell which he usually carried. The contract was all ready on the table and the client had the pen in his hand. Disaster!!! Once, twice and even a third time his fountain pen refused to write, and even worse it had blurred ink on the important document. Mr. Waterman rushed back to his office for another copy, but when he returned, the customer had signed another contract. A rival broker had beaten him to it. Thoroughly disgusted with the behavior of his pen, Lewis Waterman determined to devise a "real" fountain pen - one that he could depend upon at all times. He set himself up in his brother's workshop. He analysed the air/ink exchange which made the ink flow irregular, flooding one minute and nonexistent the next. Mr. Waterman concluded that the problem lay in the function of the feed which led the ink to the nib, and realized that his feed - to be successful - must not only provide one or more channels to conduct the ink to the pen point but must also permit an intake of air to control the ink flow. After numerous experiments, he developed the "Three Fissure Feed", a feed based on the principle of capillary attraction. This feed was soon adopted by all manufacturers of fountain pens, and Waterman's slogan quickly became "the Daddy of Them All". A new era of reliable fountain pens had dawned. Mr. Waterman's invention, which has since been employed the world over merits explanation.

A cross section (a) of the feed shows a wide canal with 3 fissures carved at the bottom. The cross section (b) of the feed shows the passage of an air bubble which travels through the large canal while the ink flows unimpeded down the small fissures. As one writes and ink is deposited onto the paper, it is drawn down through the fissures, thereby creating a vacuum in the reservoir. To compensate this vacuum, air enters through the slit on the nib, forms a bubble, and travels up the canal. Owing to the fissures engraved in the canal, the ink can travel down to the nib without being impeded by the rising air bubbles. This process ensures consistant pressure inside the reservoir, thus a regular ink flow is produced. 1883 Lewis E. Waterman set up his first "factory" on a kitchen table in the rear of a retail cigar shop at 136 Fulton Street in New York City. During the course of the year, Lewis Waterman produced 6 dozen pens, all made by hand, which were snapped up by his friends. Patent The first WATERMAN fountain pen was baptized "the Regular". It was made of hard rubber (ebonite) and consisted of 5 components : the nib, the feed, the section into which the feed and the nib were inserted, the body which served as a reservoir, and the cap which protected the nib. Each handmade pen was accompanied by Mr. Waterman's written and personally signed 5 year guarantee against any defect. In June, Lewis Waterman applied for a US patent on his invention, which was granted on February 12, 1884.

1884 Lewis Waterman was no dreamer ; he was likeable and made friends easily. All his customers became his friends. One of them, E. T. Howard, an experienced advertising agent, advised him to advertise regularly in a magazine. After a little hesitation, Lewis Waterman agreed and wrote the text with Howard. The ad worked! Orders poured in. All his friends contributed towards the opening of the first factory. An agreement was signed with a company in New York which made gold nibs. The "Ideal Pen Company" was created and Mr. Waterman produced 200 pens. The office was moved to 10 Murray Street, New York City. 1885 After a brief period at 10 Murray Street, the company moved to 155 Broadway, New York. The production reached 500 pens. This year, WATERMAN received the Mechanic's Institute of New York's Special Medal (of Silver), which was "awarded only for an article of great importance and extraordinary merit" (Rules of American Institute). 1886 The "chased" or engine-turned holder was introduced in 1886 and, like the preceding plain finish holders, was continued for many years in various designs. Volumes rose rapidly to 2,000 in 1886, exceeding 5,000 by 1887. As his sales continued to mushroom, Lewis Waterman was saddened to realize he could not get to know each and every one of his customers personally. 1888 The company was renamed "L. E. Waterman Company".

1889 This year, at the Exposition Universelle in Paris, WATERMAN was awarded a bronze medal, the highest honor awarded to a fountain pen. 1890 The design of the pen evolved : the cap became longer, rings were added and various new pen finishes appeared, such as barleycorn in gold and silver. WATERMAN pens had become more than reliable writing instruments ; they were now "objets d'art". During this year, WATERMAN presented one of his first desk top fountain pens. Similar in style to the pen holder commonly used with an inkwell, his desk top fountain pen contained an ink reservoir and a fountain pen feed. 1892 Introduction of the Taper cap (taper holder), a graceful variation on the Regular's straight cap. 1898 WATERMAN introduced two new holders : one a hexagonal-shaped holder and the other with a twist design, both illustrating a new, creative development in style.

1899 The Cone Cap Holder was introduced. It had a smooth, tapering shoulderless barrel which was designed to make the pen more comfortable to hold. Furthermore, its large cap was directly fitted onto the barrel, and not onto the section, therefore avoiding the tendency to pull on the section when removing the cap. The first pen decorated with "filigree" overlay was also launched during this Modern Style era. This year, a new feed system - "spoon feed" - was also introduced. It was made of rubber and had channels and reservoirs inside the feed to hold any overflow of ink. 1900 Annual production reached 227,000 units. To crown this illustrious period, when WATERMAN exhibited its pens at the «Exposition Universelle» in Paris, William Ferris received a bronze medal, Lewis E. Waterman a silver, and the Company received the prized gold medal of Excellence, in addition to the already numerous medals received at exhibitions worldwide. During that year, WATERMAN granted European distribution rights to L. C. Hardtmuth (London). 1901 Lewis Waterman passed away at the age of 64. Up to the very end, he paid careful attention to every detail of the manufacturing process, defining the shape, working out the right proportions and inventing new styles. In the eulogy it was said, "If every man who had been blessed by the use of one of the WATERMAN pens should put a rose on his grave, there would be a mountain of roses." A fitting homage to a creator of more than one million fountain pens.

His succession was assured by his nephew, Frank D. Waterman, who decided to cross the Atlantic to conquer Europe. The Company's annual production rose to 326,000 fountain pens. Lewis Waterman had recruited efficient and competent staff. One of them, who joined the company in 1885 as a messenger boy, William I. Ferris, had shown many talents, inventing the cone cap, the spoon feed, and eventually, the clip-cap. By 1900, he had perfected a machine to simplify and speed up the manufacturing of pens and reduce manual labor. His ability was quickly recognized and he became responsible for building a new factory in Newark, New Jersey. He also opened a factory in Seymore, Connecticut, which manufactured rubber for pen barrels, and supervised the setting up of WATERMAN in Canada by building a factory in Montreal (1902). W. I. Ferris became vice-president in 1921 and contributed significantly to the Company's mission to achieve worldwide leadership. 1903 The success of WATERMAN was now complete. His pens were sold throughout the United States and Canada by an enthusiastic retail trade. A means of keeping the rapidly growing retail trade up-to-date became necessary. Hence the birth of "The Pen Prophet", so-called because of the "prophetic" nature of the invention. It was full of humor as well as sensible advice and information to sales representatives worldwide. Pump Filling System Also in 1903, WATERMAN introduced a pump-type filling system (created by W. I. Ferris) - one of the first models of its selffilling pens. It was filled by means of a piston operated from the end of the holder, and spared the user the inconvenience of filling by means of an eyedropper.

WATERMAN BRAND HISTORY 1904-1947 1904 On September 5th, Count Witte signed the Treaty of Portsmouth with a Regular N 18, which was then renamed "Portsmouth". WATERMAN introduced an exclusive feature - the Clip-Cap, which featured a securely rivetted clip. This simple feature was proved indispensable for those who carried pens in their pockets. 1907 1907 saw the arrival of one of WATERMAN's most sophisticated models : the "Safety Pen", so-called because it could be tightly sealed to prevent leakage. A retractable nib, when screwed back into the barrel sealed the ink inside the pen. In addition, as the nib was stored inside the barrel, it was protected and never dried out. Like «the Regular», this pen was filled by means of an eye-dropper. Regular. Self-fillers. And now Safety. All in a wide choice of decorations. A rich variety of pens for every need and every taste.

1908 Succeeding the "pump", a second generation of WATERMAN self-fillers, the "sleeve-type" was brought out in 1908. This was the first model to contain an ink sack. The pen was filled by pressing and releasing a metal bar (placed on top of the ink sack) which appeared when the sleeve on the barrel was slid down. 1910-1915 During this period, the giant Regular - the Number 20 - and the "smallest fountain pen in the world" - the "Doll Pen" - were introduced. The Doll Pen, a fully functioning model of mere 5 cm in length, served to demonstrate the craftsmen s skill of WATERMAN. In 1913, the Coin self-filler was developed - a new step further in the selffilling models. On this model, the sack was compressed by inserting a coin in a slit on the side of the barrel. 1913 This year marked the arrival of a great classic : the lever self-filler. This pen was equipped with a lever which pivoted in a metal housing inlaid in the pen barrel and compressed the bar on top of the sack. This metal housing was one of the superior features of WATERMAN lever-filler pens, since there was no danger of the lever pulling out of the barrel, as may happen when the lever is pinned directly on to the barrel. Like the earlier "Regular" and "Safety" models, the lever self-filler was available in 2 versions : standard (P.S.F.), and short vest length (V.P.S.F.). Over the next 30 years, this refill system was found on numerous and extremely diverse models.

1914 During World War I, Jules I. Fagard became the brand's agent in France. In England, the contract between WATERMAN and L. C. Hardtmuth was terminated and transfered to L. G. Sloan. 1917 The WATERMAN Company moved to 191 Broadway, New York. 1919 Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister, signed the Versailles Treaty on June 28th with an extraordinary gold-mounted WATERMAN pen. The King of Belgium (Albert I), the Queen of Romania, and even the Emperor of China also discovered the joy of writing with a WATERMAN pen. Fred Astaire, Suzanne Lenglen and Charles Lindbergh likewise used these fine writing instruments. This year, two new "giants" made their appearance : Safety N 48, and leverfiller N 58 which measured 20 cm and was equipped with nib N 8 that measured more than 4 cm in length. 1923 The era of giants continued with the Safety N 20 which measured 22.6 cm when open. As opposites attract, the Midget pen, a Safety pen measuring only 6.5 cm in length, was also introduced. 1926 Jules Fagard decided to create his own company, JIF WATERMAN, to manufacture WATERMAN pens in France.

1927 This year, C. Lindbergh used a Waterman pen on his historic transatlantic flight to mark the route on his maps. Launch of Series N 7. This fountain pen of marbled ebonite had a coloured ring on the cap which corresponded to a certain nib type, allowing the user to identify the nib without removing the cap. (The colour of the ring, such as "red" or "green", was also engraved on the nib). In France, Monsieur Perraud, a research worker for JIF-WATERMAN, invented the ink cartridge. It consisted of a small glass tube with a cork- stopper. This invention was not patented until 1936, but remained a JIF- WATERMAN exclusive for twenty years! JIF-WATERMAN built an ultra modern ink factory close to Paris at Issy-les-Moulineaux.

1928 Ebonite, which was available in black, red, or marbled (red and black), was joined by the "Two Tone" series : colourful pens of vulcanised hard rubber in the WATERMAN exclusive "ripple" style. In Rose Ripple, Olive Ripple, and Blue Green Ripple. 1929 The shapes and styling of pens had always kept up with the latest fashion. However, never before were they so beautiful as in the «Art Nouveau» era. WATERMAN pens were named in the same way as dresses from the top fashion houses : "The Patrician", "Lady Patricia" (1930). Alternatively they were given numbers like Chanel perfumes - "Number 5", "Number 7" or "Number 92". Pens were decorated with intricately engraved gold and silver bands engraved. Some customers had their coat of arms engraved on the cap. Colours became more subtle and sophisticated with such effects as "watered", "marbled", or "flecked", and holders which reproduced the details of precious stones such as "onyx", "agate", "pearl", and "turquoise", adorned the shop windows. Ladies' models were sold in individual silk pouches. The Patrician, launched in 1929, inaugurated the modern styling of fountain pens begun by the L. E. WATERMAN Company. Large and distinctive with rich precious stone effect and a fine gold pierced band around the base of the cap, the pen had an irresistible style that marked the «Art Nouveau» era. It became one of the greatest success stories in the history of the fountain pen. 1930 The "Lady Patricia", a ladies' version of the Patrician, with the same distinctive precious stone effect, was offered to female customers.

1933 A new "Tip Fill" feed was introduced. To fill the pen, instead of submerging the entire nib into the ink, this new feed meant that only the tip need be dipped. No ink touched the holder, which meant, no ink to clean off the grip of the pen, and no ink on the writer's fingers! 1935 WATERMAN U.S.A. retackled the idea of a visible ink level which had been started in 1925. 1936 In June 1936, JIF WATERMAN registered a cartridge pen design. When the cartridge, made of glass and cork-stopper, was inserted, the stopper was automatically "unplugged" by a cartridge piercer and the cartridge slid into a leak-proof mechanism inside the nib section. At long last, the old dream had been realized : to place a bottle of ink inside a fountain pen. 1939 WATERMAN introduced the "Hundred Year Pen", featuring a new streamline-shaped ribbed, transparent body in dazzling colours. To emphasize the quality of its production, The Hundred Year Pen came with WATERMAN guarantee for 100 years.

1942 During the war, "Commando", a lever-filler, was made available in the colours of the US Armed Forces. 1943 The post-war period was difficult for WATERMAN in America. Competition was becoming increasingly fierce. A poor administration was leading the company slowly but surely down the road of decline. In France, however, JIF- WATERMAN, now managed by the founder's widow, Madame Fagard, was adapting its products to the public's needs where ball points were becoming the fashion, and non-rechargable pens were starting to find their way into the shops. 1947 JIF-WATERMAN launched an audacious ball point pen: the "Panta-bille", with its four interchangeable colours.

WATERMAN BRAND HISTORY 1950-1989 1953 In America, the famous "CF" pen was born. Designed by a General Motors automobile stylist, it had the lines of a futuristic rocket ship, and a new-style clip with two arms. The nib section was streamlined and had a metal inlay which ran along the length of the section. The CF came in gold, silver, black and gold, and silver and gold. Later, it also became available in variety of chiselled finishes, as well as lacquers. There was also the "X Pen". Launched in 1953, the revolutionary model was filled by a system of absorption and came with a guarantee against leaks. 1954 The WATERMAN Company in the United States shut down its manufacturing facilities. Thus, JiF-WATERMAN became the only company in the world to produce "CF" pens, which turned out to be very successful in the market place and remained one of the company's top-range pens for 27 years. Plastic cartridges, instead of glass, were introduced for CF pens. For other models, plastic cartridges were made available in 1959. Another important innovation which was adopted worldwide. 1960 Under the inspired management of Madame Fagard, who surprised the business world by her professionalism and energy, JIF-WATERMAN became the largest of the companies trading under the WATERMAN brand. 1963 JiF-WATERMAN launched a new cartridge called the "Maxima".

1964 Madame Fagard died at the age of 82 and her daughter, Elsa Le Foyer, assumed control of the company. 1967 Most of the manufacturing operations moved to Saint-Herblain, close to Nantes, in Western France. 1969 Business worsened for WATERMAN. Baron Bich had acquired the tradename in the United States. And in Great Britain, WATERMAN had become more of a memory than a reality. JIF-WATERMAN was also experiencing some serious difficulties. This was the year when Francine Gomez, the grand-daughter of Madame Fagard, became the third generation of women to lead the company. Her inspired leadership was like a breath of fresh air which was shortly to transform the company. Soon after, JIF-WATERMAN began to introduce a magnificent collection of new models appealing to all tastes and all age groups. The revitalized French company started to create a solid network of agents in other countries. 1971 In 1971, "JIF-WATERMAN" became "WATERMAN S.A." (société anonyme) and bought back the trademark for the United States from Baron Bich. This was an important event in the history of the French industry. This year, WATERMAN also introduced the "Graduate", a schoolchildren's pen with a steel nib and flattened ends. The public was impressed and surprised by the new up-to-date line which quickly became a star in the company's collection. It has been copied the world over.

1972 WATERMAN S.A. bought back the tradename in Great Britain and the Commonwealth from Sovereign Royal Pencil Company. A new model named the "Concorde" won a gold medal at the Leipzig Fair in Germany. 1974 WATERMAN created a new pen called the "Gentleman". A pen of generous size with articulated clip, it was the gem of research in aesthetics undertaken by Francine Gomez and Alain Carré who worked together for four years on the design, style and material. 1975 On 11th June, WATERMAN was quoted on the Paris stock exchange for the first time. Sales had doubled in five years and WATERMAN had a turnover of FF 94 million of which FF 26 million were in exports. This year, after-tax profits were of FF 9 million, which represented an increase of 46% over the previous financial year. This year also saw the development and launch of the "Watermina", a retro pen inspired by the models of the thirties. The lacquered version in subdued feminine colours met with considerable success. 1978 The up-to-date facility at Saint-Herblain was equipped with the first industrial-scale lacquer workshops. The "Goutte" model was launched. Designed by Alain Carré, the Goutte had round ends and a ball-tipped articulated clip. A lacquered wrist watch, with the WATERMAN signature, also made an appearance.

1979-80 Launch of the "Master", a very sober, elegant model in refined lacquer finishes. The "Jif 22", a line of pens for schoolchildren of the twenty-first century, was launched. Another design by Alain Carré with a space-age shape in bright colors. Launch of the "Pierre Dure", a model based on the "Goutte" form and the "DG" clip. Dome-shaped semiprecious stones adorned both ends of the pen. 1982 WATERMAN S. A. introduced a new refined clip inspired by the famous "CF" clip. It soon became one of the hallmarks of WATERMAN. 1983 WATERMAN celebrated its One Hundredth Anniversary! The Company launched a fanfare advertising campaign called "Watermania"; but more importantly, it introduced a truly magnificent fountain pen called the "Man 100". This centenary writing instrument, still part of the current WATERMAN range, is truly a "state of the art" masterpiece. Of a classical beauty, this large and very impressive fountain pen is of unequalled quality, workmanship and mechanical design. Truly one of the best companions a fountain pen fancier could ever have! "For a hundred years, we have been professionals in the writing industry, nobody will argue with that", said Francine Gomez.

1987 WATERMAN became part of the Gillette group, an American international consumer goods company, which enabled the French company to accelerate its international expansion. This year was also marked by the long-awaited launch of 2 ladies' models. "Lady Elsa", with its gold-plated nib, embodied the style of the 1920's. It was made out of authentic material from the 1920's, and was adorned by a ringed cap which had been a popular feature during that period. Soon, Lady Elsa was joined by "Lady Patricia". Chiselled to capture the light, this pen sparkled with femininity. A precious combination of gold-plated metal and lacquer, the facets of the Lady Patricia glittered with every movement of the hand. Finished with a solid gold nib, Lady Patricia radiated glamour and poise. The end of 1987 marked the departure of Francine Gomez. She was succeeded by the Company's general manager, Jean Veillon.

WATERMAN BRAND HISTORY 1990 - TODAY 1992 A new chapter in the history of writing instruments was revealed to the world : launch of EDSON. The midnight blue barrel of this pen conceals a high performance feed system which regulates the ink flow : the EDSON does not leaks, even at high altitudes. With its futuristic design and elliptical shape, Edson is ranked today as the best fountain pen ever made. The initial EDSON in sapphire blue was joined by the Emerald Green in 1995 and Ruby Red in 1996. Waterman Advertising Campaign - 1996

1994 Waterman introduced Hémisphère. Universal, fluid and slim, with its bevelled cap button, and various finishes, Hémisphère combines technical brilliance with elegance. 1995 Launch of Préface. Available in 23 K gold plated, silver plated, or four subtle lacquer shades, Préface symbolises the spirit which for more than a century has characterised WATERMAN. Waterman Advertising Campaign - 1996

1996 Launch of L ETALON. Contemporary and innovative in design, this line has yet all the characteristics of a Waterman classic. In rich lustrous lacquer finishes or in precious metal versions, adorned with its unique curved clip, and the distinctive gold plated cap crown with lacquer filled button, it is an introduction to the "world of luxury writing instruments" This year was also marked by the introduction of the WATERMAN limited edition "Waterman signé Boucheron" - the fruit of a perfect union between two prestigious French names, WATERMAN, and one of the most celebrate jewellers of Place Vendôme, Alain Boucheron. Born of a shared passion for beautiful objects, the "Waterman signé Boucheron" represents much more than a limited edition. In the eyes of a collector, this exquisite piece of jewellery marks the alliance of two great names, who through their strong mutual links, were destined to come together. Only 3741 pieces were created, the number equalling the sum of the dates of the founding years for Waterman and Boucheron. A new line, PHILEAS, with an distinctive cigar ring and an "Art Déco" look, was also introduced this year.

1997 Waterman introduced Carène. The purity of its powerful form design gives Carène a highly contemporary look whilst paying homage to famous Waterman classics such as the EDSON and the CF. 1998 Launch of a special edition : the MAN NIGHT & DAY. MAN NIGHT & DAY is not only the satisfaction of owning an object of distinction but also the pleasure of rediscovering the beauty of a striking overlay motif from the Twenties. Created out of MAN, the expression of the brand's 100 years of "savoir-faire", the MAN NIGHT & DAY is clothed in a chiselled "night and day" overlay, in gold plated or silver plated, which was first introduced in the 20's by WATERMAN.

This year is also marked by the introduction of LIAISON : a synthesis of the spirit of elegance, which has been the hallmark of all its models, and the technological excellence born from a century of savoir-faire. The flowing silhouette of the pen is accentuated by deeply engraved coiled rings and the double thread clip that merge into a golden line encircling the cap. But over and above its pure aesthetic line, LIAISON has been designed to enhance the magical ritual of "refilling" for the fountain pen and rollerball, by a new refill exchange system, inspired by that of the Safety pen created by WATERMAN in 1900. The pleasure of writing is greatly increased by this different method of refilling, a new ritual to be appreciated by pen lovers the world over. LIAISON is presented in a deep black resin finish and a 18 K gold two tone nib which enhance the pen's elegance. 1999 In a remarkable homage to its predecessors, LIAISON is arrayed in ebonite. This natural and living material makes of each pen a unique and authentic object. Two veined colours (Brown-Black and Orange-Black), evoking the grain of precious woods, are added to the rich black finish.

SÉRÉNITÉ 1999, WATERMAN creates SÉRÉNITÉ, a magnificent objet d'art that stretches boundaries of design and set new standards for the future. "... As the millenium falls away, a new pen stands tall." Since 1883, when Lewis Edson Waterman refused to accept the fact that pens could only work poorly, the company that bears his name makes each writing instrument an object of wonder. At the most advanced stage of its evolution, the SÉRÉNITÉ pen does what no other pen has dared do before: it stands upright. It stands upright open, it stands upright closed and reinvigorates writing with a new strength. This is why W A T E R M A N is engraved on the nib. Upright. Lewis Edson Waterman would have approved as will all those with creative minds. Lying down brings mere sleep ; standing the greatest dreams come true.

WATERMAN BRAND HISTORY 2001-2008 2001 WATERMAN joined SANFORD, a division of NEWELL RUBBERMAID. As one of NEWELL RUBBERMAID s largest divisions, SANFORD stands as an international leader in the writing instrument and art supplies industries with an impressive collection of brands such as SHARPIE, BEROL, REYNOLDS, EBERHARD FABER, ROTRING, PAPERMATE, PARKER, WATERMAN etc This year, WATERMAN created the CHARLESTON line. Its design expresses nostalgia for the past, awaraness of the present and a vision of the future, thus combining the WATERMAN heritage with the steadfastly creative spirit of the brand. In Mid 2001, the journey continues with HARLEY-DAVIDSON and WATERMAN COMBUSTION, the third creation born of the partnership between the 2 legendary brands, is created. October 2008

2002 WATERMAN introduced SÉRÉNITÉ BOIS a limited edition of 3000 unique examples. SÉRÉNITÉ BOIS is made of a wood called Cocobolo - a rare and highly prized wood for its exquisite colour and its exotic patterning. 2003 10 years ago, EDSON revolutionized the fine writing industry. In 2003, EDSON changed its gown to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Waterman brand. Launched in a limited edition, the product was created to help to build brand image and values: creativity, elegance and modernity through the exceptional design of the pen and its association with a contemporary and precious solid silver finish. A new line, AUDACE, was also introduced this year and embodied the innovative spirit of the Waterman brand. AUDACE is a product for fashion conscious women, interested and influenced in the trends that evolve around them. A dedicated website was developed: www.waterman-audace.com October 2008

2004 The launch of EXCEPTION broke new boundaries in design and craftsmanship. EXCEPTION: a striking new square shape, absolute refinement and unequivocal craftsmanship touch revolutionary territories of luxury, desire and self-expression. A dedicated website was developed: www.waterman-exception.com Exception was created in two versions: A large version: Ideal Black finish and Night & Day line A slimmer version: Slim line 2005 The SERENITE Collection d Art is an outstanding series of four ultra luxury objets d art inspired by the world s beauty and in homage to its four elements: Eau - Air - Feu - Terre The Sérénité Collection d Art travelled from Paris to London to New York and onwards around the globe and was exhibited in famous Art Galleries and Museums. October 2008

Launch of a special edition, ICI&LA Crystal, with 5 translucent Swarovski crystals on the cap ring. 2006 This year was marked by the introduction of the EXPERT City Line, an exclusively masculine line. The new finishes Urban Silver & Brown are a very modern interpretation of decorated pens. Launch of a special edition: CARENE Islands Sand and Lagoon finishes. October 2008

"EXCEPTION: the ultimate prestigious pen" Waterman introduced EXCEPTION Precious Metals in Solid Gold and Sterling Silver. Launch of a new advertising campaign more fashionable and colourful Waterman signe votre élégance October 2008

2007 WATERMAN crafted two square-cut jewels of rare beauty and brilliant modernity, EXCEPTION The Marks of Time, a Limited Edition in Vermeil and Sterling Silver from the natural source of creative luxury for discerning people, moved by luxurious, creative objects of pure and contemporary design that shine with emotion and refinement. WATERMAN launched colourful finishes: EXCEPTION Slim Red & Green HEMISPHERE Shimmery Colours EXPERT Urban Smart Blue & Brown EDSON Diamond Black Expression of new luxury WATERMAN brings its signature style to a new advertising campaign and redefines the modern art of seduction. As it is moving more and more up market, the brand needs to enhance its luxurious and prestigious positioning to further develop its high end offer such as Exception, Sérénité and Edson and its forthcoming development with accessories October 2008

2008 This year, WATERMAN celebrated 125 years of creativity, innovation and craftsmanship. On this special occasion, the brand launched a luxurious limited edition EDSON 125 ans, a subtle alchemy between lacquer and metal. A new line, PERSPECTIVE, was also introduced. Inspired from architectural trends, PERSPECTIVE is an expressive and elegant vision of modernity. The ideal pen for cosmopolitan and design conscious city dwellers that are always on the move. WATERMAN cruises into spring with Carène in prestigious pink gold: a modern, seductive finish created in the light of new luxury. This new CARENE Pink Gold Meridians finish leads the Carène line. October 2008

TODAY After 125 years, WATERMAN is one of the world's largest writing instrument manufacturers. In 1967, when JIF-WATERMAN established itself in Nantes, the factory measured 17,000 m2 and housed some 500 workers. Today, staff numbers have increased to over 500 and the factory to 25,000 m2. In the intervening years, WATERMAN has expanded its prestigious product range, and its reputation has spread throughout the world. Today, with 17,000 sales outlets of which 10,000 are abroad, WATERMAN manufactures fountain, ballpoint, roller ball, and fibre tip pens, as well as propelling pencils, all refillable items. All WATERMAN inks, bottled or in cartridge form, are also produced at the factory in Nantes. The range spans from a retail price of 12 to 10 000. In a variety of materials, colours, designs and styles, each WATERMAN pen provides a high quality performance that allows the personality of the owner to shine through. Renowned for its manufacturing quality and the beauty of its product range, WATERMAN is committed to pursuing its role as the creator of dreams and of writing pleasure. October 2008