漫步在曼哈顿的街道上, 每个人都梦想着能在纽约市拥有属于自己的片砖薄瓦 不管你是爱上纽约市的观光客, 还是毕业后决定落脚大苹果市发展的学生, 曼哈顿的房市堪称全球最令人振奋且惊艳的地产市场 在你坠入拥有纽约地产的浪漫美梦之前, 最好稍事退一步, 抱持着一颗清醒的脑袋, 去了解该市房产交易的运作实况

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漫步在曼哈顿的街道上, 每个人都梦想着能在纽约市拥有属于自己的片砖薄瓦 不管你是爱上纽约市的观光客, 还是毕业后决定落脚大苹果市发展的学生, 曼哈顿的房市堪称全球最令人振奋且惊艳的地产市场 在你坠入拥有纽约地产的浪漫美梦之前, 最好稍事退一步, 抱持着一颗清醒的脑袋, 去了解该市房产交易的运作实况 对初次有意购屋的首购族而言, 最重要的工作就是 : 找一位了解纽约市房产景况 且明白中国买家一般需求及偏好的仲介, 由他先为你从目不遐给的众多建案中筛选出适合你心意的房产 在亚洲的房市交易里, 一般都习惯只用一位既代表买方 亦代表卖方的仲介, 这位仲介向买卖双方都领取佣金 城镇房地产公司的职员卫彼得说道 在美国, 买方的仲介则是将稍早与卖方仲介同意的佣金一分为二, 也就是说, 买方毋须支付佣金, 他顺理成章就拥有一位免费的仲介 传统上来说, 仲介佣金大抵是百分之六, 由买卖双方的仲介平分 当然这个百分之六的成数是可以协商的, 仲介有时愿意在高成交价的个案中接受成数稍低的佣金费 EVERYONE DREAMS ABOUT OWNING A PART OF NEW YORK CITY, to walk the streets of Manhattan and call it your own. Whether you are a visitor who has fallen in love with the city, or a student who has decided to settle down in the Big Apple, the real estate market is one of the most exciting and breathtaking in the world. Before you get too caught up in the romanticism of owning property in New York City, it's best to take a step back and approach the process with a cool head and some knowledge of how real estate transactions work in the City. For starters, it's important to fi nd an agent that understands the real estate market, the needs and wants of Chinese buyers, who can help you fi lter the numerous listings and to fi nd suitable properties. Customarily in Asia, there is only one broker involved in real estate transactions representing both the seller and the buyer and the broker takes commission from both sides explains Peter Wei of Town Real Estate. A buyer's broker in the US splits the previously agreed commission with the seller's broker, which means that having a buyer's broker is completely free to the buyer. Traditionally, the broker's commission has always been around 6%, split evenly down the middle between the buyer's and seller's brokers. This number is negotiable. 84 SPRING 2012

买方实际的研究通常都从一些基本的地理环境开始 以观光客之姿探访一个城市, 与真正想购屋落户, 这原本就是两码事 人们很需要去了解纽约市各区块的独特人文特质 我大多会先行让他们知道纽约市的几个重要分区 比方 : 东区 西区 璀贝卡区 雀而喜区及格林威治村等 郝斯泰德房产连琐店的执行副总裁珍吉安说道 由于各区域各自拥有不同风格的建筑, 我也会向客户解释战前与战后建筑的区别所在 战前建筑指的是二次世界大战前所建, 这类建筑的特质是 : 房间较大 木质地板 挑高天花板, 但缺乏现代居家的时尚附属设备 大多数现代新式建筑都备有极符合养生或健身的各种设施如健身房 三温暖 电影室或什至供所有住户共用的大冷藏库 俾便住户下班后, 踏入冷藏库内取回稍早向超市预定专送到府的食材杂货等 The actual search usually begins with some basic geography lessons. Visiting a neighborhood as a tourist and actually living there are two different things. it's essential to understand the unique characteristics that define areas within New York City. I mostly educate them regarding different areas in Manhattan, like Eastside, Westside, Tribeca, Chelsea, and the Village etc said Jane Tjian, Executive VP of Halstead Property. Since each zone also has distinct styles of residential buildings, I also explain to them the difference between prewar and postwar buildings. Pre-war buildings are defined as buildings built before World War II, which feature larger rooms, wood floors, and higher ceilings, but lack modern day amenities. Most modern day new constructions are loaded to the brim with amenities, such as gyms, spas, movie rooms, or even a shared walk-in freezer to receive grocery deliveries. 86 SPRING 2012

一旦你决定了欲购买之区域, 接着就是该了解选项中有独立产权的公寓与股份式住宅之间的差异 在曼哈顿的房地产市场, 可供购买的公寓约有七成属于股份式住宅 ; 三成为独立产权公寓 这些建筑从外观看, 容或相似, 但其购买程序及有关地产的后续管理维护, 则有天壤之别 以外行人的辞汇来说, 一栋有独立产权的公寓与中国佬传统的置产概念极为贴近 : 你付一个单位的钱, 你就拥有它, 然后持有一份地契 大多数纽约市新建筑皆属独立产权的公寓型态 股份式住宅的买者基本上是不具所有权的, 而是拥有该建筑所有权的部分股份 股份式住宅一般都比独立产权公寓便宜, 但有很多限制 郝斯泰德房产连琐店的助理仲介易杰夫解释道 他们对股份式住宅的潜在购屋者的现金存款 所受的赠予款项 个人收入 临时备用住所等都有很严苛的要求 这些限制的发想系为确保住户拥有良好居住环境, 但对新买家而言, 常会因此而退避三舍 事实上, 潜在买家还需通过股份式住宅董事会的访谈 妥善填具所谓 董事会审批文件夹 内的各种表格, 包括股份式住宅管理公司所设计的购买申请书 一份有关个人财务申告的签名书 个人向联邦政府申报所得税至少二至三年的纪录 银行财力证明 仲介评语及有力人士之推荐信等 这些对国外新买家而言, 恐怕都是难以横越的吓阻障碍 不过, 话又说回来, 如果你相中的是沿着中央公园西翼的 Central Park West 第五大道或公园大道上那些大器优雅的战前建筑, 它们几乎清一色属于股份式住宅 设若你最终能通过那些股份式住宅董事会的首肯而入住其间, 则常被视为是项极高的荣誉呢 Once you've decided on a general neighborhood, it's time to understand the difference between a condominium (condo) and a cooperative (co-op). In the Manhattan real estate market, apartments for purchase are roughly 70% co-op and 30 % condo. While buildings may look the same from the outside, the buying process and ongoing management of these property types are quite different. In layman's terms, a condo building matches the traditional Chinese concept of buying property: you pay for a unit and now you own it and receive a deed for this property. Most of the new constructions in the city are in the form of condos. With a co-op you do not actually own the real estate. Instead, you own stocks representing shares of ownership in the building. Co-ops are generally cheaper than condos but have a lot of restrictions explains Jeff Yi, Associate Broker at Halstead Properties. They also have strict requirements regarding cash reserve, gift money, income, pied-a-terre, etc. These restrictions are designed to foster a good environment for the residents, but could be slightly intimidating for new buyers. In fact, co -ops require board approval of potential buyers through an interview process. Buyers must complete what's known as a Board Package, which usually includes a purchase application (provided by the co-op managing company), signed fi nancial statement, 2-3 years federal tax returns, bank statements, brokerage statements, reference letters. For new buyers from overseas, this could be a daunting hurdle. However, if you're in the market for the prime pre-war buildings along Central Park West, 5th Ave, or Park Ave., almost all of them are co-op buildings. Getting approved by the board at these buildings is often considered a badge of honor. 88 SPRING 2012

独立产权公寓与股份式住宅的另一项差别是在大楼管理维修费及地产税上 前者的地产税直接交付给纽约市, 因为独立产权公寓的所有者就是你个人 但股份式住宅是整体被评估的, 因此由管理团队去支付房地产税, 个体户则按股分的多寡依比例分摊, 但基本上这一款项都已包含在每个月缴交的管理维修费中 为了鼓励建商多开发新的独立产权公寓及股份式住宅, 纽约市政府推出 421a 地产税减免计画, 供新购屋者享受初期十年极低的税金优惠 Another difference between condos and co-ops is the maintenance fees (also known as common charges) and real estate taxes. In a condo, real estate taxes are paid directly to the City, since you are the owner of the property. In a co -op, the building is assessed as a whole and the co-op pays the real estate taxes. The owner, as a shareholder, is then charged a percentage of the taxes. This amount is typically included in the monthly maintenance bill. To encourage the development of new condos and co-ops, the New York City government has a 421a tax abatement program for new buyers which lowers the initial tax burden for 10 years. 90 SPRING 2012

一旦你琐定了欲购之标的, 在签约之前, 得先上演一出数字拉踞之戏码 在我的经验里, 中国人一向很擅于讨价还价 保德信道格拉斯艾里曼房产公司的罗伦迪尼洛匹佛说道, 这个对你而言, 可以是优点, 也可以是缺点 别犯出价过低的错误, 因为卖家会认为你不够诚意, 因此可能会使你错失一笔好的交易 另外还有一项常有的错误认知是 : 卖家同意买方出价后, 买方过于笃定地以为大事底定 保德信道格拉斯艾里曼房产公司总经理贾姬德普里兹琪提醒说 : 有些买家以为如果对方已接受我的出价, 置产之事便告底定, 殊不知纽约市口头承诺是不算数的, 在白纸黑字签约之前, 是完全没有拘束力的 换言之, 这时买方该采取积极态度, 将相关文件签妥才算定案 通常当签约时, 买主要付房价百分之十的签约金, 其余百分之九十则在交屋时付清 根据易先生说, 虽然大多数华人都是现金交易, 办理房屋贷款并非不可能 外国人办房贷是比较困难些, 但也有些银行愿意贷款给外国人, 一般而言, 外国买主至少要付百分之四十自付款 如果你打算全用现金, 请务必注意政府对汇款的限制, 以免误了大事 如果是透过一位常替华人买卖房屋的有经验的仲介, 这方面他应可提供不少建议, 就在这期间, 你最好也聘请一位房地产律师来协助交屋时的所有契约文件, 你的仲介应该认识不少擅于为国际买家服务的律师, 不妨请他推荐一二位作参考 Once you've set your sights on a property, it's time to make a deal through the numerical tug-of-war. In my experience, Chinese buyers tend to be very strong negotiators, notes Lauren De Niro Pipher of Prudential Douglas Elliman. This can work for and against you. Don't make the mistake of too low an opening bid as sellers won't take the offer seriously so you'll risk losing the deal. Another common misconception is what to expect after the seller agrees to your offer. Jacky Teplitzky, Managing Director of Pru- dential Douglas Elliman notes that some buyers think if they have an accepted offer it is a done deal, but it is not the case in NYC where the offers are verbal: not signed and not binding. This is the time to work aggressively and get the paperwork signed. Normally, when you sign the contract, buyers need to pay 10% of the purchase price and the remaining 90% at closing. While most Chinese buyers are all cash, according to Mr. Yi, getting fi nancing is not an impossible task. Getting fi nancing is indeed tougher for foreign nationals but some banks offer fi nancing to foreign buyers. In general, foreign buyers have to put down at least 40% down payment. If your plan is to pay with all cash, keep in mind any government imposed wire fund limitations, so that the deal does not get delayed. A broker with significant experience working with Chinese buyers can be quite resourceful in this matter. This would also be a great time to retain a real estate attorney to help you sort out the legalese at closing. Your broker should have many great recommendations on attorneys that specialize in international buyers. 92 SPRING 2012

在签约过户前十分重要的一步就是安排勘验房屋 勘验的过程可让买主有最后的机会来检查公寓是否仍有问题, 并要求卖方在过户前做适当的修补 对新建物而言, 勘验较为简单, 可由买方自己来做 带一个电子测量器查一下每个插座, 试一下冷热水, 检查空调冷气 洗衣 / 烘干机 冰箱和烤箱 同时注意墙上的油漆和地板有没被工人搬运工具进出时刮伤 老公寓的勘验就比较复杂些, 最好请你的仲介推荐一位专业勘验师来执行 签约的大日子终于到了, 你的律师和仲介应该己把你要签名的文件都准备好了 我最后的忠告就是 : 带一枝墨水流畅的笔, 准备签一堆名字吧! 当一切手续都完成了, 拿好新家门钥匙, 开始做一名快乐的纽约客吧 One critical step prior to closing the deal is to schedule an inspection. The inspection process allows the buyer a fi nal opportunity to check for any problems with the apartment and to ask the seller to make necessary repairs before closing. For new construction, the inspection process is easier and can be done by the buyer. Bring an electronic device to check the outlets, run the water (hot and cold), and test out the appliances including air conditioning, washer/dryer, fridge and ovens. Also, make sure that there are no scratches on the wall paint or cracks in the flooring and counter-tops left by the contractors when they move their tools and equipment out. For older apartments, the inspections are generally more complicated. Consult your agent for recommendations for hiring a professional home inspector. Come the day of closing, your attorney and broker should have sorted out all the paperwork for you to sign. My fi nal piece of advice: bring a nice pen for signing your name many times. When it's all done, grab your keys, and you may start calling yourself a New Yorker. 94 SPRING 2012

- 纽约购置房地产流程 - 1. 规划你的预算 区域 空间大小以及选定要互助式住宅或独立产权公寓 ; 2. 搜寻物件 : 找个仲介替你寻找理想的房地产, 或上网及透过主要刋物搜寻 ; 3. 看房 : 勤于四处跑动, 到现场实地看一下, 眼见为凭 ; 4. 与卖方的仲介谈判, 出手要狠, 但也要务实 ; 5. 聘请房地产专业律师协助准备签约的文件 ; 6. 签约 : 记住口头约定是没有拘束力的, 一切以书面为准 ; 7. 确保资金无虞 : 如果要申请房贷, 银行会要求一份财力评鉴报告 ; 8. 股份式住宅 : 要妥善填具 董事会审批文件夹 内要求的各种表格并通过面谈, 在签约前应去检查一下屋况 ; 9. 完成交易 : 应有买卖两造及双方律师在场 ; 10. 迁入 : 享受纽约客的生活吧! ~NEW YORK PROPERTY BUYING PROCESS~ 1. Plan your budget, neighborhood, desired property size, and choose between co-op or condo. 2. Search for the properties. Hire an agent to help you find ideal properties or search online and via major publications. 3. Visit properties - Do the leg work and visit the properties. Sometimes you have to see for yourself. 4. Negotiate with the seller's agent. Be aggressive but realistic. 5. Hire real estate attorney to assist with paperwork of signing the deal and closing. 6. Sign the deal. Remember verbal commitments are not binding till signed. 7. Secure the funds or financing. Banks will request an appraisal report if you plan to get a mortgage. 8. For Coops, prepare board package and interview. Schedule inspection of the unit before closing. 9. Closing. Attended by the buyer, seller, and attorneys representing both sides. 10. Move in and enjoy life as new New Yorker. 96 SPRING 2012