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TAIWAN LITERATURE English Translation Series, No. 24 Editors Kuo-ch ing Tu and Robert Backus Guest Editor Terence C. Russell Contributors 李福清 Boris Riftin 霍斯陸曼. 伐伐 Husluman Vava 李亦園 Li Yih-yuan 小川尚義 Ogawa Naoyoshi 李壬癸 Paul Jen-kuei Li 浦忠成 Pu Chung-cheng 土田滋 Shigeru Tsuchida 夏本奇伯愛雅 Siyapenjipeaya 孫大川 Sun Ta-ch uan 鈴木作太郎 Suzuki Sakutarō 陳萬春 Tan Ban Chun 羅德仁 Terence C. Russell 曾建次 Tseng Chien-tsi 亞榮隆. 撒可努 Yaronglong Sakinu 游霸士. 撓給赫 Yubas Naogih Translators Colleen Berry Rosemary Haddon Jennifer Jay William Lee Terence C. Russell Scott Simon Darryl Sterk

Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series, No. 24 ISSN 1097-5845 Copyright 2009 The Publishers of this journal gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan, R.O.C. Editorial control of Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series is the sole responsibility of the Forum for the Study of World Literatures in Chinese and the Regents of the University of California. Forum for the Study of World Literatures in Chinese The Interdisciplinary Humanities Center University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA Voice Mail: (805) 893-5101 Fax: (805) 893-3011 Publication of the Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series was made possible by the support, here gratefully acknowledged, of the Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yüan, Republic of China, as well as the College of Letters and Science and the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California, Santa Barbara. Raelynn Moy, Anna Lin, and Isaac Wang are

responsible for the editorial review, word processing, design, and production of the volume.

台灣文學英譯叢刊第二十四集選目 Contents 前言 : 台灣原住民的神話與傳說... xiii Kuo-ch'ing Tu 杜國清 Introduction: The Mythology and Oral Literature of Taiwan s Indigenous Peoples... xxiii Terence C. Russell 羅德仁 Critiques The Realm of Myth 神話的意境... 3 Li Yih-yuan 李亦園 Taiwan History and the Indigenous People 台灣史與原住民... 9 Sun Ta-ch uan 孫大川 Translated by Rosemary Haddon Massey University, New Zealand

Fiction A) Shared Myths The Great Flood 洪水滅世, 人類祖先... 17 Tseng Chien-tsi 曾建次 Kingdom of Women Folk Story of the Amis of Hualien 女人國... 19 Narrated by Wang Jincun Translated by Rosemary Haddon Massey University, New Zealand The Young Girl and the Dog Folk Story of the Amis of Hualien 少女和狗... 21 Narrated by Pan Jinshui Translated by Rosemary Haddon Massey University, New Zealand The Creation of the World 創世神話... 23 Suzuki Sakutarō 鈴木作太郎 Translated into Chinese by Tan Ban Chun

B) Cultural Identity and Continuity The Story of the Alikakay (in 3 Parts) 阿拉嘎蓋的故事三則... 27 Narrated by Li Laiwang, Zhou Jilong, Tian Meihua Father of Humankind Halus 人 的父親 哈路斯... 35 Boris Riftin 李福清 Narrated by Kagi Suyan (Li Jinming) Translated by Rosemary Haddon Massey University, New Zealand Encountering Three Ghosts While Inspecting the Trap 巡獵吊中道三鬼... 39 Boris Riftin 李福清 Narrated by Watan Nabu(Su Ajin) Translated by Rosemary Haddon Massey University, New Zealand Why We Do Not Kill the Crow A Rukai Story 為甚麼我們不打烏鴉... 45 Narrated by Liang Jinglong The Pairang and the Hunter A Puyuma Story 壞人與獵人... 49 Tseng Chien-tsi 曾建次 Narrated by You Wuji (Appra)

The Brothers Who Turned into a Bear and a Leopard Rukai Legend 變成豹和熊的兄弟... 53 Narrated by Liang Meiying Headhunting 獵人頭... 57 Suzuki Sakutarō 鈴木作太郎 Translated into Chinese by Tan Ban Chun Monkeys 猿... 61 Ogawa Naoyoshi 小川尚義 Translated by William Lee Saipaharaharan サイパハラハラン... 61 Ogawa Naoyoshi 小川尚義 Translated by William Lee The Virgin and the Deer 処女と鹿... 63 Ogawa Naoyoshi 小川尚義 Translated by William Lee

C) Legends and Myths as History When the Dutch Came to Tunluo 荷蘭人到屯落... 69 Tseng Chien-tsi 曾建次 Narrated by Wang Meimei ( Varikai) Translated by Jennifer Jay University of Alberta, Canada The Religions of the Zhiben Tribe 知本部落的宗教... 71 Tseng Chien-tsi 曾建次 Narrated by Chen Dazhi (Ameng VaLyus) Translated by Jennifer Jay University of Alberta, Canada The Origin of the Chinese Custom of Collecting Bones for Reinterment 漢人拾骨葬的由來... 71 Narrated by Wang Jincun Translated by Jennifer Jay University of Alberta, Canada Strange Tales of Fights among the Fanshe Tribes 蕃社間的鬥爭異聞... 73 Suzuki Sakutarō 鈴木作太郎 Translated into Chinese by Tan Ban Chun Translated by Jennifer Jay University of Alberta, Canada D) Contemporary Myths and Legends The Great King of Monkey 猴子大王... 79 Yaronglong Sakinu 亞榮隆. 撒可努 Translated by Jennifer Jay

University of Alberta, Canada The Hunting Dog Who Talked Too Much 多話的烈犬... 85 Husluman Vava 霍斯陸曼. 伐伐 A Duel Between a Man and the Demons 凡人與魔鬼的決鬥... 91 Siyapenjipeaya 夏本奇伯愛雅 Translated by Terence Russell Essays Lhikolao! Where Art Thou? 哩咕烙! 禰在那裡?... 101 Auvinni Kadreseng 奧威尼. 卡露斯 Translated by Terence Russell Poetry Introducing an Atayal Song About Mothers 介紹一首泰雅母親謠... 113 Song of the Hunting Musket Rite 祭獵槍之歌... 119

On the Disquieting Loss of Thao Ritual Tradition 邵族耕種對唱歌謠... 120 Thao Pestle Pounding Song 邵族杵歌... 121 Contented on the Lake 湖中喜悅... 122 Harvest Joy 豐收樂... 123 Translated by Terence Russell Love Songs 愛情歌謠三首... 124 Three Pazih Songs 巴宰族歌謠三首... 126 Paul Jen-kuei Li / Shigeru Tsuchida 李壬癸 / 土田滋 Translated by Terence Russell

The Beckoning Hand of Mount Papak Stories of the Atayal 大霸尖山的招手... 131 Yubas Naogih 游霸士. 撓給赫 Translated by Terence Russell Studies The Connection between Myth and Social Change: a Truku Example 神話與社會變遷的關聯 : 以太魯閣族為例... 135 Pu Chung-cheng 浦忠成 Translated by Scott Simon University of Ottawa, Canada Notes on Translators... 159 Subscription Form... 155