A Wet World: Living in Water FEEDING» What adaptations help animals eat in water? Find two animals with different adaptations for underwater feeding.

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A Dry World: Living in the Desert Every living thing needs water. What adaptations help desert animals survive with very little water? Find adaptations for living in dry environments. Get clues by looking at animals and reading information in the Water Planet exhibit. Remember that an adaptation can be a part of the animal s body OR a behavior. Describe two different adaptations and explain how they help the animal survive in a dry environment. Describe and explain. Describe and explain. WATER PLANET Animal Adaptation Scavenger Hunt An adaptation is a structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in its environment. In the Water Planet exhibit, you will find some animals that live surrounded by water and other animals that live with very little water. Discover and explore the adaptations that help these animals survive in wet or dry environments. Name Date

A Wet World: Living in Water FEEDING» What adaptations help animals eat in water? Find two animals with different adaptations for underwater feeding. Draw the animals, label the adaptations, and explain how they help the animal eat. Draw. Draw. Explain. Explain. MOVING» What adaptations help animals move in water? Find two animals with different adaptations for underwater movement. Draw the animals, label the adaptations, and explain how they help the animals move. Draw. Draw. Explain. Explain.

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Un mundo árido: vivir en el desierto Todos los organismos vivos necesitan agua. Qué adaptaciones ayudan a los animales del desierto a sobrevivir con muy poca agua? Busca las adaptaciones para vivir en ambientes áridos. Obtén una pista observando a los animales y leyendo la información en la exhibición Water Planet (Planeta acuático). Recuerda que una adaptación puede ser una parte del cuerpo O un comportamiento del animal. Describe dos adaptaciones distintas y explica cómo ayudan al animal a sobrevivir en un ambiente árido. Describe y explica. Describe y explica. PLANETA ACUÁTICO Búsqueda de las adaptaciones de los animales Una adaptación es una estructura o un comportamiento que ayuda a un organismo a sobrevivir en su medio ambiente. En la exhibición Water Planet (Planeta acuático), encontrarás algunos animales que viven rodeados de agua y otros animales que viven con muy poca agua. Descubre y explora las adaptaciones que ayudan a estos animales a sobrevivir en ambientes húmedos o áridos. Nombre Fecha

Un mundo húmedo: vivir en el agua ALIMENTACIÓN» Qué adaptaciones ayudan a los animales a comer en el agua? Descubre dos animales con diferentes adaptaciones para la alimentación debajo del agua. Dibuja los animales, identifica las adaptaciones y explica cómo ayudan a que el animal coma. Dibuja. Dibuja. Explica. Explica. DESPLAZAMIENTO» Qué adaptaciones ayudan a los animales a desplazarse en el agua? Descubre dos animales con diferentes adaptaciones para el movimiento debajo del agua. Dibuja los animales, identifica las adaptaciones y explica cómo ayudan a que el animal se mueva. Dibuja. Dibuja. Explica. Explica.

Animal Adaptation Scavenger Hunt GRADE LEVELS 3 rd -8 th ; California Content Standards for 3 rd SUBJECTS Life Sciences DURATION Preparation: 10 minutes Activity: 30 minutes SETTING Water Planet Exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences Objectives Through this scavenger hunt, students will: 1. learn about adaptations that help animals survive in underwater habitats or desert habitats. 2. observe examples of aquatic animals and desert animals. 3. record observations using drawings and words. Materials Animal Adaptation Scavenger Hunt (one copy per student) pencils (one per student) optional: clipboards (one per student) Vocabulary adaptation: a structure or behavior that increases an organism s chance of surviving and reproducing in a particular environment. Teacher Background The Water Planet Exhibit in the Aquarium displays some animals that live surrounded by water and some animals that live with very little water. Different parts of the exhibit highlight different adaptations that help the animals deal with the challenges of their particular habitat. Look for signs high on the walls to see what theme is being highlighted in each section of the exhibit. Adaptations for reproduction, movement, feeding, defense, and sensing are featured for animals in underwater environments. The desert section focuses on adaptations for survival in areas where water is scarce. The interior pages of this scavenger hunt guide students to focus on adaptations for feeding and moving underwater. While students should start by looking in the Feeding and Moving sections of the exhibit, they should also feel free to use animals from other sections as examples. The back page focuses on adaptations for survival in dry environments. The questions on that page will be best answered in the Precious Little Water section of the exhibit. Activity Preparation 1. Make copies of the Animal Adaptation Scavenger Hunt. Teacher and Student Services, 2010 1

Animal Adaptation Scavenger Hunt Introduction Clearly define the word adaptation for your students. Explain that an adaptation is a structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in its environment. Provide a few examples and ask your students to think of other examples. Explain that you will be visiting an exhibit where you will see some animals that live surrounded by water and other animals that live with very little water. Have students brainstorm adaptations that might help animals survive in each of these situations. Go over the questions on the scavenger hunt with your students and make sure they understand what they will be doing. Remind your students to be careful not to drop or lose their pencils, clipboards, or scavenger hunts while they are exploring the exhibits. Be especially cautious with these items around open-top tanks. Objects that fall into the tanks could be harmful to the animals! Go over the scavenger hunt questions with your adult chaperones ahead of time and make sure they are familiar with the activity and vocabulary. Procedure 1. Take your students into the Water Planet Exhibit, located in the Aquarium on the Lower Level. (Note that this exhibit can get crowded on busy days; you may want to bring only a small group of students into the area at a time.) 2. Orient students to the layout of the exhibit. Show them where the exhibit begins and ends. 3. Allow time for students to explore, observe, and answer the questions on the scavenger hunt. Wrap-Up Discuss the adaptations that your students observed in the exhibit. Ask students to share examples of adaptations that they drew or wrote about, and to explain how each adaptation helps the animal survive. Correlated California Content Standards Grade Three Life Science 3. Adaptations in physical structure or behavior may improve an organism s chance for survival. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know plants and animals have structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction. b. Students know examples of diverse life forms in different environments, such as oceans, deserts, tundra, forests, grasslands, and wetlands. Teacher and Student Services, 2010 2