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in the heart of Lisbon

Content 0 0 Lisbon Vibrant Cosmopolitan 09 Portugal Overview 0 Lisbon Streets Rodrigo da Fonseca ( RF ) 0 Lisbon Prime Locations Finishing and Materials 0

Lisbon Vibrant Cosmopolitan The radiant city of Lisbon, renowned for its warmth, its sunlight, and for how its majestic river reflects its mesmerising historic beauty, has become one of the world s must-visit city destinations. The World Travel Awards ranked Lisbon as Europe s leading City Break in 009, 00 and 0, and as Europe s leading Cruise Destination in 0! In the heart of Lisbon you can experience breathtaking scenery, fantastic cultural venues, mouth-watering gastronomy, warm and welcoming people, luxury shopping, all within walking distance of each other. A vibrant urban hub, teeming with life and glamour! 0

Portugal Overview Economy According to the INE (National Statistics Institute), the economic climate indicator for September 0 peaked at its highest level since 00. The Banco de Portugal forecasts positive growth for the 0-0 period. Capital Markets According to Cushman & Wakefield s, spending on commercial properties in Portugal rose to 00 million in 0, from million in 0. The Golden Visa Programme has proved a roaring success since it was introduced in late 0, attracting billion in investment revenue from non-eu investors, 9 million in the real estate sector. According to Portugal s Immigration and Borders Services, % of the, residency permits issued were Touri sm Portugal is undoubtedly the current buzzword in worldwide tourism and Lisbon is now considered to be a first-time, must-see city. Its blend of tradition and modernity, history and cosmopolitan appeal, joined by a temperate climate, world-renowned cuisine and the unrivalled diversity of its landscapes and incredible beaches make it a destination that can t be ignored, especially considering its affordability. US website rates Lisbon the city with the world s th best climate, boasting an average temperature of ºC that makes it one of the most comfortable major cities in the world. According to the INE (National Statistics Institute), the number of overnight stays in tourism accommodation reached. million in October 0, a year-on-year increase of.9%. Year-on-year change rate (%) (%) 0 0 º Overnight stays by type & category Overnight stays (x,000) 000 00 000 00 to Chinese citizens, followed by Russians and Brazilians. 000 The real estate sector is truly on the rebound, with most segments a buyer s market, offering investment returns 00 among the highest in Europe. Safety 0 - Hotels Apartment Touri sm Touri sm Lodgings Others Hotels Apartments villages 0 Hotels Apartment Touri sm Touri sm Lodgings Others Hotels Apartments villages The Portuguese are known for being welcoming and friendly. According to the 0 Global Peace Index, Portugal is the th safest country of the world. Tourist apartments recorded the highest increase in overnight stays, growing.% compared to the previous year. According to the Room-to-grow study, published by Price-Waterhouse-Coopers in March 0, the Greater Lisbon area recorded % Hotel Occupancy, with some prime locations reaching % (0/). In 0, Lisbon will head hotel occupancy growth in Europe, with forecasts of.%, and prime locations to top.%. 0 0 0

Lisbon Prime Locations Lisbon Map Marquês de Pombal Avenida da Liberdade Rodrigo da Fonseca The Avenida da Liberdade, and the surrounding neighbourhood, stand out as the prime location for company headquarters, luxury retail, high-end hotels, and as a luxury residential area. It is the city s one specific area that attracts all high-end markets. Retail in Lisbon Shopping Trends Lisbon s high-end market is maturing rapidly, pushed by discerning foreign tourists (primarily from China, Brazil, Russia and Angola), whose numbers are growing strongly each year. Lisbon is the 9th most attractive European location for international retailers, ahead of cities such as Brussels, Budapest and Dublin, and is climbing fast. The Boulevard Avenida da Liberdade Built in the 9th century in the style of the Champs-Élysées, in Paris, this is Lisbon s main avenue. Here you ll find luxury hotels, banks, airline offices, and designer labels such as LV, MaxMara, Cartier, D&G, Burberry, Prada, Gucci, Tod s..., which have chosen the Avenida da Liberdade as their preferable location due to its elegance and prestige. Currently, % of luxury brands have their flagship store here. Luxury goods are mostly purchased by foreign tourists and businessmen. Rua Castilho Extending the charm of the Avenida da Liberdade, Rua Castilho boasts predominantly premium brands, making it very popular among international executives. Featuring a blend of international and national luxury brands, its promotional verve has earned it the title of Lisbon s Fashion Street. This long street also figures in the Prime CBD for offices, and is home to the Ritz Four Seasons and the * Tiara Park Atlantic hotels. Chiado Avenida da Liberdade Prime CBD / Prime Residential Lapa Parliament, Embassies and Residential CBD An elegant, sophisticated district of theatres, bookshops, historic cafés, art nouveau jewellery shops, and Michelin-starred restaurants. Here, international icons of luxury (Hermès) rub shoulders with international chains (Zara), local treasures (Vista Alegre- Fine Porcelain), new concepts (Loja do Burel) and local international fashion designers (Ana Salazar). Chiado combines history and tradition with modern design and fashion, ensuring its trendy and vibrant nature, much like London s West End, bustling with international visitors and energy... New Offices Area Baixa-Chiado Retail and Culture Other Areas Parque das Nações 0

Lisbon Streets Culture Cinemateca Teatro Tivoli Cinema São Jorge Teatro Nacional D. Maria II Teatro da Trindade Teatro Municipal São Luiz Teatro Nacional São Carlos 0 9 0 Restaurants - Sushi Café Avenida Olivier Guilty Avenue Brasserie Flo Olivier Yakuza Olivier Avenida Olivier Guilty Adlib HardRock Café - 9 0 - Underground Parque Marques de Pombal Avenida 9 9 Major Hotels Hotel Ritz Hotel Tiara Park Atlântico Hotel Tivoli Lisboa Hotel Sofitel Hotel Heritage Altis Avenida Hotel Altis Prime Hotel Altis Grand Hotel Bairro Alto Hotel Major Shops 9 9 0 Louis Vuitton Tivoli Forum Adolfo Dominguez Gucci Fashion Clinic Maison B Code Machado Joalheiros Carolina Herrera Michael kors Porche Design Stivali Officine Panerai COS Luís Onofre Max Mara Cartier Emporio Armani Prada 9 0 9 0 Rosa & Teixeira Burberry Furla Timberland Tod s Guess Boutique dos Relógios Plus Fashion Clinic LongChamp Escada Loewe Hugo Boss Aristocrazy Joyas Hackett Hugo Boss Boutique dos Relógios Plus VC by Nice La Perla 9 0 9 Karen Millen Stivali Veste Couture Max & Co Edifício Castil BCBG Maxazria Wickett Jones Vista Alegre Hemés Casa Havaneza Hugo Boss Livraria Bertrand Hugo Boss Pull & Bear Zara Nespresso Zara Home Ana Salazar 9 9 0 09

Rodrigo da Fonseca ( RF ) Prime Location RF stands in the heart of the city, in arguably its most exclusive area. The Rua Castilho is a two-minute walk away, the Avenida da Liberdade three minutes, Príncipe Real five minutes, the cultural and commercial hub of Chiado only ten minutes, and the bustling Baixa and the river minutes. Living in RF is living in the heart of the action, yet with the luxury of a tranquil and sheltered road, shaded by Lisbon s famous jacarandas, covered in blue blossom every spring. Lisbon airport is a mere -minute drive away during off-peak hours, and 0 minutes on the underground. London, Paris, Zurich, Amsterdam, Hamburg, indeed all major European cities can be reached within at most. hours flying time. Project Description Exquisite yet simple, boasting 9th-century palatial style features, RF will be reconfigured into a residential building of 9 small yet exclusive apartments, enjoying balconies, gardens for ground floor apartments and a private car park with 0 parking spaces; all carefully designed to ensure an exceptional investment. With functional and detailed interiors, all apartments are fully equipped to the latest standards, while designed so as to optimise space, and to blend with the allure of 9th-century elegance. High ceilings, solid wooden doors and shutters, beautiful hardwood flooring, designer bathrooms in marble; all contribute to the feeling of luxury and outstanding quality, whilst allowing investors the freedom to put their stamp on the property and endow it with their own personal style and taste.

Rodrigo da Fonseca Finishing and Materials Living room & bedroom Exclusive Investment Representing an incredible investment opportunity, each apartment has been designed not only for residential purposes, but also for the discerning and booming Tourist Apartment market, which has enjoyed year-on-year double-digit growth. The location further enhances investment potential, being located in Lisbon s most exclusive tourism, retail and residential area, in which hotel occupancy exceeded 0% in 0/. Additional solutions, such as purchasing multiple apartments to configure a larger property with several bedrooms, ensure investment possibilities to fit any investor requirement. For those investors looking for long-term investment, Morgan-Jupiter is to provide management services for purchases as Tourist Apartments, with a guaranteed -year fixed rental percentage, ensuring exceptional return on buyer investment. Floor: Skirting: Wardrobes: Doors: Walls: Shutters: Windows: Ceilings: Lighting: Air conditioning Hardwood Flooring Hardwood footer painted white MDF painted white Hardwood doors painted white Plaster painted white Hardwood shutters painted white Double glazed windows Suspended, plaster Ceiling mounted light and wall mounted light

Kitchenette W.C. Hall & Circulation Floor: Countertop: Countertop-skirting: Cupboards: Lighting: Oven: Stove: Water Heating: Hardwood Flooring Stone Stone MDF painted white matt Counter light Electric Electric Electric Floor: Walls: Countertop: Lavatory: Toilets: Faucets: Shower: Lighting: Electric ventilation Stone / Ceramic Stone / Ceramic skirting, plaster painted white above skirting Stone Ceramic Wall mounted ceramic Chrome Acrylic base Ceiling spotlights and mirror light Floor: Stone / Hardwood Walls: Plaster painted white Wardrobes: Technical wardrobes in MDF painted white Ceilings: Suspended ceilings in plaster painted white Doors: Security doors painted white Lighting: Ceiling spotlights

Balconies Floor: Railings: Stone Typical Portuguese steel railings Garden Typical Portuguese coble stone calçada. Dividing walls between gardens in fence. Parking 0 private parking spaces on Ground Floor. All illustrations throughout are simulation products for reference only, final handover of property will be in "bare-shell" form.