THINK GLOBAL SHOP LOCAL Lisbon has always been unique. Thinking global started in Portugal when explorers first set off to discover the world in the 1

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A4 Think Global Shop Local - explore o melhor de dois mundos, numa experiência completa de shopping! Neste mapa a ConVida reuniu uma seleção de lojas no coração de Lisboa com 2 conceitos distintos mas que se complementam na perfeição! LOCAL & UNIQUE - composto por lojas tradicionais ou outras que pelas suas características são especiais e só existem em Lisboa. GLOBAL & LUXURY - lojas de marcas internacionais, na sua maioria de luxo.

THINK GLOBAL SHOP LOCAL Lisbon has always been unique. Thinking global started in Portugal when explorers first set off to discover the world in the 15th century and returned full of the riches of Asia, Africa and the Americas. But in all that time Lisbon has never lost its sense of local, managing to combine tradition with sophistication and in the process becoming one of the coolest capitals in Europe. As locals, we want you to have a taste of just that, providing our best selection of shops located in the heart of Lisbon, all within walking distance and in some of the most iconic neighbourhoods. Shops are classed as either LOCAL & UNIQUE (standing out for their historic, authentic or alternative charm) and GLOBAL & LUXURY (mostly prestigious international brands). Time is one of the most precious gifts these days, so we ve done your homework for you. With this map in hand, make the most of it and take the chance to explore this unique shopping destination. 放眼全球, 购在本地 里斯本向来是一个独一无二的城市 全球性视野萌发于 15 世纪的葡萄牙王国, 那时候, 大胆的航海家们第一次扬帆探索世界, 后来从亚洲 非洲和美洲满载而归 但在这么长的时间里, 里斯本却从未丢失其本土性, 而是在融合传统与优雅的过程中逐渐成为欧洲最新潮 最酷的首都之一 作为本地人, 我们衷心希望您来体验我们精选之最好的商店, 皆坐落于里斯本中心地带 步行可至的最具特色街区 我们精选的店铺被分为本土特色商店 ( 以历史性 正宗性及另类的魅力为特征 ) 和国际性奢侈品牌 ( 最负盛名的国际品牌 ) 时间对您来说十分宝贵, 但我们已经提前为您做好功课 有这张地图在手, 您可以充分利用好您的时间并有机会探索这个独一无二的购物目的地 # lisboaconvida @lisboaconvida

LISBOA SHOPPING LOCAL & UNIQUE 本土特色商店 1 2 A VIDA PORTUGUESA 100% PORTUGUESE 100% 葡萄牙产品 This shop devoted to Portuguese-made products is the guardian of our traditions and faithful depository of the national spirit. Ideal for pretty, authentic and artisanal items! 3 这家专门销售葡萄牙本国制品的商店, 成为葡萄牙传统之守卫者及葡萄牙灵魂的忠实保管人 A Vida Portuguesa 为您提供各种美丽 正宗及手工之优品! Rua Anchieta, 11 / Largo do Intendente, 23 Tel. 213 465 073 3 BETTINA & NICCOLÒ CORALLO CHOCOLATES & COFFEE 巧克力与咖啡 A temple to dark artisanal chocolate. Made on the premises from the best cocoa beans, it s irresistible in bar form or as a brownie or sorbet. Try it over an excellent coffee. 3 这里是手工黑巧克力的神殿 无论是做成巧克力板 布朗尼还是冰淇淋, 本店使用最佳可可豆现场生产的巧克力真是无法令人抗拒! 品尝美味的巧克力再来杯香浓咖啡 Rua da Escola Politécnica, 4 Tel. 914 951 610 FB: Bettina-Niccolò-Corallo mon-sat 10h-19h30 8 CAZA DAS VELLAS DO LORETO CANDLE SHOP 蜡烛店 Open since 1789, this is one of the oldest and prettiest shops in Lisbon. It makes artisanal candles from natural wax and has a lovely smell! A must-visit place for its charm. 3 建立于 1789 年, 本店是里斯本最古老 最美丽的商店之一, 专门从事生产以天然蜡为原料的手工蜡烛, 一进门, 馥郁芳香扑鼻而来! 这家极具魅力的店铺是您的必逛之处 Rua do Loreto, 53 Chiado Tel. 213 425 387 9 CHAPELARIAS AZEVEDO RUA HAT & GLOVE SHOP 帽子与手套 Fernando Pessoa was once a customer of this shop, which has been selling classic and modern hats since 1886! Indispensable for that special look or protection from the sun. 3 葡萄牙诗人佩索阿曾光顾过这家自 1886 年开始销售或古典或摩登的帽子的商店! 无论是为了打造不同的风格, 还是为了遮挡里斯本阳光, 本店应是您购物路线中的一站 Rossio (Praça D. Pedro IV, 69-73) Baixa Tel. 213 427 511 10 CONFEITARIA NACIONAL PATISSERIE 糕点店 The oldest patisserie in Lisbon has been delighting its visitors for 185 years. Historic recipes, unique flavours and charming decor, this timeless establishment is a must! 3 里斯本最古老的糕点店,185 多年以来为客户提供最好吃的甜食 有历史意义的烹饪法 独一的美味 富有魅力的内室装璜, 这都是这家糕点店的特色 Praça da Figueira, 18 B Baixa Tel. 213 424 470 open daily / 每日营业 11 CONSERVEIRA DE LISBOA CANNED FISH 鱼罐头 Small tins with large contents, from octopus to salted cod, containing all the best the sea has to offer! With its vintage design, the shop has been in fashion ever since 1930! 3 Conserveira de Lisboa 的商品, 包装虽小, 品质一流!1930 年以来, 这家店铺的复古设计一直引领潮流, 而且其售卖的罐头保藏着从章鱼到鳕鱼等最美味的海产 Rua dos Bacalhoeiros, 34 Tel. 218 864 009 mon to sat 9h-19h 16 KOLOVRAT FASHION & ACCESSORIES 服装和配件 Enter the original and creative world of Lidija Kolovrat. In her shop/studio, you will find designer clothes and accessories that reflect a unique, exclusive and elegant style. 3 进入 Lidija Kolovrat 的世界, 就如进入了一个原创的舞台 在这家充满着未来主义的工坊店铺里, 您能够找到唯一 独特以及典雅的服饰与配饰 Rua Dom Pedro V, 79 Príncipe Real Tel. 213 874 536 17 18 LEITÃO & IRMÃO JEWELLERY 珠宝 Jewellers to Portuguese and Brazilian royalty, this company founded in 1822 designs and makes exclusive pieces at its workshop. Shops in Chiado, Bairro Alto and the Hotel Ritz. 3 葡萄牙王家及巴西皇室的珠宝商, 本品牌创立于 1882 年, 独一无二的手工制作器物在其作坊中完成 在 Chiado,Bairro Alto 以及 Ritz 酒店设有店铺 Largo do Chiado, 16-17 / Travessa da Espera, 8 Tel. 213 257 870 19 LUVARIA ULISSES GLOVE SHOP 手套店 A shopping tour in Lisbon is incomplete without a visit to this adorable tiny shop founded in 1925, exclusively dedicated to the sale of leather gloves made in their own workshop. 3 建立于 1925 年,Luvaria Ulisses 专门出售在其作坊所产生的皮革手套 如果您没有前去光顾这家小但讨人喜欢的手套商店, 那您的里斯本购物之旅一定是不完整的 Rua do Carmo, 87 Chiado Tel. 213 420 295 mon to sat 10h-19h 20 MANUEL TAVARES WINE & GOURMET SHOP 美酒与美食 Founded in 1860, this purveyor of fine foods and wines is dedicated to the most demanding connoisseurs of port and table wine, alongside a range of other gourmet delicacies. 3 创立于 1860,Manuel Tavares 是一家专门销售美食与酒类产品的传统商铺, 为寻求高品质的爱好者提供波特 (Porto) 葡萄酒 佐餐葡萄酒以及各种美食 Rua da Betesga, 1 A-B Baixa Tel. 213 424 209 monday to saturday 23 ÓPTICA JOMIL OPTICIAN & EYEWEAR 眼镜店 Though small, this optician is a concentrated purveyor of great brands of sunglasses and frames. Opened in 1950, it has kept the charm of yesteryear and has excellent service. 3 这家店虽然空间小, 但众多名牌的各式墨镜和镜架都集中于此 建立于 1950 年,Optica Jomil 保留着原来的魅力, 并且以其个性化的服务闻名 Rua do Ouro, 249 Baixa Tel. 21 342 0719 24 OURIVESARIA SARMENTO JEWELLERY 珠宝 Sophistication and quality that has kept up with the times since 1870, both in traditional and uniquely crafted pieces. Classic and chic, this jeweller s is a Baixa landmark! 3 无论是传统首饰还是独一无二的时尚创造物, 自 1870 年起,Ourivesaria Sarmento 以优质典雅的珠宝产品而闻名 既经典又别致, 本店是里斯本商业区的必逛之处! Rua do Ouro, 251 Baixa Tel. 213 426 774 25 PARIS EM LISBOA HOUSEHOLD LINEN 家用纺织品 This century-old shop has the most beautiful embroidered linen sheets, towels and tablecloths, not to mention other accessories for the home. A classic shop full of style. 3 Paris em Lisboa 是一家百年老店, 在这里您可以找到最漂亮的亚麻绣花床上用品 浴巾和桌布, 以及各种家居饰品 这家古典而精致的店铺特别值得一逛 Rua Garret, 77 Chiado Tel. 213 424 329 monday to saturday 9h-19h 26 PRÍNCIPE REAL ENXOVAIS HOUSEHOLD LINEN 家用纺织品 Many a princess and celebrity has visited this shop to create their bridal trousseaux! Embroidered household linen made with all the know-how and skill of yesteryear, since 1960. 3 Principe Real Enxovais 是公主和名人都来置办嫁妆的地方! 自 1960 年以来, 本店专门销售以亚麻和棉为原材料, 使用古老传统工艺生产的手绣家用纺织品 Rua da Escola Politécnica, 12 Príncipe Real Tel. 213 465 945

4 BUREL FASHION & HOME 服装与家居 Burel is an age-old, 100%-Portuguese wool that has been turned into a brand. Its quality means it can be used to make all kinds of products and concepts in a contemporary style. 3 Burel 是一种古老 100% 羊毛的葡萄牙传统织物, 后来成为了品牌的名称 高质量的材质使以当代方式实现新世界 新概念 新产品成为可能 Rua Serpa Pinto, 15 B Chiado Tel. 212 456 910 5 CARIOCA COFFEE & CHOCOLATES 咖啡与巧克力 The coffee is the star attraction, but there s a huge range of teas and very tempting chocolates! A traditional shop, with old-style decor and irresistible aromas, since 1936. 3 咖啡是这家店的当家明星, 而琳琅满目的茶类及巧克力也是极大的诱惑 创立于 1936 年, 这是一家拥有古典装饰, 并香气四溢的传统葡萄牙店铺 Rua da Misericórdia, 9 Chiado Tel. 21 346 9567 monday to friday 9h-19h saturday 9h-13h 6 CASA MACÁRIO WINE & GOURMET SHOP 美酒与美食 Open for more than 100 years, this shop has a great selection of typically Portuguese delicacies, with the range of port and chocolates being its particular strongpoint. 3 建立已经有 100 多年的 Casa Macario, 为客户提供各种最佳的葡萄牙特色产品 这家商铺的优点特别在于其精选的波尔图葡萄酒以及美味的巧克力品 Rua Augusta, 272 Baixa Tel. 213 420 900 open daily / 每日营业 7 CASA PEREIRA COFFEE & CHOCOLATES 咖啡与巧克力 Chiado wouldn t be the same without this shop, opened back in 1930. The best coffees, teas, chocolates, biscuits and wines in a shop brimming with charm, tradition and quality. 3 如果没有这家店,Chiado 就不是现在的 Chiado 了 创立于 1930 年, 在这家极富魅力 传统及上乘质量的店里, 您可以找到最好的咖啡 茶 巧克力 饼干及葡萄酒 Rua Garrett, 38 Chiado Tel. 213 426 694 monday to saturday / 星期一至星期六 9h-19h 12 EMBAIXADA SHOPPING GALLERY 购物长廊 A concept store in a grand 19th-century building with a selection of 100% Portuguese brands, ranging from fashion to décor and fine dining. An unavoidable shopping destination! 3 在一座 19 世纪的宫殿里, 一个精选 100% 葡萄牙产品的购物中心应运而生 在这里, 服装店 饰品店及餐厅一应俱全 是您购物线路中必不可少的一站! Praça do Príncipe Real, 26 Tel. 965 309 154 FB: Embaixada open daily / 每日营业 12h-20h 13 HOSPITAL DE BONECAS DOLL S SHOP & HOSPITAL 玩具售卖与修理 This magical place, where time passes more slowly, has been nursing dolls back to health for over 100 years. It s also a unique museum and a shop with irresistible miniatures. 3 在这个逾百年历史的修复玩具的魔法空间里, 时间缓慢地流淌着 此外, 这家拥有让人无法抗拒的微型玩具的商店, 也是个独一无二的博物馆 Praça da Figueira, 7 Baixa Tel. 213 428 574 14 JOALHARIA DO CARMO JEWELLERY 珠宝 Founded in 1924, this jeweller s has one of the most beautiful facades in Lisbon and a charming interior with artisanal Portuguese pieces in 19.25 karat gold and sterling silver. 3 这家创立于 1924 年的珠宝店, 拥有里斯本最漂亮的店铺门面之一 在其极富魅力的内部,19.25k 黄金与 925 银打造的葡萄牙工艺品最引人注目 Rua do Carmo, 87 B T. 213 423 050 213 424 200 monday to saturday / 星期一至星期六 10h-19h 15 JORGE WELSH WORKS OF ART ASIAN ANTIQUES 亚洲古董 Specialized in Chinese export porcelain, Japanese namban art and other cross-cultural works of art, this gallery is seen as a reference within the international antiques panorama. 3 Jorge Welsh 是专门经营中国出口的瓷器 来自日本的南蛮艺术以及其他跨文化艺术作品的一家画廊 在国际古董的世界中, 它被视为一大标杆 Rua da Misericórdia, 43 Chiado Tel. 213 953 375 monday to saturday 21 MARIA JOÃO BAHIA JEWELLERY 珠宝 Exclusive jewellery for unique women with good taste and class. With a career of over 30 years, Maria João Bahia is one of the most original jewellery designers in Portugal. 3 Maria Joao Bahia 为高贵优雅之女性打造独特 精致的专属首饰 这家珠宝店的设计师已经有 30 多年的经验积累, 并且被视为葡萄牙珠宝界中的最佳原创者之一 Avenida da Liberdade, 102 Tel. 213 240 020 27 REAL SLOW RETAIL CONCEPT STORE CONCEPT STORE 概念店 A Bobo-style open space dedicated to lifestyle that offers a sophisticated selection of brands ranging from fashion to toys, decor and books. Ideal for relaxed shopping! 3 在这 BoBo 风格的开放空间中, 您可以找到从服装到玩具, 从家居饰品到书籍各种精选品牌的商品 欢迎来 Real 概念店, 这无疑是您休闲购物的理想处所! Praça do Príncipe Real, 20 Tel. +351 213 461 147 open daily till 8pm / 每天营业到晚上 8 点 22 NARDO RETROSARIA-TECIDOS HABERDASHERS 缝纫用品 Founded in 1947, this shop still exhibits the charm of yesteryear. It s one of the city s best haberdasher s, with an exceptional range of fabrics, buttons, ribbons and lace. 3 创立于 1947 年,Nardo 保留了原来的魅力 这是里斯本最好的缝纫用品店之一, 专门销售精选的织物 钮扣 蕾丝花边 金银丝带等优质产品 Rua da Conceição, 62-64 Baixa Tel. 213 421 350 28 SAPATARIA DO CARMO SHOE SHOP 鞋店 A charming shoe shop that has upheld tradition and ensured the quality of Made in Portugal for over 100 years. Handmade shoes that mix the classic with the modern. Timeless! 3 Sapataria do Carmo 是一家魅力迷人的鞋店 100 多年以来, 它致力于保持传统, 以及提供优质 葡萄牙制造 的 古典摩登融合的手工鞋 永不过时 Largo do Carmo, 26-27 Chiado Tel. 213 423 386 open daily / 每日营业 BEST TIPS BY LOCALS 本地人为您提供的最佳建议装服装 更多信息, 请登录我们的网站 PIONEERS SINCE 2003, ConVida city guides are an essential reference for information about Lisbon for visitors and locals alike. Shopping and leisure guides that focus primarily on high street shops, they stand out for their detailed content and eye-catching design. Through its paper editions and online (website and social networks), they are designed to appeal to a wide audience and provide high profile visibility for brands and partners. 从 2003 年起,ConVida 的导游手册锐意开拓, 不光成为游客, 也成为本地市民了解里斯本的重要渠道 以街头贸易为重心, 本购物及休闲的手册因其恰当精选之物品和极具吸引力的装帧脱颖而出 通过纸质或在线 ( 网站 社交网络及简讯 ) 手册指导并启发广大受众, 使其对各品牌及合作商了如指掌 # lisboaconvida @lisboaconvida PUBLISHER ConVida Lda. PRINT RUN 20.000 Biannual edition #1 2016 DESIGN Atelier Kahn Printed on ecological paper CONTACTS (+351) 21 340 8090 Rua do Loreto, 16-2º dto Lisboa - Portugal FREE DISTRIBUTION at selected hotels, restaurants and shops or available for download from our website.

LISBOA SHOPPING GLOBAL & LUXURY 国际性奢侈品牌 Rua Dom Pedro V, 95-99 Avenida da Liberdade, 141 & 169 Príncipe Real Tel. 213 477 251 1 Tel. 213 433 664 213 530 177 2 3 JEWELLERY & WATCHES 珠宝与手表 Avenida da Liberdade, 196 F Avenida da Liberdade, 240 Tel. 210 079 216 4 Tel. 213 302 420 5 Gucci Saint Laurent Givenchy Balmain Dior Avenida da Liberdade, 220 A Avenida da Liberdade, 180 & 192 A Rua do Ouro, 234 Baixa Tel. 213 140 743 6 Tel. 213 549 040 213 142 828 7 8 Tel. 213 470 711 9 Avenida da Liberdade, 196 E Tel. 210 079 230 10 Avenida da Liberdade, 180 Av. Liberdade, 194 B / Rua Garrett, 98 Tivoli Forum Tel. 213 528 401 11 Tel. 210 079 658 210 079 086 12 13 Largo do Chiado, 9 Chiado Tel. 213 242 070 14 Avenida da Liberdade, 38 H Tel. 915 499 115 15 Dior Céline Lanvin Salvatore Ferragamo Av. Liberdade, 185 Hotel Tivoli Lisboa Avenida da Liberdade, 254 Tel. 213 540 050 16 Tel. 211 165 470 17 Avenida da Liberdade, 190 A Tel. 213 584 320 18 Avenida da Liberdade, 92 B Tel. 213 247 090 19 Memo Amouage Montale Clive Christian JEWELLERY & WATCHES 珠宝与手表 PERFUMES 香水 TRAVEL ACCESSORIES 服装与配饰 Avenida da Liberdade, 111 Avenida da Liberdade, 180 D Tel. 213 259 825 Avenida da Liberdade, 206-210 Tivoli Forum Tel. 216 062 636 Avenida da Liberdade, 236 A Tel. 213 199 490 Tel. 915 077 465 23 PERFUMES & COSMETICS 香水与化妆品 Chanel Valentino Fendi Saint Laurent JEWELLERY & BAGS 珠宝与箱包 Armazéns do Chiado Chiado Avenida da Liberdade, 38 B Avenida da Liberdade, 196 A Rua Garrett, 50-52 Chiado Tel. 213 225 188 24 Tel. 213 805 110 25 Tel. 210 079 253 26 Tel. 213 460 458 27 LOOKING FOr YOUR NEXT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY? THE ART MARKET IS BOOMING AND OUR TEAM CAN HELP YOU FIND THE RIGHT PIECE OF ART. contact us. T. 213 901 495 910 321 485

EAT & DRINK A CEVICHERIA - Rua D. Pedro V, 129 Príncipe Real Tel. 218 038 815 A TRAVESSA Travessa Convento das Bernardas, 12 Santos Tel. 213 902 034 ALMA Rua Anchieta, 15 Chiado Tel. 213 470 650 AQUI HÁ PEIXE Rua da Trindade, 18 A Chiado Tel. 213 432 154 AS SALGADEIRAS Rua das Salgadeiras, 18 Bairro Alto Tel. 213 421 157 BELCANTO Largo de São Carlos, 10 Chiado Tel. 213 420 607 BENARD - Rua Garrett, 104 Chiado BICA DO SAPATO - Avenida Infante D. Henrique, Arm. B Santa Apolónia Tel. 218 810 320 BISTRO 100 MANEIRAS Largo da Trindade, 9 Chiado Tel. 910 307 575 BRASSERIE FLO - Hotel Tivoli Lisboa Av. Liberdade, 185 Tel. 213 198 977 BY THE WINE - Rua das Flores, 41-43 Chiado Tel. 213 420 319 餐饮 Shopping whets the appetite and requires energy! Here is a selection of some of our favourite places in the city to recharge your batteries. 逛街购物十分耗神! 我们在此为您推荐市区内一些最好的养精蓄锐之地 CAFÉ BUENOS AIRES Calçada do Duque, 31 B Chiado Tel. 213 420 739 CAFÉ DE SÃO BENTO - Rua de São Bento, 212 São Bento Tel. 213 952 911 CAFÉ LISBOA Largo de São Carlos, 23 Chiado Tel. 211 914 498 CANTINHO DO AVILLEZ - Rua Duques de Bragança, 7 Chiado Tel. 211 992 369 CASA DE PASTO Rua de São Paulo, 20-1º Cais do Sodré Tel. 213 471 397 CONFRARIA LX Rua do Alecrim, 12 A Cais do Sodré Tel. 213 426 292 ELEVEN Rua Marquês Fronteira Tel. 213 862 211 FEITORIA Altis Belém Hotel Doca do Bom Sucesso Belém Tel. 210 400 200 GAMBRINUS Rua das Portas de Santo Antão, 23 Tel. 213 421 466 GIN LOVERS PRÍNCIPE REAL Embaixada Praça Príncipe Real, 26 Tel. 213 471 341 IBO RESTAURANTE - Cais do Sodré, Armazém A Tel. 213 423 611 KAFFEEHAUS - Rua Anchieta, 3 Chiado Tel. 210 956 828 LOST IN ESPLANADA-BAR - Rua Dom Pedro V, 58 Príncipe Real Tel. 917 759 282 MERCADO DA RIBEIRA - TIME OUT - Avenida 24 de Julho Cais do Sodré MEZZOGIORNO PIZZERIA Rua Garrett, 19 Chiado T. 213 421 500 MINI BAR - Rua António Maria Cardoso, 58 Chiado Tel. 211 305 393 MOMA GRILL Rua dos Correeiros, 22 Tel. 911 762 349 MONTE MAR LISBOA Rua da Cintura do Porto de Lisboa Cais do Sodré Tel. 213 220 160 OLIVIER AVENIDA Hotel Tivoli Jardim Rua Júlio César Machado, 7 Tel. 213 174 105 PALÁCIO CHIADO - Rua do Alecrim, 70 Tel. 210 101 184 PAP AÇORDA Mercado da Ribeira Time Out Cais do Sodré Tel. 213 464 811 PARK Calçada do Combro, 58-7º Bairro Alto PASTÉIS DE BELÉM Rua de Belém, 84-92 Belém PAVILHÃO CHINÊS Rua Dom Pedro V, 89-91 Príncipe Real PENSÃO AMOR Rua Alecrim, 19 Cais do Sodré PHARMACIA - Rua Marechal Saldanha, 1 Santa Catarina Tel. 213 462 146 RAMIRO CERVEJARIA - Av. Almirante Reis, 1 H Tel. 218 851 024 RESTAURANTE 33 - Rua Alexandre Herculano, 33 A Tel. 213 546 079 ROSSIO RESTAURANTE & BAR Altis Avenida Hotel Rua 1º de Dezembro, 120-7º Tel. 210 440 008 ROYALE CAFÉ - Largo Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, 29 Chiado Tel. 213 469 125 RUBRO AVENIDA - Rua Rodrigues Sampaio, 35 Tel. 213 144 656 SANTINI Rua do Carmo, 9 Chiado SEA ME - Rua do Loreto, 21 Chiado Tel. 213 461 564 SÍTIO - Valverde Hotel Av. da Liberdade, 164 Tel. 210 940 300 SOLAR DOS PRESUNTOS - Rua das Portas de Santo Antão, 150 Tel. 213 424 253 SUSHI CAFÉ AVENIDA - Rua Barata Salgueiro, 28 Tel. 211 928 158 TABERNA DA RUA DAS FLORES Rua das Flores, 103 Chiado Tel. 213 479 418 TABERNA MODERNA - Rua dos Bacalhoeiros, 18 Baixa Tel. 218 865 039 TÁGIDE RESTAURANTE + WINE & TAPAS BAR - Largo Acad. Nac. Belas Artes, 18-20 Chiado Tel. 213 404 010 TARTINE Rua Serpa Pinto, 15 A Chiado TERRAÇO BA Bairro Alto Hotel Pç. Luís de Camões THE DECADENTE Rua São Pedro de Alcântara, 81 Bairro Alto Tel. 213 461 381 THE INSÓLITO - Rua São Pedro de Alcântara, 83 Bairro Alto Tel. 211 303 306 VARANDA DO RITZ Hotel Ritz Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca, 88 Tel. 213 811 400 YAKUZA FIRST FLOOR Rua da Escola Politécnica, 231 Príncipe Real Tel. 934 000 913 LUNCH 午餐 DINNER 晚餐 COFFEE BREAK 茶歇 DRINKS 饮品 < 15 euros 15-25 euros 25-40 euros > 40 euros