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中法核燃料循环后端研讨会 Fuel Cycle Seminar 可持续发展的核燃料循环及 MOX 应用展望 Perspective of Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Cycle and MOX Fuel Application 肖岷,XIAO Min CGN/CNPRI Nov. 4~5, 2015, Beijing

1. Introduction: Contents 2. Fuel Cycle Current Practices 3. MOX Fuel Experience 4. MOX fuel application recommendation for China 5. Conclusion 2 页

1. Introduction 3 页

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Once through fuel cycle Pu close fuel cycle 4 页

Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle 重实际 干实事 结实果 Pu recycle MAs recycle 5 页

2. Fuel Cycle Current Practice 6 页

Fuel Cycle Current Practice 重实际 干实事 结实果 For various reasons, after mid-1980s, FR gradually went into the trough. Many countries slowed down or even abandoned commercial FR development. Phenix/Superphenix SFR were closed. Development of ASTRID in progress in France. UK abandoned FR development after 1980s BN BN-600 in operation commissioning. in Russia,BN-800 in Commercial FR in Japan is postponed till 2050 India, Development achieving its goal. commercial FR is far from 7 页

Fuel Cycle Current Practice In 1980s, commercial fuel cycle turned to thermal reactor. In 1984, France decided to implement Pu recycle in PWR(CPY). 16 MOX fuel loaded into Saint Laurent B1 in 1987. France has the most complete fuel cycle industries. French 58 nuclear reactors produce 1200 SNF t/y, in which 1050 tons of SNF are reprocessed. 24 EDF CPY reactors use MOX fuel. 8 页

Fuel Cycle Current Practice By 2010, about 3,500 MOX FAs in France used in 22 PWR. By 2014 over 4000 MOX FAs delivered. Other countries like Belgium, Germany, Japan, Sweden and have used MOX fuel in PWR and BWR for commercial applications. MOX fuels have used in over 30 thermal reactors with 30 years experience of successful application. 9 页

Fuel Cycle Current Practice Russia keep close fuel cycle policy, reprocessed ~16% spent fuel currently Fast reactor development is going on,planning 100% close fuel cycle in 2030 China adopt close fuel cycle policy,but fuel cycle and MOX fuel application have not implemented yet. China has set up a 50 ton PWR spent fuel test facility in 2010. An experimental FR MOX lab was built since 2008, 500 kg/yr. 10 页

Advanced Fuel Cycle Evolution Based on new idea of nuclear waste minimization, including P&T MAs, many countries has launched advanced fuel cycle and reprocessing technology research & development including France, Russia, US, Korea, Japan, China 11 页

3. MOX Fuel Application in the world 12 页

MOX Application in France Reprocessing of spent fuel has been implemented in France from the beginning to enhance energy independence, along with a fast breeder reactors program and with the prospect of an increasing worldwide demand... The recycling of Pu and U and high level waste vitrification remain the main options for the back end of the fuel cycle 58 PWRs, 24 loaded with MOX 13 页

MOX Application in France MOX core design features in France Pu content in PWR from 59 % Original hybrid reloads UO2 3.7%,1/4FM, 30% MOX, Pu 8% (25 kg),1/3fm, (28UO2+16MOX) MOX Parity Project: increase Pu (9%) and MOX fuel Bu, equivalent to UO2 fuel. Licensed in 2006. MOX extensive experiences in France 24 reactors loaded with MOX, more than 400 reactor years and more than 4000 MOX assemblies loaded, --> no fuel failure MOX fuel with AFA-3G design reactors with MOX are authorized for load following, same operating and safety conditions as for UO2 fuel 14 页

PWR MOX Fuel EdF MOX Parity Project 15 页

EDF future fuel cycle strategies EDF new fuel cycle scenario Sheer transfer from PWR to SFR is extremely challenging, while symbiotic (coexistence) of PWR and FR is more conceivable and viable SFRs deployment being delayed, EPR or HCPWRs with high CR may be deployed more from 2040 A fleet of SFRs is to be deployed from 2040 SFRs deployment might keep parallel to PWRs SFR transfer is Extremely challenging 16 页

EDF future fuel cycle strategies More viable scenario of reactor configuration in France Multi types of reactors are coexistent in this century PWR/EPR-UOX PWR/EPR-MOX, mono recycling of Pu (Pu 9%) SFR (Pu 24%) 2100 17 页

Spent Fuel Reprocessing in France The reprocessing unit is an evolution of the current reprocessing plant at La Hague: Hydro-chemical reactions FP and MA not transmuted are gathered in glass canisters Advanced reprocessing technologies are in progress COEX SANEX GANEX 18 页

Future MOX Fuel in France MOX for EPRs is produced from mono-recycling of PWR-UOX and depleted uranium MOX for SFRs and HCPWRs are produced from any type of recycled Pu and reprocessed uranium EdF point of view There are various solutions to Pu fuel cycle closure Fast reactors are not the only solution to use MOX spent fuel S_2 PWR-UOX + EPR-MOX + SFR S_3 PWR-UOX + EPR-MOX + HCPWR 19 页

ASTRID SFR ASTRID: 600MWe, prototype SFR, starting before 2030. 300 FAs, Initial core (UPu)O2 13t, 480EFPD (UPu)O2 core with MAs Blanket ; CR ~1 (breeding gain~0) AFC: fuel fabrication center for ASTRID. (UPu)O2, 9t/y, Fuel specifications differs from LWR MOX fuel Structure geometry different, FAs, pellets with central hole. Pu up to 35% (2t/y). Pu could come from LWR spent MOX fuel with different Pu isotopic composition UO2 from other site Preliminary design achieve in 2016 Commissioning 2020 20 页

Fuel Cycle Evolution in France 21 页

Gen IV reactors in Europe PWR 22 页

Russian NFC Target Hope to fully close fuel cycle by 2030. Creation and construction of BN-type fast reactors with MOX-fuel Closed Fuel Cycle of FR based on compact recycling methods for SNF and simplified technologies of fuel pins manufacture (Pyro-processingVMOX) Principles of Closed Fuel Cycle: Minimization of cost for Spent fuel recycling, fuel fabrication and waste treatment Minimization of radioactive waste volume and complete recycle of MAs for transmutation in the same system Non- poliferation (Pu) 23 页

Spent Fuel in Russia (2013) Spent fuel: 880t/y At present the spent fuels from RBMK and from VVER-1000 are stored and not reprocessed. VVER-400 spent fuel has been reprocessed in TR-1 VVER-1000 spent fuel: centralized storage for TR-2 8600+11000 t wet storage facility 12000 t dry storage planned RBMK spent fuel: 21000t storage capacity. 24 页

MOX Development in Russia The MOX fuel plant (MCC MFFF),first operation at end of 2014. First fuel production facility to incorporate surplus Pu into the commercial nuclear fuel cycle. Commercial operation will be in 2016. Part of Russia's Breakthrough project to enable a closed nuclear fuel cycle for fast reactors. It represents the first industrial-scale use of Pu in Russian civil nuclear fuel cycle is producing 20 MOX FAs to supply the BN-800 fast reactor (Beloyarsk 4). MOX up to 30% Pu. 20, 200, 400 pelletised MOX FAs in 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively for BN-800. 25 页

MOX Development in Russia MCC s MFFF Having a pyroprocessing module where civil PuO2, WG Pu and DU are combined into granulated MOX for vibropacked MOX fuel (in RIAR MOX plant) for BN-800 in future. RIAR Dimitrovgrad MOX plant. a small MOX fuel fabrication plant which produces vibropacked MOX fuel. Mayak MOX plant: A small MOX fuel plant since 1993, for BN-350 and BN-600 fuel (40 FAs per year) VMOX 26 页

Nuclear Fuel Cycle for BN-type FR 27 页

MOX fuel for LWR Part of close the fuel cycle by 2030 Reduction of weapon-grade Pu Uncertain future of FRsProven technology for LWR MOX Use of MOX in VVER-1000 and new VVER-1200(TOI) VVER-1000/1200 30 units in Russia VVER-1000/1200 20 units abroad 28 页

Spent Fuel Reprocessing in Russia MCC s RT-1 plant (PUREX, 400 t/yr), Spent fuel from VVER-440, BN-600 and from naval reactors. RT-1 will take VVER-1000 spent fuel from 2015. Advanced RT-2 project Pilot Demonstration Centre (PDC), 1 st stage of TR-2, to be commissioned by 2016 as a "Strategic Investment Project, 250t/y by 2018. PDC would be used for demonstration of the closed FC of PWR with REMIX fuel as well as producing MOX fuel. SNF from VVER-1000, RBMK and BN. 700t/yr by 2025. 1000~1700t/y (2030), separated Pu for TNR and SFR. 29 页

Fast Reactor in Russia BN-800 (Beloyarsk 4) was put into test operation since 2014. BN-800 is expected to start commercial operations by end of 2015. BN-600 is in Beloyarsk 3 BREST300 LFR (ETVS nitride FA), under development SVBR-100 LBFR 30 页

Russia Nuclear fuel recycle (2030) U-Pu Fuel SNF TR-2 LWR SF Reprocess 1000~ 1700t/y Pu U MOX fuel UOX fuel REMIX Fast fuel cycle 1000t SNF 30+20 Thermal fuel cycle 31 页

Fuel cycle and MOX fuel in US Long term fuel cycle policy not clear, Spent fuel are stored on utility sites (dry storage). High Burnup Dry Storage Cask Research and Development Project (DoE/EPRI, 56GWd/tU) is going on France made MOX fuels were tested in Catawba 1 reactor for two 18-month cycles from June 2005 to May 2008. PIE 2009-2011. US is constructing a MOX fuel plant (2007-2016) to burn military Pu. 32 页

US MOX Plant (MFFF) under construction (2007~2016) US constructing a MMF to burn WG Pu, Would postponed. work continued with funding. In 2014, NRC extended construction deadline for 10 years due to delay. 33 页

Fuel cycle and MOX fuel in US DoE have launched researches on advanced spent fuel reprocessing technology including pyro-processing, hydro-chemical reprocessing. US has been helping Korea to establish Pyro-processing demonstration facilities. Electrorefiner in ANL 34 页

Fuel cycle and MOX fuel in Korea With help from US ANL, Korea is developing pyroprocessing facility, PRIDE, demo to 2016. Commercial Korea Advanced Pyro Facility (KAPF) 2025 Development of Metal fuel for SFR (2018~2027) SFR ready for application around 2030 PRIDE system in KAERI 35 页

MOX in Japan Imported MOX for several BWR and PWR since 2006 (2 BWR LTA, 4 PWR LTA, total 72 MOX in 4 LWRs) RRP(800t/y) would be possible to get license in 2016. Commercial MOX fuel plant (JMOX, 130t/y) under construction, would get license in 2017. MOX fuel for the ATR and SFR fabricated at Tokai PFFF Monju SFR suspended. Fuel for JSFR MOX with MAs Metal fuel(u-tru-zr) 36 页

Fuel Cycle and MOX fuel in UK MOX has been produced at Sellafield for more than 30 years After FBR was abandoned, BNFL developed MOX for LWRs, including a small MOX Demonstration Facility (MDF), and then a larger Sellafield MOX Plant. After Fukushima, UK is closing THORP spent fuel reprocessing plant and Sellafield MOX fuel plant. 37 页

4 Recommendation of MOX fuel application in China 38 页

Opportunity for fuel cycle in China There will be 58GWe NP in China by 2020, and around 150GWe NP by 2030. Timely starting the construction of large-scale reprocessing plants and MOX fuel application are in line with China's NP development and closed fuel cycle strategy, and is the important means to keep sustainable development of nuclear energy in long term. 39 页

Fuel Cycle in China Closed fuel cycle and spent fuel reprocessing are China s established policy, which can save uranium resources and reduce the volume of high-level radioactive waste and toxicity,. At present, The international proven spent fuel reprocessing and MOX fuel application are limited in thermal reactor Pu cycling. FR technology is still in exploration. It is wise for China to learn it. CEFR 40 页

Challenge for fuel cycle development Due to technical and economic problem, FR commercialization would be uncertain and slow. Commercial (FBR) fuel cycle is not yet viable China s nuclear fuel cycle should be developed and implemented step by step. MOX fuel cycle in PWR is proven technology and suitable for nuclear fuel cycle in China in a period of time in the future to accumulate experience. It is worth learning that FRANCE has successful experience to apply MOX in most CPY units, and Russia would use MOX fuel in LWR along with FR. 41 页

Challenge for fuel cycle development Most existing reactors in US, China, etc. have changed their core design to increase power and enhance the core behavior such as high Bu and long cycle refueling, thus there exist some challenges to use MOX. LWR MOX once fuel cycle (Twice-Through Fuel Cycle) 42 页

5 Conclusion 实现燃料循环是一个长期的过程 中国的钠冷快堆处于研究阶段, 距商业化还遥远 工业化的燃料循环从热堆后处理及热堆 MOX 应用开始是合理的, 也是必经之路 To achieve closed fuel cycle is a long process. China FRs are under development, it is far from commercialization. Fuel cycle industrialization in China starting from PWR SF reprocessing and PWR MOX recycling is reasonable, and it is the way in reality. 为了我国燃料循环及后处理的顺利推进和实施, 强烈建议我国的商用后处理大厂及 MOX 燃料应用以成熟的热堆燃料循环作为启动主流, 政府适时出台热堆后处理及 PWR MOX 循环的有关政策规定 To smoothly implement fuel cycle and SNF reprocessing, it is strongly suggested that commercial SF reprocessing and MOX fuel application focus mainly on proven PWR fuel cycle. Government should timely introduces relevant policies and guidance on PWR SNF reprocessing and MOX recycling in PWR. 43 页

5. Conclusion 重实际 干实事 结实果 要建商业后处理大厂及 MOX 燃料厂, 必须建立 MOX 燃料应用的总体规划和可行性研究, 并开展燃料循环整体经济分析, 包括对核电站电价的影响 For the construction of commercial reprocessing plant and MOX fuel plant, the overall planning and feasibility study of MOX fuel application should be established, including the overall economic analysis of the fuel cycle and the impact on electricity price. (AREVA and CGN feasibility study) 快堆 MOX 的特性与应用环境与热堆大不一样, 因此, MOX 设计与应用的目标必须是明确的 The characteristics and application conditions of MOX fuel for FR are different from PWR, thus the MOX design and application target should be clear. 44 页

5. Conclusion 中国正在研究的先进反应堆包括三代 PWR,SFR,LFR,MSR,HTR,TWR 未来的燃料循环和乏燃料处理需符合未来的需要 China has been developing a number of new reactors like Gen 3 PWR,SFR,ADS/LFR, MSR, HTR, etc. Thus future NFC, reprocessing technology and fuel technology should follow the trend. CLEAR-II 100MW ADS/LRF SFR 600MWe MSR 100MW HTR 200MWe 45 页

Thank you for your attention 46 页