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39 屆 畢 業 典 禮

目 錄 壹 目 的... 1 一 計 畫 背 景... 1 二 計 畫 目 的... 1 三 預 期 效 應... 2 貳 過 程... 3 一 計 畫 期 程... 3 二 學 生 活 動 安 排 時 程... 3 三 活 動 檢 核 表... 4 四 組 織 與 分 工... 5 五 活 動 行



QUALITY REAL QUALITY WINE FOR EVERYONE, EVERYDAY. Certificate No: CC5726 TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY LIGHTING VIBRATION HYGIENE The HKQAA Wine Retailers Certificate Only 2 companies are certified among several hundred of wine retailers in Hong Kong. STORAGE 我們的目標是在品質方面做到最好, 成為香港第一, 因此我們在選酒 運輸以及存酒方面都做足功夫 2014 年度我們更得到了香港品質保証局頒發的葡萄酒儲存管理體系的認證, 以表示我們在溫度 濕度 光線 防止震盪 保險 衛生 保安 保養維修以及存貨管理都達到國際級標準 PILLARIWINE 承諾未來會為著同一個目標 品質 邁進 Our wines are stored at certified wine-specialized warehouse and showroom with 24 hours temperature, humidity control, lighting, vibrations, insurance, hygiene, security, inventory management and maintenance; each and every aspects have reach to international standard. 香港中環砵典乍街 26 號寶城大廈 2 樓 A 室 Showroom address: Unit A, 2/F, Pottinger House, 26 Pottinger Street, Central

100%TEMPERATURE CONTROL TRANSPORTATION We at PILLARIWINE employ *REEFER containers to make sure our clients wines are being transported in perfect condition, even for small volume shipments. Most of the wine merchants chose to cut costs on transportation and storage, simply because these parts of logistics are invisible to their clinet. As a result, only 4% of wine cargos to Hong Kong are carried by *REEFER containers. *REEFER is a shipping container with temperature control system, it is used for transporting temperature sensitive cargo such as wine. SELECTION We select wines that are natural, and express true character of terroir. Most of our selection has certificate of Biodynamie and Biologic. There is no factory-made wine in PILLARIWINE. Besides, we are well known as a vintage specialist. We have reliable source network and providing genuine antique bottles in good condition. SOURCE Our suppliers such as Nicolas Joly, Trapet, Robert Sirugue, Marc Roy, Chantereves, La Porta di Vertine and Paveil de Luze etc are honest and passionate wine producers. Wines are delivered from their cellar directly. We are traditional buyer of Bordeaux En Primeurs, and we have established professional relationship with top Chateaux and Negotiants.

PILLARIWINE EVENTS 2013-2014 Please visit our www.pillariwine.com to receive e-newsletters and invitations to our exclusive events! 7th NOV, 2014 NICOLAS JOLY WINE DINNER 4th JUL, 2014 BELLAVISTA TASTING EVENT 6th APR, 2014 DR. LOOSEN TASTING EVENT The food and wines are specially prepared. Which creates best mariage for such unique wines. Mr. Alessandro Vallecchi, brand ambassador of Bellavista show case their finest Franciacorta to our VIPs. What a tremendous afternoon! Thank you to Ernie Loosen for hosting the Riesling Show at PILLARIWINE. 9th DEC, 2013 CH. PALMER & ALTER EGO BLIND TASTING DINNER 21st NOV, 2013 MARQUIS D ANGERVILLE WINE DINNER 31st OCT - 3rd NOV, 2013 WINE & DINE FESTIVAL 2013 We held a blind tasting dinner with director of Ch. Palmer, Mr. Bernard de Laage de Meux at one Michelin starred restaurant Mirror. Great fun! Our honor to welcome the owner & wine maker of Marquis D angerville. Mr. Guillaume d Angerville to join us and talk about his wines. CH.PAVEIL DE LUZE 2009 won the No.1 wine trophy supported by 1,679 votes in Wine & Dine Festival. Thanks for voting! 23rd JUL, 2013 LA PORTA DI VERTINE WINE DINNER 17th OCT, 2013 CH. POMEAUX POMEROL WINE DINNER 5th JUN, 2013 DR. LOOSEN WINE DINNER A wine paring dinner at our friendship restaurant Umami Collabortative with La Porta de Vertine, our shop s best-seller. Followed by cigars with grappa! Owner of CHATEAU POMEAUX, Mr. Powers and all the guests loved our food and wine pairing. Wonderful atmosphere at Oui Private Kitchen. Dr. Loosen is our first selection from Germany. We carried the collection case of Dr. Loosen which has only 10 sets available in the market!

Hidden gems in Vosne Romanee 神之水滴第十門徒 少產量酒莊 大酒風格 Domaine ROBERT SIRUGUE is a family owned winery located in Vosne-Romanee. Producing delicate, fine and beautiful Pinot-Noir. Although their wines are much sought-after in top restaurants and collectors, it is not easy to obtain due to the tiny production. ROBERT SIRUGUE ROBERT SIRUGUE 的村酒 [4112] BOURGONE ROUGE 開瓶即飲容易享受 [4110] 而一級田 [1180] LES PETIT MONTS 在 WINE & DINE Festival 更令人一試難忘! [4112] [4109] [CODE] AOC [4112] BOURGOGNE ROUGE The best value AC Bourgogne Rouge. Pure extract of Pinot-Noir on light body. Delicious. [1032] CHAMBOLLE-MUSIGNY LES MONBIES 2010 Production is only 1,700 bts/year. Ideal style of Chambolle-Musigny, floral, silky, and delicate. [3538] [1031] [1181] [4111] [1180] [4110] [4109] VOSNE ROMANEE VOSNE ROMANEE VOSNE ROMANEE VOSNE ROMANEE Aromatic and sweet, hedonic wine. You can find everything about Robert Sirugue here. Enjoyable since early stage, besides, it has long aging-potential. VOSNE ROMANEE 1ER CRU LES PETITS MONTS VOSNE ROMANEE 1ER CRU LES PETITS MONTS Les Petit Monts is located just next to Richebourg, Cros Parantoux, La Romanee and Aux Reignots. This is the reason why its quality often reaches to Grand Cru. GRANDS ECHEZEAUX GRAND CRU 2009 2010 Production is only 600 bts/year. This wine is the 10th apostle in the comic Drop of God. 190 650 570 550 450 550 750 950 限定品, 到貨通知

Guru of Biodynamie. One and only, finest white wine in the world 生物動力自然耕種法的始祖 世上唯一獨有的白酒釀酒大師 NICOLAS JOLY Nicolas Joly is respected as a Guru of Biodynamists. Top wine producers such as Domaine Leroy, DRC(Domaine de la Romanée Conti), Domaine Trapet, Domaine Leflaive are under his influence, and those domaines have improved their quality dramatically. To understand the spirits of these wines, Nicolas Joly is unavoidable.

Nicolas Joly 不只是生物動力自然耕種法的始祖, 亦是成功影響一眾知名酒莊如 Domaine Leroy, DRC(Domaine de la Romanee Conti), Domaine Trapet, Domaine Leflaive 的佼佼者 ; 要明白這些大酒的神髓, 認識 Nicolas Joly 是不可缺小的一環 [4072] [4071] [4073] 還記得在上年波爾多酒展我們邀請他到香港與一眾酒迷見面, 他比較關心的是香港太多幅射 如手提電話 電腦 各種電器都令他覺得不舒服 還好我們介紹他到一些小島住, 他回答說這建議很好, 我會考慮的 希望未來一兩年他會來香港吧! Biodynamie Biodynamique agriculture is a method of sustainable agriculture, which has much in common with other organic approaches, excludes the use of artificial chemicals on soil and plants. Methods unique to the biodynamic approach include its the use of the Lunar agricultural calendar and special formulation called Préparations. Besides, the concept of Biodynamie has a lot of similarities with Feng Shui, and its quintessence is dynamization of flow of energy. Wine Made of 100% Chenin Blanc, perfectly matured grape from the vineyard. Every wine contains Botrytis and shows off superb concentration. What a delicious wine! The three wines are produced by the grapes from different vineyards, but produced by same process, and possesses same concentration. There is no superiority or inferiority among three wines, but there are differences of expression of Terroir. How to enjoy You can find instruction on the back label. Please decant the wine 6 hours before drinking. The wine will develop for two weeks (*store under refrigeration). 有沒有聽錯? 要醒酒 6 小時? 其實也沒有太複雜, 也就是開瓶後放入醒酒器然後再入進酒櫃罷了, 而且可以天天倒一點出來喝, 兩周內變得愈來愈好 [CODE] AOC [4072] LES VIEUX CLOS, AOC Savennières ( 白 ) 290 Superb natural concentration. Fruits, honey and mineral. (decantage : 1+ hr) [4073] CLOS DE LA BERGERIE, AOC Savennières-Roche aux Moines ( 白 ) 420 Superb natural concentration. Fruits, honey and mineral. (decantage : 2+ hrs) [4071] CLOS DE LA COULEE DE SERRANT, AOC Savennières-Coulée de Serrant ( 白 ) The Monopole AOC. This wine has decent structure and engraved to details precisely. No objection that this is the best white wine in the world. (decantage : 6 hrs) 690

CAUTION! : UNFAIRLY, IRRESISTABLY DELICIOUS NATURAL SANGIOVESE Once you have experienced this, you can t go back. 請注意! 飲過便會愛上的意大利 Chianti Sangiovese 名師出品 The last of Gambelli s Children Giacomo Mastretta is a representative of Italian Non-Interventionist. He doesn t make wine, but grapes transform to wine spontaneously. As a result of Biologic vineyards management and minimum cellar-works, the wine becomes like a mass of energy. [1726] Giulio Gambelli is a legendary Sangiovese wine-maker who had technically supported Soldera, Le Pergole Torte, Poggio di Sotto. He took care of La Porta di Vertine in his later years. La Porta 亦是意大利酒神之子! 自 Soldera, Le Pergole Torte 和 Poggio di Sotto 以來 Giulio Gambelli 生前最後兩年 (2006 和 2007 年 ) 亦是 La Porta 的釀酒師和顧問 [CODE] WINE [3902] [1726] [1528] [3901] [3526] CHIANTI CLASSICO Lively, freshly extracted, juicy and natural sweetness. (uncork 2 hrs before drinking. Please do not use decanter) CHIANTI CLASSICO RISERVA Top selection of Sangiovese 100%. Deeper and much complex. This wine has aging potential. ROSATO IGT TOSCANA ( 玫瑰 ) This is like a rosé version of Brunello di Montalcino. Super juicy, tasty and full-bodied. Made from high concentrated 100% Sangiovese. SASSI CHIUSI IGT TOSCANA Merlot 60%/Cabernet Sauvignon 40%. You ve never seen such a lively Bordeaux-Blend wine. 100% Biologic GRAPPA DI CHIANTI CLASSICO 500ml( 渣釀白蘭地 ) 2009 2013 2010 2008 220 350 190 390 520

Ideal Margaux. Smooth, Supple and Classy 香港人最喜歡的瑪歌 CH.PAVEIL DE LUZE is located in MARGAUX village where the most elegant wines in the world are produced. Bottled wines are mostly delivered to gastronomic restaurants in France and private customers in Europe. RP 92 A superb cru bourgeois that behaves like a classified growth, this brilliant wine can be drunk early on because of its sweet tannin and low acidity, or cellared for 15 or more years. Bravo! This wine looks even more impressive than the 2009, which was another terrific sleeper of the vintage. Notes of forest floor, spring flowers, blueberry, black raspberry and cassis. CS70%/M30% This is an absolutely sensational wine from proprietor Frederick De Luze, who is the president of the Alliance des Cru Bourgeois. 我最喜愛的葡萄酒大獎 1679 votes Favorite wine in Hong Kong No.1 Wine trophy -Ch.Paveil de Luze 得獎了! CH.Paveil de Luze 2009 在 Wine and Dine Festival 得到了該區的第一名! 一共有 1,679 位朋友品了酒 投了票 CH.Paveil de Luze 水準一年比一年好, 而且漸漸被大家認識, 我們先後做了很多場不同的品酒會和展覽會, 現在的 2008 年比較優雅開放 而 2009 年醒酒一小時後果味濃郁有力 [CODE] AOC [1285] CH.PAVEIL DE LUZE MARGAUX Supple, soft, balance, comfortable intensity and weight on palate. This is an ideal MARGAUX wine for every weekend. 2010 330 [1287] CH.PAVEIL DE LUZE MARGAUX 280 [5081] CH.PAVEIL DE LUZE MARGAUX (375ml) 140 [3928] CH.PAVEIL DE LUZE MARGAUX (3000ml) 1,180

Purified Henri Jayer s dream 現代與古典結合的佳作 Marc ROY ALEXANDRINE and her father Marc Roy craft distinctive wines in the style of mixture of classicism and modernity. Production is extremely small, but it is worth the effort to find. Their vineyards are capable of producing Millerandage (This is a kind of mutation in a particular year, and berries are small, with thick skin and without seeds. The wine obtains concentration and complexity). [3989] [1528] Henri Jayer loved Millerandage so much, and it was one of the secrets of his wine. Alexandrine Roy purifies Henri Jayer s dream, then produces 100% Millerandage wine that is the only one in the world. 不要因女釀酒師就以為她的酒應該是十分女性化, 其實 Marc Roy 是一個騎電單車的個性女仕, 她所造出來的酒都充分勁度 果味十分濃郁 集中 她和酒神 Henri Jayer 一樣鐘情 Millerandage, 她亦是現今布跟地唯一一名釀酒師可以釀出 100% Millerandage 的酒 3989 CUVEE ALEXANDRINE 便是以她的名字命名 [CODE] AOC [1720] [3341] [3987] MARSANNAY BLANC CHAMPS PERDRIX ( 白 ) Extreme low yield(24-30 hl/ha) produces great concentration and rich taste. Notable aroma of peach, mango and passion fruits. 1,600 bottles/year GEVREY CHAMBERTIN CLOS PRIEUR GEVREY CHAMBERTIN CLOS PRIEUR 2004 This is the flagship cuvee. Only 0.27ha, 1,500 bottles/year. Near 1er Cru Cherbaudes and Grand Cru Chapelle. 290 630 590 [3988] [3339] [3989] GEVREY CHAMBERTIN VIEILLE VIGNE Made from 70 years old ULTRA Vieilles Vignes from seven vineyards. GEVREY CHAMBERTIN CUVEE ALEXANDRINE GEVREY CHAMBERTIN CUVEE ALEXANDRINE 2010 100% Millerandage. This is the only one in the world. Production : 1,200 bottles in particular year. 550 1,200 1,200

Diamond-Like Biodynamie Grand Cru 天然生物耕作的特級佳釀 TRAPET 在布跟地的紅酒已經十分有名, 很可惜他們並沒有在布跟地擁有白酒田, 其家族於 2002 年, 開始在阿爾薩斯釀製特級白酒 你嘗試看這白酒 Label 亦發現他們不看重 Marketing, 只集中做好他們的酒 運用着天然生物耕作的科技, 成功地令其白酒擁有着自然的個性, 亦帶着阿爾薩斯白酒的特色, 是渾然天成的特級酒! 在中環一些燒烤食店有 TRAPET 出售, 食客都十分喜歡這白酒配襯不同的食品, 也漸漸變成了他們的日常餐酒 [1721] [1569] BIODYNAMIST Jean-Louis and Andrée Trapet own the vineyards in Burgundy and Alsace. The wine of Trapet-Alsace is characterized by purity, solidity, minerality, density like a diamond, viscosity, verticality, and everything is wrapped by delicacy and softness. Food matching is amazing. Trapet s wine perfectly supports from casual dining to high-end gastronomy. [CODE] AOC TRAPET ALSACE [1723] [1561] [5096] [1570] SPOREN GRAND CRU GEWURZTRAMINER ( 甜 ) 2009 390 [1569] SONNENGLANZ GRAND CRU PINOT GRIS ( 甜 ) 2008 390 [1721] [5098] [1722] [5099] RIQUEWIHR GEWURZTRAMINER ( 白 ) Beautiful natural concentration, syrup-like, spicy and chewy fruits. Many choice of food matching. The wine for gourmet. OX PINOT-AUXERROIS( 白 ) One of the best value under $200. Nicely matured like a Puligny Montrachet. SCHOENENBOURG GRAND CRU RIESLING ( 白 ) Finally domaine released this bottle after 8 years ageing. Beautifully mature Riesling shows typical character of Schoenenbourg by Domaine Trapet. Must experience. 1This is VT(Vendanges Tardives = Late harvest), so it is relatively sweeter than other cuvees. Impressively aromatic and concentrated. CHAMBERTIN GRAND CRU ( 紅 ) CHAMBERTIN GRAND CRU ( 紅 ) TRAPET GEVREY-CHAMBERTIN GEVREY CHAMBERTIN 1ER CRU PETITE CHAPELLE ( 紅 ) GEVREY CHAMBERTIN OSTREA ( 紅 ) 2008 2006 2006 2008 2006 2007 190 190 390 1,950 1,850 980 480

Hong Kong New standard Biodynamique Jura Domaine de la Pinte 香港新標準 Domaine de la Pinte is producing soulful wines from local grape varietals such as Poulsard, Savagnin, and Trousseau. The wine has remarkable purity and softness that is attributed to Biodynamie. Jura wine has potential to be new standard in Hong Kong - Poulsard and Siu Mei - this is an unsuspected encounter. Savagnin fits Chaozhou cuisine very naturally. Vin Jaune and Hangzhou cuisine is definitely nice. [4094] [4101] 不小酒友門都愛覓好酒, 配佳餚 Pillariwine 致力從名不經傳產區, 尋找具有實力的酒莊 Domaine de la Pinte 來自 Burgundy 東北一個名為 Jura 的 AOC 產區, 以多款本土提子釀酒 較多人認識的 Vin Jaune ( 黃酒 ) 醇厚的酒體能襯出膏蟹, 大閘蟹的黃油香! 其優越的陳年潛質, 是眾收藏家的珍品 而以本土提子 Poulsard ( 紅酒 ) Savagnin ( 白酒 ) 則是配襯日常菜式的新標準 風味純樸清新, 配襯家鄉菜正好映照出 Jura 酒的個性 [CODE] AOC [4092] ARBOIS POULSARD( 紅 ) This vintage is exceptional. 10 years aged special cuvee. 2003 250 [4094] ARBOIS POULSARD L AMI KARL( 紅 ) 190 Lovely strawberry and cherry, Chinese tea, and hint of oriental spice. Light color but it is very tasty. [4097] ARBOIS TROUSSEAU( 紅 ) 240 Taste is close to Pinot-Noir. Complex aroma of black berries and spices. [4090] ARBOIS SAVAGNIN( 白 ) Aged 6 years in barrel. Complex, concentrated, oriental spices and long finish. [4101] ARBOIS VIN JAUNE( 黄 ) 2007 2005 260 650 One of the miracle of French wine. 6 years and 3 months in barrel without any operation. The wine possesses 30-50 years ageing potential. [4099] MACVIN DU JURA( 酒精強化 ) - 280 Macvin is a blend of Savagnin and brandy made from Savagnin. Very easy to drink. Only 17.5% alcohol.

Bordeaux Biodynamie started from here 波爾多 Biodynamic 的起源 大家都知道 Ch. Pontet Canet 自 2004 年開始的酒質有很大的進步 到 2009 和 2010 年更連續兩年拿到 RP100 分! 原來有一個故事是和 CH. du Champ des Treilles 有莫大關係 Château du Champ des Treilles Dramatic change of CH.PONTET-CANET inspired top Chateaux in Bordeaux such as CH.LATOUR, CH.PALMER and possibly CH.MARGAUX, they are in process of conversion to Biodynamie. But why did PONTET-CANET start Biodynamie? There is a small chateau behind. This chateau is owned by Jean-Michel Comme, the chief winemaker of CH.PONTET-CANET, and its name is CHAMP DES TREILLES. 有一天 Alfred Tesseron (Ch. Pontet Canet 的莊主 ) 發現 Jean-Michel (Ch.Pontet Canet 的釀酒師兼 CH.Du Champ Des Treilles 的莊主和釀酒師 ) 拿著一瓶酒就問道可不可以給他嚐.. One day in 2003, Alfred Tesseron (the owner of CH.PONTET-CANET) found that Jean-Michel brought his own bottle to work, and he asked Jean-Michel to give him a glass curiously.. A.T. 喝完就很驚訝的問 : 你是怎樣做到這麼好的酒? J.M. 簡單的回答 : 沒什麼, 只是 Biodinamic 的酒 A.T. : What is this!? What have you done do to your wine? J.M. : Nothing special. But my vineyards are managed by Biodynamie A.T. 就問 : 那為什麼我們酒莊不用這個方法做酒呢? J.M. 就說 : 你喜歡就可以啊 A.T. : Why don t you do it for PONTET-CANET!? J.M. : I can do it if you like it [1626] A.T.: 那開始做吧! 我終於找到通往一級莊的方法了! A.T.: Finally I found the way! now I m convinced that PONTET-CANET will exceed first growths! [CODE] AOC [5127] [5128] [1626] GRAND VIN( 紅 ) Arrival 2015 VIN PASSION( 白 ) Arrival 2015 PETIT CHAMP( 紅 ) Please use decanter for 30 min. The wine will be glossed and focus. Complex, coffee, black berry, cassis, thick but soft tannin. Vivid, deep and lively. 250 180 160

No gimmick, No makeup. Artisanal Authentic Burgundy. 淺酌細膩 手工小品 ONE of the hot topics in Burgundy is duo of TOMOKO KURIYAMA and GUILLAUME BOTT, the mainson de vin CHANTEREVES. This new micro-négoce released 3 vintages(2010--) so far, and it was enough to demonstrate their ability and high quality standard. Its taste is modest and gentle in authentic style. There is no gimmick and makeup. A naked wine which is supported by high quality of grapes and winemaker s artisanal spirit. All of their wines have good ageing potential of 5-10 years. [3993] 新進布跟地酒莊, 清純細緻的果香, 柔韌丹寧, 深入淺出 每樣要求都一絲不苟, 這正是優秀陳年潛力的表現 一瓶好酒可以說明了釀酒師的智慧和功架, 這對夫婦用了三年的心血就令酒莊的品質能與大酒匹敵, 又能得到布跟地愛好者的注視, 大家又點可以錯過! [CODE] AOC [5094] [3993] [3990] VOLNAY( 紅 ) Lovely red fruits, multi layers and silky texture. Classy and delicate. This wine expresses Volnay s character perfectly. MEURSAULT LES CROTOTS( 白 ) Aroma of honey, nuts and mineral and creamy textures are purely from terroir of Meursault. No new oak barrel, no cultivated yeast and no fining. BOURGOGNE PINOT NOIR( 紅 ) Pure red fruits and earthiness. Structure is beautiful. No fining, no filtration. It definitely has 10 years ageing potential. [3991] BOURGOGNE CHARDONNAY( 白 ) 70 years vieilles vignes from Puligny Montrachet. This complexity and finesse are unusual for AC Bourgogne. [3992] BOURGOGNE CHARDONNAY( 白 ) Grapes are from Maranges this year. Text book of Burgundy Chardonnay. Citrus fruits, fine acidity, mineral, everything is in balance. 520 490 220 220 220

DISCOUNT * All of our exclusive items in this booklet 5% off mixed 3 bottles 10% off mixed 6 bottles FREE DELIVERY * Purchase of $1,500 or above HOW TO ORDER 2851 7818 9429 1090 www.pillariwine.com sales@pillariwine.com SHOWROOM: Unit-A 2/F Pottinger House, 24-26 Pottinger Street, Central BUSINESS HOURS: MON-FRI 12:30pm-7:30pm SAT 1pm-5pm