20% 50% YAZAKI / (Lithium/bromide Absorption chillers) (Adsorption chillers) / (SILICA GEL/WATER) (Desiccant Cooling and Dehumidifica

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m 3 m m 84 m m m m m m m


1 2 1 2 / CO 2

20% 50% 90 12 23 106 6 1 YAZAKI / (Lithium/bromide Absorption chillers) (Adsorption chillers) / (SILICA GEL/WATER) (Desiccant Cooling and Dehumidification) (The Solar Desiccant Enhanced Radiative Cooling System SDERC System) SDERC (Florida Solar Energy Center) 1985 1988 / 2 2000 NPS 2001 3 1. (Absorption Chillers) 90~854 8~10YAZAKI AROACE 7 1

冰水出水溫度 =7 冷卻水進水溫度 =31 冷凍能力 45 40 35 30 25 2 0 1 5 10 5 標準點 88 0 60 70 80 88 90 (Standard point) 熱媒入口溫度 1 5 2 3 6 10 0 2 6 3 6

4 7 4 (1) ( ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) YAZAKI 5 16. Non-condensable gas storge service valve 15. Non-condensable gas storge 8.Freezing prevention valve (SV1) 1.Generator (GE) /inner part 2.Condenser(CON) /outer part Level bar 6.Absorber /outer part 5.Evaporator /inner part 25.LT thermostat 22.FS(flow switch) for chilled-hot water circuit 4.Refrigerant proportional valbe (RV) 17.Absorber service valve 9.Heating/cooling changeover valve (CV) Control panel 21.Electrical control box 10.Refrigerant storage valve (SV11) 18.Diluted 21 Electrical solution control box sampling valve 12.Solution pump (SP) 2. (Adsorption Chillers) Front 5 YAZAKI 5 8

6 9 着 着 着 8 10 7 9 a a-b a b Ta2 Tg1 Pe Pc (Xconc=const) b-c Tg2 c c-d Tg2 Ta1 Pc Pe (Xdil=const) d-a Ta2 a

8 10 The Sarantis Cosmetics Factory At Inofita Viotas 2700 m² 350KW 140 11 9 350 KW 11 NISHIYODO MYCOM 2100KW 12-5 85~90 2000 2.3 6.7 kw 2003 29KW COP0.39 / 13 3. (Desiccant Cooling and Dehumidification) / 2000~3000M 2 /M 3 (Sensible Heat) (Latent Heat) 50%RH

10 11 A-B 14.2 kg/kg da 5 kg/kg da 11 14 10 14 4. (The Solar Desiccant Enhanced Radiative Cooling, SDERC SYSTEM) 1 Rudd SDERC SYSTEM 15 (Phase-Change Material, PCM) PCM 12 13

12 15 13 15 5. (Thermo-acoustic Refrigerator) CFC 16 NPS(Naval Postgraduate School) (Solar Powered, Thermo-acoustically Driven, Thermoacoustic Refrigerator) 0.457m 0.0254m (reticulated vitreous carbon prime mover stack) 600W/M2 100W 475 2.5W @5 15 17 15 17 1. 1810 200 COP COP 0.7 COP 85 COP 85 Yazaki Super Blue Panel 85 (1)

1 1 Capacity at ARI conditions (44 o F chilled water, 85 o F cooling water) and using 194 o F hot water. KW (NTD/KW ) 35KW 77KW 573KW 48500 25000 10000-25000 15000 4500 4000 3500 (2) 1 85 70 32KW 10KW 14 85 70COP 0.7 0.65 COP YAZAKI COP COP 14 12 (3) 2 12 2. (1) COP 3 COP COP 2 12 ( ) ( ) 50~90 ( ) 80~100 ( ) 70 70 8050 85

24 8000 2-3000 2-3000 4 4 1500USD 2000 3000 6000USD 22.2 1200USD/30Gal. 40 1 ( ) 25 100 PID COP 0.7 + 8000 2-3 ( ) ( ) 30 7 15 ( ) 20 7 9

4 5 30 1200USD 80 90%@80 70%@71 80 50 45%@50 71 50 24 30 7 3 9 5 3 ( ) 1 3 3 COP COP 18 5~6.1 18 4.45~4.9 18 2.79 0.7 85 0.7 0.5~1.5KG/CM 2 1.2 5~8KG/CM 2 12 0.7 50 0.9 80 19 0.48 475 (2) COP COP COP (3) 50 50 85

(4 ) IEA(International Energy Agency) TASK 25 (Solar Assisted Air Conditioning Of Buildings) 1., (2003) 2.,,,,,, (1998) 3.,, (2004) 4.,, (1989) 5. YAZAKI 6. Wilbert F. Stoecker, Jerold W. Jones, Refrigeration and air conditioning,mcgraw-hillm, (1995) 7. HVAC Applications, ASHRAE, (2003) 8.,,,,, 12 4 9. MYCOM AdRef, 10.,,,, (2003) 11. Jean Yves Quinette, Daniel Mugnier, Solar Assisted Air Conditioning Of Buildings Selected Results From Pilot Installations, (2004) 12. Nishiyodo (2003) 13.,,,, (2003) 14. John Archibald, A New Desiccant Evaporative Cooling Cyclefor Solar Air Conditioning And Hot Water Heating, (2001) 15. Armin F. Rudd, Development of Moisture Storage Coating for Enthalpy Storage Wallboard, (1994) 16. Steven L. Garrett, Scott Backhaus, The Power of Sound 17. Jay A. Adeff, Thomas J. Hofler, Design and construction of a solarpowered, thermoacoustically driven, thermoacoustic refrigerator,, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,107, L37, (2000) 18. (2001) 19. Hofler, Thomas J.; Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Ca Dept Of Physics, Improved Efficiency and Power Density for Thermoacoustic Coolers, Annual summary rept. Jun 94-May 95, (1996)

Solar Energy And Cooling Dehumidification Technology Pan-Chen, Chan PE, FuLe M.E.M. Co., Ltd. Abstract The application of solar energy in Taiwan has been focused on solar water heater. However, since Taiwan is located in the subtropical region and surrounded by Ocean, there is less solar heat demand for heating water, especially in summer. In Fact, the unique climate and high relative humidity temperature character in Taiwan has resulted in much higher energy demand for cooling and dehumidification rather than heating. Electricity consumption for cooling demand is almost 50% or more. Absorption cooling is the popular system that applied with solar heat. Several lithium-bromide absorption chillers with solar thermal system are operated now in Europe and Japan. However, difficult operation, maintenance and high cost have moved back the more extensive application of the solar absorption cooling system. Nowadays, the new technologies on desiccant cooling, desiccant dehumidification, adsorption chillers and also thermo-acoustic refrigeration system have been introduced, which will bring better application for solar thermal. In the following article, each cooling and dehumidification technology will be discussed respectively, we look forward to see the widespread application of the solar thermal in the future, The increase in popularity of the solar thermal as alternative energy will reduce fossil fuel consumption, CO2 emission, and helps to relieve the increasingly worsen situation of the global warming. Key word solar thermal, adsorption chillers, absorption chillers