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Dark Knight Shines Bright 黑夜骑士光彩夺目 Batman Film Shatters Box Office Record 蝙蝠侠新片冲破票房纪录 Read the text below and do the activity that follows. 阅读下面的短文, 然后完成练习 : It's not often you see a giant bat-shaped car driving through central London, unless perhaps Batman is in town. The caped crusader's famous Batmobile was here for the European premiere of new Batman film The Dark Knight, a film which has already been making waves at the US box office. It has set a box office record for best opening weekend ever, taking $155m (1.1bn yuan) in the US alone in its first three days in cinemas. But while it is not unusual for summer blockbusters to make a lot of money, what is less common is for such films to receive good reviews from critics. "An epic that will leave you staggering from the theatre, stunned by its scope and complexity," was how Associated Press described the film, one of many reviews which sung the praises of the latest Batman film. The movie, which stars British actor Christian Bale in the lead role and the late Heath Ledger as his arch-enemy the Joker, has already been voted the number one film of all time by users of the website The story follows the superhero Batman as he battles the criminal underworld in the fictional Gotham City. One particularly stunning part sees Batman leap from the top of the International Finance Centre in Hong Kong; and even features a cameo role for controversial star Edison Chen. Many critics have singled out Heath Ledger's performance as the maniacal Joker, who wreaks mayhem as Batman tries to stop him. Anglo-American director Christopher Nolan described his performance as breathtaking, complex and "hard to pin down". Co-star Sir Michael Caine called him "one of the greatest villains you've ever seen." Ledger died earlier this year from an accidental prescription drugs overdose. It now looks likely that he will receive a posthumous Oscar nomination. 2

Glossary 词汇表 caped crusader 披斗篷的先锋 ( 蝙蝠侠的别称 ) box office 票房 summer blockbusters 夏季大片 stunned 受惊的 sung the praises 表扬 criminal underworld 黑社会 singled out - 挑出, 选出 wreaks mayhem 犯下重伤罪 hard to pin down 很难下结论 accidental prescription drugs overdose 意外过量服药 making waves 掀起一阵热潮 opening weekend 首个周末 staggering 摇摇晃晃 scope ( 影片的 ) 范围 arch-enemy 死敌 cameo role ( 电影中 ) 托明星演员的小配角 maniacal 疯狂的 breathtaking 激动人心的 villains 坏人, 反面人物 posthumous 死后获得的 1. Reading Quiz 阅读测验 Are these sentences true or false? Circle the correct answer. 以下句子哪句是真? 哪句是假? 请圈出正确答案 1. The Dark Knight took $155m in its first two days in the US. True / False 2. Summer blockbusters usually make a lot of money. True / False 3. Heath Ledger plays Batman's enemy in the film. True / False 4. Gotham City is a real place. True / False 5. Ledger died after taking illegal drugs. True / False 3

2. Phrasal verbs 短语动词 Look at the phrasal verbs below. Can you match them to their definitions? 请将下列短语动词和它们的定义对应连线 1. to pin down a. to choose one thing for special attention 2. to pull off b. to discover details or understand 3. to single out c. to achieve success despite difficulties 4. to pull up d. to stop or park a vehicle Now complete the sentences below by using one of the phrasal verbs. 请从以上动词短语中选择合适的一个来完成下列句子 1. Film critics have Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight. 2. The Batmobile outside the cinema, to the delight of film fans. 3. It was hard to the cause of his popularity, he was a very complex character. 4. Although there were many problems shooting the film, the director a real success. 4

3. Jumbled Sentences 打乱词序的句子 Rearrange the words in the sentences below to make correct sentences. 请将下列句子中的单词重新排列, 组成一个正确的句子 1. Batman's the Joker Heath plays The enemy Late Ledger actor 2. The Dark of all time Knight one film Users of the voted number 3. The cameo Dark Knight has a Chen role in Edison 4. accidental overdose an Heath Ledger died in prescription drugs January of 5. the US box office has been making The caped crusader's latest film at waves 6. The European Batmobile was in the film's premiere for London 5

4. Wordsearch 单词搜索 Try to find the words associated with the new Batman film in the puzzle below. There are ten words to find. Words can be written horizontally (g), vertically (i) or diagonally (m) 请在下面的字谜游戏中, 找出与有关蝙蝠侠新电影的英语单词 共有 10 个单词, 其组成方式可能以水平的 (g) 垂直的 (i) 或对角的 (m) 形式出现 b l o c k b u s t e r b a r c h e n e m y t i a h e e a h t l s c e d g n s m a n i a c a l b e a l t e t c m o m a v r h a r u i h s p e n i c n o l a n a t e o n l h p e r h t n a a p n l r s e v e n a e b k r a i b a t m o b i d b i i s i g s t a g g e r i n g h p o s t h u m o u s g arch-enemy villains scope stunned breathtaking cameo staggering blockbuster posthumous maniacal 6

Answers 答案 1. Reading Quiz 阅读测验 1. The Dark Knight took $155m in its first two days in the US. False 2. Summer blockbusters usually make a lot of money. True 3. Heath Ledger plays Batman's enemy in the film. True 4. Gotham City is a real place. False 5. Ledger died after taking illegal drugs. False 2. Phrasal verbs 短语动词 Look at the phrasal verbs below. Can you match them to their definitions? 请看下列短语动词, 请将它们与各自的定义对应起来 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d Now complete the sentences below by using one of the phrasal verbs. 现在请用以上的某个短语动词完成下列句子 1. Film critics have singled out Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight. 2. The Batmobile pulled up outside the cinema, to the delight of film fans. 3. It was hard to pin down the cause of his popularity, he was a very complex character. 4. Although there were many problems shooting the film, the director pulled off a real success. 3. Jumbled Sentences 打乱词序的句子 Rearrange the words in the sentences below to make correct sentences. 4. Wordsearch 单词搜索 请将下列句子中的单词重新排列, 组成一个正确的句子 1. The late actor Heath Ledger plays Batman's enemy the Joker. 2. Users of voted The Dark Knight the number one film of all time. 3. Edison Chen has a cameo role in The Dark Knight. 4. Heath Ledger died in January of an accidental prescription drugs overdose. 5. The caped crusader's latest film has been making waves at the US box office. 6. The Batmobile was in London for the film's European premiere. b l o c k b u s t e r a r c h e n e m y e s c s m a n i a c a l t t o m v u h p e i n t e o l n a l e k a d i i s t a g g e r i n g p o s t h u m o u s g 7