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計 畫 案, 本 系 預 計 三 場 校 外 參 訪 活 動, 簡 述 如 下 : 參 訪 日 期 :3 月 28 日 ( 三 ), 參 訪 地 點 : 暨 南 大 學 集 集 小 鎮 參 訪 日 期 :4 月 27 日 ( 五 ), 參 訪 地 點 : 大 里 國 際 兒 童 英 語 村 國 立


2014-2015 Huada 2014-2015 Enrollment Has Started!! Please check details below 2014-2015 Special Page for 2014-2015 Enrollment Courses Textbook Class Schedule School Calendar Enrollment Guidelines 湾区 华 学 现场会 将开. 华 学 国 尔 园内 园 规 现 课 联 区 务 让华 学 从 开 经 学 个 级 华 学 湾区 时 学 学 认 语学 学 认 语学 课 学 华 开设 课 从学 AP 学 从传统 学 课 专门为 双语 计 学 备应 课 备 课 从 双语 华 汉语课 说 湾区 学 类 独 鳌头 华 AP 学 从 绩 学 长 称赞 从华 AP 毕业 学 参 国 学 会 AP 国统 4 5 绩 汉语 简 汉语 学 华 还 术 围 课 湾区 专业 术 师 围 亲 华 这 归 湾区学 电 质 个 师团队 学经验 学 训练 师团队 为华 个独 级 学 华 学 顺应 汉语 简 经 过 从 学 现 学 华 毕业 岛 报 专栏 说 进 华 2014-2015 华 继续 尔 课

现场会从 3 15 开 旧 间 学 请尽 报 询问请 电 415-602-9863 415-602-9832. 报 http://www.huadachinese.com School Introduction Huada Chinese Academy, the top one Chinese school in the bay area, will start its enrollment procedure for next academic year. For San Francisco parents, what s on their Must Do List in every spring is to inquire the starting time of Huada enrollment, as it relates to their kids educationwhether they are able to enroll in the best Chinese school in the bay area, and whether they can be ahead of other kids in the long line of enrollment. Huada Chinese Academy has founded 10 years ago. In next academic year, we will continue provide unique Chinese Mandarin courses in next academic year on every Saturday and Sunday morning at Lowell High School. Start from the new semester, our Chinese courses will meet the requirement of California Seal of Biliteracy, which means that we can help high school students to become more competitive when applying for colleges and jobs. We offer traditional Chinese classes for students from preschool to high school. We also provide bilingual courses for non- Chinese speaking families. We have immersion Mandarin courses for public school students in the bay area, including synchronous and follow- up courses. We also provide AP courses and high school credit courses which are accepted by San Francisco Union School District and some private schools. Besides, for the students who want to apply for Lincoln High School s SDLP program, we offer related course that help you to pass the entering examination. All above diverse courses enable students with different background, level, demands and first languages receive one-stop Chinese Mandarin education. Huada is the ONLY Chinese school in the bay area that able to offer such unique course arrangement! Besides our gold medal quality Chinese courses, Huada will continue providing Drawing and Go chess classes, which makes students receive all-round development. Huada enrollment for 2012-2013 academic year will start on March 17th (Saturday) and March 18th (Sunday) at Lowell High School. Don t miss out the chance to have high quality education! For details please check information on this page below or call (415)602-9863 or (415)602-9832.


Please check our brochure: English Version

Textbooks 1 1 2 New Chinese For Kids 1&2- for Huada Preschool Classes 2 Hanyu Pinyin- for Huada Pinyin Classes 3 1-4 Chinese- for Huada Elementary Classes Grade1-4 4 1-5 6-8 Mei Zhou Chinese- for Huada Grade1-5(Elementary Graduation), Grade6-8(Middle School Graduation)

5 H1- H4 Integrated Chinese- for Huada High School Class H1- H4 6 AP - AP AP Chinese - Simulated Tests for Huada AP Class

7 AP Harvest- Intermediate Chinese for Huada AP Class Class Schedule Huada Chinese Academy 2014-2015 Year Round Courses 19 Classes Class Course Time MY 2 High Level Preschool Chinese 8:30 am- - - 10:20 am MY1 Lower Level Preschool Chinese 10:30am- - 12:20 pm

MP1 Pin Yin Class, Kindergarten Chinese 8:30 am- - 10:20 am MP2 Pin Yin Class, Kindergarten Chinese 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm MC1P _Book 1, Bilingual Chinese 1 st Grade 8:30 am- - 10:20 am MC1B _ Book 1, Chinese 1 st Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm MC2P _Book 2, Bilingual Chinese 2 nd Grade 8:30 am 10:20 am MC2B _ Book 2, Chinese 2 nd Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm MC3P _Book 3, Bilingual Chinese 3 rd Grade 8:30 am- - 10:20am MC3B _ Book 3, Chinese 3 rd Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm MC4P _Book 4, Bilingual Chinese 4 th Grade 8:30 am- - 10:20am MC4B _ Book 4, Chinese 4 th Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm MC5A _Book 5, Bilingual Chinese 5 th Grade 8:30 am- - 10:20am MC5B _Book 5, Bilingual Chinese 5 th Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm MHCA - Jr./H Level 1 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm MH1 H/S High School Credit Level 1, 10:30 am 12: 20 pm MH2 H/S High School Credit Level 2 8:30 am 10:20 am MAP - College Chinese Level, AP Chinese 8: 30 am 12: 20 pm MR1_, - Drawing 1 9:30 am 10:20 am

21 Classes Class Course Time (Sunday) LY1 Lower Level Preschool Chinese 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LY2 High Level Preschool Chinese 8:30 am- - - 10:20 am LP1 Pin Yin Class, Kindergarten Chinese 8:30 am- - - 10:20 am LP2 Pin Yin Class, Kindergarten Chinese 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LC1P _Book 1, Bilingual Chinese 1 st Grade 8:30 am- - 10:20 am LC1B _ Book 1, Chinese 1 st Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LC2P _Book 2, Bilingual Chinese 2 nd Grade 8:30 am- - 10:20 am LC2B _ Book 2, Chinese 2 nd Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LC3P _Book 3, Bilingual Chinese 3 rd Grade 8:30 am- - 10:20 am LC3B _ Book 3, Chinese 3 rd Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LC4P _Book 4, Bilingual Chinese 4 th Grade 8:30 am- - 10:20 am LC4B _ Book 4, Chinese 4 th Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LC5B _Book 5, Bilingual Chinese 5 th Grade 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LHCA1 - Jr./H Level 1 8:30 am- - 10:20 am LHCA2 - Jr./H Level 1 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm

LHCB1 _ Jr/ H Level 2 8:30 am- - 10:20 am LHCB2 _ Jr/ H Level 2 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LHCC _ Jr/H Level 3 8:30 am- - 10:20 am LH3 H/S High School Credit Level 3, 10:30 am- - 12:20 pm LR2 _ - Drawing 2 9:30 am 10: 20 am LG _ / / 10: 30 am 11: 20 am School Calendar August September October November December 2014 Huada Chinese Academy 2014 Fall Semester Week #1 M 08/16/2014 L 08/17/2014 First day of school 8/30 & 08/31/14 No School (Labor Day) Week #7 M 10/04/2014 L 10/05/2014 Week #11 M 11/01/2014 L 11/02/2014 Week 15 M 12/06/2014 L 12/07/2014 M- SATURDAY L- SUNDAY Week #2 M 08/23/2014 L 08/24/2014 Week #3 M 09/6/2014 L 09/7/2014 Week #8 M 10/11/2014 L 10/12/2014 Week #12 M 11/8/2014 L 11/9/2014 Week #16 Mid-Term Exam M 12/13/2014 L 12/14/2014 Week #4 M 09/13/2014 L 09/14/2014 Week #9 M 10/18/2014 L 10/19/2014 Week #13 M 11/15/2014 L 11/16/2014 12/20 & 12/21/14 No School (Christmas) Week #5 M 09/20/2014 L 09/21/2014 Week #10 M 10/25/2014 L 10/26/2014 Week #14 M:11/22/2014 L: 11/23/2014 12/27 & 12/28/14 No School (New Year) Week #6 M 9/27/2014 L 9/28/2014 11/29 & 11/30/14 No School (Thanksgiving)

2015 Huada Chinese Academy 2015 Spring Semester January Week #17 M 01/03/2015 L 01/04/2015 Week #18 M 01/10/2015 L 01/11/2015 Week #19 M 01/17/2015 L 01/18/2015 Week #20 M 01/24/2015 L 01/25/2015 February Week# 21 M 01/31/2015 L 02/01/2015 Week #22 M 02/07/2015 L 02/08/2015 Week #23 M 02/14/2015 L 02/15/2015 02/21 & 02/22/15 No School Lunar New Year March Week #24 M 02/28/2015 L 03/01/2015 Week #25 M 03/07/2015 L 03/08/2015 Week #26 M 03/14/2015 L 03/15/2015 Week #27 M 03/21/2015 L 03/22/2015 3/28 & 3/29/15 No School (Spring Recess April 4/04 & 4/05/15 No School (Easter Vacation Week #28 M 04/11/2015 L 04/12/2015 Week #29 M 04/18/2015 L 04/19/2015 Week #30 M 04/25/2015 L 04/26/2015 May Week #31 Final Exam M 05/02/2015 L 05/03/2015 Week #32 M 05/09/2015 L 05/10/2015 Week #33 Last Day School M 05/16/2015 L 05/17/2015 2014-2015 _Lowell 3 15 : (1) (2) : 10 33 10% 5 % 5%., $.50

2013 $8.() Huada 2014-2015 School Year Enrollment Guidelines Enrollment for new and existing students at the Lowell campus begins on March 15 th. Existing students need to pay attention to the school s notice, which contains assigned enrollment dates. Please come to the office to enroll your children on your assigned enrollment date. The differences in enrollment between new and existing students include: (1) registration fee is waived for existing students (2) existing students have more choices in choosing classes with suitable times. Fees: there are 33 sessions that span 10 months during Huada s school year. The discount period for existing student enrollment is during March and April of every year. We encourage parents to seize the opportunity for a 10% discount in tuition by enrolling during this period. The second child in every family can enjoy an additional 5% discount in tuition. The discount period for existing students ends after April, and discounts for new students end after May. The difference between new and existing students is that new students receive a 5% discount for enrolling during the discount period. Tuition is subject to change depending on our costs. For this school year, the hourly rate for most classes will be adjusted higher by $0.50 an hour. Thank you for your understanding. In 2013, we distributed tuition coupons as rewards that can be used towards this year s tuition. Lastly, for parents who enroll their children in the current school year, and refer other families to enroll, they will receive an $8 tuition rebate (per family referred).

==================================================================================== AP AP 2012 7 2013-2014 3 15 & 16 http://www.huadachinese.com 415-602-9863 415-602-9832 http://www.yelp.com/biz/huada- chinese- academy- san- francisco