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1689 1698 1728-29 1728 22 100 20 15 15 1 1727 10 10 2 1722 3 1721 4 5 1

1755 9 1100 500 3000 60,000 10 1750 1873 2,398 11 12 2

1757 13 14 1 1 1 1761 11,508.62 209.18 2 1762 20,000 2,847.08 3 1762 20,000 136.5 4 1763 20,000 112.69 5 1764 20,000 30.6 6 1769 20,000 59.8 7 1770 20,000 20.28 8 1771 20,000 39.96 9 1774 20,000 44.3 10 1775 15,904 8.73 11 1778 20,000 44.02 15 3

223,097 287,459 2Squirrel 200 400 17 18 60-65 Iletsk 40 20-35 0.02-0.06 0.02-0.03 Ermine 140,000-400,000 IletskiiIshinskiiBarabinskii TomskKrasnoiarskKrasnoiarskIrkutsk 19 Black fox, Silver foxblue fox White fox Sea lion 20 Iakutsk Mangazeia 1768-1785 15,000-50,000 1777 72,084 0.5-10.75 600-1000 4-180 21 BerezovSurgutMangazeiaIakutskIakutskBerezov 22 1768-1785 300-1,200 2,000-4,000 0.8-9 1773 300-700 1780-1785 1768-1785 120,000-250,000 50,000-150,000 23 Iakutsk 25-50 Iakutsk 60-70 2.5-10 70 6,000-16,000 50,000-100,000 4

2 1762 150 1792 399 25 2 1761 1762 1763 1771 1774 1775 1778 337 97 241 369 126 150 55 566 478 75 27 93 61 100 30,899 78 59 57 66 2852 1,830 1,340 2,721 103 252 630 620 620 39,661 61,668 28,150 27920 20,000 17,418 14,780 13,500 25,160 4,000 44320 28,040 12,000 9,080 0 21,040 20,000 33,121 59,538 31,160 283.6 196.5 176 80 80 165 300 107 71 80 76 20 20 9 9 1,138 3 31 82 20 70 21,454.83-17528.3 18,858.34 18,743.2 18,796.2 16,242.99 5

26 3 3 122 26.85 28.62 6.59 215 24.6 30.18 22.68 94 6.47 9.86 52.39 214 4.73 5.91 24.94 41 17.77 20.43 14.96 34 26.5 29.64 11.84 11900 0.2 0.21 5 27761 0.19 0.21 10.52 371 0.66 1 51.51 767 0.54 1 85.18 104 0.63 1 58.73 61 0.66 1 51.51 103 1.41 1.1-21.98 25160 0.03 0.04 33.33 82 2.47 70 1.29 14 0.88 8.5 1.83 257 26 6 4 2,953.1 1,731.4 9.46% 1.33 1.764 27 4 1761 9% 100 2-3% 6

4 28 % 1761 21,454.83 36,473.21 391,469 9.32 1763 17528.3 29,798.11 302,798 9.84 1771 18,858.34 32,059.18 1,246,410 2.57 1773 18,751.91 31,895.25 1,140,183 2.8 1774 18,743.2 31,863.44 1,227,760 2.6 1775 18,796.2 31,953.54 1,365,826 2.34 1778 16,242.99 27,613.08 794,540 3.48 7,176.5 7,920.08 743.58 8,292.37 9,716.92 1,424.55 512.3 17,719.05 1,550 29 33,363.93 36,700.32 30 1762 1768 31 32 Clifford M. Foust 1778 1785-92 7

1715 5 4 5 5 5 150 1 150 34 3 35 3 2 1 40 1 36 37 Lynx Kit fox 38 5 5 8

1632 40 41 20 43 44 9

47 1. 48 49 50 10

51 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 11

60 2. 61 1,026 118 2 9 125 118 64 17,787 2,739,275 65 19,328 36 2,981,413 66 17,477 2,691,535 67 19,291 2,970,814 68 154 134 2,876 442,904 69 70 12

1. 1743-1795 452,142 415,958 1,765,178 1,748,060 141,240 135,022 439,590.35 53,919 493,509.35 6 7 6 1763,10 2,684.4 1763,10 16,168.26 1763,11 1,546.5 1767,4 12,129.8 1767,7 34,602.22 1768,8 4,618.54 1769,1 8,263.55 1770,12 14,812.93 1770 13,683.3 1771 18,386.42 1772,8 3,831.55 1772,12 3,298.72 1772 38,303.08 1773,11 17,719.05 1774,7 5,000 1774,8 9,386.42 1776,8 11,405.85 1776,11 4,204 1778,1 31,146.65 1778,8 20,978.34 1781,12 5,481.7 1787,10 8,751.6 1789,6 54,791 1790,5 4,471.09 13

1790,11 60,746.29 1793,12 33,179.09 7 1775, 10 6,117 1776,3 6,116.54 1776,4 6,116.54 1776,4 8,704.75 1776,5 6,116.54 1776,5 2,588.22 1776,7 2,588.22 1776,7 2,588.22 1776,8 2,588.22 1776,8 400 1776,11 320 1778,8 361.9 1778,12 5,712.67 1787,12 450 1788,10 450 1789,12 450 1790,12 450 1793,8 450 1794,1 450 1794,3 900 3,500 5.5 71 1700 14

72 1704-1769 73 74 75 2. 3,500 77 78 10,828 1 4 15,159.2 79 80 3. 81 15

132 86 87 88 50 50 1778 10 3 5 16

3% 10% 50 50 45 30 15 7.5 5.1 2-2.1 1.5 1-1.25 0.5 0.2 1.1 0.85 0.6 0.06 17

30 25 19 7-21.6 1.52-2.5 1 0.05 0.8 1 0.26 9.5-7 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.8-1 1.2 0.3 0.23 0.8-1 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.77 0.47 0.6 3 0.4 0.05-0.06 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.12-0.5 0.1 0.1 0.052 0.7 0.7 0.58 0.12 0.12 1.5 1.22 18


隆 類 數量 年 Fur Trade Engaged by the Treasury of the Imperial Palace in the Regime of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty and the Vogue in Beijing of the time Lai Huimin (Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan ) Abstract: In the regime of Emperor Qianlong, the Qing court often sent men to buy furs at Kyakhta mainly because there were rich furs more diverse than those in Northeastern China and in Siberia and Alaska occupied by Russia in the 18 th century. The Treasury of the Imperial Palace selected precious furs for the imperial use and sold the rest at current price. Moreover, the Qing court also sold at current price the tributary furs from Tannu-Olang Sea because the furs there were not so good as that of those produced in northeastern China. Value of the furs sold at current price by the Treasury of the Imperial Palace was close to a half million liang in sliver. That helped to have furs popularized in the capital and made wearing fur dress and adornment become a symbol of distinguishing the rich from the poor 20

transited from that of high or low social status, showing the development of material civilization in China in the 18 th century. Generally speaking, fur dress and adornment were diffused from the imperial court to civil society because Manchus lived in the capital tended to follow the fashion of dresses and adornments worn in the Qing court. And tailors who made fur dresses and adornments for the imperial court spread the techniques in the capital to such a degree that they contributed a great deal in popularizing fur dress and adornment in civil society. Keywords: the Qing Dynasty; the Treasury of the Imperial Palace; Fur Trade; the Vogue in Beijing of the time 21