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25 The Huang-Lao Daoist Thought in the Xingshi, Zhouhe, Shuyan and Shuidi Chapters of Guanzi Guu-ying Chen Abstract Jixia Daoism belongs to the Huang-Lao Daoism of the Warring States period and uses Laozi s philosophy to formulate a school of political thought abundant with the spirit of that time. The Daoist thought espoused in Sima Tan s Lun liujia yaozhi is that of Huang-Lao Daoism. The school s main objective was governance of the world, with self-discipline as a core value. Besides the content of Xinshu and other three chapters that reflect clearly Daoist thought, the Xingshi and other chapters in the title also show such philosophy to varying extents. Xingshi likens men s power and status to that of topological characteristics and expressed various ideas on leadership. Zhouhe discusses various political concepts and Daoist theses on the universe. Shuyan, central remarks, contains many key topics and concepts, such as the importance of qi (energy) and fa (order); the co-existence of yin and yang ; the roles of Heaven, Earth and man; and the advocation of shangyang. The concept of water as the origin of all things was men- * Guu-ying Chen is a professor in the Department and Graduate Institute of Philosophy at National Taiwan University.

26 20 1 tioned for the first time ever in Chinese philosophy in his chapter Shuidi. Moreover, this chapter reveals that the nature of water affects that of man. Thus, the end of the chapter states Saints govern the world, with water as its center,. The comparison of these four chapters with the major concepts of Huang-Lao thought proves that this work should be regarded as one belonging to the Huang-Lao school of thought. Keywords: Daoism, Guanzi, Xingshi, Zhouhe, Shuyan, Shuidi