What is The Library Project? 什么是中华捐书会?

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Thank you for taking the time to learn about The Library Project. This brochure is divided into three parts: 感谢您能抽出宝贵的时间来了解我们的中华捐书会 本说明册共由三部分组成 : What

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Thank you for taking the time to learn about The Library Project. This Annual Report is divided into three parts: What is the Library Project? Page 3

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台 灣 人 權 學 刊 第 三 卷 第 三 期 他 還 接 受 教 育 部 的 委 託, 長 年 擔 任 中 央 層 級 的 人 權 教 育 輔 善 團 的 指 導 教 授, 至 今 已 有 多 年 我 雖 然 不 是 很 了 解 為 什 麼 他 可 以 一 邊 承 擔 教 育 部 賦 予 的 任


Providing books for schools and orphanages in Asia 为中国及亚洲地区的学校和孤儿院免费提供图书

What is The Library Project? 什么是中华捐书会?

The Library Project was founded on the simple idea that education is change. Education is the catalyst which breaks the cycle of poverty in the developing world and provides children with the opportunity for a positive future. Education is also empowerment. If we educate the children of the developing world, we give them the power to reach their goals. Education opens the doors of opportunity for children and provides them with the tools for a better future for both them and their families. 中华捐书会成立的理念言简意赅 : 教育就是改变 世界在不断发展, 教育则是消除贫困的催化剂, 它为孩子们铺筑了一条通向美好未来的光明大道 同样, 教育使人充满力量 如果中华捐书会能为发展中国家的儿童提供接受教育的机会, 那么他们将从中获取知识的力量, 为打造美好的未来做好准备 知识为孩子们打开一扇扇机会之门, 这将为营造他们和家人的幸福未来助一臂之力!

总观 Overview The Library Project donates books and libraries to poor schools and orphanages in China and Vietnam. We believe education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty that exists in the developing world. As we see it, education is change. We accomplish this by: Involving the local community through book drives and awareness raising Providing libraries to underfinanced orphanages and elementary schools Partnering with local NGOs (charities) 中华捐书会主要为中国和越南的贫困学校和孤儿院捐赠图书, 捐建图书馆 我们坚信, 教育是消除贫困的关键, 教育就是改变! 我们将通过以下方式实现这一目标 : 1. 2. 3. 通过图书征集等公益活动来提高社会对中华捐书会的关注 为贫困孤儿院及小学免费建立图书馆 与当地 NGO 建立合作关系

Orphanages, Schools & Our Programs 孤儿院 学校和我们的项目

Books of all kinds play a critical role in a child s development. Unfortunately, there are very few books beyond school text books found in most orphanages and countryside elementary schools in Asia. Regardless of any other factors and conditions, a lack of books is an issue in and of itself. Having additional books available helps to encourage independent learning, intellectual curiosity, and a lifelong passion for reading. Children s books are a luxury to have in Asia, and are a rarity to be found in an orphanage or a countryside elementary school. 图书在儿童的成长过程中占有举足轻重的地位 但是, 除了教科书之外, 多数亚洲孤儿院和乡村小学拥有的儿童图书简直屈指可数 单就图书缺乏这一点就令人感到非常遗憾, 因为图书阅读有益于开发儿童智力, 培养学习独立性 ; 更重要的是, 一旦养成阅读的习惯, 孩子将终生受益 图书是孩子们的财富 对于乡村小学和孤儿院里的孩子们来说, 图书更是他们的珍宝

当前的项目 Our Current Programs We provide libraries for small elementary schools and orphanages in China and Vietnam. These libraries are filled with colorful local language books that are either purchased in-country or acquired through local community based bookdrives. The reading area is designed to be a safe and accessible place for children to feel comfortable while nurturing their educational curiosities. Colorful posters, games, furniture, and floor mats make the libraries inviting and happy places for the children to learn and grow. The children are involved in many aspects of a library s development and construction by helping to unpack the books, set up mats, and clean the new space. As a reward for the children s assistance, a small party is arranged with educational games, balloons, and crafts. 我们为中国和越南的小学和孤儿院捐建图书馆 在每座新建的图书馆中, 各种五颜六色的图书都是从当地购买, 或是通过当地图书征集活动征集而来 阅读区的设计完全基于安全, 亲近的理念 身处舒适惬意的阅读环境, 孩子们可以尽情徜徉在知识的海洋里 色彩斑斓的海报, 生动有趣的游戏, 干净整洁的家具, 柔软舒适的地板垫把一座座图书馆变成孩子们学习 成长的乐园 不仅如此, 孩子们也是图书馆建设当中的一员 例如, 帮助拆封包装, 铺地板垫, 清扫新图书馆等 而我们也会为孩子们举办由益智游戏 五彩气球 益智玩具等组成的小小派对作为对他们的奖励

我们的图书馆 Our Libraries

2008 Income & Expenses Income Donations The Library Project 112,283.54 Total Income 112,283.54 Note: 2008 being our first calendar year of operation, our Overhead Expenses vs. Program Expenses were higher than we would have liked. Computers, desks and starting up an office made up much of the Overhead Expenses. In 2009 we expect our Overhead Expenses to be at 10% over Program Expenses. Expenses Overhead Expenses Bank Service Charges 329.58 Marketing 3,003.96 Miscellaneous 1,404.27 Office Supplies 3,598.48 Postage and Delivery 39.58 Printing and Reproduction 578.37 Rent 4,494.39 Utilities 423.92 Total Overhead Expenses 14,462.36 Program Expense Books, Furniture, etc. 33,756.86 Employees 13,141.75 Logistics 10,197.47 Miscellaneous 9,368.93 Total Program Expense 60,927.88 Total Expenses 75,390.24 Net Income 36,893.30