Microsoft Word - 台灣舞獅歷史發展脈絡之探析…全文

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2005 6, :,,,,,,,, ;,,,, :, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,3,, 1959,89, 98 :,: 1,1959 2

David Faure


/3 2/3 5 P P9 7 P P348 9 P P P P P P83 7 P397 86

对 策 SOLUTIONS 村 的 存 在, 尽 管 政 府 没 有 在 外 来 务 工 人 员 的 住 房 问 题 上 付 出 多 少 努 力, 我 国 城 市 并 没 有 像 其 他 发 展 中 国 家 那 样 出 现 大 面 积 的 贫 民 窿, 这 是 由 于 许 多 低 收 入 移 民 们


,,,,, (,1988: 630) 218


桃園縣政府公報97年度第19期 桃園縣97年度 原住民聯合豐年節 民俗技藝暨體育競賽活動 桃園縣一年一度的聯合豐年節民俗技藝暨體育競賽活動 9月27日在中壢龍岡大操場冒雨 進行 來自全縣各鄉鎮市的十四族在總頭目高阿信的帶領下 於 我們都是一家人 的歌聲 和雨勢中展開為期兩天的傳統豐年祭及歌舞競技 現

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180 中 南 大 学 学 报 ( 社 会 科 学 版 ) 2013 年 第 19 卷 第 1 期 乐 府 诗 集 相 和 歌 辞 相 和 曲 下 陌 上 桑 : 蚕 饥 妾 复 思, 拭 泪 且 提 筐 值 得 注 意 的 是, 农 书 齐 民 要 术 中 拭 的 使 用 范 围 很 广, 不 但



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94 摘 要 河 患 困 擾 中 國 數 千 年 從 治 水 的 歷 史 發 展 看 來, 歷 代 對 於 水 患 雖 未 能 完 全 根 絕 ; 但 經 過 歷 代 河 工 從 錯 誤 中 不 斷 的 嘗 試, 已 摸 索 出 相 當 豐 富 的 經 驗 清 代 總 結 了 歷 史 上 治 河 的

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2 修 平 人 文 社 會 學 報 第 九 期 民 國 九 十 六 年 九 月 The study of the interaction of cheer-leading squad culture and fans manners in the professional baseball Te W



48 東華漢學 第20期 2014年12月 後 卿 由三軍將佐取代 此後 中大夫 極可能回歸原本職司 由 於重要性已然不再 故而此後便不見 中大夫 記載於 左傳 及 國 語 關鍵詞 左傳 中大夫 里克 丕鄭 卿


2013期刊V2_ch6-11_4-9 2.indd




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1 73 2 3 4 5 2003 p259 2

7 1997 p136 3

4 17 53

20 165~167 74 1064 5

( ) 26 6


8 < >

37 39 37.1p4 40 9

10 42 43 44

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1887 17 ~ 1962 小譃竟成生死 53 54 55 皷角鬧西皮 11

: 56 金獅献瑞慶春王 燈明花市艶風光 58 : 金獅献瑞慶春王 12

59 35.3.3 60 35.3.28 61 13

62 35.2.9 14


16 71 78 169-170 72

73 17


Study on the History of Lion Dance in Taiwan The activity of lion dance in Taiwan was first documented in 1694 (Qing Dynasty) in history. However, documents also show that there were at least 120,000 Han people living in Taiwan at the end of Min Dynasty. Thus, lion dance might have started much earlier than the documented time possibly as early as at the beginning of 17 th century. According to available documents, lion dance was performed during Chinese New Year period to bring up festival atmosphere in early Qing Dynasty. Toward the end of Qing Dynasty, the performance laid special focus on the martial art presented in its calligraphy, called shi-zhen (literarily means lion matrix ). During the era of Japanese occupation, lion dancers continually emphasized the martial art in the performance. Lion dance practice was thus often attached with wu-guan (literarily means martial art school ). Lion-hunting matrix also became a regular part of the performance. Besides, lion dance was not only performed during the New Year period, but also in the festival time of local temples. During the festival, fire-cracking the lions was the highlight of the presentation at that time. Waking-up the lions was not often seen in Taiwan before 1949, nor was there any document about Beijing-style lion dance then. As KMT government settled in Taiwan, varieties of lion dance presentation from different regions of China brought new life to local lion dance culture. Taiwan s lion dance was then divided into northern and southern styles. Groups in southern Taiwan played the lions with close-mouth and their groups were called shi-zhen (literarily means lion matrix ); while northern groups played the lions with open-mouth, and the groups were called shi-tuan (literarily means lion corps ). As the society developed, population in the countryside Taiwan has been decreasing quickly. Folk activities like lion dance are facing the crisis of dying-out. Ministry of Education noticed the urge of preserving such folk culture, and has been sponsoring more than 510 middle and elementary schools with 106,000,000 NT Dollars since 1998 to set up lion dance groups. Lion dance has been transferred from local community to school system. Waking-up the lions has attracted audience s eyes by the colorful costumes and expressive performance, and is developing side-by-side with traditional Taiwan-style lion dance. keywordtaiwanlion danceshi-zhenhistory 19