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* *

Max Weber Abstract Max Weber and many modern scholars have discussed the relations between East Asian economic development and Confucian ethic fervently. The present article examines their arguments and further explores Confucian wealth thought in the periods of pre-ch in and the two Han Dynasties, including whether poverty is the condition of virtue, if Chun-tzu can devote himself to the pursuit of higher wealth, the reasonable limit of possessions, the traits of personality when one is poor or rich, the morality of avenues to obtain wealth, and the just principle of wealth distribution, etc. Keywords: Confucianism, wealth, poverty, morality, virtue, noble man, economic development, capitalism, economic ethic, Confucian ethic, Max Weber 2/25

Max Weber 1 modern capitalism 2 mercantilism or commercial capitalism irrational 3 1 2 3 3/25

4 5 vulgar Confucianism 6 7 4 5 6 7 4/25

Cynicism dogman 8 St. Francis 9 M. Luther T. More Utopia Raphael 8 9 5/25

More, 1949: 44-46 10 11 10 11 6/25

Plato Aristotle accumulation 12 12 7/25

13 14 Bentham, 1967: 126 13 14 8/25

15 16 17 traditional domination 18 15 16 17 18 9/25


19 1996254 20 19 20 11/25

21 Diogenes Epicurus 絶 22 23 21 22 23 12/25

絶 13/25

24 Adam Smith 24 14/25

pragmatism 絶 15/25

絶 16/25

25 26 25 26 17/25

compensation 18/25

27 28 1982: 458 27 28 19/25


29 30 Amartya Sen Francis Fukuyama trust 29 30 2003a 21/25

inner-worldly asceticism 22/25

1991Max Weber 1982 2004Francis Fukuyama 1981 1987 1989 1985 23/25

1982 1991Max Weber III 1993 1988 1959 1996 2001Amartya Sen 1977 1976 1938 1989Max Weber Aristotle, E. Barker (trans.), 1957, Politics, London: Oxford University Press. Bentham, J., 1967, Principles of Morals & Legislation, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Bury, J. B., (et.al.) 1923, The Hellenistic Age, New York: The Norton Library. Durant, W., 1926, The Story of Philosophy, New York: Simon & Schuster. Inc. More, T., H. V. S. Ogden (ed. & trans), 1949, Utopia, Illinois: AHM Publishing Corporation. Nelson, B. R., 1982, Western Political Thought, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Inc. 1987 2003a Solitudo 2003b Solitudo 1987 24/25
