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Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS 04 From the chairperson 06 Structure and Functions of the FSC 07 08 11 14 FSC Activies in 2005 15 20 27 31 40

44 Future Prospects 45 46 48 48 50 51 52 Events of 2005 78 Financial Statistics 78 80 82 84 Appendix 84 85 93712 16 18 18 20 22 25 27 28 29 33 33 40

F r o m t h e c h a i r p e r s o n 3.8 2.24 30.3449.89 11 1,100 4 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

11 4,400 7 32MSCI0.751 6 95 From the chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendix 5

Structure and Functions of the FSC 6 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

9371 9 12 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendix 7

2 1. 2. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 8 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

1 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendix 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 10 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

1469101056 85707792 5058.82 3541.18 32445.83% 38354.17% From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendix 11

2.71 303934.12 4043.53 5017.64 42 295. 3038.65 404937.19 508.22 39 12 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

57.64 36.48 5.88 44.13 45.26 9.05 1.56 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendix 13

F S C A c t i v i e s i n 2 0 0 5 14 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

1 2 31100 4 7995273 1221 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 15

5 3 5 6,800 937 12 6,600 6,400 6,200 9371 5836.91 692 13 6143.12 754 1230 6548.34 1400 6,000 5,800 5,600 5,400 5,200 5,000 93 93 93 93 93 93 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

3112304.2 12306.11 418.958.451,383.50 12 14 9511 1013 181,839.7 93922.54.62008 1,350 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 17

92 326.9 269.8 158.8 0 0 0 326.9 269.8 158.8 93 396.9 421.5 478.2 133.8 99.8 99.2 530.7 521.3 577.4 1498.3 1418.6 1653.3 341.4 375.4 463.7 1839.7 17.0 2117.0 2222.1 2109.9 475.2 475.2 2697.3 2585.1 71 2,0001229,44261,564 2,75710.33 18 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 19

12 1. 1.01.01 2.03.07 3.03.19 4.06.17 5.07.22 6.08.06 7.09.02 8.10.03 9.10.29 10.12.23 11.12.26 12.12.31 20 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

2. 5% 3. 4.1031 5.25 25 93123.80 122.24%931230.34 1249.89 122.09%93123.17%1.08 1261.30%9312 35.25%26.052926 5%2.5%19 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 21

90 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q % % 1.25 323 2. 95 3. 8 22 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

3873 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 23

24 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

825 ETF 50ETF 250 92 129,140 4,217,539 4,346,679 93 154,471 4,972,240 5,126,711 166,204 5,876,211 6,042,415 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 25

3247141229 BASEL 76% 6% 200 6 33 2 1,708.29931,197.12.69% 26 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

9310224,428 50 95 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 27

60 58 55 54 50 48 46 44 40 42 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 48 622 1,100 11 1118 28 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

256686 283 10 105 32 37 72 256 2 58 3 4 619 686 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 29

43 2420419181 30 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

FSA10 3BAFIN Federal Reserve System, FED7 FED MOUMOU Citibank Korea Inc. CEO, Mr. Yung-Ku Ha From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 31

357 13436 951195 42 95 34369511 41 32 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

28893137151 1,0897,193 2,8234,371154%12 31.84% % 89 90 91 92 93 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 33

1. 9312 2. MSCI5LIF0.75 1MSCIMSCI 13.07%16.87% 17.15% 3. 5CFTC 10Asia Risk 2004 4. Citi Group629 Lehman Brothers95 34 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

1.IOSCO IOSCO IOSCO2IOSCO 8IOSCOMMOU 2.IAIS IAIS19 IAISIAIS3 3.OECD OECDOECD OECD OECD12 OECD From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 35

4.WTO WTO6 5.EBRD 10 World BankICSAABAC ICI World Federation of Exchanges 36 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

Mr. Gregory Gibbs 10Euromoney 19 Taiwan Global Investment Forum 6005.82 101419 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 37

5 FTSE 6 US-TAIWAN Business Council Federal Reserve Bank of New YorkMr. Robert O'Sullivan 2 2005IOSCOOECD 2005 IOSCO 38 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

IAIS IISGeneva AssociationCPCU 30 CEO3 9 1013 95 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 39

1. 2.4 10 3. 611 9511one-stop service 93.6358.4 93.8358 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 40 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

4 1.7 2. 3. 4. 5. From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 41

61ATM 3 1. 3 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 42 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

173.6 1.8 115003 2518 1,550 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 43

F u t u r e P r o s p e c t s 44 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

59OBU DBUOBU9516 9512711 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 45

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9531-ATM9531 ATMATM 46 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

96 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 47

12 1 2 3 414 48 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

MSCI ETF 19 WTOWTO From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 49

19.05%88921 9571 50 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

1. 2. 9531160 3. 4. 5. From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 51

E v e n t s o f 2 0 0 5 2005 2005 1 1/01 35 1/01 1/01 1/12 3 1/18 1/24 52 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

1/25 1/24 1/25 456 93 1/25 1/26 1/27 1/28 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 53

2005 2 2/01 2/01 2/12/152/182/25 2/02 2/05 2/05 2/05 654126513913 2/05 2/05 2/14 2/14 2/15 54 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

2005 IOSCO 2/16 2/16 2/18 2/18 2/21 250 2/22 2/23 2/24 IOSCO30 2/25 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 55

2005 3 3/01 31 3/01 140150 3/01 3/01 3/02 3 67 3/03 3/04 3/43/113/18 3/07 3/07 3/08 3/10 3/15 WTO 56 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

3/15 3/20 3/21 3/23 3/24 3/24 3/25 3/25 3/25 4 3/28 20 3/28 3/29 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 57

3/29 3/31 2005 4 4/01 4/04 4/04 IOSCO 4/08 4/13 4/19 45 4/22 2 4/22 4/29 58 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

4/29 4/29 4/29 ICSA 2005 5 5/03 5/04 5/04 OECD 5/04 36 5/05 114 5/06 18 40% 5/07 5/10 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 59

5/10 5/11 5/11 5/13 MSCILIF0.751531 5/13 5/15 FTSE 5/16 5050 5/17 5/18 5/23 60 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

5/24 5/24 5/26 26 5/31 2005 6 6/01 ATM3 6/01 6/02 71 6/08 6/09 6/09 6/12 SECPCAOBNASDNYSENASDAQ 6/13 2005 6/14 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 61

6/14 6/21 2005 APEC 6/22 1,100 6/22 46 6/22 6/23 US-TAIWAN Business Council 6/23 Fed 6/26 FSA 6/27 62 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

6/27 Asia Insurance Review Conference on Catastrophe Insurance in Asia 6/28 6/29 Taiwan Government Bond Index 6/30 25%~100% 6/30 6/30 2 2005 7 7/01 7/01 7/04 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 63

7/05 7/06 7/07 7 7/07 7/08 4445 7/10 IIS41 7/11 7/11 7/13 7/14 86 7/15 7/19 64 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

7/21 7/21 45 7/21 7/22 7/24 FSCFSSKDIC 7/25 7/26 417 8 7/26 7/27 50ETF 7/27 ETF 7/27 7/29 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 65

KAMCO 7/29 7/29 7/30 2005 8 8/01 8/02 8/02 8/04 8/10 3 8/10 IOSCOregulation mapping IOSCO108MOU 8/11 8/11 1112 66 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

8/11 8/12 8/15 8/16 8/19 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/25 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 67

8/25 2005 8/31 2005 9 9/08 9/08 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/159/209/22 9/15 IOSCOAPRC 9/16 9/19 101959301 9/19 68 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

9/20 9/22 9/23 59/2310/710/2311/411/8 9/24 9/27 9/27 9/27 9/27-9/28 9/29 2005 10 10/01 510/110/1510/2211/5 11/12 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 69

0800-00-6180 10/03 0800-00-6180 10/03 10/05 10/05 BaFinIOSCOIOSCO108 20 10/07 10/07 10/11 10/11 Lehman Brothers 10/11 10/13 10/13 70 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

10/13 Euromoney Institutional Investor 10/17 Taiwan Global Investment Forum 10/14 10/19 10/18 IAIS 10/18 10/19 FSA 10/19 10/20 10/24 10/28 2005 11 11/01 11/01 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 71

11/01 11/02 345 11/03 11/03 11/07 0800-00-6180 11/07 11/07 11/08 11/09 211/911/6 11/11 72 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

11/14 11/16 11/17 11/18 14933 11/22 16 3 11/22 11/23 11/29 11/30 11/30 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 73

2005 2005 12 12/01 12/01 12/02 9511 12/02 Bridgetown, BarbadosIOSCO EMC 12/05 12/06 2005 12/07 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/13 14 74 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

RGAMr. Allan Brender 12/13 WTO 12/13 RGA 12/15 12/15 12/15 12/19 12/19 95 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/20 526 12/20 20 12/20 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 75

12/23 2 12/26 12/26 236 12/26 12/27 12/27 4 12/27 12/27 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/29 76 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

12/29 9531 12/29 12/30 12/30 12/30 12/30 138 12/30 12/30 9511 12/30 12/30 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 77

Financial Statistics 90 91 92 93 433 420 416 412 404 53 52 50 49 45 38 36 36 35 36 324 315 313 311 307 3 3 3 3 2 15 14 14 14 14 4,455 4,455 4,524 4,511 4,532 3,005 3,068 3,173 3,189 3,239 69 68 69 67 68 1,300 1,245 1,209 1,185 1,161 33 29 28 26 20 48 45 45 44 44 197,131 200,523 211,115 224,911 239,220 % 71.33 72.15 72.90 73.34 73.53 % 2.48 2.47 2.63 2.61 2.46 % 0.59 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.48 % 3.55 3.32 3.11 2.79 2.52 % 6.62 6.22 6.04 5.92 5.72 % 15.43 15.27 14.75 14.79 15.30 145,122 140,981 137,755 159,201 171,864 % 90.19 90.78 91.33 91.70 91.72 % 2.69 2.67 2.60 2.70 2.83 % 0.49 0.37 0.37 0.39 0.36 % 2.75 2.61 2.48 2.22 2.01 % 3.89 3.57 3.21 2.98 3.08 13,274 10,747 8,028 5,576 3,813 16,373 12,512 8,858 5,907 3,705 % 8.16 6.84 5 3.28 2.19 % 11.27 8.85 6.08 3.80 2.24 % 13.57 17.24 22.68 30.34 49.89 ROE % 3.60-6.93 3.52 10.30 4.81 ROA % 0.27-0.48 0.22 0.63 0.30 78 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

vs 60.00 18,000 49.89 16,000 50.00 14,000 40.00 12,000 30.34 10,000 30.00 22.68 8,000 20.00 17.24 6,000 13.57 4,000 10.00 8.85 6.08 11.27 3.80 2.24 2,000 0.00 0 90 91 92 93 Web ROEROA ROE ROA 90 91 92 93 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 79

90 91 92 93 183 163 154 148 143 1,0 1,020 1,048 1,084 1,065 151 125 114 108 103 105 97 95 96 96 75 66 59 57 56 41 44 43 45 45 223 212 208 218 213 26 24 24 23 24 31 34 32 34 37 16 25 30 33 38 50 44 41 40 40-5 21 23 22 - - 2 14 13 97 89 85 80 74 584 638 669 697 691 4,096.43 4,444.02 4,725.28 5,058.08 5,415.96 10,247.60 9,0. 12,869.10 13,989.10 15,633.86 333 384 423 466 503 381.44 627.30 639.47 626.10 643.18 1,412.19 862.25 1,200.78 1,122.53 1,312.46 1,953 1,328 1,128 989 801 3,169.64 2,672.75 2,442.97 2,411.17 2,312.01 18,421.32 21,981.63 20,512.19 24,177.8 19,073.87 18,354. 21,873.95 20,333.24 23,875.37 18,818.90 - - 34.12 79.31 79.44 5.20 4.02 2.19 1.54 1.19 - - - - 12.27 28.44 74.47 118.34 207.75 142.37 8.71 10.03 14.39 9.86 19.23 24.03 19.16 9.93 3.98 0.48 121,295.4 137,340.2 137,631.2 147,516.6 213,517.4 2,326.9 2,7.7 2,059.4 3,475.3 3,166.5 - - 3.2 10.9 18.4 118,968.5 134,545.5 135,568.7 144,030.3 210,332.5 4,351,390 7,4,254 31,874,934 59,146,376 92,659,768 19,341 111,793 695,063 772,497 858,462 5,137 1,566,446 21,720,083 43,824,511 81,533,102 2,350 81,601 622,446 695,766 790,814 - - 201,733 410,149 1,018,917 - - 2,774 8,585 3,959 3,117.27 278.83 5,468.73 2,823.35 7,1.20 % 7.20 7.64 10.63 12.52 17.87 199.08 75.44 219.51-127.97 709.86 % 2.70 2.70 3.63 4.98 5.86 80 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 81

90 91 92 93 58 56 55 57 57 18 17 17 17 16 18 20 21 21 21 9 8 8 9 9 12 10 8 8 9 1 1 1 2 2 25 25 24 24 25 20 19 18 18 19 5 6 6 6 6 17 13 12 13 13 15 12 11 11 11 2 1 1 2 2 262,156 281,367 313,761 343,280 375,633 30,564 35,932 48,305 57,091 70,612 2,248 1,969 2,025 2,080 2,280 28,317 33,964 46,280 55,010 68,332 % 11.66 12.77 15.40 16.63 18.80 % 0.86 0.70 0.65 0.61 0.61 % 10.80 12.07 14.75 16.03 18.19 % 8.42 9.91 12.20 13.99 13.80 8,197 9,907 12,421 14,240 15,761 908 1,014 1,095 1,155 1,185 7,289 8,893 11,327 13,085 14,576 % 1:8.03 1:8.77 1:10.35 1:11.33 1:12.30 % 3.41 11.67 7.92 5.48 2.63 % 16.38 22.01 27.37 15.52 11.86 % 3.21 3.50 3.84 4.25 4.30 % 12.85 10.86 10.03 9.67 9.31 % 48.02 47.97 49.73 50.54 52.33 % 76.26 72.83 68.10 65.29 63.95 3,274 3,359 4,399 5,328 5,647 676 473 496 522 659 2,598 2,886 3,903 4,806 4,988 36,585 43,991 54,9 62,760 69,220 4,054 4,504 4,843 5,089 5,204 32,531 39,487 50,106 57,671 64,015 % 8.68 10.18 12.62 13.95 14.16 % 0.96 1.04 1.11 1.13 1.06 % 7.72 9.13 11.51 12.82 13.09 46,449 35,329 34,864 29,847 34,246 447,232 397,587 336,928 324,925 362,524 26,538 28,167 32,055 33,614 35,609 215,343 222,840 243,740 261,164 278,093 % 135.40 143.70 158.87 166.21 176.13 % 268.72 271.16 2.26 309.97 311.84 % 4.05 2.31 1.62 1.52 1.84 82 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

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Appendix 84 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT

88 From the Chairperson Structure and Functions of the FSC FSC Activies in 2005 Future Prospects Events of 2005 Financial Statistics Appendixs 85

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718 02 8968-0899 02 8969-1215 www.fscey.gov.tw 172 02 2781-0111 02 2781-0112 GPN 20000996 200 88 Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan 2005 ANNUAL REPORT