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43 3

44 Owen E. Hughes 1999

45 5 1991 5

46 39 801077 1971

47 59 70 5 60249

48 70 5 85 6 8722 1 2

49 3 4 6 7 http//www.cht.com.tw2003/1/22 6 7


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61 1991 1994 1998 2000 1971 2001 1998

62 Owen E. Hughes 1999 2002 1999 525 525 1999 2001 1999 1999 2001 555 1999 2000 2001 1997 晋 営 効 営 効 実 営 会 変 効 営 効 実 営 効 実 http//www.cht.com.tw Research On Change of Legality And Its Effect Arising From Privatization of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.

63 Research On Change of Legality And Its Effect Arising From Privatization of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. LIN SHU-HSIN ABSTRACT This text attempts to make a grasp of publicness maintained by Chunghwa Telecom Co. before and after the change of system through an analysis and comparison of the related literatures, along with having an understanding of the issue if there leads to difference for the content of its organizational structure as well as the personnel appointment and promotion. hieve the public purpose ensured before and after the change of system, responsibility of supply for the publicity of telecommunication enterprise is borne jointly by the relevant traders instead of by the telecommunication traders2. With the amendment or institution of related law and regulation, Chunghwa Telecom Co. has gained a greater power of self-management on operation, personnel and finance3. On the way of a shift to privatization for Chunghwa Telecom Co., the design of organization has presented a stronger focus on professionalism, functionality and division of work, that would further make a response to the demands on outer environment elastically. But there are still over 4/5 of employees in Chunghwa Telecom Co. are entitled the governmental-employee status which may be a little bit excessive for one company which has shifted to privatization, that would thus affect the efficacy of reform. Key WordsChunghwa Telecom. Co, privatization, publicness, literature Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Tunghai University.