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202 20 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, Jan. 202, 20(): 93 98 DOI: 0.3724/SP.J.0.202.00093 * 潘,2 军 3 曹玉凤吕孙凯佳 超 张 ** 高腾云 丽 王笑笑 (. 450002; 2. 843000; 3. 07000) 为了研究 4 种食用菌栽培后对栽培基质棉籽壳的营养价值和山羊瘤胃动态降解率的影响, 选用 6 只年龄 (0 月龄 ) 体重[(35.42±3.96)kg] 接近并装有永久瘤胃瘘管的槐山羊羯羊, 通过化学分析法测定了棉籽壳和 4 种菌糠的化学成分, 并采用尼龙袋技术, 分 5 批次测定了棉籽壳 平菇菌糠 木耳菌糠 金针菇菌糠和白灵菇菌糠瘤胃动态降解率 结果表明 : ()4 种菌糠干物质 (DM) 和有机物 (OM) 含量分别比其栽培原料棉籽壳的含量降低 3.09%~9.67%(P<0.0) 和 4.3%~39.52%(P<0.0), 粗蛋白 (CP) 含量分别比棉籽壳提高 40.20%~34.29%(P<0.0), 中性洗涤纤维 (NDF) 和酸性洗涤纤维 (ADF) 含量分别比棉籽壳降低 3.07%~39.72% 和 7.80%~45.9%(P<0.0); (2) 木耳菌糠 金针菇菌糠 白灵菇菌糠的 DM 和 OM 在瘤胃内的有效降解率和 a+b 值 ( 快速降解部分和慢速降解部分之和 ) 均极显著高于棉籽壳 (P<0.0), 平菇菌糠的 DM 和 OM 在瘤胃内的有效降解率显著高于棉籽壳 (P<0.05); 平菇菌糠 金针菇菌糠 白灵菇菌糠的 CP 在瘤胃内的有效降解率和 a+b 值均极显著高于棉籽壳 (P<0.0); 4 种菌糠的 NDF 和 ADF 在瘤胃内的有效降解率分别比棉籽壳提高 76.72%~702.63%(P<0.0) 和 37.4%~575.3%(P<0.0) 因此, 在棉籽壳上栽培 4 种食用菌均能改善棉籽壳的营养价值和提高山羊瘤胃消化率, 栽培食用菌后的菌糠更有利于作为反刍动物饲料进行利用 棉籽壳食用菌菌糠山羊营养价值瘤胃降解率 : S827 : A : 67-3990(202)0-0093-06 Effects of mushroom cultivation on nutritional value and dynamics of goat ruminal degradability of cottonseed hull PAN Jun,2, CAO Yu-Feng 3, LU Chao, GAO Teng-Yun, WANG Xiao-Xiao, SUN Kai-Jia, ZHANG Li (. College of Animal and Veterinary Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2. Aksu Vocational and Technical College, Aksu 843000, China; 3. College of Animal Science, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 07000, China) Abstract Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) is a byproducts of mushroom cultivation, which uses straw and cottonseed hulls as substrate. SMS is an important middle part connecting plants and animals in the entire ecosystem. Cottonseed hulls were fermented during edible fungi cultivation and was one of raw materials of SMS, which can be used as ruminants feed. Six ruminally cannulated local white wether goats (0 month old with 35.42±3.96 kg initial body weight) were used to evaluate the nutritional value and in situ dry mater (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradation characteristics of SMS of Pleurotus ostreatus, Auricularia polytricha, Flammulina velutipes and P. ferulae and cottonseed hulls. The study analyzed the effects of mushroom cultivation on nutritional value and dynamics of rumen degradability of cottonseed hull and four SMS. Compared with cottonseed hull, the results showed that DM and OM of the 4 SMSs dropped by 3.09%~9.67% (P < 0.0) and 4.3%~39.52% (P < 0.0), respectively. CP of the 4 SMSs increased by 40.20%~ 34.29% (P < 0.0), while NDF and ADF declined by 3.07%~39.72% (P < 0.0) and 7.80%~45.9% (P < 0.0), respectively. Effective rumen degradability of DM and * (nycytx-38) (CARS-37) ** : (964 ),,,, E-mail: (983 ),,, E-mail: : 20-02-28 : 20-07-

94 202 20 OM, and a+b value of A. polytricha, F. velutipes and P. ferulae SMSs were significantly (P < 0.0) higher than those of cottonseed hull. Also effective rumen degradability of DM and OM, and a+b value of P. ostreatus SMSs were higher (P < 0.05) than those of cottonseed hull. Then effective rumen degradability of CP and a+b value of P. ostreatus, F. velutipes and P. ferulae SMSs were significantly (P < 0.0) higher than those of cottonseed hull. Effective rumen degradability of NDF and ADF of 4 SMSs increased by 76.72%~702.63% (P < 0.0) and 37.4%~575.3% (P < 0.0), respectively. In conclusion, nutritional value and effective rumen degradability of the 4 SMSs improved by mushroom cultivation on cottonseed hulls, which were also fit for use as feed for ruminants. Key words Cottonseed hull, Edible mushroom, Spent mushroom substrate, Goat, Nutritive value, Rumen degradability (Received Feb. 28, 20; accepted Jul., 20),,,,,,,,,,,, (spent mushroom substrate, SMS) [] Bae [2], (NDF) (64%~78%), (7%~%),, [3], ; [4],, NDF ; Yamakawa [5] Montanez [6],,, [7],,,,,,,,,,,, ;,, 材料与方法. (3 : 98%, %, 0.5%, 0.5%),, ( : 90%, 7%, %, %, %), 68 ; 4 2,, 68 3, 40 (0.45 mm) (DM)(OM) (CP)(EE) (ASH) (Ca) (P), 20 (0.9 mm) (NDF) (ADF), 8 (2.0 mm).2 6 (0 ) [(35.42±3.96)kg],, NRC(98),.2,, 33.3 66.7, 8:00 20:00 2,.3 300, 6 cm 8 cm,,, 2.0 g 2.0 mm 4,

: 95 表 试验用山羊的日粮配方和营养水平 Table Composition and nutritional level of diet of goats used in the experiment g kg Composition of diet Nutritional level Ingredient Ratio Item Peanut vines Concentrate Peanut vines 670 Dry matter 908.2 890.8 Maize 50 Crude protein 74.3 65.9 Wheat bran 30 Ether extract 3.3 4. Soybean meal 25 Neutral detergent fiber 556. 204.3 Peanut cake 40 Acid detergent fiber 440.0 82.5 Corn germ meal 40 Ash 80.6 92.4 DDGS 25 Calcium 2.3 8.9 Salt 3 Phosphorus 3.0 4.8 Sodium bicarbonate 3 Mountain meal 5 Dicalcium phosphate 5 Premix 4 0 h 6 h 2 h 24 h 36 h 48 h 72 h, 2, h 4 5, 6, 7 d (0 h), 55 min, min, 68 48 h, DM CP OM NDF ADF DM CP EE ADF NDF Ca P, [8].4 = 00% () Ørskov [9], : P=a+b( e ct ) (2), P t, %; a, %; b, %; c b, % h ; t, h SPSS 6.0 a, b c (ED, %): ED=a+bc/(c+k) (3), a, %; b, %; c, % h ; k, % h, 3.765% [0].5 SPSS,, Duncan, ± 2 结果与分析 2. 2, 4 DM OM 3.09%~9.67%(P<0.0) 4.3%~39.52%(P<0.0); 4 CP 40.20% 63.68% 43.92% 34.29%, (P<0.0); 4 EE 66.48% 3.84% 46.93% 93.86%, (P<0.0); 4 NDF 3.07%(P>0.05) 6.32%(P< 0.0) 5.28%(P<0.0) 39.72%(P<0.0);4 ADF 7.80% 8.42% 26.28% 45.9%, (P<0.0); Ca, P 2.2 3, DM OM 22.23% 30.45%(P<0.05); DM OM 40.6% 92.73% 58.52% 49.73% 2.27% 78.82%, (P<0.0), DM OM ; 4 a (P<0.0), a+b (P<0.0)

96 202 20 表 2 试验用 4 种菌糠和棉籽壳的常规营养成分 Table 2 Nutritional components of four spent mushroom substrates (SMS) and cottonseed hull used in the experiment g kg Nutritional component Cottonseed hull SMS of P. ostreatus SMS of A. polytricha SMS of F. velutipes SMS of P. ferulae (DM) Dry matter 95.2±30.A 764.3±2.5B 795.4±23.2B 784.5±8.7B 735.2±4.6B (OM) Organic matter 883.2±2.8A 652.±0.B 758.4±4.0B 735.7±34.3B 534.2±2.5C (CP) Crude protein 59.2±22.A 83.0±20.8B 96.9±4.4C 85.2±5.7BC 79.5±2.2BD (EE) Ether extract 7.9±3.5A 6.0±2.5B 2.2±4.Ca 9.5±.4Cb.±.0D Ash 32.0±0.9Aa 85.9±0.0B 37.0±4.7Aab 48.7±6.2Ab 20.0±6.5B (NDF) Neutral detergent fiber 844.0±20.A 88.±68.2AB 790.7±26.7B 75.0±9.2C 508.8±26.6D (ADF) Acid detergent fiber 683.±28.5A 56.5±52.0Ba 557.3±2.9Ba 503.6±26.3C 369.5±3.5D Calcium.4±0.9Aa 8.4±.9Bc 7.3±2.9Bc 3.8±2.5Ab 42.7±8.9C Phosphorus 2.0±.a 2.0±.4a.9±2.a.8±0.9ab.5±0.6b (P<0.0) (P<0.05), Different capital and small letters in the same line indicate extremely significant difference (P < 0.0) and significant difference (P < 0.05). The same below. 表 3 4 种菌糠和棉籽壳营养成分的山羊瘤胃降解率 Table 3 Goat rumen degradability of nutritional components of four spent mushroom substrates (SMS) and cottonseed hull % Nutritional componment (DM) Dry matter (OM) Organic matter (CP) Crude protein (NDF) Neutral detergent fiber (ADF) Acid detergent fiber Dynamic degradation parameter Cottonseed hull SMS of P. ostreatus SMS of A. polytricha SMS of F. velutipes SMS of P. ferulae a 5.507±0.4Aa 6.756±0.72ABb 7.89±0.200Bb 6.525±0.422C 4.496±0.37D b 53.920±.378A 48.29±.230BC 75.62±.92D 47.46±.23BC 50.034±.279AC c 0.06±0.004 0.020±0.006 0.0±0.004 0.02±0.006 0.025±0.006 r 0.982 0.99 0.995 0.998 0.998 a+b 59.427±.378Ac 54.885±.403Ab 82.98±2.2B 63.986±.636C 64.530±.649C ED 5.735±0.46Aa 7.00±0.79Ab 8.038±0.205B 6.788±0.429C 4.826±0.379D a 4.54±0.06A 5.53±0.4Ba 6.389±0.63Bb 3.480±0.344C.983±0.306D b 47.95±.225A 50.43±.289AB 78.555±2.008C 50.207±.283AB 53.774±.375B c 0.02±0.00 0.09±0.00 0.0±0.000 0.02±0.00 0.024±0.00 r 0.993 0.996 0.994 0.997 0.993 a+b 52.069±.33A 55.926±.429A 84.944±2.7B 63.687±.628C 65.757±.68C ED 4.420±0.3Aa 5.766±0.47ABb 6.68±0.69Bc 3.758±0.352C 2.324±0.35D a 8.490±0.27A 25.670±0.656B 6.807±0.74C.088±0.283D 8.547±0.474E b 39.640±.03A 30.422±0.778B 59.788±.528C 56.822±.452C 50.40±.282D c 0.00±0.003 0.050 ±0.00 0.029±0.006 0.038±0.00 0.032±0.009 r 0.994 0.954 0.983 0.996 0.997 a+b 48.30±.230A 56.092±.434B 66.595±.702C 67.90±.736C 68.687±.756C ED 8.595±0.29Aa 26.069±0.667B 7.264±0.86Ab.656±0.298C 8.970±0.485D a 0.264±0.007A.367±0.035B 3.860±0.099C 4.423±0.0D 0.56±0.44E b 48.33±.235A 65.075±.664Ba 39.60±0.03C 59.627±0.524Bb 78.662±2.0D c 0.08±0.000 0.03±0.000 0.00±0.000 0.020±0.00 0.05±0.000 r 0.965 0.974 0.986 0.989 0.97 a+b 48.577±.242Aa 66.442±.698B 43.470±.Ab 64.050±.637B 79.223±2.025C ED 0.494±0.03A.59±0.04B 3.965±0.0C 4.738±0.2D 0.873±0.224E a.348±0.034a 0.409±0.266B 3.774±0.097C 3.524±0.090C 7.087±0.8D b 43.244±.05A 35.247±0.90B 87.926±2.247C 58.25±.489D 6.02±.562D c 0.02±0.00 0.034±0.00 0.003±0.000 0.06±0.000 0.06±0.000 r 0.93 0.967 0.994 0.96 0.986 a+b 44.592±.40A 45.656±.67A 9.700±2.344B 6.775±.579Ca 68.89±.743Cb ED.588±0.04A 0.724±0.274B 3.844±0.098Ca 3.770±0.096Ca 7.346±0.88D CP 203.30%(P<0.0) 35.6%(P<0.0) 20.7%(P< 0.0), CP 5.49%(P<0.05),, CP ; CP a (P<0.0),

: 97 4 CP a+b (P<0.0) 4 NDF ADF 222.06% 702.63% 859.% 76.72% 575.3% 42.07% 37.4% 362.59%, (P<0.0); NDF, ADF ; 4 NDF ADF a (P<0.0), NDF a+b (P<0.0), ADF a+b (P<0.0) 3 讨论 3. 4 DM OM, Valdez [], OM DM 4 CP CP, CP Fazaeli [2] Zadrazil [3], CP 4 NDF ADF,,,,, [4 5] Fazaeli [6] CP NDF ADF, EE EE, Adamović [7], EE ; Shabtay [8],,, EE, EE Ca, ;, CP(7.95%~9.69%), NDF(50.88%~8.8%) ADF(36.95%~56.5%),, Bae [2], 3.2, Ørskov McDonald P= a+b( e ct ), r 0.99,, a, 4 DM OM NDF ADF,, 4 DM OM CP NDF ADF a+b, 4 DM OM, Díaz-Godínez [9] DM [3] DM OM Mukherjee [20] DM,,,, CP, [3] CP, [2] CP 45.65%,,, CP, Li [22], 45 d, ; [4],, DM NDF 4,

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