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1911 1644 1910 1911 1911 1937 126 1957 45-62 55-56 1968 441-453 1985 2 1985 2 32-42 1910 1911 1911 1937 1985 42 490-491

1911 1915 1982 59-73 3431996 1-18 14-15 56:21997 117-151 1990 1895 1902 1910 1911 1915 9231960 13-22 1968 4-6

1986 69-108 1928

1986 3 35 1987 29 352

1964 33 910 11 123 35 976 1987 2 24 912-995 1955 22 486 1992 83

1975 41 4 2 24 33 912 33 910 5 76 11 125 35 978 24 543 3131985 325-371 350

1992 1 9-13 1975 6 1971-1972 8 130 6 1970 27 5-9 1 1559 2 1631-1632 1955 3 79 39 3 149 154-155 1954 3 43 1 27 9 3

149 27 5 6 8 154 1954 20 3 2 15 166 1988 1992 52 83 1969 292-310 P. 2115P. 2378P. 2755S. 5614 1994 52-88 S. 5614

2 1632 3 35 4 55 16 438 28 649 354 28 649

27 488-489 24 545 28 649-650 27 489 25 550 35 980 25 555 521-522651-652 3 1-2

4 1-2 18 18 3 24 1-3 27 5-9 48 14-15 47 14 48 2 16 3 154-155 3 39 20 3 35 43 8 154 2 1631-1632 5 83-84 19 339 344 346 26 265 15 166 3 79 13

351-352 13 370 16 452-453 5 66 4 135 8 2047 7 1992 8 2047 4 132 5 78 21 253 5 75 28 502 4 55 28 502

7 145 9 189 3 39 2 1631-1632 3 43 3 79 19 339346 2 1632 3 35 16 438 37 2-3 43 14 48 3 8 153 26 319 13 355-356 649-650

disease symptom Nathan Sivin, Traditional Medicine in Contemporary China (Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1987), pp. 106-109. 87

3 154-155 6 1951 26 465 22 614 18 3 26 466 11 319 30 688 1332-1333 709 1336-1337

4 1-2 24 1-3 27 5 29 662 27 8-9 27 9 9-10 39 10 50 6 50 6 557-637 1973 47 649-650 505-572 1974 45 1025 1007-1072 1975 205 5826

1981 4 2-3 (887-946) 1975 188 4926 77 3499

27 1992 6 472475 29 684 16 296 8 250 654 19 10 11 215 12 337-338 10 224

723 465-472 618-626 12 338 345-346 925-996 1959 218 1667 4 288 191 5090 31-33

27 481 12 141 189-192 10 2144 8 154 27 620

2 8 27 619 29 666 23 637-639 14 256 6 100 1975 4 2357 28 647 17 459 27 619 10 154 12 196 6 1914 8

2058 3 111 48 9 27 619 620 9 12 3 125 8 14 10 10 10 191-192 14 322

50 6 1955 58-59 11 127 5 82 34-37159-160

27 8 9 1987 4345162164201203214221269308 96101240253 1986 18196164789697136177201209219272280 295

344388 26 465468470471474 2 16172228 3 323435363739414243 4 4854 19 227 659 1993 115-128 2 2023 3 3739 4 49 19 227 45 6 108 13 248 23 427-428

13 248 20 369-370 23 426 27 484485488 5 71 16 181 189 5 71 12 143145147151 13 156157 15 179 16 181 17 198 12 327 16 456 17 464 30 808 31 852 855 32 889 890 38 1067 544546-547

15 410 17 484 31 846 852 853-854 32 887 888 888 889 522-523649 10 219 19 449-450 25 586 26 594 343351355 568 4 105 13 282 26 594 595-598 598 604 28 654

5 404 6 495-496 6 486 8 591 6 486 493-494 5 95 22 409 13 248-251 250

11 129-130 2 29 5 70-71 13 158 24 295297 5 71 36 1014-1015 40 1128 16 447 32 882-883 884-885 885-887 889-891 891-893 893 32 893 31 851 32 887-888 888 888-889 889

25 557-558 558 558 4 103-104 106 106-107 107 107-108 18 397 4 104 108 4 104-105 105-106

97120156165166221238 2 2528 3 3940 4 5255 5 422 27 13 248250251 250 5 70-71 24 296-297 16 439 29 796 32 883 886 890-891 892

32 889 889 4 103-104 104 106 107 107 25 558 30 688 4 104 4 104-105 106 27

1980 18 319 27 729 10 1992 27 765-766

5 27 763 27 619 4 104

27 6-7 2 8-9 9 3 27 766-767

12 141 27 619 13 249-250 32 888 41 69:41998 671-726

4 105 27 480

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1985167-223167-179 William C. Cooper and Nathan Sivin, "Man as Medicine: Pharmacological and Ritual Aspects of Traditional Therapy Using Drugs Derived from the Human Body," in Shigeru Nakayama and Nathan Sivin eds., Chinese Science: Explorations of an Ancient Tradition (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1973), pp. 203-272 265 1 73 52 82 1 471013 3 40 1 30 52 81-85

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1985 363-404 396 18 783-784 417-455 424434437

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 14 13 245 18 493 8 182

19 432 1963 181-226 13 247 23 428

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 16 189 13 349371 16 447 32 883 21 573 28

3 9031 14 316-317 19 431 437 19 441 20 456 27 620 819889 149-150 2000 171-174 86 1995 1-23

1 20-21 15 2 32 6 102 2 1625-1626 19 430 20 460 24 531 27 483

27 624 27 619 24 541

88 28 770 771 25 446 23 518 2 31 6 72

20 236 28 757 24 1-3 23 513 33 937

22 589 6 128 11 139 5 76 97 35 994 995 39-101 16 601

602 603 68:21997 283-367


3-11 62:21993 225-263 1-2 198864 165-170Philip A. Kuhn, Soulstealers: The Chinese Sorcery Scare of 1768 (Cambridge and London: Harvard University, 1990)

1911 E. R. Leach, "Magical Hair," Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 88 (1958), pp. 147-164; P. Hersman, "Hair, Sex and Dirt," Man, n.s., 9 (1974), pp. 274-298; Christopher R. Hallpike, "Hair," in The Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. by Mircea Eliade (New York: The Mcmillan Company, 1987), pp. 154-157.

48 49 152

49 57 84 87

1 56 1 65 1 73 2 168-169 4 319 4 323 5 377 5 404-405406-407 5


424 434 437

2 28 3 46 3 50 3 54 4 60 4 62 4 68

5 76 5 83 5 83 5 84 5 92 5 93 5 96 5 97 5 97-98 5 101

6 112 6 114 6 119-120 11 211-212 11 214 12 222 15 281 15 284 15 289 16 296 17 319

17 321 18 335 18 336 20 362 20 365 20 365-366 21 379 21 382 22 390

22 391 22 402 22 408-409 22 410 22 410-411 22 411 23 416 23 416 417421424 23 416 417421424 23 416 417421424 24 25 453 25 457 438 30 537

7 87 11 135 11 136 11 138 18 206 18 208 20 236 20 238 21 252 23 278 24 284

24 293 24 295 24 295 24 296

4 136 4 139 6 171 6 176 6 176 6 179 6 187 6 187 8 250-151

13 362 16 437 21 567 22 586 22 611 22 616 23 634 23 638 24 661 24 662 24 665 25 680

25 690-691 25 695 26 700 26 701 26 723 27 728 27 737 27 744 27 745 27 745 28 760

28 766 29 778 29 779 29 782 29 802 30 813 30 815 30 816 30 816 30 817 30 817

30 817 30 817 30 818 30 818 30 821 30 827 30 827 30 828 30 832 31 859 32 887 34 944 34 948 34 948

34 955 34 971 35 988 35 993 35 995 35 995 36 1005 36 1011 36 1011 36 1016

36 1021 36 1021 37 1045 37 1048 38 1060 40 1135

5 134 5 134 5 135 5 138 7 175 10 218 10 225 11 256 12 273 12 275 14 302 14 308 14 309 17 384

17 384 17 385 17 391 18 404 21 478 21 481 22 500 25 552 25 558 25 563 25 563

25 568 25 571 25 572 25 574 25 576 25 576 25 580 25 581 25 582 25 585 28 656

29 684

Medical Knowledge and Uses of Hair in Medieval China Fu-shih Lin, Institute of History and Philology Hair played an important role in traditional Chinese society and culture. In traditional China, hair was usually associated with one's ethnicity, age, gender, status and cultural identity, while the quality of one's hair was used to judge one's beauty and vitality. As a result, many laws and customs existed in order to protect one's hair from damage caused by oneself or others. In addition, magical and ritual uses of hair were common in traditional China. Chinese medical knowledge and uses of hair is another important topic worth studying. As seen in medical texts, hair was considered to be one of the basic elements making up one's existence. These medical texts also maintain that hair may express one's personality, health and even psychological condition, and that medical care of hair is both possible and necessary. In addition, hair was also thought to have the potential to cause and cure diseases. Such knowledge and practices indicate that Chinese concepts of hair in pre-modern times may have been very different from modern ones.