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Oil & Gas Well Sand Control Completion Centre (SCC Centre) Union Efficiency Rigorous Happy

Introduction Belong to School of PE,UPC A teaching and study team with superiority of sand control completion Focus on sand control completion with Much research experiences of sand control Good basis of theory and technology faculty and facility Self-developed software platform

SCC Team Members Name Title Major Mr. Zhang Qi preffessor Petro. Engi. Mr. Dong Changyin doctor, asso. Prof. Petro. Engi. Mr. Chen Dechun Doctor, professor Petro. Engi. Mr. Zhou Shengtian doctor, professor Petro. Engi. Mr. Qu Zhanqing doctor, professor Petro. Engi. Mr. Wang Weiyang doctor, asso. Prof. Petro. Engi. Mr. Zhou Tong master, engineer Petro. Engi. Ms. Long Jiajia postgraduate Petro. Engi. Ms. Li Yanlong postgraduate Petro. Engi. Mr. Chen Xinan postgraduate Petro. Engi. Mr. Xu Tuotuo postgraduate Petro. Engi. Mr. Zhang Qinghua postgraduate Petro. Engi.

Research Interests rock mechanics and field stress for sandstone reservoir Systematic sanding prediction Design and simulation for sand control and completion Sand control for horizontal and highly deviated wells Flow mechanism and productivity evaluation for sc wells Effect assessment for sand control implementation Failure mechanism and life evaluation for sc screens Sand control Fault analysis and secondary sand control Experiment technology on sand production and control Software and information system about sand control

Study Experiences Undertake more than 30 projects on sand control supported by 863 program, NSFC, CNPC, PetroChina, COSL, CNOOC, ect 国家 863 计划, 大斜度井砾石充填模拟及工艺技术 国家自然科学基金, 大斜度井砾石充填机理研究 国家自然科学基金, 水平井砾石充填动态模型研究及应用 国家自然科学基金, 水平井管外砾石充填设计与模拟研究 博士基金, 大斜度井砾石充填机理及可视化模拟 中石化先导, 水平井压裂与砾石充填技术 中石化先导, 纤维复合无筛管防砂技术 中石化先导, 疏松砂岩油藏防砂工艺综合决策系统 油田横向, 大港油田 Sandcontrol Office 软件平台引进 油田横向, 冀东油田 Sandcontrol Office 软件平台引进 油田横向, 气田出砂宏观控制图与防砂决策优化技术研究 油田横向, 涩北气田出砂综合评价及防砂技术标准研究 油田横向, 疏松砂岩油气藏综合决策系统平台 油田横向, 青海油田 Sandcontrol Office 软件平台引进 油田横向, 涩北气田高压充填防砂效果评价及配套完善 油田横向, 涩北气田出砂预测及改善防砂工艺技术研究 油田横向, 台南气田水平井完井方式评价与优选研究 油田横向, 辽河防砂工艺设计优化与效果评价 油田横向, 防砂水平井流动耦合及产能评价 油田横向, 防砂井产能预测与评价软件系统 油田横向, 防砂方案优选 工艺设计与效果评价系统 油田横向, 稠油井防砂排砂一体化技术研究 油田横向, 高升油田出砂机理与防砂治砂工艺技术研究 油田横向, 江苏油田防砂综合决策技术研究 油田横向, 涩北气田宏观出砂控制及防砂决策优化研究 油田横向, 新疆油田防砂工艺及配套技术 油田横向, 防砂筛管特性评价径向流驱替模拟实验装置研制 油田横向, 防砂水平井堵塞规律及解堵参数优化研究 油田横向, 大庆油田苏丹六区防砂项目技术支持 油田横向, 东辛油田出砂预测及防砂工艺优化 油田横向, 降水防砂机理及优化设计研究 COSL, Sandcontrol Office 软件平台引进 油田横向, 尼日利亚 66 区块采油与防砂方案优选 油田横向, 防砂水平井流动耦合及产能评价 油田横向, 跃进薄互层油藏出砂规律及综合治砂方案研究 油田横向, 热采出砂影响因素理论计算研究 油田横向, 尼日利亚 OML66 区块完井及井筒举升工艺方案 油田横向, 岛油田出砂与产量关系研究 油田横向, 降水防砂优化设计与评价系统 其它横向项目 10 余项

Laboratory of SCC Centre Present experimental facilities Horizontal and highly deviated wells gravel packing experiment simulation apparatus Micro sand blocking matrix property evaluation experiment apparatus Redial flow simulation apparatus for screen and gravel blocking sand Formation sand sieved analysis devices Facilities in construction Un-consolidated rock failure simulation apparatus Wellbore carrying sand simulation apparatus Metal screen erosion and corrosion simulation apparatus

Laboratory of SCC Centre Available experiments Formation sand sieving analysis Sand retention precision Comprehensive character evaluation of sand control medium Plugging mechanism of sand control media by fines Simulation of gravel-packing in horizontal and deviated wells Sand bed height in horizontal gravel packing Behavior of wellbore fluid carrying sand Un-consolidated rock failure simulation Metal screen erosion and corrosion simulation

Software Support Sandcontrol Office Comprehensive decision on Sand Control HoriPack Simulation of gravel-packing in horizontal and deviated wells ScreenPro Mechanical Screen simulation and evaluation GASOffice Design optimization for gas well HoriPro Design optimization for horizontal wells OtherSofts other software packages for: Assistant design of oil production Lifting optimization for heavy oil Water injection system Damage diagnose of reservoir

Articles More than 50 articles published concerns: Sanding prediction SC method assessment SC Design optimization Gravel-packing in wells Others

Literatures Published 4 books to fill the gaps of SC area in China

Results and Award 4 projects appraised of international advanced 6 rewards of provincial level and 3 others 4 patents and software copyright 50 articles and 4 books 3 projects of national level, 3 of provincial level, 30 from enterprise

Results and Awards Year Items Level Identification unit 2005 Sanding prediction and sand control optimization for Sebei gas field Iinter. Adv. 2008 Comprehensive decision on sand control completion for unconsolidated Iinter. Adv. sandstone reservoir and Sandcontrol Office platform 2011 Simulation and design of gravel-packing in horizontal wells Iinter. Adv. 2007 Screenless frac-packing sand control with fiber Iinter. Adv. Department of Science and Technology of Shandong Year Item Type Reward/Hornour Date 2013 Slotted screen with dual trapezoidal slot and its plasma Making technology P&M 2011 Award of young teacher in university P&M 2010 2009 Comprehensive decision on sand control completion for sandstone reservoir and equipment series Comprehensive decision on sand control completion for sandstone reservoir and Sandcontrol Office platform P&M 2 ed invention award from MOE 3 rd award from Hok Yingtong Edu. Found. 3 rd award from National Energy Administration 2014.3 2011.12 2010.12 P&M 2ed award from CPCIA 2009.10 2007 Screenless frac-packing sand control with fiber P&M 3 rd award from CMIF 2007.12 2007 Dewatering gas prod. with downhole gas-liquid separation P&M 3ed award from CPCIA 2007.10 2006 Simulation and design of gravel-packing in hori. wells D. 2ed award from UPC 2006.9 2006 Sanding prediction and sand control optimization for Sebei gas field D. 3 rd award from Dep. of Edu. of Shandong 2006.1

Education and Training Education:Open the course of Theory and Principle of Sand Control as originality in Major of Petroleum Engineering and set up the corresponding course system Training:provide training service for enterprise employee on sand control theory and technology

Postgraduate Major: Oil and Gas Field Development, Oil and Gas Engineering Area: Oil and Gas Production Engineering Interest: Rock mechanism Sand Control Completion Oil and Gas production Horizontal Well, multi-phase flow (1) Good environment for study and work (2) Plenty of research projects and practices (3) So much chance to business trip for more experience (4) Rich reward for your hard work (5) Directly integrate into the team and laboratory

Team Website SCC Centre Technology popularization Ideas propagation Introduction of our software Communication and consultation Documents transfer Service for software update

Future Expectation Team s future interest: Simulation of Sanding in complicated production conditions Mechanism of rock failure in sandstone and it s simulation Mechanism of gravel-packing in sandstone Visual simulation of micro sand retention Development of new sand control method and technology International cooperation and exchanges U nion E fficiency R igorous H appy

Future Expectation SANDCONTROL, which ever were thought little technical skills and ignored, really involves so much complicated basic mechanism and theory. Today, there are still many principle and problem not to be made clear and solved. SANDCONTROL,there is a long way to go

Thanks! Win-Win Cooperation Welcome to UPC! Welcome to SCC Centre!