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妊娠期的關注事項和不適 Concerns and Discomforts of Pregnancy During pregnancy, you may have some concerns and discomforts as your body changes. Try these basic tips and talk to your doctor or nurse for more advice. Do not use any over the counter medicine or herbs without talking to your doctor first. 妊娠期間, 由於身體發生變化, 孕婦可能會有一些關注事項和不適 遇到這種情況, 可按本文提供的基本提示去做, 並諮詢醫護人員的意見 在沒有徵求醫生意見的情況下, 切勿服用任何非處方藥物或草藥 Nausea Nausea or feeling sick to your stomach is often called morning sickness. Some women also have heartburn or a burning sensation in their stomach, throat or chest. This is common during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. To improve your signs: Try to eat crackers, dry toast or cereal before getting out of bed in the morning. These foods may help any time of the day you have nausea. Eat smaller meals more often instead of 3 large meals. Do not let your stomach get completely empty. Avoid lying down, sleeping or exercising for 1 hour after eating. Avoid high fat, fried, spicy, acidic or greasy foods. Avoid caffeine. Sleep with your head raised up on a pillow. When bending over, bend at your knees and not your waist Call your doctor if you are not able to keep fluids down for over 24 hours, you have dark urine or you feel weak or dizzy. 噁心 噁心或胃部不適經常稱為孕吐 某些婦女也患有胃灼燒或胃部 咽喉或胸腔有灼熱感 在妊娠的前 14 週內, 孕吐較為常見 要改善您的症狀 : 早晨起床前可試著吃一些餅乾 烤麵包片或麥片粥 白天無論何時感到噁心, 均可用這些食物來緩解 少量多餐, 改變每日三餐, 每次吃很多的習慣 不要讓胃餓空 避免在飯後 1 小時內平躺 睡覺或鍛鍊 忌食高脂肪 油炸 辛辣或油膩的食物 杜絕咖啡因 睡覺時, 頭應枕在枕頭上 俯身時, 應彎曲膝蓋, 而不是腰部 如果嘔吐流質超過 24 小時, 尿色發暗或感覺虛弱或眩暈, 請打電話給醫生

2 Exercise, Energy and Sleep Feeling tired is common, but exercise can help to strengthen muscles during pregnancy and for delivery. To improve your energy: Exercise each day if allowed by your doctor. Talk with your doctor about the type of exercise you are doing. Exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 to 5 days of the week, if you are allowed to exercise. Talk with your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Rest often. Lie down on your left side for at least 1 hour during the day to increase blood flow to your baby. A pillow between your legs and under your abdomen may increase comfort. If you have trouble sleeping, try a warm (not hot) bath or shower before bedtime. You may also want to practice relaxation exercises such as meditation, deep breathing and stretching. 鍛鍊 能量和睡眠 感覺疲憊很正常, 但是鍛鍊可有助於在懷孕和分娩時增強肌肉力量 要改善身體能量 : 徵得醫生同意的情況下, 可每天鍛鍊 向醫生諮詢您正在採用的鍛鍊方式 如果醫生允許您鍛鍊, 可每週鍛鍊 4 至 5 天, 每天鍛鍊至少 30 分鐘 開始新的鍛鍊計畫之前, 請向醫生諮詢 多休息 白天應向左側躺臥至少 1 小時, 以增加向胎兒的供血量 在雙腿間和腹部下方放一個枕頭會更加舒服 如果您有睡眠障礙, 可在就寢前嘗試泡一個溫水澡 ( 非熱水 ) 或淋浴 您也可能希望進行一些放鬆運動, 例如冥想 深呼吸和拉伸 Oral Health Visit a dentist at least 1 time during pregnancy. Tell your dentist if you have gum or teeth problems. Use a soft toothbrush and brush gently. Floss each day. If you have vomiting from nausea, rinse your mouth with 1 cup of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This will get rid of stomach acid in the mouth. Do not use tobacco products. Headaches and Dizziness For a headache, call your doctor or nurse for over the counter medicines that are safe to take. Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve). 口腔健康 妊娠期間應至少看一次牙醫 告訴牙醫您是否患有牙齦或牙齒疾病 用軟牙刷, 刷牙動作要輕 每天用牙線清潔牙齒 如果您出現噁心嘔吐, 用一杯含有一茶勺小蘇打的清水沖洗口腔 這可以清除口腔中的胃酸 不要使用菸草產品 頭痛和頭昏 如果是頭痛, 請向醫護人員諮詢可安全服用的非處方藥 切勿服用阿斯匹林 布洛芬 (Advil 或 Motrin) 或萘普生 (Aleve) 3 If you feel dizzy, sit or lie down to avoid falling. Get up slowly after 15 minutes to see if the dizziness has passed. Change positions slowly when you have a headache or feel dizzy. Call your doctor if your headache or dizziness does not go away or gets worse, or you have blurred vision, eye pain or pressure, or a lot of swelling in your hands or feet. 如果感到頭昏, 坐下或躺下以免暈倒 15 分鐘後慢慢起來, 看是否不再頭昏 頭痛或頭昏時, 可慢慢變換位置 如果頭痛或頭昏症狀未消失或者加劇, 或您感覺視線模糊 眼痛或緊迫感, 或手心或腳心大量出汗, 請致電您的醫生 Nose Stuffiness and Nose Bleeds You may put saline drops or gel into your nose. Talk with your doctor before taking any other over the counter medicines. To stop a nosebleed, sit up, lean your head forward and apply firm pressure with your fingers to the side of the nose that is bleeding. Get medical care if the bleeding lasts longer than 20 minutes. Skin, Hair and Nails Your hair and nails may grow faster. If you plan to get your hair treated with chemicals, tell your hairdresser that you are pregnant. Common skin problems include changes in skin color, itchy skin, acne and stretch marks. Topical lotions or ointments may be used for itchy skin or reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Do not use Accutane or Retin-A products when pregnant. Call your doctor if you have concerns. Breasts are tender or leak milk Wear a support bra that fits comfortably, such as a sports bra. Some women also wear a bra without underwire to bed at night. 鼻塞和鼻出血 用鹽水或凝膠滴入鼻孔 在服用任何非處方藥之前, 請向醫生諮詢 鼻出血時, 坐直身體, 頭向前傾, 用手指壓緊出血的鼻孔 如果出血持續 20 分鐘以上, 應進行醫療救治 皮膚 頭髮和指甲 妊娠期間, 頭髮和指甲可能會長得很快 如果想用化學藥劑染髮燙髮, 請告訴美髮師您已懷孕 常見的皮膚問題包括 : 皮膚顏色發生變化 皮膚瘙癢 妊娠紋和痤瘡 皮膚瘙癢或減少妊娠紋可使用外用洗液或藥膏 Ì Ì 懷孕時, 不要使用青春痘特效藥或全反維他命 A 酸 如有任何擔憂, 請打電話給醫生 乳房觸痛或有乳汁溢出 穿戴尺寸合適的支撐型文胸, 例如運動型文胸 有些婦女在晚上睡覺時穿不帶襯圈的文胸

4 If your breasts leak milk, wear nursing pads in your bra and change them when you feel or think you are damp. Tell your doctor is your feel a lump or have any nipple changes. 如果您的乳房溢奶, 請佩戴防溢乳墊, 當感到乳墊潮濕後進行更換 如果您感覺乳房有腫塊或乳頭有任何變化, 請告訴醫生 Urinating Often or Urine Leaks You may have to pass urine more often throughout your pregnancy. Leaking urine is common during the last months of pregnancy. Urine leaks happen with coughing, sneezing, picking up heavy objects or sexual activity during pregnancy. Do not limit liquid or water intake, but drink less before bedtime. Urinate often. Avoid liquids with caffeine. Do Kegel exercises to strengthen and control the muscles around the vagina. To locate these muscles, stop and start your urine when you use the toilet. Try to tighten the muscles a small amount at a time. Then release very slowly. As you tighten the muscles, you should feel the area from your urethra, where urine leaves your body, lift slightly. Practice these exercises while you sit, stand, walk, drive or watch television. Do these exercises 10 times, 5 to 10 times a day. Call your doctor if you have burning or pain when urinating or have a fever. Call your doctor if you think you may be leaking amniotic fluid and not urine. Lie down for 30 minutes with an absorbent pad. If you feel liquid when standing up, and it is yellow, pink or brown in color, call your doctor. 小便頻繁或遺尿 在整個孕期, 您可能都需要經歷小便頻繁的過程 在懷孕最後幾個月, 遺尿是很正常的現象 懷孕期間, 在咳嗽 打噴嚏 抬起重物或性交時都可能發生漏尿 不要限制流質或水的攝入量, 但臨睡前少喝水 經常排尿 忌食含咖啡因的流質 做骨盆底部肌肉訓練 (Kegel), 以加強和控制陰道附近的肌肉 Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì 小便時, 可有意停止排尿, 然後繼續排尿, 感受這些肌肉的位置 嘗試每次將肌肉收緊一些 然後慢慢放鬆 收緊肌肉時, 應可感覺到尿道 ( 排尿處 ) 微微擡高 坐 立 行走 開車或看電視時, 都可做這些練習 Ì Ì 如此練習 10 次, 每天練習 5 至 10 次 如果孕婦排尿時有灼燒感 疼痛或發燒, 請打電話給醫生 如果您認為您可能是羊水已破, 而不是漏尿, 請致電醫生 墊上吸水墊, 躺下 30 分鐘 如果您在站立時感覺有液體流出, 而且液體呈黃色 粉色或棕色, 請致電醫生 5 Vaginal Drainage A change in vaginal drainage is normal. Bathe the outer vaginal area often. Use soap without perfume. Rinse well. Do not use tampons, vaginal sprays, douches, powders and colored or perfumed toilet paper. Wear cotton underwear. Avoid nylons or panty hose and tight pants. Call your doctor if the drainage has a bad odor, causes itching or there is blood. Constipation or Diarrhea Constipation is very common in pregnancy from changes in body hormones. Diarrhea can be from changes in diet, exercise or prenatal vitamins, or an infection. Constipation Drink 6 to 8 cups of liquids each day. Choose water, juices and milk. Eat high fiber foods such as raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber bran cereals and cooked dried beans. Do not use laxatives, enemas or over the counter medicines unless your doctor says that it is okay. Call your doctor if your constipation does not get better in 2 days. Diarrhea Drink 8 to 12 cups of water, broth, or sports drinks that are low in sugar. Avoid juices and milk that can make diarrhea worse. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Eat bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, yogurt, non-milk based soups, potatoes, crackers, oatmeal, low sugar and low fiber cereals, and lean protein, such as chicken, turkey, beef, pork, cooked eggs or tofu. 陰道有分泌物 陰道分泌物發生變化是正常的 經常清洗外陰 使用不含香精的肥皂 徹底清洗 不要用衛生棉條 陰道噴霧劑 陰道沖洗器 陰道用粉劑 彩色或帶香味的廁紙 穿棉製內衣 避免穿著尼龍襪或連褲襪以及緊身褲 如果陰道分泌物有異味, 引起瘙癢或帶血, 請打電話給醫生 便秘或腹瀉 妊娠期間, 由於體內荷爾蒙的改變, 通常會引起便秘 由於飲食 運動的改變或孕婦維他命或感染可能會造成腹瀉 便秘 每天喝 6 至 8 杯流質 水 果汁或牛奶均可 吃高纖食物, 例如新鮮蔬果 全穀物 高纖帶麩麥片和烹煮的幹豆類 未經醫生允許, 不得使用瀉劑 灌腸或非處方藥物 如果便秘持續兩天無好轉, 請打電話給醫生 腹瀉 飲用 8 到 12 杯水 湯或低糖運動型飲料 避免飲用容易加重腹瀉的果汁和牛奶 避免飲用咖啡因和酒精 食用香蕉 米飯 蘋果醬 土司麵包 優酪乳 無乳糖湯類 土豆 餅乾 燕麥粥 低糖低纖維穀類和精益蛋白, 例如雞肉 火雞 牛肉 豬肉 煎蛋或豆腐

6 Call your doctor if diarrhea does not get better in 2 days, have pain or cramps that get worse, or are bleeding from the rectum. If you have diarrhea 2 days or more, use an oral rehydration product, such as Pedialyte. 如果兩日內腹瀉沒有好轉, 且出現腹痛和痙攣, 或直腸出血, 請致電醫生 如果您連續腹瀉 2 天以上, 請使用口服補充液, 例如 Pedialyte Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectal area from constipation or pressure of the baby on the body during pregnancy. Eat whole grain and high fiber foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables. Drink more water and fruit juice in moderation to keep your bowel movements regular and soft. Do not strain or push when having a bowel movement. Use cold compresses to relieve pain or swelling. Talk with your doctor about using a topical cream or witch hazel to reduce pain Call your doctor if your pain increases or if you have bleeding. Back Pain and Leg Cramps Most women have back pain as the body changes with your baby s growth. Leg cramps are common during pregnancy. Back pain When resting or sleeping, use a supportive mattress. Lie on your left side with pillows between the knees, behind the back and under the stomach. Stand up straight. Do not slump or slouch. Wear low heeled, walking shoes. Do not stand in one place too long. Change body positions every 30 minutes. 痔瘡 痔瘡是指直腸內血管腫脹, 可能因便秘或胎兒壓迫引起 應食用全麥或高纖維食物, 例如水果和蔬菜 多喝水, 飲用適量果汁, 以保持有規律的腸運動並起到軟化作用 有便意時不要憋住, 大便時不要太用力 用冷敷來舒緩疼痛或腫脹 要使用外用膏劑或金縷梅酊劑紓解疼痛, 請先向醫生諮詢 如果疼痛加劇或肛門出血, 請打電話給醫生 背痛和腿抽筋 隨著胎兒在母體內逐漸長大, 大多數孕婦會感覺到背痛 懷孕期間腿抽筋是一種正常現象 背痛 在休息和睡覺時, 可使用支撐型床墊 採取左側身姿勢躺臥, 膝蓋間 背後和腹下加靠枕 坐立時挺直身 不要採取懶坐姿勢 穿低跟休閒鞋 不要在一個地方站立太久 每 30 分鐘變換一次姿勢 7 Squat to pick up objects rather than bending at the waist. Do not bend over at the waist. Bend your knees. Leg cramps Increase fluid, calcium and potassium intake in your diet. Eat foods such as milk, yogurt, bananas and orange juice. Rest often with your legs up during the day. Place a pillow under knees and ankles when sitting or lying down. During a leg cramp, straighten your leg and bend your foot up toward the front of your leg to gently stretch the muscles. Call your doctor if only one leg is hurting all the time, if there is a hot or red area on the leg, or if the leg hurts when you bend your foot toward the front of your leg. 蹲下拾起物體, 而不是彎腰 不要彎腰 需要彎腰時, 用屈膝代替 小腿抽筋 增加飲食中流質 鈣和鉀的攝入量 多吃牛奶 優格 香蕉和橙汁等食物 白天多將雙腿翹起休息 坐下或躺下時, 在膝蓋和腳踝下放一個枕頭 小腿抽筋時, 伸直腿, 向腿正面方向翹起腳板, 輕輕舒展肌肉 如果只有一條腿持續疼痛 腿的某個部位發熱或紅腫, 或向腿正面方向翹起腳板時出現腿痛, 請打電話給醫生 Varicose Veins Varicose veins are enlarged veins you may see on your legs. They can itch, be painful or cause tingling in the legs. Avoid nylons or panty hose with elastic bands. Wear low heeled or athletic shoes. Avoid high heels. If you must stand for long amounts of time, consider wearing support hose to improve blood flow from the legs back to the heart. Take short rest breaks with your legs raised higher than your heart. Lie on your left side with a pillow between your legs and under your abdomen. Do not cross your legs when sitting. Swelling of Hands and Feet Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time. Lie on your left side for 30 to 60 minutes, 3 to 4 times each day. 靜脈曲張 靜脈曲張是指擴張的靜脈在腿上清晰可見 可能出現發癢 疼痛或引致腿部發麻 避免穿著帶有鬆緊帶的尼龍襪或連褲襪 穿低跟鞋或運動鞋 避免穿高跟鞋 如果必須長時間站立, 可以穿護腿長襪以增加小腿到心臟的血液流通 將腿放到高於心臟的位置, 作短暫休息 採取左側身姿勢躺臥, 在兩腿與腹部下方之間墊放一個枕頭 坐著時, 不要翹起二郎腿 手腳浮腫 避免長時間站立或坐著 左側身躺臥, 每天 3 至 4 次, 每次 30 至 60 分鐘

8 Exercise if allowed by your doctor. Avoid foods high in salt. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of fluid each day. Ask your doctor about support hose. Call your doctor if you wake up in the morning a few days in a row with swelling. 徵得醫生同意的情況下, 可做運動 不要吃太鹹的食物 每天喝 8 到 10 杯液體 向醫生諮詢是否可穿彈力護腿長襪 如果連續幾天早晨醒來後手腳浮腫, 請打電話給醫生 Cold, Flu or a Virus Talk with your doctor about getting a vaccine to protect you from the flu. When pregnant, you need the injection (shot) and not the nasal spray. Call your doctor or nurse for over the counter medicines that are safe to take if you get a cold or have the flu. Avoid being around people who are ill. Wash your hands often. Call your doctor if you have a fever, shortness of breath or are coughing up sputum. Abdominal Pain or Contractions You may feel some pain in the groin area as your uterus grows. This pain can get worse with sudden movements or prolonged walking. Call your doctor right away if you have severe pain. Braxton Hicks Contractions are mild contractions that are painless and irregular. These are common and do not need treatment. When you have a contraction, lie on your left side and rest. Place your hands on your abdomen and feel when the contraction begins and ends. Time how long and how often the contractions are coming. 感冒 流感或病毒 打防流感疫苗之前, 請諮詢醫生 懷孕期間, 您需要注射而不是使用噴鼻劑 如患有感冒或流感, 請向醫生或護士諮詢哪些非處方藥是安全的 避免接觸病人 勤洗手 如果發燒 呼吸短促或咳痰, 請打電話給醫生 腹痛或宮縮 隨著子宮變大, 腹股溝部位可能會有疼痛感 如果身體突然移動或長時間步行, 疼痛可能會加劇 如有劇烈疼痛, 立即打電話給醫生 假性宮縮是一種不規律的輕微宮縮, 沒有痛感 這是常見現象, 無需治療 發生宮縮後, 左側身躺下休息 手放在腹部, 觸摸宮縮何時開始和結束 記錄宮縮的持續時間和頻率 9 If you are less than 9 months pregnant and are having contractions, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water in one hour. If you still have 4 or more contractions in one hour after drinking the water, call your doctor. If you are in your ninth month of pregnancy, call your doctor if your contractions are occurring more than 6 per hour, last longer than 15 to 30 seconds, become painful, or you have vaginal bleeding or leak fluid. Your doctor may tell you to call right away if you have any contractions. 如果妊娠不滿 9 個月時發生宮縮, 一小時內飲 8 至 10 杯水 如果飲水後每小時的宮縮仍有 4 次或更多, 請打電話給醫生 妊娠進入第九個月後, 如果宮縮超過每小時 6 次, 每次持續超過 15 至 30 秒, 開始疼痛, 陰道出血或有液體流出, 請打電話給醫生 醫生可能囑咐您, 在發生任何宮縮時都應立即致電告知他們 Sexual Activity It is common to have some changes in your sexual desire during pregnancy. Sexual intercourse is allowed during your pregnancy unless your doctor has told you otherwise. Tell your partner what feels comfortable. Practice safe sex if you or your partner has a sexually transmitted infection. You may feel some cramping for a few minutes after sexual intercourse. Call your doctor if after sexual intercourse you have vaginal bleeding, leak urine or your water breaks. Changes in Mood and Memory It is common to have mood swings from hormones, changes in sleep or eating patterns, or stress during pregnancy. It is normal to have different emotions during pregnancy. You may be excited about the birth of your baby, but worry how your life will change. Ask your partner, family and friends for emotional support. 性行為 妊娠期間, 性欲發生變化是很常見的 如果醫生沒有明言禁止, 妊娠期間允許過性生活 告訴您的伴侶如何才能感覺舒適 如果您的伴侶患有性傳播疾病, 請進行安全性行為 性交後, 您可能感覺子宮有幾分鐘的輕微痙攣 如果在性行為後發生陰道出血 漏尿或羊水破裂, 請致電醫生 情緒和記憶力變化 妊娠期間, 因睡眠或飲食模式或壓力導致的體內荷爾蒙的改變, 孕婦往往會出現情緒波動 妊娠期間情緒變化是很常見的 您可能會因寶寶的出生而感到激動, 但隨後又會為生活的變化而沮喪 情緒變化時, 請您的伴侶 家人和朋友給予支援

10 Manage stress in your life. Deep breathing, meditation, listening to music, exercise, and massage can help to reduce stress. If you have trouble eating and sleeping, this can change how you feel. Talk with your doctor and a dietitian to get help. You may notice that you are more forgetful. Make notes for yourself to help you remember important things. This should improve after the birth of your baby. Call your doctor if you have thoughts of harming yourself or others, or feel you may have depression. 應懂得處理壓力 深呼吸 冥想 聽音樂 運動和按摩都有助於您減輕壓力 如果您無法保證正常進食和睡眠, 則很有可能影響您的感受 向醫生和營養學家諮詢以獲得幫助 孕婦可能會比妊娠前健忘 有重要的事情, 可以寫下來 這種情況可能在您分娩後有所改善 如果您產生傷害自己或他人的想法, 或感到沮喪, 請致電醫生 Food Cravings and Aversions You may crave foods during pregnancy while the smell or taste of other foods may cause nausea. Eat a variety of healthy foods at meals and for snacks, include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Avoid foods high in sugar, fat or salt and make healthier choices. Take a prenatal vitamin each day. 食慾和厭食 在妊娠期間, 您可能總想吃東西, 或在聞到或嘗到其他食物時感到反胃 吃正餐和點心時, 應保持種類豐富, 包括新鮮水果和蔬菜 全麥食物和精益蛋白 避免吃高糖 高脂或高鹽分食物, 請選擇健康的飲食 每日服用產前維他命 Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 如有任何疑問或擔憂, 請諮詢您的醫生或護士 2007 - September 27, 2016, Health Information Translations. Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain treatment.