2 God created men with two ears and two eyes but only one mouth, so we listen to good and evil we see what s right what s wrong but we only witness fo

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參 加 第 二 次 pesta 的 我, 在 是 次 交 流 營 上 除 了, 與 兩 年 沒 有 見 面 的 朋 友 再 次 相 聚, 加 深 友 誼 外, 更 獲 得 與 上 屆 不 同 的 體 驗 和 經 歴 比 較 起 香 港 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 活 動 模 式, 確 是 有 不 同 特

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: : : : : ISBN / C53:H : 19.50

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2006 Anthony Buzzard ISBN


w w w. s t e m i. o r g 2 0 0 6 Diogenes The nature granted us with two ears two eyes but only one month is to say we should listen more see more and talk less

2 God created men with two ears and two eyes but only one mouth, so we listen to good and evil we see what s right what s wrong but we only witness for the truth. certainty conviction warranty subjectivity of truth projection

3 How old is this plane not very old Only twelve yearsyou are the pilot of this? where is co-pilotyou are the co-pilot 860

4 Soli Deo Gloria 1973 Christian Doctor 2005 7 10

5 12 1995 20 2000 2000 12 30

6 (autoexousion) (nous) (psuche) (divinized) demiurge the entire receiving the entire (mortal) ( If one thinks him God, he sees him to be mortal; if one thinks him human, he views him, having conquered the kingdom of death, returning with spoils form the dead thus is demonstrated the reality of both natures in one and the same [person]. ) Reinhold Seeberg, A Text-book of the History of Doctrines, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1952, vol. 1, p. 152.

7 (Logos) (The one being was more than one in mind. ) We say that he became something composite ( Concerning the composition, and of what [entities] the incarnate Jesus was composed ) Seeberg, p. 152. Learn that the Logos remaining Logos in nature, does not suffer any of the things which the body or the soul suffers as though it had become flesh. But the exaltation of the Son of man this was the being no longer other than the Logos, but the same with it. he is everywhere and pervades the universe, but we cannot know him anywhere beyond that circumscribed body which, when located in our body upon the earth, he possessed among men. Seeberg, p. 153. (ransom) (propitiation) ( For he (the Devil) controlled us until the ransom for us, the soul of Jesus, was given to him, deceived as being able to rule over it, and not observing that he does not possess the touchstone for maintaining possession of it. Seeberg, p. 154.) (propitiation) ( And he assumed our sins and was bruised for our iniquities, and the penalty which was our due in order to our discipline and the reception of peace came upon him. )

8 ( From that time, the divine and the human nature began to be associated, in order that the human nature might in fellowship with that which is divine become divine, not in Jesus alone, but in all those receiving with their faith the course of life which Jesus taught, which leads to God... ) ( an imprint of the wounds appearing in the soul by virtue of the Logos, this is the Christ in him ). (effecting in us that which is divine) (What is your doctrine of Christ?) John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied, Eerdmans. www.chinahorizon.org http://samling.ccim.org (Protestants) u u Tel : 1-800-565-4243 up.o. Box 823: Carmel, IN 46082 STEMI

9 2005 8 1 Bill Frist Dover 2004 10 2 2005 11 8 2005 12 20 John Jones III 3 1982 1987 irreducible complexity 1980 interpretation (central dogma) DNA RNA text text-maker context (Footnotes) 1 Claudia Wallis, The Evolution, Time (2005 August 15),28. 2 27 3 http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2005/1220/1, Jeffrey Mervis, Judge Jones Defines Science-And Why Intelligent design Isn t Vol. 311, Science (6 Jan. 2006), p34.

10 Réne Thom semiotic physics (Thomas Kuhn) paradigm shift acceleration 17 18 Thomas Jefferson 1785

11 19 2002 Westminste CD US$ 5 10%5 CD402 5 CD403 4 CD404 7 CD405 4 CD406 5 CD407 6 CD408 2 CD410 7 CD411 4 CD412 Northridge 5 CD413 2 VCD409 2003 / US$ 25 Mendelssohn St. Paul/Jakarta Oratorio Society & Orchestra

Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International Headquarter: 1458 Woodglen Terrace; Bonita CA 91902 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 823, Carmel, IN 46082 Telephone:1-800-565-4243 Fax:1-317-818-6908 u http://www.stemi.org.hk u u