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二 請以中文摘述下列短文, 並針對作者之觀點提出評論 ( 短文摘錄自 :R. M. Hutchins, The Great Conversation) 第 2 頁, 共 14 頁

臺北市立教育大學教育學系一 學年度第二學期博士候選人資格考核試題 科目 國民教育理論基礎 - 教育史 請就以下一 二題當中, 任選一題作答, 作答在教育史, 每題滿分一 分 不必抄題, 作答時請將試題題號及答案寫在答卷上 一 (1) 請摘述下列一段文字的重點 (2) 請就下文中, 杜威對兒童中心學校的看法, 提出相關評論 二 (1) 請摘述下列一段文字的重點 (2) 請就文中所述之內容, 思考台灣學校教育的現象, 進行相關評論 ( 摘自 Cremin, L. (1959). John Dewey and the Progressive-Education Movement, 1915-1952. The School Review, 67(2),pp. 160-173) ( 摘自 Cremin, L. A.(1961).The transformation of the school: Progressivism in American education, 第 3 頁, 共 14 頁 1876-1957. New York: Vintage.)

二 (1) 請摘述下列一段文字的重點 (2) 請就下文所描述之教育主張, 提出相關評論 ( 摘自 Ackerman, D. B.(2003). Taproots for a new century: Tapping the best of traditional and progressive education. Phi Delta Kappan, 84 (5), 344-349) 第 4 頁, 共 14 頁

臺北市立教育大學教育學系 一 學年度第二學期博士候選人資格考核試題 科目 國民教育理論基礎 - 教育心理學 請就以下一 二題當中, 任選一題作答, 作答在教育心理學, 每題滿分一 分 不必抄題, 作答時請將試題題號及答案寫在答卷上 一 請以中文說明下列短文的要旨, 並申論其如何應用於教學實務 How does one get better at creativity? Just what is it that a student should "do" to be creative? The following list of bullets is an attempt to put into operation what creative students actually do and is based on ideas from several sources. Robinson (Azzam, 2009) notes that creativity feeds on collaboration and diversity, which emphasizes the importance of having multiple sources of ideas. Sweller (2009) notes that idea generation, reorganization of ideas, trial and error, and a deep knowledge base are required for creativity. He emphasizes the importance both of having new ideas and of using different organizational methods to combine and process the ideas. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2009) also lists the kinds of actions students do when they think creatively, work creatively with others, and implement innovations. Joining these sources of information together, we can say that creative students do the following: Recognize the importance of a deep knowledge base and continually work to learn new things. Are open to new ideas and actively seek them out. Find "source material" for ideas in a wide variety of media, people, and events. Look for ways to organize and reorganize ideas into different categories and combinations, and then evaluate whether the results are interesting, new, or helpful. Use trial and error when they are not sure of how to proceed, viewing failure as an opportunity to learn. 第 5 頁, 共 14 頁

二 請以中文說明下列短文的要旨, 並申論您對該文的看法 What's the best way to motivate people to learn? Generally, we are motivated by two different reasons. We either do some things for what we call extrinsic reasons. Namely, you work for forty hours a week so you can get a paycheck at the end. And you don't really like the job much but you want the paycheck to do things with that you will enjoy. So that's extrinsic because the reward comes after the activity from the outside. Now, flow is a type of intrinsic motivation, that is, there you do what you're doing primarily because you like what you're doing. If you learn only for external, extrinsic reasons, you will probably forget it as soon as you are no longer forced to remember what you want to do. Nor will you be motivated to learn for its own sake. Whereas if you are intrinsically motivated, you're going to keep learning as you move up and so you are in this lifelong learning mode, which would be the ideal. The flow experience is when a person is completely involved in what he or she is doing, when the concentration is very high, when the person knows moment by moment what the next steps should be, like if you are playing tennis, you know where you want the ball to go, if you are playing a musical instrument you know what notes you want to play, every millisecond, almost. And you get feedback to what you're doing. That is, if you're playing music, you can hear whether what you are trying to do is coming out right or in tennis you see where the ball goes and so on. So there's concentration, clear goals, feedback, there is the feeling that what you can do is more or less in balance with what needs to be done, that is, challenges and skills are pretty much in balance. When these characteristics are present a person wants to do whatever made him or her feel like this, it becomes almost addictive and you're trying to repeat that feeling and that seems to explain why people are willing to do things for no good reason -- there is no money, no recognition -- just because this experience is so rewarding and that's the flow experience. 第 6 頁, 共 14 頁

臺北市立教育大學教育學系一 學年度第二學期博士候選人資格考核試題 科目 國民教育理論基礎 - 教育社會學 請就以下一 二題當中, 任選一題作答, 作答在教育社會學, 每題滿分一 分 不必抄題, 作答時請將試題題號及答案寫在答卷上 一 請概述以下短文要旨, 並提出評論 The most powerful principle of the symbolic efficacy of cultural capital no doubt lies in the logic of its transmission. On the one hand, the process of appropriating objectified cultural capital and the time necessary for it to take place mainly depend on the cultural capital embodied in the whole family-through the generalized Arrow effect and all forms of implicit transmission. On the other hand, the initial accumulation of cultural capital starts at the outset only for the offspring of families endowed with strong cultural capital; in this case, the accumulation period covers the whole period of socialization. It follows that the transmission of cultural capital is no doubt the best hidden form of hereditary transmission of capital, and it therefore receives proportionately greater weight in the system of reproduction strategies, as the direct, visible forms of transmission tend to be more strongly censored and controlled. It can immediately be seen that the link between economic and cultural capital is established through the mediation of the time needed for acquisition. Differences in the cultural capital possessed by the family imply differences first in the age at which the work of transmission and accumulation begins, and then in the capacity to satisfy the specifically cultural demands of a prolonged process of acquisition. Furthermore, the length of time for which a given individual can prolong his acquisition process depends on the length of time for which his family can provide him with the free time, i.e. time free for economic necessity, which is the precondition for the initial accumulation. (Pierre Bourdieu, The forms of capital) 第 7 頁, 共 14 頁

二 請概述以下短文要旨, 並提出評論 It is necessary to recognize that the state of division in which we now find ourselves, in our country, makes this duty of the State particularly dedicate and at the same time more important. It is not up to the State to create this community of ideas and sentiments; it must be established by itself, and the State can only consecrate it, maintain it, make individuals more aware of it. Now, it is unfortunately indisputable that this moral unity is not at all points what it should be. We are divided by divergences and even sometimes contradictory conceptions. It is not a question of recognizing the right of the majority to impose its ideas on the children of the minority. The school should not be the thing of one party, and the teacher is remiss in his duties when he uses the authority at his disposal to influence his pupils in accordance with his own preconceived opinions, however justified they may appear to him. But in spite of all the differences of opinion, there are at present, at the basis of our civilization, a certain number of principles which are common to all, that few dare to deny overtly and openly: respect for reason, for science, for ideas and sentiments which are at the base of democratic morality. The role of the State is to outline these essential principles, to have them taught in its schools, to see to it that nowhere are children left ignorant of them, that everywhere they should be spoken of with the respect which is due them. (Emile Durkheim, Education: Its nature and its role) 第 8 頁, 共 14 頁

臺北市立教育大學教育學系 一 學年度第二學期博士候選人資格考核試題 科目 教育學方法論 - 量的取向 請就以下四題當中, 第一 二題選一題以及第三 四題選一題作答, 共計選二題, 每題滿分一 分 不必抄題, 作答時請將試題題號及答案寫在答卷上 請在一 二中, 選一題作答 作答在量的取向 ( 一 ) 一 請解釋以下幾個在量化研究上常提及之名詞, 並分別說明每個名詞 ( 概念 ) 在研究分析與結果討論上的重要性 1. 等距變項 2. 準實驗設計 3. 延宕測驗 4. 效果值 二 試以一篇量化的學位論文或期刊論文為例 ( 請以 APA 格式寫出該論文的資料來源 ), 請針對下列各項加以陳述 :(1) 該研究主要的研究問題,(2) 該研究採行之研究設計,(3) 請評論該研究採用量化取向作為研究方法之必要性,(4) 指出該研究在研究方法應予改善之處 第 9 頁, 共 14 頁

請在三 四中, 選一題作答 作答在量的取向 ( 二 ) 三 試申論量化研究中研究議題 (research problem) 研究問題(research question) 假設(hypotheses) 及研究目的 (statement of purpose) 間的關聯及異同, 其擬定原則與評量標準為何? 請舉例說明之 四 請閱讀下文並回答問題 : After the 20 assignments were completed, each student anonymously completed a three question survey. Question #1 asked students to indicate whether or not they worked on the assignments with their parents by checking Always, Sometimes, or Never on the survey.. Answers to Question #1 indicated that a significant number of students (48) experienced parental involvement with the 20 homework assignments at least some of the time (chi-square = 49.28, df=2, p<.01). Seventeen students reported that they always worked with their parent(s) on the assignments. Two students reported that they never worked with their parent(s) on the assignments. (Reference: Balli, S. J. (1988). When mom and dad help student reflections on parent involvement with homework, Journal of Research and Development in Education, 31, 142-146.) 1. 請簡要說明此短文的大意 2. 請列出文中 chi-square = 49.28, df=2, p<.01 所針對的假設 (hypotheses) 並解釋分析結果 3. ( 接第 2 題 ) 此方法屬於 parametric statistics 還是 nonparametric statistics? 請說明理由 4. ( 接第 2 題 ) 此方法屬於 descriptive statistics 還是 inferential statistics? 請說明理由 5. 在使用此方法時, 需留意哪些原則或限制? 試論述之 第 10 頁, 共 14 頁

臺北市立教育大學教育學系 一 學年度第二學期博士候選人資格考核試題 科目 教育學方法論 - 質的取向 請就以下四卷當中, 甲 乙卷選一卷作答及丙 丁卷選一卷作答, 共計選二卷, 每題滿分一 分 不必抄題, 作答時請將試題題號及答案寫在答卷上 請在甲卷和乙卷中, 選一卷作答 作答在質的取向 ( 一 ) 甲卷 請閱讀 父系社會下的母女關係探討 一文 1, 然後依序回答以下問題 閱讀材料頗長, 請務必把握考試時間 1. 以下是質性研究方法論中常出現的詞彙, 請 1 翻譯該詞彙 2 闡釋該詞彙的基本涵義 ; 3 然後具體指出該詞彙在該究中的意義, 或該研究可以怎樣表現該詞彙?(60%) (1) holism (2) empathetic understanding 2. 質性研究報告的受信賴度 (trustworthiness) 應儘量提高 如果你是進行該研究的人, 而本文只是你初步研究的結果, 為了驗證並提高這些初步結果受信賴的程度, 使你自己與他人都更有信心, 你可以在資料蒐集與分析方面, 再採取許多技術來達到此目標 請提出兩種你可能採用的技術, 並具體說明你的作法 (40%) 甲卷完 1 本文載於胡幼慧主編 (1996): 質性研究 理論 方法及本土女性研究實例 臺北 : 巨流 頁 297-303 第 11 頁, 共 14 頁

乙卷 請閱讀 父系社會下的母女關係探討 一文 2, 然後依序回答以下問題 閱讀材料頗長, 請務必把握考試時間 1. 以下是質性研究方法論中常出現的詞彙, 請 1 翻譯該詞彙 2 闡釋 該詞彙的基本涵義 ; 3 然後具體指出該詞彙在該究中的意義, 或該 研究可以怎樣表現該詞彙?(60%) (1) context (2) grounded theory 2. 質性研究報告的受信賴度 (trustworthiness) 應儘量提高 如果你是進行該研究的人, 而本文只是你初步研究的結果, 為了驗證並提高這些初步結果受信賴的程度, 使你自己與他人都更有信心, 你可以在資料蒐集與分析方面, 再採取許多技術來達到此目標 請提出兩種你可能採用的技術, 並具體說明你的作法 (40%) 乙卷完 2 本文載於胡幼慧主編 (1996): 質性研究 理論 方法及本土女性研究實例 臺北 : 巨流 頁 297-303 第 12 頁, 共 14 頁

請在丙卷和丁卷中, 選一卷作答 作答在質的取向 ( 二 ) 丙卷 請閱讀 父系社會下的母女關係探討 一文 3, 然後依序回答以下問題 閱讀材料頗長, 請務必把握考試時間 一 焦點團體訪談 會在不同的互動中擦出不同的火花 請針對此文內容, 舉例說明焦點團體訪談法在下列準備工作上應如何考量, 方能達到最大效益 :(1) 研究對象的選取考量 (2) 訪談設計的結構和互動策略 二 就性別主流化 (gender main-streaming) 的立場來閱讀此文 (1) 你想到什麼和教育相關的研究主題?(2) 試就可行性和價值性予以說明 丙卷完 丁卷請閱讀 父系社會下的母女關係探討 一文 4, 然後依序回答以下問題 閱讀材料頗長, 請務必把握考試時間 一 在質性研究中有關於 訪談的回應 有助於研究者與受訪者建立 良好的對話關係, 因此 訪談的回應 對於訪談的結果, 有很 大的影響, 如 自我揭露 即是訪談者針對受訪者的內容就自 3 本文載於胡幼慧主編 (1996): 質性研究 理論 方法及本土女性研究實例 臺北 : 巨流 頁 297-303 4 本文載於胡幼慧主編 (1996): 質性研究 理論 方法及本土女性研究實例 臺北 : 巨流 頁 297-303 第 13 頁, 共 14 頁

己的經驗作出回應 請針對此文內容, 舉例說明如何進行下列 訪談的回應, 方能讓訪談有最大的效益 :(1) 認可 (2) 鼓勵對方 二 就性別主流化 (gender main-streaming) 的立場來閱讀此文 (1) 你想到什麼和教育相關的研究主題?(2) 試就可行性和價值性予以說明 丁卷完 第 14 頁, 共 14 頁