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6 ( 1 ) 133-162 28

134 2 8 (1) 2 3 1966 2546 1966 2486 1 168 1684 1 1974 354-357

1733 1788 2 1811725 1819 135 1841 1869 53 2 1963 1977

136 2 8 1966 724 3 3

1812 137 23 26-27 4 5 4 168 5 23 28-215

138 2 8 6 1751 181 1817 6 27 8 3 http://szb.hynews.net/ html/27-8/3/content_1736.htm

139 1 1998 198-199 2 1998 198-199

14 1788 24 2 8 7 1817 8 1378 7 http://www.ptqxsb.com/ shownews.asp?newsid=1488 8 1966 724 2493

141 3 1985 4 1985

142 2 8 9 1729 9 1788 1963 1976-1977

1 5 11 143 1729 1 23 419-42 11 3.1 1.6

144 2 8 1968 781-782 23 25-26 6 1983 5173 23

25 1984 256 12 145 瑨 1968 782-783 23 783 12 23 419-42

146 2 8 8 18 5 13 3 23 8 16 1737 13 1724 ㈠ 24 313 13 2526:87

7 24 13-16 147 254 1683 29-291 15-153 1681

148 1968 129 2 8 24 314 7 14 26 183-186 18 39-4 ㈡ 1964 8-1 1816 1815 14 24 3-31

149 1816 23 319-32 319-32 26 196-197 8 9

15 2 8 12 1 8 4 1 2 3 4 5 15 1957 57 15 23 25a 25b 26a 26b

151 1 1983 6 1957 49 1957 4 1957 118

152 2 8 ㈠ 16 1 1684 26 372 16 1963 1893

1 1684 1684 1684 1684 1723 1723 1723 189 1887 1723 1722 174 1734 1733 1717 181-1711 1715 1829-1812 - 1727 1715-1812 - - - - - - - - - - 1711 1829-1813 - 1793 1716 177 184 - - - 1757 1751 1718 1715 1735 1748 1813-1685 1684 1684 176 1726 183 - - - 1727 1713 1735 1742 1765 189-153 1712 - - 1715 1816 183 1818-1684 1684 1684 1715 1726 1829 - - 1684 1684 175 1684 1717 1738 1748 1684 1817 1891 1995 6-62 1962 326-338 1962 6-72 1962 53-65 1962 151-156 1963 148-154 1961 58-62 195 219-223 1957 36-43196 47-49 1962 139-154 ㈡

154 2 8 2 4 ㈢

2 1712 1727 1731 1746 175 176 179 1796 1796 183 155 189 1875 1888 26 351-413 25 18-2 18 24

156 2 8 ㈣ 164 1995 5451684 1726 1739 1957 4 17 1958 41-42 1838 17

1957 59 18 168 1683 157 1721 1787 18-181 18 2 67-89

158 2 8 23 23 25 1962 24 2 1995 1989 瑨 1968 1957 1962 25 38 2-33 25 1 21-36 22 ( )4 189-22 1979 25 2 1-2

24 1958 23 1962 1962 1984 26 6 73-86 24 3 8-27 196 1957 1961 26 1998 1957 1964 1963 1999 26 37 83-95 27.8.3 http://szb.hynews.net/html/27-8/3/ content_1736.htm 159

16 2 8 23 23 12 6-8 25a 56 2 1-23 25b 3 2 57-1 26a 26 1 28-29 26b 57 3 9-36 22 (3) 24 69-79 1985 1974 24 1968 23 13 1 7-79 195 23 6 155-181 1963 1957 27 198 38 136-148 22 4 87-122 1983 199

1998 http://www.ptqxsb. com/shownews.asp?newsid=1488 1983 1962 21 26 26 23 1966 161 161 kunchen@ntut.edu.tw

162 2 8 Some Observations on the Spatial Characteristics of Official Tian Hou Temples in Taiwan Kun-chen Chang National Taipei University of Technology Department of Architecture Mazu, the goddess of sea, not only symbolically protects fishermen and sailors, but also officially serves as a prototype of worship for praying for safety from disaster and disease during the Qing Dynasty. From a local sea goddess, Mazu had ultimately become the official goddess worshipped in coastal provinces after numerous praises by the emperors. This essay will begin with an exploration of the systematic architecture of Tian Hou (, heavenly empress) temples; this will be followed by a discussion of some examples, including the Hui-ji temple in the imperial garden of Beijing, the Sea-god temple in Haining county of Zhejiang province and the Tian Hou Temples in Meizhou( ) and Quanzhou. By contrasting their architectural space scheme and spatial structure with the examples from Taiwan, this paper shows that some local spatial characteristics can be traced from the official Tian Hou temple. The following conclusions are revealed: (1) The established date of the Tian Hou temple was before the constitution of the local government; (2) The site of the Tian Hou temple was often set near main routes of sea transportation; (3) The type and relationships between the Mazu icons and those of other subordinated gods were similar to those in other local temples; (4)Some other official gods are also being co-worshiped in the Tian Hou temple. Keywords Mazu, Tian Hou Temple, Official Worshiping Building, Qing Dynasty, Taiwan