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Journal of National Taipei Teachers College, Vol.XIII(June 2000)91120 NATIONAL TAIPEI TEACHERS COLLEGE 119 From Kindergarten to Day-care Institutions: Policy Concerning Day-care Education for Children under 14 Years Old in Germany Yu-hsiu Chou* ABSTRACT In the late 1960s, the German Education Council began to realize the importance of pre-school education and upbringing of children. A number of kindergarten laws were enacted in all federal states of Germany during the 1970s, which obliged children above three years old to receive pre-school education. Yet drastic structural changes of family and society in the 1990s resulted in the development of kindergarten to all-day-care education. There are three kinds of day-care institutions for children between the fourth month after birth to the 14th year. The development of the German day-care facilities from kindergarten to day-care institutions in the past three decades will be introduced and discussed here. *Yu-hsiu Chou: Associate Professor, Department of Elementary Education

120 Journal of National Taipei Teachers College Vol. XIII