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7 10 Vol. 7 No. 10 2016 10 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Oct., 2016 汪玉芳 1*, 王昌博 1, 项磊 2, 黄远英 1, 殷光玲 (1., 510663; 2., 510515) 1 摘要 : 目的, 方法,, 12,, 结果,,, 结论,, 关键词 : ; ; Effect of turmeric-pueraria-paeoniae radix tablet on bone mineral density in ovariectomized rats WANG Yu-Fang 1*, WANG Chang-Bo 1, XIANG Lei 2, HUANG Yuan-Ying 1, YIN Guang-Ling 1 (1. By-Health Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510663, China; 2. College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the effect of turmeric-pueraria-paeoniae radix tablet on bone mineral density in ovariectomized rats, and discuss the function for increasing bone mineral density. Methods The osteoporosis model was established by removing the ovaries in experimental rats. The rats of dose groups were treated with different concentrations of turmeric-pueraria-paeoniae radix tablet through intragastric administration. After 12 weeks, the bone mineral density (BMD), constant weight of femur and calcium content (BCC) of bone were detected, and the observation of pathological morphology of bone tissue was conducted simultaneously, based on which the function for increasing bone mineral density of the tablet was evaluated. Results Compared with model group, the levels of bone mineral density and constant weight of femur in rats of low, medium and high dose groups were all increased significantly, and the BCC in rats of medium and high dose groups were higher than that of model group. The histopathological indexes of bone tissue had significant improvement in rats of 3 dose groups. Conclusion Urmeric-pueraria-paeoniae radix tablet has the function of enhancing BMD and BCC in rats, and it can improve the pathological morphology of bone tissue, which has an effect on the treatment of clinical postmenopausal osteoporosis. KEY WORDS: turmeric-pueraria-paeoniae radix tablet; ovariectomized rat model; bone mineral density * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: WANG Yu-Fang, Engineer, By-Health Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510663, China. E-mail:

3930 7 1 引言 (osteoporosis, OP) [1], 2014, 60 2, 40 1.12 [2] (International Osteoporosis Foundation, IOF), 2010, 50 230, 2050 600 [3], I II I,, ; II,,, 65 70 I,,, I : OP,, OP,,, - -,, D-,,,,,, 2 实验材料 2.1 样品及试剂 ( Merck ); ( ); (, DELPHARM Lille S.A.S.) 2.2 主要仪器 Leica EG1160 Leica ASP 300 ( Leica ); Microm HM400 ( MICROM ); DP71-IPP 6.0 ( ); JC 303-4 ( ); 3-18K ( SIGMA ); ZOOM 2000 ( ); I acn X (); Zeeman-5000 ( ) 2.3 实验动物 3 SD 90, SPF, 220~250 g, : 5 /,, : 22.3~23.7, : 55.6%~70, 10 h:14 h ;, [4], [4] 3 实验方法 3.1 动物造模及分组 90 7, 10 1 g,, (); 80,,, 5, : (, ) 3 : 30 mg/kg,,,,, ( 2 cm),,,,,, (),,,,, ( ) 0,,,,,,,, 2, 3 5, 1, 7,,

10, : 3931 3.2 给药剂量 4 g/d, 60 kg, 3 0.67 1.34 ( 10 20 30 ), 3.3 给药方式, 1, 12, 3 0.067 0.134 0.201 g/ml, 0.1 mg/ml, 1 ml/100 g, 3.4 骨密度检测 12,,,,, X, (g/cm 2 ), 20 mm/s, 10 cm 3.5 股骨恒重及骨钙含量检测 105 ( 1h) 0.0003 g, [4] 3.6 骨组织病理形态学检测, (EDTA) HE (alizarin red staining, ARS),, : (/// ) ( / ) ( / ) :, 3.7 统计学分析 SPSS 17.0, ±( x,, ;, 4 结果与分析 4.1 体重增加情况 12, 8 h,,, 1, (P<0.05);, (P<0.01) 表 1 受试样品对大鼠体重增加的影响 ( x Table 1 The effect of test sample on weight gain in rats ( x (g) 0.67 g/kg BW 58.40±17.68 77.07±23.61* 51.15±24.75 45.62±13.23 46.23±17.50 58.91±25.07 : * (P<0.05); (P<0.01) 4.2 骨密度测定 2,, (bone mineral density, BMD), (P<0.05); BMD, (P<0.01) 表 2 受试样品对大鼠骨密度的影响 ( x Table 2 The effect of test sample on BMD in rats ( x (g/cm 2 ) 0.67 g/kg BW 0.39±0.03 0.22±0.05* 0.35±0.06 0.35±0.07 0.33±0.03 0.34±0.05 : * (P<0.05); (P<0.01) 4.3 左侧股骨恒重及骨钙含量测定 3, (bone constant weight, BCW) (calcium content of bone, BCC), (P<0.05);, ;, (P<0.05) 4.4 骨组织染色结果 4, HE, (P<0.05); HE, (P<0.05); HE (P>0.05)

3932 7 表 3 受试样品对大鼠骨重及骨钙含量的影响 ( x Table 3 The effects of test sample on BCW and BCC in rats ( x (mg) (mg/g) 610.50±48.59 264.00±14.02 551.00±60.30* 200.50±12.64* 605.75±39.67 236.13±18.92 604.01±34.97 219.75±11.19 568.25±34.69 216.38±14.00 0.67 g/kg BW 567.13±35.45 205.25±20.44 : * (P<0.05); (P<0.05) 表 4 受试样品对大鼠骨组织病理组织学评分的影响 (HE 染色 ) Table 4 ( x The effect of test sample on histopathological score of bone in rats (HE staining) ( x 1.25±0.46 6.50±1.07* (10 10) 4.63±0.74 2 HE () 5.25±0.71 Fig. 2 Results of HE and ARS staining of bone tissue (the model group) 5.38±0.92 0.67 g/kg BW 5.88±0.64 : * (P<0.05); (P<0.05) (3) ;,,, ;, ( 3) (1) ;, ;, ( 1) (10 10) 3 HE () Fig. 3 Results of HE and ARS staining of bone tissue (the estradiol group) (10 10) 1 HE ( ) Fig. 1 Results of HE and ARS staining of bone tissue (the control group) (2) ;,,, ;, ( 2) (4) ;,,, ;, ( 4) (5) ;,,, ;, ( 5)

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