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人 的 角 度 作 起 點, 然 後 逐 步 擴 闊 視 野 故 此 下 文 會 採 取 這 個 分 析 次 序 : 先 從 案 主 特 質 與 社 群 文 化 入 手, 然 後 討 論 有 關 的 教 會 傳 統 與 真 理 教 導, 最 後 在 處 理 方 案 上 作 出 一 些 具 體 的 建







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VI. 知 识 产 权 及 个 人 资 料 25 VII. 鸣 谢 拨 款 资 助 28 VIII. 查 询 29 IX. 不 具 约 束 力 的 协 议 29 X. 其 他 29 附 件 收 集 个 人 资 料 声 明 31 注 : 1. 本 指 引 应 与 青 年 发 展 基 金 辖 下 的 具

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sacred numbers holy numbers 1 3 1 Hans-J. Klimkeit, Gnosis on the Silk Road: Gnostic Texts from Central Asia Gnosis, p.47, p.53, note30, and p.77, HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1993. 2 C.R.C.Allberry, A Manichaean Psalm-Book (Part II) Psalm-Book, ψαλµοί Σαρακωτών, p.161 15-32, Stuttgart, 1938. 3 20 Or.8210, Ms. Stein 2659 54, 2140 54 2141B 56 7 The Pragmateia 191 207 1987 1

(cinq members) 1 2 3 122 336 236 244 Ms. Stein 3969 Collection Pelliot 3884 54 2141A 1 E. Chavannes & P. Pelliot, Traité Manichéen Retrouvé en Chine----Traduit et Annoté, p.552, note 1, Journal Asiatique, November-December, 1911. 2 E. Waldschmidt & W. Lentz, Manichäische Dogmatik aus chinesichen und iranischen Texten, p.495, SPAW, 1933. 3 W.B.Henning, A Sogdian Fragment of the Manichaean Cosmogony( A Sogdian Fragment), pp.307f, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 12, 1948. 2

Coptic The Kephalaia of the Teacher five greatnesses 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Iain Gardner, The Kephalaia of the Teacher----The Edited Coptic Manichaean Texts in Translation with Commentary Kephalaia, Ch. XVI, 49, 13-49, 32, pp.54-55, E.J.Brill, Leiden, 1995. 2 the Father of Greatness 3 the Mother of Life 4 the First Man the Primal Man 5 6 the Friend of the Lights the Beloved of the Lights 7 the Great Builder 8 the Living Spirit 9 10 the Third Ambassador 11 the Pillar of Glory 12 Jesus the Splendour Jesus 3

Father twelve Aeons the Aeons of the Aeons the Living Air the Land of Light 2 M 178 M 178 The first is the great king god Zurwan, father of righteousness 3 Zurwan Zarwan 1 M 178 Henning, A Sodian Fragment, pp.307-308 2 Allberry, Psalm-Book, CCXXIII p.9 12-16,, Stuttgart, 1938. 3 Prods Oktor Skjærvø An Introduction to Manicheism http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~iranian/manicheism/manicomplete.pdf 4

five gods of holy Ether Wind Light Water Fire Father of Greatness 1 Light Mind 2 Gardner, The Kephalaia, Ch. XX, 63 19 64 12, pp.66-67 5

Aeons Maiden of Light 1 2 The five spirits of five greatnesses the Father of Greatness the Father, 1 Mary Boyce, A Reader in Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian, pp.4-7, E.J.Brill, Leiden, 1975. 2 Allberry, Psalm-Book II, p.136 13-14, p.136 50-53 6

the great of greatness 1 2 the Third Messenger the Third Ambassador Second Great One God Narisaf 3 126 greatness the Third Great One 4 the greatnesses of God 1 Gardner, Kephalaia, Ch.LXV,162 27, p.171 2 Gardner, Kephalaia, Ch.XXI, 64 19-20 3 M 77 R 1-15(Pth.) Klimkeit, Gnosis, Ch. IV, Hymns to the Third Messenger, p.57 4 M 680 (Pth.) Klimkeit, Gnosis, Ch. V, Hymns to Jesus the Splendor p.64 7

Perfect Man Great Judge the Youth the Counterpart Light Form 1 223 Aeon Aeons 2 1 Gardner, Kephalaia, Ch.VII, 34 13 36 26, pp.38-40 2 Paul Van Lindt, The Names of Manichaean Mythological Figures----A Comparative Study on Terminology in the Coptic Sources Names, p.30, Wiesbaden, 1992 8

1 2 3 4 5 1 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, Psalm to Jesus, Ch. CCXLVII, p.55 9-13 2 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, Psalm to Heracleides, p.197 5-8 3 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, Psalm to Heracleides, p.199 1-2 4 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, Psalm of Thomas, p.203 3-14 5 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, Psalm of Heracleides, pp.198 21-30 199 1-4 9

1 Blessed Places the Living Air the Pure Air Living Pure Living Spirit Living Spirit Living Pure p.198 2 3 4 5 1 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, Psalm of the Bema, Ch. CCXIX, p.1 10-15 2 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, Psalm of Heracleides, pp.202 1 3 Gardner, Kephalaia, Ch.VIII, 36 33-35 37 1-13, pp.41-42 4 James M. Robinson (Gen. Ed.), The Nag Hammadi Library in English, Asclepius 21-29 (VI, 8), p.337, Harper & Row Publishers, San Francisco, 1988. 5 Bayard Dodge, The Fihrist of al-nadīm----a Tenth-Century Survey of Muslim Culture, Volume 1, Chapter IX, Section I, Manichaeans p.779, Columbia University Press, 1970. 10

129 Zephyr Wind Light Water Fire Zephyr Ether 1 Ether the Land of Light The realm of Light is divided into Five Greatnesses Thus arranged is the Paradise, in these Five Greatnesses 336 2 1 A.V.Williams Jackson, Researches in Manichaeism----with Special Reference to the Turfan Fragments, p.225, note 11, New York Columbia University Press, 1932. 2 134 2005 11

1 2 3 Householders 4 Five Glories Five Glories The Five Glories škīnā škīnā 5 škīnā 1 Klimkeit, Gnosis, Verses from a Hymn on the Father of Light ( Parthian), p.31 M 730 R Vii (Pth.) Boyce, Reader, text ah 2 Klimkeit, Gnosis, p.33, 12 14 3 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, p.136 30-38 4 Allberry, Psalm-Bookt II, p.144 11-13 5 Peter Bryder, The Chinese Transformation of Manichaeism----A Study of Chinese Manichaean Terminology, p.129, Sweden, 1985 12

škīnā 1 škīnā 2 3 pañca mahābhūtāni Vairocana Aksobhya Ratna-sambhava Amitābha Amogha-soddhi 1 pp.83-84, p.84, n. 1. 2 A.V.Williams Jackson, Researches in Manichaeism----with Special Reference to the Turfan Fragments, pp.224-225, New York Columbia University Press, 1932 3 2004 6 13

Maha Vairocana Gnosis 14