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第五課你去過中國嗎? A. Text Vocabulary character 過 pinyin guo4 part of speech verbsuffix meaning 以前 yi3qian2 TW before 家人 jia1ren2 N indicates a past experience family members 旅遊 luu3you2 V to travel 北京 bei3jing1 PW 海 hai3 N sea 上海 shang4hai3 PW north-capital Beijing on-sea Shanghai 還有 hai2you3 Conj as well as example 我去過中國 I have been to China. 以前我不喜歡學中文 Before I did not like to study Chinese. 我的家人都在中國 My family members are in China. 我很喜歡旅遊 I like to travel. 北京有很多大學 There are many universities in Beijing. 大海裏有什麼? What is there in the sea? 上海有很多美國人 There are many Americans in Shanghai. 我有桌子還有椅子 I have a table and a chair. 西安 xi1an1 PW Xi an 西安很漂亮 Xi an is pretty. 那個時候 na4ge5shi2.hou4 TW 還 hai2 Adv still at that time 記得 ji4.de2 V to remember 菜 cai4 N dish, green vegetable 我那個時候是小孩子 At that time, I was a kid. 我還不會寫我的中文名字 I still don t know how to write my Chinese name. 你記得不記得他有幾個姐姐? Do you remember how many older sisters he has? 我喜歡吃菜, 不喜歡吃白飯 I like to eat dishes. I don t like to eat plain rice. 1

character pinyin part of speech meaning 好吃 hao3chi1 Adj delicious 除了... 以外 chu2le... yi3wai4 Pairedadverbs in addition to, except for 加拿大 jia1na2da4 PW Canada 可以 ke3yi3 Aux can; may 開車 kai1che1 VO 輛 liang4 M 或是 huo4shi4 Conj or open-vehicle to drive a vehicle measure word for vehicles 坐 zuo4 V to ride, to sit 飛 fei1 V to fly 飛機 fei1ji1 N airplane 英語 ying1yu3 N 些 xie1 M English language 有些 you3xie1 modifier some measure word for plural nouns example 美國菜好吃不好吃? Is American food tasty? 除了電視以外, 我的屋子裏也有電話 Besides a television, there is a telephone in my room. 他是加拿大人, 不是美國人 He is Canadian. He is not American. 我可以不可以用你的電話? May I use your phone? 我是紐約人, 我不會開車 I am from New York I don t know how to drive. 一輛車 a car 中國菜或是美國菜都很好吃 Either Chinese or American dishes are tasty. 我可不可以坐這把椅子? May I sit on this chair? 他會坐飛機也會開飛機, 可是他不會飛 He knows how to take an airplane. He also knows how to fly an airplane. But he can t fly. 我教過英語 I have had experience teaching English. 你吃些什麼? What do you like to eat? 有些學生是中國人 Some students are Chinese. 妹妹 mei4.mei4 N younger sister 2

character pinyin 又... 又 you...you4 法語 fa3yu3 N part of speech Paired- Adv meaning 城市 cheng2shi4 N city both...and... French language 整齊 zheng3qi2 Adj tidy, neat 國家 guo2jia1 N country, nation example 他又有弟弟, 又有妹妹 He has younger brothers and sisters. 法語你會不會說? Do you speak French? 我不喜歡住在大城市裏 I don t like to live in a big city. 我的書桌很整齊 My desk is tidy. 這個國家的人說法語嗎? Do people in this country speak French? B. Text 兩年以前我跟家人到中國去旅遊 我們去了北京 上海還有西安 那個時候, 我還不會說中文, 我只記得中國菜很好吃 除了中國以外, 我也去過加拿大 從美國去加拿大很方便, 可以開車或是坐飛機 在加拿大, 很多人都會說英語 有些地方的人又會說英語又會說法語 加拿大的城市很整齊也很乾淨 我很喜歡這個國家 C. Text Grammar Notes and Patterns (1) Verb Suffix: 過過 originally is a verb, meaning to pass over, to pass (time period), to celebrate. For example, 過馬路 guo4ma3lu4 to cross the street, 過了一年 guo4leyi4nian2 one year has passed, 過生日 guo4sheng1ri4 to celebrate birthday, and 過年 guo4nian2 to celebrate New Year. Here it is used as a verb-suffix to express an experience in the past. It cannot be used with 了. The question form is: 有沒有 V 過? 1. 你有沒有吃過法國麵包 (mian4bao1, bread)? Have you ever had French bread? 2. 你有沒有去過義大利 (Yi4da4li4)? Have you ever been to Italy? 3

You can also add 嗎 at the end of an affirmative sentence: V 過嗎? For example, 1. 你吃過法國麵包嗎? 2. 你去過義大利嗎? The structure V 沒 V 過 is also used by some Chinese. However, this form is less standard. For example, 你吃沒吃過法國麵包? or 你去沒去過義大利? The positive answer of the 過 sentence is V 過, not 有 V 過. Therefore, 我有吃過 is unacceptable in standard Chinese. Look at the following example: Q :你去過他的學校嗎? = 你有沒有去過他的學校?Have you been to his school? A :(positive) 我去過 I have. If the verb has an object, 過 must appear between the verb and the object: V 過 O. The negative form is: 沒 ( 有 )V 過. Look at the following example: Q: 你有沒有吃過生魚?= 你吃過生魚嗎? Have you had raw fish before? A: (positive) 我吃過生魚 I have had raw fish. A : (negative) 我沒吃過 I have not. (2) Time + 以前以前 meaning before, ago is a time word. Time expressions or verb phrases must precede 以前. Used with a time expression: 1. 他三年以前住在中國 He lived in China three years ago. 2. 1998 年以前我不是大學生 I was not a college student before 1998. Used with a verb phrase: 1. 學中文以前我不常吃中國飯 I didn t often eat Chinese food before I studied Chinese. 2. 去法國以前你會說法語嗎? Did you know how to speak French before you went to France? (3) The Completed Action 了 (the Verbal 了 ) When 了 is used immediately after the verb, it indicates the completion of an action. The completed action 了 is NOT the same as the past tense in English. There are certain cases where 了 cannot be used even though the sentences describe a past event: 4

(a) 了 can only be used with verbs denoting physical actions. Verbs describing mental activities such as 會, 知道, 想, 喜歡, 要, 住, and 覺得 cannot be used with 了. (b) 了 cannot be used for a habitual event, even if it took place in the past. Some adverbs denoting a habitual event are: 天天 everyday, 每天 everyday, 常常 often, and so forth. (c) 了 should not be used with the phrase V 的時候. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below: 1. 我以前不會說中文了. I could not speak Chinese before. 2. 我以前天天喝茶了. I used to drink tea everyday. 3. 我昨天上課了的時候我覺得了不舒服 When I was in class yesterday, I did not feel comfortable. The form for question is: V 了沒有 or 有沒有 V? The form for an affirmative answer is: and the negative answer is: V 了. The negative form of V 了 is 沒 V. Please note that you must drop 了 in the negative form. Look at the following example: Q: 你吃了沒有? Did you eat? A: (affirmative) 我吃了 I have eaten. A: (negative) 我沒吃. I have not eaten. If asking for a routine activity, the verb suffix 過 can be added after the verb. For example, 1. 你吃過了沒有? = 你吃過了嗎? Have you eaten? 2. 你吃過飯了沒有? = 你吃過飯了嗎? Have you eaten? Both examples are commonly used in greeting people, they are the same as in English how are you? The common answer is: 吃過了. The listener is not expecting the speaker to give a real answer. Here are two cases where 了 must be used when: (a) the verb refers to an action that happened in the past, (b) the verb has a quantifying object such as 一個燈, 兩把椅子, 幾塊麵包. 1. Q: 你昨天買東西了沒有? = 你昨天買東西了嗎? = 你昨天有沒有買東西? Did you go shopping yesterday? A: 我買了 我買了一個燈, 兩把椅子 I did. I bought a lamp and two chairs. 2. Q: 你吃了幾塊麵包? How many pieces of bread did you eat? A: 我沒吃 I did not eat any. (4) 還有, 跟 and 和 5

還有, 跟 and 和 are connectors for nouns. Both 跟 and 和 connect several items that parallel with one another. The noun after 還有 is more like an afterthought, and therefore refers to a subordinate item. 跟 cannot be used to connect two clauses. 我要吃麵包也要喝汽水 is correct; 我要吃麵包跟要喝汽水 is wrong. Here are two sentences, do you know how to paraphrase each using 跟, 也 and 和? 1. 我們家有一隻貓還有兩隻狗 There are one cat and two dogs in our house. 2. 昨天我上了中文課還有生物課 I went to Chinese class and biology class yesterday. (5) 除了... 以外... 除了... 以外 meaning in addition to and besides appears in the first part of the sentence. The adverbs 也 or 還 can be used in the second part of the sentence. Normally, 也 is used when there are two different subjects. 還 is used if the subjects of the two phrases are the same. 1. 除了英語以外, 我也會說法語 In addition to English, I can also speak French. 2. 除了我以外, 我母親也喜歡坐飛機 In addition to me, my mother also likes to take airplane. 除了... 以外... 還... 1. 我除了英語以外, 還會說法語 In addition to English, I can also speak French. 2. 除了學中文以外, 我還學過義大利語 In addition to Chinese, I also took Italian before. (6) 可以可以 meaning can is an auxiliary verb. It is used to indicate a possibility, an alternative, or permission. 1. 你不喜歡中國飯, 可以吃美國飯 If you don t like Chinese food, you may eat American food. 2. 今天我很忙, 我們可以明天去 I am busy today. We may go tomorrow. 可以 meaning permission 1. 老師, 我可不可以說英文? Teacher, may I speak English? 2. 你今天不可以看電視 You are not allowed to watch T.V. today. (7) 又... 又... 又 又 meaning both...and can be used with adjectives and verb phrases. They cannot be used with nouns. The phrases linked by 又... 又 should be parallel in both sense and structure. 6

Used with Adjectives 1. 這個學校又大又漂亮 This school is both big and pretty. 2. 我的家又整齊又乾淨 My home is both tidy and clean. Used with verb phrases 1. 他又喜歡吃, 又喜歡旅遊 He likes to eat and travel. 2. 我又教中文, 又教歷史 I teach both Chinese and history. D. Dialogue Vocabulary character pinyin 張 zhang1 M part of speech meaning 世界 shi4jie4 N world Here, measure word for flat objects example 一張床 a bed, 一張桌子 a table, 一張地圖 a map 世界很大, 有很多國家 (nations), 有很多人 The world is big; there are many countries and many people. 地圖 di4tu2 N map, atlas 我買了一張地圖 I bought a map. 請 qing3 V please 請坐, 請坐 Have a seat, please. 告訴 gao4.su4 V tell 哪些 na3xie1 QW which (plural) 歐洲 Ou1zhou1 PW Europe 義大利 Yi4da4li4 PW Italy 亞洲 Ya4zhou PW Asia 日本 Ri4ben3 PW Japan 他告訴我他是中學生 He told me that he is a high school student. 你上過哪些課? What courses have you taken? 很多歐洲人會說英語 There are many Europeans who can speak English. 我的好朋友是義大利人 My good friend is an Italian 亞洲有幾個國家? How many countries are there in Asia? 日本人不喜歡買美國車 Japanese people do not like to buy American cars. 韓國 Han2guo2 TW Korea 7

character pinyin part of speech meaning 臺灣 Tai2wan1 TW Taiwan 這麼 zhe4me Adv so 不錯 bu2cuo4 Phrase 麵包 mian4bao1 N bread 紅 hong2 Adj red Not bad; Pretty good. example 我的朋友在臺灣教英文 My friend is teaching English in Taiwan. 你怎麼這麼喜歡旅遊? Why do you like to travel so much? 我的宿舍很不錯 My dormitory is quite good. 他只吃了一塊麵包 He only had one piece of bread. 紅燈了 The (traffic) light has turned red. 喝 he1 V to drink 茶 cha2 N tea 紅茶 cha2 N black tea 魚 yu2 N fish 中國人喜歡喝什麼茶? What kind of tea do Chinese people like to drink? 英國人喝紅茶 The English people like to drink black tea. 一條魚 one fish ( 條 tiao2 is the measure word for 魚 ) 生 sheng1 Adj raw 魚是生的 This fish is raw. 生魚 sheng1yu2 N raw fish, sashimi 生魚好吃嗎? Is raw fish tasty? 哎呀 ai1ya Phrase Oh! Oops! 哎呀, 我的媽呀! Oh, my God! 想 xiang3 Aux would like to 我想去歐洲 I like to go to Europe. 以後 yi3hou4 TW in the future 一定 yi2ding4 Adv definitely 以後我想在中國工作 I would like to work in China in the future. 這把椅子一定很舒服 This chair must be comfortable. 要 yao4 V want to, will 我要去中國 I want to go to China. E. Dialogue A: 這兒有張世界地圖, 請你告訴我你去過哪些國家好嗎? B: 我去過歐洲的法國 英國 義大利, 亞洲的日本 韓 8

國 臺灣... A: 你去過這麼多國家, 你最喜歡哪個地方? B: 每個地方都不錯, 我最喜歡法國的麵包, 英國的紅茶, 日本的生魚, 韓國的... A: 哎呀, 你只知道吃! 現在你學中文, 你想去中國嗎? B: 當然, 以後我一定要去中國! F. Dialogue Grammar Notes and Patterns (1) Localizer: 這兒這兒 meaning here is both a place word and a localizer. It is necessary to use 這兒 or 那兒 (there) to indicate that someone has something. For example: 書在我這兒. I have the book (that you are asking for. 這兒有 1. 這兒有三把椅子 There are three chairs here. 2. 我們這兒沒有中國人 There are no Chinese people here. 在 + (Noun) + 這兒 1. 他在我這兒 He is with me. 2. 在這兒什麼都有 There is everything here. (2) Omission of the Number 一 The number 一 is often omitted in a noun phrase. The deletion of 一 makes the phrase more colloquial. 1. 我要吃塊麵包 I would like to eat a piece of bread. 2. 他想看本中文書 He wants to read a Chinese book. (3) 個 Used With V-O Compound Verbs The measure word 個 is often used with the verb-object construction. The insertion of 個 makes the phrase more casual and colloquial. 1. 我想喝個水, 上個廁所, 打個電話 I would like to drink some water, go to the restroom and make a phone call. 9

(4) 些些 is a measure word used to indicate a plural noun. The full form is 一些 (some). When 一些 is used with nouns, 一 can be omitted. The determiners 這 and 那 can be combined with 些, e.g., 這些 (these) 那些 (those). The word 有些 means some. When 些 is used, it implies that the noun after it is plural. For example, 你去過哪些國家? Which countries have you been to? The singular form is: 你去過哪個國家? Which country have you been to? 1. 這些錢都是我的 All of the money is mine. 2. 那些學生不喜歡上課 Those students do not like to go to class. 3. 有些人不會說英語 Some people can t speak English. Do not confuse 一些 and 有些. It is correct to say: 我要一些錢 It is incorrect to say: 我要有些錢 for I want some money. 一些 is used to indicate amount, whereas 有些 is used to refer to an indefinite group. (5) 好嗎 The tag question 好嗎 Is it good is used at the end of a sentence to indicate a polite request. For example, 我們去喝茶, 好嗎? Let s go have some tea, OK? It is the same as 我們去喝茶, 好不好?and 我們去喝茶, 好吧? To answer this kind of request, one can say: 好啊, 好極了, 好!to accept the request. One can use 對不起 dui4.buqi3 I am sorry followed by an excuse to refuse the request. For example, 對不起我還有課 I am sorry. I still have classes. It would be more polite if you include an alternative in your reply. For example, 對不起我還有課, 明天好嗎?I am sorry. I still have classes. How about tomorrow? (6) 最最 is used to indicate the most superior case. It is always used with an adjective. 1. 上海是最大的城市 Shanghai is the largest city. 2. 我最喜歡坐飛機旅遊 I like to travel by airplane the most. (7) 都 : Adverb Indicating Inclusiveness The adverb 都 is used to indicate inclusiveness. If the subject of a sentence is a noun modified by the word 每 (each), it is often followed by the adverb 都. 1. 他每天都練習中文 He practices Chinese everyday. 2. 每個學生都有中國名字 Every student has a Chinese name. (8) Auxiliary Verb: 要 10

要 originally means to want when ordering food or when one is given a chance to choose one from the other. For example, in a restaurant, 你要羊肉還是牛肉? Would you like lamb or beef? When someone offer you some apples, 你要大的還是小的? Do you want the big one or the small one? In a bookstore, 你要幾本書 How many books do you want to buy? When 要 is used with a time expression denoting the future, such as 以後 or 明天 it indicates a future action. 1. 以後我要住在中國 I want to live in China in the future. 2. 明天我要去紐約 I am going to New York tomorrow. G. Exercises (1) Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank in each sentence: 以前地方乾淨方便旅遊一定 1. 這個宿舍沒有電話, 真不 2. 我學中文 不會寫中國字 3. 他喜歡開車去 4. 我沒去過這個 5. 我明天 要跟老師練習說中文 (2) Choose the number that indicates the insertion point for the word in parentheses. 1. (1) 我 (2) 不 (3) 喜歡 (4) 吃生魚 ( 最 ) 2. (1) 他 (2) 去過中國, (3) 去過 (4) 日本 ( 也 ) 3. (1) 我 (2) 會開車又會 (3) 開 (4) 飛機 ( 又 ) 4. 這 (1) 都 (2) 是我 (3) 喜歡吃的 (4) 東西 ( 些 ) 5. 你 (1) 有 (2) 沒有 (3) 去 (4) 加拿大? ( 過 ) (3) Use the following questions to interview a classmate. 1. 請你告訴我, 你去過什麼地方? 2. 你可以開車去嗎? 方便不方便? 3. 在這個地方的人說什麼話? 4. 他們喜歡吃什麼? 5. 你覺得這個地方乾淨嗎? 6. 你最想去哪兒? 為什麼? 11

(4) Answer the following questions with the expressions provided: 1. 你的屋子裏有什麼東西? 有沒有電話? (in addition to) 2. 你喜歡不喜歡吃上海菜? (did not have the experience) 3. 為什麼你喜歡你的宿舍? (both...and) 4. 你什麼時候學中文? (every day) 5. 你想不想去中國? (will go in the future) 6. 你上小學的時候會說中文嗎? (at that time) 7. 在美國每個人都會說英語嗎? (some) 8. 從學校, 怎麼去紐約? (can) 9. 你為什麼不買車? (can, a learned skill) 10. 昨天晚上你吃了什麼? (...and) (5) Translations: 1. I like to travel but I don t like to travel with family. Traveling with my family is not convenient. I cannot go to the places I like the most, and I can t eat food I like the most. 2. His room is both tidy and clean. I don t know if he really lives in there. 3. I have never studied Italian. I know nothing about Italian. 4. He has a lot of money, of course. He bought an airplane because he finds it more convenient to travel from New York to the countries in the world. 5. Could you please tell me how much this car cost? It s $5,000. Oh, my! I want to buy it today! 6. In addition to teaching Chinese, he also teaches French in this school. 7. I don t remember what his name is. He was my roommate when I was in high school. 8. Taking an airplane is convenient for sure, but it is too expensive. (6) Write a short passage about a trip you had. Report it to your class. (7) In the following passage, please indicate whether 了 should be used in each of the blank spaces. Explain why 了 should or should not be used in each case. 我現在是 一個大學生 我八歲的時候, 我上 中文學校 那個時候, 我不喜歡 中文 可是媽媽說 因為我是 中國人, 所以我學 中文 我每天都練習 寫 十個中國字 雖然我每天寫, 但是我什麼都不記得 H. Characters 12

Day One: Go to the website 1,000 learning pages to fill in the information for the following characters: trad char 安北菜車城除從得地法飛過海候或記加京開可了旅拿那 simp char pinyin an1 bei3 cai4 che1 cheng2 chu2 cong2 de2/dei3 di4 fa3/fa4 fei1 guo4 hai3 hou4 huo4 ji4 jia1 jing1 kai1 ke3 le5 luu3 na2 na4 meaning radical component other component stroke number word example 13

齊前時市外西些遊又整只坐 qi2 qian2 shi2 shi4 wai4 xi1 xie1 you2 you4 zheng3 zhi3 zuo4 Day Two: Write each character 10-20 times with pinyin and English. Day Three: Write the words 10-20 times each with pinyin and English. Day Four: Rearrange the characters according to (a) their stroke count and (2) alphabetical order. And study the radicals and other components. Note what components function as the sound components. Day Five: Review this week s characters and do self-test until you remember all the characters. Day Six: Review the characters in lessons 1-4. Create a new character learning chart and fill out all the information from memory. Day Seven: Copy the text of the lessons 3 times. 14